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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for dvd::rip

0.98.11 - [stable branch] - Sat Mar 6 2010, joern

- Event::ExecFlow version 0.64 is required for this version. This fixes a bug where no error messages were shown after ripping short. It was reported via Ubunutu Launchpad: (You find it in the perl-modules/ directory, which was updatedto the most recent versions btw)
- Updated Danish and Catalan translation. Thanks to Ysangkok, Kenneth Nielson and Joan Farrerons.
- Turn "ripping short" error message into a warning, so the ripping process continues and it's up to the user to decide whether this is critical or not.

- Fixed h264 2pass cluster mode bug, generating a malformed transcode command. Reported by semkath <semkath AT> and Christiaan Putter <ceputter AT>.

0.98.10 - [stable branch] - Sun Feb 22 2009, joern

- transcode 1.1 compatibility improved, warning about
experimental dvd::rip support removed; there are still issues
with some filters in the filter preview dialog; your mileage
may vary.
- Workaround for transcode h264 two-pass problem, so dvd::rip
now supports h264 two-pass encoding.
- Applied patch from Jussi Judin <jjudin+dvdrip AT> to
detect GraphicMagicks as an ImageMagick replacement.
- No files will be placed in /tmp anymore, instead all temporary
files will go to PROJECT_DIR/tmp. Thanks for the hint to
Michael Renner <michael.renner AT>.
- dvdrip-master doesn't throw warnings on unneeded missing
binaries anymore, if installed alone without the full
(anyway on the master unneeded) packages. Suggested by
Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart AT>.
- Added .ogv extension for OGG files as another option.
Suggested by Nicolas Chauvet.

- Fixed cluster mode audio processing with transcode 1.1.x.
Thanks for the report to Samuele Giovanni Tonon <samu AT>.
- Fixed race condition which could result in a missing audio
merge in cluster mode when title has one track. Based on a
patch from Matt Lawrence <m3lawren AT>.
- Fixed wrong progress information (not taking chunks into
account) in cluster mode.
- Added a patch from Nicolas Chauvet to fix a problem with
Fedora's Perl (setlocale).

0.98.9 - [stable branch] - Sun Oct 5 2008, joern

- Full support for anamorph transcoding by setting the
pixel aspect ratio in the transcoded files if no
resizing is applied.
- New "Autoadjust, Clipping only" preset by Marc Sherman
<msherman AT>., which makes use of the
new anamorph transcoding feature.
- New preference option for the default Clip & Zoom preset.
- Updated Catalan translation.
- New Danish translation by Ysangkok.

- Fixed a race condition in cluster node version detection.
Thanks for the report to Sean Gallagher <stgallag AT>.
- Fixed a division by zero condition when video is not resized.
- Fixed cluster mode problem with avi merging. Thanks for
help debugging this to Helge Mühlmeier <H_Muehlmeier AT>.

0.98.8 - [stable branch] - Thu Aug 95 2007, joern

- Tooltips were missing in the Preferences dialog.

- Added a small screen layout mode. The default layout doesn't fit well on wide screens with a small veritical resolution. On initial startup the "small" mode is activated, when the screen resolution has less than 1024 lines, but you can change it in the preferences at any time. Requested by Olivier Choquet <olivier.choquet AT>, Guelden Cevik <Guelden_Cevik AT> and manyI can't remember anymore ;)
- dvd::rip now remembers the main window size between sessions.

0.98.7 - [stable branch] - Sun Aug 05 2007, joern

- tools/gensplash was missing what made "make install" in ./l10n fail. Thanks for the reports to Flavio <qazav3.0 AT> and Joan Farrerons.
- Cluster mode node check was disabled until a GUI connected to the master.
- Small fixes regarding missing project name and utf8 problems in the logfile. Thanks to tropikhajma <tropikhajma AT>.
- Fixed grabbing previews from the wrong title with on-the-fly processing. Thanks for the patch to Wolfram Kresse <wk AT>
- Fixed problems with fping not installed in /usr/sbin. Now dvdrip-master supports /usr/sbin and /usr/bin as well. Reported by Neill Mitchell <mitchell_neill AT>.
- Determine svn versions of ffmpeg properly.
- Fixed close button in "About" dialog.

- A Catalan translation provided by Joan Farrerons <jfarrerons AT>.
- Spanish and Italian translation updates.
- Added dvdrip.desktop file. Thanks to Christian Marillat.

0.98.6 - [stable branch] - Fri Apr 14 2007, joern

- Swedish and Serbian translation updates.

- Crash on first dvd::rip startup (initial configuration) fixed. Thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.

0.98.5 - [stable branch] - Fri Apr 13 2007, joern

- This version requires Event::ExecFlow 0.63. Grab it from the perl-modules/ directory of this dvd::rip tarball.

- Fixed a typo which made the the subtitle previewwindow crash. Thanks for the report to Dario Castellarin.
- Fixed ffmpeg preview grabbing with newer ffmpeg builds. Thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.
- Fixed a buffering issue in the cluster control GUIwhen processing progress update events from the master. Thanks for the report to Joe Plunkett <ragnarok_it AT>.
- Stopping a cluster node didn't work when it was actually executing a job.
- Cluster node test now checks for ogmtools as well. Thanks for this suggestion to Bart Nagel <bart AT>.
- Programs in cluster node check now are executed in C locale to prevent any problems due to different default locales on cluster nodes.
- Restarting a cluster project which finished with errors didn't work under specific circumstances (bug in Event::ExecFlow).
- Prevent putting non-audio titles with ogg container on a cluster, since ogmcat doesn't support ogg files without audio. Thanks for the report to Carlos-Manuel Major <cmajor AT>.

0.98.4 - [stable branch] - Sat Mar 24 2007, joern

- Added a new dependency to the ffmpeg command line program. It's optional for now, but recommended, in particular if you're suffering from the preview hanging bug (see below).

- Experimental support for transcode 1.1.x branch. You get a warning if this transcode version is detected. Basic operation seems to work with 1.1.x, but it's not deeply tested yet. Please report bugs, if you find them.Preview stuff (subtitle, filters) is currently known not to be working with transcode 1.1.x.

- Fixed occasional hanging bug on preview grabbing by using ffmpeg instead of transcode to decode the preview image.
- Fixed crash with Italian locale when opening cluster control menu. Patch by Davide Capodaglio <davidecapod AT>.
- Really fixed crash on DVD titles without audio. Fix was announced in 0.98.3 but went lost somehow.
- Missed adding Daniel Nylander to the translators list of the About dialog (Swedish translation).

0.98.3 - [stable branch] - Sat Mar 10 2007, joern

- Project's tmp/ directory is now created with 0775
permissions, which enables cluster mode running
with different users belonging to the same group.
Patch by Tom <mailbin AT>.
- Added swedish translation from Daniel Nylander
<po AT>

- Added another patch from Tom fixing cluster processes
not running with the correct nice value.
- "Exit dvd::rip after transcoding" didn't work.
- Fixed off by one bug in dvd::rip command line option
to select a specific title.
- Try to workaround transcode hanging on preview frame
grabbing by providing a different import filter. Based
on comments from Francesco Romani and Jesse Heitler
<jheitler AT>.
- Fixed crash on DVD image paths with whitespaces. Thanks
for their reports to Franz Brauße <mike-nought AT>
and Thomas Wendt <thoemy AT>.
- Fixed crash on DVD titles without audio. Thanks for
the report to Edward Doolittle.
- Fixed mplayer version detection.

0.98.2 - [stable branch] - Sat Nov 25 2006, joern

- Updated Serbian translation, now in latin variation as well, thanks to Filip Miletic <filmil AT>.
- Added Italian splash screen, thanks to Fabio Russo.
- Dependency check: accept SVN versions of mplayer as well.

0.98.1 - [stable branch] - Fri Aug 25 2006, joern

- Updated spanish translation. Thanks to Sergio Cambra.

- Fixed exception when TOC reading failed for some reason.
Thanks for the report to Jimmi <jimmi AT>.
- Spaces in the VOB file path were not refused but gave
wrong error messages on TOC reading later. Made special
character checking on project name and paths more strict.
Reported by Google Roxxort <larspb AT>.
- Preferences window: places buttons at the bottom of
the window. Thanks for the hint to Gert Brinkmann
<g111 AT>.
- Preferences window: when changing the DVD drive from
the popup, result checking output wasn't updated.
- Added "Add node" button to the cluster control window
(was lost somehow... ;)

- Updated COPYRIGHT file.

0.98.0 - [stable branch] - Sun Aug 20 2006, joern

- Improved TOC reading: when lsdvd fails (version 0.16 sometimes does), fallback to tcprobe.
- Select longest title after TOC reading.
- Select nice value 19 by default.
- Improved installation procedure: most required Perl modules are shipped with the dvd::rip tarball and installed together with dvd::rip if missing on the system. Refer to the installation docs for details.

- Fixed wrong "Ripping stopped short" warning on NTSC movies whith wrongly detected framerate on TOC reading. Thanks to Ben <ben AT> for his hints on this topic.
- transcode options addition didn't work since Event::ExecFlow is in use, reported by Kyle Husmann <kyle.husmann AT>
- When default container preference was changed after reading TOC, audio widgets weren't setup up properly (e.g. vorbis missing for OGG containers) right after ripping.
- Grabbed subtitle preview images didn't show up immediately after ripping, only after reselection of the subtitle.
- Fixed some missing widget deactivation when no title was selected.
- Preferences: missed updating the checking result text after creating a data directory.
- Frame rate popdown listed wrong format depending on the selected system locale (e.g. 23,976 instead of 23.976)
- Framerate / count corrections didn't show up in the TOC right after ripping, only after reopening the project file.
- Changed transcode version suggestion to 1.0.2.
- Don't reset all transcode settings to defaults after ripping, just these which may be affected due to attribute changes (e.g. correctly detected frame rate).
- No "Save file" request appeared after ripping, even if ripping changed attributes and settings.
- Cluster mode: when creating the first node, dvd::rip complained about creating the master node first.

0.97.13 - [unstable branch] - Sat Aug 5 2006, joern

- Updated French translation from Christophe Combelles.
- Updated German translation.
- Initial preferences setup:
- Show additional message with some notes on intial setup
- Select first DVD device by default (if HAL is present)
- Default language setting is derived from user's locale
- Default dvd::rip data directores is set to $HOME/dvdrip-data
- Added a "Create directory" button besides the corresponding entries
- Rearanged pages, so most important settings are on the first page.

- dvd::rip missed creating the tmp/ file. Thanks for the report to Ben Lancaster <lists AT>
- Chapter transcoding didn't work. Thanks for reporting this one to Daniel <komet AT> and Robert Tell<robert.tell AT>
- Fix thumbnail generation with older ImageMagick. Thanks for the patch to Kevin Pulo <kev AT>.
- Grey out subtitle language selection box on the "Rip" page for titles without subtitles.
- Test results in the Preferences dialog was not colored correctly in non-englisch environments.

0.97.12 - [unstable branch] - Sat Jul 2 2006, joern

Notes: - New (optional) dependency: dvd::rip now uses HAL for DVD device scanning. - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.65 is required, which fixes a serious 0.64 bug.
Features: - Dropped 'DVD image' ripping mode, but added a more generic approach of DVD input selection as a replacement. This way you can 'rip' from a DVD image e.g. to fulfill cluster mode requirements without hacking the DVD device preference anymore. Suggested by Stefan Ollermann <Stefan.Ollermann AT>. - Added DVD device scanning using HAL. This is optional, you can always select the DVD device file directly. - French splash screen and generally updated splash screen design by Christophe Combelles. - Updated italian translation by Fabio Russo. - Message finetuning, added more tooltips, updated German translation.
Bugfixes: - Removed all preference settings and dependencies for CD burning, since this module doesn't exist anymore. - Fixed minor free diskspace calculation bugs.

0.97.11 - [unstable branch] - Sat Jun 17 2006, joern
Dependency notes: - libintl-perl resp. Locale::TextDomain 1.16 is required - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.64 is required - Event::ExecFlow 0.62 is required
Features: - Filters & Preview finally ported to 0.97.x Gtk2 branch. Please note that transcode 1.0.2 has a bug which breaks most filters in the preview window :( This tar.gz ships a patch which fixes this issue: patches/transcode-1.0.x-filter-patch.txt - Removed utf-8 l10n workaround which isn't necessary with libintl-perl 1.16 anymore. - Added new preference setting for default subtitle grabbing mode. Feature request by Christian Marillat. - Added a hint to the subtitle grabbing radio boxes tooltips that subtitle grabbing may slowdown ripping process. - Added support for transcode 1.1.x development branch, but this is highly experimental. - Updated German translation and optimized some messages for GUI space. Now the German GUI isn't much wider than the English.
Bugfixes: - Job execution: some errors could left the GUI in an unusable state. - Applied a patch from Eric Festinger <eric.festinger AT> which makes changing color index B work again. - NPTL workaround option is disabled, if workaround is not possible for the running architecture (e.g. amd64). - Filter color mode check now ignores pure audio filters. - Message dialogs are not attached to the main GUI window anymore, which was confusing for dialogs opened from child windows. - Added a workaround for a strange Data::Dumper bug on some platforms (fixes 29,576 <-> 29.576 frame rate issue).

0.97.10 - [unstable branch] - Mon Apr 24 2006, joern

- Updated spanish translation (and a spanish splash screen ;). Thanks to Sergio Cambra.

- Preview grabbing didn't work due to a broken (and untested, my bad) fix in 0.97.9.

0.97.9 - [unstable branch] - Sun Apr 23 2006, joern

- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.63 is required for this release. It fixes a bug with with dvd::rip's Preference dialog. Thanks for the report to Niki Kovacs <contact AT>.

- Volume scanning didn't work anymore, thanks for the report to Alexander Skwar.
- dvdrip-master didn't start, still used a factored out module. Thanks for report & fix to Andreas Vinsander <andreas AT>
- Under some circumstances preview grabbing didn't work due to missing default values for width/height settings. Thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.

0.97.8 - [unstable branch] - Mon Apr 10 2006, joern

- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.62 is required for this release.
It fixes a nasty bug with recent libgtk2 versions.
Thanks for debugging assistance to Alex Petkov
<alexandphyllis AT>.
- Support AC3 passthrough for on-the-fly and dvd image encoding as well, by doing an extra audio bitrate probe once AC3 codec is selected on the Transcode tab.
- Fixed a divison-by-zero condition in bitrate calculation module, thanks for the pointer to Dhek Bhun Kho <bhun.kho AT>.
- Subtitle preview didn't work in 0.97.7 due to a missing module. Thanks for the report to Rafael Kolless <rafael AT>.

0.97.7 - [unstable branch] - Sun Apr 2 2006, joern

- dvd::rip now depends on a new Perl module: Event::ExecFlow version 0.61. You can get it from CPAN or better from the homepage:
- Event::ExecFlow itself needs the AnyEvent module, which is available from CPAN:
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory needs to be at least version 0.61
- Event::RPC needs to be at least version 0.89

- Refactored out the internal command execution engine to Event::ExecFlow introducing some interesting new features.
- New graphical progress window showing all jobs of the current task in a nice hierarchical treeview. Just hit on the magnifying glass symbol besides the progress bar
- Pausing/resuming the running job by one click
- Extensive rewrite of the cluster mode using the new execution engine and progress widget which visualizes the tree structure of cluster jobs much butter than the old cluster job display.
- More cluster features are: - Allow cluster encoding without audio - You can specify a speed index for each cluster node. - Faster machines will be preferred. - vobsub file generation added - dvdrip-master now does a clean shutdown on signals. - Cluster window now has it's own menu bar with menu items - Connect/Disconnect the cluster master daemon from here.
- Dropped "DVD mount dir" preference, because dvd::rip now determines the mount point of your DVD device automatically. Thanks for the suggestion to Dario Castellarin <dacstp AT>.
- Generating preview images doesn't block the GUI anymore.
- Improved Clip & Zoom clipping windows: added text entries for clipping values and meaningful warnings when values aren't even or not divisible by 16, which is required for transcodes internal processing and/or most video codecs.
- Make "ffmpeg/af6 codec" field a combo box with presets for ffmpeg "mpeg4" and "h264" codecs.
- A new nicer splash image including a Gnome compliant About dialog, with credits for the translators.
- Updated Italian translation, thanks to Fabio Russo.
- Updated German translation.
- Added icons to the project's notebook tabs

- Preview frame grabbing failed for multi-PSU titles when the frame number goes beyond the first PSU. This fix should make the "use slow grabbing" checkbox mostly useless. It's still there but will likely be dropped in future versions.
- TOC reading with lsdvd and DVD-image mode still accessed the physical DVD device instead of the DVD-image directory. Thanks for their reports to Triffid hunter and <mykhal AT>.
- Disable multipass transcoding for ffmpeg/h264, since transcode currently doesn't support this.
- lsdvd was used even if it was too old. Thanks for the report to Garnet Ulrich <garnet.ulrich AT> and Sören Brunk <soerenbrunk AT>.
- Preferences: base project dir need to be absolute, which is checked now in the dialog.
- Preferences: changed default video codec from 'divx4' to 'xvid4' (this was overdue... ;)
- Consistent button behaviour: all buttons triggering actions now grey out if a task is active.
- Some smaller bugfixes in the cluster mode GUI, inconsistencies between GUI and the master's state.
- Clip & Zoom image windows: recalculate images only if the user changed something.
- Subtitles: "Create VOBSUB now" just works on the currently selected subtitle. No need to mark it for vobsub creation anymore.
- Fixed wrong frame counting during ripping, which resulted in too big frame numbers and thus incorrect bitrate calculation. Thanks to Christian Marillat for reporting this one.
- Audio channel numbers on the GUI now start at 1, not at 0, which is more convenient.
- Fixed regression: don't ask for project file save on exit if just the selected notebook page changed.
- And a lot of more smaller bugs not counted here...

0.97.6 - [unstable branch] - Tue Jan 3 2005, joern

- Fixed off by one bugs in viewing angle and chapter selection. Thanks for the report to Chandler Carruth <chandlerc AT>.
- Deactivate multipass GUI elements for MPEG encodings.
- Fixed cluster mode 'dvdrip-exec' bug introduced in 0.97.5. Thanks for the report to Karl Kashofer <karl AT>.

0.97.5 - [unstable branch] - Wed Dec 28 2005, joern

- This version requires Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.59.

- Set default lame/MP3 quality level to 2 instead of 0, which is very slow but without an appropriate quality gain. Thanks for the hint to Fridtjof Busse.

- When ripping a title again the Clip & Zoom was reset to 'auto_medium_fast' even if it was changed in the meantime.
- When ripping multiple titles preview images were generated only for the first selected title. Thanks for the report to Fridtjof Busse.
- MANIFEST lacked files for dvdrip-tet. Thanks for the report to Jacob Joseph <jmjoseph AT>.
- dvdrip-tet: fixed a typo in "exit afterwards" function. Thanks for the report to Fridtjof Busse (again ;)
- Store LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in tool_version_cache file and discard cache if LD_ASSUME_KERNEL changed in the meantime; fixes nptl_workaround deadlock problem on Gentoo. Thanks to Triffid Hunter for the detailed report.
- Workaround Locale::TextDomain utf-8 bug, which destroyed 8 bit characters in the GUI if an utf-8 locale was in effect.
- Since 0.97.4 all subprocesses were executed with nice level 19, the GUI setting was ignored. Thanks for the report to Alex <gaaf AT>

0.97.4 - [unstable branch] - Sun Oct 30 2005, joern

- Various critical cluster mode fixes (in particular some endless loop conditions)
- Subtitle preview didn't work due to conflicts with latest internal API changes.
- dvd::rip rejected negative vertical subtitle offsets, which are absolutely valid. Thanks for the report to elerran <elerran AT>.
- Fixed bug with wrong audio track assignment with old tcprobe based TOC reading (new lsdvd mode was not affected). Thanks for the report to Markus Frisch <markus AT>
- Volume scanning progress bar didn't work; scanned value didn't appear in GUI. Thanks for the report to Triffid Hunter.
- dvdrip-tet crashed if a confirmation request should pop up. For know dvdrip-tet just assumes "Yes" to the question and continues.

0.97.3 - [unstable branch] - Sun Oct 9 2005, joern

- This version requires Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.58.
- New optional dependency: with lsdvd dvd::rip reads DVD TOC much faster.
- Source directory layout changed slightly. All scripts and binaries moved into the bin/ subdirectory. All additional program files now have a "dvdrip-" prefix, the old "dr_" prefix for some binaries was dropped.

- Subtitle preview images may be grabbed while ripping which makes finding the correct subtitles much easier since no long-winded preview grabbing has to be done later. You can chosse to rip no subs, all of them or by language. Aware: your CPU will glow a bit more while ripping if you use this feature ;)
- dvd::rip now has a command line frontend for pure transcoding without any GUI: dvdrip-tet (task execution terminal). Just execute "dvdrip-tet" to get some help about the the command line options.
- With dvdrip-replex an experimental command line application is shipped which does DVD shrinking based on a ripped DVD and the corresponding dvd::rip project file. Just a prove-of-concept. The functionality will be added to the GUI sometimes...
- Added a simple 'configure' script to fulfill GNU Source Installer requirements. Thanks for the suggestion to Claudio Fontana <sick_soul AT>.
- Ported "force slow frame grabbing" feature from 0.52 to 0.97 branch.
- Preferences dialog now has a "Cancel" button.
- Added an "dvd::rip" entry to the dependency table which checks whether all dvd::rip command files are found in the PATH.

- Cluster control web service was broken.
- Applied a patch from Ulrich Spoerlein <q AT> removing the -ping option from the ImageMagick "identify" calls, since recent ImageMagick versions don't have this option anymore.
- Applied minor patches from Ulrich Spoerlein to improve FreeBSD compatability.
- Parsing output of the ImageMagick identify command was broken with specific filenames. Thanks for the report to Colin Wheat <cwheat AT>.
- Dropped "identify -ping" option, since not any longer supported with newer versions. Thanks for the report to Avinash Chopde <avinash AT>.
- X(S)VCD processing with manual bitrate setting didn't work. Thanks for the report to Ed Doolittle <ed.doolittle AT>
- dvd::rip dependency check was broken if tools didn't run due to NPTL issues. Switching NPTL workaround on/off didn't help anymore because the results were cached even on that case. Thanks for figuring that out to Joe Zbiciak <intvnut AT>.
- Sightly cluster mode node editor GUI improvements

0.97.2 - [unstable branch] - Mon Aug 1 2005, joern

- You need at least Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.57. Download from here because it may not reached all CPAN sites yet:

- Ported cluster mode GUI to Gtk2, including a slightly internal code redesign of dvdrip-master, which introduces another Perl module dependency: Event::RPC 0.84. Download the module from CPAN or from the project's homepage:
I think I fixed a bunch of smaller bugs in the cluster mode during the code review and redesign as well... ;)

- New button "Create project" on Storage page. So we have a definitive point when the project was created, after that the name may not change again and the data directory structure, logfile etc. is created.

- Preferences: changing DVD mount point and setting a directory as the DVD device didn't work. Thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.
- When creating a new project: changing the project name was impossible once the name matched an existing project name in the dvd::rip data directory.
- Delete volume rescale when a audio filter is set.
- Fixed wrong viewing angle mplayer DVD command preset. Thanks for the report to Brian J. Murrell <brian AT>
- Missed log file creation for new projects.
- Subtitle preview window was broken
- Bitrate calculation stuff wasn't initialized correctly if a default BBP was set in the Preferences

0.52.6 - [stable branch] - Sat Jul 23 2005, joern

- Using transcode newer than version 0.6.14 is *not* recommended. At least subtitling is broken for these versions, and it seems there are still several NPTL related issues making problems.

- Added LD_ASSUME_KERNEL version number entry to the Preferences dialog extending the NPTL workaround feature introduced in 0.52.4. Initially set to version 2.4.30, since this number seems to be more appropriate, while the prior 2.2.5 made problems at least on Gentoo. Thanks for figuring that out to <robert AT>.
- Added a "Force slow grabbing" checkbox to the Clip&Zoom page to workaround fast nav seeking problems with some DVD's. Suggested by Ivan Villanueva.
- Updated italian translation by Fabio Russo.

- Cluster mode: client/server communication didn't work if the corresponding machines had different endianess (e.g. i686 vs. amd64). Thanks for the report to Benjamin Van Laere <B.VanLaere AT>.
- Cluster mode: ogg/vorbis projects didn't work since 0.52.5. Thanks for the reports to Sören Brunk <soerenbrunk AT>, Alexander Skwar <listen AT> and Knic Knic <oneeyedelf1 AT>.
- Deferred vobsub creation didn't work if dvd::rip was configured to exit after transcoding. Thanks to Ivan Villanueva <dvdrip AT> for the report.

Update: 0.52.4 had a (somewhat stupid ;) bug in cluster mode (when merging PSU chunks of a OGG/Vorbis title). Also Fabio Russo sent me an updated italian translation just one minute too late for the 0.52.4 release

0.52.4 - [stable branch] - Mon May 16 2005, joern

- Full featured support for BPP (bits per pixel) resp. quality based video bitrate calculation (based on a request by Daniel Faber <mail AT>): - Permanent display of the bpp value on the transcode tab in a combo box - BPP value may be edited, video bitrate is recalculated accordingly, a list of reasonable preset values is available for convenience. BPP and bitrate follow changes of the frame size immediately. - A new preset "Default BPP" (in the misc section) is used by default for newly ripped titles once set.
- Bitrate calculation sheet now shows different calculations depending on whether a manual bitrate was set or not. Suggested by Daniel Faber.
- Subtitle preview improved; old tedious test transcoding dropped, instead you can open a realtime transcode preview window straight from the Subtitle tab without opening the transcode Filter dialog first. Movie starts with a leadtime of 15 seconds before the first subtitle timestamp.
- Keyframe interval can be edited on the transcode page. transcode defaults internally to 250, now you can change this (dvd::rip defaults to 50).
- Added a patch from Larry Siden <lsiden AT> which makes dvd::rip compatible with dvdrecord. Just select "dvdrecord" as the CD burning command (a correspondent preset was added) and dvd::rip will generate a proper command line for dvdrecord.
- Added DVD device placeholder %d to the DVD player command template and extended the xine and mplayer default commands accordingly. This is necessary if DVD devices located at a different path as the /dev/dvd default.
- dvd::rip now workarounds transcode NPTL bugs by setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL. If you encounter problems with this you can switch this off in the Preferences / Misc section.
- Cluster mode - Execute jobs with umask 0002. This helps solving permission problems, if commands are executed by different users on the nodes. With this umask the correponding users merely need to be in the same group. Based on a request from Triffid Hunter <triffid_hunter AT>. - Don't log fping command. It's useless and too noisy. - Set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL on the nodes as well if set on the master.

- mplayer CVS versions are now recognized properly. A CVS version always satisfies the dependency module, assuming people using CVS versions know what they're doing ;) Thanks for reports and hints to Philippe Monroux <monroux-listes AT>, Christian Marillat and Fabio Russo.
- xvid4conf didn't read the defauls properly from ~/.transcode/xvid4.cfg, looks like ~ isn't substituted, although this is xvid4conf's own default. Now dvd::rip passes the full path.
- Filters didn't work since 0.52.3. Thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.
- Combo box tooltips didn't appear in the Preferences dialog.
- OGG overhead wasn't calculated correctly if a frame range was set. Thanks for the report to Daniel Faber.
- Filter preview window: fixed a race condition when starting transcode; now wait max. 10 seconds on transcode startup using a Glib timer. Thanks for the bug report to Mathias Anselmann <M.Anselmann AT>.
- Cluster mode: when merging video chunks of a PSU in an OGG/Vorbis project the progress information was missing.

0.52.3 - [stable branch] - Sun Mar 13 2005, joern

- Updated french translation from Christophe Combelles<ccomb AT>

- PCM passthrough didn't work.
- Newer transcode release seem not to need -d forPCM audio tracks anymore, so it's used only withversions < 0.6.13.
- Mistaken switch to RGB color space if audio onlyfilters are added to the filter chain. Reportedby Dag Rune Sneeggen <contactus AT>.
- Applied a patch from Fabio Russo fixing a potentialproblem with mplayer playback of DVD titles withan audio codec reported by transcode as 'mpeg1',although neither Fabio nor I ever had such a DVDin the hand ;)
- Removed POSIX::setlocale(), since it's not necessaryand probably the reason for a crash on Mandrake.

0.52.2 - [stable branch] - Sun Jan 9 2005, joern

- Missed adding Italian and Serbin translation files to the distribution tarball.

0.52.1 - [stable branch] - Sun Jan 9 2005, joern

- Italian translation added by Fabio Russo and Costantino.

0.52.0 - [stable branch] - Tue Jan 4 2005, joern

- This is just a stable release of 0.51.4. Only change is that the suggested transcode minimum version is 0.6.14.
- For changes since the last stable release 0.50.18 please refer to the change log entries of the 0.51 branch.

0.51.4 - [unstable branch] - Sat Dec 13 2004, joern

- The central dvd::rip tools dr_splitpipe and dr_progresswhere broken due to changes to the Makefile. Thanks forthe reports to Lukas Postupa <postupa AT> andChristian Marillat.

0.51.3 - [unstable branch] - Sat Dec 11 2004, joern

- Set transcode -M 2 as default for NTSC movies to improveA/V sync unless the user provides -M on its own usingthe transcode options entry. Suggested by Peter Hutnick<hutnick AT>. Note: default is -M 1, so enterthis to transcode's option entry if the new -M 2 doesn'twork for you.
- More generic Makefile for the dvd::rip parts written in C.Thanks for the patch to Mike Frysinger <vapier AT>.

- Cluster mode / OGM: PSU chunks were not deleted afterwardseven if the user requsted that. Thanks for the patch toJonathan Hall <flimzy AT>.
- Increased portion of data to be analyzed for detailedaudio characteristics after ripping. Should fix problemswith wrong detection of AC3 bitrates and switching offAC3 passthrough. Thanks to Nicholas E Andrade <neandradAT> who helped figuring that out.

0.51.2 - [unstable branch] - Fri Oct 29 2004, joern

- If you want to use transcode 0.6.13, you need thisdvd::rip release. Older releases doesn't work.
- Unfortunately transcode 0.6.13 has a bug whichaffects most operations of dvd::rip. You needto recompile transcode with a tiny patch, whichis contained in dvd::rip's tarball:

- Deinterlace preset 'smartdeinter' now uses transcode'ssmartyuv filter instead of smartdeinter. It's much faster,assembly optimized and works in YUV colorspace.
- Bojan Bozeovic added a Serbian translation.

transcode 0.6.13 compatability:
- Previews were flipped and wrongly colored. Thanks forthe patch to Robin Hill <robin AT>.
- transcode's colorspace default setting changed fromRGB to YUV, this required according changes in dvd::rip.

0.51.1 - [unstable branch] - Sun Oct 10 2004, joern

- A new dependency: the Perl module Locale::TextDomain,often packaged as libintl-perl resp. libintl-xs-perlin many distribtions.

- Merging multiple PSU's with OGG/Vorbis in cluster modedidn't work. Thanks for the reports to Daniel Baughman<danrb AT>, Sybren <sybren AT>and Henning <einpfundhirn AT>.
- creation failed if project's tmp/ directorywas missing. Thanks for the report to Felix Knecht.
- Gray out RIP button in DVD Image and DVD on-the-fly modes,because makes no sense here. Thanks for the report toGeoffrey Trexler <skynet AT>
- dvdrip --help didn't work with recent Perl versions

- Full localization support (l10n). A lot of work forthis was done by Oliver Kramer, who translated dvd::ripto German and send me a patch, which turned dvd::ripinto a German version. I used this patch to extractall messages from dvd::rip source code and convertedit to a patch, which added gettext() like calls, insteadof a hardcoded German translation. Read l10n/READMEif you're interested in maintaining translationsand contact me.
- Translations and their maintainers in this release: Czech: Ales Tosovsky <tosovsky AT> French: Sebastien Corot <scorot AT> German: Jörn Reder <joern AT> Spanish: Sergio Cambra <runico AT>The file l10/MAINTAINERS will always list allactual translation maintainers.
- Support for Vorbis quality of -1, suggested byBennett Perkins <bennett.perkins AT>.

0.50.18 - [stable branch] - Sun Apr 18 2004, joern

- ac3 passthrough was broken. Thanks for reportingto James Broberg <jbrobergAT> andTOSOVSKY Ales <tosovsky AT>

0.50.17 - [stable branch] - Sat Apr 10 2004, joern

- support for another transcode deinterlacer (I=5),suggested by Jean-Yves Simon <lethalwp AT>

- mp3 samplerate setting didn't work, only 48khzfor CVD. Thanks for the report to Neverstopdreaming<neverstopdreaming AT>.
- dvd::rip couldn't open empty project files
- prevent timeouts when encoding Ogg/Vorbis in cluster mode
- vobsub creation now splits with millisecond precision,thanks for the patch to Jean-Yves Simon

0.50.16 - [stable branch] - Sun Oct 26 2003, joern

- If you have Perl 5.8.1 you *need* this release. Olderversions of dvd::rip do not work with Perl 5.8.1.

- New checkbox "Reuse log" for 2-pass encoding on theTranscode tab. Once activated an existent 2-passlogfile will be reused resp. pass 1 is skipped. Thisway you can continue a 2-pass transcoding if the 2ndpass went wrong for some reason. Long awaited featurerequested by many users, including myself ;)
- Workaround for transcode filters which declare optionsmultiple times (as the unsharp filter in transcode0.6.10). Reported by Fabio Russo.

- Perl 5.8.1 compatability issue fixed. Opening project filessaved with a Perl 5.8.1 dvd::rip didn't work.
- Transcode diskspace calculation was wrong in chapter mode.
- cdrecord-clone (Debian unstable) is detected correctly now.Thanks for the report to Ben Handley <ben AT>and Christian Marillat <marillat AT>.
- XVCD multiplexing didn't work for higher video bitrates.Reported by <dvdrip AT>.
- Deinterlacing settings 'smart' and 'inverse telecine' didn'trestore correctly after saving/reopening. Reported byxavier <list.dvdrip-users AT> andJean-Yves Simon <lethalwp AT>.
- If the transcode installation lacks filters, which are stillreferred in the project file, these referrals are removed toprevent dvd::rip from later crashing. Reported by <jawashinAT>.
- Video bitrate 'manual' setting wasn't deactivated whenswitching from X(S)VCD to (S)VCD.
- Cluster control window: when removing a project the firstproject was selected internally but not on the GUI. Reportedby Mark Rose <shifted AT>.
- Ripping and snapshot grabbing failed if the title had noaudio at all. Reported by Sean Dwyer <ewe2 AT>.
- dvd::rip hung if a autoadjust preset was applied on acompletely black frame.

0.50.15 - [stable branch] - Sun Aug 24 2003, joern

- Expanded the subtitle selection popup to the maximum of32 entries, not only the probed entries. With some DVD's thesubtitle probing fails. This way you can select even"impossible" subtitles, if they weren't detected correctly.Thanks for the suggestion to Stefan Raspl <stefan.raspl>.
- Blank CD-RW (uses the configured cdrecord command and device),supporting 'fast' and 'all' methods (choose in the preferences).Not really tested yet due to lack of CD-RW media. Suggestedby <dvdrip AT>.
- New preference "Preferred language". Default audio trackand subtitle are selected accordingly after reading TOC,resp. the first audio track / subtitle matching thepreferred language will be selected. Note that you stillshould review this setting, because the first matching itemfound must not be the one you really want. Suggested byJohn Washington <washingtonj AT>. Credits for thelist of available language codes go to Chris Phillips <acid_kewpie AT>, the author of lsdvd,from which I extracted the list.
- Video codec list takes the new XviD variants of transcode 0.6.9into account (xvid, xvid2, xvid3 and xvid4). For earliertranscode versions still xvid and xvidcvs are listed here.
- Support for xvid4conf, a tool to tweak all options of thenew dev-api-4 XviD codec. You need at least transcode 0.6.9and xvid4conf 1.6 for this to work.Note: the xvid4 settings will be used for all titles of yourproject. Also they don't take effect in cluster mode. This willchange for future dvd::rip/transcode releases.

New/Changed X?S?VCD|CVD stuff:
- Renamed '(S)VCD' container format to 'MPEG', which is in factwhat it is.
- Added new MPEG "Codecs": XSVCD, XVCD and CVD- SVCD and VCD create standard conform streams. You can't change parameters to non-standard values.- XSVCD and XVCD allow you to choose arbitrary video and audio bitrates / samplerates.- CVD allows you everything (like X(S)VCD), but additionally dvd::rip checks for correct frame sizes.
- Added new Clip & Zoom presets: CVD anamorph and XSVCDanamorph for PAL and NTSC.
- Added new Preference: "Default Container Format", fixing alsoa mismatch, if you choosed 'SVCD' or 'VCD' as a default codec,but dvd::rip still set to 'avi' container format by default.
- Audio bitrate 224 was missing in the popup list.
- Renamed 'Target format' to 'Select container' and the 'Videocodec' label got renamed to 'MPEG variant' for the MPEGcontainer"

Thanks to James L. Paul who urged me to implement the CVD
stuff, which hopefully introduced not too many bugs ;)

- mplayer DVD player command didn't work for LPCM tracks.Thanks to Fabio Russo for the patch. You must re-selectthe mplayer command from the Preferences page for this totake effect.
- Free diskspace warning wasn't exact. Thanks for the patchto Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm AT>.
- Fixed a typo in the --avilimit option (for AVI files >2GB).Thanks for the report to Jarkko Seppa <Jarkko.Seppa AT>.
- Default target size was set to 1406, instead of 1400 (2x700).

0.50.14 - [stable branch] - Sun 29 Jun 2003, joern

- transcode >= 0.6.6 sets mpeg2enc -I 0 by default, butolder versions doesn't. This speeds up things signifcantly,because now mpeg2enc skips deinterlace processing (it wasdone even for non-interlaced material and wasted time).dvd::rip now sets -I0, too. Thanks for the hint toSimone Lehmann
- Warn about AVI files >2GB and set transcode option--avi_limit 9999, otherwise transcode splits automaticallyat 2GB.

- NTSC A/V sync enhancement: dvd::rip's -x vob,null transcodeoption in the 1st pass of a multipass transcoding was good for performance, but could be bad for A/V sync withsome NTSC material, because the audio information is alwaysneeded for proper synchronisation. Thanks to Florin andTilmann for figuring this out.
- NTSC: -M2 isn't set anymore by dvd::rip, because transcodedoes autodetect this. Thanks to Tilmann for the hint.
- Fixed a small mismatch (about 1%) in the audio sizecalculation, which affected video bitrate calculation.Thanks for the report to Charles François Rey<charlesfr.rey AT>.
- Automatic setting of PERLIO=stdio failed, if PERLIOwas already set to some value. Thanks for the report toRichard Kilgore <rkilgore AT>.
- Progress bar was messed up with PSU core. Thanks for thereport to Tyler <dvdrip AT> and Florin.
- NTSC: resolution was set to 720x480, even if the moviehad 704x480. dvd::rip now sets no resolution at all, becausetranscode autodetects the resolution. Thanks for the report toFrancisco J. León <fleona AT>.

0.50.13 - [stable branch] - Thu 23 May 2003, joern

- New deinterlace preset: inverse telecine (for NTSC).Suggested by Andrew Ukrainec <ukrainec AT>and Thanasis Tsiodras <ttsiod AT>.
- Added dvdxchap dependency (which is part of ogmtools),because you get proper chapter progress bars onlyif dvdxchap is installed.

- Removed a small copy protection related function. Youcan read details about why this happened on news entry 2003/05/23.
- Default disc size for a new project was still 703 MB(instead of 700). Also the Zoom Calculator showed703 MB in the disc size popup. Thanks for the reportto Fridtjof Busse.
- Audio bitrate combo box popdown button was sensitivefor VCD, although VCD has a fixed rate of 224. Reportedby Andreas Volz <andreas AT>.
- Sometimes the chapter progress bar was messed up, if nodvdxchap is installed on the system (which is part ofogmtools).

0.50.12 - [stable branch] - Thu 1 May 2003, joern

- Yet another useless feature ;) You can start thedvdrip-master cluster control daemon with the -woption to fire up a webserver (listening on port 8888by default, can be changed with -W) which deliversthe cluster status as HTML. Based on an inspiriationby Fabio Russo. Maybe somewhat senseless but much funto implement ;)

- Removed the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL workaround for RedHat 9.At least on gentoo dvd::rip didn't start anymore. Soall RH9 users, which suffer from the transcode/NPTLproblem, need to set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 on their ownbefore starting dvd::rip. Thanks a lot to Fridtjof Bussewho helped me debugging this issue.
- When no title is selected all notebook pages with titlespecific settings are disabled now. Some entries threwexceptions if you enter them with no titles selected.Thanks for the report to Fabio Russo.
- Prefefined mplayer command played all chapters from theselected chapter on. Now it plays only the one selectedchapter. Thanks for the report to Fabio Russo.

0.50.11 - [stable branch] - Sat 26 Apr 2003, joern

- To all RedHat 9 Users: RedHat's default kernel usesthe new Native Posix Thread Library, which makes problemswith transcode. Setting the environment variableLD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 may workaround this problem (alsoinstalling all RedHat errata). dvd::rip now setsLD_ASSUME_KERNEL, just to prevent "yet another FAQ" ;)There are reports, that it doesn't work even with thisvariable set. Please keep an eye on the transcode-userslist, if you suffer from this problem. I can't help you - don't use RedHat ;)

- dvdrip -v reported nothing, in particular not the versionnumber ;)
- Movies with no audio track within the first few MB of thestream made strange problems. Added -H 10 to thecorrespondent transcode commands, which extends thearea of audio probing, so this shouldn't happen anymore.Thanks for the hint to Tillmann Bitterberg.
- Changed 703 MB cd preset to 700 MB. 703 was too tight.Also added the "-overburn" option to the cdrecord command.
- Workaround for a transcode bug: for NTSC movies the framerate sometimes isn't detected propery from DVD. Onlyprobing the VOB's after ripping reports always the correctframe rate. Thanks for the report to Douglas Bollinger.
- Progress bar was messed up when transcoding with PSU Core.Thanks for the report to Douglas Bollinger.
- Cluster mode: the dr_exec program (part of dvd::rip) wasneeded on remote nodes, although no dvd::rip software isinstalled on them. This is fixed now, no dr_exec necessaryanymore on remote nodes. Thanks for the report to LethalWeapon.
- Reduced OGG overhead value for video bitrate calculation.from 1.15% to 0.25% of total stream size, which is anestimation based on several test rips I made (using xvid,which has obviously the best vbr control from all existentmpeg4 codecs). With this value most of my test rip's hitthe target size with a maximum error of 1 MB.

0.50.10 - [stable branch] - Tue 1 Apr 2003, joern

- If you re-read the TOC you get a warning, that this willoverride all settings of the current project.
- A warning message appears, if you add a project with framerange setting to the cluster, because always the full movieis transcoded in cluster mode.

- GUI doesn't block anymore on first DVD access when readingTOC. Also the complete tcprobe output is printed, ifsomething went wrong, which helps solving transcode relatedproblems.
- Extended preferences check of the cdrecord device, whichalso may be a device file on Linux 2.5 systems, sinceIDE burning support is native here. Thanks for the hintto Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm AT>.
- Transcoding a frame range in chapter mode didn'tshow correct progress information. Reported by Ole Tange.
- Viewing a subtitle test transcode movie in chaptermode didn't work.
- A video avi file was generated during the first pass withogg quality proccessing. Thanks for the report to JonathanRogers.

0.50.9 - [stable branch] - Fri 28 Mar 2003, joern

- Dropped cluster mode restriction for OGG projectswith more than one PSU. Thanks for the patch toJonathan Rogers <jonner AT>.Now dvd::rip needs ogmtools >= 0.972.

- Fixed another division by zero condition in theClip & Zoom module. Thanks for the report toMike Oosten <shaggy AT>.
- Burning page was disabled if only one of the four burningrelated tools (mkisofs, cdrecord, vcdimager, cdrdao)was missing, although you e.g. don't need mkisofs for VCDburning and no cdrdao for CDROM burning. Now dvd::ripis more specific here und disables only the correspondingburning types.
- Adjusted xine DVD player preference for actual versionsof xine. Thanks for the hint to Fridtjof Busse.
- Additional transcode options entry didn't work (mostprobably since 0.50.4). Thanks to James L. Paul <james>
- Vorbis quality mode didn't work in cluster mode. Thanksfor the fix to Jonathan Rogers.
- Lock audio selection popup, during a volume rescalescan. Otherwise the scanned value would be assigned to thelatest selected channel, which may be wrong. Reportedby Felix Knecht.

0.50.8 - [stable branch] - Thu 6 Mar 2003, joern

- Cluster mode: dvdrip-master daemon bailed out with anerror message on startup. Thanks for the report toDavid Chan <davidchan AT>.
- Cluster mode: if file cleanup was requested and filesplitting not necessary (because the file is smallerthan one disc) the transcoded file was removed.

0.50.7 - [stable branch] - Tue 4 Mar 2003, joern

- Encoding multiple audio tracks with OGG and PSU coreenabled didn't work. Thanks for the report to Daniel Egger<degger AT>.
- Revoked the mplex change from version 0.50.4, becauseseveral users reported problems with it.

0.50.6 - [stable branch] - Mon 3 Mar 2003, joern

- Fixed an evil bug, which overwrote the preferences fileon each startup. Sorry for the inconvenience. I also lostmy preferences due to it... Thanks for the report toMatthias Saou <matthias AT>.

0.50.5 - [stable branch] - Mon 3 Mar 2003, joern

- You can pass the preferences filename with the new commandline option -p to have multiple configurations (defaultis still ~/.dvdriprc). Suggested by Harald Dunkel.
- Log last output of aborted job's. Suggested by Felix Enning<felix AT>.
- Don't split the movie, if it fits already on one disc.Suggested by Nicos Panayides <anarxia AT>.
- subtitle language ID is now patched into the vobsub .idxfile, requested by Douglas Bollinger.

- Video bitrate entry was not greyed out for VCD. Otherbitrates than the standard value of 1152 are not supported.
- Creating splitted vobsub's was broken. Thanks for theirreports to Lutz Birkhahn <lutz.birkhahn AT> andDouglas Bollinger.
- transcode's version number was missing in .dvdrip-info file.

0.50.4 - [stable branch] - Sun 24 Feb 2003, joern

- Minor layout improvements. GUI should now look better withdifferent sized fonts.
- I removed the ps command dependency - found a completelydifferent and more flexible solution, which doesn't dependon external tools. A new helper program called dr_execis used to print the main PID of the current job, which isneeded for cancellation.

- Wrong options were passed to transcode for Vorbis qualityencoding. Thanks for the report to Brian Healy <brianhealyAT>.
- mplex SVCD command used wrong profile for SVCD. Thanks forthe report to Davros <tashuu AT>.
- Using the smart deinterlacer switched off YUV processing,which isn't necessary for transcode >= 0.6.3 anymore. Thanksfor the report to Mark Dirix.

0.50.3 - [stable branch] - Mon 17 Feb 2003, joern

- Dropped the pstree dependend stuff completely. Now psis used, using Posix conform options only, so this shouldwork on most systems without problems.
- Thanks to Ron Smits, who reported a problem with a fewzombie processes per dvd::rip session on a Slackware system.After about an hour of IRC chatting we found a solutionfor it ;)

0.50.2 - [stable branch] - Sat 15 Feb 2003, joern

- Some layout optimizations: squeezed the GUI again a bitand the preview images are now slightly bigger.

- Fixed a typo in SVCD transcode command. Reported byseveral users.
- Cancellation of some tasks left processes over. Changedback to old cancellation method, which depends onpstree, so this is now listed "mandatory" in the dependencywindow. Reported by Fridtjof Busse <fridtjof AT>.
- Depend check didn't check for absolute path of/usr/sbin/fping. Also reported by Fridtjof Busse.
- Cancellation of a vobsub PS1 extraction left files over,so further vobsub PS1 extraction didn't work. Thanks forthe report to Gregorio Guidi <g.guidi AT>.
- Changed two internal Perl namespaces, which confused theCPAN/PAUSE Perl module indexer.

0.50.1 - [stable branch] - Tue 11 Feb 2003, joern

- NTSC VCD film encoding (at 23.976) didn't work. Thanks forthe report to Chris Elston <celston AT>.
- dvd::rip's main window was too tall for standard desktopswith 1024x768 resolution. I could save some space withinthe "Calculated storage" frame to fix this. On my system thewindow has now 657x696 pixels, which should be Ok for1024x768 desktops. Thanks for the report to Florin.
- Subtitle selection wasn't activated, even if subtitle2pgmwas detected correctly.

0.50.0 - [stable branch] - Mon 10 Feb 2003, joern

- This is a new stable release, closing the 0.49.x unstablebranch.
- Project file format changed since 0.48.x. Older files areconverted automatically, but you can't use files saved withthis release with older dvd::rip versions.
- You should use at least transcode 0.6.3 to get all new features,but transcode 0.6.2 is still supported.
- To get full and bugfree support for the new Filter & Previewfeature, read the entry of 0.49.11 and apply the patch mentionedthere, unless you have transcode > 0.6.3 (which doesn't existas of this writing).
- From now on dvd::rip insists on Perl >= 5.6.0.
- For a full list of changes and bugfixes, refer to the 0.49.xchange log entries below. Features and bugfixes listed nextare changes to 0.49.13.

- New button "Check all settings" in Preference dialog.Suggested by Ole Tange.

- Dependencies listed ogmtools with minimum 0.954, but correctis 0.960 (mp3/ac3 only works since this version).
- Dependency check didn't consider maximum rar version (must bea 2.x version, no 3.x).
- Filter removal didn't affect an opened preview window.
- Negative values in the cropping entries were rejected. Thanksfor the report to Mauro Spluga <ferluga AT>

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