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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for DVB Dream
v3.7.2 (05.05.2023) What's New
Added support for TBS 5230, 5530, 5930, 6904SE, 6205SE, 6281, 6209, 6290, 6522, 6504, 6590, 6910, 6909, 7230, 7901
v3.7.1 (14.03.2019) What's New
Added support for Unicable II JESS (up to 32 LNBs)
* Fix for initialization error 5 on some devices
v3.7 (10.03.2019) What's New
Added support for Unicable II JESS (up to 32 LNBs)
v3.6 (29.10.2018) What's New
Added suport for TBS 6903x, TBS 5590, TBS 6909x, TBS6904x, TBS 6504
Fixed VLC streaming issue
Fixed a serious deadlock problem which used to happen on some Windows versions.
LAV codecs updated to the latest (0.73.1)
* Default streming buffer size is now reduced to 1316 bytes for LAN streaming.
v3.5 (21.03.2018) What's New
LAV codecs v0.71 added (There are some nice improvements on HEVC hardware decoding and DVB-AAC audio, although Windows XP is no longer supported)
PIP decoding through hardware modules (CAMs) on TBS devices (Experimental)
Some EPG related problems fixed
Minor fixes
v3.4 (12.11.2017) What's New
Support for TBS HDMI/ASI capture cards (6301,6304, ASI capture, ...)
LAV filters are updated to latest version (v0.70.1, improvements on H264 & HEVC & LATM AAC) Try to select LAV codecs in DVB Dream video settings window (CTRL + G) for all media types, can be helpful if you cannot watch some streams with other codecs. Recommended for Windows 10 users.
TBS-CI module fixed (CAM should work fine now)
Several bug fixes
v3.3 (27.02.2017) What's New
Channel scan improvements
Several fixes (BISS, BlindScan, StreamReader interface)
v3.2.1 (2 February 2016) What's New
Several minor improvements in device handling & also in Stream Reader interface
Now BISS/Fixed CW keys can be entered through Channel Properties for each channel (new "Keys" tab in Channel Properties window)
LAV codecs updated to the latest version
v3.2 (29 December 2016) What's New
BISS and Fixed CW keys are now stored/remembered for each channel
LCN setting is remembered
H264 video information is reported correctly now for 4:2:2
Fixed a crash problem happened while scanning channels
Reverted back to old Windows Scheduler API because of stability problems.
Several bug fixes
v3.1 (21 September 2016) What's New
Added new genpix device interface for SkyWalker-3 ( with blind scan support.
Added loop mode and both polarisations scan to blindscan (feature wanted by feed hunters)
You can now set BS scan-range on chart with help of left/right click
Added support for new devices TBS 6528 DVB CI, TBS 6590, TBS 6590, TBS 6209 8 tuner, TBS 5927 USB DVB-S2
It looks like StreamReader.DLL causes problems in TSWriter2 module. We include StreamRecorder module as an alternative if you want to record whole TS. Or you can delete streamreader.dll and use DD's standard BDA interface.
Scheduler now allows user select both old and new Windows Scheduler APIs. (You can try both APIs if scheduler doesn't work on your system)
* Descriptions on how to use Blind Scan & its fine parameters by Genpix
v3.0 (14 August 2016) What's New
Added Blind Scan tool (for genpix & streamreader interfaces, Main Menu->Tools->Blind Scan)
Fixed motor-positioner crash problem, positioner should work finely now
Added support for TBS 6290Se DVBT/T2, TBS 6290Se DVBT/T2, TBS 652X DVB CI, TBS 652X DVB CI, TBS 6522, TBS 6522, TBS 65XX, TBS 65XX
TBSCI updated (Better CAM support on TBS)
Scheduler updated for recent Windows versions, please make sure you run DVB Dream elevated if you want to use Scheduler (Right click DVB Dream icon and run as administrator)
* If your device doesn't work with DVB Dream (with its standard BDA interface), you can try streamreader.dll interfaces written by manufacturers or 3rd party versions like CrazyCat's. Just go to main menu->Options->Device and select "StreamReader"
* Genpix is still working on new device interface, we will patch this version as soon as genpix DVB Dream interface is ready, so you need to wait for Genpix BlindScan.
* You can use BlindScan tool to update transponder *.ini files or to find feeds. It works nicely and can help by listing the frequencies that are not available in the current ini file.
* Registered users should update DVB Dream by using registered users area & their login ID/pass. Otherwise they will have trial limitations
v2.8.1 (18 January 2016) What's New
VC runtime problem on older Windows versions fixed
Occasional startup file I/O eurekalog message fixed
v2.8 (27 December 2015) What's New
Added support for TBS 6910 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6909 DVB-S/S2, TBS 5520, TBS 6204 DVB-T/T2, TBS 6902 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6522 DVB-C DVB-S/S2 DVB-T ISDB-T,TBS 6903 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6514 DTMB, TBS 6522
PLP support for Astrometa DVB-T2 (experimental)
Added "Exit EPG on channel change" option in EPGPlus settings
EPG Cache now automatically deletes EPG events older than a few hours
* If you cannot run DVB Dream on Windows Server systems (2012-2016), try installing the following BDA patch (, submitted by azimli)
v2.7.4 (01 November 2015) What's New
Many ATSC related fixes
ATSC channel names are correctly detected now
Korean translation added
LAN Streaming buffer size now can be defined in bytes instead of kilobytes
Several fixes
* Waiting for ATSC tests from United States, Canada, Mexico, Korea, El Salvador, Honduras.
* ATSC frequencies in DVB Dream are center frequencies and converted to video carrier frequencies before sending to driver. If your hardware doesnt work with ATSC, please try "Use center frequencies instead of video carrier" option under main menu->options->device options)
* All ATSC frequencies are defined inside terrestrial.ini (under United States, Canada, Mexico, Korea, El Salvador, Honduras titles)
v2.7.2 (01 August 2015) What's New
ATSC support was not working very well, fixed, now tested with TBS devices, seems to work fine.
Duplicate packets issue on TS recording fixed
Duplicate packets issue on streaming with PAT Override fixed
EPG Plus was not displaying radio channels, fixed
Problem with multiple stream (MIS) entries of frequency list INI files fixed. Check Hotbird ini file for example.
Added support for TBS 6704 ATSC card
v2.7.1 (12.06.2015)
Added ATSC support for BDA devices (experimental, please report on forum if you still cannot get DD to work with ATSC)
Added support for TBS 6205 DVB-T/T2 DVB-C, TBS 6001 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6905
New feature: Codec Downloader
Some fixes for AAC (LATM/LOAS & ADTS streams are handled differently now, and HE-AAC should work well)
Resolution, chroma and Progressive/Interlaced/MBAFF type info is now displayed for all MPEG2, H264(AVC), H265(HEVC) channels
Video bitrate is now calculated on the fly (displayed on status bar)
Some TS record related problems have been fixed
Fixed some LAN streaming deadlock problems
Fixed aspect ratio problems with MadVR (please make sure you install the latest version of MadVR)
CA System (crypto type) filter option for channel list (CTRL + L)
* When you need to find the channels which you can decrypt by using your subscription card/plugins etc, you might simply open up channel list options (CTRL + L) and select the CA System your system/plugins can decode. For example, pick "All" (All satellites) on the top of channel list, then pick "PowerVU" from the CA list combobox to find / list all PowerVU channels on your scanned satellites
* We provide free life-time DVB Dream full version licenses/serial keys for programmers who develop MDAPI plugin, DD Module, DD device interface for them to test their add-ons on DD freely. Please contact us on forum. We are ready to support your ideas & work. New add-on API functions can be implemented if necessary.
* New theme: Win10 by Bader
* You can use Microsoft codecs or LAV filters for AAC audio
* Please contact us about problems on forum, we are ready to help & work together to fix things.
* This version might change your codec configuration after installing, please re-configure afterwards as you wish. Depending on the codecs you use, you might need to disable/enable "Reset DS after ch-change" option in video options to make channel changes problem-free/fast. If you are a Windows 7 user, please use we recommend Microsoft codecs instead of LAV codecs.
v2.6a (23.09.2014) What's New
- Max. Symbol Rate limit is now higher
- Now DD doesnt cache EPG while recording, to prevent record problems & some crashes
- Bug fixes
v2.6 (31.05.2014) What's New
Ultra HD (UHD) / 4K / HEVC / H265 channels are supported now
Several bug fixes
Added support for new TBS cards 6221 dvbc, 6285 dvbc, 5810 isdb-t, 5820 isdb-t, 6983 dvb-s2
Added UHD/4K channel list filter option (to easily find/see UHD channels after a scan. Just press CTRL+L keys for filter options)
* Most of HEVC/H.265 codecs are not mature enough, since this is a new format. LAV & Cyberlink codecs seem to work fine on DVB Dream if you have a robust CPU/GPU power. (Try to enable LAV filter hardware acceleration)
* LAV filters/codecs download URL:
* CyberLink powerdvd14 Combo Decoder v.2.0.1660 download URL: dlid=6501&ENGINEsessID=5eb29e0e548c56ca1c17527b269dc0b5
* Please check the following link for the list of available 4K / Ultra high definition channels and about the H.265 / HEVC codecs
v2.5a (14.03.2014)What's New
PLS codes and sub stream IDs can be stored in INI files now, please check readme.txt in transponders folder (added known 13e , 5w and 45e values)
TS Record can now record NIT, SDT/BAT, RST, TDT/TOT (need to enable in record options)
Added "Arrange in mosaic" feature in PIP menu (click on the PIP button at the bottom of DVB Dream window, then "click on Open All", then "click on Arrange in mosaic -> Small" in the PIP button's menu)
Fixed bug with TBS cards which cause crash while closing app.
v2.5 (28.12.2013)What's New
Some channel scan bugs fixed
Fixed the problem with DVB-S2 channels not tuning on TBS cards
Fixed a freezing problem with deleting channels (affected Windows 8 users mostly)
Fixed EPGParser bug which causes freezings time to time(i.e. on Eutelsat 9A, 12034 V)
TBS remote control fix
Bug fixes for several TBS DVB-S2 models
Supports new TBS cards
Estonian language have been added
* New theme: Yusuke Kamiyamane & Redeemer
* If you use Windows 8 or if you have no video or video problems on Windows 7/XP, then please make sure you install codecs since Windows 8 doesn't include required codecs. You can find most of codecs by a simple google sarch, search and download "dvbdream codecs" on google or just click here. After installing new codecs, you should restart DVB Dream and select them (Main Menu->Options->Video or simply press CTRL+G). Some of the codecs will work better than others, depending on your system configuration.
v2.4b (30.06.2013)What's New
Fix for a minor streaming bug
MIS substreams are listed automatically in manual scan dialog (tested on TBS 6925)
* To test MIS in Europe, 13E Hotbird 11432 V 27500 is recommended, transponder seems to have PLS root code 8 with sub stream IDs 1 and 2
v2.4a (19.06.2013)What's New
Fixed DVB-T/C problem
Fix for eurekalog problem
Added option to "Disable/Ignore des.dll error" , in preferences, general tab
v2.4 (16.06.2013) What's New
Support for new modulation technologies, MIS with VCM/ACM , PLP and PLS
E-AC3 support (This fixes no audio problem for some channels, tested with DVB-T France streams)
An important HD record problem fixed
New preferences option "Prevent Monitor Power Off (Override Windows power options)"
Added experimental support for MadVR (a 3rd party video renderer claiming higher video quality) (MadVR info/download)
Now possible to stream all channels / whole TS of a tranponder onto local network
Streaming was not working on some channels (when PCR is different than Video) fixed!
One-channel streaming provides all audio pids now
Attempting to run the DD again now brings it to front instead of displaying a warning
Option to collect EPG for other satellites too. (in Options->Preferences->EPG (TV Guide) Only recommended for North American users
Fixed the problem with EPG Cache optimization setting "Within X hours", now default EPG filter option will cache/display EPG events that are "within 5 hours", You can change this behaviour in Options->Preferences->EPG (TV Guide).
Option to start VLC from current record in renderless (in Tools menu, waits for 15 secs to have enough data. This option is meant to be used an alternative to timeshift, make sure you increased max file size in record options)
* Channel list file format changed. DD takes a backup of old CHL and upgrades it to new format itself. New format won't be backward compatible
* E-AC3 has been tested using LAV and MPC audio decoder. (MPC Standalone Filters, LAV Filters)
* You can stream all channels from the same frequency. Just set UDP TS Client IP address to the client PC's address, then check "Active" and "Send all channels". DD might need a restart after this. Now you can start VLC on client PC and VLC's Main menu->Media->Open Network Stream, type this as URL "udp://@:1234", click on "Play". You can switch between channels using Main Menu->Playback->Program. DD will stream channels as decoded as a whole TS. Make sure you disable streaming when you don't use, otherwise it can cause problems while watching TV.
* SIMOSD module has been removed, since it directly accesses to channel list file, it needs update from its author.
* Use EPG cache optimization if you have video problems because of EPG cache / high EPG data rate (especially in North America)
v2.2b (10.10.2012)What's New
EPG Plus improvements (Tv window, channel logos, right click translate/search in IMDB/Google menu options, remote control support and possible to move between events by keyboard arrow keys.).
Timeshift should work a lot better now
New EPGNumbers module (by X05) will automatically assign channel numbers in the same order as provider's STB / EPG, for most of the European providers. You just need to select which provider you use in module options.
Audio Left/Right channel selection (panning) on channel properties now works (to be used when audio channels have different languages or comments/narrative)
New option "Display only selected satellite in remote tab" in prefences/ch.list
"Assign SIDs to ChNo" Tools menu and scan dialog option. (Useful for North American users, you could just use the remote tab in STB order)
New record file naming options. ($5=ChNo $6=SID $7=SatPos) Possible to include channel numbers in recordings now (It is so as default, if you assign channel numbers in remote tab)
DVB Dream will scan faster when network search is NOT enabled.
Bug fixes
* EPGPlus is now default and EPG cache is enabled by default. So you can disable if you don't use EPG at all. Legacy EPG can be found in Tools/Misc menu as well.
* TBSCI module is now disabled by default, you need to enable it if you use CAM on TBS devices
* You can get a free DVB Dream licence !, if you can help us preparing a package of logo files for EPGPlus module (complete logo files for a satellite), check the related post in DD forum for details.
* You can also get a free DD licence if you can add device support for the (yet) unsupported cards (We will provide sample source code if you can write a simple BDA extension to support diseqc & remote control etc on BDA drivers)
* You can download EPG+ Channel logos for United Kingdom here:
28.2 East and DVB-T UK
v2.2a (24.09.2012)What's New
New grid based EPG module "EPGPlus", with coloring based on content type. (Try it and share your ideas/suggestions please. Main menu->Modules->epgplus. You need to activate EPG cache under settings / performance. Content coloring is ependent on your provider, not all providers send content info in EPG correctly)
EPG should display characters correctly now (tested on 42e, 28e, 19e, 13e, 7w and DVB-T UK)
Option to remember last selected quick favorites
Bug fixes
* If EPG still doesn't display characters correctly, please report on the forum by specifying region/satellite , frequency. We'll fix it.
* LibertyReserve and Moneybookers payment options have been added.
v2.2 (19.09.2012)What's New
Registration problem fixed, caused problem for some registered users !
DVB Dream now handles system wake up from sleep or hibernation.
Windows 8 EVR crash fixed , which used to happen when switched back from the full screen mode
Log files are now all in one place (Logs)
"Reset Device" menu option fixed, it was not working when more than one device of the same brand are installed
EPG is now cached (disabled by default, grid-based epgplus module will use this feature, soon to be released)
Now "Direct Connection" is enabled by default, in video options. Please remove the checkmark if you get any graph errors.
* On terrestrial and cable devices, LCN (logical channel numbers) & Network Scan is enabled by default
v2.1a (27.08.2012)What's New
Hauppauge Nova HD s2 problem on 8psk channels fixed
settings.cfg is automatically restored from backup if gets corrupted
Some scan bug fixed (which caused nameless channels especially on 13e)
TT-connect S2-4600, TeVii S660, S630 should work better now
* Now you can tell DD how long it should wait until signal lock (Preferences->Performance->Tuner Timeout), this can speed up channel scan by removing unnecessary delay on no-signal transponders.
* Cracked versions will NOT work well and they will experience a lot of problems (!) . We recommend you to use licenced versions, for stable work and frequent updates for years to come.
v2.1 (18.08.2012)What's New
Built-in BISS / Fixed CW decoding (under "Tools" menu)
New versions of TSWriter2, CHLTools, RecentRecordings, AutoCHLBackup modules
Tool tips, possible to turn off ("Disable tool tips" in Preferences/General)
Bug fixes
v2.0a patched version includes minor fixes for DVB-T/C users.
v2.0 (06.08.2012) What's New
This version has a few underlying changes. So it is more like a test version. If you have installed DVB Dream before, we recommend you to do a clean install to a different path and not an upgrade over the previous version. That way you can keep your old version working as well to revert back in case of any problem with this new version.
DVBS-2 and Diseqc should work better on most of DVB cards/boxes now
Now vendor specific functions are supported in separate BDA extension files under devicesbda_extensions folder, it is possible to force extensions by editing conf.ini
DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T improvements (different bandwidth and different QAM frequency lists are now possible)
All terrestrial/cable frequencies are now grouped in country/city sets
Now Pilot & Roll Off values can be specified on scan interfaces
SkyStar HD2 should be able to lock on DVB-S2 transponders now
DD automatically recognizes the codecs installed on your system and updates codecs.ini during setup, and there is also a new button "Add installed codecs" on video options dialog, to add newly installed codecs into codecs.ini with just one click
Some network search and LCN related bugs fixed
Diseqc repeats are now handled by device interfaces
Positioner as defalt doesn't try to retune because of the crashes on some card drivers
*If your SkyStar HD2 remote doesn't work, please try "Twinhan" remote type, and report on the DD forum
*DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T frequencies are now stored in "cable.ini" and "terrestrial.ini" files
*For terrestrial and cable users, a clean install & scan is recommended
*If you still have problem with diseqc, please report on the forum and try changing "main menu->options->device options->diseqc method" and increase the values in "main menu->options->performance->delay after diseqc" and "diseqc repeats"
*If you have crashes during scan when you use BDA device interface, disable TIF under device options
*If you are a programmer, believe that you can write device extensions to support your DVB cards/boxes please contact us, we will provide the API, it is quite simple. Possible to support CI / Diseqc / DVB-S2 / Blind Scan / LNB power off through device extensions
*Report problems on DD forum please
v1.7a (23.11.2011) What's New
Critical bug fix which causes registered users to see "cracked version" message
Some bug fixes
v1.7 (17.11.2011) What's New
Unicable support added (works only on TBS cards for now)
CI/CAM support for AverMedia (not tested, please confirm)
Support for NetUP devices (Diseqc & CI, not tested)
BDA device error code:14 bug fixed which happens on some devices
Initial installation dialog supports more languages now (Turkish,Greek,Chinese,Arabic,Ukranian,Farsi...)
A few bugs in scheduler fixed
Arabic epg bug fix
Snapshot crash bug fixed
LNB Power Off/On support added (in File menu, works only on TBS and Compro devices for now)
EPG support option added for Israel cable provider HOT.
* If you encounter any problem with EPG text charset, you should pick the correct EPG code page instead of "auto"
* BDA Device options now provides different methods for diseqc (Main Menu->Options->Device Options)
* For unicable, you should select the LNB type as unicable while adding satellites in diseqc dialog
* Unicable and LNB Power Off/On is not supported on all devices. It should work fine on TBS cards with new drivers (these new drivers should be released by TBS in next few days)
* If you are still having problem with diseqc on AverMedia devices, please report. You just need to download latest aver media drivers.
* Kaspersky Antivirus is not recommended since it could be the culprit responsible for des.dll errors due to some false virus alarms / heuristic scan.
v1.6 (05.11.2011) What's New
Fixed many bugs
Better support for Japanese EPG and channel names
Now scheduler is able to suspend or hibernate the PC after the record
Diseqc on AverMedia cards now should work
Geniatech cards should work better
Fixed a crash bug which happens after scan
* Cracked versions will not work stable! We recommend you buying it while the price is still the same and cheap. There will be a price change soon.
* Please report on the DVB Dream forum if you run into any problem with Geniatech or Avermedia, we can probably fix that. We just need testers.
* If DVB Dream doesn't display the codecs installed on your system, please manually add them into codecs.ini, you can also let us know on DD forum, so that we will add them into next setup files.
* AVer3D Satellite TV, AVerTV Satellite PCI, AVerTV Galaxy should work well now on DD
* For better performance on HD, make sure you use "Enhanced Video Renderer" in Video Options (Only if your graphic card has the necessary hardware acceleration) For SD channels, WMR7 is still recommended.
* SECOSD won't work on DD now, it needs an update from its author
* If DD interface is not completely in your own language or partially in English, you can translate the non-translated parts of the language INI files (in DD languages) folder and post on DD forum for us to include in next versions.
v1.5g (04.10.2011) What's New
Now DD allows to save unlimited number of channels
Device dialog now lists the devices of the same interface
des.dll error fixed
Some critical crash/bug fixes
New channel list filter options "Found/Updated Recently"
Japanese EPG is supported now
Japanese language added
Now possible to change dvbdream taskbar icon to identify different DD installations on taskbar. (Settings->Preferences->Other->Application Taskbar Icon)
Now possible to use/share transponder INI file folders of other apps or DD installations (Settings->Preferences->PATHS)
new modules by X05: TSWriter2, RecentRecordings, RendererSwap
CHLTools module has been updated
New DD Module API Functions added, check the latest header files for more information.
*New TBS devices are supported
*StreamRecorder module is now replaced by TSWriter2
*For UK Freeview HD, Japanese pay TV and some other AAC channels you will need to install a compatible AAC codec and set it up in DVB Dream video configuration. MainConcept and DivX AAC codecs seem to work nice.
v1.5f (29.05.2011) What's New
Problems with des.dll crash fixed
EVR 16/9 - 4/3 flickering problem fixed
Some character set problems fixed
Some fixes in FreeSat EPG
Module API DDMODAPI_DVB_COMMAND function fixed
Many critical bug fixes
v1.5e (04.09.2010) What's New
* Skystar HD2 diseqc fix
* USALS fixed (you can enable it in positioner options)
* Bug fixes
* * Please report if you come across any problem with diseqc on SS HD2
v1.5d (05.08.2010 thursday) What's New
* TechnoTrend CI & Diseqc and remote control works without problem (tested with TT3200)
* CI with FireDTV devices works better now
* CAM Menu/MMI functions work fine on DD now with FireDTV and TechnoTrend (Main menu -> Tools -> CI/CAM console)
* Omicom DVB-S2 support added (Raw Diseqc support)
* NA channel scan problem fixed (nameless channels)
* Support for latest TBS devices added
* W7 theme added
v1.5c (16.05.2010 sunday) What's New
* TechnoTrend-3200 / Skystar HD diseqc fix
* Skystar HD2 diseqc fix (needs tests)
* CI support added for Technotrend cards (experimental)
* Non-exclusive record (You can open and watch the file while still recording!)
* Layout main menu/context menu options and keyboard shorcut (press "L")
* SimOSD record bug fixed (you need to enable SimOSD using "modules menu"->"module list")
* * need testers for TechnoTrend CI/CAM functionality, please let us know if you can test.
v1.5b (12.05.2010) What's New
* Bug fixes
v1.5a (02.05.2010) What's New
* Bug fixes
* SkyStar 2 and SkyStar USB raw diseqc/motor support on B2C2 SDK interface (needs tests)
* EVR fullscreen switch bug fixed
* Some scheduler bugs fixed
* * Freesat EPG parser is enabled automatically for UK/Ireland
* * This version will set VMR7 as default, You might need to revert to your original choice, if you upgrade on previous versions.
v1.5 (24.04.2010) What's New
* Better W7 support
* Better AC3 support
* EVR support added
* AAC support has been added *
* ISDB Support added (tested with streams from Brazil) *
* Added new codec definitions (codecs.ini)
* Fixed the problem with AC3Filter
* TeVii S630 & S660 support added
* DVBWorld DVB-S2 bug fixed
* DVBWorld remote controls are now supported
* PIP bug fixed
* MDAPI plugin packet size is adjustable now
* New DirectShow routines (as a DLL now, ds_mng.dll)
* AC3 codec can be selected separately
* Albanian language added
* Chinese-Traditional language added
* Tikarkiba theme added
* ZerOne theme added
* Only Mainconcept AAC codec seems to work for now.
ISDB Brazil Frequency List : 4003.ini
ISDB Japan Frequency List : 4004.ini
v1.4i (03.02.2008)
Faster scan for NA satellites
Some TS record problems fixed
Improved Vista compatibility, Vista AERO window movement bug fixed
Ch. name text filtering option for general and favorites tabs
Fix for 19.2e DVB-S2 crash problem and network search (DVB-S2 TPs)
Now it is possible to override/correct the missing channel name or wrong crypted channel status with help of a text file. (scan_override.txt)
BDA interface update (v2.0)
BDA: Added support for Turbosight TBS 8920 DVB-S2, 8910 DVB-S and Compro VideoMate 500 DVB-S
Video and audio type indicators added, next to video/audio buffer bars
Now OSD Now/Next info should be always up-to-date
New HotKey to change (cycle) audio pid: 'A'
Guids.ini updated, some new h.264 entries added
EPG parser now supports DISH and BEV 9 day epg
Portuguese(br) language added
* For FTA sats, you should disable "NA fast scan"
* During fast scan, first TP will relatively take longer.
* It is important that NA users should enable "Customize for NA" (preferences->localization)
* You can utilize ENTER, ESC keys in channel name filter box
* Thanks for the v1.4i tests to Chuck35, LikWidChz, inhell, t3chw00di, Dreamer, oscarr and other people in the DD IRC channel
v1.4h (30.12.2007)
* Channel list file path is now adjustable (Options -> Preferences -> Channel List)
* Copy to clipboard option for scan results (New/Lost/Updated)
* Ch.List favorites folder-rename bug fixed
* Ch.List popup menu "viewable" option fixed for the problem with the channels that have same NID/TID/SID
* Fix for Reset DirectShow crash
* Certain plugin momentary key-losses are handled well now
* Auto-zap fixed
* * Now possible to share a CHL file between more than one DD installations. It is also possible to assign "read-only" access.
1.4g (16.12.2007)
* Fixes for user eurekalog reports
* Fix for the crashes when video options dialog opened
* Fix for the picture freeze caused by packet losses
* Fix for Ch-Update/selected audio pid issue
v1.4f updated (09.12.2007) update (v1.8)
Fix for crashes
Fix for "Incompatible codecs" error of video options dialog
Fix for streaming
New option to adjust directshow video packet size for codecs (Video options->Options->Video Packet Size)
Toolbar is now collapsable
* New Themes: BijoBlack and hizlico99
* If you have a more powerful and new computer system, you must reduce buffer sizes and video packet size. This will help fast channel change and video-freezes. For H.264 , you might have to keep them high though. You can increase the "video packet size" for better HD performance, e.g. 8 or 16 kb. note that higher values will be problem for SD channels. (might cause low frame rate)
v1.4e updated (02.12.2007)
* update (v1.7)
* After channel changes, a few frames from the previous channels were being displayed, fixed
* MPEG-2 HD channels were choppy, should be better now
* Network search fixed
* Minor fix for less CPU usage while recording in TS format
* New analysis option added: Simple video stream analyzer to examine things like GOP length, the arrangement of I/P/B frames, frame sizes and PES frequencies
v1.4d updated (11.11.2007)
* Main window GUI elements are now collapsable
* update (v1.6)
* Filter manager fix for some scan problems (the issue on Dutch cable provider @home)
* nVidia, elecard and sonic codecs should work better now with new source filter
* Archived frame rate, jitter and dropped frames are displayed on the main window (collapsable)
* Option to keep aspect ratio for VMR (Right click menu on the video->Aspect Ratio->Keep Aspect Ratio)
* Option to disable/enable positioner feature
* Option to drive the motor at startup
v1.4c (08.11.2007)
* update (1.5) - fix for some crash and buffer problems
v1.4b (06.11.2007)
* update (1.4) Fix for crash problem !
* * SimOSD update (keyboard shorcuts, see SimOSD_1.21_en.txt)
v1.4a (04.11.2007)
* update (1.3)
* New option to adjust direct show buffer size
* Frequencies are now displayed in KHz for DVB-T/C
* Bug fixes
* * Users can see the buffer usage now on the main window. (bars - red: video blue: audio)
* * SimOSD update
v1.4 (29.10.2007)
* New DDSource DirectShow filter
* VLC and MPC Integrated mode
* Permanent and true renderless mode
* Renderless mode toolbar button added
* Turbosight Q-Box device added
* Streaming PAT override option
* Video options: Codecs are now shown with file version and date (and the path at description box)
* Frequecy offset option (+166Khz) for DVB-T
* BDA device: automatic detection of tuner type (dvb-s/c/t)
* BDA device: FireDTV diseqc and CI support
* EPG: "Add To Scheduler" button , There are new options to put some extra time before and after the scheduled EPG record. (Preferences->OTHER->"EPG-Scheduler extra time")
* CPU-Usage display fixed for multi-core CPUs
* Scan/Wrong channel-name bug fixed
* Stream recorder crash bug fixed
* Voltage selection for bandstacking LNBs. (Preferences -> Performance -> "Voltage for bandstacking LNBs")
* Manual audio sync for some H264 codecs. (Shift+Left and Shift+Right)
* Fixed the command line "start pip record" bug
* Plugin search path is now adjustable. (Preferences -> Plugin Interface -> Plugin Path)
* Added CI support for FireDTV (experimental). (Main Menu -> Tools -> CI/CAM Console)
* Finnish language added
* New Theme: Vista By Mustafa Temizel
* DD should work better on multi-core CPUs now
* Latest Genpix device added to setup packet. (unified 1.0.1)
* Module: Simoh's SimOSD module included ! (An OSD module with channel list)
Version Notes:
* This version might work worse for HD since a new demultiplexer/source filter implemented. We're still working on it. There is no documentation available for the format of the expected data at input pins of H.264 codecs (neither CoreAVC nor Cyberlink h.264, nor others). So we're trying to learn the information by blindly experimenting.
* WDM drivers recommended for B2C2 PCI/USB(SkyStar2, AirStar, CableStar) and Twinhan PCI (vp1020, vp1030..) models instead of BDA driver.
* SkyStar2 will need Mibi's patched WDM drivers to be able to command diseqc switches and motors.
* For Twinhan's Starbox and DVB-S2 models, ScanMan's BDA_ALL driver is recommended.
* BDA DVB-S devices : It needs device specific codes for Diseqc an CI support since BDA specification doesnt support diseqc and CI. Some of device specific diseqc are implemented and some might be implemented in next versions. If you have any information on how to implement Diseqc support on your BDA device , please let me know. I will try to implement necessary code in DD.
Supported Devices:
* BDA Devices (FireDTV, Terratec Cinergy, TBS Q-Box, Compro VideoMate S350, KNC1, Twinhan and many others...)
* B2C2 (Skystar2, Airstar, Cablestar)
* Twinhan (All BT 878 PCI models should work *)
* Pinnacle PCTV Sat/400i/Lite
* Genpix 8PSK to USB device
* Broadlogic (BL2030)
* DVBWorld (Nextorm/SatStar2/Acorp TV878DS USB/PCI)
* Tongshi DVB-S
* Coship/SmartVision CdvbAny2030s
Added support for TBS 5230, 5530, 5930, 6904SE, 6205SE, 6281, 6209, 6290, 6522, 6504, 6590, 6910, 6909, 7230, 7901
v3.7.1 (14.03.2019) What's New
Added support for Unicable II JESS (up to 32 LNBs)
* Fix for initialization error 5 on some devices
v3.7 (10.03.2019) What's New
Added support for Unicable II JESS (up to 32 LNBs)
v3.6 (29.10.2018) What's New
Added suport for TBS 6903x, TBS 5590, TBS 6909x, TBS6904x, TBS 6504
Fixed VLC streaming issue
Fixed a serious deadlock problem which used to happen on some Windows versions.
LAV codecs updated to the latest (0.73.1)
* Default streming buffer size is now reduced to 1316 bytes for LAN streaming.
v3.5 (21.03.2018) What's New
LAV codecs v0.71 added (There are some nice improvements on HEVC hardware decoding and DVB-AAC audio, although Windows XP is no longer supported)
PIP decoding through hardware modules (CAMs) on TBS devices (Experimental)
Some EPG related problems fixed
Minor fixes
v3.4 (12.11.2017) What's New
Support for TBS HDMI/ASI capture cards (6301,6304, ASI capture, ...)
LAV filters are updated to latest version (v0.70.1, improvements on H264 & HEVC & LATM AAC) Try to select LAV codecs in DVB Dream video settings window (CTRL + G) for all media types, can be helpful if you cannot watch some streams with other codecs. Recommended for Windows 10 users.
TBS-CI module fixed (CAM should work fine now)
Several bug fixes
v3.3 (27.02.2017) What's New
Channel scan improvements
Several fixes (BISS, BlindScan, StreamReader interface)
v3.2.1 (2 February 2016) What's New
Several minor improvements in device handling & also in Stream Reader interface
Now BISS/Fixed CW keys can be entered through Channel Properties for each channel (new "Keys" tab in Channel Properties window)
LAV codecs updated to the latest version
v3.2 (29 December 2016) What's New
BISS and Fixed CW keys are now stored/remembered for each channel
LCN setting is remembered
H264 video information is reported correctly now for 4:2:2
Fixed a crash problem happened while scanning channels
Reverted back to old Windows Scheduler API because of stability problems.
Several bug fixes
v3.1 (21 September 2016) What's New
Added new genpix device interface for SkyWalker-3 ( with blind scan support.
Added loop mode and both polarisations scan to blindscan (feature wanted by feed hunters)
You can now set BS scan-range on chart with help of left/right click
Added support for new devices TBS 6528 DVB CI, TBS 6590, TBS 6590, TBS 6209 8 tuner, TBS 5927 USB DVB-S2
It looks like StreamReader.DLL causes problems in TSWriter2 module. We include StreamRecorder module as an alternative if you want to record whole TS. Or you can delete streamreader.dll and use DD's standard BDA interface.
Scheduler now allows user select both old and new Windows Scheduler APIs. (You can try both APIs if scheduler doesn't work on your system)
* Descriptions on how to use Blind Scan & its fine parameters by Genpix
v3.0 (14 August 2016) What's New
Added Blind Scan tool (for genpix & streamreader interfaces, Main Menu->Tools->Blind Scan)
Fixed motor-positioner crash problem, positioner should work finely now
Added support for TBS 6290Se DVBT/T2, TBS 6290Se DVBT/T2, TBS 652X DVB CI, TBS 652X DVB CI, TBS 6522, TBS 6522, TBS 65XX, TBS 65XX
TBSCI updated (Better CAM support on TBS)
Scheduler updated for recent Windows versions, please make sure you run DVB Dream elevated if you want to use Scheduler (Right click DVB Dream icon and run as administrator)
* If your device doesn't work with DVB Dream (with its standard BDA interface), you can try streamreader.dll interfaces written by manufacturers or 3rd party versions like CrazyCat's. Just go to main menu->Options->Device and select "StreamReader"
* Genpix is still working on new device interface, we will patch this version as soon as genpix DVB Dream interface is ready, so you need to wait for Genpix BlindScan.
* You can use BlindScan tool to update transponder *.ini files or to find feeds. It works nicely and can help by listing the frequencies that are not available in the current ini file.
* Registered users should update DVB Dream by using registered users area & their login ID/pass. Otherwise they will have trial limitations
v2.8.1 (18 January 2016) What's New
VC runtime problem on older Windows versions fixed
Occasional startup file I/O eurekalog message fixed
v2.8 (27 December 2015) What's New
Added support for TBS 6910 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6909 DVB-S/S2, TBS 5520, TBS 6204 DVB-T/T2, TBS 6902 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6522 DVB-C DVB-S/S2 DVB-T ISDB-T,TBS 6903 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6514 DTMB, TBS 6522
PLP support for Astrometa DVB-T2 (experimental)
Added "Exit EPG on channel change" option in EPGPlus settings
EPG Cache now automatically deletes EPG events older than a few hours
* If you cannot run DVB Dream on Windows Server systems (2012-2016), try installing the following BDA patch (, submitted by azimli)
v2.7.4 (01 November 2015) What's New
Many ATSC related fixes
ATSC channel names are correctly detected now
Korean translation added
LAN Streaming buffer size now can be defined in bytes instead of kilobytes
Several fixes
* Waiting for ATSC tests from United States, Canada, Mexico, Korea, El Salvador, Honduras.
* ATSC frequencies in DVB Dream are center frequencies and converted to video carrier frequencies before sending to driver. If your hardware doesnt work with ATSC, please try "Use center frequencies instead of video carrier" option under main menu->options->device options)
* All ATSC frequencies are defined inside terrestrial.ini (under United States, Canada, Mexico, Korea, El Salvador, Honduras titles)
v2.7.2 (01 August 2015) What's New
ATSC support was not working very well, fixed, now tested with TBS devices, seems to work fine.
Duplicate packets issue on TS recording fixed
Duplicate packets issue on streaming with PAT Override fixed
EPG Plus was not displaying radio channels, fixed
Problem with multiple stream (MIS) entries of frequency list INI files fixed. Check Hotbird ini file for example.
Added support for TBS 6704 ATSC card
v2.7.1 (12.06.2015)
Added ATSC support for BDA devices (experimental, please report on forum if you still cannot get DD to work with ATSC)
Added support for TBS 6205 DVB-T/T2 DVB-C, TBS 6001 DVB-S/S2, TBS 6905
New feature: Codec Downloader
Some fixes for AAC (LATM/LOAS & ADTS streams are handled differently now, and HE-AAC should work well)
Resolution, chroma and Progressive/Interlaced/MBAFF type info is now displayed for all MPEG2, H264(AVC), H265(HEVC) channels
Video bitrate is now calculated on the fly (displayed on status bar)
Some TS record related problems have been fixed
Fixed some LAN streaming deadlock problems
Fixed aspect ratio problems with MadVR (please make sure you install the latest version of MadVR)
CA System (crypto type) filter option for channel list (CTRL + L)
* When you need to find the channels which you can decrypt by using your subscription card/plugins etc, you might simply open up channel list options (CTRL + L) and select the CA System your system/plugins can decode. For example, pick "All" (All satellites) on the top of channel list, then pick "PowerVU" from the CA list combobox to find / list all PowerVU channels on your scanned satellites
* We provide free life-time DVB Dream full version licenses/serial keys for programmers who develop MDAPI plugin, DD Module, DD device interface for them to test their add-ons on DD freely. Please contact us on forum. We are ready to support your ideas & work. New add-on API functions can be implemented if necessary.
* New theme: Win10 by Bader
* You can use Microsoft codecs or LAV filters for AAC audio
* Please contact us about problems on forum, we are ready to help & work together to fix things.
* This version might change your codec configuration after installing, please re-configure afterwards as you wish. Depending on the codecs you use, you might need to disable/enable "Reset DS after ch-change" option in video options to make channel changes problem-free/fast. If you are a Windows 7 user, please use we recommend Microsoft codecs instead of LAV codecs.
v2.6a (23.09.2014) What's New
- Max. Symbol Rate limit is now higher
- Now DD doesnt cache EPG while recording, to prevent record problems & some crashes
- Bug fixes
v2.6 (31.05.2014) What's New
Ultra HD (UHD) / 4K / HEVC / H265 channels are supported now
Several bug fixes
Added support for new TBS cards 6221 dvbc, 6285 dvbc, 5810 isdb-t, 5820 isdb-t, 6983 dvb-s2
Added UHD/4K channel list filter option (to easily find/see UHD channels after a scan. Just press CTRL+L keys for filter options)
* Most of HEVC/H.265 codecs are not mature enough, since this is a new format. LAV & Cyberlink codecs seem to work fine on DVB Dream if you have a robust CPU/GPU power. (Try to enable LAV filter hardware acceleration)
* LAV filters/codecs download URL:
* CyberLink powerdvd14 Combo Decoder v.2.0.1660 download URL: dlid=6501&ENGINEsessID=5eb29e0e548c56ca1c17527b269dc0b5
* Please check the following link for the list of available 4K / Ultra high definition channels and about the H.265 / HEVC codecs
v2.5a (14.03.2014)What's New
PLS codes and sub stream IDs can be stored in INI files now, please check readme.txt in transponders folder (added known 13e , 5w and 45e values)
TS Record can now record NIT, SDT/BAT, RST, TDT/TOT (need to enable in record options)
Added "Arrange in mosaic" feature in PIP menu (click on the PIP button at the bottom of DVB Dream window, then "click on Open All", then "click on Arrange in mosaic -> Small" in the PIP button's menu)
Fixed bug with TBS cards which cause crash while closing app.
v2.5 (28.12.2013)What's New
Some channel scan bugs fixed
Fixed the problem with DVB-S2 channels not tuning on TBS cards
Fixed a freezing problem with deleting channels (affected Windows 8 users mostly)
Fixed EPGParser bug which causes freezings time to time(i.e. on Eutelsat 9A, 12034 V)
TBS remote control fix
Bug fixes for several TBS DVB-S2 models
Supports new TBS cards
Estonian language have been added
* New theme: Yusuke Kamiyamane & Redeemer
* If you use Windows 8 or if you have no video or video problems on Windows 7/XP, then please make sure you install codecs since Windows 8 doesn't include required codecs. You can find most of codecs by a simple google sarch, search and download "dvbdream codecs" on google or just click here. After installing new codecs, you should restart DVB Dream and select them (Main Menu->Options->Video or simply press CTRL+G). Some of the codecs will work better than others, depending on your system configuration.
v2.4b (30.06.2013)What's New
Fix for a minor streaming bug
MIS substreams are listed automatically in manual scan dialog (tested on TBS 6925)
* To test MIS in Europe, 13E Hotbird 11432 V 27500 is recommended, transponder seems to have PLS root code 8 with sub stream IDs 1 and 2
v2.4a (19.06.2013)What's New
Fixed DVB-T/C problem
Fix for eurekalog problem
Added option to "Disable/Ignore des.dll error" , in preferences, general tab
v2.4 (16.06.2013) What's New
Support for new modulation technologies, MIS with VCM/ACM , PLP and PLS
E-AC3 support (This fixes no audio problem for some channels, tested with DVB-T France streams)
An important HD record problem fixed
New preferences option "Prevent Monitor Power Off (Override Windows power options)"
Added experimental support for MadVR (a 3rd party video renderer claiming higher video quality) (MadVR info/download)
Now possible to stream all channels / whole TS of a tranponder onto local network
Streaming was not working on some channels (when PCR is different than Video) fixed!
One-channel streaming provides all audio pids now
Attempting to run the DD again now brings it to front instead of displaying a warning
Option to collect EPG for other satellites too. (in Options->Preferences->EPG (TV Guide) Only recommended for North American users
Fixed the problem with EPG Cache optimization setting "Within X hours", now default EPG filter option will cache/display EPG events that are "within 5 hours", You can change this behaviour in Options->Preferences->EPG (TV Guide).
Option to start VLC from current record in renderless (in Tools menu, waits for 15 secs to have enough data. This option is meant to be used an alternative to timeshift, make sure you increased max file size in record options)
* Channel list file format changed. DD takes a backup of old CHL and upgrades it to new format itself. New format won't be backward compatible
* E-AC3 has been tested using LAV and MPC audio decoder. (MPC Standalone Filters, LAV Filters)
* You can stream all channels from the same frequency. Just set UDP TS Client IP address to the client PC's address, then check "Active" and "Send all channels". DD might need a restart after this. Now you can start VLC on client PC and VLC's Main menu->Media->Open Network Stream, type this as URL "udp://@:1234", click on "Play". You can switch between channels using Main Menu->Playback->Program. DD will stream channels as decoded as a whole TS. Make sure you disable streaming when you don't use, otherwise it can cause problems while watching TV.
* SIMOSD module has been removed, since it directly accesses to channel list file, it needs update from its author.
* Use EPG cache optimization if you have video problems because of EPG cache / high EPG data rate (especially in North America)
v2.2b (10.10.2012)What's New
EPG Plus improvements (Tv window, channel logos, right click translate/search in IMDB/Google menu options, remote control support and possible to move between events by keyboard arrow keys.).
Timeshift should work a lot better now
New EPGNumbers module (by X05) will automatically assign channel numbers in the same order as provider's STB / EPG, for most of the European providers. You just need to select which provider you use in module options.
Audio Left/Right channel selection (panning) on channel properties now works (to be used when audio channels have different languages or comments/narrative)
New option "Display only selected satellite in remote tab" in prefences/ch.list
"Assign SIDs to ChNo" Tools menu and scan dialog option. (Useful for North American users, you could just use the remote tab in STB order)
New record file naming options. ($5=ChNo $6=SID $7=SatPos) Possible to include channel numbers in recordings now (It is so as default, if you assign channel numbers in remote tab)
DVB Dream will scan faster when network search is NOT enabled.
Bug fixes
* EPGPlus is now default and EPG cache is enabled by default. So you can disable if you don't use EPG at all. Legacy EPG can be found in Tools/Misc menu as well.
* TBSCI module is now disabled by default, you need to enable it if you use CAM on TBS devices
* You can get a free DVB Dream licence !, if you can help us preparing a package of logo files for EPGPlus module (complete logo files for a satellite), check the related post in DD forum for details.
* You can also get a free DD licence if you can add device support for the (yet) unsupported cards (We will provide sample source code if you can write a simple BDA extension to support diseqc & remote control etc on BDA drivers)
* You can download EPG+ Channel logos for United Kingdom here:
28.2 East and DVB-T UK
v2.2a (24.09.2012)What's New
New grid based EPG module "EPGPlus", with coloring based on content type. (Try it and share your ideas/suggestions please. Main menu->Modules->epgplus. You need to activate EPG cache under settings / performance. Content coloring is ependent on your provider, not all providers send content info in EPG correctly)
EPG should display characters correctly now (tested on 42e, 28e, 19e, 13e, 7w and DVB-T UK)
Option to remember last selected quick favorites
Bug fixes
* If EPG still doesn't display characters correctly, please report on the forum by specifying region/satellite , frequency. We'll fix it.
* LibertyReserve and Moneybookers payment options have been added.
v2.2 (19.09.2012)What's New
Registration problem fixed, caused problem for some registered users !
DVB Dream now handles system wake up from sleep or hibernation.
Windows 8 EVR crash fixed , which used to happen when switched back from the full screen mode
Log files are now all in one place (Logs)
"Reset Device" menu option fixed, it was not working when more than one device of the same brand are installed
EPG is now cached (disabled by default, grid-based epgplus module will use this feature, soon to be released)
Now "Direct Connection" is enabled by default, in video options. Please remove the checkmark if you get any graph errors.
* On terrestrial and cable devices, LCN (logical channel numbers) & Network Scan is enabled by default
v2.1a (27.08.2012)What's New
Hauppauge Nova HD s2 problem on 8psk channels fixed
settings.cfg is automatically restored from backup if gets corrupted
Some scan bug fixed (which caused nameless channels especially on 13e)
TT-connect S2-4600, TeVii S660, S630 should work better now
* Now you can tell DD how long it should wait until signal lock (Preferences->Performance->Tuner Timeout), this can speed up channel scan by removing unnecessary delay on no-signal transponders.
* Cracked versions will NOT work well and they will experience a lot of problems (!) . We recommend you to use licenced versions, for stable work and frequent updates for years to come.
v2.1 (18.08.2012)What's New
Built-in BISS / Fixed CW decoding (under "Tools" menu)
New versions of TSWriter2, CHLTools, RecentRecordings, AutoCHLBackup modules
Tool tips, possible to turn off ("Disable tool tips" in Preferences/General)
Bug fixes
v2.0a patched version includes minor fixes for DVB-T/C users.
v2.0 (06.08.2012) What's New
This version has a few underlying changes. So it is more like a test version. If you have installed DVB Dream before, we recommend you to do a clean install to a different path and not an upgrade over the previous version. That way you can keep your old version working as well to revert back in case of any problem with this new version.
DVBS-2 and Diseqc should work better on most of DVB cards/boxes now
Now vendor specific functions are supported in separate BDA extension files under devicesbda_extensions folder, it is possible to force extensions by editing conf.ini
DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T improvements (different bandwidth and different QAM frequency lists are now possible)
All terrestrial/cable frequencies are now grouped in country/city sets
Now Pilot & Roll Off values can be specified on scan interfaces
SkyStar HD2 should be able to lock on DVB-S2 transponders now
DD automatically recognizes the codecs installed on your system and updates codecs.ini during setup, and there is also a new button "Add installed codecs" on video options dialog, to add newly installed codecs into codecs.ini with just one click
Some network search and LCN related bugs fixed
Diseqc repeats are now handled by device interfaces
Positioner as defalt doesn't try to retune because of the crashes on some card drivers
*If your SkyStar HD2 remote doesn't work, please try "Twinhan" remote type, and report on the DD forum
*DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T frequencies are now stored in "cable.ini" and "terrestrial.ini" files
*For terrestrial and cable users, a clean install & scan is recommended
*If you still have problem with diseqc, please report on the forum and try changing "main menu->options->device options->diseqc method" and increase the values in "main menu->options->performance->delay after diseqc" and "diseqc repeats"
*If you have crashes during scan when you use BDA device interface, disable TIF under device options
*If you are a programmer, believe that you can write device extensions to support your DVB cards/boxes please contact us, we will provide the API, it is quite simple. Possible to support CI / Diseqc / DVB-S2 / Blind Scan / LNB power off through device extensions
*Report problems on DD forum please
v1.7a (23.11.2011) What's New
Critical bug fix which causes registered users to see "cracked version" message
Some bug fixes
v1.7 (17.11.2011) What's New
Unicable support added (works only on TBS cards for now)
CI/CAM support for AverMedia (not tested, please confirm)
Support for NetUP devices (Diseqc & CI, not tested)
BDA device error code:14 bug fixed which happens on some devices
Initial installation dialog supports more languages now (Turkish,Greek,Chinese,Arabic,Ukranian,Farsi...)
A few bugs in scheduler fixed
Arabic epg bug fix
Snapshot crash bug fixed
LNB Power Off/On support added (in File menu, works only on TBS and Compro devices for now)
EPG support option added for Israel cable provider HOT.
* If you encounter any problem with EPG text charset, you should pick the correct EPG code page instead of "auto"
* BDA Device options now provides different methods for diseqc (Main Menu->Options->Device Options)
* For unicable, you should select the LNB type as unicable while adding satellites in diseqc dialog
* Unicable and LNB Power Off/On is not supported on all devices. It should work fine on TBS cards with new drivers (these new drivers should be released by TBS in next few days)
* If you are still having problem with diseqc on AverMedia devices, please report. You just need to download latest aver media drivers.
* Kaspersky Antivirus is not recommended since it could be the culprit responsible for des.dll errors due to some false virus alarms / heuristic scan.
v1.6 (05.11.2011) What's New
Fixed many bugs
Better support for Japanese EPG and channel names
Now scheduler is able to suspend or hibernate the PC after the record
Diseqc on AverMedia cards now should work
Geniatech cards should work better
Fixed a crash bug which happens after scan
* Cracked versions will not work stable! We recommend you buying it while the price is still the same and cheap. There will be a price change soon.
* Please report on the DVB Dream forum if you run into any problem with Geniatech or Avermedia, we can probably fix that. We just need testers.
* If DVB Dream doesn't display the codecs installed on your system, please manually add them into codecs.ini, you can also let us know on DD forum, so that we will add them into next setup files.
* AVer3D Satellite TV, AVerTV Satellite PCI, AVerTV Galaxy should work well now on DD
* For better performance on HD, make sure you use "Enhanced Video Renderer" in Video Options (Only if your graphic card has the necessary hardware acceleration) For SD channels, WMR7 is still recommended.
* SECOSD won't work on DD now, it needs an update from its author
* If DD interface is not completely in your own language or partially in English, you can translate the non-translated parts of the language INI files (in DD languages) folder and post on DD forum for us to include in next versions.
v1.5g (04.10.2011) What's New
Now DD allows to save unlimited number of channels
Device dialog now lists the devices of the same interface
des.dll error fixed
Some critical crash/bug fixes
New channel list filter options "Found/Updated Recently"
Japanese EPG is supported now
Japanese language added
Now possible to change dvbdream taskbar icon to identify different DD installations on taskbar. (Settings->Preferences->Other->Application Taskbar Icon)
Now possible to use/share transponder INI file folders of other apps or DD installations (Settings->Preferences->PATHS)
new modules by X05: TSWriter2, RecentRecordings, RendererSwap
CHLTools module has been updated
New DD Module API Functions added, check the latest header files for more information.
*New TBS devices are supported
*StreamRecorder module is now replaced by TSWriter2
*For UK Freeview HD, Japanese pay TV and some other AAC channels you will need to install a compatible AAC codec and set it up in DVB Dream video configuration. MainConcept and DivX AAC codecs seem to work nice.
v1.5f (29.05.2011) What's New
Problems with des.dll crash fixed
EVR 16/9 - 4/3 flickering problem fixed
Some character set problems fixed
Some fixes in FreeSat EPG
Module API DDMODAPI_DVB_COMMAND function fixed
Many critical bug fixes
v1.5e (04.09.2010) What's New
* Skystar HD2 diseqc fix
* USALS fixed (you can enable it in positioner options)
* Bug fixes
* * Please report if you come across any problem with diseqc on SS HD2
v1.5d (05.08.2010 thursday) What's New
* TechnoTrend CI & Diseqc and remote control works without problem (tested with TT3200)
* CI with FireDTV devices works better now
* CAM Menu/MMI functions work fine on DD now with FireDTV and TechnoTrend (Main menu -> Tools -> CI/CAM console)
* Omicom DVB-S2 support added (Raw Diseqc support)
* NA channel scan problem fixed (nameless channels)
* Support for latest TBS devices added
* W7 theme added
v1.5c (16.05.2010 sunday) What's New
* TechnoTrend-3200 / Skystar HD diseqc fix
* Skystar HD2 diseqc fix (needs tests)
* CI support added for Technotrend cards (experimental)
* Non-exclusive record (You can open and watch the file while still recording!)
* Layout main menu/context menu options and keyboard shorcut (press "L")
* SimOSD record bug fixed (you need to enable SimOSD using "modules menu"->"module list")
* * need testers for TechnoTrend CI/CAM functionality, please let us know if you can test.
v1.5b (12.05.2010) What's New
* Bug fixes
v1.5a (02.05.2010) What's New
* Bug fixes
* SkyStar 2 and SkyStar USB raw diseqc/motor support on B2C2 SDK interface (needs tests)
* EVR fullscreen switch bug fixed
* Some scheduler bugs fixed
* * Freesat EPG parser is enabled automatically for UK/Ireland
* * This version will set VMR7 as default, You might need to revert to your original choice, if you upgrade on previous versions.
v1.5 (24.04.2010) What's New
* Better W7 support
* Better AC3 support
* EVR support added
* AAC support has been added *
* ISDB Support added (tested with streams from Brazil) *
* Added new codec definitions (codecs.ini)
* Fixed the problem with AC3Filter
* TeVii S630 & S660 support added
* DVBWorld DVB-S2 bug fixed
* DVBWorld remote controls are now supported
* PIP bug fixed
* MDAPI plugin packet size is adjustable now
* New DirectShow routines (as a DLL now, ds_mng.dll)
* AC3 codec can be selected separately
* Albanian language added
* Chinese-Traditional language added
* Tikarkiba theme added
* ZerOne theme added
* Only Mainconcept AAC codec seems to work for now.
ISDB Brazil Frequency List : 4003.ini
ISDB Japan Frequency List : 4004.ini
v1.4i (03.02.2008)
Faster scan for NA satellites
Some TS record problems fixed
Improved Vista compatibility, Vista AERO window movement bug fixed
Ch. name text filtering option for general and favorites tabs
Fix for 19.2e DVB-S2 crash problem and network search (DVB-S2 TPs)
Now it is possible to override/correct the missing channel name or wrong crypted channel status with help of a text file. (scan_override.txt)
BDA interface update (v2.0)
BDA: Added support for Turbosight TBS 8920 DVB-S2, 8910 DVB-S and Compro VideoMate 500 DVB-S
Video and audio type indicators added, next to video/audio buffer bars
Now OSD Now/Next info should be always up-to-date
New HotKey to change (cycle) audio pid: 'A'
Guids.ini updated, some new h.264 entries added
EPG parser now supports DISH and BEV 9 day epg
Portuguese(br) language added
* For FTA sats, you should disable "NA fast scan"
* During fast scan, first TP will relatively take longer.
* It is important that NA users should enable "Customize for NA" (preferences->localization)
* You can utilize ENTER, ESC keys in channel name filter box
* Thanks for the v1.4i tests to Chuck35, LikWidChz, inhell, t3chw00di, Dreamer, oscarr and other people in the DD IRC channel
v1.4h (30.12.2007)
* Channel list file path is now adjustable (Options -> Preferences -> Channel List)
* Copy to clipboard option for scan results (New/Lost/Updated)
* Ch.List favorites folder-rename bug fixed
* Ch.List popup menu "viewable" option fixed for the problem with the channels that have same NID/TID/SID
* Fix for Reset DirectShow crash
* Certain plugin momentary key-losses are handled well now
* Auto-zap fixed
* * Now possible to share a CHL file between more than one DD installations. It is also possible to assign "read-only" access.
1.4g (16.12.2007)
* Fixes for user eurekalog reports
* Fix for the crashes when video options dialog opened
* Fix for the picture freeze caused by packet losses
* Fix for Ch-Update/selected audio pid issue
v1.4f updated (09.12.2007) update (v1.8)
Fix for crashes
Fix for "Incompatible codecs" error of video options dialog
Fix for streaming
New option to adjust directshow video packet size for codecs (Video options->Options->Video Packet Size)
Toolbar is now collapsable
* New Themes: BijoBlack and hizlico99
* If you have a more powerful and new computer system, you must reduce buffer sizes and video packet size. This will help fast channel change and video-freezes. For H.264 , you might have to keep them high though. You can increase the "video packet size" for better HD performance, e.g. 8 or 16 kb. note that higher values will be problem for SD channels. (might cause low frame rate)
v1.4e updated (02.12.2007)
* update (v1.7)
* After channel changes, a few frames from the previous channels were being displayed, fixed
* MPEG-2 HD channels were choppy, should be better now
* Network search fixed
* Minor fix for less CPU usage while recording in TS format
* New analysis option added: Simple video stream analyzer to examine things like GOP length, the arrangement of I/P/B frames, frame sizes and PES frequencies
v1.4d updated (11.11.2007)
* Main window GUI elements are now collapsable
* update (v1.6)
* Filter manager fix for some scan problems (the issue on Dutch cable provider @home)
* nVidia, elecard and sonic codecs should work better now with new source filter
* Archived frame rate, jitter and dropped frames are displayed on the main window (collapsable)
* Option to keep aspect ratio for VMR (Right click menu on the video->Aspect Ratio->Keep Aspect Ratio)
* Option to disable/enable positioner feature
* Option to drive the motor at startup
v1.4c (08.11.2007)
* update (1.5) - fix for some crash and buffer problems
v1.4b (06.11.2007)
* update (1.4) Fix for crash problem !
* * SimOSD update (keyboard shorcuts, see SimOSD_1.21_en.txt)
v1.4a (04.11.2007)
* update (1.3)
* New option to adjust direct show buffer size
* Frequencies are now displayed in KHz for DVB-T/C
* Bug fixes
* * Users can see the buffer usage now on the main window. (bars - red: video blue: audio)
* * SimOSD update
v1.4 (29.10.2007)
* New DDSource DirectShow filter
* VLC and MPC Integrated mode
* Permanent and true renderless mode
* Renderless mode toolbar button added
* Turbosight Q-Box device added
* Streaming PAT override option
* Video options: Codecs are now shown with file version and date (and the path at description box)
* Frequecy offset option (+166Khz) for DVB-T
* BDA device: automatic detection of tuner type (dvb-s/c/t)
* BDA device: FireDTV diseqc and CI support
* EPG: "Add To Scheduler" button , There are new options to put some extra time before and after the scheduled EPG record. (Preferences->OTHER->"EPG-Scheduler extra time")
* CPU-Usage display fixed for multi-core CPUs
* Scan/Wrong channel-name bug fixed
* Stream recorder crash bug fixed
* Voltage selection for bandstacking LNBs. (Preferences -> Performance -> "Voltage for bandstacking LNBs")
* Manual audio sync for some H264 codecs. (Shift+Left and Shift+Right)
* Fixed the command line "start pip record" bug
* Plugin search path is now adjustable. (Preferences -> Plugin Interface -> Plugin Path)
* Added CI support for FireDTV (experimental). (Main Menu -> Tools -> CI/CAM Console)
* Finnish language added
* New Theme: Vista By Mustafa Temizel
* DD should work better on multi-core CPUs now
* Latest Genpix device added to setup packet. (unified 1.0.1)
* Module: Simoh's SimOSD module included ! (An OSD module with channel list)
Version Notes:
* This version might work worse for HD since a new demultiplexer/source filter implemented. We're still working on it. There is no documentation available for the format of the expected data at input pins of H.264 codecs (neither CoreAVC nor Cyberlink h.264, nor others). So we're trying to learn the information by blindly experimenting.
* WDM drivers recommended for B2C2 PCI/USB(SkyStar2, AirStar, CableStar) and Twinhan PCI (vp1020, vp1030..) models instead of BDA driver.
* SkyStar2 will need Mibi's patched WDM drivers to be able to command diseqc switches and motors.
* For Twinhan's Starbox and DVB-S2 models, ScanMan's BDA_ALL driver is recommended.
* BDA DVB-S devices : It needs device specific codes for Diseqc an CI support since BDA specification doesnt support diseqc and CI. Some of device specific diseqc are implemented and some might be implemented in next versions. If you have any information on how to implement Diseqc support on your BDA device , please let me know. I will try to implement necessary code in DD.
Supported Devices:
* BDA Devices (FireDTV, Terratec Cinergy, TBS Q-Box, Compro VideoMate S350, KNC1, Twinhan and many others...)
* B2C2 (Skystar2, Airstar, Cablestar)
* Twinhan (All BT 878 PCI models should work *)
* Pinnacle PCTV Sat/400i/Lite
* Genpix 8PSK to USB device
* Broadlogic (BL2030)
* DVBWorld (Nextorm/SatStar2/Acorp TV878DS USB/PCI)
* Tongshi DVB-S
* Coship/SmartVision CdvbAny2030s