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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for DV Scheduler

- Added parsing of ini files (for channel scan).
- Added support for silent install (use /S command line option).
- Updated Greece DVB-T frequencies for Auto-Scan (by Dimitri).
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Added $enccapturepath2percent keyword for VLC's HTTP live streaming's index-
url parameter.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added stream transcoding command file to transcode each channel once, rather
than one transcoding for each capture.
- Added section to define browser's user agent in Preview and Surf command
- Added stop EPG scan command on the main page and surf page.
- Fixed schedules not starting.
- Fixed broken "Record from start of time-shift".
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed broken channel change.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Added $useragent and $encUtf8UrlLogpath keywords.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added more fields to EPG text match criteria.
- Added warning when two EPG events overlap.
- Added $serverurlUnsecure, $originalfilename, $videowidth, and $videoheight
- Added stop recording command for recording setup files that overrides the
capture engine's stop recording command.
- Added file exists command for recording setup files.
- Fixed EPG viewing position may be incorrect after deleting a schedule.
- Fixed filename encoding.
- Internal EPG scheduling now updates the EPG before the start of a recording
of the last EPG event.
- Reduced frequency of EPG scans.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed broken external EPG load schedule.
- Added redirect delay directive for previews.
- Added "24-hour buffer" that automatically adds extra time to EPG schedules
based on time of day.
- Updated DVSTray.
- Fixed broken channel rename.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed broken post-capture task.
- Added "Start Capture Task" (task to be run after a capture has successfully
- Added option to run task as a user.
- Fixed broken start/stop from DVSTray.
- Fixed live output of active task.
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added file/folder browser.
- Added preview for filename patterns.
- When a channel has multiple EPG sources, they can now be combined into one
(previously the EPG with the furthest event's date is chosen).
- Min end EPG now takes into account the channel map.
- Added a warning when a channel in Auto-Add doesn't exist.
- Added option to delete useless EPG events (e.g. event titled "TBA").
- Added option to log all connections (in users.list file).
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Added Download All Logs button on System Logs page.
- Merged stdout and stderr of called processes.
- Output of active task is now shown live.
- Fixed "Update All Demodulators" with ATSC channels.
- Fixed broken "Search for Station List".
- Rename *.scants filenames to be more consistent.
- Reformat channel auto-scan lists.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Fixed updating existing channel from channel scan.
- Fixed EPG data report.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added maximum retries for each device.
- Added a warning to the main page if a selected device is missing.
- Added scheduling of EPG scans for channels whose EPG have no future event.
- Fixed DVB-S setting selection.
- Disabled "nowRunning.xml".
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to continue recording on change in PIDs (in System Config).
- Added option to delay command after a frequency change for each tuner. This
is necessary for some tuners to ensure the stream is from the new frequency.
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Changed default to collect only EPG for the actual frequency (for the built-
in EPG scanner).
- Removed "Start capture timeout" and "Change channel timeout" in "System
Config" and replaced with "DVB-S DiSEqC Wait" in channel's setting.
- Fixed device editing.
- Fixed navigation menu.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Updated Greece DVB-T frequencies for Auto-Scan (thanks to Dimitri).
- Default sort for channel list now takes into account longitude.
- DVSTray icon is now removed during install/reinstall.
- Fixed "Allow unsecure download" still asking for username/password in some
instances, causing file and channel to be unplayable in Android.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added automatic EPG selection for channel group.
- Added support for multiple DVB-S devices connected to a device that controls
the satellite dish motor.
- Each channel can now have multiple network types - for DVB-S setup with
multiple satellite dishes.
- Next/Previous button in Channel Surf now simply selects the next/previous
channel, regardless of type.
- Simplified channel group selection: channel order is no longer used.
- Added option to change socket send buffer size in System Config (for
downloading across high bandwidth, high latency network).
- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Moved network type definition from "types.list" to System Config.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Added system logs interface.
- Updated File Manager.
- Prevent system standby when there is an active download.
- Fixed "Update Name" option in Channel scan.
- Fixed new channel did not follow "Enabled Demodulators" setting in EPG Data
Source Setting.
- Fixed from-to time setting in EPG match list.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Fixed EPG scan schedules.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated DVB-S frequencies.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- Added option to specify output charset of program being run in a task.
- Fixed auto-add adding a duplicate schedule when the original schedule is
already running, EPG is updated, and the start time changed to a later time.
- Fixed device selection for channel group.
- Fixed broken "Enabled Demodulators" in EPG Data Source Setting.
- Fixed backup filename to Year-Month-Day.
- Built-in EPG scanner schedule can now wake up system more than once a day.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed old EPG mixed with new EPG.
- Fixed updating existing channels (after Channel Scan) didn't update "links".
- Fixed directory name for recording.
- Fixed $originalname doesn't resolve when running a task on a file from File
- Set maximum hours of past EPG kept to 720 hours (30 days).
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies.
- More detailed device status.
- Changed device selection rule to take into account EPG scan already running.
- Fixed progress indicator.
- Fixed EPG for some channels may not be saved.
- Fixed inconsistent default values.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to delete existing channels if not found in Channel Scan.
- Added options to delete old EPG events, delete unmapped EPG, and delete all
EPG in EPG Data Report.
- Changed EPG save format to accommodate large EPG data.
- Sorted longitude list in Demodulator Default Values.
- Sorted "Search for All Channels" results according to longitude and frequency.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added support for band-stacked LNB.
- Added option to wake up system at certain time for built-in EPG schedules.
- Added channel scan timeout in System Config.
- Added channel number input in Channel Scan.
- Added option to select unique channels and unselect duplicate channels in
Channel Scan.
- Channel scan now uses all available tuners.
- Added option to update existing channels (after Channel Scan).
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Added default settings for individual satellites.
- Added "EPG Scan" as a schedule's capture type (to get EPG).
- Changed EPG selection rule: EPG with the furthest future event will be
selected when there are multiple EPGs with the same priority (previously the
latest EPG is selected).
- Fixed channel logo filenames.
- Fixed schedule position in horizontal EPG theme.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed manual EPG Load Data.
- Fixed scheduled EPG scan may not run.
- Fixed character sets.
- Fixed 'violet' schedule positions on EPG.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Installer will now download and install Java Runtime Environment if needed.
- Added Backup and Restore for System settings and data.
- Added export and import for EPG Channel Mapping, Auto-Add list, Channel list, and Task list.
- Added option to not run scheduled built-in EPG scan within x minutes of a scheduled recording.
- Added warning icon for invalid tuners and missing EPG match lists.
- DVSTray now performs extra checks and attempts repair before starting DV Scheduler.
- EPG Auto-Add list and EPG match lists are now saved into one xml file.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added Auto-Scan for DVB-C and DVB-S.
- Added Hungary DVB-C frequencies for Auto-Scan (thanks to Zoltan).
- Added option to search a frequency for provider's station list in "Channel
Settings" -> "Auto-Scan".
- Added option to get DVB-S transponder settings from satellites.xml file in "Channel Settings" -> "Auto-Scan".
- Added progress indicator and stop button during channel scan.
- Added option to auto-select audio channel according to priority in channel
- Added description balloon to each EPG Match Lists showing list of Auto-Add using it. This is on the EPG Match Lists page.
- Added delete multiple channel option in Channel Settings page.
- Fixed EPG import.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added signal information of running devices.
- Updated Greece DVB-T frequencies for Auto-Scan (thanks to Dimitri).
- Added option to delete file to recycle bin.
- Added delete multiple files option in File Management page.
- Changed default date/time format.
- Schedule stop time now reflects actual time schedule was stopped.
- Fixed broken Auto-Add conflict detection.
- Fixed thread lock.
- Note: CSS files will now be overwritten.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added balloon description for help icons.
- Added new filename pattern: EPG start time.
- Added option to auto-refresh the main status page in System Config.
- Fixed download of file that is still being written to.
- Fixed schedules position on the EPG page.
- Fixed running Auto-Add schedules not correctly adjusted to EPG.
- Fixed broken channel scan with non-English channel names.
- Fixed filename non-Unicode character encoding.
- Fixed non-English download filename for some browsers.
- More comprehensive schedule item's log.
- Note: added new items to some css files.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added support for username/password authentication of network folders. Go to
"System Config" -> "Network Drives".
- Added busy icon on top-left of pages when DV Scheduler is busy.
- Empty times in EPG can now be clicked to schedule.
- Changed cache control for non-html files.
- Fixed Download status and System Info.
- Fixed empty EPG.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to set number of channels and number of days to display per EPG
- Added list of downloads to status page.
- Added option for Preview content disposition: attachment or inline.
- Added option to stop an idle device.
- Added option to send a warning email when a running capture is no longer in
the EPG (e.g. due to cancelled show).
- Schedule already running added by Auto-Add is now automatically adjusted to
EPG (previously only manually added schedule is adjusted to EPG).
- Added "EPG Scan" to schedule type. Daily EPG scan, except that if an internal
EPG scan has just been done the schedule may be skipped.
- Added option to not wake up system for each recording schedule.
- Added optional task to run after an internal EPG scan (e.g. moving dish back
to its home position).
- Changed EPG priority rule: lower priority EPG will only be used if the higher
priority EPG has no current events (only past events).
- Added Greece DVB-T frequencies for Auto-Scan (thanks to Dimitri).
- Custom EPG mapping list now shows number of events in each EPG source.
- When running in HTTPS, preview (m3u) files are now served in normal HTTP when
"Allow unsecure download" is enabled in System Config. This is a workaround
for media players that don't support HTTPS and/or username/password
- Fixed total scheduled time info on EPG page.
- Fixed schedule's action buttons sometimes not shown on the EPG page.
- Fixed date range on EPG page sometimes wrongly calculated.
- Fixed EPG link for multi-page EPG.
- Fixed channel scan with H264 video.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to add keywords in capture engine *.ce files.
- Added option to retain past EPG up to the specified number of hours (see
System Config).
- Fixed HTTP redirect.
- Cleaned up Exception in log.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to attach multiple EPG sources to a channel in Channel Mapping.
- Optimized EPG page for better performance.
- Added option to set number of channels shown per EPG page (multi-page EPG) in
System Config.
- Offload loading of internal EPG data to a child thread to avoid locking the
scheduling thread (for large EPG data).
- More opportunistic EPG scan.
- Fixed horizontal EPG alignment when there are incomplete data.
- Changed default Preview type to HTTP. Removed MPEG-PS capture type.
- Changed to case insensitive EPG language selection.
- Listed demodulators in EPG Data Source Setting are now sorted according to
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added built-in Electronic Program Guide (EPG) scanner. Start a capture (or
preview) for a few minutes to get that channel's EPG.
- Added original network ID, transport stream ID, source ID, and default
character set to channel's property. Old channel's property will have the IDs
automatically updated after an internal EPG scan.
- Added option to load languages in order of priority and up to the specified
maximum number of languages (for multi-language EPG).
- Css files in httpcss folder are now checked and not overwritten if modified.
- Fixed line break on EPG not showing on main page and Channel Surf page.
- Changed layout of EPG on main page and Channel Surf page for clarity.
- Added $originalname as a task keyword.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added US QAM digital cable support.
- Unicode channel name.
- Fixed Channel list.
- Fixed channel surf ordering sometimes not updated after a channel edit.
- Deleting an Auto-Add schedule with "Merge Double Episodes" enabled now
excludes from future scan all EPG items it was created from.
- Devices are now scanned only once when on the Device list page, with option
to refresh/rescan.
- Read-only files can now be downloaded or played.
- Improved option to delete video, audio, subtitle, and other PIDs for each
- Added create playlist and redirect option to Preview command files.
- Email from DV Scheduler is now always in UTF-8 format.
- DV Scheduler log file is now always in UTF-8 format.
- Fixed Auto-Add naming issue.
- Added $name keyword to tasks.
- Added Top, Bottom, Page Up, Page Down buttons to channel surf order.
- Increased height of textboxes.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added dynamic table for Channel list to support multiple sort criteria and
show/hide columns.
- Updated basic sort option in Channel List to sort on multiple criterias.
- Added downloadable playlist for media players. Some media players don't
support username/password authentication so "Allow unsecure download" needs
to be enabled in System Config.
- Changed default remote Preview to HTTP, DV Scheduler now automatically stops
the capture task if the remote client closes connection. Also changed default
local Surf, remote Surf, and removed UDP remote Preview.
- Added HTTP remote file play with time-seek. Removed previous HTTP and UDP
remote file plays.
- Fixed Preview file not downloadable on some browsers.
- Added default values for device data, demodulator data, and channel's user
data. These default values will be used if a device's or channel's data is
- Updated users.list group option to handle more characters in filename.
- Fixed Channel Surf; patched for Internet Explorer 11.
- Updated "MPEG-PS VLC" capture types to support Unicode filename (thanks to
- Updated station data list.
- Changed some default options in System Config.
- Added option "servefile" in "users.list" to show files defined in "servefile"
instead of "Capture paths" in System Config, for extra security.
- Added option NoFileDownload in "users.list" to disable file downloads.
- Added option NoUnsecureDownload in "users.list" that overrides "Allow
unsecure download" in "System Config".
- Added "$serverurl" keyword.
- Added "$encfilename" and "$encfilenameonly" keyword for .pfr file (remote
file play).
- More detailed logs.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added SSL, STARTTLS email authentications.
- Added Download File action (even while still recording) in File Manager.
- Added list of matching Auto-Adds on EPG item's details page.
- Added support for multiple categories for each EPG item.
- Added option to change Starting Capture timeout and Changing Channel timeout
in System Config. These values may need to be increased if a DiSEqC motor is
- Added Sort option in EPG Search.
- Added Sort option in Favorites. Changed default sort to Auto-Add matches.
- Added Sort option in EPG Auto-Add Exclusion list.
- Added Sort option in Channel List.
- Added Auckland's DVB-T frequencies (thanks to Graeme).
- Added Delete All and Add All in Device List page.
- Added default task to run before starting a preview or channel surf, if the
selected device is not already running.
- Updated Australian DVB-T frequencies and channel logos (thanks to Bernard and
- Updated ATSC frequencies (thanks in part to vjund).
- Allowed blank line in Device Data, User Keywords, Demodulator Data, Channel
User Data, and EPG HTTP Source.
- Remove blank lines in Filename Patterns, Web Search data, and EPG Match Title
- Fixed Suspend/Hibernate from menu may be re-executed on wake-up on some
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed next/previous channel in Channel Surf not working properly on error.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fix for Java 7 update 21.
- Fixed new channel's surf type not taken into account when changing channel.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- EPG with multiple titles and descriptions are now all shown.
- Fixed DVPiper log files not created when "Save data to App Data folder" was
ticked during installation.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to run EPG load after a defined number of minutes since DV
Scheduler started.
- Changed "Create Auto-Add Item" from EPG to include wildcard after the title.
This will match for example "TITLE-Season Final", "TITLE-All New", etc.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed email not working when DV Scheduler was not installed as a service.
- Fixed DVSDVBGuideBatch not working when "Save data to App Data folder" was
ticked during installation.

- Added support for email authentication.
- Added support for getting EPG data from network folder.
- Updated DV Scheduler to work with VLC 2.0.5 (due to syntax change VLC 0.9.9
no longer works).
- Updated Paris DVB-T frequencies (thanks to J‚r“me).
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Added option in installer to save data to App Data folder.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added Enable/Disable all items in Auto-Add page.
- Added "TS and TTX-SUB" capture type. This saves the teletext subtitle (if any)
in a separate file.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by bazzaa).
- Changed "Create Auto-Add Item" to do case-insensitive channel name matching.
- Changed "Suspend Computer", "Hibernate Computer", and "Shutdown Computer" to
"When not capturing".
- Reformat Auto-Add page for clarity.
- Fixed digit limits in Auto-Add edit form.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added AAC audio type.
- Added day and time info to the Auto-Add list.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by olympus9999).
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- DV Scheduler tray now asks for elevation if required (start/stop service).
- Fixed capture path selection rule.
- Fixed actual channel data may be ignored when recording channel group.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed EPG load Wake up system option.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by olympus9999).
- Tasks can now be run by clicking on it in the Task List page.
- Added option to set each recording to auto-delete by default (in System
- Added option to override all existing and future auto-delete files to a set
Keep For days (in Auto-Delete Files page).
- Added option to schedule EPG data load every x hours.
- Added option to disable Local preview and Remote preview (in System Config,
simply don't select one).
- Added allow/disallow system to sleep for defined tasks.
- Ignore EPG data with zero duration.
- Action buttons in Auto-Add list and Channel List set to no-wrap.
- Fixed status line showing
in Channel Surf.
- Fixed suspend and hibernate after recording ignored.
- Fixed task queued from File manager may not run.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added basic support for remote file play using HTTP or UDP. Go to System
Config to set remote file play.
- Added user-definable EPG search links. Go to System Config to define.
- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by olympus9999).
- Added up-time and capture statistics to System Info.
- Added running task information to main page and DVSTray.
- Updated Task edit page.
- Added standard ASCII only filename encoding in capture type definition.
- Changed 1 Megabyte definition in Email "Low space warning threshold" and
"Auto-delete file free space threshold" to 1,048,576 Bytes for consistency.
- Fixed Channel Group add/edit issues.
- Fixed parsing "users.list" (line starting with "trusted:" was not read).
- Fixed File manager issue with non-ASCII character in filename.
- Fixed Keyboard interface's File manager's Delete command.
- Fixed task launched from File manager may not use the task's delay value.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added option to send email notification when server is started, EPG loaded, capture starting, error, or finished.
- Email To: field now supports multiple addresses.
- Fixed broken Channel Surf file list.

- Added support for preview from remote computers; this can launch an external (i.e. not within the browser) media player to view the video. Go to System Config to set remote preview.
- Delayed stopping of devices to allow faster channel changing during previewing.
- Fixed (rare) error loading xmltv sources with no doctype.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added menu to DVSTray (start/stop DV Scheduler, load/not load DVSTray on Windows startup, left-click/right-click options, etc).
- Added option to allow (or not allow) specified pages for defined users or trusted IP addresses only (see "users.list" or "users.list.sample" in folder "data" of where DV Scheduler is installed).
- Added HTML 4 entities (e.g. Euro sign, Pound sign) for xmltv sources with no doctype. This should fix loading errors encountered with some xmltv sources.
- Changed layout of Auto-Add List to distinguish between Auto-Add name and Match List name.
- Channel Surf's structured file list now shows capture path's free spaces.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list.
- Updated Channel Setting interface (DiSEqC, pilot, roll-off).
- Added extra controls on-screen and to context menu for schedules (EPG and main page).
- Added structured file list option on Channel Surf page (also changeable in System Config).
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.
- Note: due to format changes, settings written/changed by this version may not bereadable in earlier versions.

- Schedule list is now backed up before saving.
- Fixed file naming issue with VLC (certain characters are now disallowed).

- Fixed Auto-Add form.

- Added Auto-Add name to filename pattern (use %a).
- Added capture path information to main page.
- Updated Auto-Add interface.
- Updated File Manager.
- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list.
- Device setting can now be edited while recording.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by c_cotton).
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Updated Australian DVB-T channel logos (by olympus9999).
- Updated DVSDVBGuideBatch (by olympus9999).
- Fixed devices used not reset in some instances.

- Added signal statistics in channel scan.
- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list (by bazzaa).
- Added secondary wake-up timer.
- Fixed repeating schedule getting deleted on error.
- Fixed minute digit in "Change Duration" menu.
- Old "status.xsl" will be automatically renamed to avoid incompatibility.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added username and password to proxy setting.
- Added Delete All button to channel list and channel mapping list.
- More responsive change in PIDs detection.
- Changed "Create Auto-Add Item" to use case insensitive title match.
- Fixed channel scan for incomplete channel.
- Fixed right-click shortcut.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added detection of change in Program ID's PIDs during recording (for channels
that frequently change their PIDs).
- Added option to change EPG program title case to upper, lower, and title case.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed broken Channel Surf in Internet Explorer.

- Fixed HTTP stream serving and removed unnecessary/broken protocols.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Changed Channel Surf to use ActiveX plugin for Internet Explorer and Mozilla
plugin for other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc).
- Reorganized theme folders for easier theme management (as such previous version
should be uninstalled first).
- Removed deinterlace due to stability issue.
- Removed cache option in Channel Surf.
- Fixed channel scan for H264 video and access type.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added "EPG Title Filter" for easier EPG Auto-Add matching. This filter removes
specified end-words from the EPG title (e.g. "New Season", "Season Final"), for
EPG matching purposes.
- Added some DVB-T channel logos.
- Changed EPG behavior: programs from previous time period will now be partially
shown to fill gap.
- Installer now create Start menu program group for all users.
- Fixed capture path and EPG tracking not carried over for repeating schedules.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added group move commands in Channel Mapping page.
- Added User-Agent based theme selection.
- Fixed Running Devices table.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Fixed filename error that may occur if the capture command uses ASCII filename.
- Changed DVPiper exit mode to "forceexit".

- Added Auto-Add Exclusion list page to manage EPG items to be excluded from Auto-
Add scan.
- Non-existent Capture types in Auto-Add from very old versions will now be
automatically converted to the default capture type.
- Non-existent filename patterns in Auto-Add will now be automatically added to the
list of filename patterns.
- Fixed wrong page redirection from "Show Detail" pop-up window.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- A schedule created from an EPG item can now automatically adjust its start and
stop time to follow changes in the EPG (see System Config).
- DV Scheduler will now read schedule list from previous versions (some values may
be set to default). The old schedule list file will also be backed up to
- Added option to exclude certain PIDs in Program ID setting in Channel Setting
(e.g. to remove an audio from the stream).
- Added command to add files to Auto-Delete list from File Manager.
- Auto-Delete item setting can now be edited.
- Added command to manually delete file associated with Auto-Delete item.
- Channel group can now be played in Channel Surf (will redirect to a real channel
in the channel group).
- Channel logos width and style (Text, Icon, Icon and Text) can now be changed (go
to System Config).
- Added option in System Config to show channel logos in various sections (in
addition to the EPG sections).
- Added error notifications for schedules with errors in Schedule List.
- Added shortcut to select multiple stations in Channel Auto-Scan.
- Added shortcut to select all found channels in Channel Auto-Scan.
- Added option to automatically rename and renumber devices in Devices page.
- Added extra error checks for Custom PIDs in Channel Selection.
- File Manager now scrolls to its last known position.
- Auto-Delete List now scrolls to its last known position.
- Fixed Disabled PIDs field in Channel Selection not saved.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added extra error checks on Channel Selection and System Config page.
- Fixed security image.

- Added a table showing currently running devices on the main page and Channel Surf
- Channel statistic in Channel Surf now shows the device being used.
- Deleting an Auto-Add schedule now automatically puts the corresponding EPG item
into the exclusion list.
- Added option to set maximum number of lines in Task log and Auto-Delete log.
- Schedule Auto-Delete now also deletes skipped schedules.
- Added delay on incorrect username/password.
- Invalid characters in filename pattern are now corrected before being used.
- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.27.
- Fixed custom Demodulator data not used in channel scan.
- Fixed page redirection quirk when multiple DV Scheduler tabs/windows are opened
on the browser.
- Fixed "Back" links for Internet Explorer.
- Miscellaneous minor edits and fixes.

- Added HTTPS as an option for the web GUI protocol (see "datausers.list").
- Recording can now be specified in terms of duration or stop time.
- Added multiple stream ports to avoid conflict in Channel Surf.
- Capture type "Stream" now uses the Schedule Item's Name for the port number. If
the name is not a valid number then the channel's program ID will be used for the
port number.
- Added default capture path for each channel.
- Added capture path selection to Auto-Add system and individual schedule.
- Added custom Demodulator data in channel setting. This can be used for custom
demodulator commands.
- Added groups to device type. This allows a device (or a set of devices) to be
used only with a certain set of channels (those having the same type name as the
- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list.
- Updated DVBTextSub to version 0.5u.
- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.25.
- Fixed existing file not checked when filename includes directory.
- Added more keywords for capture .ini files.
- Updated help files.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Updated Channel Auto-Scan station list.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Added tuning method option for each device in Device Selection.
- Added a message box when Suspending and Hibernating to give user the option to
abort (disable by adding -na).
- Added notification on Status and Schedule page and DVSTray when there is a
recording error.
- Added option to run a task when there is a recording error or an error starting a
- Added option in Channel Setting to disable PIDs in PMT (necessary for some media
players, e.g. when removing an audio from the stream).
- EPG Source Setting now accepts XML files as input (instead of just directories).
- Cleaned up DVSTray.
- Cleaned up Channel Selection form.
- Cleaned up some help files.
- Fixed HTTP stream serving and RTP streaming.

- Fixed filename containing ' may not be handled correctly by post-capture task.
- Installer now remembers capture path inputted in previous installation.

- Added Stop Recording command in Channel Surf. This stops the last recording
initiated in Channel Surf.
- Added extra keyboard shortcuts for Channel Surf.
- Fixed Add Custom channel form.
- Fixed teletext timing information not saved in edited channel.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Added option to set the PMT Video type and Audio type in Channel Selection. This
is useful for incorrectly set Video type and Audio type in the PMT (e.g. ITV).
- Added option to include only video, audio, and subtitles for a Program ID in
Channel Selection (some streams contain other data beside video, audio, and
- Capture pre-task and EPG load pre-task now uses the task's condition (when not
capturing, etc) to determine action to be taken.
- Audio volume level in Channel Surf is now saved on exit.
- More verbose error logging.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Fixed broken "Network path" remote Channel Surf command.
- Fixed subdirectory name not shown in file list in Channel Surf when accessing
from localhost.
- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.21.

- Added option to manually specify the teletext subtitle page in Channel Setting
Custom PIDs. Also added Video Type, PMT PID, PCR PID, and Teletext PID.
- Added DVPiper option to Rebuild PAT to contain only the specified Program ID and
corresponding PMT PID. This is necessary for some (older) media players to play
the recorded TS file.
- Added information on EPG age and next scheduled EPG load time on the main page
and EPG page.
- Added subdirectories' files in Channel Surf recorded file list.
- Changed static parent link to dynamic "Back" link in various pages.
- Removed ffmpeg to decrease installer file size (ffmpeg can be downloaded
separately). Changed default MPEG-PS muxer from ffmpeg to VLC.
- Capture engine "DVPiper" and "VLCDShow" now has character ' in filename
substituted with - due to VLC not liking ' in the filename.
- Cleaned up wake-up timers.
- Cleaned up Schedule Item's summary log.

- Added gzip compression (for browsers that support it) to various pages to reduce
download time.
- Added EPG Now and Next information to Channel Surf page.
- Added extra keyboard shortcuts for Channel Surf.
- Added option to run scheduled EPG data load only when not capturing, and/or to
not run within certain minutes of a scheduled recording.
- Added option to not wake up computer for scheduled EPG data load. In this case
data load will occur when the computer is next running.
- Added ability to add a range of IP addresses to trusted IP address list.
- Fixed some Unicode characters not appearing properly on the main page and EPG
- Fixed broken Channel Group feature (broken in version 5.17 to 5.21).
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Added deinterlace mode "X" as default for Channel Preview and Channel Surf. Added
deinterlace settings to Channel Surf.
- Added "Network path" option for Channel Surf. This allows remotely accessible
capture directories/files in the server to be played by remote clients.
- Added "Network path" remote surf type. Along with the "Network path" option this
surf type writes stream to disk in the server for time-shifting of live broadcast
by remote clients.
- Added signal statistics (strength, quality, locked status) to Channel Surf page.
- Added option for a Task to be run only when not capturing, to not run within
certain minutes of a scheduled recording, and maximum number of concurrent tasks
- Changed tuning method 2 as the default.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Added "Sequential" capture path selection.
- Scheduler now skips invalid and non-available capture paths.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- Added "Merge Double Episodes" option to Auto-Add item. This option merges two or
more overlapping schedules from the same Auto-Add item into one schedule.
- Added "Hibernate Computer" to built-in task list.
- Added "Suspend Computer", "Hibernate Computer", and "Shutdown Computer" command
to navigation menu (for remote suspend, hibernate, and shutdown). To disable one
or more, go to "Edit Tasks" and disable the corresponding task(s).
- Changed default "Suspend Computer" task - no forced suspend.
- Deletion of time-shift files for Preview and Surf now uses the item's "Keep For"
value if the value is greater than zero.
- Added warnings if no capture device has been selected.
- Added already exists message when adding a duplicate schedule from the EPG page.
- Added checks for empty filename.
- Updated "MPEG-PS and TTX-SUB" and "MPEG-PS and plain TTX-SUB" capture types to
use Program ID only (for the teletext subtitle).
- Fixed: DVSTray no longer wakes up the system if System wakeup is disabled.
- Fixed Schedule Edit shortcut on the main page.

- Added local media file browser to Channel Surf. This allows playback of recorded
or still-recording media files from Channel Surf on the local machine.
- Added "Record from start of time-shift" to Channel Surf. This allows recording to
include earlier times, instead of from the current time onward. This is only
available where a time-shift file is used.
- Added option to change Auto-Delete status and Post-Capture Task to running
schedule. Turning off Auto-Delete will stop time-shift files for Preview and Surf
from being deleted.
- Added option in System Config to keep time-shift files for user-defined minutes.
This gives time for Preview and Surf files to be copied or renamed so it won't be
- Added extra information in schedule item's log for some errors.
- No free space error and directory creation error for a schedule is now treated as
non-fatal error and will be retried.
- Streamlined "Create Auto-Add Item" command - removed confirmation dialogue,
automatically re-scan the EPG, and effects are shown immediately.
- Added extra network checks for EPG and Channel Surf.
- Changed device selection priority in Channel Group - channel order is now before
device order.
- Changed Auto-Add item property - "Exclude Duplicate Shows" is on by default.
- Changed default Capture Engine property to closely match older DV Scheduler
versions for compatibility in upgrading.
- Updated DVB-T station list.
- Preview and Surf schedules are no longer saved; this should improve response time.
- Added thread lock for EPG Auto-Add.
- Removed unnecessary saving of Auto-Delete file list.
- Fixed "Suspend Computer" task disabling all wake-up events. "Suspend Computer"
and "Shutdown Computer" tasks are now built-in.
- Fixed context menu for "quick add" schedule in EPG page.
- Fixed schedule list not immediately saved in some circumstances.
- Fixed Channel Surf audio bar width.

- Channel scan now automatically adds all other found PIDs into "Others" list. For
faster channel change during Channel Surfing change each channel to use "Custom
PIDs" instead of "Program ID"; if the Custom PIDs "Others" field is currently
blank then do a re-scan to fill in the field.
- Added channel priority to Channel Group. Channel with higher priority will be
selected first.
- Channel Group now chooses a device and channel that minimizes immediate
conflicting overlapping schedules, follows device priority and channel priority
(device priority first then channel priority), and checks for previous failures
of the devices (skips a device if it has failed previously).
- Added "Shutdown Computer" and "Suspend Computer" to Task list.
- Added option to run custom EPG Post-Load Task (e.g. Suspend Computer).
- DV Scheduler now checks if other schedules can be started if the schedule on top
of the queue can't be started due to no available device.
- Updated Surf Channel Order editing interface.
- Updated Channel Group editing interface.
- EPG now scrolls to its last known position.
- Added "colour.css" for each user interface theme. This can be used to override
the default "httpcsscolour.css".
- Added extra styles to "wsepg.css" of the default vertical and horizontal themes.
- Modified main page shortcut menu to be more consistent with EPG page shortcut
- Moved finished schedules to "Past Schedules" list.
- Affected items are now automatically updated when a channel is renamed. If it is
renamed to an existing channel name a new similar name will be used instead.
- Added checks for duplicate PIDs in channel edit.
- Added thread checks to channel scan and edit, device edit, and task edit to avoid
potential conflicts.
- Sped up Auto-Add scan when overlap is allowed.
- Fixed Channel Surf audio volume status not updated when volume is changed during
- Fixed Surf Channel Order sorting by channel number when there are duplicate
channel numbers.
- Fixed Channel Group number not saved when creating a new Channel Group.
- Fixed adding a new Channel Group from an existing one.
- Fixed Auto-Delete to delete only enough files to get the minimum free space.
- Fixed Auto-Add sometimes added a duplicate schedule when the earlier added
schedule is modified.

- Added preliminary Channel Grouping feature. This allows a set of channels from
different transmission medium (e.g. terrestrial, satellites, etc) to be treated
as one channel for scheduling purposes.
- Added audio bar to Channel Surf.
- Channel Surf setting is now saved for each client's browser.
- Added option to use images for channel heading on the main page and EPG page.
Place channel logos in directory "httpimageschannels".
- Added resizable schedule bar to the EPG page.
- Added shortcut menu to schedules in the main page and EPG page. Some action icons
have been moved to the shortcut menu for a cleaner interface.
- Added System Config option to display EPG program description on the description
balloon only. This results in a more responsive EPG display.
- Added automatic Auto-Add Scan option to System Config.
- Added "Stop and Delete recording files" command.
- Auto-Add List now scrolls to its last known position.
- EPG Match List now scrolls to its last known position.
- Added frequency and bandwidth checks to Channel Setup.
- Scheduled item's status information is now updated immediately.
- Modified Channel Surf to work around VLC 0.9.2 quirk. Note: teletext subtitle
appears to be broken in VLC 0.9.2 plug-ins (preferably use VLC 0.8.6i).
- Improved Channel Preview speed from the EPG page.
- Changed EPG NOW link to scroll one third of the table height or width.
- Fixed EPG time scroll when 12-hour time format is selected.
- Fixed Vertical EPG channel heading alignment.
- Fixed Channel Surf keyboard shortcuts: now checks if Ctrl, Alt, Shift is pressed.
- Fixed overlap detection when multiple device types are present (e.g DVB-S and
- Fixed broken "Evenly Distributed" capture path selection.
- Fixed broken "directory in recording name" feature.

- Added option to change DVPiper tuning method. To change, go to "System Config",
scroll down to "User keywords", and change "$$tuningmethod->1". 1 is the default
tuning method; 2 is a faster tuning method (useful for Channel Surfing).
- Improved response times.
- Added balloon description for Now/Next schedules on the main page.
- Added extra keywords for capture pre-task and post-task, EPG pre-task, and ini
- Added extra info in schedule item's log.
- Miscellaneous additions and fixes.

- Initial release

- Customizable delay for the Description balloon on the EPG page (to change the
delay go to System Config).
- EPG auto-add items are now editable.
- Fixed EPG auto-add functionality.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- EPG auto-add now adds overlapping schedules on the same frequency multiplex.
- Fixed Auto Delete schedules option.
- "Skip to Next" option for repeating schedules from the EPG page.
- Revert EPG pop-up back to original (to close on Add).

- Scheduler now iterates through device list on failures.
- New horizontal EPG theme (to change theme go to Interface Theme).
- Categories can now be shown in different colours (edit colour.css in httpcss)

- EPG auto-add now adds overlapping schedules on the same frequency multiplex with
multiple cards.
- Enhanced horizontal EPG theme.
- Scheduler log now distinguishes between no available device error and other
- Added capture full file path indicator to .ini file structure.
- Added a new TS capture type that grows file size by a specified chunk size; to
use this capture type select "TS chunky". To change options edit "TS chunky.ini"
in folder "util".

- Extra keywords for .ini files.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

- New images and name.
- Capture engine to be used by the scheduler can now be changed and customized.
This allows use of different capture engines.
- Miscellaneous additions and fixes.

- Added multiple capture paths feature.

- Added navigation menu to a new icon on top-left corner of pages.
- Added home link to DV Scheduler title.
- Added navigation menu to Home icon on EPG page.
- Added shortcut menu to EPG items.
- Added customizable left-click and right-click action on EPG page.
- Restored default browser context menu to EPG page, except when a custom right-
click action is defined for EPG items.
- Fixed balloon tooltip on EPG page for Firefox browser.
- Added balloon tooltip, left-click, and right-click action for EPG items on main
- Balloon tooltip on EPG Search page now follows EPG.balloonDelay setting.
- Cleaned up balloon tooltip positioning - remnant of old EPG style.
- Added multiple Category selection in EPG Search page.
- Added Title, Description, and Channel filter to EPG Search page.
- Fixed Back keyboard shortcut for EPG Search Result page in the keyboard interface.
- Added EPG buffer to Auto-Add item.
- EPG Auto-Add Scan now does not delete user-edited EPG Auto-Add item, and does not
add another one.
- Added adjustable retry wait time. This is the amount of time that DV Scheduler
waits before attempting to restart a failed capture.
- Added Pre EPG Reload action, with option to run the action on Manual Reload,
Schedule Reload, or All.
- Capture types info is now according to the capture engine(s) used and as defined
in the capture engine directory.
- Capture types info is now displayed on pages that show Capture types.
- Default Capture Type selection is now Capture.deftype in Add Custom Channel page.
- Schedule types info is now displayed on Add/Edit Schedule page.
- Fixed null and empty capture type string.
- Renamed default DVPiper log files to DVPiper_Log*.log.
- Updated ffmpeg.exe to newer version r13537.
- Installer now checks for existence of "server.prop" before creating capture
- Installer doesn't overwrite "httpcsscolour.css" if it already exists.
- Installer now shuts down multiple instances of DV Scheduler server and DV
Scheduler trays that run from the installation directory.
- Few other things I may have missed.

- Fixed left-click and right-click action on Main page.
- Added action buttons for Now and Next schedule items on Main page.
- Capture Types help now warns if no valid capture type is found.
- Changed Capture Types info icon placement on Custom Channel and Channel Edit page.
- How-to info on EPG Search page.

- Added EPG link for scheduled items on Main page.
- Fixed quick capture type scheduling on Main page.
- Fixed EPG Auto-Add list incompatibility with previous version.
- Added quick item scheduling (no refresh of EPG page) for Firefox browser.

- Sped up startup of Channel Preview and newly created schedules. Preview items are
now deleted on completion.
- Modified MPEG-PS configuration files to get ffmpeg to ignore non-monotone
timestamp error which is causing it to exit at the beginning of a capture. At
present I'm not sure if it's better to not ignore such error.
- Updated ffmpeg.exe to r13712.
- Added option to exclude an EPG item to exclude it from being included in Auto-Add
- Added Favorite flag to EPG items. These are EPG items matching the Auto-Add match
- Added more options in colour.css to change EPG program title style to reflect
status of an EPG item. The default style is: Green for "Favorite" items, Yellow
for "Excluded" items, and Red for EPG items with errors.
- Added Post-EPG Load option to "Scan for Favorite" on Manual Data Load or
Scheduled Data Load or both.
- Added Post-EPG Load option to "Run Auto-Add Scan" on Manual Data Load or
Scheduled Data Load or both.
- Added Favorites page accessible from the Main page. This gives a list of all
Auto-Add matched items (regardless of whether they have been scheduled or not).
- Added Favorite and Excluded item filters to the EPG Search page.
- EPG search results are now sorted alphabetically according to channel name (then
- Added EPG links to Auto-Add Scan results.
- Capture configuration (*.ini) now supports multiple capture filenames.
- Updated help on the Auto-Add system; this explains the new features of the system.
- After changes to the capture engines structure the DVSTray is finally working
- Changed DVSTray to show the total number of captures running, as opposed to the
number of capture engines running (in previous version).
- DVSTray now reads the port number it is supposed to open from the registry as
well as the command line argument.
- Added notification in DVSTray if a capture is about to start (less than five
- Added notification in DVSTray if DV Scheduler server is not running.
- Option "Show Overlaps" in Schedules page now takes into account channels in the
same frequency multiplex.
- Capture type list is now sorted alphabetically.
- Fixed free space info in item's log.
- Few other things...

- Cleaned up DVSTray.
- Added extra edit/add functionality to EPG Auto-Add Match List.

- Added configurable left-click and right-click action for DVSTray. To modify the
default action, create a shortcut in Windows (which can be used to open a URL,
execute a program, etc), name it either "DVSTray Left-Click" or "DVSTray Right-
Click", and place it in the DV Scheduler directory.
- Fixed error when EPG time has non-zero second value. Previously this error had to
be fixed using XMLTVedt.
- Modified Preview configuration file to allow user interaction with VLC, or other
media player chosen by the user.
- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.02.

- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.04.

- Added "Preview with Time-Shift" option to Channel Preview; press the Play button
if the preview doesn't play automatically or if there's a message. To change
preview type go to "System Config".
- Fixed Capture.deftype help.
- Duplicate schedule check now includes capture type equality check.
- Changed DVSTray notification of impending capture to two minutes plus the
Schedule.wake.system value.
- Added wakeup timer to DVSTray.
- Installer now checks for existence of "DVSTray Left-Click" before overwriting.
- Updated ffmpeg.exe to r13778.

- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.05.

- Accidentally used the old DVSTray code to add new timer codes. This is now fixed.

- Added Sub-title, Language, Rating to Text Match in EPG Auto-Add Match List.
- Added Wide-screen, High definition, Surround sound, AC3 sound, Caption, Premiere,
Repeat, Last chance to Other Match in EPG Auto-Add Match List.
- Newly added channel is now automatically renamed if it has the same name as an
existing channel.

- Added option to write XML capture details either at the beginning or end of a

- Fixed total hours scheduled on EPG page for Firefox browser.
- Fixed buffer overflow in DVSTray.

- Added preliminary support for ATSC, DVB-C, and DVB-S. ATSC is work in progress.
- Added minimum and maximum Duration Match to EPG Auto-Add Match List.
- Integrated device listing and program scanning as part of the selected capture
engine in anticipation of porting of DV Scheduler to other platforms. The only
Windows specific hard-coded element of DV Scheduler is now "util.dll" (to be
fixed in the future).
- Added Video PID, Audio PID, and Audio Type in Custom PIDs in Channel Selection.
- Added more keywords for capture .ini files.
- Added option to specify capture device used by its name. This is to avoid
possible errors when USB capture devices are inserted or removed from the
- Changed meaning of "Capture.deftype": schedules with capture type of
"Capture.deftype" now use the default capture type of the channel (as defined in
Channel Settings).
- Added description to properties in System Config.
- Channel Preview now groups channels with the same setting together. Each group
contains channels that can be previewed simultaneously with one TV card.
- Channel List now sorts channels according to setting and name.
- Updated ffmpeg.exe to r14277.
- Updated DVPiper.exe to version 1.06.

- Added H.264 capture types. A relatively fast multi-core/processor system is
required (four cores recommended).

- Keyword "$pid" now includes audio, video, and other PIDs.

- Added multiple day of week weekly scheduling.
- Updated utilReadme.txt.
- Added capture device info to schedule item's log.
- Removed D1 from EPG Data Source Settings.
- Cleaned up Active Tasks List.
- Fixed Category listing not loaded at startup when there is no EPG exclusion item.
- Fixed Network Type not saved on adding selected program (from a frequency scan).
- Fixed Network Type not saved on manual edit in Device Selection.
- Fixed filename character substitution (character ' was substituted with '' in the
- Other minor changes.

- Added option to exclude duplicate shows in Auto-Add. Two or more shows are
considered duplicate of each other if they have the same title, subtitle, start
time, and stop time.

- Added "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" alongside "".
- Added option to disable security checks. Add a line with the words "No Security"
(without the quotes) in file "datausers.list" to disable security checks.
- Sped up channel scan.

- The "NOW" link in the EPG page now scrolls the page to the current server time
(instead of the client time).
- Added a bar indicating the current server time in the EPG page.
- Expanded allowed characters in recording filename.
- Fixed XML transforms.
- Fixed channel scan.
- Added support for teletext "subtitle hearing impaired" type (for TTX-SUB).
- Installer and uninstaller now checks hash value of user editable files.

- Added ability to add custom devices. This allows DV Scheduler to be used as a
general purpose scheduler beyond just capturing. The immediate benefit is this
allows any kind of capture device to be used with DV Scheduler (e.g. analogue TV,
FM radio, USB cameras, etc).
- Added ability to add/modify/delete channel type and device type (user
configurable). See "data ypes.list".
- Added sample capture commands using VLC for capture from analogue and other
devices (see "utilOther" folder). VLC is used as the capture engine and DV
Scheduler manages the start, stop, retries, etc. Other software/programs can be
- Added support for Unicode recording filename for capture engines that support it.
Currently this is only for "TS" and "TS full". This allows non-English characters
to be used in the recording filename.
- Added option to show time in 12-hour or 24-hour format (some interface themes may
ignore this setting).
- Added multiple EPG File Source feature.
- Added multiple EPG HTTP Source feature.
- EPG File Source and EPG HTTP Source can now both be selected at the same time in
EPG Data Source Setting. For more complex EPG source requirement use XMLTVedt or
similar to generate an xmltv file for loading into DV Scheduler.
- Device list is now saved as "datadevices.xml" for exportability.
- Preview command files now use *.pre to separate them from capture command files
- Sped up stopping of running captures.
- A Channel Preview command is now ignored and not retried if it cannot be started.
- Added option to set a default Preview command for each channel.
- Added ability to add user keyword/value pairs to DV Scheduler. The list of user
keyword/value pairs can be modified from System Config.
- Added extra keywords for ini files.

- Added preliminary Channel Surf feature for TV over LAN.
- Added option to set a default Remote Preview command in System Config and Channel
selection. This is to distinguish between the different commands that may be only
suited for use in the local machine or from a remote machine.
- Fixed floating recording duration edit for Firefox browser.
- Added Unique Name to Device selection list. This is to fix device number changing
issue when USB capture devices are inserted and removed.
- Added extra keywords and commands for ini and capture engine files.
- Added fast startup command for Channel Preview.
- Installer and uninstaller now checks hash value of "data ypes.list".

- Sped up Channel Surf.
- Added "Random" and "Evenly Distributed" capture path selection option in System
- Added quick Record to main page and Channel Surf page.
- Free space in a capture path is now checked only when needed.
- Added extra checks in stopping captures.
- Added network connection checks in EPG page.
- Added extra keywords for tasks and ini files.
- Moved DVPiper logs to directory "log" (future work: logs to be moved to
Application Data directory).
- Updated infos and info files.

- Added extra checks for Channel Surf.

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