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ConvertXtoHD - released Wed June 14, 2023

Fix preview


[Bug] Preview doesn't work

Download ConvertXtoHD (win64)

ConvertXtoHD - released Thu June 8, 2023

Fix edit issues and update skin engine


[Bug] Renaming the project name, you then get stuck with a text box you cannot get rid off


[Bug] Title name and project name can't be changed


[Feature Request] Open dialog should lead to title’s home folder, not the last one used

ConvertXtoHD - released Thu May 4, 2023

Subtitle and video scaling/framerate fix


[Bug] impossible to uncheck "play one after the other" in movie themes


[Bug] Subtitles more than 9h59m not supported


[Information] Link in "extras" needs correction


[Bug] Conversion fails if video has unusual framerate


[Bug] Green bar appearing on the right edge of the converted video


[Bug] VSO ConvertXtoHD v3.0.0.74 Some Translation issues/error on using key in clipboard


[Bug] "Cancelled by user" incorrectly stated when conversion fails

ConvertXtoHD Released 2019-11-13
Yet another subtitle bug fixed
- 0013773: [Bug] Subtitles issue -> red subtitle with green border Released 2019-10-11
Fix subtitle rendering issue in preview
0013739: [Bug] Preview with subtitles -> Crashing
0013748: [Feature Request] [VSORep] "app will be closed" warning issued during install/reinstall process
0013752: [Feature Request] [VSORep] error message if Internet-OFF
0013756: [Bug] [VSO Rep] Re-Install not working Released 2019-10-02
Upgrade bug reporting tools
0013702: [Suggestion] Even if the project has been saved - it asks again when closing the software
0013716: [Bug] All VSO products not opening for no obvious reason
0013722: [Feature Request] VSO Reporting Tool is not user-friendly. Released 2019-06-24
Fix HD subtitles rendering issues
0013654: [Bug] Video sources contained in ISO files are no longer supported
0013657: [Bug] Poor quality in converted subtitles
0013659: [Bug] "Check for Update" not working well
0013662: [Bug] no progression bar during conversion
0013670: [Bug] WMV format can't be converted to mp4 - no video - sound only
0013673: [Feature Request] Add setting to space lines of subtitles

We have fixed an old issue that caused to render text subtitles as hollow. However, there is still some issues regarding the bd subtitle encoder, especially when the subtitles are immediately one after the other, in such case 1% of them are not rendered properly in hardware BD players. This may occur on "karaoke" like subtitles from SSA or MKV source, however after testing with a few movie with subtitles, the result was perfect.

We are also working on the stability of the encoding, especially the Intel hardware encoder (QSync), which is leaking memory so after a few encoding (4-5) there is no more memory available. This case is now handled by a "kludge" (which is going back to software encoder when hw fail). Hardware encoding is always less stable and reliable than software, and in practise there is not much we can do about it as it doesn't depend on us. Released 2018-12-13
Fix Subtitle issues, stability improvement
0010346: [Bug] subtitle artifacts on some subtitles
0012536: [Bug] source subtitle file converted to blu-ray is not good looking
0013596: [Bug] Plain Text subtitles from MKV are not correctly encoded to Blu-Ray Released 2018-10-23
Improve support of VC-1 source - Fix HW encoding on Nvidia Pascal-Based graphic cards
0013584: [Bug] Support of VC-1 is broken/incomplete
0013597: [Bug] Hardware encoding fail on NVIDIA GTX 10xx cards Released 2018-09-14
Bugfix release, saved settings are back, updated skin engine
0013572: [Bug] Default settings forced at installation, and changes not stored
0013575: [Feature Request] Visual Appearence: Update to Alphaskin 14
0013579: [Bug] Remember the last opened folder doesn't work for "Burn an already converted project" Released 2018-09-11
Fix removal of computer authorization when uninstalling software
0013571: [Bug] When uninstalling, prompt to remove computer authorization doesn't work Released 2018-09-10
0013564: [Feature Request] Add write probing mechanism for working folder
0013568: [Bug] Conversion is dead slow while in menu generation Released 2018-06-25
Add vertical offset for image subtitles
0013491: [Bug] Soundtrack with Dolby True HD or other high end audio are systematically re-encoded.
0013523: [Feature Request] Add the ability to change the vertical position of Image subtitles (DVD, BD, DVB, ...)
0013529: [Bug] DVD subtitles incorrectly copied in MKV files
0013531: [Crash] Scaler crash Released 2018-06-05
0013514: [Bug] Loading BD/DVD structure from disc no longer work Released 2018-06-01
Fix subtitle issue
0013487: [Bug] Subtitles from BD source always appear in an opaque box

ConvertXtoHD -
Fix file reader issue
0013475: [Bug] Produced video/audio has glitches, encoding stop before the end (wesson)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2018-02-27
0013465: [Bug] Preliminary parsing of DVD Sources stuck. (wesson)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2018-01-16
- 0013454: [Feature Request] Add thumbs to section bar (felicia)
- 0013450: [Bug] Progress fomr not always appears on collaing form's center (felicia)
- 0013447: [Bug] Exception when opening cut tab (felicia)
- 0013444: [Bug] Burning an already converted project may produce bad disks (felicia)
- 0013439: [Bug] Delete folder after burn not working if ISO is selected (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2018-01-04
- 0013434: [Bug] Overhaul file loading (May fix random load deadlock) (felicia)
- 0013431: [Feature Request] Add thumbs to sections in cut tab (felicia)
- 0013429: [Feature Request] Add thumbs when hovering video trackbar (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-12-05
- 0013418: [Feature Request] Detect stt file language if present in filename (felicia)
- 0013403: [Bug] Any way to keep "Sound Events" preferences? (felicia)
- 0013409: [Bug] Template editor - Resources not remembered if not copied (felicia)
- 0013407: [Bug] Template editor - Button overlays are not remembered (felicia)
- 0013405: [Bug] Separate smart copy option for video, audio and subtitles (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-11-27
- 0013383: [Feature Request] Detail reasons to refuse remux (felicia)
- 0013358: [Bug] Default typesetting not applied if custom (felicia)
- 0013397: [Bug] If source is DVD only beginning of video is read (felicia)
- 0013392: [Bug] Conversion files if last project name letter is a space for DVD output (felicia)
- 0013388: [Feature Request] Add support for F4V files (felicia)
- 0013378: [Bug] complex ass subtitles do no display in CXD preview or on output (felicia)
- 0013372: [Bug] Delete after burn option no longer works (felicia)
- 0013369: [Bug] conversion fails with subrip because of unhandled exception (felicia)
- 0013365: [Bug] Audio edition for menu has issue with drop down translation visibility (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - Released November 06th 2017
- 0013352: [Bug] Add missing DLLs for localisation tool (felicia)
- 0013349: [Feature Request] Add import option for menu templates (felicia)
- 0013347: [Bug] A period appears after the Title (wesson)
- 0013340: [Bug] Exception when entring empty chain in menu editor (felicia)
- 0013334: [Bug] BD subtitles rendered empty (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-10-10
- 0013326: [Feature Request] Translations update (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-10-09
- 0013321: Add new functionalities to Edit_Loc
- 0013317: [Bug] Watermark fails to load when using images (felicia)
- 0013307: [Feature Request] Make the Burn folder selection window resizable (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-09-22
- 0013295: [Bug] Burned disc recognised as data discs (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-09-18
- 0013287: [Crash] Program crashes in some cases when building ts thumb (felicia)
- 0013282: [Feature Request] ES translation (felicia)
- 0013279: [Bug] No audio when remuxing EAC3 in BDMV output (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD - - Released 2017-09-07
- 0013274: [Feature Request] Speed up file loading for video structures (felicia)
- 0013265: [Bug] Unable to convert AC3 true HD audio streams (felicia)
- 0013259: [Bug] Chapter's edit forms appear under selected node which causes issues for the last one (felicia)
- 0013247: [Bug] Paste not working in stream name edits (felicia)
- 0013243: [Feature Request] Template editor - Add text left & tert top option to thumb display (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD -
0013239: [Bug] Issue when muxing large subtitles (felicia)
0013235: [Bug] No default page select in template editor if only one title is set (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD -
0013207: [Bug] not all subtitles are displayed (when remuxing) (felicia)
0012373: [Bug] missing some subtitles if streams remuxed using smart copy option (felicia)
0013223: [Bug] DVD protection wrongly detected (felicia)
0013227: [Bug] If conversion fails in normalization, it is reported as a user cancel (felicia)
0013230: [Bug] Empty message displayed on conversion fail (felicia)
0013219: [Bug] when using audio normalization and converting more than 1 title conversion fails (felicia)
0013206: [Bug] computer goes to sleep when converting (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD -
0013213: [Bug] movie doesnt load with drag and drop or if added via file menu get list index out of bounds (felicia)
0013142: [Bug] menu font size sometimes is too small on some items but not for others - random occurance (felicia)
0013209: [Bug] conversion gets stuck at 5% with specific subtitle stream (felicia)
0013197: [Bug] using a video as background for chapter menu does not apply to all chapter pages when it should (felicia)
0013204: [Bug] ugly artifacts when converting sub/idx subtitles embeded (felicia)
0013182: [Feature Request] option to automatically make the length of the menu equal to the length of the menu music loaded (felicia)
0013193: [Bug] video stream not detected (felicia)
0013188: [Bug] subtitles on output are doubled if embedding subtitles and converting with two pass with particular file (felicia)
0013181: [Feature Request] add a cancel button when unable to create output folder at specific location (rather than force creation of default folder) (felicia)

ConvertXtoHD -
- 001317x: [Bug] using preview crashes app (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2017-07-10) [ View Issues ]
- 0013170: [Bug] Conversion stops at root menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013160: [Bug] Subtitles do not work properly - strings missing or at wrong time (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013157: [Bug] DVD output does not play - menu plays ok but when select to play video it just hangs the player (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013153: [Bug] 2 pass conversions do not work (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0013144: [Bug] Seek fails in menu rendering with merged files (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013140: [Bug] after playing menu in advanced editor and stopping, pause button is not reverted to play button icon (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013100: [Feature Request] volume control for preview window separate from the default volume control on the same screen. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012720: [Bug] subtitles stay on screen until the next (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013126: [Information] Various fixes and improvements (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013037: [Bug] audio normalization is sometimes very slow (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013119: [Feature Request] when editing a thumbnail in menu editor add option "apply to all titles" for padding method (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013066: [Information] menu editor - play button does not turn into a pause button when pushed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013107: [Bug] subtitles are not displayed correct (input ASS) they overlap (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013105: [Suggestion] When importing a DVD folder, do not change the case of the words to ALL lower case (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013064: [Bug] menu editor - use a still image for thumbnail (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released June 06th 2017
- 0013072: [Bug] Subtitles missing from Blu-ray sources (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0013049: [Bug] Unable to edit bonus titles typesettings in template editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013047: [Bug] Menu title not in sync with project name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013055: [Bug] Change the Title menu and save project with a different name - menu title is overwritten by Project file name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013053: [Bug] When clearing project program requests confirmation even if not modified (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013051: [Feature Request] When creating template in case of still image import only screenshot. (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0013035: [Bug] Issue with ts naming when starting with no menu (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0013025: [Bug] HTML link highlight only works for first tree item (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013029: [Feature Request] Configure conversion queuer according to output profile (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013016: [Bug] title of menu not as desired-does not use "default project name (also used for disk label)" in burning tab of default settings (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013017: [Bug] when you customize project name or titleset name will revert to original name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013020: [Bug] Remember skin setting if changed with system menu (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0013003: [Bug] naming of episodes not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012987: [Bug] menu thumbnails are not always the same size (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012989: [Bug] conversion of dts mono channel to dts stereo - output plays without audio on some players (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012978: [Bug] Max simultaneous conversions not respected in some cases (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012976: [Bug] Text fit not applyed in title menu titleset titles in some legacy templates (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012958: [Feature Request] Add log in case of text fit fail (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012956: [Bug] selecting 'Do not prompt for updates' is ignored (wesson) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- small change to burning engine

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012952: [Crash] Program doesn't end if closed while conversion is running (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012947: [Feature Request] Use same display in menu settings drop down as in settings treeview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012943: [Crash] Program crashes if encoding BD HD with chapters menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012941: [Bug] Text fit preventing conversion start (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012927: [Bug] program crashes when try to load image as watermark (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012925: [Bug] DVD source not properly read - crashes if asked to seek to 0 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012915: [Bug] hard to adjust hardware decoding value (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012914: [Bug] when you type in the main movie title, it does not appear in the Project Name, as it used to (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released April 20th 2017
- 0012902: [Bug] Improve interface theme color customization form (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012897: [Bug] HTML display issue with some visual themes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012892: [Bug] project name/disk label in default settings is ignored (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012882: [Bug] still cannot edit Project name (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012874: [Bug] hangs If we Open and Close Preview window during conversion (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012870: [Feature Request] Add color customization to interface themes (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012860: [Bug] extra chapters are created in blu-ray structure in trial mode (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012857: [Bug] 2 pass conversions stop at 50% (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012847: [Bug] Particular Blu-Ray not loading (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012836: [Bug] Memory leak when opening cluster (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012833: [Bug] Template editor: Disable overridden item edition (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012830: [Bug] fails to turn off computer after conversion if option turned on (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012744: [Bug] target size not respected converting to blu-ray (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012828: [Crash] Crash with multiple simultaneous hardware encoding (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012808: [Crash] Program crashes if too many simultaneous conversions are requested (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012742: [Bug] after changing the Title of the Menu page, the change is not saved when saving a project and reopening it (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012799: [Bug] Subtitle offset is not working (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012797: [Bug] Program not closing properly when launched through batcher (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012791: [Bug] "operation complete" does not play if burning (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released March 22nd 2017
This new major version includes a new menu template editor. You can now create and save your own menu templates!
It offers advanced customization options: number of times per page, thumbnails to be added or not, offset, menu item animations, add your own buttons, sounds, etc…

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012775: [Bug] update menu text accordingly when audio output format is changed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012782: [Suggestion] template creator - when selecting button overlay with an image uncheck "use text as selector" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012777: [Information] improve speed of audio normalization (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012784: [Bug] conversion fails with some audio streams with "convert dts to ac3" UN-checked (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012771: [Feature Request] Open log form on launch if previously visible (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012764: [Feature Request] Remember log form position & size (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012768: [Feature Request] add quick link icon to display log (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2017-03-13) [ View Issues ]
- 0012725: [Bug] Can't write to ISO in working directory. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012752: [Bug] with files merged and clicking on "edit menu" menu editor does not open (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012748: [Bug] says "conversion failed" when canceling a conversion with audio normalization and cancel conversion during normalization (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012734: [Bug] converting particular subtitle stream makes app crash (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012723: [Bug] adjustment to subtitle positions cannot be change (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2017-03-06) [ View Issues ]
- 0012715: [Feature Request] Add setting to import file metadata (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012713: [Bug] Source chapters always restored when loading project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012698: [Bug] Video stream discarded in favor of attached pict (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012694: [Crash] Program freezes if minimized while burning ends (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012684: [Suggestion] check writing rights when user selects output folder (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012676: [Bug] Code page selector does not stay open (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012671: [Bug] advanced subtitles window can open up in with odd display of settings stretched out (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012657: [Bug] chapter names not saved in chapter list when saved (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012521: [Bug] subtitles stay on screen until the next (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012653: [Bug] Resolution dropdown cropped (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012651: [Bug] Changes to video filters not visible if preview is on pause (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released February 20th 2017
- 0012594: [Bug] When both add chapters every X mins and use original chapter points are selected, both are added to video (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012584: [Information] navigate using arrows in global settings does not update display in left panel (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012347: [Bug] always get warning in log file "Encoding using a not Blu-ray/AVCHD compliant 23.98Fp ...." even if setting not checked (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012632: [Bug] Audio normalization - Disable remux when normalization is requested (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012628: [Bug] Audio normalization - Process may not start in some computers (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012626: [Bug] show log file if important warning like in case when no more than 99 titlesets can be added (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012619: [Bug] DVD Analyser - Titles wrongly named in filter mode (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012617: [Bug] changes made to chapter settings in default settings are not always imported to current project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012615: [Information] treeview seems interactive but is not when converting (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012614: [Feature Request] add hint also to drop down selection in subtitle editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012610: [Suggestion] clean up about window (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012605: [Bug] unchecking "use source chapter if available " does not add chapters every 5 min even if that option is checked (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012609: [Bug] Audio normalization - If cancelled, won't be able to start again (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012596: [Bug] Force DTs to AC3 not working (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012324: [Bug] audio/video sync issue with specific file (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012365: [Bug] Sync issue on output (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012601: [Bug] audio normalization not working (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012591: [Bug] Exception when closing output tab (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012588: [Bug] Display issues in preview when paused or stopped and layers are active (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012570: [Bug] Issue with Smallville DVDs (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012368: [Bug] a specific file converts with no audio (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012580: [Bug] app hangs after a successful conversion/burn - must kill with task manager (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012387: [Bug] default setting pre-checked not respected "convert dts/truehd to ac3 for better compatibility" (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012563: [Bug] double clicking on project file does not load files in project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012557: [Crash] app freezes when trying to load Blu ray (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012550: [Bug] not correctly identifying of the videos on the disk - being mislabled (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012528: [Bug] encoder crash: Pro Res codec (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012515: [Bug] some Blu-ray's as ISO don't open (wesson) - resolved.
- 0012369: [Bug] conversion is not as smooth as output with particular file (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012487: [Bug] cannot change duration of thumbnail in titlemenu to apply to all titlesets (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012480: [Bug] wrong number of audio channels sometimes displayed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012471: [Crash] Particular cut in particular file causes program to lock (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012474: [Feature Request] Add online registration (wesson) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012503: [Bug] conversion stops at around 90% during menu encoding (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012358: [Feature Request] Add option to cancel file parsing (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012339: [Bug] old project name applied even if a new one has been set (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012337: [Bug] menu duration not saved in project if using an old template (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012335: [Bug] Preview starts with wrong stream if streams have been deleted (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012331: [Bug] preview of conversion does not display subtitles even if selected (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012330: [Bug] updated project name not used for burning and therefore burns the wrong folder (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012329: [Bug] reverting to vso default menu fonts cannot be done using "reset to vso defaults" button in default settings (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012328: [Bug] argument out of range when saving and exiting menu editor with "thriller" template (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released January 17th 2017
- 0012313: [Bug] DTS audio tracks are not remuxed even if I select "Automatic" and uncheck "Convert DTS to AC-3" in audio settings (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released December 15th 2016
- 0012300: [Bug] Some mpg files result with bad audio/video sync on output (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011520: [Bug] file browser window does not always stay ontop - appears app is froozen (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012276: [Crash] Template thriller causes crash if overlay colors are changed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012274: [Bug] Menu selection not working in menu editor (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012268: [Bug] Video aspect ratio not respected (switch when preview starts) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0012258: [Bug] Blu-ray subtitles are not remuxed even if smart copy option is enabled (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-11-08)
- 0012245: [Bug] Some subtitles are partially rendered when merged on video (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012239: [Crash] Getting "External exception C000001D" when entering my unlock key (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-11-02)
- 0012222: [Bug] if audio shorter than menu duration audio does not loop in menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012221: [Bug] if user changes an audio setting and saves project - the project will not open again (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released October 28th 2016
- 0012214: [Bug] Blu-ray subtitles stay on screen until the next one (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012208: [Bug] Some files crash at end of conversion (when raw copy is used) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released October 27th 2016
- 0012201: [Bug] Getting "This version is not licensed for public distribution." when starting to burn (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released October 25th 2016
- 0012184: [Bug] Conversion fails if some original subtitles included in conversion (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012172: [Feature Request] Apply menu audio normalization only on useful parts (and speed up menu editor launching) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012173: [Suggestion] change "resume" to "play" in menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012169: [Feature Request] change preview background to dark grey rather than black so not to be mistaken with padding on video included on output (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released October 19th 2016
- 0012160: [Bug] "Demo mode" for image enhancement doesn't works (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012153: [Bug] bars on side of menu preview look light grey, not dark grey (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012120: [Bug] editing items in menu editor item becomes pink and cannot be seen (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-10-10)
- 0012106: [Bug] When changing screen size 4x3 to 16x9 and click [Apply To All Titles], the change is not applied to other titles (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012104: [Bug] green preview when decoding h264 files with hardware decoding is "on"/ used (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012101: [Bug] image + video watermark not working (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-10-06)
- 0012095: [Bug] Opening the menu editor is taking too long (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012094: [Bug] using a chapter file that is saved (.chtp) the Chapter name is not taken into account (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012089: [Bug] using template 'No menu' and then clicking Play button for 'Menu preview', in treeview get Access violation (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012090: [Bug] artifacts in menu (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-10-03)
- 0012085: [Feature Request] option to put no sound on the background menu to the entire project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012033: [Bug] Creating and saving a chapter file within software and saving to different place than video source will not load in software (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012082: [Bug] preview does not show for some files (with h264 codec) when hardware decoding setting is "on" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012076: [Bug] "Reset to default" button: text cropped with some languages (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012071: [Bug] menu templates - translation missing (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-09-29)
- 0012046: [Bug] Restore acces to masks for legacy templates (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012057: [Bug] updating project name in treeview is not saved in project file (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012053: [Bug] Even with audio setting set to automatic, 5.1 audio tracks are converted to stereo (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012052: [Bug] Merged subtitle option not taken in account (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-09-22)
- 0012043: [Feature Request] Allow smart copy even if source file is not a BD structure (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012036: [Feature Request] Convert to the audio bitrate closest to the input source (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-09-19)
- 0009716: [Bug] audio output shutters/ is not as smooth as prior to conversion, source wmapro (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012021: [Bug] eac to aac audio stutters (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010614: [Feature Request] also normalize audio or video files manually added in menus when user sets up normalize setting in default settings (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012017: [Bug] dts copy not working (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - September 15th 2016
- 0012006: [Bug] No audio in preview/output with some E-AC-3 audio streams (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011966: [Feature Request] Add a setting to fix maximum video bitrate for hardware encoding (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011986: [Feature Request] Add support for 50/60Fps encoding with hardware encoding (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011993: [Suggestion] Allow more than 2 CUDA encoder instances in same time (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011980: [Bug] Missing text in menu output (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - September 2nd 2016
- 0011950: [Bug] Allow not compliant framerates setting not always applied (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011946: [Bug] menu editor - selected overlay color selected seems much paler in preview window (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011947: [Bug] option to change the number of chapters per page on menu template "Metallic-Text buttons for navigation" is greyed out (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011948: [Bug] menu - The selector cursor overlay is not aligned correctly (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011949: [Bug] cinema - navigation with text menu template - in root menu is missing navigation items/text (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011940: [Feature Request] files can be added by "pasting"- 'ctrl + v' into app (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011938: [Bug] image filters not applied - setting not saved (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011945: [Bug] generate time stamps if those of the source file are not consistant (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011935: [Bug] OK button is missing in subtitle editor tab (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011934: [Bug] Even if I remove an audio track from project, this track is still played in preview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011931: [Bug] Opening the menu editor is taking too long (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011924: [Bug] Input framerate not detected correctly in some cases (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011916: [Suggestion] Pull up title text area in ROOT menus to avoid thumbnail overlap (Cinema menu template) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011908: [Bug] Adding picture watermark does not work and freezes app (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011905: [Bug] "Encoding options" not applied in current project when closing settings window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011907: [Bug] Changing project name doesn't change TITLE menu text (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011899: [Bug] Getting error when loading project made with previous version (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011895: [Bug] Getting out of memory error when loading some Blu-ray discs (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011893: [Suggestion] Doesn't wait the end of file loading to build the tree video thumbs (faster loading) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011889: [Bug] Some GIF files are rendered partially when used as watermark (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011887: [Bug] Conversion doesn't start if TITLE menu text (or project name) contains break lines (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011885: [Bug] particular video file if used for background audio in menu - it does not work (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011874: [Feature Request] Add transparency support for animated GIF (video watermark) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011851: [Feature Request] support animated gifs as watermark (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011869: [Feature Request] add support for video as a watermark (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011868: [Feature Request] When Smart copy option is enabled, remux audio and subtitle tracks also (if compatible) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011866: [Bug] chapter settings not always working correctly (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011865: [Bug] refresh problem for disc name in treeview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011858: [Feature Request] output folder name - updating values for disk name and project name (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011854: [Information] show/hide preview windows flickers around (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011853: [Feature Request] Add new feature "Smart copy": allow remux of source video track (if fullly compatible) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011848: [Bug] saving a project with cut sections converts without cuts when project reopened (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011846: [Bug] crash converting with cuda set to 2 instances (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011845: [Bug] Menu editor - Refresh issue with hints in treeview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011842: [Bug] DVD angles not working - not isolating the angles (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011841: [Bug] crop and reduce text do not work well when using default simple menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011840: [Bug] mini cursor selector in menu for 16/9 menus (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011839: [Bug] default simple menu plays audio notification twice when titleset selected rather than once like in V4 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011838: [Bug] when changing background video and using associated audio track and applying to all project only video is applied to all pages (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011837: [Bug] workplace error when changing background image on old menu template (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011836: [Bug] in cinema template selecting of audio streams does not follow sequential order (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011785: [Bug] no audio detected for particular ts file (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011512: [Bug] in menu wma audio always repeats first 3 seconds not playing the rest of the song (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011817: [Bug] thumbnails in menu are not all the same size if resolution setting is "output based on input resolution" (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released July 28th 2016)
- 0011811: [Bug] false alert on pirated keys - blacklist clean up (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011812: [Suggestion] Use "Arial - bold" as default subtitle font (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011809: [Bug] When merging files, only the chapters of first file are imported (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released July 27th 2016
- 0011807: [Bug] audio normalization not working if checked in default settings (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011806: [Bug] display problem in output tab under preview window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011805: [Suggestion] default opening size is too small (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011804: [Bug] add another subtitle stream and causes custom subtitle name for 1st file to be discarded (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011803: [Bug] editing tabs under preview window not user friendly (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011802: [Bug] importing/ updating of default chapter setting problem (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - July 22nd 2016
- 0011790: [Bug] AV when trying to edit chapter text under preview window in certain cases (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-07-21) [ View Issues ]
- 0011759: [Bug] not all chapter thumbnails play as they should but are static (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011791: [Bug] make interface compatible with large fonts (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011789: [Bug] ConvertX window flickers now and then while conversion is running. (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011771: [Bug] no sound on output when converting to 5.1 channels (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011758: [Bug] menu editor - custom audio start time is not saved when value is greater than 8 min (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011757: [Bug] Menu editor - Thumbs missing in some cases (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011756: [Feature Request] Menu editor - Add help on variables where they may be needed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011755: [Bug] when adding files in treeview selected file should always be last file added (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011754: [Bug] cannot drag and drop project file into cxd - it is ignored (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011753: [Bug] does not load files in numerically order (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011752: [Bug] access violiation when clicking on chapter tab and then deleting titleset from project (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011751: [Feature Request] hardware optimizations - add info only works for h264 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011750: [Crash] Creating cuts on 1 file, then going to a different titleset hangs the application, eventually cause multiple Access Violations (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011749: [Bug] chapter files are not automatically loaded (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011748: [Bug] double clicking to edit project name does not work (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011747: [Bug] numbers do not work as a project name (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010869: [Crash] App hangs or get page full of Access Violation when leaving the "Cut Tab" and clicking on an other input file in the treeview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011287: [Bug] Some input file make output audio out of sync (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011718: [Bug] main movie is not detected when loading blu-ray Anesthesia (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011692: [Bug] burning engine freezes in some cases when burning to double layer disk (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011658: [Bug] menu editor- volume control always reverts back to the 80% - when changed value is not saved (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011661: [Bug] Menu editor - Unable to edit background sound (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011656: [Bug] After editing the start time of the title thumbnails, they disappeare (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011655: [Bug] it is hard to change the backgrounds - Refresh Problem In Menu Backgrounds (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011654: [Bug] Access Violation when playing at a chapter point on simulator. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011653: [Feature Request] loading file dialogue, when file parsed add option to "remember my choice" for 'show details' (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011650: [Bug] background video start time is not remembered (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011657: [Feature Request] in menu editor remember path file for last used custom file (felicia) - closed.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011641: [Bug] Menu framework: Fail to convert if title count is equal to titles par page (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011640: [Bug] playing certain files to the end in preview window before conversion crashes app (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011639: [Bug] arrows for vertical subtitle margin do the opposite of what you expect (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011638: [Bug] when windows display is at 125% editing function for subtitles in tabs under preview window are truncated (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011637: [Information] In default settings when adding a watermark must press "play" in order for watermark to appear (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011636: [Suggestion] Include normalization process (when "always normalize" setting in set) in main conversion process (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011635: [Bug] Watermark image not transparent when rendered in background/thumbnail in menus (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011624: [Bug] the aspect ratio is not correct when the movie is played in simulator mode in menu editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011625: [Feature Request] possibility to for pages of episodes menu structure to have individual titles, ie. "page 2 of 4" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011627: [Feature Request] have independant/ Different Titles on different menu pages (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011630: [Bug] no audio or subtitle streams detected from particular ISO file (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011631: [Bug] <tname> tag in menu editor does not display as it should when playing menu preview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011632: [Bug] navigation of menu items is not correct with menu structure open style - theme Metallic theme text buttons (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - June 10th 2016
- 0011591: [Bug] get conversion error if set to allow "2" simultaneous conversions when using cinema theme and bonuses (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011592: [Bug] Video turns black if moving mouse cursor under preview inside a cut section (when red cross displayed) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011593: [Bug] Getting green line on right of video if using odd value for padding (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011594: [Bug] creating cut sections, and playing in preview with "fastforward" checked cursor does not move in sync with image (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - June 9th 2016
- 0011575: [Feature Request] when changing background audio - display other pages affected dialogue (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011576: [Feature Request] add in help section of menu editor list of all variables available (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011577: [Bug] DIY -Simple backgrounds (TV episodes) template - text values cannot be changed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011478: [Bug] after playing 1st titleset selector cursor will always preselects 2nd titleset rather than the next item (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011568: [Bug] Video preview in main interface always show the ROOT menu, even if I select CHAPTERS or SETTINGS menu in tree (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011569: [Bug] if cut made, chapter points are not correctly linked from chapter menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011481: [Feature Request] allow possibility to change vertical and horizontal margins and scale of DVDsub format subtitles (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - June 1st 2016
- 0011557: [Bug] on some files applying image post processing adds unwanted green lines on output (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011538: [Feature Request] add variable "<tname>" (Title Name) - useful in menus (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-05-30) [ View Issues ]
- 0011546: [Bug] Conversion process freeze when an image enhancement filter is used (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011541: [Feature Request] add new theme for structure "series" that has a full background image (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011538: [Feature Request] add variable "<tn>" (Title Name) - useful in menus (felicia) - resolved.
[3 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-05-27) [ View Issues ]
- 0011536: [Bug] Audio/video sync problem when converting MKV files made by remuxing software (like MakeMKV, MKVMerge...) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011533: [Bug] "automatically add a chapter at the start of each merged file" is not working (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011528: [Information] do not have grayed out the option "skip root menu initially" when using "movie" structure (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011531: [Bug] title text in root menu not reduced as per menu settings (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011525: [Feature Request] improve interface as some users think only 6 videos can be converted (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011522: [Bug] freezing at the end of conversion if video was cut - seems to hang for a long time at 100% before completing (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-05-20) [ View Issues ]
- 0011494: [Bug] Getting access violation when opening subtitle editor (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011501: [Bug] Hardware decoders never used (even if enabled in settings) (cedric) - resolved.
[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-05-19) [ View Issues ]
- 0011495: [Bug] font size is abnormally small (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011485: [Bug] changing advanced subtitle settings in default settings and importing changes results: "cannot focus a disabled or invisible... (cedric) - resolved.
[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-05-17) [ View Issues ]
- 0011491: [Bug] once treeview is full, dragging and dropping to load more files adds them in the "before last" position rather than "last" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011487: [Bug] ConvertX crash on startup (stopped working) if system font size is not the default one (100%) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - May 16th 2016
- 0011474: [Bug] menu text option: "ask what to do" when text is too long, no question is asked and sometime blocks conversion (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011463: [Bug] Embedded subtitles are squashed if convert 25fps source to AVCHD 25fps (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011473: [Bug] Only the first part of a .srt subtitle file is converted (displayed in preview, not on final Blu-ray/AVCHD) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011471: [Feature Request] reorganize items under top menu "File" - make it easier for users to add files from burner or folder (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011460: [Bug] Resize filter "Lanczos" is not working. Everytime ConvertX is closed and opened again, resize filters change to "Box (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011455: [Feature Request] add image enhancer for VHS Tapes (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011284: [Suggestion] keep the "add" link in the bonus and episodes section (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011453: [Bug] Wrong Aspect Ratio applied when switching between titlesets in tree (cedric) - resolved.
- freezing during menu generation and stops progressing

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010842: [Suggestion] Missing a [Space] between 2 words in the chapter Tab (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011432: [Feature Request] Add external PGS/Blu-ray subtitle support (.sup files) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011421: [Bug] specific mpg file doesn't load completely - progress bar remains on screen (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011422: [Bug] adding a subtitle stream to an isolated vob file loaded in app, makes app crash when playing preview window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011424: [Bug] "share your experience" prevents batcher from functioning properly (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011425: [Bug] "share your experience" prevents shutdown after conversion setting from functioning properly (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011426: [Bug] chapter times are not correct if merging files using right click option on files already loaded in treeview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011427: [Feature Request] editing titleset names in treeview and arrow keys for navigation not working like in v5 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011428: [Bug] log always reports "VSO" method used for deinterlacing method, no matter what selection is made (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011429: [Bug] text watermark stops displaying at 10 minutes (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011353: [Bug] In default settings selecting resize filter "Mitchell (VSO)" always selected instead "Spline (VSO)" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011405: [Bug] conversion never finishes at 98% with incomplete file, however does finish in v5 (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011387: [Information] menu editor - quick access icon bar, is shortcuts or ???? (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011388: [Bug] Missing some button overlays in legacy templates (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011389: [Feature Request] changing values of default menu or new default menu so menu encoding less CPU intensive to be closer to that of v5 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011390: [Bug] artifacts when using theme "still images" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011391: [Bug] menu editor - Background image display is not the same as "still preview" compared to when "playing preview" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011392: [Bug] unable to select chapters on 2nd page or greater on output or in simulator mode in menu editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011393: [Bug] switching to a different menu structure while in simulator mode makes highlight disappears (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011394: [Bug] bonus items in menu is not selectable (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011395: [Bug] theme interface problems? extra grey shadows when there should not be (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011396: [Bug] menu editor - when choosing "no video" for background in menu choice is not remembered (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011397: [Bug] On page two and three in the menu you can not select the indvidual Titleset only page navigation is selectable (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011398: [Bug] menu editor - the time for still image is not the same one displayed in still image of preview compared to when playing (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011342: [Feature Request] Add more deinterlacing methods (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011326: [Bug] Watermark opacity option doesn’t works if loaded file is not png (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011330: [Feature Request] Add watermark start time and periodicity settings (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011312: [Bug] redundant text in display of code page list (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011324: [Bug] ConvertX lock up when loading a file with subtitles (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011310: [Bug] not all subtitles are displayed (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011311: [Bug] crash CXD when editing cuts with merged files (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011313: [Feature Request] add integration of watermark in default settings like in CXV - with check box to "add watermark to all videos" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011314: [Feature Request] remove the pause icon that displays on preview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011306: [Feature Request] Menu editor - Feature to hide any item (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010742: [Bug] add a link/way for users to use older menu templates (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011303: [Bug] menu editor - when apply stretch mode to background image settings is not actually applied once menu editor closed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011300: [Bug] changes in default settings/Menu Options/Edit Current Template Fonts are not overwritten by newer changes made in menu editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011301: [Bug] menu editor - in some cases not changing text modifications (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011302: [Bug] cursor highlight/ selector do not appear if text in menu is a very dark color close to black (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011047: [Suggestion] series menu structure by default has no audio in background menu, edit window leads user to believe there is (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009322: [Bug] colors look very washed out on converted result (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011278: [Feature Request] add integration of watermark in default settings like in CXV - with check box to "add watermark to all videos" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011276: [Feature Request] remove the pause icon that displays on preview (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011271: [Feature Request] Menu editor - Add safe zone display option (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011269: [Bug] series menu - bonuses menu, too many thumbnails appear in menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011261: [Bug] Thor - the dark world loads without any audio streams (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011266: [Bug] cursor highlight does not take length of full line, classic, simple but elegant menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010660: [Feature Request] menu editor - ability to crop/zoom/ adjust fitting of image in menu for button or background image etc (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010745: [Feature Request] menu editor - resizing an image stretchs it not keeping aspect ratio however using 'crtl' and moving keeps aspect ratio (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011256: [Bug] wrong audio stream used in menu in some cases with cinema theme (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011245: [Bug] Can't use previous frame function just after seeking (advanced edition window) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010744: [Feature Request] when changing image for menu (background image/video) or for thumbnail let user choose: letterbox/panscan/stretched (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011250: [Bug] Video Processing's Resize Filters are Empty and changing it does not effect, CXD uses Linear as default (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010521: [Bug] Toggle the [X] Show Details and it stops working (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010841: [Information] Chaper (Typo) instead of Chapter in editor window (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011240: [Feature Request] Improve cluster parsing speed (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011238: [Feature Request] Add new themes for TV Series structure (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011235: [Bug] Menu editor - Allow item restauration when snap action is set to delete (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011233: [Bug] Menu editor - Aspect ratio not respected when resizing thumbs (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011232: [Feature Request] Menu editor - Add option to stretch images and videos (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011231: [Bug] Menu editor - Padding method not respected for menu thumbnails (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011216: [Bug] missing some language streams when loading blu-rays Sicario and Hitmat (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011201: [Bug] Thumbnails - Duration when changed from 30 seconds, setting is not applied/saved (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011190: [Feature Request] when changing from "movie" to "series" structure consider all titlesets already in treeview as episodes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011189: [Bug] Menu editor - Thumbnails are not always updated (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011187: [Bug] still image of menu is not accurate if cut was made at beginning of file (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - February 16th 2016
- 0011181: [Information] When menus are being rendered, we get a value higher than 100% on the processing of the render (Series Template) (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0011180: [Bug] Allow 25p,30p, 50p and 60p option not taken in account (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011175: [Bug] "share your experience" prevents shutdown after conversion setting from functioning properly (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011179: [Bug] once "classic, simple but elegant" is edited it is not possible to go back to the default background. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010403: [Feature Request] menu editor - Add option for still thumbnail from video (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010752: [Feature Request] possibility to set "x" number of 'chapter thumbnails' per page (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011125: [Feature Request] menu editor - new open style structure, blank theme (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011113: [Feature Request] menu editor - when using a custom button for menu, automatically use highlight resource if in same folder with same name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010454: [Feature Request] menu editor - when aligning items in menu add “Magnetic” like behavior where items “snap” into the proper alignment (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010657: [Feature Request] menu editor - actually play video in simulator mode (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011154: [Crash] Menu editor - Crash when editing and multiple pages are displayed in tree view (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011141: [Bug] old menu template "classic, simple but elegant" the background of the menu is missing in the menu editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009986: [Bug] truehd and dts hd not detected by all blu-ray players (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-02-04) [ View Issues ]
- 0011134: [Bug] Menu editor - Problem if text label is empty (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011132: [Bug] Unable to edit items if set to "no image" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011130: [Bug] Menu editor - global duration change not fully taken into account (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011128: [Crash] Unable to change typesettings for bullets in settings menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011123: [Bug] Wrong chapters display in series theme (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011116: [Bug] Chapter navigation in the Movie Template is not sequential (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released February 1st 2016
- 0011105: [Bug] Menu editor - Issue with theme 'Metallic - Text buttons for navigation (open style)' (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011103: [Feature Request] Add more default font sizes to type settings editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011101: [Bug] Items cannot be moved in Series template (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011100: [Bug] Issues with several templates in the Menu Editor (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-01-29)
- 0011097: [Bug] Open/save dialog window are blinking when opened (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011091: [Bug] Application hang when seeking at the beginning of a file (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011088: [Bug] Application hang after conversion, just before starting the burn process (cedric) - resolved.

Minor version
- 0011028: [Bug] Option "Always normalize audio before starting the conversion" not working (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011026: [Bug] Getting "Runtime error 216" when closing ConvertXtoHD (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011025: [Feature Request] menu editor - give access to an apply mode that changes start time for all video thumbnails in title menu for example (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011023: [Bug] conversion sometimes converts to the wrong fps (depending on source and after having change unrelevant default settings) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011024: [Bug] adding an intro video and trying to play it in preview window does not play video file, but menu? (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011022: [Bug] when you change application language, make sure menu text items also change (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011021: [Bug] Movie Template (English Software) still displays "French" words in the menu template (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010917: [Feature Request] film template - default settings so does not autostart playback (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011002: [Bug] menu editor - when loading old template glossy clear, impossible to change background image in title menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011003: [Bug] menu editor - typos in information window about text resize for playing preview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011016: [Feature Request] Add image attribution link (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released January 14th 2016
- New menu editor: allows for total menu customization, including moving of menu items
- Add watermark to video
- New audio normalization
- Settings added to adjust image saturation and sharpness
- New “image enhancer” setting added
- More control over hardware encoders and decoders
- Intro video option added (video that plays before menu displays)
- New menu structure designed for converting “TV series”
- New menu structure designed for converting “1 movie” with bonus menu, etc.
- New menu designs
- Compatible with windows 10

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2017-01-08) [ View Issues ]
- 0010965: [Bug] default selected item is not 1st video in title menu (regression) (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010893: [Crash] Toggle preview between Root Menu and Chapters Menu (Play Display) will end in error (Access Violation) on exit (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010954: [Bug] Menu editor- bug in "Use a custom file (video or Still image)" (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Not Yet Released) [ View Issues ]
- 0010922: [Suggestion] Update AlphaSkins to 10.22 (wesson) - resolved.
- 0010920: [Suggestion] Minor interface changes in the Menu Editor Layer Setting (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Not Yet Released) [ View Issues ]
- 0010910: [Crash] Importing this manually created Chapters file generates an Access Violation (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010898: [Feature Request] new open style theme: minimal only text no video thumbnails in any pages of menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010897: [Bug] Movie Template / Changing thumbmail to custom on File 1, makes file 2 Template Default Editable, should not (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-12-23)
- 0010893: [Crash] Toggle preview between Root Menu and Chapters Menu (Play Display) will end in error (Access Violation) on exit (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010881: [Bug] Selecting specific "Movie" template causes an error to display (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010879: [Bug] loading of titlesets in software takes longer in v6 than v5 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010878: [Bug] Using the Series Template, I can now add a "bonus" using the new Add button, but cannot set to Bonus manually (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010877: [Suggestion] With only 1 input file, I cannot make it "Bonus" type, therefore the Bonus Option should be made unavailable (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010872: [Bug] image wall template navigation is not intuitive (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010845: [Crash] Deleting All chapters, and trying to add new one with cause an Access Violation (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010871: [Suggestion] Loading "Chapters" from file, let's you add chapters past the video end time (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010870: [Information] As text style, is this what we should really see ? (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010840: [Bug] Changing start time on menu thumbnail image causes not to display in preview menu (Series Template) (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-12-21)
- 0010859: [Feature Request] add info in log about if post processing is used and what method (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010860: [Feature Request] Image Processing does not stick when going from 1 video to an other and back (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010861: [Feature Request] new theme for software 'elegant' (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010862: [Suggestion] Some bubble help text have not been translated to French in the chapter tab (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010864: [Crash] Application crashes if to many menu pages have been edited (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010866: [Feature Request] Link simuilation mode and remote control (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010868: [Feature Request] Add kids bunny and cupdcake themes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010847: [Crash] [ ] De-Selecting the Intro Video causes an Access Violation (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2016-12-18) [ View Issues ]
- 0010839: [Bug] In the treeview, if you click on your input file "Thumbnail Image" the Preview Window will not open (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010822: [Bug] Menu editor - Selection of overlaped not included items is not always easy (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010815: [Crash] Selecting Tribal theme for movie structure causes application to crash in menu editor (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Not Yet Released) [ View Issues ]
- 0010451: [Feature Request] Add more image post processing (sharpen, unsharpen, blur, details enhance...) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010668: [Feature Request] menu editor - quick access tool bar for items like undo redo, show grid, remote control (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010806: [Bug] Grid not showing unless color is manually selected (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010799: [Bug] When renaming Project Name (Bottom) it doesn't auto refresh / Need manual click to refresh (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010787: [Bug] lost menu highlight on some menu items (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010777: [Suggestion] menu editor - for apply mode, change wording from "disc" to " project" (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-12-22)
- 0010887: [Bug] Disable OpenCL support for Nvidia GPUs (unstable) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010767: [Crash] Using OpenCL Hardware Encoder makes my video driver crash, try to cancel, application hang (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010880: [Crash] import of a .swf file type hangs app. (crash) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-12-18)
- 0010516: [Suggestion] When clicking on Output & Menu Changes, open the settings in Output or Menu Options (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010774: [Bug] when converting to avchd usb, default selected item needs to be a blank item so forces user to select correct usb in list (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010514: [Suggestion] Identify which version in the uninstall Program (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010802: [Bug] Use of rotate function in titleset give bad thumbnails in preview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010456: [Feature Request] new default value: output format, video resolution should be "automatic -based on input resolution" rather than 720p (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010770: [Information] Increase video bitrate limitation to 30Mbit/s for software encoding (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010726: [Bug] Cannot assign a nil to a TVsoGraphic (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010757: [Bug] My video card get's detected, but cannot find any Acceleration Methods (Windows XP) (cedric) - closed.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-27)
- 0010445: [Bug] bad preview and conversion of pcm audio file (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010651: [Bug] Low video quality in preview after maximizing the main window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010649: [Bug] regression setting "merge subtitle into video if only one present" does not work (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010646: [Suggestion] Use RGB colorspace for menu rendering (avoid artifacts & give better quality) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010601: [Bug] menu editor - green line artifact when changing background image (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010615: [Bug] snap_mm_cluster_tag in treeview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010633: [Suggestion] Use panscan fit method for menu thumbnail rendering (instead of letterbox) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released Nov 13th 2015
- 0010584: [Bug] problem with background image of "default, simple menu" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010579: [Bug] changing font color to custom value causes font color to show as black (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010576: [Bug] menu background has black borders (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010575: [Bug] the borders of the title icon images are incorrectly positioned. (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released Nov 10th 2015
- 0010567: [Bug] app minimizes to taskbar alone and doesn't open again, must close through task manage (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010548: [Bug] Bad aspect ratio of videos/pictures in menu thumbnails/background (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-07) [ View Issues ]
- 0010548: [Bug] Bad aspect ratio of videos/pictures in menu thumbnails/background (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010545: [Bug] Burning process doesn't start (cedric) - resolved.
[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-06) [ View Issues ]
- 0010541: [Bug] shouldn't get "warning about structure" when load AVI type file even though "Blu-ray" files are in same location (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010495: [Feature Request] Allow merge by dragging and dropping on titleset (without pressing shift) (cedric) - resolved.

[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-05) [ View Issues ]
- 0010413: [Bug] When NVENC encoder is used, only audio is playing on SAMSUNG BD player (cedric) - resolved.

[1 issue]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-03) [ View Issues ]
- 0010508: [Bug] converted video quality is not as good as the source, the output has blur and rumple effect (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010507: [Bug] display bug when adding external subtitle track in subtitle tab . . . . there is a blue line with text that should not exist (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010506: [Suggestion] link hardware optimizations in default settings drop down menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010505: [Bug] decoder setting "allow only 1 instance" not respected (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010504: [Bug] user defined cropping and padding values are not saved in projects (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010497: [Suggestion] use 224 kbps as default stereo output (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010503: [Bug] Option "Always display a subtitle track on playback" not applied when closing settings window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010495: [Feature Request] Allow merge by dragging and dropping on titleset (without pressing shift) and display merge in main interface (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010488: [Suggestion] logic with settings window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010492: [Feature Request] when no subtitles and user clicks on item in titleset "add external subtitle track" open file browser also (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010491: [Bug] color missing next to color selection for subtitles in editing tab under preview window (cedric) - resolved.

[11 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-11-02) [ View Issues ]
- 0009583: [Bug] decoder setting "allow only 1 instance" not respected (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010486: [Feature Request] link hardware optimizations in default settings drop down menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010324: [Bug] loop function does not work with template "no menu" in powerDVD (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010465: [Bug] convert to avchd USB key - no information conversion is finished (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010469: [Bug] for output avchd usb - prompt user for for burning if "burn after conversion " is checked (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010468: [Bug] on some computers application is "on top" or in "foreground" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010450: [Bug] after closing app when previously screen size maximized opens too big (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010452: [Bug] scroll bars odd behaivor (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010443: [Bug] conversion priority cannot be changed on the fly (conversion must be canceled and started again to get actual priority set) (cedric) - resolved.

[9 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-10-28) [ View Issues ]
- 0010437: [Suggestion] Use tree display mode for settings window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010370: [Feature Request] try to guess subtitle file language using filename (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009821: [Feature Request] Allow more versatile hardware encoder settings like in ConvertXtoVideo (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010435: [Bug] a subtitle stream is always displayed on output result regardless if "default" setting is applied or not in software (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010434: [Bug] part of interface is black with theme aluminium in output tab under preview window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010433: [Bug] impossible to cut certain ts files - results in access violation (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010432: [Suggestion] grey out file menu during conversion (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010326: [Feature Request] new default value: "remove intro and outro segments from menu" (felicia) - resolved.

[8 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-10-20) [ View Issues ]
- 0010399: [Bug] Audio and video out of sync in ROOT menus (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010397: [Bug] Unable to edit the timing after adding chapters (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010396: [Bug] chapter thumbnails cannot be changed independently as modification also changes chapter point (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010395: [Bug] themes cause problem in treeview, parts of interface are black when editing (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010391: [Bug] Source SAR not taken in account when applying rotate filter (bad aspect ratio on output) (cedric) - resolved.

[5 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-10-12) [ View Issues ]
- 0010381: [Bug] menus building is taking too long (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010377: [Suggestion] Make video seek more responsive for DVD, Blu-ray & AVCHD inputs (cedric) - resolved.

[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - Released Oct 5th 2015
- 0010352: [Bug] menu text does not use user customisations or translated language (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010351: [Bug] when burning to ISO explorer does not open at the end of conversion (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010335: [Bug] access violation navigating in tabs under preview window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010334: [Bug] conversion problem with specific mkv file when cuts are made (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010332: [Bug] Some specific WMV files (without audio stream) can't be loaded (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010123: [Bug] Video has crackling popping sounds (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010311: [Bug] Gone with the wind Blu-ray does not load (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010316: [Bug] When converting, the little preview show colors (Artifacts) on the bottom (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010253: [Bug] do not allow raw copy of truehd in blu-ray output (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010308: [Bug] Custom background image not used in VSO glossy ROOT menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010301: [Suggestion] Optimize/reduce memory foot print of loaded items (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-09-09)
- 0010290: [Bug] 4/3 titlesets are displayed as wide (16/9) in some Blu-ray players (play fine on PC players) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010289: [Bug] Getting background audio in menu even if I select "No audio" in treeview editor (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-09-07) [ View Issues ]
- 0010281: [Bug] Problem when starting the burning process (index file missing) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-09-04)
- 0010279: [Bug] No menu template when opening Cx via right clicking on file name (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-08-31) [ View Issues ]
- 0010271: [Bug] no items under "Extras" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010268: [Bug] Mpeg-1 video decoding fail if hardware decoders (DXVA2) are enabled (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010267: [Bug] Hardware encoding NVENC doesn't works (with last Nvidia drivers) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010266: [Bug] Translation program (EditLoc) not copied when installing (cedric) - resolved.
[4 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-08-25)
- 0010258: [Suggestion] remove "unspecified" for video stream (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010257: [Bug] bad output structure when using no menu (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released August 24th, 2015
- 0010238: [Bug] regression iso files no longer load (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010239: [Bug] can't load Blu-ray structure (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010243: [Bug] out is only a couple of seconds long compared to original which is 3 minutes (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010130: [Bug] change wording from message "burn process failed" to "burn process not possible, disk is too small" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010085: [Bug] product name missing in exe info (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released August 17th, 2015
- 0010167: [Bug] conversion error when converting with Windows 10 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010177: [Bug] runtime error on startup (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010183: [Feature Request] add hourglass or something similar to show user APP is still loading files (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010179: [Bug] Aspect ratio badly detected with Pinnacle Studio captured files (AVI) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010158: [Bug] log shows Windows 10 as Windows 8 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010101: [Bug] files starting with black images cause crash when seeking in preview - if converting, conversion time increases never finishes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010074: [Bug] Error reading interlaced adobe premiere generated BD (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released June 23rd, 2015
- 0010063: [Bug] Crackling audio when converting from dts HD (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010054: [Suggestion] update EULA compatibility Windows 10 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010046: [Bug] Output size overflow when RAW copy for audio tracks is allowed (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released June 22nd, 2015
- 0010046: [Bug] Output size overflow when RAW copy for audio tracks is allowed (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010042: [Bug] Some language identifiers (like Japanese, Korean, Zhuang...) are not taken in account (reverted to unspecified) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010038: [Suggestion] Remove useless video intro from main part of Blu-ray movies (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010034: [Bug] Real number of TrueHD channels not always detected (6 channels detected when input contains 8 channels) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0010028: [Suggestion] Do a global translation refresh using online DB (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010025: [Bug] monitor does not go into standby mode after burn is complete (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010024: [Bug] ConvertX doesn't close on exit (stay in task manager) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released June 12th, 2015
- 0010015: [Bug] Get back the mirror effect in Black mirror ROOT menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0010013: [Suggestion] Reduce space between items and mirror effect in menus (Black mirror template) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009956: [Information] get size back in menus like (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009996: [Bug] missing language files and trial window also has no text (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009997: [Bug] can't load dvd structure or blu-ray (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009995: [Information] About menu says "License informations" instead of "License information." (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009994: [Bug] Intel hardware decoding causes pixelated result (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009991: [Bug] AnyDvd activation no longer works (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009986: [Bug] truehd and dts hd not detected by all blu-ray players (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009981: [Bug] episodes in wrong order GOT S1D1 (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released May 29th, 2015
- 0009953: [Bug] Menu text reduction doesn't work like it should (text font too much reduced) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009952: [Bug] The mirror effect in Blu-ray/AVCHD menus is sometimes too far from text (Black mirror template) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009950: [Bug] in menu buttons and icons are distorted with odd diagonal lines (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released May 28th, 2015
- 0009942: [Bug] interference on right edge of video thumbnail in menu, actual video is fine (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009941: [Bug] many log errors like " [decoder][h264]: missing picture in access unit with size 11" but that don't have impact on output (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009940: [Bug] video menu background distortion (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009937: [Bug] no audio tracks found in ISO file however VLC detects them (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009930: [Bug] Unable to read audioless faststone capture video (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009921: [Bug] Selected language in installer not used as application language (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009916: [Suggestion] Limit simultaneous NVENC encoders sessions to 2 (restricted by last API versions) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009908: [Information] hardware encoding nvenc no longer working since last update from nvidia (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009867: [Bug] language for menu text uses "Português (Brazil)" when it should use Português (Portugal) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009884: [Bug] Wrong menu settings if conversion is launched before all templates are loaded (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009872: [Suggestion] add extension IMG to supported files (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009822: [Suggestion] when converting from a physical disk limit to only one titleset at a time, no simultaneous conversions (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009833: [Bug] language identifier if set in default settings is not taken into account (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009584: [Bug] fast forward and rewind do not function properly on stand-alone Blu-ray player (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released May 4th, 2015
- 0009820: [Bug] Access Violation error when clicking on subtitle properties and other tabs (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009817: [Bug] audio compression not shown in log - is it applied? (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009818: [Bug] Modifying the font for a button will revert settings to the default for the thumbnail. (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009819: [Bug] "reset" in output tab under preview window does to do nothing (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released April 30th, 2015
- 0009803: [Suggestion] Improve quality when converting text based subtitles (ASS, SSA, SRT...) to Blu-ray subtitles (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009802: [Bug] The first top left pixel is sometimes white in encoded Blu-ray subtitle (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009797: [Bug] Subtitle background is not clean when converting to Blu-ray subtitles with "Opaque box" option enabled (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-04-25) [ View Issues ]
- 0009784: [Bug] Getting access violation when opening audio/subtitle tracks editors (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009781: [Bug] Pause function not working (video preview) (cedric) - resolved.

[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-04-24) [ View Issues ]
- 0009780: [Bug] Language identifier for audio and subtitle tracks never used for output (always show "Undefined") (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009779: [Bug] Low audio quality on output when converting from an mp3 audio track (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009701: [Bug] Refresh / or text overlap problem in burning window (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009719: [Bug] conversion error with 8 channel dts converting to ac-3 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009726: [Bug] some subtitles missing when converting srt to blu-ray subtitles (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009723: [Feature Request] h265/x265 Input Support (wesson) - resolved.

[6 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released 2015-04-03) [ View Issues ]
- 0009684: [Bug] freezing after finalzing process of disk burning, disk is useable but app must be killed (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009672: [Feature Request] detect old version in uninstall and propose to try new version (cedric) - resolved.

[2 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - Released March 26th, 2015
- 0009648: [Bug] overflow with ssa subtitles (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009540: [Bug] "what's new" in udpater does not link to cxhd history page (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009617: [Bug] freeze happens anytime during burning - must end with task mananger (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009568: [Bug] In some cases Dolby 5.1 EN audio is not always detected by this program? Source DVD-R9 copied with AnyDVD and CloneDVD on my HDD (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009562: [Bug] False protection detection in DVD (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released March 9th, 2015
- 0009548: [Bug] language identifier is not updated in subtitle editing tab under the preview window (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009543: [Bug] Video preview is black in some cases (when input file resolution is higher than screen resolution) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009537: [Bug] episodes seen as bonuses rather than episodes: 1st disk of Spartacus Blood and Sand (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009487: [Bug] check for updates - download link does not redirect to correct language of website (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009522: [Bug] Target size not respected when remuxing (RAW copy) DTS HD (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released March 5th, 2015
- 0009517: [Bug] Blu-ray made by VSO products rejected by some PANASONIC BD home players (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009518: [Bug] Playback freeze on Blu-ray home player when seeking/reaching chapter points (NVENC encoder problem) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - Released February 24th, 2015
fixes many playback problems in different blu-ray players
- 0009485: [Bug] Tree refresh problem when selecting Blu-ray menu template (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009482: [Bug] menu font changes conflict - changes not always taken into account (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009480: [Bug] DVD structure not interpreted the same as in VLC (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009474: [Bug] CX2HD always encode to fps that source has. Option of encoding to 25, 30 and above not taken in account (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009473: [Bug] hard to do cut sections when working with long video files (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009470: [Bug] some flvs not loading (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009452: [Bug] Changing the font size is still ignored if changed in Default Settings -> Menu options -> Edit current template fonts (felicia) - resolved.
- 0008404: [Feature Request] accept LPCM in remux (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009451: [Bug] When I choose "BD-25" target size should be 23000 MB but log file says target size is 23400 MB. (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009449: [Feature Request] add setting to deactivate intro and outros in menus (animations of fade in an outs when loading or leaving menu pages) (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009400: [Bug] Issue with multi page title menus (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009430: [Bug] No intro outro templates not playing on some players (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009401: [Bug] when one presses the chapter skip, the picture freezes (although the sound seems to continue) (felicia) - resolved.
- 0008575: [Bug] orange menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009429: [Bug] Wrong button selected by default on some menus (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009426: [Bug] problem with fonts in menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009307: [Bug] In some cases burning window is transparant - makes it hard to burn (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009187: [Feature Request] Add a option to select output resolution for each file individually (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009427: [Bug] unable to initialize menu (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009422: [Suggestion] Display a more friendly input stream description in merge tree and hints (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009417: [Bug] 480p and 576p ROOT menus always encoded in 4/3 (even if titleset is 16/9) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009411: [Bug] I always get not compliant encoding frame rate warning in log (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009408: [Bug] Output framerate too low (output file not usable) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009185: [Bug] created blu-ray disks do not play in panasonic blu ray player (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009403: [Feature Request] add 50p and 60p in tolerated non compliant framerate setting (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009398: [Bug] some players will not play original raw copy of dts audio in blu-ray output (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009402: [Bug] file detected as 50fps rather than 25fps as in vlc or media info (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released February 2nd, 2015)
- 0009333: [Bug] embedded subtitles are squeezed—not proportioned (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009373: [Bug] a few problems with ssa subtitles files when converted to Blu-ray (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009368: [Bug] freezing on samsung player (felicia) - resolved.
[3 issues]
ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009371: [Bug] some icons have red outline (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009367: [Bug] artifacts on subtitles, extra outline around subtitles in yellow (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009189: [Bug] Orange box in place of selector in clear glossy template's title menu (felicia) - resolved.
[3 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - Released January 30th, 2015
- fixes playback problem on some Blu-ray players
- 0009178: [Bug] Root Menu editing allows custom video backgrounds, but custom image background don't work (Claire) - resolved.
- 0009333: [Bug] embedded subtitles are squeezed—not proportioned (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009271: [Bug] argument out of range or crash when deleting titlesets from treeview (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009185: [Bug] created blu-ray disks do not play in panasonic blu ray player (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009322: [Bug] colors look very washed out on converted result (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009318: [Bug] "open folder" button does not work in overwritting dialogue (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009316: [Bug] During rendering the tiny thumbnail-size window on the left side is becoming GREEN every 3 seconds or so (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009315: [Bug] no thumbnail appears in treeview with particular flv (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009310: [Bug] does not use ASS subtitle settings of input file (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009307: [Bug] In some cases burning window is transparant - makes it hard to burn (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009306: [Bug] Option to allow not Blu-ray/AVCHD compliant framerates not always applied (encoder use default 24p) (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009299: [Suggestion] Add a warning in log when used framerate is not fully Blu-ray/AVCHD compliant (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009297: [Feature Request] Add an option to allow not Blu-ray/AVCHD compliant framerates (use closest frame rate from source file) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009295: [Bug] When output resolution is set to Automatic, ConvertXtoHD doesn't use the best match (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009283: [Suggestion] Disable drive, speed, refresh button and label editors components when burning is started (burning window) (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009282: [Feature Request] Allow 25p and 30p framerates for 720p and 1080p outputs (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009277: [Bug] can't manually eject disc after burn (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009272: [Suggestion] Remove/fix warning "No channel layout specified. The encoder will guess the layout, but it might be incorrect." (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009239: [Feature Request] make smoother conversions when converting from 25fps source to blu-ray or AVCHD - 24 fps (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009264: [Bug] H264 hardware encoding option disabled even if Intel QuickSync is available (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009259: [Bug] improve visibility of menu cursor black mirror template (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009229: [Bug] Once the cancel button has been clicked in a progress window, it will be always disabled after (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009228: [Suggestion] Split Portuguese language identifiers into Brazil and Portugal (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009227: [Bug] subtitles overlap (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009226: [Bug] audio video sync problem after conversion (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009225: [Bug] title change in root menu not taken into account (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009224: [Bug] "Out of Memory" converting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Expedables 3 (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009184: [Bug] many MP4 video files have color distortion in both preview and after conversion (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD -
- 0009174: [Bug] video resolution setting is not remembered in default settings (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009139: [Bug] Number of core used for encoding setting (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009175: [Feature Request] multicore processor setting: use actual number of cores as default value (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009163: [Bug] If affiliate tag do not display thankyou page (cedric) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD - (Released December 19th, 2014) [ View Issues ]
- 0009144: [Bug] Menu conversion freeze when "2 pass encoding" AND "hardware encoders" options are enabled (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009143: [Feature Request] Add .img image file format in load files dialog (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009142: [Bug] Menu template thumbnail not refreshed when "No menu" is selected (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009141: [Crash] Getting "Runtime error 217" on startup (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009135: [Bug] User reports some DVDs may result in same hash (felicia) - resolved.
- 0008575: [Bug] orange menu (felicia) - resolved.
[6 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released December 12th, 2014) [ View Issues ]
- 0009080: [Bug] preview problem with hardware decoders, preview is black (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009120: [Bug] menu thumbs problems - pixalisation underneath and thumb is cropped too soon (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009116: [Bug] No menu preview when adding video in background (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009117: [Bug] Access violation when clicking in menu thumb and then on track bar (cedric) - resolved.
[4 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - (Released December 11th, 2014) [ View Issues ]
- 0009110: [Bug] subtitles appear without being selected in the middle of the film (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009108: [Bug] No video description in titleset node (getting "Video:") (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009090: [Feature Request] Add "user review" window before closing program (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009087: [Feature Request] change link to guide (cedric) - resolved.
- 0009102: [Feature Request] Add option to have diferrent typesettings in same titleset menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009095: [Bug] In weird cases typesettings may be ignored (felicia) - resolved.
[6 issues]

ConvertXtoHD - Released Decemeber 12th, 2014
1st official release

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