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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader
Version 15.25.0228(February 28,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0221 (February 21,2025)
Improved detection of live streams from YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0215 (February 15,2025)
Improved detection for Vimeo,, CBS, RaiPlay, ParamountPlus US, CW TV and YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0205 (February 5,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0129 (January 29,2025)
Added Enhance Mode to Link Finder Expert to improve video stream detection. If you have issues accessing a website due to BOT protection or CAPTCHA challenges, deactivate this feature temporarily while logging in to your preferred website, and reactivate it afterward.
Improved MPD detection for ParamountPlus US, CBS, Channel4, Channel5, ITVX, GO3.TV videos.
Improved YouTube video and playlist download.
Improved detection for Vimeo, TPTV Encore video.
Version 15.25.0124 (January 24,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0116 (January 16,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0110 (January 10,2025)
Version 15 introduces an improved Link Finder Expert engine, now supporting over 30,000 sites. The interface has been redesigned for improved user-friendliness and includes a Favorites feature for quicker access to your preferred video sites.
Improved support for RTP Play, VTM Go, Viaplay, Talking Pictures TV Encore, CBS, NBC, ABC, Channel 5, Channel 4, Joyn, 7Plus, ITVX, MediasetPlay, RTL+, RTEPlayer, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, SVTPlay, Videoland, VTMGo,,, Discovery videos.
Download Age restricted videos and your private videos from YouTube using the new "Sign In to YouTube" feature, available in the PRO version ("Settings"->"Sign in to YouTube").
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download speed.
Updated Link Finder - Advanced browser modes.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.25.0103 (January 3,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1230 (December 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1223 (December 23, 2024)
Improved detection for CBS, ParamountPlus and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1220 (December 20,2024)
Improved detection for Channel5, CBS, NBC, ABC,, ROKU, mediasetinfinity, noodlemagazine and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1212 (December 12,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1207 (December 7,2024)
Improved detection for ITVX, Shahid MBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1128 (November 28,2024)
Improved detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1115 (November 15,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1104 (November 4,2024)
Improved detection for Channel4, Channel5, CBS, ROKU, ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1028 (October 28,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1018 (October 18,2024)
Improved detection for and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1012 (October 12,2024)
Improved detection for ABC iView and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1003 (October 3,2024)
Improved detection for Shahid MBC, RTL+, TV5, SVTplay, SBS, ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0925 (September 25,2024)
Improved detection for ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0921 (September 21,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0914 (September 14,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0907 (September 7,2024)
Improved detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0830 (August 30,2024)
Improved detection for,,, Videoland, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0817 (Augus t17,2024)
Improved detection for Shahid MBC, Channel5, Channel4, ITVX, BBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0814 (August 14,2024)
Improved detection for Discovery+, Eurosport, Videoland, YouTube videos.
Improved multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0804 (August 4,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0728 (July 28,2024)
Improved detection for Eurosport, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0720 (July 20,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0714 (July 14,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0706 (July 6,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0630 (June 30,2024)
Improved detection for,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0608 (June 8,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0601 (June 1,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0524 (May 24,2024)
Improved detection for,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0518 (May 18,2024)
Improved detection for, NLZiet, 7Plus, Foxtel,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0512 (May 12,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0430 (April 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0414 (April 14,2024)
Improved detection for videos from, ABC iView, ITV, BBC, YouTube.
Improved multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0406 (April 6,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Videoland, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0330 (March 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0323 (March 23,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0309 (March 9,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0302 (March 2,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Roku Channel, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0224 (February 24,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Dailymotion, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0217 (February 17,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Odido, Tele2Play, Mubi, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0210 (February 10,2024)
Improved detection for videos from X/Twitter, Viaplay, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 audio stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0203 (February 3,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0127 (January 27,2024)
Updated Link Finder Expert engine to improve detection for 7Plus, ITVX, MediasetPlay, TVNow, TVNZ, UKTV Play, Channel5, Channel4, RTEPlayer, Viaplay, Joyn, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, Videoland, VTMGo, Discovery videos and more.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0125 (January 25,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0114 (January 14,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements
Version 14.24.0106 (January 6,2024)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC, Channel4, Channel5, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1228( December 28,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Foxtel, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1222 (December 22, 2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1212 (December 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, Viaplay, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1201 (December 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC iPlayer, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1124 (November 24,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1109 (November 9,2023)
Added multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection for videos from,, ABC iView, CNN, NBC, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1101 (November 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ABC iView, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1025 (October 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1010 (October 10,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0923 (September 23,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0911 (September 11,2023)
For YouTube videos with chapters, the software will add chapter marks and chapter names automatically to the MP4 or WebM video file.
Improved detection for videos from RTE Player,, Channel 5, ITV, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0830 (August 30,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0816 (August 16,2023)
Added chapter detection for YouTube videos, you can choose to have a separate video file for each chapter found.
Improved detection for videos from NBC, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0808 (August 8,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0801 (August 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from MLB.TV, GO, Udemy courses,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0726 (July 26,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0712 (July 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CMT,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0627 (June 27,2023)
Improved detection for videos from GO,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0616 (June 16,2023)
Improved detection for videos from My TF1, Udemy courses,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0601 (June 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Udemy, STV, YouTube.
Improved MPD video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0518 (May 18,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS, NBC, SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0512 (May 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0505 (May 5,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS, UKTV,, YouTube.
Improved arabic subtitle SRT conversion for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0429 (April 29,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC iPlayer, CBS, Fox, NBC, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0421 (April 21,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS,,, YouTube.
Improved subtitle detection and SRT conversion for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0414 (April 14,2023)
Improved detection for videos from RTE player, ITVx, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0408 (April 8,2023)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0401 (April 1,2023)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Version 14.23.0325 (March 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, tv5mondeplus, YouTube.
Improved MPD subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0317 (March 17,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,, SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0310 (March 10,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,, YouTube.
Improved subtitle detection for TVNow,, CBS, Discovery+, TLC, HGTV, OWN, FoodNetwork, Travel, MotorTrend, Science, Animal Planet, Magnolia.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0303 (March 3,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, ABC iView, SBS on Demand, 10 play, 9Now, max,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved subtitle detection for tubitv.
Added the option to disable systray notification when adding videos/playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0225 (February 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,, play, play, tlc, Discovery, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and audio streams detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0218 (February 18,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, ITVX, BBC, Channel4, Channel5, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Improved VTT subtitle conversion to SRT.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0211 (February 11,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITV, Channel5, GlobalTV.
Improved detection for YouTube handlers.
Improved MPD subtitle conversion to SRT.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0204 (February 4,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, UKTV Play, TVNow, YouTube.
Improved MPD subtitle detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0128 (January 28,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 subtitles download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0121 (January 21,2023)
Improved detection for videos from DiscoveryPlus, ITVX, Vimeo,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 subtitles detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0114 (January 14,2023)
Improved detection and download for BBC, StreamSB,, YouTube videos.
Improved TTML to SRT subtitle conversion.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0110 (January 10,2023)
Improved detection and download for NBC, Vimeo, CBS, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1224 (December 24,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1217 (December 17,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Channel4, Videoland, Rakuten Viki, Roku Channel using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1119 (November 19,2022)
Improved detection for videos from ITV, CBS, using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1104 (November 4,2022)
Improved detection and download for DiscoveryPlus,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1028 (October 28,2022)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1014 (October 14,2022)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1005 (October 5,2022)
Improved detection and download for RTE, TG4, YouTube videos.
Improved Playlist Preview video detection.
Improved MPD subtitles detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0922 (September 22,2022)
Added new advanced features Playlist Preview and Playlist History for YouTube videos, that lets you easily find the videos you want to download from a playlist.
The Playlist Preview loads all available videos from a playlist and lets you filter/search the list by name. You can also sort the list alphabetically, by duration or author.
With Playlist History you can monitor new videos added to a playlist from previous versions or compare it with another list.
Added the option Set live recording end time (available for YouTube live streams and M3U8 streams, by pressing on the 3 dots menu of the video). It can be adjusted at any time during live recording.
Added the option Disable sleep mode while software is running, it will prevent your PC from entering in sleep mode (Settings->Advanced settings).
Improved detection and download for GlobalTV, Radio Canada,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0907 (September 7,2022)
Improved detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Improved the add/delete options in Video Download History.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0901 (September 1,2022)
Improved detection and download for videos from, YouTube.
Improved MPD DASH detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0826 (August 26,2022)
Improved detection and download for videos from CMT, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0817 (August 17,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0730 (July 30,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0719 (July 19,2022)
Improved video detection for,,, YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0705 (July 5,2022)
Improved video detection for,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0624 (June 24,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0611 (June 11,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Zee5, CTV, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0610 (June 10,2022)
Improved video detection for ServusTV and YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0518 (May 18,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0510 (May 10,2022)
Improved video detection and download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0420 (April 20,2022)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0414 (April 14,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, TVNow using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0408 (April 8,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Criterion, TVNow using Link Finder Expert.
Improved subtitle detection for Viaplay videos.
Improved MPD DASH detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0402 (April 2,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Crackle,, VRT NU, Joyn using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved MPD DASH detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0322 (March 22,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Twitch, YouTube,, TV5Mondeplus, Kollafilm using Link Finder.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0316 (March 16,2022)
Improved detection of live streams from Twitch and YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0308 (March 8,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Travel Channel, Food Network, hgtv, tlc, Investigation Discovery, Uplynk, Cooking, Magnolia, American History, Motor Trend, UKTV Play, ArtStation, blim TV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0303 (March 3,2022)
Improved detection for videos from DisneyNOW, ABC, NationalGeographic, ESPN, FreeForm, FXNOW,, Sun NXT, blimTV using Link Finder.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0226 (Februar y26,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Tele5, Showtime Anytime using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0217 (February 17,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, iwantTFC, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0215 (February 15,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Zee5, CTV, ITV, Britbox, ParamountPlus using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0126 (January 26,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Zee5, iwantTFC, CTV, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0120 (January 20,2022)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0114 (January 14,2022)
Improved detection for videos from 7Plus, MediasetPlay, TVNow, TVNZ, UKTV Play, Channel5, Channel4, RTEPlayer, CMore, Viaplay, Joyn, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, Vdocipher, Discovery using Link Finder Expert.
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites and new Javascript version.
Improved MPD multiple audio stream detection.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1229 (December 29,2021)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Note: In case Link Finder Expert does not detect MPDs or not playing videos, for registred users there is a beta version. If you want to try it, check our forum
Version 14.21.1207 (December 7,2021)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved automatic detection and download of videos by copy/paste.
Improved detection and download for videos from,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1123 (November 23,2021)
Improved subtitle detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1120 (November 20,2021)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1105 (November 5,2021)
Improved detection and download for videos from CW, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1022 (October 22,2021)
Improved detection and download for videos from Wistia, BBC America, MTV, ComedyCentral, CMT, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1014 (October 14,2021)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for videos from My5 TV, Facebook and Loom.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1006 (October 6,2021)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, Channel4, GlobalTV, CTV, TVAPlus, VRai, RTEPlayer, 7Plus, MediasetPlay, Prime Video using Link Finder Expert.
Added MPD multiple audio stream detection and download of the selected audio stream.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1001 (October 1,2021)
Version 14 brings a new powerful feature: Link Finder Expert, to be used when you can`t detect and download your video using copy/paste mode or with Link Finder engine.
Improved detection using Link Finder for videos from My5, Channel4, TVNow, TVNZ, threenow, UKTV Play, RTEPlayer, TG4, Atresplayer, NPOStart, 9Now, 7Plus, GlobalTV, CityTV, CTV, VirginPlayer, TF1, Prosieben, 6play, TVAPlus, VRai, MediasetPlay, Kijk, Zee5 and many more.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.21.22 (September 22,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video and audio stream detection and muxing.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.20.20 (August 20,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video and audio stream detection and muxing.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.20.12 (August 12,2021)
Added the Advanced Mode to Link Finder engine, which lets you choose the browser type from a list of 25+ browser configurations, like Safari on iPhone, Edge on iPad, Chrome on Android and many more. This way, you can find different video streams (like M3U8, MPD, MP4 or MP3) for the same video content depending on the platform it is played on.
Improved video detection and download for TikTok and YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.31 (July 31,2021)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.23 (July 23,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.21 (July 21,2021)
Improved video detection and download for SVTPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.16 (July 16,2021)
Added YouTube Short video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.18.29 (June 29,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.18.11 (June 11,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.20 (May 20,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.19 (May 19,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.18 (May 18,2021)
Improved subtitle detection and download for ITV videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.30 (April 30,2021)
Improved video detection and download for ITV and YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.10 (April1 0,2021)
Improved detection and download for live streams.
Updated converter engine to latest version.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.01 (April 1,2021)
Improved video title detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.15.20 (March 20,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.27 (Februar 27,2021)
Improved video detection and download for Olympic Channel, Crehana and YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.16 (February 16,2021)
Improved download for streams with multiple audio tracks, the software will detect the video and audio streams separately and after download will mux (join) them automatically.
Improved automatic detection and download of videos by copy/paste.
Optimized video download list loading for YouTube playlists.
Improved detection for YouTube user and channel videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.10 (February 10,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Optimized video download list loading and clearing speed.
Improved Windows 10 version 20H2 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.31 (January 31,2021)
Improved video detection and download for ITV and YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.25 (January 25,2021)
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.22 (January 22,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvement
Version 12.13.06 (January 6,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 10 version 20H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.12.20 (December 20,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.12.09 (December 9,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.11.28 (November 28,2020)
Improved YouTube large playlist detection and download.
Improved video detection and download for, NBC, CBS,, BBC iPlayer,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.11.20 (November 20,2020)
Improved YouTube Mix playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.10.30 (October 30,2020)
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.10.10 (October 10,2020)
Improved M3U8 and MPD video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.14 (September 14,2020)
Improved video detection and download for, TenPlay, 9Now videos.
Improved MPD video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.12 (September 12,2020)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for Paramount, Southpark, Comedy Central, MTV.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.04 (September 4,2020)
Improved detection of 4k, 2k and 1080p Facebook video streams using "Advanced File Detection" option in Link Finder engine.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.08.31 (August 31,2020)
Improved video detection and download for videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.08.14 (August 14, 2020)
Improved YouTube Mix playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.30 (July30,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.16 (July 16, 2020)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Fixed random crash when deleting YouTube videos from the download list.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.10 (July 10,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.03 (July 3, 2020)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements
Version 12.06.12 (June 12, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.24 (May 24, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.22 (May 22,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC iPlayer, videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.14 (May 14,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.07 (May 7,2020)
Improved video detection and download YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.04.16 (April 16, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.04.08 (April 8,2020)
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites and new Javascript version.
Improved detection and download for TenPlay, 9Now, 7plus, Atresplayer, YouTube videos.
Improved detection for brightcove videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.31 (March31,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.26 (March 26,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.12 (March 12,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.22 (February 22,2020)
Improved video detection and download from ITV,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.20 (February 20,2020)
Improved video detection and download from,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.02(February 2,2020)
Improved video detection and download from,,,,,,,,,,
Added the option to download subtitles.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.01.24 (January 24,2020)
Updated Link Finder engine and improved M3U8, MPD DASH and other HTML5 video stream detection.
Improved download speed of M3U8 and MPD DASH streams up to 10x faster.
Added advanced settings where you can choose how many parts to be downloaded at same time for M3U8 and MPD DASH streams. If your Internet connection is fast you can download up to 10 parts simultaneous.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.13.17(January 17,2020)
Improved video detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.13.04(January 4,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements
Version1 1.12.28 (December 28, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.21(December 21, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.20 (December 20, 2019)
Fixed crashing while detecting some YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.13 (December13,2019)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.12 (December 12, 2019)
Added detection and download for YouTube private videos using Link Finder engine.
Improved detection and download of 5.1 audio streams for YouTube videos.
Improved detection of Facebook video and audio streams.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.11.11 (November 11, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.11.01 (November 1, 2019)
Improved detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.10.24 (October 24, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.10.10 (October 10, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.20 (September 20, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for,, Discovery Go, TLC,,,,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 streams detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.18 (September 18, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.05 (September 5, 2019)
Improved detection and download for,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.08.12 (August 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.26 (July 26, 2019)
Improved YouTube MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for NBC, FOX, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.18 (July 18, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.16 (July 16, 2019)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.12 (July 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.06.26 (June 26, 2019)
Improved detection and download for TenPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.06.12 (June 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.31 (May 31, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos when using proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.18 (May 18, 2019)
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.10 (May 10, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.03 (May 3, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.04.14 (April 14, 2019)
Improved detection and download for Youtube embeded videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.04.05 (April 5, 2019)
Improved detection and download for TenPlay, 9Now,,, YouTube videos.
Improved detection for brightcove videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.03.15 (March 15, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.28 (February 28, 2019)
Improved video detection and download from Prosieben, Sat 1, Sixx, Kabel Eins, ProsiebenMAXX, Sat 1 Gold, YouTube.
Improved MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.24 (February 24, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for FOX, Logo TV.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.21 (February 21, 2019)
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites.
The Link Finder download list can be opened in new window, you can move it on another monitor, resize it, minimize it as you need. You can filter the detected file list by stream type: MPD, M3U8, F4M, SRT, VTT, MP4, AVI and more. Check this video to see it in action:
Improved detection and download for AMC, VIU, LFCTVGo, TVNOW, YouTube videos.
Improved software windows position save/restore.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.14 (February 14, 2019)
Improved YouTube MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for NBC, Syfy, ABC, FOX, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.07 (February 7, 2019)
Improved detection of YouTube 8K, 4K, HDR and 60 fps videos.
Improved video detection and download for Virgin Player, YouTube WebM videos.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.31 (January 31, 2019)
Added new faster download mode for YouTube videos: MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ABC iView,,,, YouTube WebM videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.17 (January 17, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved MPEG DASH (MPD) detection and download speed.
Version 11.01.12 (January 12, 2019)
Improved support for 4K displays and HighDPI settings.
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.04 (January 4, 2019)
Updated Link Finder engine to improve detection of new HTML5 videos and audio files from 30,000+ websites.
Improved detection and download for MPD, F4M and M3U8 streams.
Improved video detection and download for, NBC, CBS,,, Streamhd, Google Drive, ZDF Mediathek, ARD Mediathek, BBC, ITV, RTL, VOX,,,,, The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1.
Added support for download using copy/paste mode for
You can now download videos up to 3 GB with the free version from the popular video websites: YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Metacafe.
Improved YouTube videos, YouTube playlists loading and detection speed.
Improved support for unicode filenames.
Updated converter engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Note: Link Finder engine will support Windows 7 and higher.
Version 10.12.14 (December 14, 2018)
Improved detection and download for ITV,, CBS, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.12.04 (December 4, 2018)
Improved detection and download for ITV, TBS, TNT Drama, TCM, Boomerang, adult swim.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.11.24 (November 24, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC Sounds, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.11.12 (November 12, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.10.06 (October 6, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Added detection of YouTube AV1 codec videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.09.29 (September 29, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.09.03 (September 3, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.07.26 (July 26, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Added 2160p and 1440p quality options automatic selection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.06.22 (June 22, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.06.15 (June 15, 2018)
Version 10.06.15 (June 15, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ABC iView, BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.05.31 (May 31, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.05.11 (May 11, 2018)
Improved segmented download for YouTube videos when used behind a proxy (to de-activate the feature, go in Settings->YouTube).
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.28 (April 28, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for DailyMotion, ITV, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.27 (April 27, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, BBC, ABC iView, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.20 (April 20, 2018)
Improved video detection for BBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.14 (April 14, 2018)
Improved video detection for BBC, ITV, NBC, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and F4M detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.06 (April 6, 2018)
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.22 (March 22, 2018)
Improved YouTube videos and subtitles detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.14 (March 14, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, ABC iView, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.08 (March 8, 2018)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.01 (March 1, 2018)
Improved video detection and download from Prosieben, Sat 1, Sixx, Kabel Eins, ProsiebenMAXX, Sat 1 Gold, YouTube.
Improved F4M, MPD and M3U8 download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.22 (February 22, 2018)
Improved detection and download for live streams.
Updated converter engine to latest version.
Improved detection and download for,,, YouTube, BBC videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.15 (February 15, 2018)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved Link Finder detection of M3U8, MPD streams.
Improved detection and download for Olympics,, RTL, BBC videos.
Optimized segmented download for YouTube videos (to activate it, go in Settings->YouTube).
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.08 (February 8, 2018)
Improved download speed by up to 15x times for M3U8, MPD and F4M streams.
Added segmented download option to improve YouTube video download by up to 12x times (this feature needs to be activated in Settings->YouTube).
Improved Link Finder engine detection of M3U8, F4M, MPD, MP4, M4A, M4V, MP3 video and audio streams.
Improved detection and download for Dailymotion,, RTL, BBC, ITV, TBS, TNT Drama, TCM, Boomerang, adult swim.
Improved HTML5 video and audio detection.
Improved subtitle detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.13.23 (January 23, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for TVNow, RTL Now, RTL2 Now, SuperRTL Now, VOX Nox, Nitro Now, NTV Now, RTL Plus Now, DailyMotion, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.13.18 (January 18, 2018)
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.28 (December 28, 2017)
Improved video detection for ITV, CW, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved subtitle detection and download for ITV, BBC, CW.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.23 (December 23, 2017)
Added full HD video and audio detection for 7 Plus videos in Link Finder engine.
Improved video detection for ABC iView, BBC, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.15 (December 15, 2017)
Improved video detection for, BBC, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.01 (December 1, 2017)
Added support for DASH MPD video detection and download.
Improved video detection for BBC iPlayer,, ProSieben, Sat1, FOX, YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.11.24 (November 24, 2017)
Improved video detection for, CBS,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.11.04 (November 4, 2017)
Improved HD quality detection for FOX,,
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.9.29 (September 29, 2017)
Improved HD quality detection for
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.9.9 (September 9, 2017)
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.8.26 (August 26, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.8.03 (August 3, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for Prosieben, ProsiebenMaxx, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.21 (July 21, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for NBC, CBS, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.14 (July 14, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for Prosieben, ProsiebenMaxx, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.07 (July 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.23 (June 23, 2017)
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved F4M stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.16 (June 16, 2017)
Improved video detection for BBC, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.09 (June 9, 2017)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, Spike, TV Land, Nick Jr Cartoons, Logo TV.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved BBC subtitle SRT conversion.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.02 (June 2, 2017)
Improved video detection for Vimeo,, ABC, BBC, YouTube videos.
Improved F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.5.12 (May 12, 2017)
Improved video detection for BBC,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.30 (April 30, 2017)
Fixed clipboard mesage when copying YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.28 (April 28, 2017)
Improved Link Finder video detection for Vimeo, discoverygo,, elpais,,,
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.21 (April 21, 2017)
Improved Link Finder video detection for Tennis TV,
Improved F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.14 (April 14, 2017)
Improved video detection for AETV, Mylifetime, History videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.07 (April 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for,,,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.31 (March 31, 2017)
Improved subtitle detection for ABC and Disney videos.
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.18 (March 18, 2017)
Improved detection and download of F4M HDS and M3U8 HLS streams.
Improved video detection for some YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.10 (March 10, 2017)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, Spike, TV Land, Nick Jr Cartoons, Logo TV, YouTube.
Added detection for M3U8 streams with multiple audio tracks.
Added the option to MUX video and audio streams into a single file (join video and audio), by clicking on the 3 vertical dots button, available for each video.
Improved Link Finder video detection for, Tennis Channel Everywhere (Android mode), Tennis TV.
Version 9.3.4 (March 4, 2017)
Added the option in Link Finder to select which Flash Player to be used for rendering the videos between Default, Firefox or System.
Improved video detection for YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.2.26 (February 26, 2017)
Improved video and subtitle detection for BBC.
Improved Link Finder video detection for,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.2.22 (February 22, 2017)
Improved Link Finder engine to detect videos and audio files from 30,000+ websites.
Improved YouTube videos, YouTube playlists loading and detection speed by 5 times.
Improved HTML5 video and audio detection.
Added Favorites list to Link Finder, so you can easily navigate to your video websites.
Improved Chrome and Internet Explorer modes.
Improved video detection and download for,,,,, Streamhd, Google Drive.
Added the option to convert downloaded file from Download History window without downloading the video again.
Added the option to automatically select subtitle language to download for YouTube, ITV, BBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and more.
Improved detection of F4M HDS and M3U8 HLS streams.
All windows position and size are restored on next use of the software.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.70 (February 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.65 (January 18, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for CBS HD and YouTube 4k videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.61 (December 22, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for UKTV Play and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.60 (December 9, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Added the %videoyear%,%videomonth% and %videoday% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Improved Link Finder engine detection for F4M and RTMP streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.57 (November 12, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for TenPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.56 (October 28, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.55 (October 6, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for ABC iView, Puls4, Prosieben, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.53 (September 22, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.52 (September 9, 2016)
Added the Video Duplicate check feature, which will warn you if the video has been previously downloaded, showing you the video quality, size and file path details for it.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.51 (August 26, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube new MP4 DASH videos.
Added the %videodate% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Improved Link Finder engine detection for, videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.50 (August 15, 2016)
Improved Link Finder engine detection for, videos.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube new MP4 DASH videos.
Improved M3U8 and F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.44 (August 5, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and BBC videos.
Fixed converter issues under Windows XP.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.43 (July 15, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.42 (June 29, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and videos.
Updated converter engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.41 (June 20, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and videos.
Improved Link Finder detection engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.40 (May 19, 2016)
Added automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved detection and download for YouTube, BBC,,, USANetwork,, CWTV,
Improved F4M and M3U8 video download.
Improved VTT, DFXP subtitles conversion to SRT format.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.37 (Aril 15, 2016)
Improved detection for YouTube, CBS videos and BBC radio shows.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.36 (March 23, 2016)
Improved video detection for CBS, Comedy Central, and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.35 (February 25, 2016)
Added automatic subtitle detection and convertion to SRT for CWTV, Plus7, ABC iView.
Added detection and download for VTT, DXFP, SRT subtitles files in Link Finder.
Improved video detection for Syfy, CWTV, Metacafe, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved subtitles convertion to SRT format.
Improved F4M and M3U8 stream recording.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.31 (January 27, 2016)
Improved video detection for Vimeo and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.30 (January 5, 2016)
Added support for,,,,
Improved video detection for CBS, MTV, CBC, AETV, TravelChannel, Mylifetime, History, Telemundo, Videolectures, videos.
Improved live M3U8 stream recording.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.27 (December 11, 2015)
Improved video detection for NBC, BBC, SAT1, Kabel1, Pro7, ABC videos.
Improved F4M stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.26 (November 21, 2015)
Improved video detection for ITV videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.25 (November 19, 2015)
Improved video detection for YouTube, NBC, Vimeo, BBC videos.
Improved HTTPS video stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.20 (November 6, 2015)
Improved video detection for YouTube, BBC, NBC, ITV, SBS videos.
Improved F4M stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.15 (October 1, 2015)
Added support for, AMC, FX.
Improved detection for BBC, CBS,, TenPlay, History, FOX, mylifetime, A&E videos.
Improved Link Finder engine video detection for CBC, FOX, SYFY, NBC, History, AMC, FX, TVLand.
Improved F4M and M3U8 stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.10 (August 28, 2015)
Added support for PLUS7 Catch up TV,
Improved video detection and download for MyLifetime, MTV, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 HLS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.05 (August 7, 2015)
Fixed video detection and download for ITV and Dailymotion.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.00 (August 5, 2015)
Added Video Download History feature* - keeps a log of all your downloads, helps you find downloaded videos by title, author, day of download.
Added Delayed Download feature* - lets you choose when the video download will start. In case your ISP sets a bandwidth cap for your internet connection, this is a useful option that could save you time and money
Extended Link Finder download support to 20,000+ websites.
Added F4M HDS live stream recording*.
Added M3U8 HLS live stream recording*.
Show all bitrates available for F4M HDS streams.
Improved M3U8 HLS streams detection and download speed.
Improved detection and download for videos from MTV, CC, Colbert Report, Daily Show, New Nighnly show.
Improved download for YouTube large playlists.
Improved detection for TENPlay, BBC, Pluzz France TV, ITV videos, SBS OnDemand,
Improved YouTube download when using ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
* - feature available only in PRO version.
Version 7.85 (July 2, 2015)
Improved detection for YouTube playlists with 100+ videos.
Improved video detection for SBS OnDemand,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.80 (June 8, 2015)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Improved video detection for BBC, byutv.
Fixes and speed improvements for the Link Finder engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.75 (May 21, 2015)
Added download support of age restricted videos from DailyMotion.
Improved video detection and download for 7tv, Myvideo, YouTube.
Improved video download for M3U8 streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.70 (May 7, 2015)
Fixed YouTube title detection.
Improved YouTube channel videos detection.
Improved video detection for RTL, VOX, N-TV.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.65 (April 7, 2015)
Improved video detection and download for MyVideo, Sat1, YouTube, RTL.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.60 (February 25, 2015)
Improved video detection and download for Vimeo, BBC, YouTube, RTL.
Fixed no disk in drive bug.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.55 (January 22, 2015)
Added download support of age restricted videos from YouTube.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube, DailyMotion, Lifetime.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.50 (January 8, 2015)
Added download support for more video websites: Player,,,,, Telemundo Now, Cooking Channel TV.
Added the option to download closed captions in SRT format from,,,, Telemundo Now,,,,
Improved video download for RTL Now, RTL2 Now, SuperRTL Now, VOX Nox.
Fixed video detection and download for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.30 (December 2, 2014)
Improved detection and download for the new YouTube 1080p HD h264 with 60 fps videos.
Improved BBC iPlayer video detection and download.
Improved video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.20 (November 6, 2014)
Added support for the new YouTube 1080p HD h264 with 60 fps videos.
Improved BBC iPlayer video and subtitles download.
Improved video download from DailyShow, Colbert Nation, SouthPark, VH1 websites.
Fixed video download and added subtitle download option.
Improved RTMP download in Link Finder.
Improved video download.
Fixed video download.
Improved YouTube subtitles detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.15 (October 9, 2014)
Added support for more video websites in Link Finder by improving RTMP and F4M streams detection.
Improved BBC iPlayer and ITV Player subtitles download and SRT conversion.
Improved download for M3U8 and F4M streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.10 (August 26, 2014)
Added download feature for closed captions from BBC iPlayer and ITV Player.
Added the option in Link Finder to use the system Flash Player installed on your PC, instead of the inbuilt player.
Improved HD videos detection and download.
Improved YouTube videos detection through proxy connection.
Link Finder will show in settings menu, if the websites are accessed through a proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.05 (August 6, 2014)
Improved YouTube playlists loading time, now 4x faster than before.
Improved YouTube videos detection.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.00 (July 16, 2014)
We have good news for those passionate users that are searching and downloading their favorite videos from the net and want to be up-to-date with latest technology, entertainment, news and trends. From now on ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader has a Professional version that enhances the power of this useful tool.
ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader Pro brings a new impressive feature: Video Link Finder with support for more than 10.000+ websites.
Link Finder detects streaming protocols like RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol), HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming - F4M), HLS (HTTP Live Streaming - M3U8) and VOD files (Video-On-Demand files like MP4, FLV, MP3, AAC).
Download YouTube videos with 1080p video quality and 256 kpbs audio quality.
Updated conversion engine to latest version
Improved YouTube DASH video detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.70 (July 4, 2014)
Fixed download of YouTube playlist with more than 100 videos.
Fixed progress download bar not beeing updated for files larger than 3 GB.
Improved YouTube DASH video download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.65 (June 6, 2014)
Fixed download of YouTube 1080p MP4 DASH and 1080p WebM DASH videos.
Use YouTube 128 kbps audio stream in case the 256 kpbs audio file is not valid.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.60 (May 28, 2014)
Improved download support for videos from, CWTV, BBC iPlayer.
Added support for
Fixed conversion issues for MPEG-4 H.264 and iPad videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.50 (May 8, 2014)
Added support for more video websites: ABC, NBC, FOX, USA, CW, A&E, Syfy, History, Travel Channel, Lifetime, BBC iPlayer, ITV Player,, Pluzz France TV, FranceTVInfo, France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5.
Added the option to download YouTube WebM DASH 1080p with 192 kpbs audio quality.
Improved video detection and download speed.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.10 (April 16, 2014)
Added support for German websites:,,, ZDF Mediathek,,, RTL Nitro,,,,,,,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.05 (March 29, 2014)
Improved YouTube 4k videos detection and download speed.
Added the %quality% and %qualityshort% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Fixed HULU video download.
Fixed download detection for,
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 6.00 (March 12, 2014)
Added support for new video sites:,,,,,,
Added the option to restore the video download list if previous session was intrerrupted or stopped.
Download YouTube videos with 1080p video quality and 256 kpbs audio quality.
Improved videos download speed for YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion.
Fixed download issues for HULU, Break, Blip videos.
Improved user interface.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.95 (February 28, 2014)
Fixed download issues for Hulu and DailyMotion videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.90 (January 10, 2014)
Readded 256 kbps audio quality for YouTube videos if it's available.
Improved playlist load time for more than 500 items.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion and Veoh videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.85 (December 28, 2013)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.80 (December 9, 2013)
Added support for Playvid adult website.
Fixed no audio issue for some YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion and Adult sites videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.70 (November 20, 2013)
Added the option to download subtitles/closed captions in .SRT file format from HULU.
Improved 1080p and 480p video detection for YouTube.
Fixed download issues for Vimeo, DailyMotion and videos.
Some minor GUI improvements.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.60 (October 20, 2013)
Fixed YouTube 1080p and 720p video quality support.
Fixed download issues for and videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.50 (October 10, 2013)
Added support for more video websites:,,,
Added the option to download your favorite videos through a proxy connection or by using ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy connection.
Added the feature to download any subtitle (closed captions) from YouTube in .SRT file format.
Added the option to limit the number of videos to be downloaded at the same time.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for Vimeo and DailyMotion videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.10 (August 21, 2013)
Added the option to customize the filename of YouTube videos with numbering based on video position in playlist or user videos.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for Break, Blip, DailyMotion, Veoh videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.00 (July 11, 2013)
Added the option to get whole YouTube channel/user video list.
Added Advanced Menu Settings for each video (activated by right click on the video title): change video title, process again the video, convert downloaded video, play downloaded video, play converted video, delete downloaded video.
Improved download speed for some video websites.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion, Veoh, Redtube.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 4.60 (June 28, 2013)
Improved YouTube videos download speed.
Fixed download issues for some YouTube videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 4.50 (May 28, 2013)
NEW: Customize the filename of your YouTube video files by using predefined templates and by changing them as you want.
NEW: Monitor your clipboard for video links and add them automatically to the download list.
NEW: Create a subfolder for each YouTube playlist or for each YouTube video channel.
Added the option to select the YouTube video file formats that should be displayed for each video.
Improved support for,, videos.
Improved YouTube playlist loading time.
Added Dutch translation.
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 4.00 (April 9, 2013)
Added support for all new YouTube playlists.
Added multilanguage interface: English, French, German, Romanian.
Improved support for,
Version 3.50 (February 12, 2013)
Fixed Vimeo video download.
Improved support for,, Adult websites
Version 3.00 (December 24, 2012)
Fixed YouTube video download.
Improved support for,,,,,,, Adult websites
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 2.50 (November 26, 2012)
Improved support for YouTube,,,,,,,, Adult websites.
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 2.00 (September 27, 2012)
Added support for more video websites: (.nl,.ch,.at,.ro)
Adult websites
Improved support for YouTube video playlists.
Version 1.50 (September 17, 2012)
Fixed YouTube video download for some countries.
Optimized download of YouTube video playlists.
Improved YouTube video file conversion for iPhone 5, New iPad.
Fixed proxy connection support.
Version 1.20 (August 21, 2012)
Improved support for some YouTube video playlists.
Fixed connection problems when using a proxy to access the internet.
Improved YouTube video file conversion.
Version 1.10 (July 12, 2012)
Improved YouTube video playlist loading.
Added support for video names with diacritics or other special charsets.
Improved YouTube video file conversion.
Version 1.00 (June 26, 2012)
ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader is what it's name says. It's FREE and it downloads the desired YouTube video locally on your laptop/PC whenever you want and in the selected video format. Futhermore our software let's you even convert the file in a convenient format for your portable devices either being an iPhone/iPad/iPod.
The software lets you select the video download quality for each YouTube video or for all at once. You can choose between: MP4 H.264, WebM Vp8, FLV H.264, 3GP video formats and 1080p HD, 720p HD, 480p, 360p, 270p, 240p, 144p video qualities.
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0221 (February 21,2025)
Improved detection of live streams from YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0215 (February 15,2025)
Improved detection for Vimeo,, CBS, RaiPlay, ParamountPlus US, CW TV and YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0205 (February 5,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0129 (January 29,2025)
Added Enhance Mode to Link Finder Expert to improve video stream detection. If you have issues accessing a website due to BOT protection or CAPTCHA challenges, deactivate this feature temporarily while logging in to your preferred website, and reactivate it afterward.
Improved MPD detection for ParamountPlus US, CBS, Channel4, Channel5, ITVX, GO3.TV videos.
Improved YouTube video and playlist download.
Improved detection for Vimeo, TPTV Encore video.
Version 15.25.0124 (January 24,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0116 (January 16,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 15.25.0110 (January 10,2025)
Version 15 introduces an improved Link Finder Expert engine, now supporting over 30,000 sites. The interface has been redesigned for improved user-friendliness and includes a Favorites feature for quicker access to your preferred video sites.
Improved support for RTP Play, VTM Go, Viaplay, Talking Pictures TV Encore, CBS, NBC, ABC, Channel 5, Channel 4, Joyn, 7Plus, ITVX, MediasetPlay, RTL+, RTEPlayer, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, SVTPlay, Videoland, VTMGo,,, Discovery videos.
Download Age restricted videos and your private videos from YouTube using the new "Sign In to YouTube" feature, available in the PRO version ("Settings"->"Sign in to YouTube").
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download speed.
Updated Link Finder - Advanced browser modes.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.25.0103 (January 3,2025)
Improved detection for YouTube playlist and videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1230 (December 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1223 (December 23, 2024)
Improved detection for CBS, ParamountPlus and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1220 (December 20,2024)
Improved detection for Channel5, CBS, NBC, ABC,, ROKU, mediasetinfinity, noodlemagazine and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1212 (December 12,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1207 (December 7,2024)
Improved detection for ITVX, Shahid MBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1128 (November 28,2024)
Improved detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1115 (November 15,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1104 (November 4,2024)
Improved detection for Channel4, Channel5, CBS, ROKU, ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1028 (October 28,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1018 (October 18,2024)
Improved detection for and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1012 (October 12,2024)
Improved detection for ABC iView and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.1003 (October 3,2024)
Improved detection for Shahid MBC, RTL+, TV5, SVTplay, SBS, ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0925 (September 25,2024)
Improved detection for ITVX and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0921 (September 21,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0914 (September 14,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0907 (September 7,2024)
Improved detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0830 (August 30,2024)
Improved detection for,,, Videoland, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0817 (Augus t17,2024)
Improved detection for Shahid MBC, Channel5, Channel4, ITVX, BBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0814 (August 14,2024)
Improved detection for Discovery+, Eurosport, Videoland, YouTube videos.
Improved multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0804 (August 4,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0728 (July 28,2024)
Improved detection for Eurosport, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0720 (July 20,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0714 (July 14,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0706 (July 6,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0630 (June 30,2024)
Improved detection for,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0608 (June 8,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0601 (June 1,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0524 (May 24,2024)
Improved detection for,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0518 (May 18,2024)
Improved detection for, NLZiet, 7Plus, Foxtel,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0512 (May 12,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0430 (April 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0414 (April 14,2024)
Improved detection for videos from, ABC iView, ITV, BBC, YouTube.
Improved multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0406 (April 6,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Videoland, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0330 (March 30,2024)
Improved detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0323 (March 23,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0309 (March 9,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0302 (March 2,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Roku Channel, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0224 (February 24,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Dailymotion, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0217 (February 17,2024)
Improved detection for videos from Odido, Tele2Play, Mubi, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0210 (February 10,2024)
Improved detection for videos from X/Twitter, Viaplay, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 audio stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0203 (February 3,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Improved M3U8 and MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0127 (January 27,2024)
Updated Link Finder Expert engine to improve detection for 7Plus, ITVX, MediasetPlay, TVNow, TVNZ, UKTV Play, Channel5, Channel4, RTEPlayer, Viaplay, Joyn, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, Videoland, VTMGo, Discovery videos and more.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0125 (January 25,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.24.0114 (January 14,2024)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements
Version 14.24.0106 (January 6,2024)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC, Channel4, Channel5, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1228( December 28,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Foxtel, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1222 (December 22, 2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1212 (December 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, Viaplay, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1201 (December 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC iPlayer, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1124 (November 24,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1109 (November 9,2023)
Added multiple audio stream detection for YouTube videos.
Improved detection for videos from,, ABC iView, CNN, NBC, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1101 (November 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ABC iView, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1025 (October 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.1010 (October 10,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0923 (September 23,2023)
Improved detection for videos from YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0911 (September 11,2023)
For YouTube videos with chapters, the software will add chapter marks and chapter names automatically to the MP4 or WebM video file.
Improved detection for videos from RTE Player,, Channel 5, ITV, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0830 (August 30,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0816 (August 16,2023)
Added chapter detection for YouTube videos, you can choose to have a separate video file for each chapter found.
Improved detection for videos from NBC, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0808 (August 8,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0801 (August 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from MLB.TV, GO, Udemy courses,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0726 (July 26,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0712 (July 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CMT,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0627 (June 27,2023)
Improved detection for videos from GO,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0616 (June 16,2023)
Improved detection for videos from My TF1, Udemy courses,, YouTube.
Improved MPD detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0601 (June 1,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Udemy, STV, YouTube.
Improved MPD video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0518 (May 18,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS, NBC, SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0512 (May 12,2023)
Improved detection for videos from SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0505 (May 5,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS, UKTV,, YouTube.
Improved arabic subtitle SRT conversion for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0429 (April 29,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITVX, BBC iPlayer, CBS, Fox, NBC, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0421 (April 21,2023)
Improved detection for videos from CBS,,, YouTube.
Improved subtitle detection and SRT conversion for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0414 (April 14,2023)
Improved detection for videos from RTE player, ITVx, YouTube.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0408 (April 8,2023)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0401 (April 1,2023)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Version 14.23.0325 (March 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, tv5mondeplus, YouTube.
Improved MPD subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0317 (March 17,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,, SBS on Demand, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and subtitle detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0310 (March 10,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,, YouTube.
Improved subtitle detection for TVNow,, CBS, Discovery+, TLC, HGTV, OWN, FoodNetwork, Travel, MotorTrend, Science, Animal Planet, Magnolia.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0303 (March 3,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, ABC iView, SBS on Demand, 10 play, 9Now, max,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved subtitle detection for tubitv.
Added the option to disable systray notification when adding videos/playlists.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0225 (February 25,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,, play, play, tlc, Discovery, YouTube.
Improved MPD video and audio streams detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0218 (February 18,2023)
Improved detection for videos from, ITVX, BBC, Channel4, Channel5, UKTV Play, YouTube.
Improved VTT subtitle conversion to SRT.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0211 (February 11,2023)
Improved detection for videos from ITV, Channel5, GlobalTV.
Improved detection for YouTube handlers.
Improved MPD subtitle conversion to SRT.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0204 (February 4,2023)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, UKTV Play, TVNow, YouTube.
Improved MPD subtitle detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0128 (January 28,2023)
Improved detection for videos from,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 subtitles download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0121 (January 21,2023)
Improved detection for videos from DiscoveryPlus, ITVX, Vimeo,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 subtitles detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0114 (January 14,2023)
Improved detection and download for BBC, StreamSB,, YouTube videos.
Improved TTML to SRT subtitle conversion.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.23.0110 (January 10,2023)
Improved detection and download for NBC, Vimeo, CBS, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1224 (December 24,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1217 (December 17,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Channel4, Videoland, Rakuten Viki, Roku Channel using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1119 (November 19,2022)
Improved detection for videos from ITV, CBS, using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1104 (November 4,2022)
Improved detection and download for DiscoveryPlus,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1028 (October 28,2022)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1014 (October 14,2022)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.1005 (October 5,2022)
Improved detection and download for RTE, TG4, YouTube videos.
Improved Playlist Preview video detection.
Improved MPD subtitles detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0922 (September 22,2022)
Added new advanced features Playlist Preview and Playlist History for YouTube videos, that lets you easily find the videos you want to download from a playlist.
The Playlist Preview loads all available videos from a playlist and lets you filter/search the list by name. You can also sort the list alphabetically, by duration or author.
With Playlist History you can monitor new videos added to a playlist from previous versions or compare it with another list.
Added the option Set live recording end time (available for YouTube live streams and M3U8 streams, by pressing on the 3 dots menu of the video). It can be adjusted at any time during live recording.
Added the option Disable sleep mode while software is running, it will prevent your PC from entering in sleep mode (Settings->Advanced settings).
Improved detection and download for GlobalTV, Radio Canada,, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0907 (September 7,2022)
Improved detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Improved the add/delete options in Video Download History.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0901 (September 1,2022)
Improved detection and download for videos from, YouTube.
Improved MPD DASH detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0826 (August 26,2022)
Improved detection and download for videos from CMT, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0817 (August 17,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0730 (July 30,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0719 (July 19,2022)
Improved video detection for,,, YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0705 (July 5,2022)
Improved video detection for,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0624 (June 24,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0611 (June 11,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Zee5, CTV, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0610 (June 10,2022)
Improved video detection for ServusTV and YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0518 (May 18,2022)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0510 (May 10,2022)
Improved video detection and download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0420 (April 20,2022)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 11.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0414 (April 14,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, TVNow using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0408 (April 8,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Criterion, TVNow using Link Finder Expert.
Improved subtitle detection for Viaplay videos.
Improved MPD DASH detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0402 (April 2,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Crackle,, VRT NU, Joyn using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved MPD DASH detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0322 (March 22,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Twitch, YouTube,, TV5Mondeplus, Kollafilm using Link Finder.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0316 (March 16,2022)
Improved detection of live streams from Twitch and YouTube.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0308 (March 8,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Travel Channel, Food Network, hgtv, tlc, Investigation Discovery, Uplynk, Cooking, Magnolia, American History, Motor Trend, UKTV Play, ArtStation, blim TV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0303 (March 3,2022)
Improved detection for videos from DisneyNOW, ABC, NationalGeographic, ESPN, FreeForm, FXNOW,, Sun NXT, blimTV using Link Finder.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0226 (Februar y26,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Tele5, Showtime Anytime using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0217 (February 17,2022)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, iwantTFC, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0215 (February 15,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Zee5, CTV, ITV, Britbox, ParamountPlus using Link Finder Expert.
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0126 (January 26,2022)
Improved detection for videos from, Zee5, iwantTFC, CTV, Noovo, GlobalTV using Link Finder Expert.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0120 (January 20,2022)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.22.0114 (January 14,2022)
Improved detection for videos from 7Plus, MediasetPlay, TVNow, TVNZ, UKTV Play, Channel5, Channel4, RTEPlayer, CMore, Viaplay, Joyn, Roku,, NPOStart, Movistarplus, Vdocipher, Discovery using Link Finder Expert.
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites and new Javascript version.
Improved MPD multiple audio stream detection.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1229 (December 29,2021)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Note: In case Link Finder Expert does not detect MPDs or not playing videos, for registred users there is a beta version. If you want to try it, check our forum
Version 14.21.1207 (December 7,2021)
Improved detection and download for large YouTube playlists.
Improved automatic detection and download of videos by copy/paste.
Improved detection and download for videos from,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1123 (November 23,2021)
Improved subtitle detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1120 (November 20,2021)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1105 (November 5,2021)
Improved detection and download for videos from CW, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1022 (October 22,2021)
Improved detection and download for videos from Wistia, BBC America, MTV, ComedyCentral, CMT, YouTube.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1014 (October 14,2021)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Improved detection and download for videos from My5 TV, Facebook and Loom.
Improved support for Windows 11 version 21H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1006 (October 6,2021)
Improved detection for videos from Channel5, Channel4, GlobalTV, CTV, TVAPlus, VRai, RTEPlayer, 7Plus, MediasetPlay, Prime Video using Link Finder Expert.
Added MPD multiple audio stream detection and download of the selected audio stream.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 14.21.1001 (October 1,2021)
Version 14 brings a new powerful feature: Link Finder Expert, to be used when you can`t detect and download your video using copy/paste mode or with Link Finder engine.
Improved detection using Link Finder for videos from My5, Channel4, TVNow, TVNZ, threenow, UKTV Play, RTEPlayer, TG4, Atresplayer, NPOStart, 9Now, 7Plus, GlobalTV, CityTV, CTV, VirginPlayer, TF1, Prosieben, 6play, TVAPlus, VRai, MediasetPlay, Kijk, Zee5 and many more.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.21.22 (September 22,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video and audio stream detection and muxing.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.20.20 (August 20,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video and audio stream detection and muxing.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.20.12 (August 12,2021)
Added the Advanced Mode to Link Finder engine, which lets you choose the browser type from a list of 25+ browser configurations, like Safari on iPhone, Edge on iPad, Chrome on Android and many more. This way, you can find different video streams (like M3U8, MPD, MP4 or MP3) for the same video content depending on the platform it is played on.
Improved video detection and download for TikTok and YouTube videos.
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.31 (July 31,2021)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.23 (July 23,2021)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.21 (July 21,2021)
Improved video detection and download for SVTPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.19.16 (July 16,2021)
Added YouTube Short video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.18.29 (June 29,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.18.11 (June 11,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.20 (May 20,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.19 (May 19,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.17.18 (May 18,2021)
Improved subtitle detection and download for ITV videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.30 (April 30,2021)
Improved video detection and download for ITV and YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.10 (April1 0,2021)
Improved detection and download for live streams.
Updated converter engine to latest version.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.16.01 (April 1,2021)
Improved video title detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.15.20 (March 20,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.27 (Februar 27,2021)
Improved video detection and download for Olympic Channel, Crehana and YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.16 (February 16,2021)
Improved download for streams with multiple audio tracks, the software will detect the video and audio streams separately and after download will mux (join) them automatically.
Improved automatic detection and download of videos by copy/paste.
Optimized video download list loading for YouTube playlists.
Improved detection for YouTube user and channel videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.14.10 (February 10,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Optimized video download list loading and clearing speed.
Improved Windows 10 version 20H2 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.31 (January 31,2021)
Improved video detection and download for ITV and YouTube videos.
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.25 (January 25,2021)
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.13.22 (January 22,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvement
Version 12.13.06 (January 6,2021)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved support for Windows 10 version 20H2.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.12.20 (December 20,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.12.09 (December 9,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.11.28 (November 28,2020)
Improved YouTube large playlist detection and download.
Improved video detection and download for, NBC, CBS,, BBC iPlayer,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.11.20 (November 20,2020)
Improved YouTube Mix playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.10.30 (October 30,2020)
Improved Windows 10 support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.10.10 (October 10,2020)
Improved M3U8 and MPD video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.14 (September 14,2020)
Improved video detection and download for, TenPlay, 9Now videos.
Improved MPD video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.12 (September 12,2020)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for Paramount, Southpark, Comedy Central, MTV.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.09.04 (September 4,2020)
Improved detection of 4k, 2k and 1080p Facebook video streams using "Advanced File Detection" option in Link Finder engine.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.08.31 (August 31,2020)
Improved video detection and download for videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.08.14 (August 14, 2020)
Improved YouTube Mix playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.30 (July30,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.16 (July 16, 2020)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Fixed random crash when deleting YouTube videos from the download list.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.10 (July 10,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.07.03 (July 3, 2020)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements
Version 12.06.12 (June 12, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.24 (May 24, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC iPlayer videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.22 (May 22,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC iPlayer, videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.14 (May 14,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.05.07 (May 7,2020)
Improved video detection and download YouTube videos.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.04.16 (April 16, 2020)
Improved video detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.04.08 (April 8,2020)
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites and new Javascript version.
Improved detection and download for TenPlay, 9Now, 7plus, Atresplayer, YouTube videos.
Improved detection for brightcove videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.31 (March31,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.26 (March 26,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.03.12 (March 12,2020)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.22 (February 22,2020)
Improved video detection and download from ITV,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.20 (February 20,2020)
Improved video detection and download from,,, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.02.02(February 2,2020)
Improved video detection and download from,,,,,,,,,,
Added the option to download subtitles.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 12.01.24 (January 24,2020)
Updated Link Finder engine and improved M3U8, MPD DASH and other HTML5 video stream detection.
Improved download speed of M3U8 and MPD DASH streams up to 10x faster.
Added advanced settings where you can choose how many parts to be downloaded at same time for M3U8 and MPD DASH streams. If your Internet connection is fast you can download up to 10 parts simultaneous.
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.13.17(January 17,2020)
Improved video detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.13.04(January 4,2020)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements
Version1 1.12.28 (December 28, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.21(December 21, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.20 (December 20, 2019)
Fixed crashing while detecting some YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.13 (December13,2019)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.12.12 (December 12, 2019)
Added detection and download for YouTube private videos using Link Finder engine.
Improved detection and download of 5.1 audio streams for YouTube videos.
Improved detection of Facebook video and audio streams.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.11.11 (November 11, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.11.01 (November 1, 2019)
Improved detection and download for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.10.24 (October 24, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.10.10 (October 10, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.20 (September 20, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for,, Discovery Go, TLC,,,,,,,,,, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 streams detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.18 (September 18, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.09.05 (September 5, 2019)
Improved detection and download for,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.08.12 (August 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.26 (July 26, 2019)
Improved YouTube MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for NBC, FOX, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.18 (July 18, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.16 (July 16, 2019)
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.07.12 (July 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.06.26 (June 26, 2019)
Improved detection and download for TenPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.06.12 (June 12, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.31 (May 31, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos when using proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.18 (May 18, 2019)
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.10 (May 10, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.05.03 (May 3, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.04.14 (April 14, 2019)
Improved detection and download for Youtube embeded videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.04.05 (April 5, 2019)
Improved detection and download for TenPlay, 9Now,,, YouTube videos.
Improved detection for brightcove videos.
Improved M3U8 HLS and MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.03.15 (March 15, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.28 (February 28, 2019)
Improved video detection and download from Prosieben, Sat 1, Sixx, Kabel Eins, ProsiebenMAXX, Sat 1 Gold, YouTube.
Improved MPD MPEG-DASH stream detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.24 (February 24, 2019)
Improved video detection and download for FOX, Logo TV.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.21 (February 21, 2019)
Link Finder engine has been updated to support more HTML5 websites.
The Link Finder download list can be opened in new window, you can move it on another monitor, resize it, minimize it as you need. You can filter the detected file list by stream type: MPD, M3U8, F4M, SRT, VTT, MP4, AVI and more. Check this video to see it in action:
Improved detection and download for AMC, VIU, LFCTVGo, TVNOW, YouTube videos.
Improved software windows position save/restore.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.14 (February 14, 2019)
Improved YouTube MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for NBC, Syfy, ABC, FOX, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.02.07 (February 7, 2019)
Improved detection of YouTube 8K, 4K, HDR and 60 fps videos.
Improved video detection and download for Virgin Player, YouTube WebM videos.
Improved MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.31 (January 31, 2019)
Added new faster download mode for YouTube videos: MultiThreaded Download Mode.
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ABC iView,,,, YouTube WebM videos.
Improved M3U8 and MPD stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.17 (January 17, 2019)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved MPEG DASH (MPD) detection and download speed.
Version 11.01.12 (January 12, 2019)
Improved support for 4K displays and HighDPI settings.
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 11.01.04 (January 4, 2019)
Updated Link Finder engine to improve detection of new HTML5 videos and audio files from 30,000+ websites.
Improved detection and download for MPD, F4M and M3U8 streams.
Improved video detection and download for, NBC, CBS,,, Streamhd, Google Drive, ZDF Mediathek, ARD Mediathek, BBC, ITV, RTL, VOX,,,,, The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1.
Added support for download using copy/paste mode for
You can now download videos up to 3 GB with the free version from the popular video websites: YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Metacafe.
Improved YouTube videos, YouTube playlists loading and detection speed.
Improved support for unicode filenames.
Updated converter engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Note: Link Finder engine will support Windows 7 and higher.
Version 10.12.14 (December 14, 2018)
Improved detection and download for ITV,, CBS, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.12.04 (December 4, 2018)
Improved detection and download for ITV, TBS, TNT Drama, TCM, Boomerang, adult swim.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.11.24 (November 24, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC Sounds, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.11.12 (November 12, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.10.06 (October 6, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Added detection of YouTube AV1 codec videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.09.29 (September 29, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion, ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.09.03 (September 3, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.07.26 (July 26, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Added 2160p and 1440p quality options automatic selection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.06.22 (June 22, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.06.15 (June 15, 2018)
Version 10.06.15 (June 15, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ABC iView, BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.05.31 (May 31, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for BBC, ITV, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.05.11 (May 11, 2018)
Improved segmented download for YouTube videos when used behind a proxy (to de-activate the feature, go in Settings->YouTube).
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.28 (April 28, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for DailyMotion, ITV, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.27 (April 27, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, BBC, ABC iView, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.20 (April 20, 2018)
Improved video detection for BBC, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.14 (April 14, 2018)
Improved video detection for BBC, ITV, NBC, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and F4M detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.04.06 (April 6, 2018)
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.22 (March 22, 2018)
Improved YouTube videos and subtitles detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.14 (March 14, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for ITV, ABC iView, YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.08 (March 8, 2018)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved M3U8 detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.03.01 (March 1, 2018)
Improved video detection and download from Prosieben, Sat 1, Sixx, Kabel Eins, ProsiebenMAXX, Sat 1 Gold, YouTube.
Improved F4M, MPD and M3U8 download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.22 (February 22, 2018)
Improved detection and download for live streams.
Updated converter engine to latest version.
Improved detection and download for,,, YouTube, BBC videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.15 (February 15, 2018)
Improved detection and download for YouTube live streams.
Improved Link Finder detection of M3U8, MPD streams.
Improved detection and download for Olympics,, RTL, BBC videos.
Optimized segmented download for YouTube videos (to activate it, go in Settings->YouTube).
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 10.02.08 (February 8, 2018)
Improved download speed by up to 15x times for M3U8, MPD and F4M streams.
Added segmented download option to improve YouTube video download by up to 12x times (this feature needs to be activated in Settings->YouTube).
Improved Link Finder engine detection of M3U8, F4M, MPD, MP4, M4A, M4V, MP3 video and audio streams.
Improved detection and download for Dailymotion,, RTL, BBC, ITV, TBS, TNT Drama, TCM, Boomerang, adult swim.
Improved HTML5 video and audio detection.
Improved subtitle detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.13.23 (January 23, 2018)
Improved video detection and download for TVNow, RTL Now, RTL2 Now, SuperRTL Now, VOX Nox, Nitro Now, NTV Now, RTL Plus Now, DailyMotion, YouTube.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.13.18 (January 18, 2018)
Improved MPD video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.28 (December 28, 2017)
Improved video detection for ITV, CW, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved subtitle detection and download for ITV, BBC, CW.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.23 (December 23, 2017)
Added full HD video and audio detection for 7 Plus videos in Link Finder engine.
Improved video detection for ABC iView, BBC, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.15 (December 15, 2017)
Improved video detection for, BBC, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved MPD and F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.12.01 (December 1, 2017)
Added support for DASH MPD video detection and download.
Improved video detection for BBC iPlayer,, ProSieben, Sat1, FOX, YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.11.24 (November 24, 2017)
Improved video detection for, CBS,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.11.04 (November 4, 2017)
Improved HD quality detection for FOX,,
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.9.29 (September 29, 2017)
Improved HD quality detection for
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.9.9 (September 9, 2017)
Improved video detection for, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.8.26 (August 26, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.8.03 (August 3, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for Prosieben, ProsiebenMaxx, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.21 (July 21, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for NBC, CBS, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video detection.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.14 (July 14, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for Prosieben, ProsiebenMaxx, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved HTTPS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.7.07 (July 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.23 (June 23, 2017)
Improved automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved F4M stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.16 (June 16, 2017)
Improved video detection for BBC, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.09 (June 9, 2017)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, Spike, TV Land, Nick Jr Cartoons, Logo TV.
Improved detection of YouTube age restricted videos.
Improved BBC subtitle SRT conversion.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.6.02 (June 2, 2017)
Improved video detection for Vimeo,, ABC, BBC, YouTube videos.
Improved F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.5.12 (May 12, 2017)
Improved video detection for BBC,, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.30 (April 30, 2017)
Fixed clipboard mesage when copying YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.28 (April 28, 2017)
Improved Link Finder video detection for Vimeo, discoverygo,, elpais,,,
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.21 (April 21, 2017)
Improved Link Finder video detection for Tennis TV,
Improved F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.14 (April 14, 2017)
Improved video detection for AETV, Mylifetime, History videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.4.07 (April 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for,,,, YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.31 (March 31, 2017)
Improved subtitle detection for ABC and Disney videos.
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.18 (March 18, 2017)
Improved detection and download of F4M HDS and M3U8 HLS streams.
Improved video detection for some YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.3.10 (March 10, 2017)
Improved video detection and download in copy/paste mode for The Daily Show, Southpark, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, Spike, TV Land, Nick Jr Cartoons, Logo TV, YouTube.
Added detection for M3U8 streams with multiple audio tracks.
Added the option to MUX video and audio streams into a single file (join video and audio), by clicking on the 3 vertical dots button, available for each video.
Improved Link Finder video detection for, Tennis Channel Everywhere (Android mode), Tennis TV.
Version 9.3.4 (March 4, 2017)
Added the option in Link Finder to select which Flash Player to be used for rendering the videos between Default, Firefox or System.
Improved video detection for YouTube.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.2.26 (February 26, 2017)
Improved video and subtitle detection for BBC.
Improved Link Finder video detection for,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 9.2.22 (February 22, 2017)
Improved Link Finder engine to detect videos and audio files from 30,000+ websites.
Improved YouTube videos, YouTube playlists loading and detection speed by 5 times.
Improved HTML5 video and audio detection.
Added Favorites list to Link Finder, so you can easily navigate to your video websites.
Improved Chrome and Internet Explorer modes.
Improved video detection and download for,,,,, Streamhd, Google Drive.
Added the option to convert downloaded file from Download History window without downloading the video again.
Added the option to automatically select subtitle language to download for YouTube, ITV, BBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and more.
Improved detection of F4M HDS and M3U8 HLS streams.
All windows position and size are restored on next use of the software.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.70 (February 7, 2017)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.65 (January 18, 2017)
Improved video detection and download for CBS HD and YouTube 4k videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.61 (December 22, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for UKTV Play and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.60 (December 9, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Added the %videoyear%,%videomonth% and %videoday% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Improved Link Finder engine detection for F4M and RTMP streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.57 (November 12, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for TenPlay and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.56 (October 28, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for Dailymotion and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.55 (October 6, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for ABC iView, Puls4, Prosieben, Sat1, YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.53 (September 22, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Improved F4M and M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.52 (September 9, 2016)
Added the Video Duplicate check feature, which will warn you if the video has been previously downloaded, showing you the video quality, size and file path details for it.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.51 (August 26, 2016)
Improved video detection and download for YouTube new MP4 DASH videos.
Added the %videodate% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Improved Link Finder engine detection for, videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.50 (August 15, 2016)
Improved Link Finder engine detection for, videos.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube new MP4 DASH videos.
Improved M3U8 and F4M video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.44 (August 5, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and BBC videos.
Fixed converter issues under Windows XP.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.43 (July 15, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube videos.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.42 (June 29, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and videos.
Updated converter engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.41 (June 20, 2016)
Improved video detection for YouTube and videos.
Improved Link Finder detection engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.40 (May 19, 2016)
Added automatic detection and download of by copy/paste.
Improved detection and download for YouTube, BBC,,, USANetwork,, CWTV,
Improved F4M and M3U8 video download.
Improved VTT, DFXP subtitles conversion to SRT format.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.37 (Aril 15, 2016)
Improved detection for YouTube, CBS videos and BBC radio shows.
Improved M3U8 video detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.36 (March 23, 2016)
Improved video detection for CBS, Comedy Central, and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.35 (February 25, 2016)
Added automatic subtitle detection and convertion to SRT for CWTV, Plus7, ABC iView.
Added detection and download for VTT, DXFP, SRT subtitles files in Link Finder.
Improved video detection for Syfy, CWTV, Metacafe, Vimeo, YouTube videos.
Improved subtitles convertion to SRT format.
Improved F4M and M3U8 stream recording.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.31 (January 27, 2016)
Improved video detection for Vimeo and YouTube videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.30 (January 5, 2016)
Added support for,,,,
Improved video detection for CBS, MTV, CBC, AETV, TravelChannel, Mylifetime, History, Telemundo, Videolectures, videos.
Improved live M3U8 stream recording.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.27 (December 11, 2015)
Improved video detection for NBC, BBC, SAT1, Kabel1, Pro7, ABC videos.
Improved F4M stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.26 (November 21, 2015)
Improved video detection for ITV videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.25 (November 19, 2015)
Improved video detection for YouTube, NBC, Vimeo, BBC videos.
Improved HTTPS video stream detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.20 (November 6, 2015)
Improved video detection for YouTube, BBC, NBC, ITV, SBS videos.
Improved F4M stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.15 (October 1, 2015)
Added support for, AMC, FX.
Improved detection for BBC, CBS,, TenPlay, History, FOX, mylifetime, A&E videos.
Improved Link Finder engine video detection for CBC, FOX, SYFY, NBC, History, AMC, FX, TVLand.
Improved F4M and M3U8 stream download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.10 (August 28, 2015)
Added support for PLUS7 Catch up TV,
Improved video detection and download for MyLifetime, MTV, YouTube.
Improved M3U8 HLS video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.05 (August 7, 2015)
Fixed video detection and download for ITV and Dailymotion.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 8.00 (August 5, 2015)
Added Video Download History feature* - keeps a log of all your downloads, helps you find downloaded videos by title, author, day of download.
Added Delayed Download feature* - lets you choose when the video download will start. In case your ISP sets a bandwidth cap for your internet connection, this is a useful option that could save you time and money
Extended Link Finder download support to 20,000+ websites.
Added F4M HDS live stream recording*.
Added M3U8 HLS live stream recording*.
Show all bitrates available for F4M HDS streams.
Improved M3U8 HLS streams detection and download speed.
Improved detection and download for videos from MTV, CC, Colbert Report, Daily Show, New Nighnly show.
Improved download for YouTube large playlists.
Improved detection for TENPlay, BBC, Pluzz France TV, ITV videos, SBS OnDemand,
Improved YouTube download when using ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
* - feature available only in PRO version.
Version 7.85 (July 2, 2015)
Improved detection for YouTube playlists with 100+ videos.
Improved video detection for SBS OnDemand,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.80 (June 8, 2015)
Improved YouTube playlist detection and download.
Improved video detection for BBC, byutv.
Fixes and speed improvements for the Link Finder engine.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.75 (May 21, 2015)
Added download support of age restricted videos from DailyMotion.
Improved video detection and download for 7tv, Myvideo, YouTube.
Improved video download for M3U8 streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.70 (May 7, 2015)
Fixed YouTube title detection.
Improved YouTube channel videos detection.
Improved video detection for RTL, VOX, N-TV.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.65 (April 7, 2015)
Improved video detection and download for MyVideo, Sat1, YouTube, RTL.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.60 (February 25, 2015)
Improved video detection and download for Vimeo, BBC, YouTube, RTL.
Fixed no disk in drive bug.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.55 (January 22, 2015)
Added download support of age restricted videos from YouTube.
Improved video detection and download for YouTube, DailyMotion, Lifetime.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.50 (January 8, 2015)
Added download support for more video websites: Player,,,,, Telemundo Now, Cooking Channel TV.
Added the option to download closed captions in SRT format from,,,, Telemundo Now,,,,
Improved video download for RTL Now, RTL2 Now, SuperRTL Now, VOX Nox.
Fixed video detection and download for
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.30 (December 2, 2014)
Improved detection and download for the new YouTube 1080p HD h264 with 60 fps videos.
Improved BBC iPlayer video detection and download.
Improved video download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.20 (November 6, 2014)
Added support for the new YouTube 1080p HD h264 with 60 fps videos.
Improved BBC iPlayer video and subtitles download.
Improved video download from DailyShow, Colbert Nation, SouthPark, VH1 websites.
Fixed video download and added subtitle download option.
Improved RTMP download in Link Finder.
Improved video download.
Fixed video download.
Improved YouTube subtitles detection and download.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.15 (October 9, 2014)
Added support for more video websites in Link Finder by improving RTMP and F4M streams detection.
Improved BBC iPlayer and ITV Player subtitles download and SRT conversion.
Improved download for M3U8 and F4M streams.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.10 (August 26, 2014)
Added download feature for closed captions from BBC iPlayer and ITV Player.
Added the option in Link Finder to use the system Flash Player installed on your PC, instead of the inbuilt player.
Improved HD videos detection and download.
Improved YouTube videos detection through proxy connection.
Link Finder will show in settings menu, if the websites are accessed through a proxy.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.05 (August 6, 2014)
Improved YouTube playlists loading time, now 4x faster than before.
Improved YouTube videos detection.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 7.00 (July 16, 2014)
We have good news for those passionate users that are searching and downloading their favorite videos from the net and want to be up-to-date with latest technology, entertainment, news and trends. From now on ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader has a Professional version that enhances the power of this useful tool.
ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader Pro brings a new impressive feature: Video Link Finder with support for more than 10.000+ websites.
Link Finder detects streaming protocols like RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol), HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming - F4M), HLS (HTTP Live Streaming - M3U8) and VOD files (Video-On-Demand files like MP4, FLV, MP3, AAC).
Download YouTube videos with 1080p video quality and 256 kpbs audio quality.
Updated conversion engine to latest version
Improved YouTube DASH video detection and download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.70 (July 4, 2014)
Fixed download of YouTube playlist with more than 100 videos.
Fixed progress download bar not beeing updated for files larger than 3 GB.
Improved YouTube DASH video download speed.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.65 (June 6, 2014)
Fixed download of YouTube 1080p MP4 DASH and 1080p WebM DASH videos.
Use YouTube 128 kbps audio stream in case the 256 kpbs audio file is not valid.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.60 (May 28, 2014)
Improved download support for videos from, CWTV, BBC iPlayer.
Added support for
Fixed conversion issues for MPEG-4 H.264 and iPad videos.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.50 (May 8, 2014)
Added support for more video websites: ABC, NBC, FOX, USA, CW, A&E, Syfy, History, Travel Channel, Lifetime, BBC iPlayer, ITV Player,, Pluzz France TV, FranceTVInfo, France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5.
Added the option to download YouTube WebM DASH 1080p with 192 kpbs audio quality.
Improved video detection and download speed.
Improved proxy support.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.10 (April 16, 2014)
Added support for German websites:,,, ZDF Mediathek,,, RTL Nitro,,,,,,,,
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.05 (March 29, 2014)
Improved YouTube 4k videos detection and download speed.
Added the %quality% and %qualityshort% template variables for YouTube filenames.
Fixed HULU video download.
Fixed download detection for,
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 6.00 (March 12, 2014)
Added support for new video sites:,,,,,,
Added the option to restore the video download list if previous session was intrerrupted or stopped.
Download YouTube videos with 1080p video quality and 256 kpbs audio quality.
Improved videos download speed for YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion.
Fixed download issues for HULU, Break, Blip videos.
Improved user interface.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.95 (February 28, 2014)
Fixed download issues for Hulu and DailyMotion videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.90 (January 10, 2014)
Readded 256 kbps audio quality for YouTube videos if it's available.
Improved playlist load time for more than 500 items.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion and Veoh videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.85 (December 28, 2013)
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.80 (December 9, 2013)
Added support for Playvid adult website.
Fixed no audio issue for some YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion and Adult sites videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.70 (November 20, 2013)
Added the option to download subtitles/closed captions in .SRT file format from HULU.
Improved 1080p and 480p video detection for YouTube.
Fixed download issues for Vimeo, DailyMotion and videos.
Some minor GUI improvements.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.60 (October 20, 2013)
Fixed YouTube 1080p and 720p video quality support.
Fixed download issues for and videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.50 (October 10, 2013)
Added support for more video websites:,,,
Added the option to download your favorite videos through a proxy connection or by using ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy connection.
Added the feature to download any subtitle (closed captions) from YouTube in .SRT file format.
Added the option to limit the number of videos to be downloaded at the same time.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for Vimeo and DailyMotion videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.10 (August 21, 2013)
Added the option to customize the filename of YouTube videos with numbering based on video position in playlist or user videos.
Improved download speed for YouTube videos.
Fixed download issues for Break, Blip, DailyMotion, Veoh videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 5.00 (July 11, 2013)
Added the option to get whole YouTube channel/user video list.
Added Advanced Menu Settings for each video (activated by right click on the video title): change video title, process again the video, convert downloaded video, play downloaded video, play converted video, delete downloaded video.
Improved download speed for some video websites.
Fixed download issues for DailyMotion, Veoh, Redtube.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 4.60 (June 28, 2013)
Improved YouTube videos download speed.
Fixed download issues for some YouTube videos.
Other small fixes and improvements.
Version 4.50 (May 28, 2013)
NEW: Customize the filename of your YouTube video files by using predefined templates and by changing them as you want.
NEW: Monitor your clipboard for video links and add them automatically to the download list.
NEW: Create a subfolder for each YouTube playlist or for each YouTube video channel.
Added the option to select the YouTube video file formats that should be displayed for each video.
Improved support for,, videos.
Improved YouTube playlist loading time.
Added Dutch translation.
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 4.00 (April 9, 2013)
Added support for all new YouTube playlists.
Added multilanguage interface: English, French, German, Romanian.
Improved support for,
Version 3.50 (February 12, 2013)
Fixed Vimeo video download.
Improved support for,, Adult websites
Version 3.00 (December 24, 2012)
Fixed YouTube video download.
Improved support for,,,,,,, Adult websites
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 2.50 (November 26, 2012)
Improved support for YouTube,,,,,,,, Adult websites.
Fixed some video conversion problems.
Version 2.00 (September 27, 2012)
Added support for more video websites: (.nl,.ch,.at,.ro)
Adult websites
Improved support for YouTube video playlists.
Version 1.50 (September 17, 2012)
Fixed YouTube video download for some countries.
Optimized download of YouTube video playlists.
Improved YouTube video file conversion for iPhone 5, New iPad.
Fixed proxy connection support.
Version 1.20 (August 21, 2012)
Improved support for some YouTube video playlists.
Fixed connection problems when using a proxy to access the internet.
Improved YouTube video file conversion.
Version 1.10 (July 12, 2012)
Improved YouTube video playlist loading.
Added support for video names with diacritics or other special charsets.
Improved YouTube video file conversion.
Version 1.00 (June 26, 2012)
ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader is what it's name says. It's FREE and it downloads the desired YouTube video locally on your laptop/PC whenever you want and in the selected video format. Futhermore our software let's you even convert the file in a convenient format for your portable devices either being an iPhone/iPad/iPod.
The software lets you select the video download quality for each YouTube video or for all at once. You can choose between: MP4 H.264, WebM Vp8, FLV H.264, 3GP video formats and 1080p HD, 720p HD, 480p, 360p, 270p, 240p, 144p video qualities.