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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Change Date Time Batch update 02/08/2019

fixed error where created was used to change encoded and they ended up the same. They should be created (Local Time) and Encoded being UTC (Universal Time). The ASIS checkbox worked just in reverse of what it should. (11/10/2018)

Fix some sources failing to work correctly
Changed Label on for clarity on UTC/Local designation. Now copies Encoded or Created as is without changing to correct UTC(encoded), Local(Created)
fixed so that Time designations such as 2018-05-11 02:10:10, 2018-05-10T20:10:10-600, 2018-05-11 02:10:10Z, etc. can be set (07/20/2018)

- Fixed timing error where you had to hit Convert a few times after initial launch
- Changed wording on labels and to be more user friendly.
- Have more entry boxes eliminate dynamically when not need to be more user friendly
- Changed and added wording in the summary Box, better understanding, I hope.
- added some timers to allow for slower possible CPU speeds
- fixed Changed folders file box to correctly show files and Windows dates when selected.
- Fixed Convert button that did not change back to disabled if valid Manual Date changed to Invalid.


- Enlarged Text boxes and labels for larger text on some PC schemes.
- Changed color scheme for users that use darker colors on desktop.
- Cleaned up code for redundant methods.
- Changed summary and output text for better result description.
- Fixed Convert button that did not change back to enabled if Manual Date change clicked and unclicked without setting date.


New beta version that is more user friendly and intuitive.
It controls fields to be used for the function you need to accomplish. Other unneeded fields are removed.

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