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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Ccdtovcd

Version 0.1.9
This release includes the following changes:
- Added a secondtextfield to the menueditor,so that you can have a title and menu text in different fonts, colours etc.
- Added an option to generate text for the menuautomaticallyto specify whichbuttonshould be pressed to view whichsub-menu.This works if you onlyhave a fewsub-menusto list,but I am not surewhatwill happen if you try to use it with lots of items in the menu.
- Fixed a bug that meant thattrying to specifythe cdrdaodriver to be usedresulted in an errormessage - this wasespecially a problem for usingtheprogramunderWindowsbecause I could not find out how to specify a default driver for cdrdao, as can be specified under linux.
- I have included binary Windowsdistributionthat includes the binaries for cdrdao and vcdxbuild and uses a conventional windows installer.

Version 0.1.8 (2004-01-13)
Thumbnail creation is now multithreaded.
A few minor bugs were fixed.
ccdtovcd.jar now bundles its own images (this should fix a very remote bug where ccdtovcd icons could not found by the application)

Version 0.1.7 (2003-10-30)
Bug fixing...bug fixing...bug fixing...
More than one movie can now be inserted in a folder, movies cannot be thumbnailed...
Watch for 'do nothing' menu types as the node before does not skip over it but returns to its menu. I'll fix that later.

Version 0.1.6 (2003-10-17)
Movies can now be added to the tree. Insert them like you would insert pictures. When set to play 'infinite', a movie will play until the end. If not, it will play for the number of seconds indicated.
Added ability to rename tree elements such as pictures, menus and movies. To change the default name in the tree, right click on the element and select 'rename'.
Ccdtovcd now supports image file formats other than gif, png and jpeg using the imageio plugin interface. See to locate plug-ins.
Tips & tricks #1: when editing a picture, right click in the picture to change the location of the text.
Tips & tricks #2: when editing a picture, use your mouse wheel to change the size of the text.
Old trees (*.ccd) cannot be read/imported into this new version.
I am now unemployed!!! If you know of a position requiring Java-swing, Lotus Notes or ASP/HTML then let me know, Thanks.

Version 0.1.5 (2003-8-18)
Enhanced ability to change image properties. Select one or more images/menus, right click and select "Quick Changes". This allows to, for example, set all images/menus to "High Resolution".

Version 0.1.4 (2003-7-18)
MPEG-1 encoding is now performed by Ccdtovcd. There is therefore no need for the MJPEG tools anymore. VCDImager is still required. This also means that Ccdtovcd can now run under Windows.
Various bugs fixed including inability to create automatic menus and cdrdao output invisible

Version 0.1.3 (2003-5-25)
PPMScale and PPMNTSC programs no longer needed for encoding
Various bugs fixed

Version 0.1.2 (2003-5-14)
Folder names now sorted alphabetically
Use monospaced font in generated xml on screen

Version 0.1.1 (2003-5-13)
Thumbnail creation will now only use 1 thread. Using more than 1 thread creates an out-of-memory error

Version 0.1 (2003-5-07)
Initial postings of binaries and sources

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