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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Camtasia Studio
12 Februrary 2025: What's New in Camtasia 2025.0.0
New Features
Audio Effects
AI Noise Removal
Isolate your voice with precision, removing unwanted sounds while keeping your voice crisp and clear.
Cursor Effects
Cursor Motion Blur
Provide a blur effect to cursor movement to create a more visually engaging appearance.
Kinetic Cursor
Add momentum to cursor movement to appear as if it is being pulled and pushed across the screen.
Elevate Cursor
Bring your cursor to the front of the screen over other onscreen effects, media, and annotations.
Feature Updates
Dynamic Captions
Dynamic Captions Editing
Expanded editing for dynamic captions including the addition and removal of words and spaces.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash when opening some projects with cursor edits.
Fixed a crash when editing some media with cursor data.
21 January 2025: Camtasia 2024.1.5
Feature Updates
Removed export option for Knowmia.
Removed export option for TechSmith Video Review.
Added a dialog to disclose the use of whisper.cpp for AI audio processing.
10 December 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.4
Feature Updates
Camtasia now supports receiving and synchronizing updates from the brand new Generate Avatar feature in Audiate.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where certain AVI video codecs would fail to decode.
20 November 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.3
Feature Updates
Added keyboard shortcuts: Copy Properties, Paste Properties.
Added keyboard shortcuts: Copy Effects, Paste Effects.
Camtasia Rev will now remain in front of the Editor window while it is open.
Camtasia will now prompt the user to refresh their login when their login information is invalid.
It is now possible to add a Transition before all Transition thumbnail previews have loaded.
Removed the Legacy Local File export option and Production Wizard.
Removed export option: Google drive.
Updates for IT Administrators
Modern Exporter now respects deployment settings to disable hosted Smart Player.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where export could error out due to failed audio compression.
Fixed a compatibility issue with some 3rd party applications that don't expect 64-bit fields in the MP4 header.
Fixed a customer-reported issue that could cause proxy video frames to be rendered out of order.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when reading a malformed mp4 file.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if the license was in an invalid state.
Fixed an issue that could prevent signing out if the license was in an error state.
Fixed a bug that could cause recordings on Windows 11 24H2 and later to become corrupt if no differences were detected while recording.
24 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.2
Fixed a bug that caused the Modern Exporter to ignore quality settings which could result in large exported file sizes.
22 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.1
Feature Updates
Improved UI rendering when viewing transcription text on the timeline at different zoom levels.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated YouTube Integration section of the End User License Agreement (EULA).
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause large MP4s to be corrupted on export.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur due to Camtasia launching with low process integrity.
Users can now choose to enter a license key without restarting if they previously canceled the key entry dialog.
Fix crash if required permissions are not selected when signing into Google Drive
Exporting to SmartPlayer when offline works now
Fixed a bug that could cause AI Noise Removal to have unexpected results on stereo files with inversely correlated audio signals.
15 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.0
New Features
Allow user to assign a color to clips/media on the timeline, in order to more easily scan visually while editing.
Feature Updates
Added the ability to view and fine-tune the timing of the dynamic caption transcript on the timeline audio media.
Improved synchronization of audio with video when the recorder is paused while recording.
Added support in the Modern Exporter for exporting AAC audio at 224kbps, 256kbps, and 320kbps variable bit rate (VBR) quality.
Added playback speed indicator to Editor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
3 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.7
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause the mouse position to be incorrectly recorded when using multiple monitors.
30 September 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.6
Feature Updates
Added helper text for Closed Captions.
Updated Support Tool to include Camtasia Audiate integration files in zipped bundle.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur while generating thumbnails for a project with a large number of media.
Fixed a bug that could cause non-ASCII characters to render incorrectly on export.
25 September 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.5
Feature Updates
Changed "Captions" label to "Closed Captions" and "Dynamic Captions Styles" to "Dynamic Captions."
Added additional logging support for Camtasia Audiate integration.
Added additional export options to the Modern Exporter for the "MP4 with Smart Player" file type.
Updates for IT Administrators
Update libmp3lame from to
Removed RestSharp dependency.
Resolves a null pointer issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Resolves an illegal address read issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Resolves a double free issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause camera options to become unavailable after changing camera dimensions.
Fixed drag-n-drop of .tscproj from Windows Explorer.
Localization fixes.
Fixed crash when making a preset with a shape callout.
Fixed crash when clicking the add cursor keyframe button with Cursor Path Creator.
Fixed a bug that could prevent projects from before Camtasia v2020 from upgrading.
Fix start up crash with empty keyboard shortcut for "Show/hide quizzes" or "Show/hide markers."
Fixed a bug that could cause medias' visual state to be temporarily incorrect after ungrouping.
27 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.4
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the user may get black video when the system locale is set to Chinese.
22 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.3
Feature Updates
It is now possible to switch user accounts from the trial dialog.
Added unassigned shortcut for moving playhead to a specific time.
Added a message to Background Removal effect UI when the selected GPU does not support the effect
Added property to Dynamic Captions: Split captions by sentence
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash where images and audio media in One Drive locations were getting proxied.
Improved dialog when importing from Powerpoint.
13 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.2
Feature Updates
Improved thumbnail for Background Removal visual effect.
In the Dynamic Captions Tool, the height of the Transcription panel will be persisted across runs of Camtasia.
New dialog shows when Camtasia needs to be periodically connected to the internet.
Improved accuracy of caption transcription.
Performance Improvements
Merged change to make Dynamic Captions hover over preview more performant.
Bug Fixes
Improved error handling on startup when licensing errors occur.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected resizing to take place when animating a cropped media.
Fix the project name with double byte characters encoded correctly.
Fix transition preview when hovering over transitions.
Localization fixes.
Fixed bug where the Tool Panel or Properties Panel would remain permanently closed until Camtasia is restarted.
Fix a bug on adding downloaded assets to the timeline which can shift all other media on the track
Cursor click sounds now are audible when applied to any media that click sound effects can be added to.
Fix startup delay in Home window when using a business license key
Improved visual consistency and usability of search bars in the tool panel
Auto-proxying now happens for imports from Mobile Connect, Snagit, asset service and more locations.
Improved an error dialog that appears when importing an invalid file to Camtasia Rev.
Fixed a bug that could cause Scale to Fit to be calculated incorrectly.
Added helper text to alert user when Dynamic Backgrounds are not available in Camtasia Rev.
Fixed a bug that could prevent projects started in Camtasia Rev from being shown in Recent Projects.
Fixed a bug that could cause the playhead region selector to collapse when showing the the context menu.
Dynamic Captions from Audiate now use the properties and options available inside Camtasia when imported.
Fixed a crash that could take place when initializing the recorder.
Customer survey does not appear anymore if the survey has already been taken.
26 June 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.1
New Features
Users can now change the current playhead time by clicking the current value beneath the Canvas and entering a different time.
Added support for pasting images from the Windows clipboard into the Camtasia Editor.
Feature Updates
Dynamic Captions
Users are now prompted to name their preset when creating a Dynamic Captions preset.
Added Dynamic Captions to the Tools submenu within the View menu.
The Dynamic Captions transcript now displays the name of the transcript's source media.
Dynamic Captions styles will now be shown immediately in the Captions tool panel after being imported from a Camtasia Package.
Improved text contrast for empty states in tool panels.
Improved tooltips for the Captions tool panel.
Added keyboard shortcut for accessing the Dynamic Captions tool.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a potential performance problem by queuing audio transcriptions when needed.
Improve performance of selecting a media with a large dynamic caption transcript.
Updates for IT Administrators
Added support in the TechSmith Deployment Tool to restrict users from accessing Dynamic Captions.
Bug Fixes
Deleting a word from a dynamic caption transcription no longer leaves a space in the rendered caption.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if a user's processor does not support instructions used for fast transcription. NOTE: Processors without that support will experience significantly reduced performance when transcribing speech to text.
Fixed an issue which caused "Dimensions: 0 x 0" in the Media Bin hover tooltip for image files.
Fixed an issue where long recordings could cause the UI to hang for several seconds when the mouse hovered over the clip in the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Captions tool panel from opening when a Dynamic Captions user preset is created.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some ProRes MOV files from being decoded properly.
Localization fixes.
What's New in 2024.0.0
New Features
Dynamic Captions
Powered by AI, users can now show every spoken word on screen as it is spoken. Use one of the preset styles or use the properties panel to create unique ones. Supports many different languages.
Rev workflow enhancements
Send both new and existing media through the Rev workflow for quick layout options.
Assets integration
Find the assets you need right within the Camtasia editor to get your videos done even faster. Assets include titles, footage, callouts, dynamic backgrounds, music, audio visualizers, photos, and more.
New recording engine
Capture higher frame rates and higher resolution screen recordings powered by a new screen recording engine.
Text Stroke
Add an outline to any text. Change the color, size, and opacity of that outline.
Tiling visual effect
Create custom animated backgrounds with a logo, image, or video repeated in a pattern across your screen. Added flexibility to change sizes and spacing.
Progress bars and timers
Show time progression with easy-to-modify progress bars and countdown timers.
Feature Updates
Visual enhancements
Dozens of new behaviors, dynamic backgrounds, and audio visualizers.
Cursor enhancements
Make a static screenshot look like a video by adding a mouse cursor, then changing its position and adding clicks. Additional cursor effects include the ability to scale cursor clicks or add a glow around the cursor.
JKL editing enhancements
Speed up your video editing. JKL brought the ability to play the video preview at slower (J) or faster speed (L) and now you can slow down (Shift + J) or speed up (Shift + L) without pausing (K) in between.
Editor shortcuts
New shortcut options to speed up your video editing.
Toolbar reordering
Click and drag to rearrange the items in the main toolbar.
Speech-to-text closed captions (Win only)
New AI technology that turns the audio of your video into closed captions on your video.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue showing the wrong duration when adding an Extend Frame to the end of a media.
14 May 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.8
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated WiX to version 3.14.1 which addresses CVE 2024-29187, where a local attacker could elevate privileges when the Camtasia installer is running, and CVE 2024-29188, where a local attacker could elevate privileges to delete files when the Camtasia installer is running.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where video streams on certain MP4 files would not be recognized.
18 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.7
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding an animated GIF to the timeline.
16 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.6
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when saving or using Library Assets.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fix the issue that user cannot export to Panopto.
Fix a bug where video stream would show all-black frames for certain MP4/MOV files unless proxied.
Fix a bug where some MJPG video streams in AVI files wouldn't decode.
Fixed a bug in Camtasia Rev that could cause effect titles to be truncated.
2 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.5
New Features
Explore Assets Directly in Camtasia! Camtasia now offers the ability to browse assets by category or by utilizing search without ever leaving the Camtasia editor. Access titles, footage, music tracks, animations, images, callouts, and more. Create content in Camtasia faster than ever before!
Bug Fixes
Localization fixes.
Fixed a crash adding a media with multiple video streams to the timeline.
Fixed an issue where Timeline navigation to next media would not always work on a keystroke callout.
Fixed an issue where you might see a no connection message when changing tabs on the Home asset discovery control.
Fixed a bug where some AVI files cannot be rendered and saved in the project.
Fixed an issue with extra space appearing below tool panel tabs for certain DPI settings.
19 March 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.4
Feature Updates
Improved keyboard accessibility in the Properties panel.
Added Batch Export to the simplified Export menu.
Added additional criteria for auto-proxying source files including large dimensions and known problematic file types.
Simplified Export menu.
Removed the glow effect on the rectangular recording region indicator to improve capture performance.
Allow user to click through the Recorder 3-2-1 count down window.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a performance issue that could result from using stitched media.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated WiX which addresses CVE 2024-24810, where a local attacker could elevate privileges when the Camtasia installer is running.
Updated libexpat to version 2.6.0.
Bug Fixes
Fix the crash when hitting Escape in the Batch Dialog
TREC files will no longer be proxied by default.
Fixed a bug that could cause proxying to fail for some source media.
Fixed a bug that caused projects saved from Camtasia Rev to have an incorrect default name.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected behavior when using Animations with Clip Speed.
Fixe a bug that would cause the hover preview to stop working for MOV file in the Media Bin.
Fixed an issue with media not behaving correctly after detaching the timeline.
Fixed a possible crash when using Speech-to-Text with a selected stitched media.
Fixed an issue with the Editor window not maximizing correctly on startup if closed while maximized previously.
13 February 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.3
Feature Updates
Added Valentine's Day 2024 cursor pack.
Adjusted Media Bin thumbnails to more accurately reflect the standard Canvas layout.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Canvas preview of visual fx which could be rendered incorrectly on proxy videos and/or vector graphics.
Removed deprecated link to Community Support from Camtasia Home.
Fixed a bug in Camtasia Home that prevented Recorder from being launched when using accelerator keys.
Fixed a bug that could prevent media from being added to the Library from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some source files from being reversed or proxied.
23 January 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.2
Feature Updates
Increased the size of the webcam in the default Editor layout when importing a .trec file.
Projects that are imported from Rev will not have a background applied automatically if the screen recording or camera recording fills the entire canvas, unless Background Removal has been applied.
Added a tooltip to Camtasia Rev that displays details about Rev backgrounds.
The Batch Exporter now accepts MP4 and TREC files as source media for batch export.
Added option to Preferences: Automatically delete oldest proxy files when filesize exceeds a threshold.
Source media that are detected as being in cloud-backed storage locations are now proxied by default. This behavior can be turned off in the Preferences menu.
Camtasia will now warn the user when the temporary storage location is set to cloud-backed storage, which is not recommended.
It is now possible to drag-and-drop projects and/or media into the Batch Export dialog.
The Batch Exporter now supports "Create multiple files from markers."
Improved the look of the Record button in Camtasia Home.
Added a Camtasia Rev layout that mimics legacy Camtasia behavior with no background.
Performance Improvements
Miscellaneous performance improvements.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging an AVI or WMV source file under the playhead.
Fixed network security prompt not showing in the installed languages.
Fixed a memory leak with timeline media
Fixed a bug that could create an invalid caption when trimming the beginning of the project's first caption.
ESC key back to work to exit sync caption now
During Voice Narration and sync captions the downloads button and the record flyout button are now disabled.
Dynamic Backgrounds and other shader-based media no longer skip after a Ripple Delete.
Fixed a bug that could cause a trial dialog to briefly appear for users that already have a valid Camtasia license.
Improved the default Background Removal quality to Accurate for users with discrete video cards.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash or other undesired behavior when editing cursors on stitched media.
fix sometimes noise removal failed when clicking Analyze
Fixed a bug that could cause some videos to flip when visual effects were applied.
Fixed a bug that could prevent captions from scrolling properly while syncing.
Fixed a bug in the Modern Exporter that could cause changed settings to be lost when switching tabs.
Fixed issue where recording toolbar button tooltips could show up in the recording.
Fixed a crash that could occur when saving to a standalone project.
Improved consistency of visual effects between different types of source media including differences with Lottie files and proxy media in the Editor.
Fixed a bug that could create multiple undo points when reverting while cropping.
12 December 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.1
Feature Updates
Improved exporter progress reporting.
The Emphasize audio effect is now automatically applied to microphone recordings.
Updates for IT Administrators
Replaced Unity with DryIOC 5.4.3.
Bug Fixes
Improved error handling when licensing errors occur due to permissions issues.
Fixed a bug that could prevent importing of assets via the Assets tab in some environments.
Fixed a bug that could cause media files to be missing when saving standalone projects to OneDrive.
Fixed a bug that could result in cursors being recorded at an incorrect size.
Fixed a bug that could cause exports to introduce a black line in projects with dimensions not divisible by two.
Fixed an issue where audio volume tooltips would not show after splitting a media
Users are now prompted to confirm the opening of project files containing network paths, addressing a potential security risk. Thanks to @gokuKaioKen_ for reporting this issue.
Fixed a potential crash that could occur when launching help documentation during signin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent proxying of MTS files.
29 November 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.0
New Features
Improved Batch Video Export
Introducing a new set it and forget it experience for exporting videos in Camtasia! With the improved Batch Exporter, you can now add multiple projects to a queue and export them all together. All of your standard and custom export presets are available, allowing you to export a series of projects in a variety of sizes and formats. Walk away and let Camtasia's Batch Exporter work through a number of projects, or keep working on a current project while your other projects export in the background.
Feature Updates
Added a cursor pack with three new cursors (Christmas tree, candy cane, Santa Claus hand).
Added the ability to resize the Tool Panel
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a security issue where user interaction with a maliciously crafted project file could result in arbitrary code execution.
Fixed a security issue with the custom file handler protocol, which could result in arbitrary file downloads.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a memory leak related to video decoding.
Fixed a bug that could cause the video to flicker when transitions were applied to special annotations such as Blur or Spotlight.
Fixed an issue with a label being cut-off in the Media Bin in certain locales
Fixed a bug that could cause warnings when exporting from Camtasia Rev that did not apply to the Camtasia Rev recording.
Fixed a bug: Recorder can initialize webcam improperly sometimes.
Fixed a bug that could cause a detached Canvas to change size after an export is completed.
Updates to mic volume in system settings are now properly reflected in the Recorder interface.
14 November 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.3
Feature Updates
Added support for Dynamic Captions on audio that originates from Audiate.
Improved scaling behavior when in Crop mode: it is now simpler to return to 100% scale when cropping.
Performance Improvements
Improved performance of the Background Removal visual effect.
Updates for IT Administrators
Removed dependency on XceedZip.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a discrepancy that could take place between proxied videos and the exported result when using Corner Rounding.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Editor to briefly be shown before Camtasia Rev is displayed.
18 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed translated text in Offline Activation workflow.
17 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.1
Updates for IT Administrators
Added Offline Activation option for users with restricted internet access.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented selection tabs from reattaching to the playhead when selection duration is 0.
Fixed a bug that prevented selection tabs from being dragged past one another.
Fixed a possible crash if Camtasia is launched multiple times before the sign in workflow is completed.
17 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.0
New Features
Camtasia Rev: Simplify Your Video Creation Journey
Camtasia now offers an effortless video creation workflow called Camtasia Rev. Now a part of Camtasia, Rev is designed to help you make great content faster than ever. With just a few clicks, Rev enables you to seamlessly blend screen recordings, webcam footage, and audio into captivating videos.
New recordings immediately enter the Rev interface where you transform the raw recording into a near-completed product with size, layout, background, effect, and filter selections. From here, you can send the video to Camtasia's non-linear editor for further editing and enhancements or export it immediately.
To get started, simply toggle on the Camtasia Rev switch, and make your next video as fast as "Click. Click. Done!"
Grab Your Favorite Assets Directly in Camtasia!
Assets are now easier than ever to access and add to your projects! You can now browse over 20 million professional, royalty-free video assets directly in Camtasia. Add polish to your video with photos, videos, audio, and customizable digital content, without ever leaving the editor!
Visual Effects
Added Visual Effect: Mask
Feature Updates
Edit Faster and Sound Better with Audiate!
Camtasia and Audiate now have improved syncing to help users edit video and enhance audio faster than ever. Seamlessly hop back and forth between Audiate and Camtasia to edit your video like text.
Audiate has also added the ability to to sync Dynamic Captions with Camtasia so you can add exciting, bold captions to your videos.
Renamed Sullen Siren to Sullen.
Renamed Tasteful Goddess to Tasteful.
Renamed Goddess to Citrus.
Added option to Recorder preferences: Mirror camera preview.
Recorder streams for screen recording, camera, microphone, and system audio are now on by default.
Visual FX
Updated Remove Background Visual Effect:
Added Property: Quality
Added Property: Feather
Added Property: Opacity
Added Property: Blur
Added Property: Ease In
Added Property: Ease Out
Updated Border Visual effect:
Added Property: Use alpha.
Border thickness property now ranges from - to 50.
Ease In and Ease Out are now supported.
Updated behavior while in Crop mode: moving a media moves it inside the constraints of the crop rectangle.
Performance Improvements
Improved Canvas preview performance when changing the slider values of dynamic assets.
Bug Fixes
Removed Beta badge from "Use GPU encoding" option in MP4 encoding settings.
Fixed a crash that could occur when recording system audio on a silent system.
Fixed an issue where drag to restore a maximized window could shrink the window.
Fix a hang that could occur when changing the active timeline tab while the preview is playing.
Camtasia's file picker dialog now remembers the location of the most recently used folder when opening a project.
Fixed a bug that caused playback to stop when selecting a media on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could cause sliders for Dynamic Properties to move erratically when dragged.
The correct error is now shown when trying to save to a file that exceeds the maximum file path length.
Fixed a crash when assetproj has unknown font.
22 August 2023: Camtasia 2023.2.0
New Features
Audio Visualizers
Attention content creators, podcasters, musicians, vloggers, and just about anyone wanting to inject an irresistible dose of expressive flair into their visual projects! Camtasia's new audio visualizers bring your voice, music and sound effects to life, synthesizing your audio tracks with dynamic graphics that excite and engage your viewers more than ever before! And just like Camtasia's dynamic backgrounds, they're drag-and-drop easy to use, and can be easily extended to match the length of your audio on the timeline!
Feature Updates
Camtasia Home
It is now possible to sign out of Camtasia from Camtasia Home.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a resource leak that could lead to increased startup time.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated Cairo to version 1.17.8
Updated Freetype to version 2.12.1
Updated FriBidi to version 1.0.12
Updated Glib to version 2.76.3
Updated Libpng to version 1.6.39
Updated Pango to version 1.50.14
Updated Zlib to version 1.2.13
Updated Expat to version 2.5.0
Updated PCRE to version 10.42
Bug Fixes
Improved sync between video and audio streams in Recorder.
Improved error messaging for licensing errors.
Improved Canvas rendering when displaying the Canvas at a scale other than 100%.
Fixed a bug that could prevent font ligatures from rendering properly.
Fixed a bug that could cause minor artifacts to be shown on text when using Behaviors.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Fade Behavior from working correctly with special callouts such as Spotlight.
8 August 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.2
New Features
Added user preference for Recorder: Automatically minimize recording window.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause an empty graphics card name to appear in the list of available graphics cards.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause a recording to be removed from the project if recording took place with the Project Settings dialog opened,
Fixed several issues that could cause the playhead to jump to the wrong time when editing captions.
Fixed a bug that Export Asset doesn't work when changing temp folder to any drive not C.
Fixed a bug that could prevent changing of audio properties after an Extend Frame.
Fixed an issue where imported media would sometimes sort into the "yesterday" category in Media Bin.
18 July 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.1
Added ability to filter typefaces by typing into the font menu.
Added support for opening Mac projects that were zipped instead of being Exported for Windows.
Improved hover preview performance for h.264 videos.
Project playback will now pause when starting a media preview from the Media Bin or Library.
Dependency Updates
Updated libexpat to v2.5.0.
Updated Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime to v2.3.24.
Updated Lua to v5.4.6.
Removed outdated D3DX9_42.dll.
Removed outdated Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable files from installation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause Speech to Text to stop before transcribing an entire media.
Fixed a bug that could cause auto-normalization settings for media to be out of sync with Project settings.
Fixed a bug that could cause a user to be prompted for a license key when one had already been entered.
Fixed a bug that caused images to be saved in PNG format when saved as a JPG.
Fixed a bug that could cause flickering in some MP4 source files.
Fixed a crash that could occur when online activation fails.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing from Google Drive after a reinstallation.
Fixed a hang that could occur when closing the application while loudness calculations were taking place.
27 June 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.0
New Features
Variable Speed Playback
Added Variable Speed Playback.
Feature Updates
Added option to purchase an individual subscription license.
Visual Effects
Added Reflection Visual Effect.
Changed the Open Visual Effects Tab Shortcut from “L” to “X”.
Updated tool panel previews for some Visual Effects.
Added ability to Exporter Produce from Command Line.
Added ability to Export and import exporter presets via campackage.
Added ability to Show estimated production time in the progress dialog on export.
Added a warning to warn users about the upcoming retirement of the legacy export option.
Added a warning to warn users not to save projects on in cloud-backed directories.
Canvas Rulers
Added ability to Hide/Show Canvas Rulers via right-click.
Updated selection region behavior when interacting with the playhead.
Bug Fixes
Improved timeline performance when cursor keyframes are shown.
Improved timeline performance when media contain stitches.
Fixed a bug that could cause Bluetooth audio outputs to become silent when selected in the Recorder.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from unassigning more than one keyboard shortcut in the Recorder.
Fixed a crash that could occur if Speech-to-Text was canceled.
Fixed a bug that could cause Speech-to-Text captions to be added at an incorrect time.-
Users are now prompted for a license key if Sign-In fails.
Fixed a crash that could occur when zooming out of the Canvas.
Fixed a crash that could occur if a system had a 32-bit version of WebView2 installed.
Fixed a bug with clip speed that could cause distorted audio.
Fixed a bug that could cause the active cursor to be displayed with the wrong color.
Fixed a bug that could cause custom keyboard shortcuts to remain when Delete User Data was selected on uninstall.
Fixed a bug that could cause the selection handles to be rendered incorrectly during playback.
9 May 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.2
Bug Fixes
Increased timeout for Camtasia sign-in to reduce failed sign-in attempts.
Improved error message when Camtasia sign-in does not succeed.
Added Learn More button to the sign-in error message dialog.
Added Edit in Audiate to the Edit menu.
Added Quit option to the Sign-in dialog.
Updated a graphic in the Trial Expired dialog.
Removed "Use software-only mode" from the Hardware Acceleration dropdown in Preferences. When troubleshooting video driver issues, please use Microsoft Basic Render Driver instead.
Improved performance for Background Removal (Beta) when using the GPU.
Improved audio rendering performance in projects that contain captions.
Launching an export from the command line or from Camtasia Add-in for PowerPoint will now utilize the modern export experience.
Exporting to YouTube now uses the project dimensions when exporting instead of imposing a maximum of 1080p.
Fixed a bug that could cause the digitaltrains Dynamic Background to render incorrectly on the canvas.
Fixed a bug that could cause the expiration date for maintenance licenses to display incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could cause transfer of projects between Camtasia and Audiate to fail.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some templates from being updated when upgrading Camtasia.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Camtasia failed to show a toast notification.
Fixed a crash that could occur during batch production if source media were unavailable.
25 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.1
Bug Fixes
Added the Motion Path effect to the Animations tool panel.
Added Continue Editing and Unlink from Audiate menu options to context menu for media that are linked in Audiate.
Removed countdown timer from Camtasia Home for non-renewing maintenance subscribers. Fixed an intermittent startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause license error messages to appear behind the related dialog box.
Fixed a bug that could make the Motion Path preview thumbnail fail to play for some users.
Fixed a bug that could cause cursor keyframe indicators to show incorrectly after changing the edit rate.
25 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.0
New Features
Cursor Color Effect
The new Cursor Color effect lets you instantly change the color scheme of any cursor on the screen. Tired of black and white? Us too. Simply drop the Cursor Color effect onto any media with a recorded cursor or Cursor Path Creator effect and use the color pickers to breathe new life into your cursors. Use bold color choices to grab your audience's attention, or map the cursor colors to your brand with this simple drag and drop effect found in the Cursor Effects tool bin.
Cursor Shadow Effect
The cursor is the lead actor of any video that has screen content. You know every hero needs depth and contrast to stand out in a scene. That’s where the new Cursor Shadow effect comes to the rescue. Simply drag the Cursor Shadow effect from the Cursor Effects tool bin onto your media and then adjust the Angle, Offset, Blur and Opacity to draw the cursor away from the screen and increase contrast.
Cursor Packs
Really want to stand out from the crowd? Need to put a smile of delight on your audience's face? Our visual designer CoCo has created two cursor packs that unleash a visual feast that’s sure to engage viewers. Replace any cursor in your recording using the drop down menu inside the Cursor Image Replace properties of any recording or media with the Cursor Path Creator effect applied. You won’t be disappointed.
Neon Cursor Pack - (58 cursors)
Hand Drawn Cursor Pack (25 cursors)
Visual Effects
Camtasia Filters
Create a wide range of looks from warm and sunny to cool and moody. Whether you’re looking to achieve a cinematic color tone, give your footage a vintage feel, or lean into a futuristic look Camtasia Filters gets you there with a simple drag and drop effect.
Thirty-two unique color Filters (Color LUTs) can now be found in the new Filters tab of the Visual Effects tool bin.
Motion Path Effect
Add dynamic animation that flows and swoops along a path using the new Motion Path effect. This delightfully simple effect lets you add movement to any element in your video. Once applied, it’s super simple to add additional path animations just by context-clicking anywhere on the canvas and choosing Extend Path to Here. Looking for some EXTRA awesome sauce? Toggle on Auto Orient in the properties panel and make your media rotate as if it really is following the path. And that’s just the beginning my friends–dig into the effect properties for granular control over easing and line types.
Vignette Effect
One of the most iconic and versatile effects in the photo / video world is now a simple drag and drop effect in Camtasia. The new Vignette effect makes it easy to create a cinematic look that draws viewers attention to the center of your content. Make your photos or videos appear as though they were shot using expensive, vintage glass, or just wash away unwanted details at the edges of your media. Vignette ships with a number of simple adjustments that let you refine and shape the effect.
Control the intensity and black and white color tone of the effect using the Amount slider.
Use the Size, Roundness, and Feather sliders to control the focus area.
AI Background Removal (Beta)
Don’t have the time, patience or money to set up a green screen? No problem–let the robots do the heavy lifting. Fire up your camera, record yourself, add that video to your Camtasia timeline and then just drop the Background Removal effect onto the clip. Now place your footage in the perfect position over your screen content to get that modern streaming influencer look.
Corner Pinning
Use the new Corner Pin editing mode to map an image or video to a 3d perspective. Found the perfect hand model photo? It’s now super simple to make a screenshot of your app appear as if it’s part of the original scene in that stock photo–just click on Corner Pin mode and drag the corners of your content to match the desired scene.
New 2023 Asset Library
Hand crafted with love in the Mitten, the 2023 Camtasia Asset Library has been revamped from the bottom up. This year's focus has been on making the content easier to browse and even more customizable. There are a ton of new assets including the headliners of the Camtasia 2023 release–Dynamic Backgrounds and Dynamic Fills. Just dropping these assets on the Canvas will instantly elevate the style and appearance of your video. Camtasia’s powerful and flexible Quick Properties and Dynamic Properties make it easy to customize the assets to put your own personal spin on how your content looks.
Dynamic Background / Dynamic Fill Assets
Whether you’re looking for a stunning background or a sexy fill, Camtasia has you covered. These aren’t run of the mill video assets or stock footage, either. Need that background to last a few seconds or a few hours? No problem, just drag the length to match whatever you want. Need to scale things, but don’t want jaggies / softness? Again we’ve got you covered. Tired of backgrounds that eat up hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes? Our Dynamic Backgrounds and Fills are insanely small–just a few kilobytes in size. Want that background to contain fluid, looping motion? Just drag the speed slider to set the speed of the motion in your background for the duration it appears on the timeline. Really want to have some fun? Every single Dynamic Background and Fill has its own set of dynamic properties that allow you to adjust color, speed, number of elements and much, much more. It’s as if Camtasia ships with an ultra slick set of expensive plugins that create beautiful motion backgrounds and fills. No extra cost. No plugins needed.
Looking for some inspiration? Need a beautiful layout to drop a title and a screenshot on? On the hunt for elegant framing that wraps around mobile and desktop screen content? Our new unstructured templates give you the perfect starting point without forcing a narrative structure that doesn’t fit your needs.
Asset Discovery in Camtasia Home
Looking for more inspiration? Facing a deadline and need stunning results immediately? A collection of customizable titling, lower thirds, animations, motion graphics and more is available via our cloud based asset service. Our content team is working hard to surface the best free, premium, and featured assets for use in your next video. And now, it’s easier than ever to discover these assets in Camtasia Home just below Recent Projects.
Snagx Support and Roundtrip Snagit Editing (Mac)
Captured the perfect screenshot only to discover that its UI elements are too busy for your video? No problem, simply context-click on the image in the media bin, choose Edit in Snagit, let the Simplify Tool there do its magic and then send it back to Camtasia. Even better, the Snagx image format is now supported, allowing you to perform roundtrip editing of annotations and adjustments made in Snagit.
Feature Updates
An all new state of the art rendering engine improves preview performance and export rendering speed. Those export coffee breaks just got a whole lot shorter.
Screencast Export (Mac)
Share directly to Screencast and take advantage of all the feedback and collaboration features of our modern online video platform.
Lottie Color Quick Properties
Camtasia's Lottie color support makes it easy to quickly customize slick animations to match your branded content. Quick Properties take this to the next level. Group any Lottie animation and color wells are automatically generated in the properties panel. The Quick Property Asset editor allows you to map Lottie colors to Theme colors making it incredibly easy to style elements from the Camtasia Asset Library and Asset Service.
Improved Radial Angle Controls (Mac)
Radial controls have been reworked from the ground up to allow precise, fluid control of angle values when dragging radial controls in the properties panel.
Bug Fixes
Edit All Animations now applies when making changes to media on the Canvas.
Fixed a hang that could occur when updating a stitched media.
Fixed a bug that could lead to all-black frames when reversing a video.
Fixed a bug that could lead to a corrupt video when exporting a project with no audio.
Fixed a bug that could cause a gap between media on the timeline when trimming a transition.
Fixed a bug that could cause Themes to be missing in the dropdown for non-ENU customers.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when changing the color of text-only annotations.
Fixed a bug that could cause fx trackers to fail to properly scale down with small media.
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a folder permissions issue that prevented some enterprise end-users from accessing Camtasia.
11 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.3
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a folder permissions issue that prevented some enterprise end-users from accessing Camtasia.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented accessing Camtasia with a Windows username containing non-Latin characters.
23 March 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.2
Feature Updates
Added option to Preferences: Show timeline cursor indicators.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a new project when at 60fps and editing a cursor path.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing the clip speed of a stitched media.
7 March 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.1
Feature Updates
Added Update Media support for Lottie files. This is only available if they have the same properties.
Lotties now save custom colors when saved back to the Library.
Double-clicking a cursor keyframe while editing now moves the playhead to that keyframe.
Visual Effects
Added Search Bar to Visual Effects Tool Panel.
Added the ability to swap colors on Visual Effects with two colors.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem that could occur when dragging Audio Fade In or Fade Out.
Fixed a bug that allowed m4a export to proceed when no audio was present.
Fixed a bug that could occur when undoing a color change to the Color Tint effect.
Fixed a crash that could occur when replacing media on a Quick Property Asset.
Fixed a UI alignment bug for Visual Effects with blending ranges.
Google access tokens are now stored in Windows Credential Manager. Thanks to Zekv4n for reporting.
Google access tokens are now revoked during sign out. Thanks to Zekv4n for reporting this issue.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect keyframes to be highlighted when editing the cursor path.
Timeline thumbnails are now properly updated after a Lottie color is changed.
Fixed a bug that could fail to show a timeline thumbnail after extending a media frame.
Fixed a crash in DEU when adding an asset to the Library using Use Visible Size.
Fixed a bug that affected the Line Type selection while editing the cursor path.
7 February 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.0
New Features
Added six new heart themed transitions with configurable properties just in time to show your viewers the love.
In addition to quickly launching Camtasia’s Recorder, now Auditate and Snagit Recorders can be launched directly from the Camtasia Editor.
Feature Updates
Dimension Presets
Revamped Recorder Dimension presets to support horizontal, vertical and square video resolutions. Choose a preset by selecting the dropdown menu in the Screen Recording toggle switch.
Added ability to adjust solid color fills and strokes of Lottie Media on the Timeline
Added “Center Anchor” context menu option to reset the position of a media’s anchor point to its default.
Added ability to constrain media along a vertical or horizontal axis when dragging on the Canvas by holding down“shift” while performing the drag operation.
Completely revamped Project Dimension presets to support horizontal, vertical and square video resolutions. Context-click anywhere on the Canvas and choose Project Settings, then use the Dimensions dropdown to choose desired video dimensions.
Custom Cursor Images
Added the ability to import custom cursor images that can replace cursors in a Camtasia screen recording, or when using the Cursor Path Creator visual effect.
Added the ability to set a custom cursors’ anchor point position using the Properties Panel cursor crosshairs UI, or input fields.
Added ability to edit previously imported cursors via the Properties Panel.
Added ability to delete previously imported cursors via the Properties Panel.
Added the ability to replace an existing cursor with a blank cursor. No need to add an animation and adjust opacity in order to hide a cursor–just use the Cursor Image Replace Panel and choose the blank cursor.
Enhanced Cursor Path Simplification algorithm to account for the position of recorded click events.
Added automatic “remember last used settings” to the modern export experience. Settings are saved across sessions.
Added ability to create and save presets to the modern export experience.
Changed the order tools appear in the left-hand Tools Panel and removed the Interactivity item from tools. Interactive elements can still be added using the timeline Quiz track or via menus.
Bug Fixes
Improved audio decoding for WebEx recordings.
Improved handling when audio devices on the system change.
Fixed a bug that could cause the caption editor to erroneously cycle backwards through captions.
Fixed a bug in the modern export dialog that allowed too many characters to be entered for frame rate.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Batch Production.
Fixed a crash that could occur when failing to initialize a recording device.
Fixed a bug that prevented source files with double-byte characters from being proxied.
Fixed the macOS I-beam replacement cursor on Windows.
13 December 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.4.1
Feature Updates
Back by popular demand, the Legacy Exporter is once again available as an export option for encoding and packaging videos. The Legacy Exporter is expected to fully retire in the next 12 months but based on feedback we have decided the modern export experience needs a few more options available before it can fully assume the role.
Added the ability to export timeline selection into the modern exporter
Bug Fixes
Improved performance when trimming media with cursor metadata.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo to undo more than expected after dragging media to the canvas.
6 December, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.4.0
New Features
Media Replace
Added ability to drag and drop from Media Bin and Library to replace media on the Canvas.
Added ability to drag and drop replace media on Canvas.
Placeholders can be replaced on Canvas using drag and drop.
Designated media inside Quick Property Assets can be replaced on Canvas using drag and drop.
Bug Fixes
Added a scrollbar to the Timeline context menu for users with smaller screen resolutions.
Retired option to "Extract Recording Contents..." from the Media Bin.
Retired option to extract recording contents using the Windows Shell.
Improved error message when licensing fails because servers are busy.
Improved error messages that can occur if an upload fails after exporting.
Fixed a bug that could cause the recorder to silently exit in the middle of a recording.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur for DE customers that changed their Timeline height to fractional pixel dimensions.
Fixed a bug that would cause export validation steps to be skipped when using the keyboard shortcut.
Fixed a bug that prevented PowerPoint files from being imported if the extension was not lowercase.
Fixed a bug that could cause pasted media to move to an unexpected position when pasted inside a Group.
Fixed a bug that could cause Camtasia 2021 Library Assets to display with incorrect crop rectangles on the Canvas.
Fixed a bug that could cause crop properties to be lost when replacing media in a Quick Properties Asset.
Fixed a bug that could allow too many quiz answers to be supplied by manually editing the project file.
15 October, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.3.0
New Features
Rulers & Guides
Added ability to show / hide Rulers to the Canvas.
Added ability to add vertical and horizontal guides to the Canvas by dragging from a ruler.
Added ability to remove guides from Canvas by dragging guide back to ruler.
Added ability to remove guides using context menu.
Added ability to snap media to guides.
Feature Updates
Added Smooth Across Edits toggle option to cursor properties.
When selected, the cursor position is automatically animated between the final cursor position keyframe of selected media and first cursor position keyframe of next media on the same track.
When selected, cursor position is automatically animated across stitches in selected media.
Added Cursor Image keyframe indicator glyph to Timeline media.
Displays current cursor image at time.
Current Cursor Image keyframe highlighted at time.
Highlights all instances using current cursor at time when the Similar segment control is selected in the Properties Panel.
Added user configurable attributes to 72 Transitions.
Zoom Level
Increased the scale range of Canvas Zoom to 2000%.
DPI Aware Adjustable Canvas
Canvas UI detects high DPI systems and monitors and chooses appropriate scale of UI elements.
User configurable DPI scaling options allow users to adjust the scale of Canvas UI controls (1x, 1.5x, 2x).
Reverse Video
Added ability to reverse audio streams within video media.
Media Replace
Added ability to drag and drop from Media Bin and Library to Quick Properties of Assets in the Properties Panel.
Exposed export option to allow GPU encoding for MP4 output in modern exporter.
This is a beta feature, and will be tagged as such in the UI.
For certain hardware configurations, enabling this feature can potentially result in a modest increase in performance when exporting a video.
The supported configurations will be pretty narrow at first, and hopefully expand over time as we learn more and develop the feature.
Removed Production Wizard.
All export options now flow through the modern export experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting after canceling an export.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Pan tool while editing the cursor path.
Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging media to and from the Library.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding trec files with stitches from the Library.
Improved license cache performance to reduce intermittent licensing errors.
Fixed a bug that could cause the cursor to leave the edited cursor path.
Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong Favorites category to be shown on application start.
Fixed a bug that allowed trimming of media past the beginning of the project.
Fixed a bug that could change the undo stack when selecting media.
Fixed a bug that could cause a performance slowdown when reopening a project.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Jump to Marker from working within quizzes.
Fixed a bug that could cause quizzes and tables of contents to show at an incorrect time.
Fixed a bug that could cause Library assets smaller than the Canvas to be saved with incorrect dimensions.
Fixed a bug that could prevent OBS from showing as an available camera.
Fixed a bug that could cause erratic behavior when editing captions.
Fixed a bug that could cause frame rates other than 30fps to be changed to 30fps when sharing to some destinations.
Improved mouse cursor behavior when editing effects on the Canvas.
Fixed a bug that could occur when replacing cropped media.
28 September, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.2.1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur in the background during shutdown.
27 September, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.2.0
New Features
Cursor Image Replace
Added the ability to navigate between cursor image changes to the Properties Panel.
Added ability to replace the recorded cursor image with a different cursor image from the recording.
Added ability to replace the recorded cursor image with a vector system cursor image.
Added the ability to choose the cursor image used with the Cursor Path Creator effect.
Added Recorded Cursors Set to the Cursor Image Replace combo box in the Properties Panel.
Added Mac and Windows System Cursors Sets to the Cursor Image Replace options in the Properties Panel.
Added the ability to insert a new cursor image at the Playhead position of a Camtasia Recording.
Added the ability to insert a new cursor image at the Playhead position when using the Cursor Path Creator effect.
Added Current Cursor Indicator Element.
Added Cursor Image Keyframe Indicator.
Delete Cursor Image Keyframes.
Add New Cursor Image Keyframes.
Added Cursor Replace Operations.
Replace Current Cursor.
Replace All Similar Cursors.
Replace All Cursors.
Feature Updates
Added Search Bar to Transitions Tool Panel.
Audiate Sync
Added Edit in Audiate options to properties panel when media is selected on the Timeline.
Added Remove All Stitches to menu bar and media context menus.
Set WAV as default format for Audio Narration.
Added Customizable Shortcuts:
Remove All Stitches
Deprecated / Removed
Removed Vimeo Output.
Bug Fixes
Updated crash reporting dialog to include a hyperlink to TechSmith tech support.
Updated the End User License Agreement with new TechSmith physical address.
Changed the mouse cursor opacity in the Camtasia 2022 Default Template to 100%.
Fixed audio / video sync issues with OBS and Reincubate Camo virtual cameras.
Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting properties after deleting a Marker.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using mp4s with very large dimensions.
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing project frame rates.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from modifying the Extend Frame duration.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from renaming quizzes on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could create apparent gaps in the timeline when combining Clip Speed with Magnetic Tracks.
Fixed a bug that prevented Audiate-generated captions from being trimmed out.
Fixed a hang that could occur when adding a marker to Audiate-generated captions.
25 August, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.1.1
Video Support
Improved support for HEVC-encoded video files.
Visual FX
Added canvas snapping for Visual FX with corner and center handles.
Cursor path line types now show as disabled when they are unavailable.
When generating cursor paths, the last keyframe will now be selected first.
Esc key will now exit Cursor Path Editing.
Fixed a crash that could occur when reversing a TREC file without screen media.
Fixed a startup crash for Japanese users.
Fixed an issue that could cause Transitions to be listed out of alpha order.
Fixed an issue that could cause Copy Selected Effects to be shown when it should not be.
Fixed an error that could occur when extending a media.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Behaviors from showing in the Favorites dropdown on startup.
Fixed a bug that could cause a cursor point to be deselected when clicking with a modifier key.
Fixed a bug that cause effects to be removed when replacing a media.
16 August, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.1.0
Reverse Video
Added ability to reverse video clips in the Media Bin.
Blur Region Effect
Added Blur Region visual effect with configurable blur amount and tint color. Enjoy frosted glass in any shade your heart desires.
Freeze Region Effect
Added Freeze Region visual effect. Select any region of the screen and freeze the selected area, or inverted selection, in place for the duration of the effect. Get rid of those annoying / embarrassing pop-ups with a simple drag and drop effect.
Added labeled expanders to the Favorites Tool.
Improved user interface for cursor paths on the timeline.
Added tooltips to the cursor tab in the Properties panel.
Cursor Path Editing state is now remembered when re-selecting a media.
The last-used folder is now remembered when using the modern export experience.
Updated the YouTube exporter.
Added customizable properties for some transitions.
Improved error messaging when installation fails.
Improved customer experience while using the licensing support tool.
Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an image with a Cursor Path Creator applied.
Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing and redoing a Cursor Path Creator effect.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected changes in canvas objects' position when ungrouping.
Fixed a bug that could allow invalid characters when renaming a Theme.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect maintenance expiration date to be shown based on the user's time zone.
Fixed a bug that could leave obsolete files in the user's Temp folder in the event of a crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Zoom-n-Pan view to be drawn incorrectly when displaying nested groups.
Fixed a bug in drag selection logic when using a magnetic track.
Fixed a bug that could allow placeholder properties to be edited on non-placeholder media.
Fixed a bug that could allow invalid Ease Out values to be entered.
Fixed a bug that could mark a project as modified after opening the Project Settings dialog.
Fixed a bug that could prevent reverting a media's scale.
26 July, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.4
Added Paste as plain text to callout right-click menu.
Added support for minimizing the exporter dialog while using the modern export experience.
Days remaining in a customer maintenance agreement is now hidden until 30 days are remaining.
Days remaining in a customer maintenance agreement is now hidden for all enterprise customers.
Updated End User License Agreement (EULA).
Improved in-product message banner on high DPI displays.
Fixed crash on startup when proxy.pac file has empty or DIRECT proxy.
Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to paste an image as callout text.
Fixed a crash that could occur if an invalid key was entered into the trial watermark dialog.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error to be thrown when exporting from Audiate to a new project.
Fixed a bug that prevented the caption editor from starting when hitting the Enter key.
Fixed a bug that could cause too many Undo points when moving media on the canvas using arrow keys.
12 July, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.3
Camtasia editor will now minimize while using the modern export experience.
Export progress is now shown on the taskbar icon while using the modern export experience.
Updated SCORM package templates.
Updated callout text insertion cursor to match the color of the text to increase visibility.
Improved recorder flyout animation in the Camtasia Home screen.
Increased mouse click target size for recorder flyout in the Camtasia Home screen.
Expired trial information is now displayed properly in Camtasia Home.
Improved accessibility of the Camtasia installer.
Fixed a silent crash that could occur when exiting the program.
Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming an effect.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a cursor path.
Fixed a bug that could result in a group name being lost when replacing media.
Fixed a bug that could cause error messages to become hidden behind the registration dialog.
17 June, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.2
Added subscription information to the About Camtasia dialog.
Added Blending Range control to Color Adjustment effect.
Added Blending Range control to Color LUT effect.
Added Blending Range control to Color Tint effect.
Added Blending Range control to Colorize effect.
Renamed Colorize Amount property to Intensity for consistency with other effects.
Added better error handling when media files become unavailable.
Fuse error dialogs now link directly to a relevant help article.
Fixed a crash that could occur during batch production if a .tscproj file was invalid
Fixed a crash that could occur when a Library asset was missing key information.
Fixed a crash that could occur when grouping stitched media with no visual track.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Camtasia is shutting down.
Fixed a bug that could prevent exporting from Audiate to Camtasia.
8 June, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.1
Added context menu item to Recent Projects in Camtasia Home: Open File Location.
Added context menu item to Recent Projects in Camtasia Home: Remove From List.
Added context menu item to Templates in Camtasia Home: Open Template Manager.
When prompting for a file name, Recorder will now automatically append a date-time stamp.
Changed effect name from "Cursor Path" to "Cursor Path Creator."
Restore Path will now restore cursor paths created by Cursor Path Creator.
Lottie JSON files now show the correct metadata in the Media Bin.
The Ctrl key will now disable canvas snapping while editing the cursor path.
Added "(audio only)" for clarity to the M4A file type in the Exporter dialog.
Updated cursor for Cursor Path Creator effect.
Redoing a Group command now properly selects the group on the timeline.
Fixed a Recorder crash that could occur when selecting a region.
Added vector cursors to improve compatibility with macOS recordings.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Audiate from exporting to Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that caused a tooltip in Audio Properties to display for incorrect menu items.
Fixed a bug that could cause the parent media to be deleted when deleting a cursor point.
Fixed a bug that allowed arrow keys to affect the Canvas when Editor was not in foreground.
Fixed a bug that caused Marker or Quiz to be incorrectly selected when reopening the menu.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect height or width properties to be shown after cropping a media.
Fixed a bug that could cause a Cursor Path to be added to a Placeholder before it was dropped.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Ctrl key from disabling snapping during Cursor Path Editing.
Fixed a bug that could allow creation of a corrupt media in the Media Bin.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening multiple projects in a row.
Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing a change to the project frame rate.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Grouping a stitched media with no visual track.
Fixed a crash that could occur while updating a media if the original path had an invalid filename.
Fixed a bug that could cause Library preview windows to display at the wrong size.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect playback progress to be shown when the Canvas is detached.
Error descriptions have been improved when installation fails.
Fixed a bug that could cause restoring items to a tool panel to affect items in other tool panels.
Fixed a bug that could prevent keyboard shortcut changes from being reflected in context menus.
19 April, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.19
Fixed a Recorder hang that could occur if a particular registry key was missing.
Fixed a bug where media would be left in the media bin after saving and closing a project.
Fixed a bug that could cause more undo actions than expected when undoing a text color change.
Fixed a bug that prevented transition durations from being previewed when dragged above media on the timeline.
22 March, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.18
Fixed a bug that could cause an error to display when launching Camtasia.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a WAV file with an MP3 extension.
Fixed a hang that could occur on machines with Intel Iris Xe video cards.
25 February, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.17
Fixed a bug that could cause objects in Editor to display incorrectly after opening a project with a different edit rate.
16 February, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.16
Added option to Recorder: Open Editor after recording is stopped.
Added Recorder Shortcut: Ctrl+M to Add Marker.
Improved behavior when errors occur while saving recordings: users may now retry saving with a different name.
Pause/Resume is now disabled during Recorder countdown.
Region selection indicators are no longer shown if screen recording is not selected.
Updated Google Drive and YouTube SDKs to address CVE-2018-1285 preventing a local XML eXternal Entity (XXE) vulnerability.
Fixed a bug that could slow the Camtasia Editor opening.
Fixed a bug that prevented seeking when previewing media from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that prevented line and arrow Annotations from being highlighted when dragging an effect.
Fixed a bug that caused Fuse options to be shown when the install option to disable Fuse was chosen.
Fixed a bug that could cause a glitch when an mp3 media contained a split.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new project.
Fixed a bug that allowed invalid recordings by using the Stop hotkey when a recording was not taking place.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur on production when using production presets.
Fixed a crash that could occur on machines using encrypted hard drives.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo to undo more than the user intended.
Fixed a bug that could cause frames to be rounded incorrectly when changing frame rate.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Zoom-n-Pan preview from updating correctly.
8 December, 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.15
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing Clip Speed in a locale that uses commas as decimal separators.
Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the New Project keyboard shortcut many times in succession.
Fixed a bug that could cause Device Frames to be missing from thumbnail images.
Fixed a bug that could prevent seeking through media while previewing from the Media Bin or Library.
29 November 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.14
Fixed a memory leak that could cause Camtasia to become unresponsive after multiple mp4s were rendered using hardware acceleration.
Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails for ProRes MOV files to render incorrectly.
16 November 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.13
Added localized text for the Panopto output.
Fixed a bug that could cause Device Frames to extend past the end of a media after a split.
Fixed a bug that could cause erroneous text callout attributes to change when inserting a line break.
Fixed a bug that could cause media to be added out of order when multiple media were added to the timeline from the Media Bin.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding .trec files with multi-byte characters in the filename.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing Clip Speed on machines that use commas as decimal separators.
12 October 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.12
Added option to Recorder: Camera recording dimensions.
Added option to Recorder: Camera target capture frame rate.
Added an option not to install WebView2 when doing enterprise installs if a beta version is already installed.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo history to be corrupted when interrupting a mouse movement.
Fixed a bug that could cause media to be copied when saving a standalone project as a new project that is not standalone.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Zoom-n-Pan preview from updating correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused date sorting in the Media Bin to sort in reverse order.
Fixed a bug to disallow characters in Theme names that could lead to a crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause the stitch to be off by a frame when extending media with Clip Speed applied.
Fixed a bug that could cause the editing caret to be invisible when editing text annotations.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when adjusting a media's clip speed on a magnetic track.
Fixed a bug that could cause Recorder preferences to be unavailable if Camtasia cannot access the camera.
20 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.11
Improved error handling when uploading to Panopto with Viewer-only access.
Fixed a bug that could cause some exported mp4s to play back at an incorrect size in some players.
Fixed a bug that prevented media on locked tracks from being added to Library assets.
Fixed a bug that could cause waveforms to be drawn incorrectly when extending media.
16 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.10
Added licensing support for proxy strings in the registry that include scheme.
Fixed a bug that could prevent media with filenames containing multibyte characters from being imported.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect window to gain focus when the canvas is detached.
Fixed a bug that could prevent presentations from being exported to Knowmia.
14 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.9
Added option to Recorder: Customize shortcuts for Record/Pause/Resume and Stop.
Added option to Recorder: Choose maximum capture frame rate.
Added option to Recorder: Choose recording encoder.
Recorder preferences are now set to factory defaults alongside the Editor when users select this option in Advanced Preferences.
Uninstallation is now blocked if the Recorder is still running.
Improved crash handling when a user's license info is corrupted.
Fixed a crash that could occur when previewing media in the Media Bin.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a project.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing media.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding media to the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could cause animations to render incorrectly on annotation tails.
Fixed a bug that could cause a single Undo command to process more Undo actions than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented fragmented mp4s from being proxied.
Fixed a bug that could cause fragmented mp4s to render intermittent black frames.
25 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.8
Fixed a startup crash that could occur when updating cached user credentials.
24 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.7
Added option to export to Panopto in Camtasia Editor.
"Do not capture recorder on screen" option is no longer available on Windows versions that are too old to support it.
Fixed a bug that allowed users to add Noise Removal to Groups where it has no effect.
Fixed a bug that could cause Sketch Motion annotations to work incorrectly when saved as presets.
Fixed a crash that could occur after exporting a video.
Fixed a bug that could cause proxy videos to have poor sync from some MP4 sources.
3 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.6
Media Width and Height are now accurate to one decimal place in the Properties panel.
Added support for Motion JPEG MOV files.
Improved startup handling when WebView2 component is not installed.
Removed add-in support for 32-bit Powerpoint.
Fixed a bug that could cause a color shift when exporting to MP4.
Fixed a bug that could cause reduced performance in large projects.
Improved error handling when Camtasia cannot launch due to missing or corrupted dll files.
Fixed a crash that could occur when nesting media using Noise Removal.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Zoom-n-Pan.
Fixed a crash that could occur when declining to recover a recording.
Fixed a bug that could lead to too many undo points when editing annotations.
Fixed a bug that could lead to too many undo points when editing multiple objects with Behaviors.
Fixed a bug that prevented LUT files from being imported in German Camtasia installations.
Fixed a bug that ignored some plugin preferences during enterprise deployments.
Fixed a bug that caused a proxy badge to be incorrectly shown on keystroke callouts.
30 June 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.5
Added 3d LUT Visual Effect.
Source file names are now truncated in standalone projects if they would have been too long to save.
Added option to Recorder: Show countdown before recording.
Added option to Recorder: Omit recorder from recordings.
Added option to Recorder: Restore cursor location after pause.
Added option to Recorder: Exit recorder after recording is stopped.
Improved text navigation while typing in Annotations.
Added indicator to About dialog when Camtasia is using Scalable Offline Activation.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing a media.
Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting tools from the Tool panel.
Fixed a bug that could cause multiple undo points for a single scaling action.
Fixed a bug that could cause a horizontal scrollbar in the Properties panel.
Fixed a bug that could cause recordings to be lost if an error happened during recording.
Fixed a bug that could cause auto-normalization settings to be ignored when using Ripple Delete.
Fixed a bug that caused the Recorder to enter a bad state if closed while recording.
9 June 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.4
Fixed a bug that caused the Recorder to lose its most recent setting for recording dimensions.
Fixed a bug that could cause an erroneous signin message to show on launch.
Fixed a bug that could cause the first one or two frames of a recording to be dim.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing mp4s with no audio streams.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if Camtasia was unable to access environment information.
27 May 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.3
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from signing in to start a trial.
26 May 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.2
Added option to the Recorder that allows users to select a default save location.
Added save option to the Recorder that allows users the option to choose a file name.
Reduced minimum track height in the Editor.
Added menu option and keyboard shortcut to center canvas.
Added an option to enable/disable font ligatures in the Properties panel.
Improved accuracy of effect thumbnails when creating user presets of the Corner Rounding visual effect.
Fixed tab order in the Quick Property Editor.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when scrolling the mouse wheel during startup.
Fixed a crash that could occur while saving a project.
Fixed a crash that could occur when sending a new recording from Recorder to Editor
Fixed a bug that stopped playback when playing proxy files if the source was an .MTS file or a Lottie file.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some valid files from being proxied.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Duration prompt from being displayed when extending media.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from entering their license key.
Fixed a bug that prevented media from being extended when they contained a transition.
Fixed a bug that could cause a misleading duration to be displayed in the Recorder when making long recordings.
Fixed a bug that could cause deleted user presets to return after restarting Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that could cause the screen to be recorded when it was not selected.
Fixed a bug that could cause a drop in frame rate when Transitions are extended.
Fixed a bug that could cause duplicate audio media when importing from Audiate.
29 April 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.1
Added Recorder Shortcuts: F9 for Start/Pause/Resume Recording, and F10 to Stop Recording.
Added a larger webcam preview that can be displayed while recording.
Added a countdown that is shown before recordings start.
Improved Recorder UI during recordings.
Pressing Record inside the Editor will now foreground the Recorder if it has been minimized.
Hovering over Media Matte options now previews those changes on the Canvas.
Hovering over media in the Media Bin now allows you to scrub through the media.
Added Delete All Proxy Videos as an option on the Advanced Preferences menu.
Added support for activation using a proxy server.
Groups within Groups are now automatically named with their parent group as a prefix.
Added support for renaming Group Tabs by double-clicking on the tab.
Audio waveforms are now drawn on Groups on the timeline to represent audio within the Group.
Adding a caption while in a Group Tab now adds it to that Group instead of the main timeline.
The Zoom-N-Pan window now always shows the main timeline even if a Group Tab is being shown.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could lead images to be one frame in duration when replaced from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that prevented .srt files from being exported when using Camtasia in Spanish.
Fixed a bug that caused Ripple Insert to work incorrectly inside Group Tabs.
Fixed a bug that caused webcam-only recordings to fail to drag when dragging to the Canvas from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that caused the timeline to scroll upward when dragging the playhead.
Fixed a bug that could lead Knowmia productions to have an incorrect duration.
Fixed sorting order when sorting by Type in the Media Bin.
Fixed bug that could prevent signin if the system clock time differed from the authentication server.
Localization fixes.
27. April 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.0
Added 75+ new Transitions and Transition categories
Added Audio Emphasize Audio Effect
Added VU Meter in editor
Added Motion Blur Visual Effect
Added Round Corners Visual Effect
Added Media Matte Visual Effect
Added ability to generate proxy videos for improved editing performance
Added Additional properties to Quick Property Assets
Added Quick Property Editor for creating custom Quick Property Assets
Added New Animation Shortcuts / Behaviors
Added support for Lottie animations
Added support for standalone projects
Added ability to collapse Property Panel elements
Added Visual Effects bypass toggle switch to the Property Panel
Added TechSmith Audiate integration
Added New Group workflow
Improved Canvas zooming / panning
New Welcome Window with project launcher and Learning Center
New and Improved Recorder UI
15 February, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.13
Added additional options to the TechSmith Smart Player
Removed the temporary track at the top of the timeline; a new track now appears when media is dragged to that location.
Added tooltip to Start Voice Narration button.
Admins can now remove Export destinations when using the Deployment Tool.
Startup crashes now give users more information about what led to the crash.
Fixed bug that caused projects exported to Knowmia to include project duration that included disabled tracks.
Fixed UI alignment in Behaviors Properties menu.
Fixed bug that could prevent Camtasia from detecting that an update was available.
Fixed bug that prevented a .trec file from being imported when the webcam had been in use by another application.
Fixed bug that could cause some media to be missing from productions when producing to Video Review or Knowmia.
Fixed crash that could occur when turning off auto-normalization.
Fixed bug that could cause captions to fail to import from Powerpoint
Fixed hang that could occur when playing the same media on the Canvas and the Media Bin preview at the same time.
Fixed bug that could prevent some valid mp4 files from being imported.
Fixed bug that could cause unexpected caption alignment.
Fixed bug that led to users' Event Logs being generated too often by logging.
Fixed bug that could prevent Quiz/Marker tray state from being remembered.
Fixed crash when double clicking in the recent project list in the Welcome Window.
Fixed bug that allowed marketing messages to appear during recordings.
Fixed bug that caused the canvas not to update when a color change is canceled.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur during production.
Fixed a crash that could occur if a user tried to make a thumbnail before Camtasia fully loaded.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Transitions' name from being shown when multiple media are selected.
Fixed a problem that could cause audio and video to become desynchronized when recording only a webcam and a microphone.
Fixed a bug that could cause Noise Reduction to behave in unexpected ways on stitched media.
Localization fixes.
23 November, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.12
Fixed a bug that caused a performance degradation in complex projects.
11 November, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.11
"Jump to next/previous animation" now considers all media on the timeline, not just selected media.
Added message informing users when they try to enter a license key that was not created correctly.
Improved startup performance.
When sharing to Knowmia the project name is now suggested as the production title.
Fixed a bug that prevented adding a media to the timeline when doing so would create more than one track.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening or upgrading some projects.
Fixed a bug that would prevent animated cursors from macOS recordings from displaying correctly.
Fixed a bug that prevented files with incorrect audio channel metadata from loading into upgraded projects.
Fixed a hang that could occur when closing the application.
Fixed a bug that caused the preview scale to change when previewing Transitions.
Fixed a bug that caused the transition thumbnail to play the media preview when previewing a transition at the same time.
16 October, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.10
Fixed a user-reported startup crash that could occur when fonts were missing certain metadata.
Fixed a bug that caused Behavior preset previews to be empty in some scenarios.
The prompt for trial activation now respects monitor DPI correctly.
Fixed a bug that could prevent transparent ProRes videos from rendering correctly.
15 October, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.9
Added ability to set Width/Height of media in the Properties panel.
Pressing Play when at the end of the timeline will now move the playhead to the beginning of the view instead of the beginning of the project.
Improved user experience when recovering an auto-saved project.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when extending a frame on videos with an audio stream longer than the video stream.
Fixed a crash that could occur when playing stitched audio media.
Fixed a bug that prevented Speech-to-Text from being launched.
Fixed a bug that caused some AVI files to look blurry when rendered.
Fixed a bug that allowed the empty track zone to be moved between tracks.
Fixed a bug that that caused transitions to be hidden after undoing a replace operation.
Fixed a bug that allowed timeline zooming to place the playhead out of view.
Fixed a bug that prevented some visual effects from being included when exporting a frame.
Fixed a bug that prevented old projects from upgrading when they included audio files with more than two channels.
Fixed a bug that prompted the user to close unrelated applications when installing or uninstalling Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from using Elgato Wave 3 microphones.
Localization fixes.
3 September, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.8
Added capability in Editor to Add Exported Frame by right-clicking on the playhead.
Added clearer language informing users when licensing limits are reached.
Added clearer language informing users when Legacy Callouts are upgraded.
Renamed Share button and menu to Export in the Editor.
Added option to Export Smart Player files for hosting or use hosted Smart Player files.
Fixed an XML eXternal Entity (XXE) issue that could allow a remote attacker to destroy privileged files or -- in some environments -- elevate privileges through a maliciously crafted configuration file.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a Project from a Template twice in a row.
Fixed a crash that could intermittently occur when searching for the Documents folder.
Fixed a bug that prevented transitions from being deleted from media on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that stopped the timeline selection from collapsing after a cut.
Fixed a bug that prevented waveforms from updating correctly in some cases.
Fixed capitalization of French, Spanish, and Portuguese languages in the installer.
12 August, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.7
Added support for Spanish language.
Added support for Portuguese language.
Improved accessibility for screen readers.
Fixed a bug that prevented Track Matte indicators from moving when rearranging tracks.
Transition names are now sorted alphabetically in all languages.
Fixed bug that could make the Theme Manager appear at an incorrect size.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed bug that prevented users from retrying a failed uninstallation.
Fixed a bug that could leave undesired files on a user's file system after uninstallation.
Uninstall errors now display in the installation's selected language.
Fixed bug that could cause waveforms to display the incorrect amplitude after LUFS normalization.
Fixed bug that caused Media Details to show the wrong path after a Template was saved as a project.
Fixed bug that could cause Camtasia to ask for a license key when already authorized.
Fixed bug that could cause dragging of media into a Group to fail.
Fixed bug that could prevent the timeline from scrolling or zooming properly.
Fixed a crash when clicking on a callout with RTL text ending in a carriage return.
Localization fixes.
22 July, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.6
Added Track Solo feature to Editor.
Added capability for organizations' proxy servers to be used when contacting the TechSmith licensing servers
Better multi-monitor mixed DPI support.
Error conditions preventing installation will now display in the selected language.
It is now possible to paste Behaviors onto Groups.
Improved crash reporting.
Fixed bug that caused some webcams to exhibit poor sync between audio and video.
Fixed bug that caused some ProRes videos to render incorrectly.
Localization fixes.
29 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.5
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug where German trial users were unable to produce with a watermark.
Fixed a bug that could stop Select in Media Bin from scrolling to the correct media.
16 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.4
Added option to share to TechSmith Knowmia in Camtasia Editor.
Removed option to share to TechSmith Relay.
Modernized look and feel of the Help/About dialog.
Added maintenance number to version display.
Camtasia now allows users to enter a different license number when reinstalling.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
5 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.3
Added Track Reorder feature to Editor.
Fixed a crash that could occur using source media saved to OneDrive.
Fixed bug that prevented users from editing multiple animation keyframes simultaneously.
Fixed bug that prevented local SmartPlayer productions from displaying in fullscreen in IE11.
Fixed bug that prevented licensing messaging from appearing in some cases.
Camtasia now tries multiple times to reach the licensing service before prompting users to activate offline.
Fixed bug that prevented thumbnails from being shown in the Theme Manager and the Properties panel.
Fixed crash on import of a WMV file with no video stream.
Improved memory usage when creating new projects.
Files with a .tif or .tiff extension can now be added to a project.
Properties are no longer shown for Annotations when those properties do not apply.
Fixed problem that could prevent audio from being decoded from some source media.
Fixed problem that could prevent some MOV source files from being imported.
Camtasia now prevents import of certain invalid MOV files instead of crashing.
Audio-only projects that contain groups now behave like audio-only projects when sharing.
Interactivity features (e.g. quizzing and hotspots) are now sent when producing to Video Review.
Fixed timing issue that could occur when applying clip speed to media with Visual Effects or Behaviors.
Fixed issue that could cause the Powerpoint recording prompt to appear offscreen.
Fixed issue that could cause projects with many edits to consume a large amount of RAM and potentially crash.
Fixed appearance of Disable Track buttons.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Zoom-n-Pan.
Fixed issue that caused Camtasia Editor to lose focus when importing projects.
Fixed issue that prevented users from exporting Themes more than once.
Fixed issue that caused Fade transitions upgraded from old projects to fade in reverse.
7 May, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.2
Fixed bug that caused some pre-2018 projects to upgrade with incorrect Visual FX order.
Fixed bug that caused webcam to ignore the selected framerate for recording.
Fixed text alignment for right-to-left languages.
Fixed bug that caused projects to become unstable when loaded with a missing image.
Fixed bug that could lead to corrupt recordings when launching a recording when the webcam was in use.
Added EULA for Chinese customers.
Fixed crash when trying to get user info for users with multi-byte characters in their username.
Fixed crash when importing MOV/MP4 files with multiple codecs.
Fixed crash when importing a WAV file with an mp3 extension.
Fixed bug that kept text in an edit state after clicking the Undo button.
Fixed bug that caused Color Tint presets to keep incorrect easing values.
Fixed crash when trying to save to a network drive that is unavailable.
29 April, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.1
Added ability to replace timeline media with other media on the timeline.
Added ability to export Template file from the Template Manager menu.
Set .WAV as the default audio format when exporting audio only.
Added ability to set default placeholder media duration in user preferences.
Fixed issue that prevented Powerpoint Add-In from working with 32-bit Powerpoint.
Fixed crash when adding a Group with media selected to the Library.
Fixed crash when selecting undo after replacing audio-only media on the timeline.
Fixed a problem that prevented Camtasia from launching when installed by a different user.
Stopped video playback before automatic check for invalid licenses.
Fixed startup crash experienced by users with double-byte characters in their usernames.
28 April, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.0
Added ability to replace timeline media via drag and drop from the Media Bin or Library.
Added placeholder media type.
Added Template projects.
Added Template Manager.
Added ability to favorite most frequently used tools and annotations.
Added ability to configure and save tool and annotation presets.
Added ability to export and share themes individually.
Added ability to export and share keyboard shortcuts individually.
Added ability to export multiple templates, libraries, themes, shortcuts, presets and favorites as a package.
Added Magnetic Track option to Editor.
Added Ripple Insert from Media Bin or Library options.
Added ability to Ripple Move media on the timeline.
Added Ripple Trim option to timeline editing.
Added callout styles theme support to Annotations.
Added Auto-resize Text toggle button to Properties panel.
Added Media Bin layout, filtering, and sorting enhancements.
Added Select/Delete Unused Media option to Media Bin.
Added Select on Timeline option to Media Bin.
Added ability to find and select media in Media Bin to timeline.
Added ability to double-click empty space in Media Bin to open media files.
Added ability to move playhead on empty timeline.
Added ability to detach timeline from Editor.
Added Track Matte feature supporting four modes: Alpha, Alpha Invert, Luminosity, and Luminosity Invert.
Added high frame rate recording mode to Recorder preferences.
Added Reverse Transition toggle button to Properties panel.
Added ability to set GIF loop count when exporting animated GIF.
Added automatic Group size support.
Added ability to set specific Group size.
Added ability to set specific Library asset size.
Added clipping mask to Group boundary.
Refreshed fonts shipped with Camtasia.
Added ProRes decoding support.
Added support for pitch normalization when Clip Speed is added to media with audio.
Added ability to apply multiple visual effects to Groups.
Added ability to edit project videos at 25 and 50 frames per second.
Added both free and premium templates, themes, and assets to the TechSmith Asset store.
Retired support for .camrec recording format.
Retired legacy callout display support.
Added single stream recording capabilities (audio only, webcam only, screen only) to Recorder.
Added system audio VU meter to Recorder.
Added ability to record webcams at higher resolutions and frame rates.
Added ability to record h.264 video in .TREC container.
Added preference to set default animation easing.
Retired support for Windows 7.
Retired support for Windows 8.
Retired converting SWF format to AVI format.
Retired support for Camtasia 8 projects.
Retired legacy Device Frames.
Retired AVI recording support.
10 March, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.10
Fixed .camrec files were not decoded correctly.
Fixed crash when importing MP4 files from Android 9 mobile devices
Fixed Decoding files recorded on LG4 cell phones
Fixed Issue that caused black frames to appear in web camera videos when encoding to storage media
21 January, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.9
Fixed issue that prevented use of Visual Effects for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed crash while sharing to Video Review for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed issue that caused GPU usage to grow continuously after audio tracks were analyzed
Fixed crash when finishing a recording without opening the Camtasia Editor
26 November, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.8
Fixed issue that moved Camtasia Editor to the wrong location when restoring the window
Added ability to move playhead to a location where no media has been added
Fixed a crash that could happen when previewing a transition after previewing a media in the Media Bin
Fixed issue to allow sharing to Video Review from outside the United States
Added ability to export a zipped project for filenames longer than 260 characters
Fixed issue where a duplicate cursor would display after a stitching media
Fixed problems with variable-bit-rate MP3 files that could cause skips or glitches
Fixed intermittent crash while scrubbing the timeline
Fixed crash when extending the beginning of an MP4
Added an error message when importing a corrupt .trec file
Fixed crash when exporting to MP3
Tool menus no longer persist when switching between tools using keyboard shorcuts
Fixed issue that caused canvas to resize when dragging media into the Camtasia Editor
Fixed issue issue for incorrect display of location to drag media
Fixed issue exporting images to the JPEG format
Fixed issue that caused animations to shift when unstitching media
Fixed issue with location of the canvas when it has been detached
Fixed crash while editing annotations set to extremely large scales
27 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.7
Fixed an issue that caused delays in timeline edits for stitched media
Fixed crash when loading projects with missing TREC files
Updated to use the latest TechSmith Account integration
SCORM 2004 editions are now listed in SCORM options
Added option for Enterprise users to disable quizzing in the TechSmith Deployment Tool
15 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.6
Fixed issue where context menu options are missing for annotations
Fixed issue where some PDF files rendered with incorrect colors
Updated XPDF library to version 4.01 to address the following CVEs where a user may have been vulnerable to a denial of service attack (crash or hang) when importing a PDF file CVE-2018-7173 CVE-2018-7174 CVE-2018-7175 CVE-2018-7452 CVE-2018-7454 CVE-2018-11033 CVE-2018-16368 CVE-2018-18651
8 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.5
Camtasia now displays single user license keys during login
Select webcams in the Recorder identified as USB Video Devices in Device Manager
Fixed bug that causes imported MP4s loudness calculation to hang
Fixed a bug that prevented Camtasia from exporting for Mac
30 July, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.4
Fixed crash when audio files are analyzed for Noise Removal
Fixed issue where invalid error dialog is shown when loading certain media
Fixed Camtasia Recorder crash when holding down F9
Fixed issue where Voice Narration m4a files contain faulty timing information
Added recipient single email address validation in Quiz reporting options
Fixed issue where theme fonts are not shown until Theme Manager opens
Fixed issue where TechSmith Assets are not downloaded when asset name exceeds character limit
Fixed crash when media is dragged to timeline
Fixed issue where imported zipped projects do not open in Camtasia
Thumbnails are now shown correctly on timeline for .trec and .camrec files
Fixed issue where Windows 7 users are shown invalid warning dialog on startup
Improved performance between Camtasia and newest Smart Player version
26 June, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.3
Added support for Chinese language
Fixed an issue where rare low-motion animated GIFs could cause Camtasia to crash
Fixed an issue where some 60fps media did not trigger a prompt to change the project's framerate
Fixed an issue that caused users to be logged out of Camtasia after upgrading
Fixed an issue that could cause colors to appear "washed out" when using hardware acceleration
Added an animation when media are added to the Media Bin
29 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.2
Fixed issue where m4a playback would not start until the entire file was downloaded
Fixed issue where changes to Voice Narration text could be lost if they were the last thing changed before closing the application
Fixed issue that could cause some characters to render incorrectly in text annotations
Fixed issue that caused 16-bit .camrec files to render incorrectly
Fixed problem rendering changes to Opacity when media are in a Group
Fixed hang when closing the application after playing audio files with corrupt metadata
Fixed issue where LUFS calculation could never be completed on audio files with corrupt metadata
Fixed startup crash that occurred when the Windows username contained double-byte characters when the system locale was Japanese
7 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.1
Fixed issue that prevented selecting the last line of a callout using Shift-DownArrow
Fixed issue that caused user's editing cursor to get stuck in callouts when font size changed
Fixed issue that could prevent waveform rendering when using a stitch in conjunction with clip speed
Spacebar now always plays or pauses playback, and ignores the currently focused button
Improved support for respecting users' machine language settings regarding numbers on the Properties panel
Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446
Changes to track height are now saved with the project
Fixed issue that could cause unwanted changes to effect timings when stitching and unstitching media
Fixed issue that caused a crash when importing very old camrec files
Fixed issue that caused animated GIF files to only show the first frame during Media Bin preview
Improved snapping behavior when trimming multiple media at once
30 April, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.0
Added ability to automatically adjust audio levels with defined Loudness Units Full Scale (LUFS) normalization.
Added new mouse cursor effect to smooth out cursor movements.
Expanded number of customizable product hotkeys and shortcuts.
Added new Block Text style for annotations.
Added properties to adjust vertical and horizontal text spacing in annotations.
Added Whip Spin transition .
Add ability to include logos and images to Themes.
Added additional device frames for download in TechSmith Assets.
Added “Open in Camtasia” option for TechSmith Asset downloads.
Improved SmartFocus functionality.
Updated Canvas preset sizes to match more modern devices and platforms.
Added support for importing and using PDF files.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Camtasia Recorder to record a black frame at the beginning of recording.
Fixed an issue preventing H.263-encoded mp4s from playing back properly.
Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when scaling down large images.
Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when applying Behaviors to text callouts.
Fixed a crash that could occur while editing a clip with both a stitch and the clip speed effect applied.
Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to seek incorrectly across splits.
Retired FTP output.
Retired ability to add new Legacy Callouts to a project.
Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446.
14 November, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.7
Fixed a crash on startup that could occur for users that had previously entered Video Info metadata in the production wizard.
Fixed a problem that could prevent captions and/or hotspots from working properly in Smart Player productions
6 November, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.6
Fixed a bug that prevented some legacy .camrec files from loading, playing, and/or producing properly.
Added support to resume a SCORM e-learning lesson with the TechSmith Smart Player. Users will be able to resume the video at the time they exited the video.
Added capability to Reset Camtasia to Factory Defaults from the Preferences menu.
Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails to appear black when Markers were applied to stitched media.
Ctrl-Shift-V now stops a Voice Narration recording as it should.
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-ArrowKey hotkey now works as expected when media are selected.
The ENTER keystroke callout now displays ENTER instead of RETURN.
Optimized video output to to reduce buffering for viewers.
Fixed a bug that caused the file extension to be shown twice when saving a project on a German OS.
Fixed a bug that prevented production when the project filename was too long.
Fixed a crash that could happen when adjusting Noise Removal settings.
Adjusted YouTube settings to address an issue that could make the YouTube sharing output unavailable for some users.
11 October, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.5
Fixed a bug that prevented playback on systems where the default audio device did not support stereo playback.
18 September, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.4
Added support for French language.
Added a preview of theme colors to the Theme Manager window.
Updated SmartPlayer to version 5.17.1.
iTunes Information tab removed from the production wizard.
Cursor clicks now render correctly at any DPI.
Non-English characters render correctly for legacy-style callouts.
Fixed import/upgrade of Camtasia 9.x libraries with asset names containing non-English .
Automatically-named recordings numbered above 10 are now ordered correctly on the timeline.
MOV files recorded on iPhone 6 phones now render correctly in software-only rendering mode.
Fixed a crash when trying to change the cursor for certain features on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that prevented updating media with images using a .jpeg extension.
Fixed a bug that caused captions to display off-center in video productions.
Fixed a bug that caused productions to hang when producing to multiple files using markers.
Animated GIFs with large dimensions now display correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused the Recent Projects window to clear out prematurely.
Fixed a bug that caused videos with non-square pixels to appear squashed.
Fixed a bug that caused callout text to render inconsistently when flipped along its Y-axis.
Fixed a bug that caused an error dialog when editing library assets.
28 August, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.3
Bug fixes and improvements.
14 August, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.2
Improved support for operating systems that use commas as the decimal mark.
Updated SmartPlayer to version 5.15.2.
Fixed other security bugs.
16 July, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.1
Fixed bugs with library upgrading.
Fixed bugs with libzip importing.
Fixed bugs with MP4 and MOV performance.
Fixed a bug with delete files selection in Deployment Tool.
Fixed a bug with Deployment Tool not using language selection.
Fixed a crash when audio placed on 60 fps timeline.
Fixed a crash when dragging an unsaved GIF from Snagit to Camtasia.
Fixed a crash when applying noise removal to certain MP3s.
Fixed a crash when applying clip speed to audio.
Fixed a crash when applying clip speed to audio.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
19 June, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.0
Learn more about the new features here.
New Library - Save frequently used assets, effects, and media.
Theming - Create themes with colors and fonts and apply to assets and effects.
Additional customizable and stock video assets.
60 fps video import, editing, and production.
Editor performance improvements for preview playback and timeline edits.
Production engine improvements for faster export.
New Behaviors (Explode and Fly In).
Fixed crash when SCORM selected with production preset.
Fixed clip speed not working with decimals in German.
Fixed incorrect color when annotation saved to library.
Fixed issue with parsing file names for batch production.
Other Bug fixes and improvements.
13 March, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.2
Improvements to color contrasts in user interface to increase legibility and reduce fatigue.
Added banner messaging in-product for reaching users with timely and relevant information.
Fixed issue where viewer could not enter a jump-to-time in quiz feedback.
Fixed issue where jump-to-marker was not displaying a list of markers in quiz feedback.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
16 November, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.1
Improved rendering performance with behaviors.
Fixed a bug with Camtasia crashing when trying to import PowerPoint files.
Fixed a bug with media being selected out of view on the timeline.
Fixed a bug where the Recorder preview shows a white screen.
Fixed a bug where tracks could be missing after upgrade to 9.1.0.
Fixed a bug with pausing during sync captions.
Fixed a bug where horizontal scroll could cause a crash.
Fixed a crash using Annotations after installing to a folder with double byte characters.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
19 September, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.0
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
New device frame visual effect to make videos more engaging
New properties panel to quickly adjust colors and text of animated graphics, like intros and lower thirds
New extend frame functionality to make extending your clips more intuitive
Addressed an issue where recordings would show as only one frame long on timeline incorrectly
Handling finding offline media on users' computer in a smoother way
Fixed a bug where batch production without subfolders option selected would still create subfolders
Fixed a bug where production dialog hangs with multiple files based on markers selected
Fixed AVI production for non TechSmith codecs
Fixed a bug where sometimes scrolling through the font dropdown caused a crash
Fixed a bug where media bin and canvas would end up being hidden on startup
Fixed a bug where dragging transitions on media that is split caused a hang
Fixed a bug where audio only TRECs caused a crash
Other bug fixes and improvements
16 May, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.5
Fix a crash when loading a project from an older version of Camtasia
Fix a crash when loading invalid JPEG files
Fix a preview thumbnail generation issue
18 April, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.4
Added a display of playhead time and project duration
Added support for media with PNG codec to allow MOV files with transparency
Addressed an issue with YouTube sign in due to Google’s change to OAuth support
Addressed an issue where a color picker would not accept RGB values while editing a callout
Addressed an issue where OTF custom font types were unusable
Addressed an issue where unnecessary meta data files were created during production
Addressed an issue with subfolder creation during production
Improvements to trial and registration windows
Removed OneDrive and O365 SharePoint sharing destinations (known as ‘My Places’) due to security vulnerability
Other bug fixes and improvements
31 January, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.3
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Addressed an intermittent hang when analyzing audio files
Addressed an issue causing a crash when choosing a font from a drop down menu
Addressed an issue where users were unable to stop voice narration
Addressed an issue where uploading to YouTube included closed captions and burned in captions
Addressed an issue where right to left language fonts disappear when adding a behavior
Other bug fixes and improvements
15 November, 2016: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.1
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Addressed issues with Vorbis audio codec causing crashes
Addressed some issues that can cause a crash on startup
Addressed a problem where the Properties panel would fail to show an object’s current values
Other bug fixes and improvements
11 October, 2016: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.0
New Behaviors as way to quickly animate images, video, or text
New callouts
New captions workflow
New 64-bit engine for faster editing and encoding
New default assets in asset library
Drag and drop assets, effects, and more right to canvas
Canvas editing
Ability to share projects with Mac
Color adjustments (brightness, contrast, saturation)
Voice narration improvements
Quizzing improvements
Quizzing per question feedback
Animated GIF support
UI updates (more similarities with Mac)
25 August, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.6.0
Added Vimeo production preset
Added support for 24-bit and 32-bit audio decoding
Fixed issue related to AVCHD
Added capability to extract media streams from TREC recordings
Improvements and bug fixes for the TechSmith Smart Player
Fixed some scenarios that resulted in a crash on start-up
Bug fixes for YouTube and Google Drive outputs
Other minor bugs fixes
12 May, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.5.2 Maintenance Release
Fix for when Recorder tools > options menu is not working correctly on touch screens
Fix for audio popping issue with webcam and mic recordings
Bug fixes and improvements
17 March, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.5.1 Maintenance Release
Bug fixes and improvements
24 February, 2015: Camtasia Studio v8.5 Minor Release
You can now sign in to your TechSmith account in-product and on the website
Added My Places, which includes OneDrive for Business integration, and import and export from OneDrive for Business
Bug fixes
18 November, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.4 Maintenance Release
Added TechSmith in product notifications
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Added a "Mix to mono" option which is useful when all the audio is in the left or right channel, and you'd like it in both
Fixed a bug where the PowerPoint Add-in would conflict with Microsoft MIX
Fixed some reported and discovered bugs in working with Transitions
Fixed a crash in Callouts when editing the text
Fixed a crash that would occur when adding certain kinds of MP4 files to the timeline
Other minor bug fixes
19, August, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.3 Maintenance Release
Fixed a bug where the cursor would show motion over an extended frame that was unstitched
Fixed a bug where the cursor would not display over an extended frame in an .camproj from an earlier version of Camtasia Studio 8
Fixed a bug where changing Windows’ DPI could cause recording errors
Fixed a bug where Recorder’s preview window could crash after stopping a recording
Fixed a bug where adding a click sound effect to a video-only .trec clip containing a stitch would not work
Fixed a bug where Fuse images from a Samsung phone could be rotated incorrectly
Fixed a bug where a Fuse video with pause points could not be stitched after unstitching it
22 July, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.2 Maintenance Release
Added support for Fuse media to turn recorded pauses into stitch points
Added a new MP4 production profile preset for 1080p video
Fixed a bug where noise removal could cause echos in the audio
Fixed a bug where Camtasia Studio could crash due to a memory leak on the timeline
Fixed a bug where certain .WMV files could cause production to hang
Fixed a bug where the 'Record Powerpoint' option in the Windows jump list would not show the proper icon
Fixed a bug where some .CAMREC files would not open in Camtasia Studio 8.4
Fixed a bug where Recorder could fail to open after upgrading to 8.4
Fixed a bug where timeline playback could hang on certain .MP4 files with higher audio bitrates
Fixed a bug where video bitrates could be lower than expected in an MP4 custom production
Fixed a bug where a .TREC file could not be added to the batch production wizard
Fixed a bug where production would fail to overwrite the video file if that same file is in use
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor could look corrupted while recording the use of a virtual machine
Fixed a bug where File > Library > New Folder did not show the new folder
Fixed a bug where the PPT add-in microphone button would be enabled when no microphone is detected
Fixed a bug where the cursor could be displayed in a recorded .TREC even if it is hidden on-screen
Fixed a bug where showing captions initially visible did not display them in an MP4 Production with Smart Player (this is not fixed on
Fixed a bug where Camtasia Studio could crash when playing back video-only stitched media
24 June, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.1 Minor Release
Migrated to the new version of YouTube API (the old version was deprecated)
Added the ability to login once for both YouTube and Google Drive
Added the ability to include a table of contents in the YouTube video description using project markers
Added the ability to import .m4a files
Fixed a bug in the Smart Player where a paused hotspot would fail to pause when viewing the produced html page
Fixed a bug where Smart Player videos could fail to be viewed on an Android device
Fixed a bug where the Powerpoint Add-in would activate and lock a webcam prior to recording
Fixed a bug where noise removal was being applied incorrectly
Fixed a bug where .mov files encoded with Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) would not play audio in Editor
Fixed a bug where audio settings would be unavailable when choosing an .mov production
Fixed a bug where importing some .mp4, .mov, or .mts files could cause a crash
Fixed a bug where the mouse-click sound effects could not be added to a .trec media without audio
Fixed a bug where some keystrokes were not displayed correctly from a .trec recorded on a Mac
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur if recording with a custom system stamp annotation
Fixed a bug where navigating the playhead using arrow keys could lose keyboard focus
Fixed a bug where audio waveforms would not display correctly after adding volume leveling on a stitched media
Fixed a bug where 'record system audio' could be selected when there were no audio playback devices available
Fixed a bug where producing a SCORM video would display an error message
Fixed a bug where a .gif production would fail if named with double-byte characters
Fixed a bug where the playhead would not return to time zero when choosing to sync captions from the beginning of the timeline
Updated the branding in our sample .camproj and .ppt files
20 May, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.0 Minor Release
Removed support for the Windows XP operating system
Added a cross platform Techsmith Recording format (.trec) that allows users to record on Camtasia (Mac) and edit in Camtasia (Win), or vice-versa
Added the ability to turn tracks off, which hides the visuals and mutes the audio on the track
Added a timeline context menu option to remove all empty tracks
Added variable speed playback to the MP4 video player
Added support for files recorded in AVCHD, if codecs are already installed on user’s system
Added the ability for a .camproj to default to the last-used Editing Dimensions
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur when logging into Camtasia's Google Drive Import/Export service
Fixed a bug where an HTML production with captions could not be viewed locally in Chrome
Fixed a bug where the webcam video and recorded audio could slowly drift out of sync
Fixed a bug where audio previewing could skip at stitches or splitsFFixed a bug where .mov files created using the animation codec would be unusable in Camtasia
Fixed a bug where users without Powerpoint installed would receive an error accessing Tools > Options > Partners
Fixed a bug where the Tools > Options > Partners tab could show the incorrect state of the Powerpoint add-in
Fixed a bug where a 'click to continue' hotspot could pause at the wrong time
Fixed a bug where media could still be moved onto a locked track
Fixed a bug where using 'split at all markers' would create an undo point for every split
Fixed a bug where callouts can look distorted when opening a Camtasia Studio 7 project in Camtasia Studio 8
Fixed a bug where Camtasia would hang when trying to update a media with a file that was restored from the Recycle Bin
Fixed a bug where SCORM reporting could be incorrect when using multiple quizzes in one video
Updated product branding
8 January, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.3.0 Minor Release
Made improvements to the Relay plugin
Updated TSCC codec to fix a crash bug when accessing corrupt input
Fixed a bug where the playhead advances but the video frame doesn’t change
Fixed a bug where transitions are treated as audio media and can cause attenuation in project audio
Fixed a bug where indented callout text didn’t show as indented in the preview window
Fixed a bug where MOVs could break project upgrading
17 December, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.2.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed a memory leak for media files on the timeline that was leading to high memory use and instability
Fixed a crash when double clicking a media while it is transferring from the Fuse mobile app
Fixed a bug where users with a Lectora production preset got stuck in the production preset manager
Fixed a bug where temporary files were written to the user's Windows temporary folder instead of the custom temporary folder location specified inside the editor Tools > Options dialog
19 November, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.2 Minor Release
Added import of videos and images from Google Drive
Added sharing of video to Google Drive
Added import of videos and images from mobile devices using TechSmith Fuse for iOS and Android
Fixed a bug where the closing XML tag was sometimes missing from a saved project which caused errors when the project was reopened
Fixed a bug where the Check for Update dialog could show on every run when the user was offline
Fixed a bug where enabling mouse click sounds in the Recorder did not produce mouse click sounds in the recording file
Fixed a bug where recordings were added at the beginning of the timeline instead of being added at the playhead when coming from Recorder
Fixed a bug where using a transparent color with a watermark shows as black instead of transparent
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur while drawing waveforms for some audio clips
Fixed a bug where dragging media from the library to the timeline did not work when the same media could be added through the right click menu
Fixed a bug where attempting to import an unsupported file with a long path could lead to a hang
25 July, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.2 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue where swapping markers from timeline to media could create duplicate markers
Fixed an installer bug which caused some 811 updates to fail, and resulted in the 8.x release being completely uninstalled
Fixed a hang on exit which left Camtasia Studio running and unable be restarted until the hung instance was killed in Task Manager
9 July, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue where swapping markers from timeline to media could create duplicate markers
Fixed a crash when placing a marker between two media in a complex project
Fixed stuttering audio when playhead crosses a cut or split in some MP4 files
Added detection and messaging for GoToMeeting WMVs that hang during playback or production
Fixed a crash when trying to export the entire library
Fixed an issue where the user would not be prompted to save after updating a media
Fixed an issue where multiple extend frames in a row did not always render
Fixed an issue where you could occasionally left-click "through" or behind a context menu in the timeline area
Added character limits to the quiz custom text fields so they don't overflow the buttons in the quiz
Fixed an error "Unable to move unzipped SCORM files" when producing with SCORM and Quizzing
Fixed a memory leak that was causing a crash if the editor was left open overnight
Fixed an issue where Sysaudio.wav was not deleted from the temp folder after a PowerPoint recording
Fixed an issue where locking the computer during a recording on Windows 8 could create a corrupt CAMREC
Fixed an issue where a warning about minimum required dimensions was not shown if a media marker was added
Fixed an issue where the clip speed bar might disappear when dragging slowly past 100% clip speed
Fixed an issue where an animation added to a clip speed adjusted clip could have the wrong default duration
Fixed an issue where the media thumbnail shown after a split didn't match the displayed frame
Fixed error message when dragging a single track CAMREC into a spot where it didn't quite fit
Fixed an issue where generating keystroke callouts didn't always add the callouts to the next higher track in the z-order
Fixed problems with extracting an AVI from a CAMREC that exceeded 4GB
Fixed an issue with large projects where the save confirmation might show before the file was completely written to disk
Fixed an issue where "Replace audio with silence" wasn't applied correctly in some cases
Fixed an issues that would cause the timeline zoom or position to jump around unnecessarily
Fixed project save tip dialog so it didn't get cut off when the user is running with non-standard DPI settings
Fixed an issue where the Recorder trial could be expired when the editor showed one day remaining
Fixed an issue where the Comic Sans font combined with Italics could cause callout text not to show
Fixed a crash when trimming a stitched media with audio keyframes and noise removal
Fixed an issue where trying to add markers or quizzes near others was difficult due to snapping behavior
Improved snapping behavior on the timeline to only snap in the direction of the drag
Fixed an issue where the Editor would sometimes hang when importing a CAMREC with a WMV webcam video
Fixed a crash on XP when opening and immediately closing the editor
Fixed an issue where exporting to MOV would sometimes create a file with audio but no video
Fixed an issue where right-clicking an audio point didn't select it, causing Delete to be missing from the context menu
Fixed an issue where volume up/down deselects other media if it adds an audio point to one of them
Fixed an issue where images were sometimes zoomed in after project load when using the software renderer
Fixed a crash on playback when another app has taken exclusive control of the playback device
Fixed an issue where "Allow replay last section" option doesn't work when going to
Fixed an issue for users running in a German locale and trying to enter a fractional number as the image duration
Fixed an issue with the ability to select the default keyframe on a group in some cases which can put media in a bad state
Fixed the scale media to fit option on the zoom and pan tab to respect any cropping that has been applied
Fixed the marker thumbnails so that they update when changes are made to the media in the visual properties tab
Fixed an issue where the SCORM settings were not being properly saved in production preset
Fixed an issue where the upload to FTP dialog would show after production even if the option was unchecked
Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes while attempting to move audio volume points around
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to set the clip speed back to 100% using the dialog box
Fixed an issue where the green and red playhead selectors become detached from playhead when starting new project
18 June, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.0 Minor Release
Added stitching (usability enhancement for editing on the timeline)
Added remove a color visual effect
Enhanced smart player embed size and SCORM support
Improved recording support for Windows 8
Added support for 64-bit PowerPoint Add-in
Added copy and paste of animations
Added ability to multi-select and drag animations
Added easing to animations
Added ability to crop videos
Improved zooming workflow
Improved timeline performance
18 December, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.4 Maintenance Release
Improved reliability of project saving and opening
Flash/HTML5 controller controls should now auto-hide when appropriate
Fixed a crash after rendering for Share to Camtasia Relay
Uploading to Relay no longer fails for project names with Ampersands
23 October, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.3 Maintenance Release
Made lower volume levels more distinguishable on the timeline audio waveform
Arrow keys now scroll the playhead instead of the timeline
Tooltips now show for locked media
Improved ability to scroll the timeline while playing
Added ability to specify duration when extending a frame
Adding ripple moving and trimming of media on the timeline
Inserting space on the timeline by holding shift and dragging the playhead
Added option to include under video captions in a variety of outputs
Improved audio editing for timeline selections
Keyframes now automatically fit in available space when added to media
Improved messaging when uploading media to private or password protected folder on
Fixed an issue that caused extended frames to show incorrect cursor effects
Added ability to set the default animation duration to instant
Fixed an issue causing table of contents to not be initially visible
Improved memory usage and performance on the timeline
Fixed issues causing CS7 project upgrades to fail
Additional bug fixing
24 July, 2012: Camtasia Studio v.8.0.2 Maintenance Release
Fixed a startup crash in the Camtasia Studio editor
Fixed a variety of issues that caused projects to fail to open
Fixed a variety of project upgrade issues
Fixed a variety of issues relating to SCORM functionality
Shift + scroll now scrolls the timeline horizontally
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect cursor data in some recordings
Fixed a crash in Recorder when DivX 8 is installed
Improved noise reduction responsiveness
File names with hyphens should now upload correctly to
Fixed an issue causing a thin white line to show in the preview window
Fixed an issue causing the preview window to appear blank
Improved production rendering performance
Fixed a crash when uploading to YouTube
Fixed a few issues with showing captions on YouTube
H.264 AVIs should now work correctly in the Camtasia Studio editor
Added undo/redo buttons on timeline toolbar
Added a tooltip for duration of a range selection on the timeline
Fixed an import issue for camrec files with blank system audio
Additional bug fixing
26 June, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.1 Maintenance Release
Added support for small screen quizzing displays
Fixed an issue causing an artificial line on the right edge of the video in preview and production
Fixed an issue that did not allow adding key frames to media under a transition
Changing project information should now mark the project as modified
Black bars should no longer show on top and bottom in PPT recordings
New callouts should no longer have a fade in when the last transition had it turned off
It should now be possible to disable quizzing when the controller is disabled in the production wizard
Fixed a crash when opening projects from a network location
Markers on a media under a transition should now be included in a produced table of contents
Fixed a crash when adding a video with large dimensions to the timeline
Fixed various issues interfering with Camtasia running on Windows 8
Additional bug fixing
19 June, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.0 Major Release
Added the TSC 2 video codec for the ability to record larger dimensions and more graphical content with higher frame rates
Added the ability to have unlimited multimedia tracks on the timeline, enabling the ability to layer multiple different types of media including videos, graphics, images and more on top of each other
Added the ability to group and ungroup items on the timeline
Added the ability to move (animate) any type of media on the timeline over time
Added the ability to set the background canvas color from the Editing Dimen-sions dialog
Added the ability to modify the visual properties of media on the timeline
Added the ability to rotate any media along the X, Y, or Z axis, and to animate the rotation over time
Added the ability to resize any media and to animate the change in size over time
Added Visual Effects including Drop Shadow, Colorize, and Border
Added the ability to apply visual effects to any media on the timeline
Added the ability to adjust Drop Shadow distance, direction, opacity and blur
Added the ability to apply colorize effect to any media and adjust the amount of colorize applied
Added the ability to apply a border to any media and adjust the color and thickness of the border
Added the ability to directly manipulate media items in the Canvas (Preview Window)
Added snap guidelines in the Canvas to help align media objects
Added the ability to move media from one visual layer to another on the timeline
Added the ability to have generic multimedia tracks instead of dedicated audio, video, pip, callout, etc. tracks
all new themed content in the Library, including music, graphics, animations, titles, and lower thirds designed to match
Added a new callout style called Glow
Added new callout shapes with text
Added new callout lines and arrows
Added new sketch motion callout shapes
Added new pixelate callout
Added the ability to have markers on the timeline as well as having markers locked to a clip or group
Added new transitions and enhanced existing transitions
Added the ability to change the name of tracks on the timeline
Added the ability to change the duration of an animation lead-in time
Added the ability to change the clip speed by directly dragging the clip on the timeline
Added the ability to have blank space between media on the timeline
Added a custom color picker option to the border and fill options of the Callout view and Visual Properties view
Added a slider to easily adjust track heights
Added the ability to apply audio volume leveling and noise removal to individual audio clips
Added an option to show and hide the marker and quiz trays
Added an indicator to the horizontal timeline scroll bar to show where the playhead is located in relation to your viewing area
Added true or false question type to quizzes
Added the ability to have quizzes work on
Added a quiz reporting framework to allow quizzing results to be sent automatically without the quiz taker needing to send an e-mail
Added the ability to assign a hotkey for adding a quiz
Added an option to "Use GPU acceleration if available" in Tools > Options dialog
Added TechSmith Smart Player to support both Flash and HTML5 when producing to the MP4 file --Added the ability to choose different designs for the playback controls of the TechSmith Smart Player
Added the ability for viewers who are using an iPhone to use the TechSmith Smart Player iOS app to playback content with interactive features
Added the ability to include image thumbnails with Table of Contents entries
Added additional product key validation to the product
Enhanced the Zoom options to support multiple track video editing
Enhanced the way transitions work so that it does not add time to the duration of your timeline or productions
Enhanced the video dimension options in the custom production path
Updated the quiz creation process
Updated the Welcome Window to have more links to more information on the web
Updated the Sync Captions workflow format, ensuring video playback on multiple devices and browsers
Updated the video production presets available to enhance support for mobile devices
Updated product installation: Now using WIX technology
Updated product branding and logos
Improved the editing playback performance to handle larger dimension videos and higher video playback frame rates
Modified the AutoSave interval to be 2 minutes by default
Modified the default duration of transitions to be one second
Modified Title Clips by moving them to the Library tab
Improved the options from the Tools > Options dialog
Fixed an issue that would cause mouse trails to appear in the post recording preview window when recording with certain video codecs
Removed the camv, rm, FLV, and SWF production formats because MP4 is a more widely supported format with better quality
Removed certain options during production: the ability to embed an AVI into HTML, to manage WMV profiles, to remove callout fades, and to change the zoom and pan speed to instant because these options are no longer relevant
Removed Camtasia Theater from the installation of Camtasia Studio
Removed the Pack and show tool
24 May, 2011: Camtasia Studio v7.1.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue that would cause some of the installer screens to have truncated text when using a higher DPI setting on Windows
Addressed an issue that would cause ʺError 1722ʺ to appear during installation of Camtasia Studio
Camtasia Studio
Improved the Undo/Redo actions and reliability for Captioning and Speech to Text options
Fixed some text label truncation on the Flash Options page for production
Fixed some application crashing when working in the Captions tab
Improved the reliability of uploading to You Tube
Fixed some crashing and failed production possibilities when having clips of different audio and video length on the timeline
Fixed an issue with captions being always displayed if produced when in the captions tab
Fixed an issue with the iPad production preset not producing at the correct dimensions
Fixed an issue when using ftp:// in a hotspot would not work when producing and sharing to
Fixed an issue with captions moving on the timeline when zooming in on the timeline view
Fixed an issue where the PIP would not be included when producing to the iPad preset
Fixed an issue that could cause ʺrtfʺ to be displayed in productions that have captions and that are also used in Camtasia Theater
Addressed an issue that could cause projects with many callouts to not produce or crash Camtasia Studio
Fixed an issue with Keystroke Callouts not working properly when the product language version doesn't match with the keyboard input language
Fixed an issue that could cause callouts to mistakenly rotate after resizing them
Fixed an issue that could cause the cursor to disappear after creating a cursor keyframe
Fixed an issue that would cause playback to not work when double-byte characters are used with ʺoverlay controlsʺ output in non-IE browsers
Fixed an issue that would cause projects from Camtasia Studio 5.0 or earlier with PPT camrecs with audio to display a waveform but not have any audio
Modified the default state of the ʺUse manual noise selectionʺ option in the Advanced area of the Audio tab
Fixed an issue that could cause captions to not be shown in the preview window after cutting and then pasting it on the timeline as well as when exiting the caption view
Adjusted the default state of the manual noise removal button to better show the intended behavior when using the noise removal feature
Fixed some preview problems with projects containing clip speed effects being upgraded from earlier versions of Camtasia Studio
Fixed an issue that could cause users to see a table of contents when producing to even when no table of contents is present in the production
Improved the Upload to YouTube reliability
Fixed an issue with the non-functioning feature of launching in a new browser window behavior with hotspots
Addressed a cross site scripting security issue in produced SWF files
Camtasia Recorder
Added an option to have the entire recording area shown by a rectangle instead of just defining the corners
Fixed an error message that would reference a menu option that is not
available in the Recorder application
Camtasia Theater
Adjusted the ability to begin playback by clicking on the first item in the TOC
12 October 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.1.0
* Added the ability to have your content searchable when produced and uploaded to including screen text from PowerPoint, Caption text or Table of Contents text
* Added improved support for files coming from Camtasia Relay
* Added TUDI (TechSmith User Design Initiative) functionality
* Added support to the TSCC video codec for 64-bit operating systems
Camtasia Studio
* Added the ability to import and export caption files including SRT, SMI formats
* Added automatic captioning capability with speech to text ability
* Updated the capabilities of captions to function more like callouts
* Improved the manual caption workflow to allow sequentially appended captions
* Improved the callout and caption interaction so that callouts will no longer block captions in produced video
* Added the ability to customize the font size, color and type within captioning as well as the background color and basic text editing capabilities
* Improved and fixed many items related to adjusting clip speed on the timeline
* Added a new Flash controller in production options
* Updated the Flash options page for Flash format productions
* Added a new iPad production and editing preset
* Addressed some memory leaks that could cause Camtasia Studio to become unresponsive or crash
* Addressed an issue that could cause projects with many callouts to not produce or crash Camtasia Studio
* Fixed an issue with Keystroke Callouts not working properly when the product language version doesn't match with the keyboard input language
* Fixed an issue with large MP4 files creating a blank thumbnail in the clip bin and a "No codec" error when added to timeline
* Fixed an issue that could cause a Table of Contents error when uploading to even when no Table of Contents is used
* Fixed an issue that could cause Camtasia Studio to crash when signing into through the production wizard and no Internet connection is available
* Fixed an issue with batch production of camrec files with system audio to MP4 could result in no audio in produced file
* Addressed an issue that could cause video artifacting when producing to the MOV format with the EnSharpen video codec
* Addressed an issue that would cause markers for PPT slides to be a few frames later than they should be on the timeline
* Fixed an issue that could cause the transparency setting for callouts to be reset incorrectly between projects
Camtasia Recorder
* Fixed an issue that could cause Camtasia Recorder to crash when stopping the recording
* Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect "Not enough disk space" error message in Recorder when starting the recording process
* Addressed an issue that could cause a cursor to not get recorded when choosing to record to the AVI file format instead of a camrec file
* Added the Hide Recorder command line option back into Recorder
6 July 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.0.1
* Fixed an issue that would cause the silent uninstall option to hang at the point of uninstalling the Library
* Fixed an issue that would cause an Error: "The procedure entry pointCamSetAudioLoopback could not be located message during installation
* Added links in the Help file to related videos hosted on
* Added links in the Help file to related PDF documents hosted on
* Updated the Get help with Camtasia Studio 7 help page
Camtasia Studio:
* Fixed an issue with the background color selected during production not showing up properly in the produced output
* Fixed an issue that would cause different results in Voice Narration from audio track 1 to audio track 2
* Fixed an issue with shorter duration recordings with the same name that could cause a corrupt .camproj file
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Produce Selection As... action to not have correct Table of Contents locations in the produced video
* Fixed an issue that would cause premature ending of clips when using the split at markers option and producing to the FLV file format
* Fixed an issue that would cause productions to to have incorrect dimensions
* Fixed an issue that could cause productions to fail before completion or cause Camtasia Studio to crash during production
* Fixed an issue that would cause problems with Cursor Effects sound effects and multiple files based on markers in production
* Fixed an issue with Cursor Effects that would cause strange artifacts in the user interface or cause Camtasia Studio to crash
* Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to be out of sync with the video when using the Clip Speed effect
* Fixed an issue that would cause an incorrect cursor to be displayed when using a color depth setting lower than 32-bit
* Fixed an issue that could cause a "No Codec" error message when some DirectShow filters are not properly registered on the system
* Fixed an issue that could cause a clip to be moved on the timeline when selecting multiple clips with the shift key
* Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to overlap on the timeline when adjusting the duration of a title clip
* Fixed an issue that could cause the audio playback to not properly show the correct timeline information from the Voice Narration view
* Fixed an issue in batch production that would indicate that files do not have audio even though they do
* Improved some error messaging about unnecessary characters when uploading to during production
* Fixed an issue that would cause produced file sizes to be larger in version 7 than they were in previous versions when using the MP4 file format
* Fixed an issue that would cause non-admin users get a No Codec error when using MP3 files from the Library
* Fixed an issue that would cause projects with many callouts to fail during production
Camtasia Recorder:
* Fixed an issue that would cause the incorrect help topic to be displayed for the hotkeys and program options in the Tools window
* Fixed an issue that would cause Camtasia Recorder to crash when stopping a recording
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Resource Allocation Failed message
* Fixed an issue that would cause an Audio file open failed message when ending a recording
30 March 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.0.0
* Added support for some Windows 7 features
* Updated tool tips and messages within the application with more informative information
Camtasia Studio:
* Added the Library and included some Library assets provided by DigitalJuice
* Added Cursor Effects
* Added Sketch Motion callouts
* Added some new callout shapes
* Added the ability to rotate callouts to any angle
* Added Keystroke Callouts
* Updated the workflow when producing to through the Production Wizard
* Added the ability to copy and paste items on the timeline
* Removed the Task List and replaced it with tabs for each feature area removing the “OK” and “Cancel” options on each feature area view
* Modified the Project Settings window with more descriptive options
* Modified the SmartFocus option to allow the option to be applied to a single clip or the entire timeline
* Updated SmartFocus to have more accuracy when creating a zoom or pan keyframe
* Added the ability to adjust audio levels directly on the timeline
* Improved the ability to record system audio on many computers
* Addressed an issue with Voice Narration being unavailable on some systems with Realtek audio hardware
* Added the ability to make more precise adjustments to audio on the timeline
* Added a Getting Started sample project
* Improved the handling of various source files, especially .MP4, that would give a “No codec available” message
* Improved the performance of the timeline after many cuts and edits were completed
* Changed the playhead and added a different way to set in and out points for editing and making selections on the timeline
* Improved the reliability of hotspots in a produced video
* Made some adjustments in the Title Clip view
* Added the ability to upload .MP4 files with the FTP option
* Addressed an issue that would cause a flicker to appear after adding a zoom and pan key frame and then creating a split in the video sometime after that keyframe
* Addressed an issue that would cause audio to be cut off or distorted in longer recordings
* Addressed an issue that would a “file has changed on disk” message to
* show when moving a project from one computer to another
* Addressed an issue with production settings not being remembered from production to production
* Addressed an issue that would cause the video to jump back a few
* frames when reaching the end of playback in the Flash format
* Addressed an issue that would cause audio enhancements to not be applied to .FLV format productions
* Improved memory handling to avoid the “Out of memory” error message when adding many items to the timeline
* Improved the “Go to frame” behavior of Flash hotspot formatted productions
Camtasia Recorder:
* Made some UI adjustments to help indicate camera and microphone states
* Improved the recording efficiency to achieve higher frame rates
* Added a program task bar item while Recorder is recording
* Improved the post recording work flow to make it easier to edit a recording
* Fixed an issue with .camrec files recorded without audio would contain a blank audio clip
* Removed the Recovery.exe tool and added recording recovery directly into Camtasia Recorder
25 August 2009: v6.0.3 Maintenance Release
* Updated the End User License Agreement
Camtasia Studio:
* Added an additional component to allow productions from Camtasia for Mac to work on the Camtasia Studio Timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause some .MP4 files to not work properly on the Timeline on the Windows 7 operating system.
* Fixed an issue with .MP4 produced files so that they work better with QuickTime and also with Camtasia for Mac.
* Fixed an issue that would cause audio and video to become out of sync when placed on the PiP track.
* Fixed an issue with audio enhancements being ignored in projects that were created in previous versions of Camtasia Studio.
* Fixed an issue that could cause some MP4 produced files with title clips or images in them to look bad when played back in QuickTime.
Camtasia Recorder:
* Fixed an issue that could cause Recorder to crash on start-up.
31 March 2009: v6.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Added back the ability to produce a .FLV file.
* Added the ability to set the keyframe interval for .FLV and .MP4 file productions.
* Fixed an issue that would cause .MP4 production settings to not be correctly utilized for productions using PIP video.
* Fixed an issue with dropping a transition over an existing transition causing a loss of sync between the Video 1 and PIP tracks.
* Fixed an issue that could cause quizzes to appear twice during the playback.
PPT Add-in:
* Fixed an issue that would cause an audio/video sync issue for some recordings with both audio and video.
* Improved error handling.
* Improved the recording performance with applications with layered windows.
6 January 2009: v6.0.1 Maintenance Release
* Added the ability to include and edit .MP4 files on the timeline.
* Added the ability to include and edit TechSmith video .SWF files on the timeline.
* Added a short-cut key for a "Play from beginning" control in the Editor preview window.
* Added a Help menu option in Editor to allow online registration of the product after it has been purchased.
* Added the Audio Setup dialog into Camtasia Recorder.
* Added an option to change the key frame interval for MP4 productions.
* Added an option for changing from a bit rate encoding setting for MP4 to a quality encoding setting for MP4 productions.
* Fixed an issue where Zoom and Pan keyframes would not be carried across splits or extended frames when placed just before the split.
* Fixed an issue with undo requiring multiple steps to undo a single step when using a hotkey for transitions or callouts.
* Fixed an issue in Record Camera and Voice Narration where a blank frame would added.
* Fixed an issue in iTunes production settings where some settings would get reset at the wrong time.
* Fixed an crash that would be caused by producing to the .MP4 format with a 2 frame per second video setting.
* Fixed an issue where a first frame file was being generated when it should not be.
* Fixed an issue where the preview window in Editor would not correctly display the project dimensions when switching between projects.
* Fixed an issue where the produce project location would update to be the same as a zipped project location after the project was exported.
* Fixed an issue with auto-save not working when moving a project from Windows XP to Windows Vista or from Windows Vista to Windows XP.
* Fixed an issue where audio production options would be available although there was no audio on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause an inaccurate message to appear when cancelling production while producing to the .MP4 file format.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the playback in the preview window to stop or start playing when toggling the Shrink TO Fit setting.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the plug-in to not allow a different log in to be used during the production process.
* Removed the verification field for e-mail address from the log in process.
* Added the system tray icon to be displayed during the upload process to
* Fixed an issue when choosing a single video with TOC template would cause callouts not to be shown in the produced video.
* Fixed some indexing issues in the AVI file format that could cause unexpected editing results, incomplete productions or corrupt projects.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a very large duration for Title Clips.
* Fixed an issue that would cause PiP clips to be placed at the start of the timeline instead of where it was supposed to be placed.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the first frame to not be displayed correctly on
* Fixed an issue that would cause the last folder used would not be recalled and used correctly when uploading to
* Fixed an issue that would cause cuts on the timeline to not behave as expected.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the preview window title to not update correctly after multiple undo steps.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the audio clips to stop responding to move commands on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the Upload to FTP feature to not work as expected.
* Fixed an issue when making certain selections on the timeline would not respond correctly when trying to zoom in on the timeline view.
* Fixed an issue with the option to "Auto-extend last video frame" would not be properly enabled.
* Fixed an issue with an incorrect video frame being displayed after adding a clip to the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when choosing to change the production dimensions when using the MP4/SWF format.
* Fixed some program crashes that were related to some conflicting files from other software vendors.
* Fixed an issue that would cause callouts to be placed in the improper locations in a produced file.
PPT Add-in:
* Fixed an issue where you would receive an out of date .camproj file when recording from the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed an issue with the Minimize to system tray setting did not react to the user setting.
* Fixed an issue where the ALT+SPACE+N shortcut would not minimize the Recorder application.
* Added the functionality of the Effects tool bar opening when using the ScreenDraw hotkeys.
* Fixed an issue with some Recorder effects not being able to be turned on while recording.
* Added an option to change whether a video is added to the timeline and clip bin when choosing to edit after recording.
* Fixed an issue with the Capture, Tools and Help menus being truncated when the Recorder is placed above the selected area during recording.
* Added some text for when the mouse is hovered over the Recorder system tray icon.
* Fixed an issue where the Tools > Options menu in Recorder would not update correctly based on the system dpi setting.
* Fixed an issue with the recorder UI repositioning unexpectedly when recording Microsoft Excel.
* Fixed an issue where Recorder would not properly record applications when the preview window is undocked.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the record settings to not be retained between instances of Recorder.
What's New
Camtasia Studio 6 will slash your editing time, provide more editing control, and make you look great with HD-quality video.
Upgrade Now
Watch the What's New Video
What's New
Product Tour How does the software work and what can it do? Take the tour. How It's Used Camtasia Studio is used by millions. See stories & videos. Accessories Free templates and related applications. View downloads. Getting Started Free video tutorials and illustrated guides. Get started faster. Camtasia Relay Need screen recording for the whole team?
All dazzle. No hassle.
HD-quality video for the web
Produce videos for the web using the industry-leading H.264 format. [?] All the presets for web destinations default to an MP4 format that consists of an MPEG-4 AVC (H.264 AAC) file coupled with a Flash player. That means you get HD-quality; the smallest file size possible; and ubiquitous playback, on any platform, within any Flash-enabled browser. No tweaks or technospeak, just sparkling HD-quality video with compact file sizes...every single time. Two existing production presets (blog and web) and three new presets (YouTube, HD display, and take advantage of the new format.
I used to spend hours showing my students how to get small videos that retained their high quality. Now Camtasia Studio 6 does this automatically—right out of the box! –Chris Austin,
Fewer do-overs
Independent audio & video editing
When recording audio and video at the same time, it's hard to be perfect. So we've made it easier to fix mistakes. Simply decouple the audio and video tracks to edit them independently. And move audio clips between (and along) tracks to line everything up perfectly. Bottom line: fewer retakes and less time spent on editing.
Take a shortcut
Editing hotkeys
Reduce editing time on large projects by 30% or more [?] Based on studies conducted by the TechSmith user experience department. with seven customizable hotkeys. Want to add a callout to the current spot on the timeline? Just tap C on your keyboard. Need a transition? Hit T. The same goes for caption, zoom, marker, split, and extend frame. Become a lean, mean editing machine...and free up hours of your time.
The editor enhancements will definitely save you time (and money). –Ute Simon, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Use video from more sources
Edit MOV files
Got an .MOV video file from a digital camera or a previous project? Bring it into Camtasia Studio and edit it on the timeline. Any self-contained .MOV file is fair game.
Better Audio
Get some perspective
3D tilt effect
Apply the new tilt effect to your videos and they'll really pop! By bringing some things closer to the viewer and putting other things in the background, you'll not only grab'll also direct it effectively.
WOW. Tilt is really a great effect to move us from two dimensions to life-like three dimensions. Really adds depth to my videos. – Bob Chambers, president, FrontierGold Corporation
Nail your timing
Finer control over effects
Control the duration of transitions and callout fades with ultimate precision...right down to a tenth of a second. Perfect timing is a beautiful thing.
Web sharing made easy
Better Audio preset
We created to make it dead simple to get videos from Camtasia Studio to the web. With the new preset, you can now direct content into the sharing folder of your choice. Don't have a account? We'll give you one free! (2GB storage; 2GB monthly bandwidth; never expires.)
I LOVE the new recorder. It's simple, efficient, and puts all the options in one window. –Aanarav Sareen, screencaster
Get a jump on recording
Better Audio
Rebuilt Recorder
The new Camtasia Recorder remembers the dimensions and locations of your last recording, so you can start your next one faster…and stay consistent. We've also added a convenient full-screen recording button. And there's an option to launch Camtasia Recorder at startup, so you can record an impromptu screencast–anytime!–with a touch of the F9 key.
15 April 2008: Camtasia Studio 5.1.0
* Added a production option for Apple's iPod Touch/iPhone devices.
* Added the ability to zoom in/out on the timeline using CTRL + mouse-wheel when editing.
* Added an option for producing to ExpressShow for FLV files.
* Updated the minimum version of QuickTime requirement to be version 7.2.0 or later.
* Modified the workflow of adding and working with Callouts.
* Added an enhanced shading option for callouts.
* Addressed an issue that would cause some users to get a Flash install error when installing the product on Windows Vista.
* Updated the QuickTime MOV defaults to use H.264 + AAC
* Updated and modified the Camtasia Theater application for improved workflow and options.
* Added the ability to have an Audio 3 track on the timeline.
* Added the ability to edit Camtasia Relay content if the Camtasia Relay Client Recorder is installed on the system.
* Added a Highlighter callout as an option.
* Added a Spotlight callout as an option.
* Fixed an issue that would show an error message when recording to AVI and pausing the recording.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the Recorder UI to be the wrong size when restoring from a minimized state from the task bar.
* Fixed an issue when resizing the timeline in a secondary monitor would show strange results.
* Fixed an issue where users were able to switch to storyboard view while in the Record Camera view.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the "Fast Start" option to not work when producing to the Apple QuickTime MOV format.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the aspect ratio settings to be affected when using the floating TOC option with an ExpressShow production template.
* Fixed an issue when producing and selecting the "Include PPT File" option with Office 2007 would cause the file to not work properly if uploaded to
* Added a warning message when producing with the Blog production preset and you have a non-side-by-side PiP video on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue with producing using the Blog production preset and having a quiz on the timeline would create a cropped quiz.
* Updated the recording preset sizes to include 720x576 for support of PAL video standards.
* Fixed an issue where Hotspots would not work as expected when producing with an ExpressShow template.
* Fixed an issue where the second of two identical .camrec files on the timeline would not show video for the second file.
* Fixed an issue with the Quiz/Survey Reporting button not being available when producing with an ExpressShow template.
* Fixed an issue where Web Production presets would not allow overlaid captions and closed captions.
* Fixed a crash that would be caused when producing a Flash SWF format using 44.100kHz, stereo, 128kBits/sec.
* Fixed a security hole where a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack would be possible with a malicious URL passed to controller.swf.
* Fixed an issue where FLV productions would not display the Answers Summary page as expected.
* Fixed an issue where the send email button would not work with ExpressShow if Flash Player version 9,0,115 is installed.
* Fixed a crash that could occur if you changed transitions on the timeline using the context menu.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Flash produced video with quizzing to restart at the beginning after pausing for the quiz.
* Fixed an issue When producing to WMV and selecting iPod as an additional output, the resulting iPod video may be missing a video track.
* Implemented a change so Callouts are reliably added to the Timeline based on cursor position.
* Fixed an option if "Minimize to system tray during recording" is unchecked then the Recorder UI should always display.
* Fixed an issue when captions are selected to display and overlay, the preset does not produce the captions in overlay.
23 January 2008: v5.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed a production crash that could occur at the end of production when producing to SWF with MP3 audio in version 5.0.1.
08 January 2008: v5.0.1 Maintenance Release
* Fixed an issue that could display "fatal error" during install on Windows Vista.
* Fixed an issue where the Audio VU meter was not working as it should with the Samson CO1U USB microphone.
* Fixed an issue that would cause audio to be recorded and not use the correct mono or stereo setting.
* Fixed a window focus issue with the main Recorder window.
* Added a new hotkey option for "Last Recording Area".
* Improved the method used to "Force popup dialogs into the recording area."
* Fixed an issue that would cause produced Flash SWF files with MP3 audio played in the the newest version of the Flash Player to sound garbled or have a high-pitched "chipmunk" sound to them.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Apple iPod produced files to fail when trying to transfer them to an iPod using Apple's iTunes with QuickTime 7.2 or later installed.
* Fixed an issue that would cause an iPod production created with the production presets to not upload to
* Fixed an issue that was causing uploads to use the name of the .camproj file instead of the output video name.
* Fixed an issue that would cause non-HTML output to not upload to properly.
* Fixed an issue where the Flash TOC link during production preset creation would display the incorrect settings tab.
* Fixed an issue where teh custom TOC dimensions would not be remembered for an ExpressShow production.
* Fixed an issue with some Polish characters not working correctly in Callouts, Captions and Title Clips.
* Fixed an issue with old projects imported into version 5 would have garbled audio.
* Fixed an issue with double clicking on a zoom-n-pan keyframe on the timeline would cause the keyframe to go to full screen.
* Fixed an issue with some Flash playback media not beginning playback on initial load in the browser.
* Fixed an issue with long .camrec files failing to produce and causing Camtasia Studio to lock up.
* Fixed an issue with F1 not launching help within the Production Preview Manager.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the PiP opacity slider to not respond properly when using a mouse scroll wheel.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a watermark to appear in the preview window after cancelling a production.
* Fixed an issue thatouwould cause custom callouts to not be imported correctly when importing a zipped project with custom callouts.
* Fixed an issue that would cause FTP profiles to disappear if production was cancelled.
* Fixed an issue with custom callout names getting messed up when selecting and deselecting items in the custom callout manager on Windows Vista.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the production wizard to act strangely when producing over a one hour WAV file.
* Fixed an issue in Voice Narration with timeline audio becoming silenced incorrectly.
* Fixed an issue that would cause callouts to become fixed in size in certain combinations of callout and captions use as well as scaling the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Hotspots to not work as expected when used in ExpressShow productions.
* Fixed an issue in Title Clips that would cause the green resize rectangle to disappear after adding a video to the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause FLV productions created with Split at Markers to not seek properly during playback.
* Fixed an issue that was causing zoom keyframes to not be placed on the timeleine after extending a frame in a zoomed clip.
Audio Editor
* Fixed a crash that would occurr when trying to open a PNG file in Audio Editor.
Powerpoint Add-In
* Added an option to turn off/on the ability to record layered windows with the PowerPoint Add-in.
* Fixed an issue where the video controls would be obscured by the scroll bar in the produced video.
New in Camtasia Studio 5
Streamlined recorder for swifter capture
The streamlined Camtasia Recorder makes selecting an area to record both fast and easy. There's just one button, no confusing choices. And the clever, new crosshairs makes it child's play to select a region, object, window, or the whole screen.
SmartFocus: freedom to capture now, decide later
Mini Cooper demoDon't worry about the final product, just relax and record your whole screen. Camtasia SmartFocus keeps track of where the action happens during your recording. It automatically creates editable zoom-n-pan points that keep the important parts visible with razor-sharp clarity...even if you produce the video for iPod-sized screens. Fully automatic, very freeing. You've never seen anything like this.
ExpressShow: sleek Flash + simpler sharing
Kiss supporting files goodbye. TechSmith ExpressShow creates a single, beautiful Flash SWF file that can be easily embedded into any Web site, blog, or multimedia project. With a glossy thumbnail image, full-screen playback option, and floating table of contents, this is Flash video that makes you look good. Very good.
Predictable, surgically precise editing
Predictable, surgically precise editingCamtasia Studio 5 projects are now edited at 30 frames per second. With more frames to choose from, it’s easier to cut—and keep—precisely what you want, and with greater project stability.
Easy output for bloggers
FTP Settings
Camtasia Studio 5 lets bloggers record and publish to, and blog about it in minutes. Or using the built-in FTP support, moving videos to your own server can be just as painless.
An experience you can count on
Project Settings
Now with Project Settings and an accurate preview, you can edit your video and see exactly what it will look like before you produce it. And the new AutoSave protects your edits in the event of a crash.
18 July 2007: v4.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed a crash during the initialization of the plug-in which prevents the automatic updating of the plug-in on some systems.
* Improved detection of sound cards capable of recording speaker audio.
* Fixed an issue where side-by-side PIP may stop playing unexpectedly.
* Fixed a timeline update issue which could cause project corruption when transitions were used on the timeline.
* Fixed a problem on Vista where a CAMREC on the timeline may report a framerate of 0fps.
17 October 2006: Camtasia Studio 4.0.0
* Camtasia Studio now uses the Microsoft .MSI install package
* Added the ability to extract .camrec file contents from the right-click context menu in the Windows Explorer.
* Added the ability have Camtasia Player show up as an option in the "Open With" context menu in the Windows Explorer.
* Added the option to the installation to have the Adobe Flash ActiveX control installed if it is not detected.
* Added the installation of the LAME mp3 codec as part of the program installation.
* Allowed the ability to install Camtasia Studio 4.0 on a system without overwriting an earlier version of Camtasia Studio already installed.
* Made audio recording input more consistent across the applications of Camtasia Studio.
* Implemented a check and fix for unregistered DirectShow filters on launch of Camtasia Studio.
* Added an "Audio Setup Wizard" to all places where audio can be set-up.
* Updated the main UI of Recorder to make the recording settings more accessible.
* Fixed problem with recording volume not being maintained from one recording session to another.
* Updated an error message when using ">" characters in a saved file name.
* Added a new Windows Media profile to the Advanced path through the production wizard.
* Added integration to at the end of production.
* Added the ability to have the Flash Player installation link show on the included produced HTML wrapper for Flash productions.
* Fixed problem of incorrect information being shown when using a custom production profile.
* Included some "factory installed" custom production profiles for popular production paths.
* Changed the default "Percent of main movie to preload" setting to be lower than 50%.
* Fixed problem where using relative paths on the last page of the production wizard would prevent productions.
* Fixed problem where using the callout "Keep aspect ratio" setting would cause incorrect scaling.
* In the Title Clip and Callout views, made the text color chooser more friendly.
* Fixed an issue where mp3 audio would lag the video by several seconds in produced Flash SWF files.
* Improved the Caption efficiency when working with very long videos.
* Added a "Click here to begin recording" tip in Camtasia Recorder.
* Added the ability to "Save Audio As..." an mp3 from the File menu.
* Fixed a silent crash when attempting MOV productions with QuickTime 5 installed.
* Added a yes/no option to choose whether PPT slide notes are imported as captions when coming from a recording using the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed problem when dragging callouts to "higher" tracks would not change the z-order.
* Added the ability to allow a selection in Zoom and Callout list views.
* Added the ability to drag a zoom-n-pan point on the timeline.
* Added the ability to produce an .MP3 and/or .M4V file during production.
* Improved the waveform drawing time when coming from PPT using the PPT Add-in.
* Added the ability to allow selections on the timeline to be maintained and modified when in the Modify PiP view.
* Added the option for the timeline to "Zoom to maximum" in the View menu.
* Fixed problem with unexpected behavior when using Undo in the Zoom-n-Pan view.
* Added ability to have a frame automatically extend while performing Voice Narrations.
* Added an Apple iPod production option.
* Fixed an issue with the last custom Zoom-n-Pan point was not retained.
* Fixed problem where options in Voice Narration would be incorrectly disabled.
* Added the option to "Size Callout to text" in the Callouts view.
* Fixed problem with Captions may be added at a random spot on the timeline.
* Added support for Flash SWF audio at 44100hz.
* Added support for allowing a "Split" during a callout on the timeline.
* Fixed a tab focus issue on the timeline.
* Fixed repaint issue when switching from Storyboard to Timeline.
* Added support for saving custom production profiles in the file system instead of the registry. This allows ease of sharing the profiles.
* Fixed <Shift + F10> not bringing up the context menu.
* Added real time preview of Flash controller options in the Flash Sizing dialog.
* Added ability to produce only current selection on the timeline.
* Fixed output sizing problems when PiP video was bigger than video on track 1.
* Added ability to automatically number TOC items.
* Fixed some productions not retaining some settings when using Legacy SWF output template.
* Removed option to "Save video rendered to this point?" option for MOV productions.
* Added new metadata dialog for Project Properties.
* Reorganized and simplified first page of the Production Wizard.
* Allow producers to target specific versions of the Flash Player.
* Added button to "Remove Selected" in Batch Production.
* Fixed issue with "Match loading movie size to main movie size" for preloaders.
* Fixed issue with TOC items in multi-file Flash productions would not auto highlight during playback.
* Added "Remove Unused Clips" to Clip Bin context menu.
* Fixed files being left behind when cancelling a Flash production.
* Fixed Marker names with apostrophe turning into double quotes in the produced output.
* Added a new Blur Callout.
* Fixed file type not working properly in File > Save Frame As....
* Updated Timeline context menus with appropriate options.
* Fixed changes in Flash Audio tab not enabling the Apply button.
* Added option to preview production settings and a way to manage those previewed productions.
* Fixed problem with Legacy SWF productions not remembering controls settings from production to production.
* Fixed problem with having two "." at the end of a project name resulting in Internet Explorer error.
* Improved folder creation in batch production of Flash SWF files.
* Fixed problem with WMV/AVI multi-file productions with a TOC would not highlight TOC items appropriately.
* Added user controlled "Closed Caption" option to Flash productions with captions.
* Fixed problem with Title Clips not being exported with a project.
* Fixed problem using "%" in produced FLV files would result in FLV productions not working.
* Improved default numbering of callouts.
* Fixed problem of audio information not being present in Production Results page for Flash productions.
* Consolidated production progress status bars for all production types.
* Fixed problem with elapsed time display for Flash productions when duration is over 1 hour.
* Fixed problem with Flash Hot Spot at the beginning of the timeline not working in produced Flash SWF.
* Fixed problem with Flash Hot Spot at end of timeline could cut off last 0.5 seconds of produced video.
* Added option to show Marker Name dialog automatically when adding markers.
* Fixed problem with audio control always showing in productions with no audio.
* Changed Flash file size info to show in MB instead of KB.
* Fixed problem with an endless loop when going through the Recommend My Settings option in production and modifying the settings.
* Fixed issue of unnecessarily scaling down videos in Flash productions.
* Fixed problem with using Title Clips in Batch Production.
* Changed the Legacy SWF production template to not include the controller by default.
* Fixed display issue in Info box for Flash SWF/FLV productions.
* Fixed problem with incorrect Flash template being selected when modifying a "Web" production.
* Fixed the background color option not showing in Flash templates.
* Fixed problem with marking an in point would remove a callout.
* Added warning message that side-by-side production is not allowed with non-flash productions.
* Fixed tab order issues in Title Clip view.
* Fixed problem of not being able to drag a Title Clip to the timeline.
* Added message to disallow Flash productions with a TOC that are too small.
* Added ability to split productions based on Markers for Flash output.
* Added support for custom TOC width for Flash productions.
* Fixed problem with audio cutting out early in Flash productions.
* Improved Flash end frame actions.
* Added ability to drag exported .zip project files to be added to the clip bin from Windows Explorer.
* Modified the Quiz answers to not be saved in the Flash Player cache.
* Added the ability to have survey type questions in the Flash Quiz which are not scored as part of the overall quiz.
* Fixed potential crash when undoing an action while editing an answer during the creation of a quiz.
* Fixed quizzes not including scores in e-mailed results.
PowerPoint Add-in:
* Added a Help button to the PPT Add-in toolbar.
* Added an option to ask to continue recording when the PPT presentation ends.
* Added a link to the Task List to access the PPT Add-in.
* Added a balloon tip indicating to start PPT recording by clicking the record button in the PPT Add-in.
* Added a "PPT Help Guide" as a default PPT presentation for first time users of the PPT Add-in.
* Added a VU meter to the "Recording Paused" window in the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed problem with audio devices not muting correctly when switching in the PPT Add-in.
* Modified the Web cam preview to toggle to record the camera when the preview window is selected to be shown.
* Fixed problem with flashobject.js file not being included with MenuMaker created menus.
* Added ability to customize the TOC width in the main UI.
* Added ability to re-order list items by dragging and dropping prior to menu creation.
v3.1.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed an issue for Flash output where the current playing clip highlight in the TOC would not update correctly when producing multiple files based on markers.
* Fixed an issue where SCORM 1.2 output was not correctly communicating and reporting status with an LMS.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the space bar to be tracked as a play command when filling out a Flash quiz during produced playback.
* Fixed an issue when selecting pause at start for Flash production and not using a preloader would not pause.
* Fixed an issue that would cause some Flash produced files to require a browser refresh before they would properly play back.
New in Camtasia Studio 3.1.1
More Options for Customization and Compatibility
The latest version of Camtasia Studio includes several features that make it easier than ever to customize and share your videos and presentations, including:
* Option to Split Long Timelines into Multiple Movies
* Support for SCORM 2004
* More Flash Playback Bars
* XHTML-Compliant Production Files
New Features
Audio Effects
AI Noise Removal
Isolate your voice with precision, removing unwanted sounds while keeping your voice crisp and clear.
Cursor Effects
Cursor Motion Blur
Provide a blur effect to cursor movement to create a more visually engaging appearance.
Kinetic Cursor
Add momentum to cursor movement to appear as if it is being pulled and pushed across the screen.
Elevate Cursor
Bring your cursor to the front of the screen over other onscreen effects, media, and annotations.
Feature Updates
Dynamic Captions
Dynamic Captions Editing
Expanded editing for dynamic captions including the addition and removal of words and spaces.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash when opening some projects with cursor edits.
Fixed a crash when editing some media with cursor data.
21 January 2025: Camtasia 2024.1.5
Feature Updates
Removed export option for Knowmia.
Removed export option for TechSmith Video Review.
Added a dialog to disclose the use of whisper.cpp for AI audio processing.
10 December 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.4
Feature Updates
Camtasia now supports receiving and synchronizing updates from the brand new Generate Avatar feature in Audiate.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where certain AVI video codecs would fail to decode.
20 November 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.3
Feature Updates
Added keyboard shortcuts: Copy Properties, Paste Properties.
Added keyboard shortcuts: Copy Effects, Paste Effects.
Camtasia Rev will now remain in front of the Editor window while it is open.
Camtasia will now prompt the user to refresh their login when their login information is invalid.
It is now possible to add a Transition before all Transition thumbnail previews have loaded.
Removed the Legacy Local File export option and Production Wizard.
Removed export option: Google drive.
Updates for IT Administrators
Modern Exporter now respects deployment settings to disable hosted Smart Player.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where export could error out due to failed audio compression.
Fixed a compatibility issue with some 3rd party applications that don't expect 64-bit fields in the MP4 header.
Fixed a customer-reported issue that could cause proxy video frames to be rendered out of order.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when reading a malformed mp4 file.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if the license was in an invalid state.
Fixed an issue that could prevent signing out if the license was in an error state.
Fixed a bug that could cause recordings on Windows 11 24H2 and later to become corrupt if no differences were detected while recording.
24 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.2
Fixed a bug that caused the Modern Exporter to ignore quality settings which could result in large exported file sizes.
22 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.1
Feature Updates
Improved UI rendering when viewing transcription text on the timeline at different zoom levels.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated YouTube Integration section of the End User License Agreement (EULA).
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause large MP4s to be corrupted on export.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur due to Camtasia launching with low process integrity.
Users can now choose to enter a license key without restarting if they previously canceled the key entry dialog.
Fix crash if required permissions are not selected when signing into Google Drive
Exporting to SmartPlayer when offline works now
Fixed a bug that could cause AI Noise Removal to have unexpected results on stereo files with inversely correlated audio signals.
15 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.1.0
New Features
Allow user to assign a color to clips/media on the timeline, in order to more easily scan visually while editing.
Feature Updates
Added the ability to view and fine-tune the timing of the dynamic caption transcript on the timeline audio media.
Improved synchronization of audio with video when the recorder is paused while recording.
Added support in the Modern Exporter for exporting AAC audio at 224kbps, 256kbps, and 320kbps variable bit rate (VBR) quality.
Added playback speed indicator to Editor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
3 October 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.7
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause the mouse position to be incorrectly recorded when using multiple monitors.
30 September 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.6
Feature Updates
Added helper text for Closed Captions.
Updated Support Tool to include Camtasia Audiate integration files in zipped bundle.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur while generating thumbnails for a project with a large number of media.
Fixed a bug that could cause non-ASCII characters to render incorrectly on export.
25 September 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.5
Feature Updates
Changed "Captions" label to "Closed Captions" and "Dynamic Captions Styles" to "Dynamic Captions."
Added additional logging support for Camtasia Audiate integration.
Added additional export options to the Modern Exporter for the "MP4 with Smart Player" file type.
Updates for IT Administrators
Update libmp3lame from to
Removed RestSharp dependency.
Resolves a null pointer issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Resolves an illegal address read issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Resolves a double free issue in mp4v2. Thanks to Chancen for reporting.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause camera options to become unavailable after changing camera dimensions.
Fixed drag-n-drop of .tscproj from Windows Explorer.
Localization fixes.
Fixed crash when making a preset with a shape callout.
Fixed crash when clicking the add cursor keyframe button with Cursor Path Creator.
Fixed a bug that could prevent projects from before Camtasia v2020 from upgrading.
Fix start up crash with empty keyboard shortcut for "Show/hide quizzes" or "Show/hide markers."
Fixed a bug that could cause medias' visual state to be temporarily incorrect after ungrouping.
27 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.4
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the user may get black video when the system locale is set to Chinese.
22 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.3
Feature Updates
It is now possible to switch user accounts from the trial dialog.
Added unassigned shortcut for moving playhead to a specific time.
Added a message to Background Removal effect UI when the selected GPU does not support the effect
Added property to Dynamic Captions: Split captions by sentence
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash where images and audio media in One Drive locations were getting proxied.
Improved dialog when importing from Powerpoint.
13 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.2
Feature Updates
Improved thumbnail for Background Removal visual effect.
In the Dynamic Captions Tool, the height of the Transcription panel will be persisted across runs of Camtasia.
New dialog shows when Camtasia needs to be periodically connected to the internet.
Improved accuracy of caption transcription.
Performance Improvements
Merged change to make Dynamic Captions hover over preview more performant.
Bug Fixes
Improved error handling on startup when licensing errors occur.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected resizing to take place when animating a cropped media.
Fix the project name with double byte characters encoded correctly.
Fix transition preview when hovering over transitions.
Localization fixes.
Fixed bug where the Tool Panel or Properties Panel would remain permanently closed until Camtasia is restarted.
Fix a bug on adding downloaded assets to the timeline which can shift all other media on the track
Cursor click sounds now are audible when applied to any media that click sound effects can be added to.
Fix startup delay in Home window when using a business license key
Improved visual consistency and usability of search bars in the tool panel
Auto-proxying now happens for imports from Mobile Connect, Snagit, asset service and more locations.
Improved an error dialog that appears when importing an invalid file to Camtasia Rev.
Fixed a bug that could cause Scale to Fit to be calculated incorrectly.
Added helper text to alert user when Dynamic Backgrounds are not available in Camtasia Rev.
Fixed a bug that could prevent projects started in Camtasia Rev from being shown in Recent Projects.
Fixed a bug that could cause the playhead region selector to collapse when showing the the context menu.
Dynamic Captions from Audiate now use the properties and options available inside Camtasia when imported.
Fixed a crash that could take place when initializing the recorder.
Customer survey does not appear anymore if the survey has already been taken.
26 June 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.1
New Features
Users can now change the current playhead time by clicking the current value beneath the Canvas and entering a different time.
Added support for pasting images from the Windows clipboard into the Camtasia Editor.
Feature Updates
Dynamic Captions
Users are now prompted to name their preset when creating a Dynamic Captions preset.
Added Dynamic Captions to the Tools submenu within the View menu.
The Dynamic Captions transcript now displays the name of the transcript's source media.
Dynamic Captions styles will now be shown immediately in the Captions tool panel after being imported from a Camtasia Package.
Improved text contrast for empty states in tool panels.
Improved tooltips for the Captions tool panel.
Added keyboard shortcut for accessing the Dynamic Captions tool.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a potential performance problem by queuing audio transcriptions when needed.
Improve performance of selecting a media with a large dynamic caption transcript.
Updates for IT Administrators
Added support in the TechSmith Deployment Tool to restrict users from accessing Dynamic Captions.
Bug Fixes
Deleting a word from a dynamic caption transcription no longer leaves a space in the rendered caption.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if a user's processor does not support instructions used for fast transcription. NOTE: Processors without that support will experience significantly reduced performance when transcribing speech to text.
Fixed an issue which caused "Dimensions: 0 x 0" in the Media Bin hover tooltip for image files.
Fixed an issue where long recordings could cause the UI to hang for several seconds when the mouse hovered over the clip in the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Captions tool panel from opening when a Dynamic Captions user preset is created.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some ProRes MOV files from being decoded properly.
Localization fixes.
What's New in 2024.0.0
New Features
Dynamic Captions
Powered by AI, users can now show every spoken word on screen as it is spoken. Use one of the preset styles or use the properties panel to create unique ones. Supports many different languages.
Rev workflow enhancements
Send both new and existing media through the Rev workflow for quick layout options.
Assets integration
Find the assets you need right within the Camtasia editor to get your videos done even faster. Assets include titles, footage, callouts, dynamic backgrounds, music, audio visualizers, photos, and more.
New recording engine
Capture higher frame rates and higher resolution screen recordings powered by a new screen recording engine.
Text Stroke
Add an outline to any text. Change the color, size, and opacity of that outline.
Tiling visual effect
Create custom animated backgrounds with a logo, image, or video repeated in a pattern across your screen. Added flexibility to change sizes and spacing.
Progress bars and timers
Show time progression with easy-to-modify progress bars and countdown timers.
Feature Updates
Visual enhancements
Dozens of new behaviors, dynamic backgrounds, and audio visualizers.
Cursor enhancements
Make a static screenshot look like a video by adding a mouse cursor, then changing its position and adding clicks. Additional cursor effects include the ability to scale cursor clicks or add a glow around the cursor.
JKL editing enhancements
Speed up your video editing. JKL brought the ability to play the video preview at slower (J) or faster speed (L) and now you can slow down (Shift + J) or speed up (Shift + L) without pausing (K) in between.
Editor shortcuts
New shortcut options to speed up your video editing.
Toolbar reordering
Click and drag to rearrange the items in the main toolbar.
Speech-to-text closed captions (Win only)
New AI technology that turns the audio of your video into closed captions on your video.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue showing the wrong duration when adding an Extend Frame to the end of a media.
14 May 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.8
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated WiX to version 3.14.1 which addresses CVE 2024-29187, where a local attacker could elevate privileges when the Camtasia installer is running, and CVE 2024-29188, where a local attacker could elevate privileges to delete files when the Camtasia installer is running.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where video streams on certain MP4 files would not be recognized.
18 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.7
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding an animated GIF to the timeline.
16 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.6
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when saving or using Library Assets.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fix the issue that user cannot export to Panopto.
Fix a bug where video stream would show all-black frames for certain MP4/MOV files unless proxied.
Fix a bug where some MJPG video streams in AVI files wouldn't decode.
Fixed a bug in Camtasia Rev that could cause effect titles to be truncated.
2 April 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.5
New Features
Explore Assets Directly in Camtasia! Camtasia now offers the ability to browse assets by category or by utilizing search without ever leaving the Camtasia editor. Access titles, footage, music tracks, animations, images, callouts, and more. Create content in Camtasia faster than ever before!
Bug Fixes
Localization fixes.
Fixed a crash adding a media with multiple video streams to the timeline.
Fixed an issue where Timeline navigation to next media would not always work on a keystroke callout.
Fixed an issue where you might see a no connection message when changing tabs on the Home asset discovery control.
Fixed a bug where some AVI files cannot be rendered and saved in the project.
Fixed an issue with extra space appearing below tool panel tabs for certain DPI settings.
19 March 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.4
Feature Updates
Improved keyboard accessibility in the Properties panel.
Added Batch Export to the simplified Export menu.
Added additional criteria for auto-proxying source files including large dimensions and known problematic file types.
Simplified Export menu.
Removed the glow effect on the rectangular recording region indicator to improve capture performance.
Allow user to click through the Recorder 3-2-1 count down window.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a performance issue that could result from using stitched media.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated WiX which addresses CVE 2024-24810, where a local attacker could elevate privileges when the Camtasia installer is running.
Updated libexpat to version 2.6.0.
Bug Fixes
Fix the crash when hitting Escape in the Batch Dialog
TREC files will no longer be proxied by default.
Fixed a bug that could cause proxying to fail for some source media.
Fixed a bug that caused projects saved from Camtasia Rev to have an incorrect default name.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected behavior when using Animations with Clip Speed.
Fixe a bug that would cause the hover preview to stop working for MOV file in the Media Bin.
Fixed an issue with media not behaving correctly after detaching the timeline.
Fixed a possible crash when using Speech-to-Text with a selected stitched media.
Fixed an issue with the Editor window not maximizing correctly on startup if closed while maximized previously.
13 February 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.3
Feature Updates
Added Valentine's Day 2024 cursor pack.
Adjusted Media Bin thumbnails to more accurately reflect the standard Canvas layout.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Canvas preview of visual fx which could be rendered incorrectly on proxy videos and/or vector graphics.
Removed deprecated link to Community Support from Camtasia Home.
Fixed a bug in Camtasia Home that prevented Recorder from being launched when using accelerator keys.
Fixed a bug that could prevent media from being added to the Library from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some source files from being reversed or proxied.
23 January 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.2
Feature Updates
Increased the size of the webcam in the default Editor layout when importing a .trec file.
Projects that are imported from Rev will not have a background applied automatically if the screen recording or camera recording fills the entire canvas, unless Background Removal has been applied.
Added a tooltip to Camtasia Rev that displays details about Rev backgrounds.
The Batch Exporter now accepts MP4 and TREC files as source media for batch export.
Added option to Preferences: Automatically delete oldest proxy files when filesize exceeds a threshold.
Source media that are detected as being in cloud-backed storage locations are now proxied by default. This behavior can be turned off in the Preferences menu.
Camtasia will now warn the user when the temporary storage location is set to cloud-backed storage, which is not recommended.
It is now possible to drag-and-drop projects and/or media into the Batch Export dialog.
The Batch Exporter now supports "Create multiple files from markers."
Improved the look of the Record button in Camtasia Home.
Added a Camtasia Rev layout that mimics legacy Camtasia behavior with no background.
Performance Improvements
Miscellaneous performance improvements.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging an AVI or WMV source file under the playhead.
Fixed network security prompt not showing in the installed languages.
Fixed a memory leak with timeline media
Fixed a bug that could create an invalid caption when trimming the beginning of the project's first caption.
ESC key back to work to exit sync caption now
During Voice Narration and sync captions the downloads button and the record flyout button are now disabled.
Dynamic Backgrounds and other shader-based media no longer skip after a Ripple Delete.
Fixed a bug that could cause a trial dialog to briefly appear for users that already have a valid Camtasia license.
Improved the default Background Removal quality to Accurate for users with discrete video cards.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash or other undesired behavior when editing cursors on stitched media.
fix sometimes noise removal failed when clicking Analyze
Fixed a bug that could cause some videos to flip when visual effects were applied.
Fixed a bug that could prevent captions from scrolling properly while syncing.
Fixed a bug in the Modern Exporter that could cause changed settings to be lost when switching tabs.
Fixed issue where recording toolbar button tooltips could show up in the recording.
Fixed a crash that could occur when saving to a standalone project.
Improved consistency of visual effects between different types of source media including differences with Lottie files and proxy media in the Editor.
Fixed a bug that could create multiple undo points when reverting while cropping.
12 December 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.1
Feature Updates
Improved exporter progress reporting.
The Emphasize audio effect is now automatically applied to microphone recordings.
Updates for IT Administrators
Replaced Unity with DryIOC 5.4.3.
Bug Fixes
Improved error handling when licensing errors occur due to permissions issues.
Fixed a bug that could prevent importing of assets via the Assets tab in some environments.
Fixed a bug that could cause media files to be missing when saving standalone projects to OneDrive.
Fixed a bug that could result in cursors being recorded at an incorrect size.
Fixed a bug that could cause exports to introduce a black line in projects with dimensions not divisible by two.
Fixed an issue where audio volume tooltips would not show after splitting a media
Users are now prompted to confirm the opening of project files containing network paths, addressing a potential security risk. Thanks to @gokuKaioKen_ for reporting this issue.
Fixed a potential crash that could occur when launching help documentation during signin.
Fixed a bug that could prevent proxying of MTS files.
29 November 2023: Camtasia 2023.4.0
New Features
Improved Batch Video Export
Introducing a new set it and forget it experience for exporting videos in Camtasia! With the improved Batch Exporter, you can now add multiple projects to a queue and export them all together. All of your standard and custom export presets are available, allowing you to export a series of projects in a variety of sizes and formats. Walk away and let Camtasia's Batch Exporter work through a number of projects, or keep working on a current project while your other projects export in the background.
Feature Updates
Added a cursor pack with three new cursors (Christmas tree, candy cane, Santa Claus hand).
Added the ability to resize the Tool Panel
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a security issue where user interaction with a maliciously crafted project file could result in arbitrary code execution.
Fixed a security issue with the custom file handler protocol, which could result in arbitrary file downloads.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a memory leak related to video decoding.
Fixed a bug that could cause the video to flicker when transitions were applied to special annotations such as Blur or Spotlight.
Fixed an issue with a label being cut-off in the Media Bin in certain locales
Fixed a bug that could cause warnings when exporting from Camtasia Rev that did not apply to the Camtasia Rev recording.
Fixed a bug: Recorder can initialize webcam improperly sometimes.
Fixed a bug that could cause a detached Canvas to change size after an export is completed.
Updates to mic volume in system settings are now properly reflected in the Recorder interface.
14 November 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.3
Feature Updates
Added support for Dynamic Captions on audio that originates from Audiate.
Improved scaling behavior when in Crop mode: it is now simpler to return to 100% scale when cropping.
Performance Improvements
Improved performance of the Background Removal visual effect.
Updates for IT Administrators
Removed dependency on XceedZip.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a discrepancy that could take place between proxied videos and the exported result when using Corner Rounding.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Editor to briefly be shown before Camtasia Rev is displayed.
18 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed translated text in Offline Activation workflow.
17 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.1
Updates for IT Administrators
Added Offline Activation option for users with restricted internet access.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented selection tabs from reattaching to the playhead when selection duration is 0.
Fixed a bug that prevented selection tabs from being dragged past one another.
Fixed a possible crash if Camtasia is launched multiple times before the sign in workflow is completed.
17 October 2023: Camtasia 2023.3.0
New Features
Camtasia Rev: Simplify Your Video Creation Journey
Camtasia now offers an effortless video creation workflow called Camtasia Rev. Now a part of Camtasia, Rev is designed to help you make great content faster than ever. With just a few clicks, Rev enables you to seamlessly blend screen recordings, webcam footage, and audio into captivating videos.
New recordings immediately enter the Rev interface where you transform the raw recording into a near-completed product with size, layout, background, effect, and filter selections. From here, you can send the video to Camtasia's non-linear editor for further editing and enhancements or export it immediately.
To get started, simply toggle on the Camtasia Rev switch, and make your next video as fast as "Click. Click. Done!"
Grab Your Favorite Assets Directly in Camtasia!
Assets are now easier than ever to access and add to your projects! You can now browse over 20 million professional, royalty-free video assets directly in Camtasia. Add polish to your video with photos, videos, audio, and customizable digital content, without ever leaving the editor!
Visual Effects
Added Visual Effect: Mask
Feature Updates
Edit Faster and Sound Better with Audiate!
Camtasia and Audiate now have improved syncing to help users edit video and enhance audio faster than ever. Seamlessly hop back and forth between Audiate and Camtasia to edit your video like text.
Audiate has also added the ability to to sync Dynamic Captions with Camtasia so you can add exciting, bold captions to your videos.
Renamed Sullen Siren to Sullen.
Renamed Tasteful Goddess to Tasteful.
Renamed Goddess to Citrus.
Added option to Recorder preferences: Mirror camera preview.
Recorder streams for screen recording, camera, microphone, and system audio are now on by default.
Visual FX
Updated Remove Background Visual Effect:
Added Property: Quality
Added Property: Feather
Added Property: Opacity
Added Property: Blur
Added Property: Ease In
Added Property: Ease Out
Updated Border Visual effect:
Added Property: Use alpha.
Border thickness property now ranges from - to 50.
Ease In and Ease Out are now supported.
Updated behavior while in Crop mode: moving a media moves it inside the constraints of the crop rectangle.
Performance Improvements
Improved Canvas preview performance when changing the slider values of dynamic assets.
Bug Fixes
Removed Beta badge from "Use GPU encoding" option in MP4 encoding settings.
Fixed a crash that could occur when recording system audio on a silent system.
Fixed an issue where drag to restore a maximized window could shrink the window.
Fix a hang that could occur when changing the active timeline tab while the preview is playing.
Camtasia's file picker dialog now remembers the location of the most recently used folder when opening a project.
Fixed a bug that caused playback to stop when selecting a media on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could cause sliders for Dynamic Properties to move erratically when dragged.
The correct error is now shown when trying to save to a file that exceeds the maximum file path length.
Fixed a crash when assetproj has unknown font.
22 August 2023: Camtasia 2023.2.0
New Features
Audio Visualizers
Attention content creators, podcasters, musicians, vloggers, and just about anyone wanting to inject an irresistible dose of expressive flair into their visual projects! Camtasia's new audio visualizers bring your voice, music and sound effects to life, synthesizing your audio tracks with dynamic graphics that excite and engage your viewers more than ever before! And just like Camtasia's dynamic backgrounds, they're drag-and-drop easy to use, and can be easily extended to match the length of your audio on the timeline!
Feature Updates
Camtasia Home
It is now possible to sign out of Camtasia from Camtasia Home.
Performance Improvements
Fixed a resource leak that could lead to increased startup time.
Updates for IT Administrators
Updated Cairo to version 1.17.8
Updated Freetype to version 2.12.1
Updated FriBidi to version 1.0.12
Updated Glib to version 2.76.3
Updated Libpng to version 1.6.39
Updated Pango to version 1.50.14
Updated Zlib to version 1.2.13
Updated Expat to version 2.5.0
Updated PCRE to version 10.42
Bug Fixes
Improved sync between video and audio streams in Recorder.
Improved error messaging for licensing errors.
Improved Canvas rendering when displaying the Canvas at a scale other than 100%.
Fixed a bug that could prevent font ligatures from rendering properly.
Fixed a bug that could cause minor artifacts to be shown on text when using Behaviors.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Fade Behavior from working correctly with special callouts such as Spotlight.
8 August 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.2
New Features
Added user preference for Recorder: Automatically minimize recording window.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause an empty graphics card name to appear in the list of available graphics cards.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause a recording to be removed from the project if recording took place with the Project Settings dialog opened,
Fixed several issues that could cause the playhead to jump to the wrong time when editing captions.
Fixed a bug that Export Asset doesn't work when changing temp folder to any drive not C.
Fixed a bug that could prevent changing of audio properties after an Extend Frame.
Fixed an issue where imported media would sometimes sort into the "yesterday" category in Media Bin.
18 July 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.1
Added ability to filter typefaces by typing into the font menu.
Added support for opening Mac projects that were zipped instead of being Exported for Windows.
Improved hover preview performance for h.264 videos.
Project playback will now pause when starting a media preview from the Media Bin or Library.
Dependency Updates
Updated libexpat to v2.5.0.
Updated Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime to v2.3.24.
Updated Lua to v5.4.6.
Removed outdated D3DX9_42.dll.
Removed outdated Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable files from installation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause Speech to Text to stop before transcribing an entire media.
Fixed a bug that could cause auto-normalization settings for media to be out of sync with Project settings.
Fixed a bug that could cause a user to be prompted for a license key when one had already been entered.
Fixed a bug that caused images to be saved in PNG format when saved as a JPG.
Fixed a bug that could cause flickering in some MP4 source files.
Fixed a crash that could occur when online activation fails.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing from Google Drive after a reinstallation.
Fixed a hang that could occur when closing the application while loudness calculations were taking place.
27 June 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.1.0
New Features
Variable Speed Playback
Added Variable Speed Playback.
Feature Updates
Added option to purchase an individual subscription license.
Visual Effects
Added Reflection Visual Effect.
Changed the Open Visual Effects Tab Shortcut from “L” to “X”.
Updated tool panel previews for some Visual Effects.
Added ability to Exporter Produce from Command Line.
Added ability to Export and import exporter presets via campackage.
Added ability to Show estimated production time in the progress dialog on export.
Added a warning to warn users about the upcoming retirement of the legacy export option.
Added a warning to warn users not to save projects on in cloud-backed directories.
Canvas Rulers
Added ability to Hide/Show Canvas Rulers via right-click.
Updated selection region behavior when interacting with the playhead.
Bug Fixes
Improved timeline performance when cursor keyframes are shown.
Improved timeline performance when media contain stitches.
Fixed a bug that could cause Bluetooth audio outputs to become silent when selected in the Recorder.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from unassigning more than one keyboard shortcut in the Recorder.
Fixed a crash that could occur if Speech-to-Text was canceled.
Fixed a bug that could cause Speech-to-Text captions to be added at an incorrect time.-
Users are now prompted for a license key if Sign-In fails.
Fixed a crash that could occur when zooming out of the Canvas.
Fixed a crash that could occur if a system had a 32-bit version of WebView2 installed.
Fixed a bug with clip speed that could cause distorted audio.
Fixed a bug that could cause the active cursor to be displayed with the wrong color.
Fixed a bug that could cause custom keyboard shortcuts to remain when Delete User Data was selected on uninstall.
Fixed a bug that could cause the selection handles to be rendered incorrectly during playback.
9 May 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.2
Bug Fixes
Increased timeout for Camtasia sign-in to reduce failed sign-in attempts.
Improved error message when Camtasia sign-in does not succeed.
Added Learn More button to the sign-in error message dialog.
Added Edit in Audiate to the Edit menu.
Added Quit option to the Sign-in dialog.
Updated a graphic in the Trial Expired dialog.
Removed "Use software-only mode" from the Hardware Acceleration dropdown in Preferences. When troubleshooting video driver issues, please use Microsoft Basic Render Driver instead.
Improved performance for Background Removal (Beta) when using the GPU.
Improved audio rendering performance in projects that contain captions.
Launching an export from the command line or from Camtasia Add-in for PowerPoint will now utilize the modern export experience.
Exporting to YouTube now uses the project dimensions when exporting instead of imposing a maximum of 1080p.
Fixed a bug that could cause the digitaltrains Dynamic Background to render incorrectly on the canvas.
Fixed a bug that could cause the expiration date for maintenance licenses to display incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could cause transfer of projects between Camtasia and Audiate to fail.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some templates from being updated when upgrading Camtasia.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Camtasia failed to show a toast notification.
Fixed a crash that could occur during batch production if source media were unavailable.
25 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.1
Bug Fixes
Added the Motion Path effect to the Animations tool panel.
Added Continue Editing and Unlink from Audiate menu options to context menu for media that are linked in Audiate.
Removed countdown timer from Camtasia Home for non-renewing maintenance subscribers. Fixed an intermittent startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause license error messages to appear behind the related dialog box.
Fixed a bug that could make the Motion Path preview thumbnail fail to play for some users.
Fixed a bug that could cause cursor keyframe indicators to show incorrectly after changing the edit rate.
25 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2023.0.0
New Features
Cursor Color Effect
The new Cursor Color effect lets you instantly change the color scheme of any cursor on the screen. Tired of black and white? Us too. Simply drop the Cursor Color effect onto any media with a recorded cursor or Cursor Path Creator effect and use the color pickers to breathe new life into your cursors. Use bold color choices to grab your audience's attention, or map the cursor colors to your brand with this simple drag and drop effect found in the Cursor Effects tool bin.
Cursor Shadow Effect
The cursor is the lead actor of any video that has screen content. You know every hero needs depth and contrast to stand out in a scene. That’s where the new Cursor Shadow effect comes to the rescue. Simply drag the Cursor Shadow effect from the Cursor Effects tool bin onto your media and then adjust the Angle, Offset, Blur and Opacity to draw the cursor away from the screen and increase contrast.
Cursor Packs
Really want to stand out from the crowd? Need to put a smile of delight on your audience's face? Our visual designer CoCo has created two cursor packs that unleash a visual feast that’s sure to engage viewers. Replace any cursor in your recording using the drop down menu inside the Cursor Image Replace properties of any recording or media with the Cursor Path Creator effect applied. You won’t be disappointed.
Neon Cursor Pack - (58 cursors)
Hand Drawn Cursor Pack (25 cursors)
Visual Effects
Camtasia Filters
Create a wide range of looks from warm and sunny to cool and moody. Whether you’re looking to achieve a cinematic color tone, give your footage a vintage feel, or lean into a futuristic look Camtasia Filters gets you there with a simple drag and drop effect.
Thirty-two unique color Filters (Color LUTs) can now be found in the new Filters tab of the Visual Effects tool bin.
Motion Path Effect
Add dynamic animation that flows and swoops along a path using the new Motion Path effect. This delightfully simple effect lets you add movement to any element in your video. Once applied, it’s super simple to add additional path animations just by context-clicking anywhere on the canvas and choosing Extend Path to Here. Looking for some EXTRA awesome sauce? Toggle on Auto Orient in the properties panel and make your media rotate as if it really is following the path. And that’s just the beginning my friends–dig into the effect properties for granular control over easing and line types.
Vignette Effect
One of the most iconic and versatile effects in the photo / video world is now a simple drag and drop effect in Camtasia. The new Vignette effect makes it easy to create a cinematic look that draws viewers attention to the center of your content. Make your photos or videos appear as though they were shot using expensive, vintage glass, or just wash away unwanted details at the edges of your media. Vignette ships with a number of simple adjustments that let you refine and shape the effect.
Control the intensity and black and white color tone of the effect using the Amount slider.
Use the Size, Roundness, and Feather sliders to control the focus area.
AI Background Removal (Beta)
Don’t have the time, patience or money to set up a green screen? No problem–let the robots do the heavy lifting. Fire up your camera, record yourself, add that video to your Camtasia timeline and then just drop the Background Removal effect onto the clip. Now place your footage in the perfect position over your screen content to get that modern streaming influencer look.
Corner Pinning
Use the new Corner Pin editing mode to map an image or video to a 3d perspective. Found the perfect hand model photo? It’s now super simple to make a screenshot of your app appear as if it’s part of the original scene in that stock photo–just click on Corner Pin mode and drag the corners of your content to match the desired scene.
New 2023 Asset Library
Hand crafted with love in the Mitten, the 2023 Camtasia Asset Library has been revamped from the bottom up. This year's focus has been on making the content easier to browse and even more customizable. There are a ton of new assets including the headliners of the Camtasia 2023 release–Dynamic Backgrounds and Dynamic Fills. Just dropping these assets on the Canvas will instantly elevate the style and appearance of your video. Camtasia’s powerful and flexible Quick Properties and Dynamic Properties make it easy to customize the assets to put your own personal spin on how your content looks.
Dynamic Background / Dynamic Fill Assets
Whether you’re looking for a stunning background or a sexy fill, Camtasia has you covered. These aren’t run of the mill video assets or stock footage, either. Need that background to last a few seconds or a few hours? No problem, just drag the length to match whatever you want. Need to scale things, but don’t want jaggies / softness? Again we’ve got you covered. Tired of backgrounds that eat up hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes? Our Dynamic Backgrounds and Fills are insanely small–just a few kilobytes in size. Want that background to contain fluid, looping motion? Just drag the speed slider to set the speed of the motion in your background for the duration it appears on the timeline. Really want to have some fun? Every single Dynamic Background and Fill has its own set of dynamic properties that allow you to adjust color, speed, number of elements and much, much more. It’s as if Camtasia ships with an ultra slick set of expensive plugins that create beautiful motion backgrounds and fills. No extra cost. No plugins needed.
Looking for some inspiration? Need a beautiful layout to drop a title and a screenshot on? On the hunt for elegant framing that wraps around mobile and desktop screen content? Our new unstructured templates give you the perfect starting point without forcing a narrative structure that doesn’t fit your needs.
Asset Discovery in Camtasia Home
Looking for more inspiration? Facing a deadline and need stunning results immediately? A collection of customizable titling, lower thirds, animations, motion graphics and more is available via our cloud based asset service. Our content team is working hard to surface the best free, premium, and featured assets for use in your next video. And now, it’s easier than ever to discover these assets in Camtasia Home just below Recent Projects.
Snagx Support and Roundtrip Snagit Editing (Mac)
Captured the perfect screenshot only to discover that its UI elements are too busy for your video? No problem, simply context-click on the image in the media bin, choose Edit in Snagit, let the Simplify Tool there do its magic and then send it back to Camtasia. Even better, the Snagx image format is now supported, allowing you to perform roundtrip editing of annotations and adjustments made in Snagit.
Feature Updates
An all new state of the art rendering engine improves preview performance and export rendering speed. Those export coffee breaks just got a whole lot shorter.
Screencast Export (Mac)
Share directly to Screencast and take advantage of all the feedback and collaboration features of our modern online video platform.
Lottie Color Quick Properties
Camtasia's Lottie color support makes it easy to quickly customize slick animations to match your branded content. Quick Properties take this to the next level. Group any Lottie animation and color wells are automatically generated in the properties panel. The Quick Property Asset editor allows you to map Lottie colors to Theme colors making it incredibly easy to style elements from the Camtasia Asset Library and Asset Service.
Improved Radial Angle Controls (Mac)
Radial controls have been reworked from the ground up to allow precise, fluid control of angle values when dragging radial controls in the properties panel.
Bug Fixes
Edit All Animations now applies when making changes to media on the Canvas.
Fixed a hang that could occur when updating a stitched media.
Fixed a bug that could lead to all-black frames when reversing a video.
Fixed a bug that could lead to a corrupt video when exporting a project with no audio.
Fixed a bug that could cause a gap between media on the timeline when trimming a transition.
Fixed a bug that could cause Themes to be missing in the dropdown for non-ENU customers.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when changing the color of text-only annotations.
Fixed a bug that could cause fx trackers to fail to properly scale down with small media.
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a folder permissions issue that prevented some enterprise end-users from accessing Camtasia.
11 April 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.3
Updates for IT Administrators
Fixed a folder permissions issue that prevented some enterprise end-users from accessing Camtasia.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented accessing Camtasia with a Windows username containing non-Latin characters.
23 March 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.2
Feature Updates
Added option to Preferences: Show timeline cursor indicators.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a new project when at 60fps and editing a cursor path.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing the clip speed of a stitched media.
7 March 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.1
Feature Updates
Added Update Media support for Lottie files. This is only available if they have the same properties.
Lotties now save custom colors when saved back to the Library.
Double-clicking a cursor keyframe while editing now moves the playhead to that keyframe.
Visual Effects
Added Search Bar to Visual Effects Tool Panel.
Added the ability to swap colors on Visual Effects with two colors.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem that could occur when dragging Audio Fade In or Fade Out.
Fixed a bug that allowed m4a export to proceed when no audio was present.
Fixed a bug that could occur when undoing a color change to the Color Tint effect.
Fixed a crash that could occur when replacing media on a Quick Property Asset.
Fixed a UI alignment bug for Visual Effects with blending ranges.
Google access tokens are now stored in Windows Credential Manager. Thanks to Zekv4n for reporting.
Google access tokens are now revoked during sign out. Thanks to Zekv4n for reporting this issue.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect keyframes to be highlighted when editing the cursor path.
Timeline thumbnails are now properly updated after a Lottie color is changed.
Fixed a bug that could fail to show a timeline thumbnail after extending a media frame.
Fixed a crash in DEU when adding an asset to the Library using Use Visible Size.
Fixed a bug that affected the Line Type selection while editing the cursor path.
7 February 2023: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.5.0
New Features
Added six new heart themed transitions with configurable properties just in time to show your viewers the love.
In addition to quickly launching Camtasia’s Recorder, now Auditate and Snagit Recorders can be launched directly from the Camtasia Editor.
Feature Updates
Dimension Presets
Revamped Recorder Dimension presets to support horizontal, vertical and square video resolutions. Choose a preset by selecting the dropdown menu in the Screen Recording toggle switch.
Added ability to adjust solid color fills and strokes of Lottie Media on the Timeline
Added “Center Anchor” context menu option to reset the position of a media’s anchor point to its default.
Added ability to constrain media along a vertical or horizontal axis when dragging on the Canvas by holding down“shift” while performing the drag operation.
Completely revamped Project Dimension presets to support horizontal, vertical and square video resolutions. Context-click anywhere on the Canvas and choose Project Settings, then use the Dimensions dropdown to choose desired video dimensions.
Custom Cursor Images
Added the ability to import custom cursor images that can replace cursors in a Camtasia screen recording, or when using the Cursor Path Creator visual effect.
Added the ability to set a custom cursors’ anchor point position using the Properties Panel cursor crosshairs UI, or input fields.
Added ability to edit previously imported cursors via the Properties Panel.
Added ability to delete previously imported cursors via the Properties Panel.
Added the ability to replace an existing cursor with a blank cursor. No need to add an animation and adjust opacity in order to hide a cursor–just use the Cursor Image Replace Panel and choose the blank cursor.
Enhanced Cursor Path Simplification algorithm to account for the position of recorded click events.
Added automatic “remember last used settings” to the modern export experience. Settings are saved across sessions.
Added ability to create and save presets to the modern export experience.
Changed the order tools appear in the left-hand Tools Panel and removed the Interactivity item from tools. Interactive elements can still be added using the timeline Quiz track or via menus.
Bug Fixes
Improved audio decoding for WebEx recordings.
Improved handling when audio devices on the system change.
Fixed a bug that could cause the caption editor to erroneously cycle backwards through captions.
Fixed a bug in the modern export dialog that allowed too many characters to be entered for frame rate.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Batch Production.
Fixed a crash that could occur when failing to initialize a recording device.
Fixed a bug that prevented source files with double-byte characters from being proxied.
Fixed the macOS I-beam replacement cursor on Windows.
13 December 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.4.1
Feature Updates
Back by popular demand, the Legacy Exporter is once again available as an export option for encoding and packaging videos. The Legacy Exporter is expected to fully retire in the next 12 months but based on feedback we have decided the modern export experience needs a few more options available before it can fully assume the role.
Added the ability to export timeline selection into the modern exporter
Bug Fixes
Improved performance when trimming media with cursor metadata.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo to undo more than expected after dragging media to the canvas.
6 December, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.4.0
New Features
Media Replace
Added ability to drag and drop from Media Bin and Library to replace media on the Canvas.
Added ability to drag and drop replace media on Canvas.
Placeholders can be replaced on Canvas using drag and drop.
Designated media inside Quick Property Assets can be replaced on Canvas using drag and drop.
Bug Fixes
Added a scrollbar to the Timeline context menu for users with smaller screen resolutions.
Retired option to "Extract Recording Contents..." from the Media Bin.
Retired option to extract recording contents using the Windows Shell.
Improved error message when licensing fails because servers are busy.
Improved error messages that can occur if an upload fails after exporting.
Fixed a bug that could cause the recorder to silently exit in the middle of a recording.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur for DE customers that changed their Timeline height to fractional pixel dimensions.
Fixed a bug that would cause export validation steps to be skipped when using the keyboard shortcut.
Fixed a bug that prevented PowerPoint files from being imported if the extension was not lowercase.
Fixed a bug that could cause pasted media to move to an unexpected position when pasted inside a Group.
Fixed a bug that could cause Camtasia 2021 Library Assets to display with incorrect crop rectangles on the Canvas.
Fixed a bug that could cause crop properties to be lost when replacing media in a Quick Properties Asset.
Fixed a bug that could allow too many quiz answers to be supplied by manually editing the project file.
15 October, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.3.0
New Features
Rulers & Guides
Added ability to show / hide Rulers to the Canvas.
Added ability to add vertical and horizontal guides to the Canvas by dragging from a ruler.
Added ability to remove guides from Canvas by dragging guide back to ruler.
Added ability to remove guides using context menu.
Added ability to snap media to guides.
Feature Updates
Added Smooth Across Edits toggle option to cursor properties.
When selected, the cursor position is automatically animated between the final cursor position keyframe of selected media and first cursor position keyframe of next media on the same track.
When selected, cursor position is automatically animated across stitches in selected media.
Added Cursor Image keyframe indicator glyph to Timeline media.
Displays current cursor image at time.
Current Cursor Image keyframe highlighted at time.
Highlights all instances using current cursor at time when the Similar segment control is selected in the Properties Panel.
Added user configurable attributes to 72 Transitions.
Zoom Level
Increased the scale range of Canvas Zoom to 2000%.
DPI Aware Adjustable Canvas
Canvas UI detects high DPI systems and monitors and chooses appropriate scale of UI elements.
User configurable DPI scaling options allow users to adjust the scale of Canvas UI controls (1x, 1.5x, 2x).
Reverse Video
Added ability to reverse audio streams within video media.
Media Replace
Added ability to drag and drop from Media Bin and Library to Quick Properties of Assets in the Properties Panel.
Exposed export option to allow GPU encoding for MP4 output in modern exporter.
This is a beta feature, and will be tagged as such in the UI.
For certain hardware configurations, enabling this feature can potentially result in a modest increase in performance when exporting a video.
The supported configurations will be pretty narrow at first, and hopefully expand over time as we learn more and develop the feature.
Removed Production Wizard.
All export options now flow through the modern export experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting after canceling an export.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Pan tool while editing the cursor path.
Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging media to and from the Library.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding trec files with stitches from the Library.
Improved license cache performance to reduce intermittent licensing errors.
Fixed a bug that could cause the cursor to leave the edited cursor path.
Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong Favorites category to be shown on application start.
Fixed a bug that allowed trimming of media past the beginning of the project.
Fixed a bug that could change the undo stack when selecting media.
Fixed a bug that could cause a performance slowdown when reopening a project.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Jump to Marker from working within quizzes.
Fixed a bug that could cause quizzes and tables of contents to show at an incorrect time.
Fixed a bug that could cause Library assets smaller than the Canvas to be saved with incorrect dimensions.
Fixed a bug that could prevent OBS from showing as an available camera.
Fixed a bug that could cause erratic behavior when editing captions.
Fixed a bug that could cause frame rates other than 30fps to be changed to 30fps when sharing to some destinations.
Improved mouse cursor behavior when editing effects on the Canvas.
Fixed a bug that could occur when replacing cropped media.
28 September, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.2.1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur in the background during shutdown.
27 September, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.2.0
New Features
Cursor Image Replace
Added the ability to navigate between cursor image changes to the Properties Panel.
Added ability to replace the recorded cursor image with a different cursor image from the recording.
Added ability to replace the recorded cursor image with a vector system cursor image.
Added the ability to choose the cursor image used with the Cursor Path Creator effect.
Added Recorded Cursors Set to the Cursor Image Replace combo box in the Properties Panel.
Added Mac and Windows System Cursors Sets to the Cursor Image Replace options in the Properties Panel.
Added the ability to insert a new cursor image at the Playhead position of a Camtasia Recording.
Added the ability to insert a new cursor image at the Playhead position when using the Cursor Path Creator effect.
Added Current Cursor Indicator Element.
Added Cursor Image Keyframe Indicator.
Delete Cursor Image Keyframes.
Add New Cursor Image Keyframes.
Added Cursor Replace Operations.
Replace Current Cursor.
Replace All Similar Cursors.
Replace All Cursors.
Feature Updates
Added Search Bar to Transitions Tool Panel.
Audiate Sync
Added Edit in Audiate options to properties panel when media is selected on the Timeline.
Added Remove All Stitches to menu bar and media context menus.
Set WAV as default format for Audio Narration.
Added Customizable Shortcuts:
Remove All Stitches
Deprecated / Removed
Removed Vimeo Output.
Bug Fixes
Updated crash reporting dialog to include a hyperlink to TechSmith tech support.
Updated the End User License Agreement with new TechSmith physical address.
Changed the mouse cursor opacity in the Camtasia 2022 Default Template to 100%.
Fixed audio / video sync issues with OBS and Reincubate Camo virtual cameras.
Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting properties after deleting a Marker.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using mp4s with very large dimensions.
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing project frame rates.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from modifying the Extend Frame duration.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from renaming quizzes on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could create apparent gaps in the timeline when combining Clip Speed with Magnetic Tracks.
Fixed a bug that prevented Audiate-generated captions from being trimmed out.
Fixed a hang that could occur when adding a marker to Audiate-generated captions.
25 August, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.1.1
Video Support
Improved support for HEVC-encoded video files.
Visual FX
Added canvas snapping for Visual FX with corner and center handles.
Cursor path line types now show as disabled when they are unavailable.
When generating cursor paths, the last keyframe will now be selected first.
Esc key will now exit Cursor Path Editing.
Fixed a crash that could occur when reversing a TREC file without screen media.
Fixed a startup crash for Japanese users.
Fixed an issue that could cause Transitions to be listed out of alpha order.
Fixed an issue that could cause Copy Selected Effects to be shown when it should not be.
Fixed an error that could occur when extending a media.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Behaviors from showing in the Favorites dropdown on startup.
Fixed a bug that could cause a cursor point to be deselected when clicking with a modifier key.
Fixed a bug that cause effects to be removed when replacing a media.
16 August, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.1.0
Reverse Video
Added ability to reverse video clips in the Media Bin.
Blur Region Effect
Added Blur Region visual effect with configurable blur amount and tint color. Enjoy frosted glass in any shade your heart desires.
Freeze Region Effect
Added Freeze Region visual effect. Select any region of the screen and freeze the selected area, or inverted selection, in place for the duration of the effect. Get rid of those annoying / embarrassing pop-ups with a simple drag and drop effect.
Added labeled expanders to the Favorites Tool.
Improved user interface for cursor paths on the timeline.
Added tooltips to the cursor tab in the Properties panel.
Cursor Path Editing state is now remembered when re-selecting a media.
The last-used folder is now remembered when using the modern export experience.
Updated the YouTube exporter.
Added customizable properties for some transitions.
Improved error messaging when installation fails.
Improved customer experience while using the licensing support tool.
Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an image with a Cursor Path Creator applied.
Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing and redoing a Cursor Path Creator effect.
Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected changes in canvas objects' position when ungrouping.
Fixed a bug that could allow invalid characters when renaming a Theme.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect maintenance expiration date to be shown based on the user's time zone.
Fixed a bug that could leave obsolete files in the user's Temp folder in the event of a crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Zoom-n-Pan view to be drawn incorrectly when displaying nested groups.
Fixed a bug in drag selection logic when using a magnetic track.
Fixed a bug that could allow placeholder properties to be edited on non-placeholder media.
Fixed a bug that could allow invalid Ease Out values to be entered.
Fixed a bug that could mark a project as modified after opening the Project Settings dialog.
Fixed a bug that could prevent reverting a media's scale.
26 July, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.4
Added Paste as plain text to callout right-click menu.
Added support for minimizing the exporter dialog while using the modern export experience.
Days remaining in a customer maintenance agreement is now hidden until 30 days are remaining.
Days remaining in a customer maintenance agreement is now hidden for all enterprise customers.
Updated End User License Agreement (EULA).
Improved in-product message banner on high DPI displays.
Fixed crash on startup when proxy.pac file has empty or DIRECT proxy.
Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to paste an image as callout text.
Fixed a crash that could occur if an invalid key was entered into the trial watermark dialog.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error to be thrown when exporting from Audiate to a new project.
Fixed a bug that prevented the caption editor from starting when hitting the Enter key.
Fixed a bug that could cause too many Undo points when moving media on the canvas using arrow keys.
12 July, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.3
Camtasia editor will now minimize while using the modern export experience.
Export progress is now shown on the taskbar icon while using the modern export experience.
Updated SCORM package templates.
Updated callout text insertion cursor to match the color of the text to increase visibility.
Improved recorder flyout animation in the Camtasia Home screen.
Increased mouse click target size for recorder flyout in the Camtasia Home screen.
Expired trial information is now displayed properly in Camtasia Home.
Improved accessibility of the Camtasia installer.
Fixed a silent crash that could occur when exiting the program.
Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming an effect.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a cursor path.
Fixed a bug that could result in a group name being lost when replacing media.
Fixed a bug that could cause error messages to become hidden behind the registration dialog.
17 June, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.2
Added subscription information to the About Camtasia dialog.
Added Blending Range control to Color Adjustment effect.
Added Blending Range control to Color LUT effect.
Added Blending Range control to Color Tint effect.
Added Blending Range control to Colorize effect.
Renamed Colorize Amount property to Intensity for consistency with other effects.
Added better error handling when media files become unavailable.
Fuse error dialogs now link directly to a relevant help article.
Fixed a crash that could occur during batch production if a .tscproj file was invalid
Fixed a crash that could occur when a Library asset was missing key information.
Fixed a crash that could occur when grouping stitched media with no visual track.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Camtasia is shutting down.
Fixed a bug that could prevent exporting from Audiate to Camtasia.
8 June, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2022.0.1
Added context menu item to Recent Projects in Camtasia Home: Open File Location.
Added context menu item to Recent Projects in Camtasia Home: Remove From List.
Added context menu item to Templates in Camtasia Home: Open Template Manager.
When prompting for a file name, Recorder will now automatically append a date-time stamp.
Changed effect name from "Cursor Path" to "Cursor Path Creator."
Restore Path will now restore cursor paths created by Cursor Path Creator.
Lottie JSON files now show the correct metadata in the Media Bin.
The Ctrl key will now disable canvas snapping while editing the cursor path.
Added "(audio only)" for clarity to the M4A file type in the Exporter dialog.
Updated cursor for Cursor Path Creator effect.
Redoing a Group command now properly selects the group on the timeline.
Fixed a Recorder crash that could occur when selecting a region.
Added vector cursors to improve compatibility with macOS recordings.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Audiate from exporting to Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that caused a tooltip in Audio Properties to display for incorrect menu items.
Fixed a bug that could cause the parent media to be deleted when deleting a cursor point.
Fixed a bug that allowed arrow keys to affect the Canvas when Editor was not in foreground.
Fixed a bug that caused Marker or Quiz to be incorrectly selected when reopening the menu.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect height or width properties to be shown after cropping a media.
Fixed a bug that could cause a Cursor Path to be added to a Placeholder before it was dropped.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Ctrl key from disabling snapping during Cursor Path Editing.
Fixed a bug that could allow creation of a corrupt media in the Media Bin.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening multiple projects in a row.
Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing a change to the project frame rate.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Grouping a stitched media with no visual track.
Fixed a crash that could occur while updating a media if the original path had an invalid filename.
Fixed a bug that could cause Library preview windows to display at the wrong size.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect playback progress to be shown when the Canvas is detached.
Error descriptions have been improved when installation fails.
Fixed a bug that could cause restoring items to a tool panel to affect items in other tool panels.
Fixed a bug that could prevent keyboard shortcut changes from being reflected in context menus.
19 April, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.19
Fixed a Recorder hang that could occur if a particular registry key was missing.
Fixed a bug where media would be left in the media bin after saving and closing a project.
Fixed a bug that could cause more undo actions than expected when undoing a text color change.
Fixed a bug that prevented transition durations from being previewed when dragged above media on the timeline.
22 March, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.18
Fixed a bug that could cause an error to display when launching Camtasia.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a WAV file with an MP3 extension.
Fixed a hang that could occur on machines with Intel Iris Xe video cards.
25 February, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.17
Fixed a bug that could cause objects in Editor to display incorrectly after opening a project with a different edit rate.
16 February, 2022: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.16
Added option to Recorder: Open Editor after recording is stopped.
Added Recorder Shortcut: Ctrl+M to Add Marker.
Improved behavior when errors occur while saving recordings: users may now retry saving with a different name.
Pause/Resume is now disabled during Recorder countdown.
Region selection indicators are no longer shown if screen recording is not selected.
Updated Google Drive and YouTube SDKs to address CVE-2018-1285 preventing a local XML eXternal Entity (XXE) vulnerability.
Fixed a bug that could slow the Camtasia Editor opening.
Fixed a bug that prevented seeking when previewing media from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that prevented line and arrow Annotations from being highlighted when dragging an effect.
Fixed a bug that caused Fuse options to be shown when the install option to disable Fuse was chosen.
Fixed a bug that could cause a glitch when an mp3 media contained a split.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new project.
Fixed a bug that allowed invalid recordings by using the Stop hotkey when a recording was not taking place.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur on production when using production presets.
Fixed a crash that could occur on machines using encrypted hard drives.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo to undo more than the user intended.
Fixed a bug that could cause frames to be rounded incorrectly when changing frame rate.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Zoom-n-Pan preview from updating correctly.
8 December, 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.15
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing Clip Speed in a locale that uses commas as decimal separators.
Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the New Project keyboard shortcut many times in succession.
Fixed a bug that could cause Device Frames to be missing from thumbnail images.
Fixed a bug that could prevent seeking through media while previewing from the Media Bin or Library.
29 November 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.14
Fixed a memory leak that could cause Camtasia to become unresponsive after multiple mp4s were rendered using hardware acceleration.
Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails for ProRes MOV files to render incorrectly.
16 November 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.13
Added localized text for the Panopto output.
Fixed a bug that could cause Device Frames to extend past the end of a media after a split.
Fixed a bug that could cause erroneous text callout attributes to change when inserting a line break.
Fixed a bug that could cause media to be added out of order when multiple media were added to the timeline from the Media Bin.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding .trec files with multi-byte characters in the filename.
Fixed a crash that could occur when editing Clip Speed on machines that use commas as decimal separators.
12 October 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.12
Added option to Recorder: Camera recording dimensions.
Added option to Recorder: Camera target capture frame rate.
Added an option not to install WebView2 when doing enterprise installs if a beta version is already installed.
Fixed a bug that could cause Undo history to be corrupted when interrupting a mouse movement.
Fixed a bug that could cause media to be copied when saving a standalone project as a new project that is not standalone.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Zoom-n-Pan preview from updating correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused date sorting in the Media Bin to sort in reverse order.
Fixed a bug to disallow characters in Theme names that could lead to a crash.
Fixed a bug that could cause the stitch to be off by a frame when extending media with Clip Speed applied.
Fixed a bug that could cause the editing caret to be invisible when editing text annotations.
Fixed a bug that could cause an error when adjusting a media's clip speed on a magnetic track.
Fixed a bug that could cause Recorder preferences to be unavailable if Camtasia cannot access the camera.
20 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.11
Improved error handling when uploading to Panopto with Viewer-only access.
Fixed a bug that could cause some exported mp4s to play back at an incorrect size in some players.
Fixed a bug that prevented media on locked tracks from being added to Library assets.
Fixed a bug that could cause waveforms to be drawn incorrectly when extending media.
16 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.10
Added licensing support for proxy strings in the registry that include scheme.
Fixed a bug that could prevent media with filenames containing multibyte characters from being imported.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect window to gain focus when the canvas is detached.
Fixed a bug that could prevent presentations from being exported to Knowmia.
14 September 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.9
Added option to Recorder: Customize shortcuts for Record/Pause/Resume and Stop.
Added option to Recorder: Choose maximum capture frame rate.
Added option to Recorder: Choose recording encoder.
Recorder preferences are now set to factory defaults alongside the Editor when users select this option in Advanced Preferences.
Uninstallation is now blocked if the Recorder is still running.
Improved crash handling when a user's license info is corrupted.
Fixed a crash that could occur when previewing media in the Media Bin.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a project.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing media.
Fixed a crash that could occur when adding media to the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could cause animations to render incorrectly on annotation tails.
Fixed a bug that could cause a single Undo command to process more Undo actions than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented fragmented mp4s from being proxied.
Fixed a bug that could cause fragmented mp4s to render intermittent black frames.
25 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.8
Fixed a startup crash that could occur when updating cached user credentials.
24 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.7
Added option to export to Panopto in Camtasia Editor.
"Do not capture recorder on screen" option is no longer available on Windows versions that are too old to support it.
Fixed a bug that allowed users to add Noise Removal to Groups where it has no effect.
Fixed a bug that could cause Sketch Motion annotations to work incorrectly when saved as presets.
Fixed a crash that could occur after exporting a video.
Fixed a bug that could cause proxy videos to have poor sync from some MP4 sources.
3 August 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.6
Media Width and Height are now accurate to one decimal place in the Properties panel.
Added support for Motion JPEG MOV files.
Improved startup handling when WebView2 component is not installed.
Removed add-in support for 32-bit Powerpoint.
Fixed a bug that could cause a color shift when exporting to MP4.
Fixed a bug that could cause reduced performance in large projects.
Improved error handling when Camtasia cannot launch due to missing or corrupted dll files.
Fixed a crash that could occur when nesting media using Noise Removal.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Zoom-n-Pan.
Fixed a crash that could occur when declining to recover a recording.
Fixed a bug that could lead to too many undo points when editing annotations.
Fixed a bug that could lead to too many undo points when editing multiple objects with Behaviors.
Fixed a bug that prevented LUT files from being imported in German Camtasia installations.
Fixed a bug that ignored some plugin preferences during enterprise deployments.
Fixed a bug that caused a proxy badge to be incorrectly shown on keystroke callouts.
30 June 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.5
Added 3d LUT Visual Effect.
Source file names are now truncated in standalone projects if they would have been too long to save.
Added option to Recorder: Show countdown before recording.
Added option to Recorder: Omit recorder from recordings.
Added option to Recorder: Restore cursor location after pause.
Added option to Recorder: Exit recorder after recording is stopped.
Improved text navigation while typing in Annotations.
Added indicator to About dialog when Camtasia is using Scalable Offline Activation.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing a media.
Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting tools from the Tool panel.
Fixed a bug that could cause multiple undo points for a single scaling action.
Fixed a bug that could cause a horizontal scrollbar in the Properties panel.
Fixed a bug that could cause recordings to be lost if an error happened during recording.
Fixed a bug that could cause auto-normalization settings to be ignored when using Ripple Delete.
Fixed a bug that caused the Recorder to enter a bad state if closed while recording.
9 June 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.4
Fixed a bug that caused the Recorder to lose its most recent setting for recording dimensions.
Fixed a bug that could cause an erroneous signin message to show on launch.
Fixed a bug that could cause the first one or two frames of a recording to be dim.
Fixed a crash that could occur when importing mp4s with no audio streams.
Fixed a startup crash that could occur if Camtasia was unable to access environment information.
27 May 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.3
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from signing in to start a trial.
26 May 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.2
Added option to the Recorder that allows users to select a default save location.
Added save option to the Recorder that allows users the option to choose a file name.
Reduced minimum track height in the Editor.
Added menu option and keyboard shortcut to center canvas.
Added an option to enable/disable font ligatures in the Properties panel.
Improved accuracy of effect thumbnails when creating user presets of the Corner Rounding visual effect.
Fixed tab order in the Quick Property Editor.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when scrolling the mouse wheel during startup.
Fixed a crash that could occur while saving a project.
Fixed a crash that could occur when sending a new recording from Recorder to Editor
Fixed a bug that stopped playback when playing proxy files if the source was an .MTS file or a Lottie file.
Fixed a bug that could prevent some valid files from being proxied.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Duration prompt from being displayed when extending media.
Fixed a bug that could prevent users from entering their license key.
Fixed a bug that prevented media from being extended when they contained a transition.
Fixed a bug that could cause a misleading duration to be displayed in the Recorder when making long recordings.
Fixed a bug that could cause deleted user presets to return after restarting Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that could cause the screen to be recorded when it was not selected.
Fixed a bug that could cause a drop in frame rate when Transitions are extended.
Fixed a bug that could cause duplicate audio media when importing from Audiate.
29 April 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.1
Added Recorder Shortcuts: F9 for Start/Pause/Resume Recording, and F10 to Stop Recording.
Added a larger webcam preview that can be displayed while recording.
Added a countdown that is shown before recordings start.
Improved Recorder UI during recordings.
Pressing Record inside the Editor will now foreground the Recorder if it has been minimized.
Hovering over Media Matte options now previews those changes on the Canvas.
Hovering over media in the Media Bin now allows you to scrub through the media.
Added Delete All Proxy Videos as an option on the Advanced Preferences menu.
Added support for activation using a proxy server.
Groups within Groups are now automatically named with their parent group as a prefix.
Added support for renaming Group Tabs by double-clicking on the tab.
Audio waveforms are now drawn on Groups on the timeline to represent audio within the Group.
Adding a caption while in a Group Tab now adds it to that Group instead of the main timeline.
The Zoom-N-Pan window now always shows the main timeline even if a Group Tab is being shown.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug that could lead images to be one frame in duration when replaced from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that prevented .srt files from being exported when using Camtasia in Spanish.
Fixed a bug that caused Ripple Insert to work incorrectly inside Group Tabs.
Fixed a bug that caused webcam-only recordings to fail to drag when dragging to the Canvas from the Media Bin.
Fixed a bug that caused the timeline to scroll upward when dragging the playhead.
Fixed a bug that could lead Knowmia productions to have an incorrect duration.
Fixed sorting order when sorting by Type in the Media Bin.
Fixed bug that could prevent signin if the system clock time differed from the authentication server.
Localization fixes.
27. April 2021: Camtasia (Windows) 2021.0.0
Added 75+ new Transitions and Transition categories
Added Audio Emphasize Audio Effect
Added VU Meter in editor
Added Motion Blur Visual Effect
Added Round Corners Visual Effect
Added Media Matte Visual Effect
Added ability to generate proxy videos for improved editing performance
Added Additional properties to Quick Property Assets
Added Quick Property Editor for creating custom Quick Property Assets
Added New Animation Shortcuts / Behaviors
Added support for Lottie animations
Added support for standalone projects
Added ability to collapse Property Panel elements
Added Visual Effects bypass toggle switch to the Property Panel
Added TechSmith Audiate integration
Added New Group workflow
Improved Canvas zooming / panning
New Welcome Window with project launcher and Learning Center
New and Improved Recorder UI
15 February, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.13
Added additional options to the TechSmith Smart Player
Removed the temporary track at the top of the timeline; a new track now appears when media is dragged to that location.
Added tooltip to Start Voice Narration button.
Admins can now remove Export destinations when using the Deployment Tool.
Startup crashes now give users more information about what led to the crash.
Fixed bug that caused projects exported to Knowmia to include project duration that included disabled tracks.
Fixed UI alignment in Behaviors Properties menu.
Fixed bug that could prevent Camtasia from detecting that an update was available.
Fixed bug that prevented a .trec file from being imported when the webcam had been in use by another application.
Fixed bug that could cause some media to be missing from productions when producing to Video Review or Knowmia.
Fixed crash that could occur when turning off auto-normalization.
Fixed bug that could cause captions to fail to import from Powerpoint
Fixed hang that could occur when playing the same media on the Canvas and the Media Bin preview at the same time.
Fixed bug that could prevent some valid mp4 files from being imported.
Fixed bug that could cause unexpected caption alignment.
Fixed bug that led to users' Event Logs being generated too often by logging.
Fixed bug that could prevent Quiz/Marker tray state from being remembered.
Fixed crash when double clicking in the recent project list in the Welcome Window.
Fixed bug that allowed marketing messages to appear during recordings.
Fixed bug that caused the canvas not to update when a color change is canceled.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur during production.
Fixed a crash that could occur if a user tried to make a thumbnail before Camtasia fully loaded.
Fixed a bug that could prevent Transitions' name from being shown when multiple media are selected.
Fixed a problem that could cause audio and video to become desynchronized when recording only a webcam and a microphone.
Fixed a bug that could cause Noise Reduction to behave in unexpected ways on stitched media.
Localization fixes.
23 November, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.12
Fixed a bug that caused a performance degradation in complex projects.
11 November, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.11
"Jump to next/previous animation" now considers all media on the timeline, not just selected media.
Added message informing users when they try to enter a license key that was not created correctly.
Improved startup performance.
When sharing to Knowmia the project name is now suggested as the production title.
Fixed a bug that prevented adding a media to the timeline when doing so would create more than one track.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening or upgrading some projects.
Fixed a bug that would prevent animated cursors from macOS recordings from displaying correctly.
Fixed a bug that prevented files with incorrect audio channel metadata from loading into upgraded projects.
Fixed a hang that could occur when closing the application.
Fixed a bug that caused the preview scale to change when previewing Transitions.
Fixed a bug that caused the transition thumbnail to play the media preview when previewing a transition at the same time.
16 October, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.10
Fixed a user-reported startup crash that could occur when fonts were missing certain metadata.
Fixed a bug that caused Behavior preset previews to be empty in some scenarios.
The prompt for trial activation now respects monitor DPI correctly.
Fixed a bug that could prevent transparent ProRes videos from rendering correctly.
15 October, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.9
Added ability to set Width/Height of media in the Properties panel.
Pressing Play when at the end of the timeline will now move the playhead to the beginning of the view instead of the beginning of the project.
Improved user experience when recovering an auto-saved project.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a crash that could occur when extending a frame on videos with an audio stream longer than the video stream.
Fixed a crash that could occur when playing stitched audio media.
Fixed a bug that prevented Speech-to-Text from being launched.
Fixed a bug that caused some AVI files to look blurry when rendered.
Fixed a bug that allowed the empty track zone to be moved between tracks.
Fixed a bug that that caused transitions to be hidden after undoing a replace operation.
Fixed a bug that allowed timeline zooming to place the playhead out of view.
Fixed a bug that prevented some visual effects from being included when exporting a frame.
Fixed a bug that prevented old projects from upgrading when they included audio files with more than two channels.
Fixed a bug that prompted the user to close unrelated applications when installing or uninstalling Camtasia.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from using Elgato Wave 3 microphones.
Localization fixes.
3 September, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.8
Added capability in Editor to Add Exported Frame by right-clicking on the playhead.
Added clearer language informing users when licensing limits are reached.
Added clearer language informing users when Legacy Callouts are upgraded.
Renamed Share button and menu to Export in the Editor.
Added option to Export Smart Player files for hosting or use hosted Smart Player files.
Fixed an XML eXternal Entity (XXE) issue that could allow a remote attacker to destroy privileged files or -- in some environments -- elevate privileges through a maliciously crafted configuration file.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a Project from a Template twice in a row.
Fixed a crash that could intermittently occur when searching for the Documents folder.
Fixed a bug that prevented transitions from being deleted from media on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that stopped the timeline selection from collapsing after a cut.
Fixed a bug that prevented waveforms from updating correctly in some cases.
Fixed capitalization of French, Spanish, and Portuguese languages in the installer.
12 August, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.7
Added support for Spanish language.
Added support for Portuguese language.
Improved accessibility for screen readers.
Fixed a bug that prevented Track Matte indicators from moving when rearranging tracks.
Transition names are now sorted alphabetically in all languages.
Fixed bug that could make the Theme Manager appear at an incorrect size.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed bug that prevented users from retrying a failed uninstallation.
Fixed a bug that could leave undesired files on a user's file system after uninstallation.
Uninstall errors now display in the installation's selected language.
Fixed bug that could cause waveforms to display the incorrect amplitude after LUFS normalization.
Fixed bug that caused Media Details to show the wrong path after a Template was saved as a project.
Fixed bug that could cause Camtasia to ask for a license key when already authorized.
Fixed bug that could cause dragging of media into a Group to fail.
Fixed bug that could prevent the timeline from scrolling or zooming properly.
Fixed a crash when clicking on a callout with RTL text ending in a carriage return.
Localization fixes.
22 July, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.6
Added Track Solo feature to Editor.
Added capability for organizations' proxy servers to be used when contacting the TechSmith licensing servers
Better multi-monitor mixed DPI support.
Error conditions preventing installation will now display in the selected language.
It is now possible to paste Behaviors onto Groups.
Improved crash reporting.
Fixed bug that caused some webcams to exhibit poor sync between audio and video.
Fixed bug that caused some ProRes videos to render incorrectly.
Localization fixes.
29 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.5
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
Fixed a bug where German trial users were unable to produce with a watermark.
Fixed a bug that could stop Select in Media Bin from scrolling to the correct media.
16 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.4
Added option to share to TechSmith Knowmia in Camtasia Editor.
Removed option to share to TechSmith Relay.
Modernized look and feel of the Help/About dialog.
Added maintenance number to version display.
Camtasia now allows users to enter a different license number when reinstalling.
Fixed a user-reported startup crash.
5 June, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.3
Added Track Reorder feature to Editor.
Fixed a crash that could occur using source media saved to OneDrive.
Fixed bug that prevented users from editing multiple animation keyframes simultaneously.
Fixed bug that prevented local SmartPlayer productions from displaying in fullscreen in IE11.
Fixed bug that prevented licensing messaging from appearing in some cases.
Camtasia now tries multiple times to reach the licensing service before prompting users to activate offline.
Fixed bug that prevented thumbnails from being shown in the Theme Manager and the Properties panel.
Fixed crash on import of a WMV file with no video stream.
Improved memory usage when creating new projects.
Files with a .tif or .tiff extension can now be added to a project.
Properties are no longer shown for Annotations when those properties do not apply.
Fixed problem that could prevent audio from being decoded from some source media.
Fixed problem that could prevent some MOV source files from being imported.
Camtasia now prevents import of certain invalid MOV files instead of crashing.
Audio-only projects that contain groups now behave like audio-only projects when sharing.
Interactivity features (e.g. quizzing and hotspots) are now sent when producing to Video Review.
Fixed timing issue that could occur when applying clip speed to media with Visual Effects or Behaviors.
Fixed issue that could cause the Powerpoint recording prompt to appear offscreen.
Fixed issue that could cause projects with many edits to consume a large amount of RAM and potentially crash.
Fixed appearance of Disable Track buttons.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using Zoom-n-Pan.
Fixed issue that caused Camtasia Editor to lose focus when importing projects.
Fixed issue that prevented users from exporting Themes more than once.
Fixed issue that caused Fade transitions upgraded from old projects to fade in reverse.
7 May, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.2
Fixed bug that caused some pre-2018 projects to upgrade with incorrect Visual FX order.
Fixed bug that caused webcam to ignore the selected framerate for recording.
Fixed text alignment for right-to-left languages.
Fixed bug that caused projects to become unstable when loaded with a missing image.
Fixed bug that could lead to corrupt recordings when launching a recording when the webcam was in use.
Added EULA for Chinese customers.
Fixed crash when trying to get user info for users with multi-byte characters in their username.
Fixed crash when importing MOV/MP4 files with multiple codecs.
Fixed crash when importing a WAV file with an mp3 extension.
Fixed bug that kept text in an edit state after clicking the Undo button.
Fixed bug that caused Color Tint presets to keep incorrect easing values.
Fixed crash when trying to save to a network drive that is unavailable.
29 April, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.1
Added ability to replace timeline media with other media on the timeline.
Added ability to export Template file from the Template Manager menu.
Set .WAV as the default audio format when exporting audio only.
Added ability to set default placeholder media duration in user preferences.
Fixed issue that prevented Powerpoint Add-In from working with 32-bit Powerpoint.
Fixed crash when adding a Group with media selected to the Library.
Fixed crash when selecting undo after replacing audio-only media on the timeline.
Fixed a problem that prevented Camtasia from launching when installed by a different user.
Stopped video playback before automatic check for invalid licenses.
Fixed startup crash experienced by users with double-byte characters in their usernames.
28 April, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.0
Added ability to replace timeline media via drag and drop from the Media Bin or Library.
Added placeholder media type.
Added Template projects.
Added Template Manager.
Added ability to favorite most frequently used tools and annotations.
Added ability to configure and save tool and annotation presets.
Added ability to export and share themes individually.
Added ability to export and share keyboard shortcuts individually.
Added ability to export multiple templates, libraries, themes, shortcuts, presets and favorites as a package.
Added Magnetic Track option to Editor.
Added Ripple Insert from Media Bin or Library options.
Added ability to Ripple Move media on the timeline.
Added Ripple Trim option to timeline editing.
Added callout styles theme support to Annotations.
Added Auto-resize Text toggle button to Properties panel.
Added Media Bin layout, filtering, and sorting enhancements.
Added Select/Delete Unused Media option to Media Bin.
Added Select on Timeline option to Media Bin.
Added ability to find and select media in Media Bin to timeline.
Added ability to double-click empty space in Media Bin to open media files.
Added ability to move playhead on empty timeline.
Added ability to detach timeline from Editor.
Added Track Matte feature supporting four modes: Alpha, Alpha Invert, Luminosity, and Luminosity Invert.
Added high frame rate recording mode to Recorder preferences.
Added Reverse Transition toggle button to Properties panel.
Added ability to set GIF loop count when exporting animated GIF.
Added automatic Group size support.
Added ability to set specific Group size.
Added ability to set specific Library asset size.
Added clipping mask to Group boundary.
Refreshed fonts shipped with Camtasia.
Added ProRes decoding support.
Added support for pitch normalization when Clip Speed is added to media with audio.
Added ability to apply multiple visual effects to Groups.
Added ability to edit project videos at 25 and 50 frames per second.
Added both free and premium templates, themes, and assets to the TechSmith Asset store.
Retired support for .camrec recording format.
Retired legacy callout display support.
Added single stream recording capabilities (audio only, webcam only, screen only) to Recorder.
Added system audio VU meter to Recorder.
Added ability to record webcams at higher resolutions and frame rates.
Added ability to record h.264 video in .TREC container.
Added preference to set default animation easing.
Retired support for Windows 7.
Retired support for Windows 8.
Retired converting SWF format to AVI format.
Retired support for Camtasia 8 projects.
Retired legacy Device Frames.
Retired AVI recording support.
10 March, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.10
Fixed .camrec files were not decoded correctly.
Fixed crash when importing MP4 files from Android 9 mobile devices
Fixed Decoding files recorded on LG4 cell phones
Fixed Issue that caused black frames to appear in web camera videos when encoding to storage media
21 January, 2020: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.9
Fixed issue that prevented use of Visual Effects for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed crash while sharing to Video Review for users with non-English characters in their usernames
Fixed issue that caused GPU usage to grow continuously after audio tracks were analyzed
Fixed crash when finishing a recording without opening the Camtasia Editor
26 November, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.8
Fixed issue that moved Camtasia Editor to the wrong location when restoring the window
Added ability to move playhead to a location where no media has been added
Fixed a crash that could happen when previewing a transition after previewing a media in the Media Bin
Fixed issue to allow sharing to Video Review from outside the United States
Added ability to export a zipped project for filenames longer than 260 characters
Fixed issue where a duplicate cursor would display after a stitching media
Fixed problems with variable-bit-rate MP3 files that could cause skips or glitches
Fixed intermittent crash while scrubbing the timeline
Fixed crash when extending the beginning of an MP4
Added an error message when importing a corrupt .trec file
Fixed crash when exporting to MP3
Tool menus no longer persist when switching between tools using keyboard shorcuts
Fixed issue that caused canvas to resize when dragging media into the Camtasia Editor
Fixed issue issue for incorrect display of location to drag media
Fixed issue exporting images to the JPEG format
Fixed issue that caused animations to shift when unstitching media
Fixed issue with location of the canvas when it has been detached
Fixed crash while editing annotations set to extremely large scales
27 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.7
Fixed an issue that caused delays in timeline edits for stitched media
Fixed crash when loading projects with missing TREC files
Updated to use the latest TechSmith Account integration
SCORM 2004 editions are now listed in SCORM options
Added option for Enterprise users to disable quizzing in the TechSmith Deployment Tool
15 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.6
Fixed issue where context menu options are missing for annotations
Fixed issue where some PDF files rendered with incorrect colors
Updated XPDF library to version 4.01 to address the following CVEs where a user may have been vulnerable to a denial of service attack (crash or hang) when importing a PDF file CVE-2018-7173 CVE-2018-7174 CVE-2018-7175 CVE-2018-7452 CVE-2018-7454 CVE-2018-11033 CVE-2018-16368 CVE-2018-18651
8 August, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.5
Camtasia now displays single user license keys during login
Select webcams in the Recorder identified as USB Video Devices in Device Manager
Fixed bug that causes imported MP4s loudness calculation to hang
Fixed a bug that prevented Camtasia from exporting for Mac
30 July, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.4
Fixed crash when audio files are analyzed for Noise Removal
Fixed issue where invalid error dialog is shown when loading certain media
Fixed Camtasia Recorder crash when holding down F9
Fixed issue where Voice Narration m4a files contain faulty timing information
Added recipient single email address validation in Quiz reporting options
Fixed issue where theme fonts are not shown until Theme Manager opens
Fixed issue where TechSmith Assets are not downloaded when asset name exceeds character limit
Fixed crash when media is dragged to timeline
Fixed issue where imported zipped projects do not open in Camtasia
Thumbnails are now shown correctly on timeline for .trec and .camrec files
Fixed issue where Windows 7 users are shown invalid warning dialog on startup
Improved performance between Camtasia and newest Smart Player version
26 June, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.3
Added support for Chinese language
Fixed an issue where rare low-motion animated GIFs could cause Camtasia to crash
Fixed an issue where some 60fps media did not trigger a prompt to change the project's framerate
Fixed an issue that caused users to be logged out of Camtasia after upgrading
Fixed an issue that could cause colors to appear "washed out" when using hardware acceleration
Added an animation when media are added to the Media Bin
29 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.2
Fixed issue where m4a playback would not start until the entire file was downloaded
Fixed issue where changes to Voice Narration text could be lost if they were the last thing changed before closing the application
Fixed issue that could cause some characters to render incorrectly in text annotations
Fixed issue that caused 16-bit .camrec files to render incorrectly
Fixed problem rendering changes to Opacity when media are in a Group
Fixed hang when closing the application after playing audio files with corrupt metadata
Fixed issue where LUFS calculation could never be completed on audio files with corrupt metadata
Fixed startup crash that occurred when the Windows username contained double-byte characters when the system locale was Japanese
7 May, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.1
Fixed issue that prevented selecting the last line of a callout using Shift-DownArrow
Fixed issue that caused user's editing cursor to get stuck in callouts when font size changed
Fixed issue that could prevent waveform rendering when using a stitch in conjunction with clip speed
Spacebar now always plays or pauses playback, and ignores the currently focused button
Improved support for respecting users' machine language settings regarding numbers on the Properties panel
Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446
Changes to track height are now saved with the project
Fixed issue that could cause unwanted changes to effect timings when stitching and unstitching media
Fixed issue that caused a crash when importing very old camrec files
Fixed issue that caused animated GIF files to only show the first frame during Media Bin preview
Improved snapping behavior when trimming multiple media at once
30 April, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.0
Added ability to automatically adjust audio levels with defined Loudness Units Full Scale (LUFS) normalization.
Added new mouse cursor effect to smooth out cursor movements.
Expanded number of customizable product hotkeys and shortcuts.
Added new Block Text style for annotations.
Added properties to adjust vertical and horizontal text spacing in annotations.
Added Whip Spin transition .
Add ability to include logos and images to Themes.
Added additional device frames for download in TechSmith Assets.
Added “Open in Camtasia” option for TechSmith Asset downloads.
Improved SmartFocus functionality.
Updated Canvas preset sizes to match more modern devices and platforms.
Added support for importing and using PDF files.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Camtasia Recorder to record a black frame at the beginning of recording.
Fixed an issue preventing H.263-encoded mp4s from playing back properly.
Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when scaling down large images.
Fixed a problem that impacted editing performance on systems with Intel Integrated graphics processors when applying Behaviors to text callouts.
Fixed a crash that could occur while editing a clip with both a stitch and the clip speed effect applied.
Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to seek incorrectly across splits.
Retired FTP output.
Retired ability to add new Legacy Callouts to a project.
Update mp4v2 resolving: CVE-2018-14054, CVE-2018-14325, CVE-2018-14326, CVE-2018-14379, CVE-2018-14403, CVE-2018-14446.
14 November, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.7
Fixed a crash on startup that could occur for users that had previously entered Video Info metadata in the production wizard.
Fixed a problem that could prevent captions and/or hotspots from working properly in Smart Player productions
6 November, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.6
Fixed a bug that prevented some legacy .camrec files from loading, playing, and/or producing properly.
Added support to resume a SCORM e-learning lesson with the TechSmith Smart Player. Users will be able to resume the video at the time they exited the video.
Added capability to Reset Camtasia to Factory Defaults from the Preferences menu.
Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails to appear black when Markers were applied to stitched media.
Ctrl-Shift-V now stops a Voice Narration recording as it should.
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-ArrowKey hotkey now works as expected when media are selected.
The ENTER keystroke callout now displays ENTER instead of RETURN.
Optimized video output to to reduce buffering for viewers.
Fixed a bug that caused the file extension to be shown twice when saving a project on a German OS.
Fixed a bug that prevented production when the project filename was too long.
Fixed a crash that could happen when adjusting Noise Removal settings.
Adjusted YouTube settings to address an issue that could make the YouTube sharing output unavailable for some users.
11 October, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.5
Fixed a bug that prevented playback on systems where the default audio device did not support stereo playback.
18 September, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.4
Added support for French language.
Added a preview of theme colors to the Theme Manager window.
Updated SmartPlayer to version 5.17.1.
iTunes Information tab removed from the production wizard.
Cursor clicks now render correctly at any DPI.
Non-English characters render correctly for legacy-style callouts.
Fixed import/upgrade of Camtasia 9.x libraries with asset names containing non-English .
Automatically-named recordings numbered above 10 are now ordered correctly on the timeline.
MOV files recorded on iPhone 6 phones now render correctly in software-only rendering mode.
Fixed a crash when trying to change the cursor for certain features on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that prevented updating media with images using a .jpeg extension.
Fixed a bug that caused captions to display off-center in video productions.
Fixed a bug that caused productions to hang when producing to multiple files using markers.
Animated GIFs with large dimensions now display correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused the Recent Projects window to clear out prematurely.
Fixed a bug that caused videos with non-square pixels to appear squashed.
Fixed a bug that caused callout text to render inconsistently when flipped along its Y-axis.
Fixed a bug that caused an error dialog when editing library assets.
28 August, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.3
Bug fixes and improvements.
14 August, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.2
Improved support for operating systems that use commas as the decimal mark.
Updated SmartPlayer to version 5.15.2.
Fixed other security bugs.
16 July, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.1
Fixed bugs with library upgrading.
Fixed bugs with libzip importing.
Fixed bugs with MP4 and MOV performance.
Fixed a bug with delete files selection in Deployment Tool.
Fixed a bug with Deployment Tool not using language selection.
Fixed a crash when audio placed on 60 fps timeline.
Fixed a crash when dragging an unsaved GIF from Snagit to Camtasia.
Fixed a crash when applying noise removal to certain MP3s.
Fixed a crash when applying clip speed to audio.
Fixed a crash when applying clip speed to audio.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
19 June, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 2018.0.0
Learn more about the new features here.
New Library - Save frequently used assets, effects, and media.
Theming - Create themes with colors and fonts and apply to assets and effects.
Additional customizable and stock video assets.
60 fps video import, editing, and production.
Editor performance improvements for preview playback and timeline edits.
Production engine improvements for faster export.
New Behaviors (Explode and Fly In).
Fixed crash when SCORM selected with production preset.
Fixed clip speed not working with decimals in German.
Fixed incorrect color when annotation saved to library.
Fixed issue with parsing file names for batch production.
Other Bug fixes and improvements.
13 March, 2018: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.2
Improvements to color contrasts in user interface to increase legibility and reduce fatigue.
Added banner messaging in-product for reaching users with timely and relevant information.
Fixed issue where viewer could not enter a jump-to-time in quiz feedback.
Fixed issue where jump-to-marker was not displaying a list of markers in quiz feedback.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
16 November, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.1
Improved rendering performance with behaviors.
Fixed a bug with Camtasia crashing when trying to import PowerPoint files.
Fixed a bug with media being selected out of view on the timeline.
Fixed a bug where the Recorder preview shows a white screen.
Fixed a bug where tracks could be missing after upgrade to 9.1.0.
Fixed a bug with pausing during sync captions.
Fixed a bug where horizontal scroll could cause a crash.
Fixed a crash using Annotations after installing to a folder with double byte characters.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
19 September, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.1.0
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
New device frame visual effect to make videos more engaging
New properties panel to quickly adjust colors and text of animated graphics, like intros and lower thirds
New extend frame functionality to make extending your clips more intuitive
Addressed an issue where recordings would show as only one frame long on timeline incorrectly
Handling finding offline media on users' computer in a smoother way
Fixed a bug where batch production without subfolders option selected would still create subfolders
Fixed a bug where production dialog hangs with multiple files based on markers selected
Fixed AVI production for non TechSmith codecs
Fixed a bug where sometimes scrolling through the font dropdown caused a crash
Fixed a bug where media bin and canvas would end up being hidden on startup
Fixed a bug where dragging transitions on media that is split caused a hang
Fixed a bug where audio only TRECs caused a crash
Other bug fixes and improvements
16 May, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.5
Fix a crash when loading a project from an older version of Camtasia
Fix a crash when loading invalid JPEG files
Fix a preview thumbnail generation issue
18 April, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.4
Added a display of playhead time and project duration
Added support for media with PNG codec to allow MOV files with transparency
Addressed an issue with YouTube sign in due to Google’s change to OAuth support
Addressed an issue where a color picker would not accept RGB values while editing a callout
Addressed an issue where OTF custom font types were unusable
Addressed an issue where unnecessary meta data files were created during production
Addressed an issue with subfolder creation during production
Improvements to trial and registration windows
Removed OneDrive and O365 SharePoint sharing destinations (known as ‘My Places’) due to security vulnerability
Other bug fixes and improvements
31 January, 2017: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.3
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Addressed an intermittent hang when analyzing audio files
Addressed an issue causing a crash when choosing a font from a drop down menu
Addressed an issue where users were unable to stop voice narration
Addressed an issue where uploading to YouTube included closed captions and burned in captions
Addressed an issue where right to left language fonts disappear when adding a behavior
Other bug fixes and improvements
15 November, 2016: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.1
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Addressed issues with Vorbis audio codec causing crashes
Addressed some issues that can cause a crash on startup
Addressed a problem where the Properties panel would fail to show an object’s current values
Other bug fixes and improvements
11 October, 2016: Camtasia (Windows) 9.0.0
New Behaviors as way to quickly animate images, video, or text
New callouts
New captions workflow
New 64-bit engine for faster editing and encoding
New default assets in asset library
Drag and drop assets, effects, and more right to canvas
Canvas editing
Ability to share projects with Mac
Color adjustments (brightness, contrast, saturation)
Voice narration improvements
Quizzing improvements
Quizzing per question feedback
Animated GIF support
UI updates (more similarities with Mac)
25 August, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.6.0
Added Vimeo production preset
Added support for 24-bit and 32-bit audio decoding
Fixed issue related to AVCHD
Added capability to extract media streams from TREC recordings
Improvements and bug fixes for the TechSmith Smart Player
Fixed some scenarios that resulted in a crash on start-up
Bug fixes for YouTube and Google Drive outputs
Other minor bugs fixes
12 May, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.5.2 Maintenance Release
Fix for when Recorder tools > options menu is not working correctly on touch screens
Fix for audio popping issue with webcam and mic recordings
Bug fixes and improvements
17 March, 2015: Camtasia Studio 8.5.1 Maintenance Release
Bug fixes and improvements
24 February, 2015: Camtasia Studio v8.5 Minor Release
You can now sign in to your TechSmith account in-product and on the website
Added My Places, which includes OneDrive for Business integration, and import and export from OneDrive for Business
Bug fixes
18 November, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.4 Maintenance Release
Added TechSmith in product notifications
Made improvements to the TechSmith Smart Player
Added a "Mix to mono" option which is useful when all the audio is in the left or right channel, and you'd like it in both
Fixed a bug where the PowerPoint Add-in would conflict with Microsoft MIX
Fixed some reported and discovered bugs in working with Transitions
Fixed a crash in Callouts when editing the text
Fixed a crash that would occur when adding certain kinds of MP4 files to the timeline
Other minor bug fixes
19, August, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.3 Maintenance Release
Fixed a bug where the cursor would show motion over an extended frame that was unstitched
Fixed a bug where the cursor would not display over an extended frame in an .camproj from an earlier version of Camtasia Studio 8
Fixed a bug where changing Windows’ DPI could cause recording errors
Fixed a bug where Recorder’s preview window could crash after stopping a recording
Fixed a bug where adding a click sound effect to a video-only .trec clip containing a stitch would not work
Fixed a bug where Fuse images from a Samsung phone could be rotated incorrectly
Fixed a bug where a Fuse video with pause points could not be stitched after unstitching it
22 July, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.2 Maintenance Release
Added support for Fuse media to turn recorded pauses into stitch points
Added a new MP4 production profile preset for 1080p video
Fixed a bug where noise removal could cause echos in the audio
Fixed a bug where Camtasia Studio could crash due to a memory leak on the timeline
Fixed a bug where certain .WMV files could cause production to hang
Fixed a bug where the 'Record Powerpoint' option in the Windows jump list would not show the proper icon
Fixed a bug where some .CAMREC files would not open in Camtasia Studio 8.4
Fixed a bug where Recorder could fail to open after upgrading to 8.4
Fixed a bug where timeline playback could hang on certain .MP4 files with higher audio bitrates
Fixed a bug where video bitrates could be lower than expected in an MP4 custom production
Fixed a bug where a .TREC file could not be added to the batch production wizard
Fixed a bug where production would fail to overwrite the video file if that same file is in use
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor could look corrupted while recording the use of a virtual machine
Fixed a bug where File > Library > New Folder did not show the new folder
Fixed a bug where the PPT add-in microphone button would be enabled when no microphone is detected
Fixed a bug where the cursor could be displayed in a recorded .TREC even if it is hidden on-screen
Fixed a bug where showing captions initially visible did not display them in an MP4 Production with Smart Player (this is not fixed on
Fixed a bug where Camtasia Studio could crash when playing back video-only stitched media
24 June, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.1 Minor Release
Migrated to the new version of YouTube API (the old version was deprecated)
Added the ability to login once for both YouTube and Google Drive
Added the ability to include a table of contents in the YouTube video description using project markers
Added the ability to import .m4a files
Fixed a bug in the Smart Player where a paused hotspot would fail to pause when viewing the produced html page
Fixed a bug where Smart Player videos could fail to be viewed on an Android device
Fixed a bug where the Powerpoint Add-in would activate and lock a webcam prior to recording
Fixed a bug where noise removal was being applied incorrectly
Fixed a bug where .mov files encoded with Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) would not play audio in Editor
Fixed a bug where audio settings would be unavailable when choosing an .mov production
Fixed a bug where importing some .mp4, .mov, or .mts files could cause a crash
Fixed a bug where the mouse-click sound effects could not be added to a .trec media without audio
Fixed a bug where some keystrokes were not displayed correctly from a .trec recorded on a Mac
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur if recording with a custom system stamp annotation
Fixed a bug where navigating the playhead using arrow keys could lose keyboard focus
Fixed a bug where audio waveforms would not display correctly after adding volume leveling on a stitched media
Fixed a bug where 'record system audio' could be selected when there were no audio playback devices available
Fixed a bug where producing a SCORM video would display an error message
Fixed a bug where a .gif production would fail if named with double-byte characters
Fixed a bug where the playhead would not return to time zero when choosing to sync captions from the beginning of the timeline
Updated the branding in our sample .camproj and .ppt files
20 May, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.4.0 Minor Release
Removed support for the Windows XP operating system
Added a cross platform Techsmith Recording format (.trec) that allows users to record on Camtasia (Mac) and edit in Camtasia (Win), or vice-versa
Added the ability to turn tracks off, which hides the visuals and mutes the audio on the track
Added a timeline context menu option to remove all empty tracks
Added variable speed playback to the MP4 video player
Added support for files recorded in AVCHD, if codecs are already installed on user’s system
Added the ability for a .camproj to default to the last-used Editing Dimensions
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur when logging into Camtasia's Google Drive Import/Export service
Fixed a bug where an HTML production with captions could not be viewed locally in Chrome
Fixed a bug where the webcam video and recorded audio could slowly drift out of sync
Fixed a bug where audio previewing could skip at stitches or splitsFFixed a bug where .mov files created using the animation codec would be unusable in Camtasia
Fixed a bug where users without Powerpoint installed would receive an error accessing Tools > Options > Partners
Fixed a bug where the Tools > Options > Partners tab could show the incorrect state of the Powerpoint add-in
Fixed a bug where a 'click to continue' hotspot could pause at the wrong time
Fixed a bug where media could still be moved onto a locked track
Fixed a bug where using 'split at all markers' would create an undo point for every split
Fixed a bug where callouts can look distorted when opening a Camtasia Studio 7 project in Camtasia Studio 8
Fixed a bug where Camtasia would hang when trying to update a media with a file that was restored from the Recycle Bin
Fixed a bug where SCORM reporting could be incorrect when using multiple quizzes in one video
Updated product branding
8 January, 2014: Camtasia Studio v8.3.0 Minor Release
Made improvements to the Relay plugin
Updated TSCC codec to fix a crash bug when accessing corrupt input
Fixed a bug where the playhead advances but the video frame doesn’t change
Fixed a bug where transitions are treated as audio media and can cause attenuation in project audio
Fixed a bug where indented callout text didn’t show as indented in the preview window
Fixed a bug where MOVs could break project upgrading
17 December, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.2.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed a memory leak for media files on the timeline that was leading to high memory use and instability
Fixed a crash when double clicking a media while it is transferring from the Fuse mobile app
Fixed a bug where users with a Lectora production preset got stuck in the production preset manager
Fixed a bug where temporary files were written to the user's Windows temporary folder instead of the custom temporary folder location specified inside the editor Tools > Options dialog
19 November, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.2 Minor Release
Added import of videos and images from Google Drive
Added sharing of video to Google Drive
Added import of videos and images from mobile devices using TechSmith Fuse for iOS and Android
Fixed a bug where the closing XML tag was sometimes missing from a saved project which caused errors when the project was reopened
Fixed a bug where the Check for Update dialog could show on every run when the user was offline
Fixed a bug where enabling mouse click sounds in the Recorder did not produce mouse click sounds in the recording file
Fixed a bug where recordings were added at the beginning of the timeline instead of being added at the playhead when coming from Recorder
Fixed a bug where using a transparent color with a watermark shows as black instead of transparent
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur while drawing waveforms for some audio clips
Fixed a bug where dragging media from the library to the timeline did not work when the same media could be added through the right click menu
Fixed a bug where attempting to import an unsupported file with a long path could lead to a hang
25 July, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.2 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue where swapping markers from timeline to media could create duplicate markers
Fixed an installer bug which caused some 811 updates to fail, and resulted in the 8.x release being completely uninstalled
Fixed a hang on exit which left Camtasia Studio running and unable be restarted until the hung instance was killed in Task Manager
9 July, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue where swapping markers from timeline to media could create duplicate markers
Fixed a crash when placing a marker between two media in a complex project
Fixed stuttering audio when playhead crosses a cut or split in some MP4 files
Added detection and messaging for GoToMeeting WMVs that hang during playback or production
Fixed a crash when trying to export the entire library
Fixed an issue where the user would not be prompted to save after updating a media
Fixed an issue where multiple extend frames in a row did not always render
Fixed an issue where you could occasionally left-click "through" or behind a context menu in the timeline area
Added character limits to the quiz custom text fields so they don't overflow the buttons in the quiz
Fixed an error "Unable to move unzipped SCORM files" when producing with SCORM and Quizzing
Fixed a memory leak that was causing a crash if the editor was left open overnight
Fixed an issue where Sysaudio.wav was not deleted from the temp folder after a PowerPoint recording
Fixed an issue where locking the computer during a recording on Windows 8 could create a corrupt CAMREC
Fixed an issue where a warning about minimum required dimensions was not shown if a media marker was added
Fixed an issue where the clip speed bar might disappear when dragging slowly past 100% clip speed
Fixed an issue where an animation added to a clip speed adjusted clip could have the wrong default duration
Fixed an issue where the media thumbnail shown after a split didn't match the displayed frame
Fixed error message when dragging a single track CAMREC into a spot where it didn't quite fit
Fixed an issue where generating keystroke callouts didn't always add the callouts to the next higher track in the z-order
Fixed problems with extracting an AVI from a CAMREC that exceeded 4GB
Fixed an issue with large projects where the save confirmation might show before the file was completely written to disk
Fixed an issue where "Replace audio with silence" wasn't applied correctly in some cases
Fixed an issues that would cause the timeline zoom or position to jump around unnecessarily
Fixed project save tip dialog so it didn't get cut off when the user is running with non-standard DPI settings
Fixed an issue where the Recorder trial could be expired when the editor showed one day remaining
Fixed an issue where the Comic Sans font combined with Italics could cause callout text not to show
Fixed a crash when trimming a stitched media with audio keyframes and noise removal
Fixed an issue where trying to add markers or quizzes near others was difficult due to snapping behavior
Improved snapping behavior on the timeline to only snap in the direction of the drag
Fixed an issue where the Editor would sometimes hang when importing a CAMREC with a WMV webcam video
Fixed a crash on XP when opening and immediately closing the editor
Fixed an issue where exporting to MOV would sometimes create a file with audio but no video
Fixed an issue where right-clicking an audio point didn't select it, causing Delete to be missing from the context menu
Fixed an issue where volume up/down deselects other media if it adds an audio point to one of them
Fixed an issue where images were sometimes zoomed in after project load when using the software renderer
Fixed a crash on playback when another app has taken exclusive control of the playback device
Fixed an issue where "Allow replay last section" option doesn't work when going to
Fixed an issue for users running in a German locale and trying to enter a fractional number as the image duration
Fixed an issue with the ability to select the default keyframe on a group in some cases which can put media in a bad state
Fixed the scale media to fit option on the zoom and pan tab to respect any cropping that has been applied
Fixed the marker thumbnails so that they update when changes are made to the media in the visual properties tab
Fixed an issue where the SCORM settings were not being properly saved in production preset
Fixed an issue where the upload to FTP dialog would show after production even if the option was unchecked
Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes while attempting to move audio volume points around
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to set the clip speed back to 100% using the dialog box
Fixed an issue where the green and red playhead selectors become detached from playhead when starting new project
18 June, 2013: Camtasia Studio v8.1.0 Minor Release
Added stitching (usability enhancement for editing on the timeline)
Added remove a color visual effect
Enhanced smart player embed size and SCORM support
Improved recording support for Windows 8
Added support for 64-bit PowerPoint Add-in
Added copy and paste of animations
Added ability to multi-select and drag animations
Added easing to animations
Added ability to crop videos
Improved zooming workflow
Improved timeline performance
18 December, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.4 Maintenance Release
Improved reliability of project saving and opening
Flash/HTML5 controller controls should now auto-hide when appropriate
Fixed a crash after rendering for Share to Camtasia Relay
Uploading to Relay no longer fails for project names with Ampersands
23 October, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.3 Maintenance Release
Made lower volume levels more distinguishable on the timeline audio waveform
Arrow keys now scroll the playhead instead of the timeline
Tooltips now show for locked media
Improved ability to scroll the timeline while playing
Added ability to specify duration when extending a frame
Adding ripple moving and trimming of media on the timeline
Inserting space on the timeline by holding shift and dragging the playhead
Added option to include under video captions in a variety of outputs
Improved audio editing for timeline selections
Keyframes now automatically fit in available space when added to media
Improved messaging when uploading media to private or password protected folder on
Fixed an issue that caused extended frames to show incorrect cursor effects
Added ability to set the default animation duration to instant
Fixed an issue causing table of contents to not be initially visible
Improved memory usage and performance on the timeline
Fixed issues causing CS7 project upgrades to fail
Additional bug fixing
24 July, 2012: Camtasia Studio v.8.0.2 Maintenance Release
Fixed a startup crash in the Camtasia Studio editor
Fixed a variety of issues that caused projects to fail to open
Fixed a variety of project upgrade issues
Fixed a variety of issues relating to SCORM functionality
Shift + scroll now scrolls the timeline horizontally
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect cursor data in some recordings
Fixed a crash in Recorder when DivX 8 is installed
Improved noise reduction responsiveness
File names with hyphens should now upload correctly to
Fixed an issue causing a thin white line to show in the preview window
Fixed an issue causing the preview window to appear blank
Improved production rendering performance
Fixed a crash when uploading to YouTube
Fixed a few issues with showing captions on YouTube
H.264 AVIs should now work correctly in the Camtasia Studio editor
Added undo/redo buttons on timeline toolbar
Added a tooltip for duration of a range selection on the timeline
Fixed an import issue for camrec files with blank system audio
Additional bug fixing
26 June, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.1 Maintenance Release
Added support for small screen quizzing displays
Fixed an issue causing an artificial line on the right edge of the video in preview and production
Fixed an issue that did not allow adding key frames to media under a transition
Changing project information should now mark the project as modified
Black bars should no longer show on top and bottom in PPT recordings
New callouts should no longer have a fade in when the last transition had it turned off
It should now be possible to disable quizzing when the controller is disabled in the production wizard
Fixed a crash when opening projects from a network location
Markers on a media under a transition should now be included in a produced table of contents
Fixed a crash when adding a video with large dimensions to the timeline
Fixed various issues interfering with Camtasia running on Windows 8
Additional bug fixing
19 June, 2012: Camtasia Studio v8.0.0 Major Release
Added the TSC 2 video codec for the ability to record larger dimensions and more graphical content with higher frame rates
Added the ability to have unlimited multimedia tracks on the timeline, enabling the ability to layer multiple different types of media including videos, graphics, images and more on top of each other
Added the ability to group and ungroup items on the timeline
Added the ability to move (animate) any type of media on the timeline over time
Added the ability to set the background canvas color from the Editing Dimen-sions dialog
Added the ability to modify the visual properties of media on the timeline
Added the ability to rotate any media along the X, Y, or Z axis, and to animate the rotation over time
Added the ability to resize any media and to animate the change in size over time
Added Visual Effects including Drop Shadow, Colorize, and Border
Added the ability to apply visual effects to any media on the timeline
Added the ability to adjust Drop Shadow distance, direction, opacity and blur
Added the ability to apply colorize effect to any media and adjust the amount of colorize applied
Added the ability to apply a border to any media and adjust the color and thickness of the border
Added the ability to directly manipulate media items in the Canvas (Preview Window)
Added snap guidelines in the Canvas to help align media objects
Added the ability to move media from one visual layer to another on the timeline
Added the ability to have generic multimedia tracks instead of dedicated audio, video, pip, callout, etc. tracks
all new themed content in the Library, including music, graphics, animations, titles, and lower thirds designed to match
Added a new callout style called Glow
Added new callout shapes with text
Added new callout lines and arrows
Added new sketch motion callout shapes
Added new pixelate callout
Added the ability to have markers on the timeline as well as having markers locked to a clip or group
Added new transitions and enhanced existing transitions
Added the ability to change the name of tracks on the timeline
Added the ability to change the duration of an animation lead-in time
Added the ability to change the clip speed by directly dragging the clip on the timeline
Added the ability to have blank space between media on the timeline
Added a custom color picker option to the border and fill options of the Callout view and Visual Properties view
Added a slider to easily adjust track heights
Added the ability to apply audio volume leveling and noise removal to individual audio clips
Added an option to show and hide the marker and quiz trays
Added an indicator to the horizontal timeline scroll bar to show where the playhead is located in relation to your viewing area
Added true or false question type to quizzes
Added the ability to have quizzes work on
Added a quiz reporting framework to allow quizzing results to be sent automatically without the quiz taker needing to send an e-mail
Added the ability to assign a hotkey for adding a quiz
Added an option to "Use GPU acceleration if available" in Tools > Options dialog
Added TechSmith Smart Player to support both Flash and HTML5 when producing to the MP4 file --Added the ability to choose different designs for the playback controls of the TechSmith Smart Player
Added the ability for viewers who are using an iPhone to use the TechSmith Smart Player iOS app to playback content with interactive features
Added the ability to include image thumbnails with Table of Contents entries
Added additional product key validation to the product
Enhanced the Zoom options to support multiple track video editing
Enhanced the way transitions work so that it does not add time to the duration of your timeline or productions
Enhanced the video dimension options in the custom production path
Updated the quiz creation process
Updated the Welcome Window to have more links to more information on the web
Updated the Sync Captions workflow format, ensuring video playback on multiple devices and browsers
Updated the video production presets available to enhance support for mobile devices
Updated product installation: Now using WIX technology
Updated product branding and logos
Improved the editing playback performance to handle larger dimension videos and higher video playback frame rates
Modified the AutoSave interval to be 2 minutes by default
Modified the default duration of transitions to be one second
Modified Title Clips by moving them to the Library tab
Improved the options from the Tools > Options dialog
Fixed an issue that would cause mouse trails to appear in the post recording preview window when recording with certain video codecs
Removed the camv, rm, FLV, and SWF production formats because MP4 is a more widely supported format with better quality
Removed certain options during production: the ability to embed an AVI into HTML, to manage WMV profiles, to remove callout fades, and to change the zoom and pan speed to instant because these options are no longer relevant
Removed Camtasia Theater from the installation of Camtasia Studio
Removed the Pack and show tool
24 May, 2011: Camtasia Studio v7.1.1 Maintenance Release
Fixed an issue that would cause some of the installer screens to have truncated text when using a higher DPI setting on Windows
Addressed an issue that would cause ʺError 1722ʺ to appear during installation of Camtasia Studio
Camtasia Studio
Improved the Undo/Redo actions and reliability for Captioning and Speech to Text options
Fixed some text label truncation on the Flash Options page for production
Fixed some application crashing when working in the Captions tab
Improved the reliability of uploading to You Tube
Fixed some crashing and failed production possibilities when having clips of different audio and video length on the timeline
Fixed an issue with captions being always displayed if produced when in the captions tab
Fixed an issue with the iPad production preset not producing at the correct dimensions
Fixed an issue when using ftp:// in a hotspot would not work when producing and sharing to
Fixed an issue with captions moving on the timeline when zooming in on the timeline view
Fixed an issue where the PIP would not be included when producing to the iPad preset
Fixed an issue that could cause ʺrtfʺ to be displayed in productions that have captions and that are also used in Camtasia Theater
Addressed an issue that could cause projects with many callouts to not produce or crash Camtasia Studio
Fixed an issue with Keystroke Callouts not working properly when the product language version doesn't match with the keyboard input language
Fixed an issue that could cause callouts to mistakenly rotate after resizing them
Fixed an issue that could cause the cursor to disappear after creating a cursor keyframe
Fixed an issue that would cause playback to not work when double-byte characters are used with ʺoverlay controlsʺ output in non-IE browsers
Fixed an issue that would cause projects from Camtasia Studio 5.0 or earlier with PPT camrecs with audio to display a waveform but not have any audio
Modified the default state of the ʺUse manual noise selectionʺ option in the Advanced area of the Audio tab
Fixed an issue that could cause captions to not be shown in the preview window after cutting and then pasting it on the timeline as well as when exiting the caption view
Adjusted the default state of the manual noise removal button to better show the intended behavior when using the noise removal feature
Fixed some preview problems with projects containing clip speed effects being upgraded from earlier versions of Camtasia Studio
Fixed an issue that could cause users to see a table of contents when producing to even when no table of contents is present in the production
Improved the Upload to YouTube reliability
Fixed an issue with the non-functioning feature of launching in a new browser window behavior with hotspots
Addressed a cross site scripting security issue in produced SWF files
Camtasia Recorder
Added an option to have the entire recording area shown by a rectangle instead of just defining the corners
Fixed an error message that would reference a menu option that is not
available in the Recorder application
Camtasia Theater
Adjusted the ability to begin playback by clicking on the first item in the TOC
12 October 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.1.0
* Added the ability to have your content searchable when produced and uploaded to including screen text from PowerPoint, Caption text or Table of Contents text
* Added improved support for files coming from Camtasia Relay
* Added TUDI (TechSmith User Design Initiative) functionality
* Added support to the TSCC video codec for 64-bit operating systems
Camtasia Studio
* Added the ability to import and export caption files including SRT, SMI formats
* Added automatic captioning capability with speech to text ability
* Updated the capabilities of captions to function more like callouts
* Improved the manual caption workflow to allow sequentially appended captions
* Improved the callout and caption interaction so that callouts will no longer block captions in produced video
* Added the ability to customize the font size, color and type within captioning as well as the background color and basic text editing capabilities
* Improved and fixed many items related to adjusting clip speed on the timeline
* Added a new Flash controller in production options
* Updated the Flash options page for Flash format productions
* Added a new iPad production and editing preset
* Addressed some memory leaks that could cause Camtasia Studio to become unresponsive or crash
* Addressed an issue that could cause projects with many callouts to not produce or crash Camtasia Studio
* Fixed an issue with Keystroke Callouts not working properly when the product language version doesn't match with the keyboard input language
* Fixed an issue with large MP4 files creating a blank thumbnail in the clip bin and a "No codec" error when added to timeline
* Fixed an issue that could cause a Table of Contents error when uploading to even when no Table of Contents is used
* Fixed an issue that could cause Camtasia Studio to crash when signing into through the production wizard and no Internet connection is available
* Fixed an issue with batch production of camrec files with system audio to MP4 could result in no audio in produced file
* Addressed an issue that could cause video artifacting when producing to the MOV format with the EnSharpen video codec
* Addressed an issue that would cause markers for PPT slides to be a few frames later than they should be on the timeline
* Fixed an issue that could cause the transparency setting for callouts to be reset incorrectly between projects
Camtasia Recorder
* Fixed an issue that could cause Camtasia Recorder to crash when stopping the recording
* Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect "Not enough disk space" error message in Recorder when starting the recording process
* Addressed an issue that could cause a cursor to not get recorded when choosing to record to the AVI file format instead of a camrec file
* Added the Hide Recorder command line option back into Recorder
6 July 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.0.1
* Fixed an issue that would cause the silent uninstall option to hang at the point of uninstalling the Library
* Fixed an issue that would cause an Error: "The procedure entry pointCamSetAudioLoopback could not be located message during installation
* Added links in the Help file to related videos hosted on
* Added links in the Help file to related PDF documents hosted on
* Updated the Get help with Camtasia Studio 7 help page
Camtasia Studio:
* Fixed an issue with the background color selected during production not showing up properly in the produced output
* Fixed an issue that would cause different results in Voice Narration from audio track 1 to audio track 2
* Fixed an issue with shorter duration recordings with the same name that could cause a corrupt .camproj file
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Produce Selection As... action to not have correct Table of Contents locations in the produced video
* Fixed an issue that would cause premature ending of clips when using the split at markers option and producing to the FLV file format
* Fixed an issue that would cause productions to to have incorrect dimensions
* Fixed an issue that could cause productions to fail before completion or cause Camtasia Studio to crash during production
* Fixed an issue that would cause problems with Cursor Effects sound effects and multiple files based on markers in production
* Fixed an issue with Cursor Effects that would cause strange artifacts in the user interface or cause Camtasia Studio to crash
* Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to be out of sync with the video when using the Clip Speed effect
* Fixed an issue that would cause an incorrect cursor to be displayed when using a color depth setting lower than 32-bit
* Fixed an issue that could cause a "No Codec" error message when some DirectShow filters are not properly registered on the system
* Fixed an issue that could cause a clip to be moved on the timeline when selecting multiple clips with the shift key
* Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to overlap on the timeline when adjusting the duration of a title clip
* Fixed an issue that could cause the audio playback to not properly show the correct timeline information from the Voice Narration view
* Fixed an issue in batch production that would indicate that files do not have audio even though they do
* Improved some error messaging about unnecessary characters when uploading to during production
* Fixed an issue that would cause produced file sizes to be larger in version 7 than they were in previous versions when using the MP4 file format
* Fixed an issue that would cause non-admin users get a No Codec error when using MP3 files from the Library
* Fixed an issue that would cause projects with many callouts to fail during production
Camtasia Recorder:
* Fixed an issue that would cause the incorrect help topic to be displayed for the hotkeys and program options in the Tools window
* Fixed an issue that would cause Camtasia Recorder to crash when stopping a recording
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Resource Allocation Failed message
* Fixed an issue that would cause an Audio file open failed message when ending a recording
30 March 2010: Camtasia Studio v7.0.0
* Added support for some Windows 7 features
* Updated tool tips and messages within the application with more informative information
Camtasia Studio:
* Added the Library and included some Library assets provided by DigitalJuice
* Added Cursor Effects
* Added Sketch Motion callouts
* Added some new callout shapes
* Added the ability to rotate callouts to any angle
* Added Keystroke Callouts
* Updated the workflow when producing to through the Production Wizard
* Added the ability to copy and paste items on the timeline
* Removed the Task List and replaced it with tabs for each feature area removing the “OK” and “Cancel” options on each feature area view
* Modified the Project Settings window with more descriptive options
* Modified the SmartFocus option to allow the option to be applied to a single clip or the entire timeline
* Updated SmartFocus to have more accuracy when creating a zoom or pan keyframe
* Added the ability to adjust audio levels directly on the timeline
* Improved the ability to record system audio on many computers
* Addressed an issue with Voice Narration being unavailable on some systems with Realtek audio hardware
* Added the ability to make more precise adjustments to audio on the timeline
* Added a Getting Started sample project
* Improved the handling of various source files, especially .MP4, that would give a “No codec available” message
* Improved the performance of the timeline after many cuts and edits were completed
* Changed the playhead and added a different way to set in and out points for editing and making selections on the timeline
* Improved the reliability of hotspots in a produced video
* Made some adjustments in the Title Clip view
* Added the ability to upload .MP4 files with the FTP option
* Addressed an issue that would cause a flicker to appear after adding a zoom and pan key frame and then creating a split in the video sometime after that keyframe
* Addressed an issue that would cause audio to be cut off or distorted in longer recordings
* Addressed an issue that would a “file has changed on disk” message to
* show when moving a project from one computer to another
* Addressed an issue with production settings not being remembered from production to production
* Addressed an issue that would cause the video to jump back a few
* frames when reaching the end of playback in the Flash format
* Addressed an issue that would cause audio enhancements to not be applied to .FLV format productions
* Improved memory handling to avoid the “Out of memory” error message when adding many items to the timeline
* Improved the “Go to frame” behavior of Flash hotspot formatted productions
Camtasia Recorder:
* Made some UI adjustments to help indicate camera and microphone states
* Improved the recording efficiency to achieve higher frame rates
* Added a program task bar item while Recorder is recording
* Improved the post recording work flow to make it easier to edit a recording
* Fixed an issue with .camrec files recorded without audio would contain a blank audio clip
* Removed the Recovery.exe tool and added recording recovery directly into Camtasia Recorder
25 August 2009: v6.0.3 Maintenance Release
* Updated the End User License Agreement
Camtasia Studio:
* Added an additional component to allow productions from Camtasia for Mac to work on the Camtasia Studio Timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause some .MP4 files to not work properly on the Timeline on the Windows 7 operating system.
* Fixed an issue with .MP4 produced files so that they work better with QuickTime and also with Camtasia for Mac.
* Fixed an issue that would cause audio and video to become out of sync when placed on the PiP track.
* Fixed an issue with audio enhancements being ignored in projects that were created in previous versions of Camtasia Studio.
* Fixed an issue that could cause some MP4 produced files with title clips or images in them to look bad when played back in QuickTime.
Camtasia Recorder:
* Fixed an issue that could cause Recorder to crash on start-up.
31 March 2009: v6.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Added back the ability to produce a .FLV file.
* Added the ability to set the keyframe interval for .FLV and .MP4 file productions.
* Fixed an issue that would cause .MP4 production settings to not be correctly utilized for productions using PIP video.
* Fixed an issue with dropping a transition over an existing transition causing a loss of sync between the Video 1 and PIP tracks.
* Fixed an issue that could cause quizzes to appear twice during the playback.
PPT Add-in:
* Fixed an issue that would cause an audio/video sync issue for some recordings with both audio and video.
* Improved error handling.
* Improved the recording performance with applications with layered windows.
6 January 2009: v6.0.1 Maintenance Release
* Added the ability to include and edit .MP4 files on the timeline.
* Added the ability to include and edit TechSmith video .SWF files on the timeline.
* Added a short-cut key for a "Play from beginning" control in the Editor preview window.
* Added a Help menu option in Editor to allow online registration of the product after it has been purchased.
* Added the Audio Setup dialog into Camtasia Recorder.
* Added an option to change the key frame interval for MP4 productions.
* Added an option for changing from a bit rate encoding setting for MP4 to a quality encoding setting for MP4 productions.
* Fixed an issue where Zoom and Pan keyframes would not be carried across splits or extended frames when placed just before the split.
* Fixed an issue with undo requiring multiple steps to undo a single step when using a hotkey for transitions or callouts.
* Fixed an issue in Record Camera and Voice Narration where a blank frame would added.
* Fixed an issue in iTunes production settings where some settings would get reset at the wrong time.
* Fixed an crash that would be caused by producing to the .MP4 format with a 2 frame per second video setting.
* Fixed an issue where a first frame file was being generated when it should not be.
* Fixed an issue where the preview window in Editor would not correctly display the project dimensions when switching between projects.
* Fixed an issue where the produce project location would update to be the same as a zipped project location after the project was exported.
* Fixed an issue with auto-save not working when moving a project from Windows XP to Windows Vista or from Windows Vista to Windows XP.
* Fixed an issue where audio production options would be available although there was no audio on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause an inaccurate message to appear when cancelling production while producing to the .MP4 file format.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the playback in the preview window to stop or start playing when toggling the Shrink TO Fit setting.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the plug-in to not allow a different log in to be used during the production process.
* Removed the verification field for e-mail address from the log in process.
* Added the system tray icon to be displayed during the upload process to
* Fixed an issue when choosing a single video with TOC template would cause callouts not to be shown in the produced video.
* Fixed some indexing issues in the AVI file format that could cause unexpected editing results, incomplete productions or corrupt projects.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a very large duration for Title Clips.
* Fixed an issue that would cause PiP clips to be placed at the start of the timeline instead of where it was supposed to be placed.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the first frame to not be displayed correctly on
* Fixed an issue that would cause the last folder used would not be recalled and used correctly when uploading to
* Fixed an issue that would cause cuts on the timeline to not behave as expected.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the preview window title to not update correctly after multiple undo steps.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the audio clips to stop responding to move commands on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the Upload to FTP feature to not work as expected.
* Fixed an issue when making certain selections on the timeline would not respond correctly when trying to zoom in on the timeline view.
* Fixed an issue with the option to "Auto-extend last video frame" would not be properly enabled.
* Fixed an issue with an incorrect video frame being displayed after adding a clip to the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when choosing to change the production dimensions when using the MP4/SWF format.
* Fixed some program crashes that were related to some conflicting files from other software vendors.
* Fixed an issue that would cause callouts to be placed in the improper locations in a produced file.
PPT Add-in:
* Fixed an issue where you would receive an out of date .camproj file when recording from the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed an issue with the Minimize to system tray setting did not react to the user setting.
* Fixed an issue where the ALT+SPACE+N shortcut would not minimize the Recorder application.
* Added the functionality of the Effects tool bar opening when using the ScreenDraw hotkeys.
* Fixed an issue with some Recorder effects not being able to be turned on while recording.
* Added an option to change whether a video is added to the timeline and clip bin when choosing to edit after recording.
* Fixed an issue with the Capture, Tools and Help menus being truncated when the Recorder is placed above the selected area during recording.
* Added some text for when the mouse is hovered over the Recorder system tray icon.
* Fixed an issue where the Tools > Options menu in Recorder would not update correctly based on the system dpi setting.
* Fixed an issue with the recorder UI repositioning unexpectedly when recording Microsoft Excel.
* Fixed an issue where Recorder would not properly record applications when the preview window is undocked.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the record settings to not be retained between instances of Recorder.
What's New
Camtasia Studio 6 will slash your editing time, provide more editing control, and make you look great with HD-quality video.
Upgrade Now
Watch the What's New Video
What's New
Product Tour How does the software work and what can it do? Take the tour. How It's Used Camtasia Studio is used by millions. See stories & videos. Accessories Free templates and related applications. View downloads. Getting Started Free video tutorials and illustrated guides. Get started faster. Camtasia Relay Need screen recording for the whole team?
All dazzle. No hassle.
HD-quality video for the web
Produce videos for the web using the industry-leading H.264 format. [?] All the presets for web destinations default to an MP4 format that consists of an MPEG-4 AVC (H.264 AAC) file coupled with a Flash player. That means you get HD-quality; the smallest file size possible; and ubiquitous playback, on any platform, within any Flash-enabled browser. No tweaks or technospeak, just sparkling HD-quality video with compact file sizes...every single time. Two existing production presets (blog and web) and three new presets (YouTube, HD display, and take advantage of the new format.
I used to spend hours showing my students how to get small videos that retained their high quality. Now Camtasia Studio 6 does this automatically—right out of the box! –Chris Austin,
Fewer do-overs
Independent audio & video editing
When recording audio and video at the same time, it's hard to be perfect. So we've made it easier to fix mistakes. Simply decouple the audio and video tracks to edit them independently. And move audio clips between (and along) tracks to line everything up perfectly. Bottom line: fewer retakes and less time spent on editing.
Take a shortcut
Editing hotkeys
Reduce editing time on large projects by 30% or more [?] Based on studies conducted by the TechSmith user experience department. with seven customizable hotkeys. Want to add a callout to the current spot on the timeline? Just tap C on your keyboard. Need a transition? Hit T. The same goes for caption, zoom, marker, split, and extend frame. Become a lean, mean editing machine...and free up hours of your time.
The editor enhancements will definitely save you time (and money). –Ute Simon, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Use video from more sources
Edit MOV files
Got an .MOV video file from a digital camera or a previous project? Bring it into Camtasia Studio and edit it on the timeline. Any self-contained .MOV file is fair game.
Better Audio
Get some perspective
3D tilt effect
Apply the new tilt effect to your videos and they'll really pop! By bringing some things closer to the viewer and putting other things in the background, you'll not only grab'll also direct it effectively.
WOW. Tilt is really a great effect to move us from two dimensions to life-like three dimensions. Really adds depth to my videos. – Bob Chambers, president, FrontierGold Corporation
Nail your timing
Finer control over effects
Control the duration of transitions and callout fades with ultimate precision...right down to a tenth of a second. Perfect timing is a beautiful thing.
Web sharing made easy
Better Audio preset
We created to make it dead simple to get videos from Camtasia Studio to the web. With the new preset, you can now direct content into the sharing folder of your choice. Don't have a account? We'll give you one free! (2GB storage; 2GB monthly bandwidth; never expires.)
I LOVE the new recorder. It's simple, efficient, and puts all the options in one window. –Aanarav Sareen, screencaster
Get a jump on recording
Better Audio
Rebuilt Recorder
The new Camtasia Recorder remembers the dimensions and locations of your last recording, so you can start your next one faster…and stay consistent. We've also added a convenient full-screen recording button. And there's an option to launch Camtasia Recorder at startup, so you can record an impromptu screencast–anytime!–with a touch of the F9 key.
15 April 2008: Camtasia Studio 5.1.0
* Added a production option for Apple's iPod Touch/iPhone devices.
* Added the ability to zoom in/out on the timeline using CTRL + mouse-wheel when editing.
* Added an option for producing to ExpressShow for FLV files.
* Updated the minimum version of QuickTime requirement to be version 7.2.0 or later.
* Modified the workflow of adding and working with Callouts.
* Added an enhanced shading option for callouts.
* Addressed an issue that would cause some users to get a Flash install error when installing the product on Windows Vista.
* Updated the QuickTime MOV defaults to use H.264 + AAC
* Updated and modified the Camtasia Theater application for improved workflow and options.
* Added the ability to have an Audio 3 track on the timeline.
* Added the ability to edit Camtasia Relay content if the Camtasia Relay Client Recorder is installed on the system.
* Added a Highlighter callout as an option.
* Added a Spotlight callout as an option.
* Fixed an issue that would show an error message when recording to AVI and pausing the recording.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the Recorder UI to be the wrong size when restoring from a minimized state from the task bar.
* Fixed an issue when resizing the timeline in a secondary monitor would show strange results.
* Fixed an issue where users were able to switch to storyboard view while in the Record Camera view.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the "Fast Start" option to not work when producing to the Apple QuickTime MOV format.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the aspect ratio settings to be affected when using the floating TOC option with an ExpressShow production template.
* Fixed an issue when producing and selecting the "Include PPT File" option with Office 2007 would cause the file to not work properly if uploaded to
* Added a warning message when producing with the Blog production preset and you have a non-side-by-side PiP video on the timeline.
* Fixed an issue with producing using the Blog production preset and having a quiz on the timeline would create a cropped quiz.
* Updated the recording preset sizes to include 720x576 for support of PAL video standards.
* Fixed an issue where Hotspots would not work as expected when producing with an ExpressShow template.
* Fixed an issue where the second of two identical .camrec files on the timeline would not show video for the second file.
* Fixed an issue with the Quiz/Survey Reporting button not being available when producing with an ExpressShow template.
* Fixed an issue where Web Production presets would not allow overlaid captions and closed captions.
* Fixed a crash that would be caused when producing a Flash SWF format using 44.100kHz, stereo, 128kBits/sec.
* Fixed a security hole where a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack would be possible with a malicious URL passed to controller.swf.
* Fixed an issue where FLV productions would not display the Answers Summary page as expected.
* Fixed an issue where the send email button would not work with ExpressShow if Flash Player version 9,0,115 is installed.
* Fixed a crash that could occur if you changed transitions on the timeline using the context menu.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a Flash produced video with quizzing to restart at the beginning after pausing for the quiz.
* Fixed an issue When producing to WMV and selecting iPod as an additional output, the resulting iPod video may be missing a video track.
* Implemented a change so Callouts are reliably added to the Timeline based on cursor position.
* Fixed an option if "Minimize to system tray during recording" is unchecked then the Recorder UI should always display.
* Fixed an issue when captions are selected to display and overlay, the preset does not produce the captions in overlay.
23 January 2008: v5.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed a production crash that could occur at the end of production when producing to SWF with MP3 audio in version 5.0.1.
08 January 2008: v5.0.1 Maintenance Release
* Fixed an issue that could display "fatal error" during install on Windows Vista.
* Fixed an issue where the Audio VU meter was not working as it should with the Samson CO1U USB microphone.
* Fixed an issue that would cause audio to be recorded and not use the correct mono or stereo setting.
* Fixed a window focus issue with the main Recorder window.
* Added a new hotkey option for "Last Recording Area".
* Improved the method used to "Force popup dialogs into the recording area."
* Fixed an issue that would cause produced Flash SWF files with MP3 audio played in the the newest version of the Flash Player to sound garbled or have a high-pitched "chipmunk" sound to them.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Apple iPod produced files to fail when trying to transfer them to an iPod using Apple's iTunes with QuickTime 7.2 or later installed.
* Fixed an issue that would cause an iPod production created with the production presets to not upload to
* Fixed an issue that was causing uploads to use the name of the .camproj file instead of the output video name.
* Fixed an issue that would cause non-HTML output to not upload to properly.
* Fixed an issue where the Flash TOC link during production preset creation would display the incorrect settings tab.
* Fixed an issue where teh custom TOC dimensions would not be remembered for an ExpressShow production.
* Fixed an issue with some Polish characters not working correctly in Callouts, Captions and Title Clips.
* Fixed an issue with old projects imported into version 5 would have garbled audio.
* Fixed an issue with double clicking on a zoom-n-pan keyframe on the timeline would cause the keyframe to go to full screen.
* Fixed an issue with some Flash playback media not beginning playback on initial load in the browser.
* Fixed an issue with long .camrec files failing to produce and causing Camtasia Studio to lock up.
* Fixed an issue with F1 not launching help within the Production Preview Manager.
* Fixed an issue that was causing the PiP opacity slider to not respond properly when using a mouse scroll wheel.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a watermark to appear in the preview window after cancelling a production.
* Fixed an issue thatouwould cause custom callouts to not be imported correctly when importing a zipped project with custom callouts.
* Fixed an issue that would cause FTP profiles to disappear if production was cancelled.
* Fixed an issue with custom callout names getting messed up when selecting and deselecting items in the custom callout manager on Windows Vista.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the production wizard to act strangely when producing over a one hour WAV file.
* Fixed an issue in Voice Narration with timeline audio becoming silenced incorrectly.
* Fixed an issue that would cause callouts to become fixed in size in certain combinations of callout and captions use as well as scaling the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Hotspots to not work as expected when used in ExpressShow productions.
* Fixed an issue in Title Clips that would cause the green resize rectangle to disappear after adding a video to the timeline.
* Fixed an issue that would cause FLV productions created with Split at Markers to not seek properly during playback.
* Fixed an issue that was causing zoom keyframes to not be placed on the timeleine after extending a frame in a zoomed clip.
Audio Editor
* Fixed a crash that would occurr when trying to open a PNG file in Audio Editor.
Powerpoint Add-In
* Added an option to turn off/on the ability to record layered windows with the PowerPoint Add-in.
* Fixed an issue where the video controls would be obscured by the scroll bar in the produced video.
New in Camtasia Studio 5
Streamlined recorder for swifter capture
The streamlined Camtasia Recorder makes selecting an area to record both fast and easy. There's just one button, no confusing choices. And the clever, new crosshairs makes it child's play to select a region, object, window, or the whole screen.
SmartFocus: freedom to capture now, decide later
Mini Cooper demoDon't worry about the final product, just relax and record your whole screen. Camtasia SmartFocus keeps track of where the action happens during your recording. It automatically creates editable zoom-n-pan points that keep the important parts visible with razor-sharp clarity...even if you produce the video for iPod-sized screens. Fully automatic, very freeing. You've never seen anything like this.
ExpressShow: sleek Flash + simpler sharing
Kiss supporting files goodbye. TechSmith ExpressShow creates a single, beautiful Flash SWF file that can be easily embedded into any Web site, blog, or multimedia project. With a glossy thumbnail image, full-screen playback option, and floating table of contents, this is Flash video that makes you look good. Very good.
Predictable, surgically precise editing
Predictable, surgically precise editingCamtasia Studio 5 projects are now edited at 30 frames per second. With more frames to choose from, it’s easier to cut—and keep—precisely what you want, and with greater project stability.
Easy output for bloggers
FTP Settings
Camtasia Studio 5 lets bloggers record and publish to, and blog about it in minutes. Or using the built-in FTP support, moving videos to your own server can be just as painless.
An experience you can count on
Project Settings
Now with Project Settings and an accurate preview, you can edit your video and see exactly what it will look like before you produce it. And the new AutoSave protects your edits in the event of a crash.
18 July 2007: v4.0.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed a crash during the initialization of the plug-in which prevents the automatic updating of the plug-in on some systems.
* Improved detection of sound cards capable of recording speaker audio.
* Fixed an issue where side-by-side PIP may stop playing unexpectedly.
* Fixed a timeline update issue which could cause project corruption when transitions were used on the timeline.
* Fixed a problem on Vista where a CAMREC on the timeline may report a framerate of 0fps.
17 October 2006: Camtasia Studio 4.0.0
* Camtasia Studio now uses the Microsoft .MSI install package
* Added the ability to extract .camrec file contents from the right-click context menu in the Windows Explorer.
* Added the ability have Camtasia Player show up as an option in the "Open With" context menu in the Windows Explorer.
* Added the option to the installation to have the Adobe Flash ActiveX control installed if it is not detected.
* Added the installation of the LAME mp3 codec as part of the program installation.
* Allowed the ability to install Camtasia Studio 4.0 on a system without overwriting an earlier version of Camtasia Studio already installed.
* Made audio recording input more consistent across the applications of Camtasia Studio.
* Implemented a check and fix for unregistered DirectShow filters on launch of Camtasia Studio.
* Added an "Audio Setup Wizard" to all places where audio can be set-up.
* Updated the main UI of Recorder to make the recording settings more accessible.
* Fixed problem with recording volume not being maintained from one recording session to another.
* Updated an error message when using ">" characters in a saved file name.
* Added a new Windows Media profile to the Advanced path through the production wizard.
* Added integration to at the end of production.
* Added the ability to have the Flash Player installation link show on the included produced HTML wrapper for Flash productions.
* Fixed problem of incorrect information being shown when using a custom production profile.
* Included some "factory installed" custom production profiles for popular production paths.
* Changed the default "Percent of main movie to preload" setting to be lower than 50%.
* Fixed problem where using relative paths on the last page of the production wizard would prevent productions.
* Fixed problem where using the callout "Keep aspect ratio" setting would cause incorrect scaling.
* In the Title Clip and Callout views, made the text color chooser more friendly.
* Fixed an issue where mp3 audio would lag the video by several seconds in produced Flash SWF files.
* Improved the Caption efficiency when working with very long videos.
* Added a "Click here to begin recording" tip in Camtasia Recorder.
* Added the ability to "Save Audio As..." an mp3 from the File menu.
* Fixed a silent crash when attempting MOV productions with QuickTime 5 installed.
* Added a yes/no option to choose whether PPT slide notes are imported as captions when coming from a recording using the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed problem when dragging callouts to "higher" tracks would not change the z-order.
* Added the ability to allow a selection in Zoom and Callout list views.
* Added the ability to drag a zoom-n-pan point on the timeline.
* Added the ability to produce an .MP3 and/or .M4V file during production.
* Improved the waveform drawing time when coming from PPT using the PPT Add-in.
* Added the ability to allow selections on the timeline to be maintained and modified when in the Modify PiP view.
* Added the option for the timeline to "Zoom to maximum" in the View menu.
* Fixed problem with unexpected behavior when using Undo in the Zoom-n-Pan view.
* Added ability to have a frame automatically extend while performing Voice Narrations.
* Added an Apple iPod production option.
* Fixed an issue with the last custom Zoom-n-Pan point was not retained.
* Fixed problem where options in Voice Narration would be incorrectly disabled.
* Added the option to "Size Callout to text" in the Callouts view.
* Fixed problem with Captions may be added at a random spot on the timeline.
* Added support for Flash SWF audio at 44100hz.
* Added support for allowing a "Split" during a callout on the timeline.
* Fixed a tab focus issue on the timeline.
* Fixed repaint issue when switching from Storyboard to Timeline.
* Added support for saving custom production profiles in the file system instead of the registry. This allows ease of sharing the profiles.
* Fixed <Shift + F10> not bringing up the context menu.
* Added real time preview of Flash controller options in the Flash Sizing dialog.
* Added ability to produce only current selection on the timeline.
* Fixed output sizing problems when PiP video was bigger than video on track 1.
* Added ability to automatically number TOC items.
* Fixed some productions not retaining some settings when using Legacy SWF output template.
* Removed option to "Save video rendered to this point?" option for MOV productions.
* Added new metadata dialog for Project Properties.
* Reorganized and simplified first page of the Production Wizard.
* Allow producers to target specific versions of the Flash Player.
* Added button to "Remove Selected" in Batch Production.
* Fixed issue with "Match loading movie size to main movie size" for preloaders.
* Fixed issue with TOC items in multi-file Flash productions would not auto highlight during playback.
* Added "Remove Unused Clips" to Clip Bin context menu.
* Fixed files being left behind when cancelling a Flash production.
* Fixed Marker names with apostrophe turning into double quotes in the produced output.
* Added a new Blur Callout.
* Fixed file type not working properly in File > Save Frame As....
* Updated Timeline context menus with appropriate options.
* Fixed changes in Flash Audio tab not enabling the Apply button.
* Added option to preview production settings and a way to manage those previewed productions.
* Fixed problem with Legacy SWF productions not remembering controls settings from production to production.
* Fixed problem with having two "." at the end of a project name resulting in Internet Explorer error.
* Improved folder creation in batch production of Flash SWF files.
* Fixed problem with WMV/AVI multi-file productions with a TOC would not highlight TOC items appropriately.
* Added user controlled "Closed Caption" option to Flash productions with captions.
* Fixed problem with Title Clips not being exported with a project.
* Fixed problem using "%" in produced FLV files would result in FLV productions not working.
* Improved default numbering of callouts.
* Fixed problem of audio information not being present in Production Results page for Flash productions.
* Consolidated production progress status bars for all production types.
* Fixed problem with elapsed time display for Flash productions when duration is over 1 hour.
* Fixed problem with Flash Hot Spot at the beginning of the timeline not working in produced Flash SWF.
* Fixed problem with Flash Hot Spot at end of timeline could cut off last 0.5 seconds of produced video.
* Added option to show Marker Name dialog automatically when adding markers.
* Fixed problem with audio control always showing in productions with no audio.
* Changed Flash file size info to show in MB instead of KB.
* Fixed problem with an endless loop when going through the Recommend My Settings option in production and modifying the settings.
* Fixed issue of unnecessarily scaling down videos in Flash productions.
* Fixed problem with using Title Clips in Batch Production.
* Changed the Legacy SWF production template to not include the controller by default.
* Fixed display issue in Info box for Flash SWF/FLV productions.
* Fixed problem with incorrect Flash template being selected when modifying a "Web" production.
* Fixed the background color option not showing in Flash templates.
* Fixed problem with marking an in point would remove a callout.
* Added warning message that side-by-side production is not allowed with non-flash productions.
* Fixed tab order issues in Title Clip view.
* Fixed problem of not being able to drag a Title Clip to the timeline.
* Added message to disallow Flash productions with a TOC that are too small.
* Added ability to split productions based on Markers for Flash output.
* Added support for custom TOC width for Flash productions.
* Fixed problem with audio cutting out early in Flash productions.
* Improved Flash end frame actions.
* Added ability to drag exported .zip project files to be added to the clip bin from Windows Explorer.
* Modified the Quiz answers to not be saved in the Flash Player cache.
* Added the ability to have survey type questions in the Flash Quiz which are not scored as part of the overall quiz.
* Fixed potential crash when undoing an action while editing an answer during the creation of a quiz.
* Fixed quizzes not including scores in e-mailed results.
PowerPoint Add-in:
* Added a Help button to the PPT Add-in toolbar.
* Added an option to ask to continue recording when the PPT presentation ends.
* Added a link to the Task List to access the PPT Add-in.
* Added a balloon tip indicating to start PPT recording by clicking the record button in the PPT Add-in.
* Added a "PPT Help Guide" as a default PPT presentation for first time users of the PPT Add-in.
* Added a VU meter to the "Recording Paused" window in the PPT Add-in.
* Fixed problem with audio devices not muting correctly when switching in the PPT Add-in.
* Modified the Web cam preview to toggle to record the camera when the preview window is selected to be shown.
* Fixed problem with flashobject.js file not being included with MenuMaker created menus.
* Added ability to customize the TOC width in the main UI.
* Added ability to re-order list items by dragging and dropping prior to menu creation.
v3.1.2 Maintenance Release
* Fixed an issue for Flash output where the current playing clip highlight in the TOC would not update correctly when producing multiple files based on markers.
* Fixed an issue where SCORM 1.2 output was not correctly communicating and reporting status with an LMS.
* Fixed an issue that would cause the space bar to be tracked as a play command when filling out a Flash quiz during produced playback.
* Fixed an issue when selecting pause at start for Flash production and not using a preloader would not pause.
* Fixed an issue that would cause some Flash produced files to require a browser refresh before they would properly play back.
New in Camtasia Studio 3.1.1
More Options for Customization and Compatibility
The latest version of Camtasia Studio includes several features that make it easier than ever to customize and share your videos and presentations, including:
* Option to Split Long Timelines into Multiple Movies
* Support for SCORM 2004
* More Flash Playback Bars
* XHTML-Compliant Production Files