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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Aspect


* bilinear resize filer is now default for avs scripts
* when opening d2v projects containing multiple files, open second one for preview
* cosmetic changes
* updated documentation


* correct duration representation (show zeroes instead of blanks)
* duration retrieval for vobs disabled by default
* zero duration doesn't cause exception
* more accurate duration retrieval function
* crop and resize in one operation in avs scripts
* fixed key events processing in avs dialog
* fixed bilinear and lanczos resize parameters in avs scripts


* duration retrieval from video files
* showmessage replaced with messagedlg where possible
* updated autocrop function
* updated xp manifest file


* added dgindex project files (d2v) support
* added avisynth script generation out of d2v files
* added autocrop function; it is rather basic (currently it strips vertical bars only) and slow at the moment, but hopefully will save you some keystrokes/clicks :)
* two-state preview button
* removed divx3 bitrate calculation (obsolete)
* updated hint display function
* cropping values are now flushed before resetting image
* regrouped items in size popup menu
* updated documentation
* installer won't overwrite existing aspect2.ini


* show credits in about dialog
* updated hint display function and fixed hint behaviour (hints of child windows were shown in main window title as well)
* re-enabled frame skipping option
* added selector hints
* updated installer program (to latest innosetup 5.1.5) and installation script
* updated documentation (rewritten/recompiled with LaTeX)


* smoother forward operation ("Ctrl"+"/" playback without frame skipping)
* "reset cropping values" menu item inactive when there is nothing to reset
* read fps from vob/mpeg2
* updated "autosize" function (under certain circumstances [src <> nil] could produce slightly oversized frames)
* updated (mostly rewritten) documentation


* image import support (*.png, *.bmp) added
* autosize function is now source-aware
* cropping related code changes:
o current frame/playback time is now displayed for opened video file
o added reset cropping values function, also cropping values are reset when source changes (or is reset)
o reset button in cropping dialog now restores initial image (instead of blanking it)
o changes in zoom function (should work correctly with small sizes now)
o more extensive check is done for user input values


* aspect ratio information retrieval from mpeg2 files
* better png support; added frame export to png
* modified keyboard events processing algorithm
* installation default aspect ratio is set to 16:9
* added "all files" filter to file open dialog; note, however, that only mpeg2 files are supported


* autogenerated default file name in save bitmap dialog
* smarter autosize function
* fixed: screen regeneration in cropping dialog when any Xx/Yy value was not an integer produced an error
* changes/fixes in keyboard controls in cropping dialog:
o [Del] remapped to [Ctrl]+[K]
o new key binding: [F] toggles full/quarter frame view mode
o fixed zoom in/out key binding behaviour in edit mode


* fixed: if file open action invoked from main window was cancelled, frame cropping dialog was displayed
* fixed: switching off the filter which resulted in empty resolutions list didn't regenerated the list
* updated installer


* updated mpeg2lib library included - vobs are now opened in share mode
* added 8-bit program icons for Win9x/Me
* autosize [Ctrl]+[*] and help [F1] keybindings added
* pressing [Ctrl]+[O] in the main window will bring file open and cropping dialogs in sequence
* returned value of show help function is now checked; in case of failure (most likely - acrobat reader is not installed) the reason which caused it will be reported


* first public release of pre-2.0 version

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