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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for AVStoMPEG

June 23
New Release – AVStoMPEG v13.2009.0622.0500
New features

* x264 Parameter thread-input has been added


* MediaInfo v0.7.17 is used now
* x264 r1170 is used now
* MP4Box v0.4.6-DEV (build 1 – Jun 19 2009) is used now


* Some bugs have been fixed
* Some x264 GUI controls have been changed

15 June
New Release – AVStoMPEG v13.2009.0610.0000
New features

Preview Dialog Windows

Two new labels have been added:

* These two labels show the needed time (in ms) to render the current frame.

MVTools v2.4.2

The following functions have been added:

* MSuper
* MAnalyse
* MCompensate
* MDeGrain3

RemoveGrain v0.9

The following functions have been added:

* Interleaved2Planar
* Planar2Interleaved


The following options have been added (as checkBoxes):

* Use AssumeTFF() before MCBob
* Use AssumeBFF() before MCBob

Scenes-List Filter

Two new filters have been added:

* VideoTypes
* AudioTypes

Compress Project Option

* d2v files, ffindex files and dga files will be compressed, too
* the files MSVCR80.dll, MSVCM80.dll must be installed on your system

x264 Encoding

A new dialog window has been added. This dialog window shows a bitrate graph while encoding a Project Filter Chain Preset with x264. It is available for encoding of Project Filter Chain Presets (via the context menu). The bitrate graph can be printed or saved as a emf, png, gif, jpg, tif or bmp file. Value pairs (frame, bitrate) can be exported to a text file. Values will be separated by tabulator.

Remove Selected Scene Button

If the user removes a scene from the Scenes List, AVStoMPEG will show a MessageBox to choose, if invalid encoded files should be automatically deleted and file assignments should be automatically restored.

SoundOut Plugin

* WavPack has been added
* Two new parameters have been added to the WAV format: "format", "peakchunck"

Import Avisynth Scripts

A context menu has been added: now you can remove single scripts from the list of imported scripts.


* System Tray Icon has been added. If the main window gets minimized, an icon will be shown in the system tray.
* bassAudioSource v2.4.3 has been added
* FFAudioSource v2.0 beta 8 has been added
* dfttest can be used together with MVTools


Bitrate Calculator

* The dialog window has been modified:
* some controls have been replaced by numericUpDown controls
* display of the movie length has been modified


* DePanEstimate version number has been set to v1.10.1
* DePan version number has been set to v1.10.1
* DePanInterleave version number has been set to v1.10.1
* DePanStabilize version number has been set to v1.10.1
* DePanScenes version number has been set to v1.10.1
* FFmpegSource version number has been set to v2.0 beta 8
* dfttest version number has been set to v1.6
* MPEG2Source version number has been set to v1.5.5


A lot of bugs have been fixed…

April 16
Bugfix Release: AVStoMPEG v13.2009.0416.0700

Bug fixes:

* QTSource: Avisynth script was not created correctly
* Last project was not automatically loaded in some cases

New features:

* QTSource: File Open Dialog Window will now show m4v files, too.

April 14
BIG Update available – AVStoMPEG v13.2009.0413.1000

New features

* x264 encoder Presets integrated, and Windows shutdown option added
* SoundOut export separately added
* dfttest v1.5 integrated
* Scenes-List Filter: Show only Checked Scenes and Transitions added


* FFmpegSource updated to v2.0 beta 6
* Resize: BlackmanResize and Spline64Resize integrated

and some other changes have been made, some improvements have been integrated and a lot of bugs have been fixed for this release.

March 30
BIG Update available – AVStoMPEG v13.2009.0330.0000, now with MPEG-4 H.264!

New features

* x264 encoder integrated (x264 is included in the Full Setup, installation is optional)
* AVCSource together with DGAVCIndex integrated (DGAVCDec is included in the Full Setup, installation is optional)
* MP4Box integrated (MP4Box is included in the Full Setup, installation is optional)


* HistogramAdjust updated to vMarch.13,2009
* Reform updated to vMarch.18,2009

and some Improvements and Bug fixes :-)

March 03
New Version available – AVStoMPEG v12.2009.0302.0100

QTInput/QTOutput Plugin v0.0.6 is now supported. The QTOutput part of this Plugin never worked correctly. Therefore QTOutput support has been removed now!

MCBob v0.3u3 (new unofficial MVTools v2.x version) is now supported. MCBob requires MVTools v2.x.

Deblock is not longer supported. It has been replaced by Deblock_QED v2008-08-18 (for MaskTools 2.x).

All newly added requirements (MCBob v0.3u3, MVTools v2.3.1, Deblock_QED v2008-08-18, MaskTools v2.0.36) are included in new the AVStoMPEG Full Setup.

New Version Available – AVStoMPEG v12.2009.0219.0300!

*If the user cancels adding a new scene to the Scenes List, only the last (incomplete) row will be removed from the Scenes List now.
* Sources Tab: If FFmpegSource Source Type is set to checked, AVISource Source Type is now automatically set to unchecked.
* Under certain circumstances the main window toolbar splitbutton menu item Insert Transition to Scenes List was enabled although it was not usable. This should be fixed now.
* MPEG2Source: d2v file parsing has been improved.
* MPEG2Source: If MediaInfo returned unusable value for FPS or Framecount, an Avisynth script was created to get these values. This requires a d2v file, which had not been created. The result: a MessageBox with an error message:-) This has been modified. If MediaInfo returns no values for FPS and Framecount, no values will be shown, but "-". The user has to create a d2v file anyway, if it is not available. After the d2v file has been created, the correct values will be shown.
* ImageSource: ImageWriter filenames will be created automatically now. The ImageWriter Tab has been modified. See screenshot below.
* ImageSource: ImageWriter saves image files, when the user assigns a new filter chain to the scene.
* ImageSource: If a new scene has been added to the Scenes List, the scenes list dropdown filter will now be updated.
* ImageWriter: Color Conversion before ImageWriter: ConvertToRGB24, Interlaced and matrix parameter values were not saved and not loaded. This has been fixed.
* Active Video Source listBox: The label Video above the Active Video Source listBox now additionally shows the amount of selected files.
* Active Audio Source listBox: The label Audio above the Active Audio Source listBox now additionally shows the amount of selected files.
* Scenes can now have only 1 frame.
* Scenes List context menu item Check/Uncheck selected Scene: If this context menu item has been clicked, the main window toolbar buttons will be properly enabled and disabled.

New Version available – AVStoMPEG v12.2009.0205.2200!

This is a massive update. This new version contains new features and a lot of bug fixes, indeed to many things to list them here. It took a lot of time to get it altogether, but I think it was worth the work. If you like AVStoMPEG, please go to the updated AVStoMPEG Homepage and consider a small Donation. This is your chance to support and encourage me to improve this software.

The full setup contains the following software:

* AVStoMPEG v12.2009.0205.2200 + The AVStoMPEG User’s Guide (pdf file)
* HC-Encoder v0.23 (optional installation)
* DGIndex v1.5.3 (optional installation)
* Avisynth v2.5.8 (optional installation)
* All Supported Avisynth Plugins (optional installation)
* Helix YUV-Codecs v1.2 (optional installation)

AVStoMPEG v10.2007.1223.2300 available!

Today, I decided to give you a Xmas present:-) I uploaded a new version of AVStoMPEG. This time you need to update your Avisynth Plugins, because support of MCBob (NNEDI version) has been added. The download links are below.

Here is the changelog:
Support for Avisynth script MCBob (unofficial "NNEDI" version) added (tab Deinterlacers on tab Filter Chain).
Support for Avisynth function SetMemoryMax added (tab Miscellaneous on tab Filter Chain).
New option use SetMemoryMax for Transitions added to tab Project.

Version updates
SoundOut version set to v1.1.1
Deblock version set to 1.4.9
HistogramAdjust version set to vDec.5.2007
Note: If you saved a Preset with old versions of these Plugins, the settings of those Plugins won't be loaded. If you really need these settings, you can edit the ini-file that belongs to the Preset (or assigned Filter Chain). The ini-file for Presets are in the project's subdirectory "Presets" and have a name of the form "Presetname.ini". You can find the filename of an ini-file for an assigned Filter Chain in the project's ini file. In this file there are Sections for every Scene and Transition of the form "Scene_xx". These Sections contain an entry Filename_Index. The ini-file of the Filter Chain you are looking for has the form: "Projectname_Filename_Index.ini". Open the ini-file and search the Section of the Plugin (Deblock or HistogramAdjust). This Section contains an entry "Version". Set the version number to the number above. The version number of SoundOut is located in the project's ini-file, because it is a Project option.
Scenes List and Filter Chain Presets
New entry to context menu added: View Avisynth Script

Preview Dialog Windows
New entry to context menu added: Save Screenshot
New Save Screenshot dialog window added with the option to set a filename for the screenshot.

Load Project
If a project to load has a wrong version number, the user can decide to continue the loading process or to cancel it.
New Project
When creating a new project, a Project Filter Chain Preset with name Source will be added.
This Preset contains no filters. It is just to compare other Presets with the source video.
The program icon has been added to all dialog windows.
SangNom: checkbox Interlaced in the groupbox Color Conversion after SangNom has been removed.
Avisynth Script Viewer dialog window is bigger now.
The value for overlap frames will now be checked, before a Transition will be added to the Scenes List.
Preview dialog window: For some resolutions the preview dialog window size was not appropriate.
SSIM: Avisynth script syntax
UserDefined1, UserDefined2: If UserDefined1 or UserDefined2 had more than 10 lines to load, the line order were messed up.
Some other fixes...

November 16
AVStoMPEG v10.2007.1114.0400 available!

Today, I uploaded a new version of AVStoMPEG. Because only the exe file has been changed, I decided to build an update setup file, too. If you have at least v10.2007.1011.1400 installed on your system, it is sufficient for you to download and install the update setup file. The AVStoMPEG Guide has been updated, too.


* Preview Global/Project Filter Chain Presets without comparison (click one of the two new buttons in the toolbar of the main window)
* New filter category: FPS Conversions
* New filters added to Tab FPS Conversions: AssumeFPS, AssumeScaledFPS, ConvertFPS, ChangeFPS
* Avisynth Script Viewer can be started from the context menu in the Global/Project Filter Chain Presets lists
* Avisynth Script Viewer contains now a button to export the shown script to file
* new program icon
* some small Bugfixes


I discovered a small bug. When you overwrite a (Global- or Project-) Filter Chain Preset, the source parameters are saved in the preset ini file, too. This can cause problems, when these presets are applied to another source file. I fixed this bug and uploaded the new version

AVStoMPEG v10.1011.1400 Uploaded!

After a long time of working on this software, I finally upload a new version. This is a whole new version of AVStoMPEG. I strongly recommend to update your installation to this version. To do this, uninstall your existing version before you install this. The new version is totally different:

* the registry is no longer used
* HD resolutions supported
* new Avisynth Plugins supported (FFmpegSource, SoundOut, AVSShock, FQSharp...)
* ability to save AVStoMPEG projects
* new preview windows
* CCEFront no longer necessary
* new scenes-list
* preview of transition-effects
* a lot more...

AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1227.0500

This Update has a lot of optimizations under the hood and a few bugfixes.

X-Mas Update! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1221.2200

Changes and Updates:

* removed Layer support
* DGIndex is now integrated into the MPEG2Source Tab
* Reform, Crop, AddBorders: Preview now with Grid
* UserDefined, SubtitleEx: some changes
* SSIM support completely changed
* lot of little GUI changes
* as usual fixed some bugs

AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1210.1240

changes in this version:

* ColorYUV, LimitedSharpen,...: some cosmetics
* ImageWriter: added all image types now (20 types): bmp, dds, ebmp, jpg, jpe, jpeg, pal, pcx, png, pbm, pgm, ppm, raw, sgi, bw, rgb, rgba, tga, tif, tiff), added matrix option for color conversion
* RGBAdjust: added Bias Offset, Gamma and Analyze options
* Deblock, SeeSaw, SPresso, SangNom, DeSpot, RGBAdjust: color conversions before and after now with matrix options
* BicubicResize is now Resize: BicubicResize (with parameters b and c), BilinearResize, LanczosResize, Lanczos4Resize, Spline16Resize, Spline36Resize, GaussResize (with parameter p) and PointResize now supported

New Version Online! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1205.0600:
Changes in this Version:

* Now you can extract a frame from the filtered video and save it as a Bitmap. To do this load a source video e.g. with AVISource and click the button "Preview whole video" in the toolbar. In the preview window you will see the "Save Frame". A click on this button will save a bitmap of the current frame in your Avisynth-Script location (see the screenshots below).

Changes in this Version (v8.2006.1129.0426):

* killed some bugs
* reorganized/revised some Avisynth Plugins
* added Tooltips to some Avisynth Plugin parameter controls, the HC-Encoder parameter controls and the CCEFront parameter controls
* added some parameters to the HC-Encoder tab (checkBoxes for Preview, Shutdown, Pulldown, LastIFrame, AutoGOP) and updated the built-in Matrix listBox.

Update Available! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1126.0847

In this new Beta I adjusted a few things and killed some bugs. You may recognize that I changed from RapidShare to Sendspace because it was to boring to wait for every download.

Bug fix Release! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1108.0306

I found a few stupid bugs in the Reform and the Crop/AddBorders Preview. After I fixed them I decided to release this new version without these bugs.

Update Available! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1106.0141

Two new Avisynth Plugins are now integrated: Grid and Reform (both by V.C. Mohan). The AddBorders Tab and the Crop Tab have now a Preview Button. This is not a full video preview but a simple preview just to see the proportions of the current parameter values. The Reform Plugin has a Preview button, too.

24 October
Big Update! AVStoMPEG v8.2006.1021.2330

After I killed a few more bugs and did some more updates I finally managed it to upload the two setup programs. Keep in mind that AVStoMPEG is still Beta!

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