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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for AVISynth UI

0.02 Dev2

Major Changes:
*The title bar now shows the open document and saved status
*AVISynth scripts are structured completely differently. For small projects, this is inneficient but I made the script generated as easy to edit as possible.
*Buttons now update live as you edit the script. If you have accidentally removed support for a specific function, only that function will be disabled
*Implemented a really buggy way to re-open your scripts you have made. This will be improved in the next version.
*The subtitler has been re-implemented now with a preview feature and a lot more options. In future versions this will have a preview of the actual video within it for review. Pre view size can also be changed. It also uses seconds rather than frames.
*The project properties dialog works, but only if you specify details before you use the dialog.

This is an early development version of AVISynth UI


This is not a completed version of the software. This is merely a very early pre release candidate to what will
be the final AVISynth UI Version 0.02.

Known bugs are listed below:

*the timeline won't draw
*On some occasions the com windows media component wont appear
*The script editor does not port the script correctly
*If AVI Files are of different sizes they will not work
*The subtitler does not open
*The audio mixer does not do anything (this has now been implemented but I couldn't be bothered to rebuild the application)
*The effects browser won't open

This development version (1) was aimed at making the file import system work correctly. The subtitling feature HAS
been removed but will be added again in the next development version along with the mixer, effects browser and the
external script editor.

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