This FAQ is several YEARS old but you might find some answers useful. :)

To search hit CTRL-F and search in this document.

Why VCD or SVCD or DVD?
How do I make a VCD, SVCD or DVD?
How do I play a VCD on my computer?
How do I play a SVCD on my computer?
How do I play a DVD on my computer?
How do I play a DivX on my computer?
How do I watch movies on the TV with the computer?
What standalone DVD Players can play VCDs?
What standalone DVD Players can play SVCDs?
What standalone DVD Players can play miniDVDs?
What standalone DVD Players can play XVCDs?
What standalone DVD Players can play DivXs?
Where do I download applications?
Where do I buy original VCD Movies?
Where do I buy original SVCD Movies?
Which MPEG Encoder is the best?
How can I take a screenshot from a VCD,DVD,DivX... video?
What do I do with these .rar,.r00,.r02 files?
How do I make VCD photo CD?
How do I make Karaoke VCD or DVD?
Can PS2 play VCD, SVCD, Mini-DVD, XVCD, XSVCD ?
Playing Problems
I can not play the AVI movie that I have downloaded?
I can not play the DivX movie that I have downloaded?
I get some purple/pink/red colors when I play AVIs,DivX..?
I can not play any VCD on my computer?
I can not play any SVCD on my computer?
I can not play any MPEG2 on my computer?
How do I play a ripped DVD movie on my computer?
I can not forward or rewind on my VCD's on my standalone DVD Player?
I can not forward or rewind on my SVCD's on my standalone DVD Player?
I burnt a VCD/SVCD and it doesn't play on my DVD Player?
My DVD Player won't play the VCD/SVCD I burnt on CD-R?
How do I convert or download a streaming ASF,RM?
How do I convert a MPG/AVI/DivX/MOV/Anything to VCD,SVCD,DVD,miniDVD,Divx,RM,Anything?
How do I add own subtitles to a video and encode to a VCD/SVCD?
How do I add Subrip, .SRT or MicroDVD, .SUB subtitles to a DivX video and encode to a VCD/SVCD?
How do I convert a PAL/NTSC VCD to NTSC/PAL VCD?
How do I convert only the audio in a MPG/AVI/DivX/ASF to mp3 or wav?
How do I get better audio quality with TMPGEnc and how to use toolame?
How do I use toolame with TMPGEnc?
The audio get out of synch or freezes when converting a DivX/ASF to MPG?
How to use the Avisynth frameserver with FlaskMPEG?
How to use the Avisynth frameserver with Adobe Premiere?
When I convert a AVI,DivX the colors change to purple/pink/red some times?
How do I convert an AC3 audio file or DivX with AC3 to an audio file?
How do I capture with my TV-card/TV-in and convert to VCD?
How to use Virtualdubs frameserver?
How to use Virtualdubs Multisegment Capture (Spill System)?
What capture card should I get?
Why can't I capture to files bigger than 4 GB?
Why can I only capture(copy) ~18 min DV?
Can I copy a DVD Movie like copy a AudioCD if I have a DVD Writer/Burner?
Can I copy-protect or add a password to my own made VCDs or SVCDs?
Can I copy-protect my own made DVDs?
Does burn speed matter when burning VCDs or SVCDs?
How do I convert or extract a BIN/CUE(CDRWIN), CIF,ISO(Easy CD, Iauthor), NRG(Nero), C2D(WinOnCD) Image?
How do I mount a BIN/CUE as a virtual CD-ROM unit?
How do I burn a BIN?
How do I make a BIN?
How do I burn a DivX?
How do I burn a MPEG as a VCD?
How do I burn a MPEG file bigger than 650 MB?
How do I copy a VCD?
How do I copy a SVCD?
How do I copy a DVD?
How do I make a VCD or SVCD with menus and chapters?
How do I make a DVD with menus and chapters?
How do I make a VCD photo album / slide show?
How do I make an autoplay, autorun VCD,SVCD,DivX,AVI?
How come that I can fit 740 MB on a 74 min CD or 800 MB on a 80 min CD?
How come that I can only fit 4.3 GB on a 4.7 DVDR?
DVD Ripping
How do I rip a DVD to my harddrive?
How do I convert to VCD,SVCD,DivX or DVD?
How do I demultiplex a MPG,AVI,DivX,ASF?
How do I multiplex a MPG,AVI,DivX,ASF?
How do I multiplex with bbMPEG?
How can I convert the VCD audio to an audio CD or a wav file?
How can I convert the DVD audio to an audio CD or a wav file?
How do I convert an AC3 audio file or DivX with AC3 to an audio file?
How do I convert a wav audio file to a mpeg audio file?
How do I convert only the audio in a MPG/AVI/DivX/ASF to MP3 or WAV?
How do I fix audio sync in a MPG?
The audio get out of synch or freezes when converting a DivX/ASF to MPG?
Region free
How do I make my DVD-ROM regionfree?
How do I make WinDVD,PowerDVD,Win2k... region free?
How do I make Hollywood Plus DVDStation region free?
How do I make my standalone DVD region free?
How do I repair a MPG/MPEG?
How do I repair a DivX/AVI?
How do I repair a ASF?
How do I split/cut/edit a DivX/AVI?
How do I join DivXs/AVIs?
How do I split/cut/edit a MPEG?
How do I join MPEG?
How do I add a logo, watermark or text to a video file?
How do I remove a logo or text,subtitles in a video file?
What is?
Use our Glossary for common video terms

Why VCD or SVCD or DVD?
It is a very cheap and easy way to store video with very long lifetime(compared to VHS) and you can play it with your standalone DVD Player and on your computer. Read more here.

How do I make a VCD,SVCD or (mini)DVD?
To make a VCD,SVCD that you can play on your computer or on a standalone DVD Player you need a CD-R or CD-RW Burner and for DVD a DVD-RW Burner.

If you have a videoclip in AVI, ASF, DivX, MOV, DVD then you need to convert it to a MPEG in (S)VCD MPEG Format, read here how to convert.

If you plan to capture video from VCR,Video,Camcorder,DV or DVD then you need a capture card and a capture software, read here how to capture and what card to get.

And after you have your videoclip in MPEG format you can easy burn it to (S)VCD or (mini)DVD with almost any burning applicaion, read the burn guides.

Last should you be able to play the (S)VCD or (mini)DVD on your computer and also maybe on your DVD Player, read here how to play it on your computer and check the DVD Players list for your player to see if supports (S)VCD or (mini)DVD and on what media.

How to convert a avi/mov/asf/DivX/mpg/rm to a MPG in real VCD-format?
Read here.

How do I convert a MPG(VCD) to DivX/AVI?
You read this guide.

What's DVD?
DVD is a media that can store video and audio with high quality using MPEG2 for the audio and video. Read more here.

What's VCD?
VCD stands for Video CD. A VCD is an ordinary CD with video on it. It contain up to 74 minutes video on one CD. A VCD can be played on almost all DVD Players(but not all can play cd-rs) and of course on all CR-ROMs. Read more here.

What's SVCD?
SVCD stands for Super Video CD. A SVCD is like a VCD but the video are stored in MPEG-2/MPEG-1 variable bitrate and therefore a CD can contain from 30 to 74 minutes video. The video are also stored in higher resolution, 480x480 for NTSC and 480x560 for PAL. All CD-players can play SVCD and many standalone DVD Players. Moreinfo here about SVCD

What's X(S)VCD?
It is almost the same as (S)VCD but with higher bitrate(up to 3.5 MBit/s). A XVCD can be played on many DVD Players and of course on all CD-ROMs. Read more here.

What's VOB?
All DVD movies are stored in so-called vob files. Vob files usually contain multiplexed Dolby Digital Audio and Mpeg2 video. Vob Files are called as follows: vts_XX_y.vob where XX represents the title and Y the part of the title. There can be 99 titles and 10 parts, although vts_XX_0.vob does never contain any video, usually just menu or navigational information.

What's Codec?
A codec is a "plugin" to the operating system so you are able to play/decode some different video types such as DivX, MPEG or MPEG2

MPG/MPEG is a standard for compressed digital video that are used in VCDs. More technical MPEG info here.

What's MPEG2/M2V?
MPEG2 is a standard for compressed digital video that are used in SVCDs and DVDs. More technical MPEG2 info here.

What's miniDVD/cDVD?
miniDVD/cDVD is a DVD on a CD-R(W). More info.

What's DV / FireWire?
DV is a standard for compressed digital video that are used in miniDV camcorders. FireWire is a serial data transfer protocol used to transmit DV. More technical DV info here and FireWire info here.

What's DAT?
DAT is the file that you see on the VCD. The DAT doesn't differs much from a MPG but you should always convert the DAT to MPG if you want to edit or so.

What's CDV?
CDV, not to confuse with VCD or CVD, is an old standard that stored about five minutes of analog video on a disc that could be played on a LaserDiscs Player, along with about twenty minutes of audio that could be played on a regular CD player. That idea was that this would be a great format for music video singles. It never caught on.

What's BIN?
A BIN is a image from a CD. It's great if you want to distribute a VCD on the web and the other one don't have any VCD-burn programs. Just burn the BIN with CDRWin and you have a true VCD.

What's CVD or CVCD?
CVD or sometimes calles CVCD is basically just a SVCD with 352x480/576 resolution. Read more here.

What's ASF?
Another AVI-Codec, great quality for the size. Just more "blocky"\"blotchy" then MPG, but can shrink down a full length movie to about 300-500mb

What's DivX?
A type of AVI Codec. MPEG-4. Awesome sound, awesome quality. They are used to make DVD Rips from movies. File sizes vary on the encoders choice. Similiar to the SMR and nAVI avi codecs that were, and still are, around, but are more popular on HTTP movie sites. More info.

What's DVCD?
DVCD is basicly a VCD on a 90/99 min CD. It uses exact same bitrate, resolution and features as VCD but it manages to fit more video, about 90-100 min/CD using a enhanced cd technology similiar like 90/99 min CDRs/CDRWs. There are some movies in China in this format.

What's MJPEG?
MJPEG is a compressed digital video standard and it's mostly used for capturing in real-time. More technical MJPEG info here.

What's RM?
Real Media, uses Real Player, the worst video quality, but very small files.

What's PAL, NTSC?
NTSC is a Video/TV standard mostly common in USA and PAL is a Video/TV standard in the rest of the world, the main differences are that NTSC has more frames/sec, 29,97 fps than PAL 25 fps but then NTSC has some less horizontal lines than PAL.

What's Interlace, Progressive?
Read Lukes Video explanation of interlacing here.

How do I burn a mpg file bigger than 650 MB?
When burning in Mode2, the capacity is calculated by time, but NOT nesseceraly the time of the movie, it is calculated by the time of the CD! , 74min=740mb, 80min=800mb. Read the burn a MPEG.

Which mpg-player is the best?
I have done some comparing and have to say that Windows Media Player gives you the best picture quality. Comparison

How do I make a VCD from mpg file?
Read the burn a mpg

How do I make a VCD from dat file?
Read the burn a dat

How do I convert a mpg to dat?
You have to burn the mpg as a true VCD then you have a CD with a .dat file on it.See Burn a MPG.

How do I capture with my TV-card/TV-in and convert to VCD?
Read the capture guide

What standalone DVD Players can play VCDs?
Read our DVD Players compatibility list.

Where do I download applications?
Check the software links

How do I convert a wav audio file to mpeg audio?
Use TMPGEnc and select Audio only and then open the wav. Hit start and you have mpa audio file that you can multiplex with a video to a mpeg video. If you wanna convert to VCD or SVCD MPEG Audio load that template after opening the wav and then load the unlock template in the extra folder so you can select audio only.

How do I convert only the audio in a VCD/MPG/AVI/DivX to mp3 or wav?
You read this guide

The audio get out of sync or freezes when converting a DivX/ASF to MPG?
You read this guide

How do I fix audio sync in a MPG.
Some methods:

load your clip into TMPGEnc and click the 'Setting' button
in the 'MPEG setting' dialog that opens select the 'Advanced' tab
check off the box next to 'Source range' and then double click the words 'Source range'
in the 'Source range' dialog that opens there is a feild to enter an 'Audio gap correct' value in millisecconds
use a positive value to move the audio forward and a negative to move it backwards (ok that might be backwards i havent fixed audio in a while)
i highly reccomend making a 1 or 2 minute long clip of your video to play with adjusting the audio gap setting till you are pleased with the sync then load up the whole thing and let it run
it should also be noted that this will only shift the position of the audio. if the audio is stretched or shrunken this will not fix it. that is considerably more difficult to fix and requires far more time and patience that any video on earth is worth. / dumwaldo

or read How to fix audio sync problems

or read this doom9 guide.

What's CAM, Workprint, Telesync, Telecine, Screener,DVDRip, Subbed?
Different types of bootlegged video that can be in VCD,SVCD,DVD or DivX format.

CAM - This type of VCD was recorded by someone in a cinema with a camcorder and the audience can be heard! The picture quality is usually OK but the sound is mostly very bad and hard to make out speech.

Telesync - These are also recorded in a cinema but usually on an expensive camera and they should have a seperate audio source (so the audience cannot be heard), these are generally very good quality and highly watchable.

Telecine - Done a number of ways, all from taking directly from the reel. Ripped in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. The most common way is to get a device that you attach to the reel that generates a VHS tape of the reel. (called a telecine machine, but there are other machines that generate a digital output of both audio and video that are then put into a laptop or VCR and made into a VCD).

Screener - A Screener is usually recorded form a promotional video tape which is sent to censors and film critics etc.. The quality is usually as good as a commercial VCD, some times a copyright message appears on the screen.

Work-Print - Each fram of the film is copied from celluloid (or another source), these are sometimes incomplete movies. The sound is usually perfect and the visual quality can vary.

LD/DVDRip - VCDs with this on the cover are ripped from DVD or Laserdisc versions of the film and the quality is as good as genuine VCDs.

Other bootleg info

Subbed - They have sub-titles. Sometimes only 1, that are real small. But others are real big and some movies have 2 or 3 subtitles on them taking up large portions of the screen.

Watermarks - The little BD, A, or Z (among others) symbols on the movie. They are put there buy the people in Asia who rip the movie.

What's Frameserve?
Frameserve means that you create a direct video "link" from example a video editor application to standalone mpeg encoder so you don't need a plugin or create a temporalily video file. Read below how to use some frameservers.

How to use Virtualdubs frameserver?
Read here how to frameserve with Virtualdub.

How to use the Avisynth frameserver with FlaskMPEG?
You read this guide

How to use the Avisynth frameserver with Adobe Premiere?
You read this guide

How do I convert a DivX/AVI to SVCD?
You read this guide

How to use Virtualdubs Multisegment Capture (spill system)?
With Virtualdubs spill system it is possible to capture video to several harddrives and overcome the problem with 4 GB limit for the fat32 hds.
Launch Virtualdub and the capture AVI. (Read more here how to configure for the best capture). Now Click Capture->Capture drives. And add the partitions you want to save on, like for example:
Now Virtualdub will split the file when it's 1900 MB or and if the partition is full(if less then 50 MB free, the Threshold value) while capturing in real-time.
Last enable the spill system by Capture->Enable multisegment capture.
After capturing it's just to open the first avi and virtualdub will automatically open all the files.

How do I split/cut/edit a DivX/AVI?
You read this how to.

How do I join DivXs/AVIs?
You read this how to.

How do I repair a DivX/AVI?
If you have DivX that won't play in Media Player try to use DivXFix . Run the divfix.exe in the win32 folder and just open the broken DivX and hit Rebuild Index and after the process it should work perfect.
try to use Virtualdub and when open you select File->Open and check Popup extended open options and open the broken DivX . A window appear check Rederive keyframe flags and hit OK.It will take some minutes. Select Video->DirectStreamCopy and Audio->DirectStreamCopy and last save the new DivX, File->Save as avi.
Or try to use Virtualdub 1.4.9 or later and open the broken DivX. Select File->Scan Video stream for errors.Select Video->DirectStreamCopy and Audio->DirectStreamCopy and last save the new DivX, File->Save as avi.

More repair tools here.

How do I repair a ASF?
The best way is to use ASFTool, open the ASF and click on repair and it will create a new working ASF.
Or use ASFIndexerGUI to create a new working ASF. You need Virtualdub 13c and the ASFIndexerGUI, extract them and run the ASFIndexerGUI.

More repair tools here.

How do I make a VCD Menu With I-Author
Follow this guide but instead of selecting SVCD you select VCD and for the bitmaps use 352x240/352/288.

How do I demultiplex a MPG,AVI,DivX,ASF?
Demultiplex is when you split the video and audio to separate files.

For MPG, MPEG, VOB use TMPGEnc, select File->MPEG Tools, select Simple Demultiplex and open the mpg and hit start. To demultiplex VOBs or MPGs with several audio tracks select the Demultiplex and open the video and then doubleclick on the audio or video you wanna save. Other Demultiplexer is Xmuxer, Womble MPEG2VCR, DVMPEG.

For AVI, DivX, XviD use Virtualdub, first select File->Open Video File to open the video and to separate the audio select File->Save WAV. If it's a DivX or ASF you maybe want to convert the audio to WAV PCM then select Uncompressed PCM under Audio->Compression and be sure to select Audio->Full Processing before saving. To separate only the video select Audio->No audio and Video->Direct stream copy and last File->Save AVI to save the video.

For AVI, DivX, XviD with AC3 use Virtualdub, first select File->Open Video File to open the video and to separate the AC3 audio select File->Save WAV, virtualdub will only separate the ac3 from the video but it will have a wrong header so you must fix it. Use besplit to fix it read faq question 15 here how to do it.

How do I multiplex a MPG,AVI,DivX,ASF?
Multiplex is when you join the video and audio to one single file.

For MPG use TMPGEnc, select File->MPEG Tools, select multiplex and open the mpa audio and mpv video and hit start. To multiplex MPEG2 with AC3 use BBMPEG. Other Multiplexer is Xmuxer, Womble MPEG2VCR, DVMPEG, Xing MPEG Encoder, BBMPEG.

For AVI, DivX, XviD use VirtualdubMOD, first select File->Open Video File to open the video, then select Stream->Stream List and click Add to add the the audio(you can open mp3,ac3,aac,ogg files also). Select Video->Direct Stream Copy and last File->Save AVI to save the new video.

How do I repair MPG?
If You can't burn the MPEG as a VCD or SVCD then try to fix it:

Using freeware tools:
Try to fix it by multiplex it with (S)VCD Settings with TMPGEnc, launch TMPGEnc and select File->MPEG Tools and select Simple Multiplex. Select Type MPEG-1 VideoCD or SuperVCD depending what you are creating, select your mpg as video and audio input and select out and hit Run to make a new working mpg file.

or Try to fix the .mpg with MPEG-Corrector. Just open your mpg and it's make a new working one!.
or Try to use BBMPEG and multiplex to VCD or SVCD settings.

Using other software:
or Try to fix the .mpg with M1-Edit feature REPACKETIZE to make a working (S)VCD.
or Try to fix the .mpg with iFilmEdit 1.4.5+, just insert the mpg file and hit record then make. Read more at Edit a mpg with iFilmEdit.
or Load the broken file in MyFlix (I used 2.0.2) and just save it again. You will get some artefacts where the errors are, but the file loads without any problems (and full length ;) in VirtualDub and you're ready to encode/convert. (thnx to N.N)

How do add a logo, watermark or text to a video file?
You can use Virtualdub with this logo filter, it is just to install virtualdub and extract the logofilter to the virtualdubs plugin folder. Then launch virtualdub and open the movie and add the filter with an bitmap and play around with the settings. Last export the video to an AVI or use the Framserver and frameserve to a MPEG Encoder.

How do remove a logo or text,subtitles in a video file?
You can use Virtualdub with the logoaway filter or the delogo filter, it is just to install virtualdub and extract the logofilter to the virtualdubs plugin folder. Then launch virtualdub and open the movie and add the filter and play around with the settings. Last export the video to an AVI or use the Framserver and frameserve to a MPEG Encoder.

How do I convert a SVCD to a MPEG2 file?
How do I copy the mpg file from the SVCD?
You can just copy the .mpg file that you find in the folder MPEG2(or MPEGAV) on the SVCD to the harddrive. To make the MPEG2 file "playable" or "compliant" for burning again you might have to multiplex it using SVCD settings with for example BBMPEG or TMPGenc. If you get any problems copying the SVCD mpg file to your harddrive then use ISOBuster to extract the mpg from the SVCD..

How do I convert a BIN/CUE to a MPEG2 file?
Use CDMage or Virtual Daemon and open the CUE file and extract the .mpg file that you find in the folder MPEG2(or MPEGAV) to the harddrive. CDmage example below:

How do I convert or extract a CIF,ISO(Easy CD, Iauthor), NRG(Nero), C2D(WinOnCD) Image?
You use Cdmage, open the cd image and extract it to files or convert it to a BIN/CUE that you can burn or mount.

How do I mount a BIN/CUE as a virtual CD-ROM unit?
You use Virtual Daemon, with it can you "mount" a BIN/CUE as a virtuald CD-ROM unit on the computer.

What standalone DVD Player can play DivX?
Very few standalone DVD Players support DivX check our DVD Player compatibility list for more info.

How do I burn a DivX?
You burn a DivX as data, and remember that a DivX can not be played by most standalone DVD Players.

How do I make an autoplay,autorun VCD,SVCD,DivX,AVI CD?
Read here

How do I convert or dowload a streaming ASF,RM,WMV?
Checkout ASFRecorder and Streambox VCR Underground. Read more here how to use them.

When I convert or play an AVi,DivX the colors changes to purple/pink/red some times?
Uninstall Angelpotion, the Angelpotion codec pack messes up everthing so get rid of that and install either the original DivX codec or other codecs, read here how to identify what codecs you need. The latest Nimo Codec Pack seems to also this problem, then uninstall it and ONLY install the necassary codecs like DivX,XVid.

How do I make my DVD-ROM region free?
Use Scavenger and change region to 0 and you should be able to play all regions. Or "patch" the DVD-ROM firmware, you find patched DVD-ROM firmware's here.

How do I make WinDVD,PowerDVD,Win2k.. region free?
Use DVD Genie to make almost all software dvd player region free

How do I make my Hollywood Plus region free?
Use Zone Selector to make the Hollywood + DVD station region free.

How can I convert the VCD audio to a CD Audio or a wav file?
Use virtualdub and open the .dat file, you find the .dat file in the folder MPEGAV on the VCD disc, and select under Audio->Full processing and then File-Save Wav and you will get a WAV from your VCD. Read more here how to use virtualdub. Last burn the WAV file with any audio burning tool and you have an Audio CD of the VCD.

How can I convert the DVD audio to a CD Audio or a wav file?
First you need to RIP the movie to the HD which require between 4-8 GB of freespace, read Sefys smartipper guide here how to rip it. Then you use DVD2AVI and open the ripped DVD-Video, read Sefys dvd2avi here how to use dvd2avi. And after using DVD2AVI you will have a WAV ile for the entire dvd movie. Last burn the WAV file with any audio burning tool and you have an Audio CD of the DVD but you probably need to cut it fit on a Audio CD, therefore use any audio tool like Cool Edit.

How can I take a screenshot from a VCD,DVD,Divx... video?
Screenshot from VCD,DivX
In Windows Media Player go to View->Options, then turn off the Hardware accelaration(under Playback) by moving the slider to None. Now play the video and press the PrtScn button (above the Insert button on your keyboard) to take the screenshot, last launch your favorite photo editor and paste(ctrl-v) to get the screenshot.
Download Hypersnap DX. Before capturing select in Hypersnap under Capture->Enable Special Capture DirectX Overlay. Then you just start windows media player and play the video or use any dvd/divx/vcd software player and forward to the screen you want and hit pause. Now start Hypersnap DX and select Capture->Window,Button,Control and click on the video window and you will get the image.
Screenshot from DVD
Use WinDVD and play the DVD and just press P on your keyboard and a screenshot will be saved under the folder Capture where you installed WinDVD(usually c:\program files\windvd).

What do I do with these .rar, r00, r01 files?
The rar files are an archive for compressed files like zip. Use WinRAR and open the first .rar to extract the compressed files.

How do I get better audio quality with TMPGEnc and how to use tooLame?
In TMPGEnc it is possible use an external audio encoder to improve the audio quality. Read here how to use tooLame with TMPGEnc.

How do I copy a VCD?
Choose any burning software and just use it's CD Copier, like Nero. If you got problem using the cd copier you could instead convert the .dat on the VCD to a mpg and then burn a new VCD. Remember to try with both CD-R and CD-RW if you have problem playing it your standalone DVD Player.

How do I copy a SVCD?
You can use almost any burning software and just use it's CD Copier, like Nero. If you got problem using the cd copier you could instead demultiplex and multiplex the mpg on the SVCD CD to compliant svcd format(it wont affect the quality read here how to do it with tmpgenc and bbmpeg) then burn a new SVCD. Remember to try with both CD-R and CD-RW if you have problem playing it your standalone DVD Player.

How come that I can fit 740 MB on a 74 min CD or 800 MB on a 80 min CD?
A VCD,XVCD,XSVCD or SVCD are burned in mode 2 form 2 instead of ordinary data mode where you fit 650 MB on a 74 min CD. The mode2 form2 has less error correction than data mode.

80 min CD
Mode2 Form2 = 2324 bytes/sector = 360 000 * 2324 = about 800 MB on a 80 min CD.
Data mode
Mode1 Form1 = 2048 bytes/sector = 360 000 * 2048 = about 700 MB on a 80 min CD.

(a 80min CD has 75 sectors/s = 80min CD * 60 * 75 = 360000)

74 min CD
Mode2 Form2 = 2324 bytes/sector = 333 000 * 2324 = about 740 MB on a 74 min CD.
Data mode
Mode1 Form1 = 2048 bytes/sector = 333 000 * 2048 = about 650 MB on a 74 min CD.

(a 74min CD has 75 sectors/s = 74min CD * 60 * 75 = 333000)

How do I make VCD photo CD?
Read here.

How do I make Karaoke VCD or DVD?
Checkout Karaoke KIT, demo available here and download a VCD Karaoke sample here. Full version cost $800 though. Or try Authoringware DVD Karaoke only for DVD though.

Does burn speed matter when burning VCDs or SVCDs?
Generaly no but be sure to use CD-Rs or CD-RWs that are compatible with your burning speed, with some burners it might to help burn with lower speed.

How do I rip a DVD to the harddrive?
You use any of these applications.

I burnt a VCD/SVCD and it doesn't play on my DVD Player??
Check the DVD Players list to see if your player supports VCD/SVCD and if it plays CD-R or CD-RW.

My player won't play the VCD/SVCD i burnt on CD-R?
Check the DVD Players list to see if it supports CD-R. SOme that don't read CD-R, read CD-RW. Some only play certain brands of colors of CD-R.

Can PS2 play VCD, SVCD, Mini-DVD, XVCD, XSVCD?
No, at this time it cannot.

What is CVD and SVCD subtitles?
CVD and SVCD subtitles are selectable subtitles that may be used in SVCDs. Selectable means that you can choose between up to 4 subtitles or choose no subtitles, similiar to DVDs.
CVD subtitles also called "China Video Disc" or "I-Author subtitles" is not really included in the SVCD standard but works in some standalone DVD Players. Make CVD subtitles with I-Author or submux.
SVCD subtitles also called "Philips subtitles" is SVCD standard and works on most Philips DVD Players and some others. Make SVCD subtitles with submux.
You can also make both CVD and SVCD subtitles with MaestroSBT, you find over at doom9.org.

What is SVCD audio tracks?
"SVCD audio tracks" is if the SVCD has several audio tracks that you can choose while playing. SVCD supports up to 2 selectable audio tracks.

How do I convert an AC3 audio file or DivX with AC3 to an audio file?
If you have a DivX with AC3 start here if you only have an AC3 file skip to step 2.
1. First open the DivX in Virtualdub, select under Audio->Direct Stream Copy and File->Save as Wav to save the ac3, name it as file.ac3 because Virtualdub will NOT convert it to wav only copy the ac3 audio to a single file.
2. Convert the AC3 audio to MP2 audio with BeSweetGUI, you find a guide over at doom9 here if you don't how to use it. (If you get an error when converting to mp2 you could try the azid in besweet instead. Download first azid. Click on azid2 in the besweet. Select azid.exe and the ac3 as source and select a new wav and convert to wav and last do you convert the wav to mpeg audio with TMPGEnc, select the wav as audio source when converting in next step).
3. Now do you follow the Tmpgenc encode guide as usual but you leave the audio source empty and encode.
4. Last do you multiplex, join the video together with the mp2 audio, read here how and then burn or cut the video as usual.
If this do not work use GraphEdit to convert the ac3 to wav, read here how to use it.

Can I copyprotect or add a password to my own made VCDs or SVCDs?
No 100% copy protection exist but you can add some protections that make it harder for normal users to copy your CD. You find more information, tools and how to do it here.

Can I copyprotect or my own made DVDs?

Can I copy a DVD Movie like copy an AudioCD if I have a DVD Writer/Burner?
No, both because of DVD copy protection AND most DVD Movies are on dual layer dvds(9GB) while it only exists single layer dvdrs/dvdrw/dvd+rws(4GB) so besides "ripping and decrypting" the DVD to the harddrive you also must either cut something out, use two dvdrs or reencode like when making SVCD or VCD. Ifoedit is a good tool for all this, read more how under the DVD Ripping section DVD.

What is MPEG1/2 ISO in the DVD Players list?
MPEG1/2 ISO is if your standalone DVD Player supports MPEG1(VCD), MPEG2(SVCD,DVD) or/and VOB(DVD) files with no authoring, like you are able to select any MPG/MPEG/MPV/VOB files from the CD/DVD using a file browser and play them.

Why can't I capture to files bigger than 4 GB? / Why can I only capture(copy) ~18 min DV?
Windows 9X/ME uses a file system called FAT32 that has a file size limit of 4 GB, you have two options to overcome this problem:
1. Change operating system to Windows 2000 or XP and change the harddrive(s) partition(s) to NTFS file system (the NTFS file system file size limit is several thousand GB)
2. Or use a software that can split the captured video to several files under 4 GB like Virtualdub or if you capture(copy) DV try Scenalyzer.


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