Philips |
4.7GB |
4x |
Plays on 6 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is N/A
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
08 02 00 00 92 0F 04 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3F .............&.?
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 49 4E 46 4F 44 49 53 43 41 .......INFODISCA
31 30 01 39 23 00 9C 7C 5C 02 28 00 96 7E 70 02 10.9#..|\.(..~p.
28 00 9C 7B 68 02 28 04 04 20 E0 00 F0 00 00 00 (..{h.(.. ......
Media color and text:
Green Blue PHILIPS 1-4x, DVD+RW, 120 min video, extended play 240min, 4.7GB DATA , Single Sided UPC/EAN Code:
12 user comments
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Comments posted by Andrew Jones from United Kingdom, December 31, 2006:
The following can be summed up in three words - absolutely bloody useless.
I bought a five pack of these and used one to record the new year with my DVD recorder. Recording apparently went fine. Looked at it later to find that not only was nothing was nothing recorded on it, but my (Philips) DVD writer cannot even see it. At all.
Foolishly put another one into my recorder to try it and the same thing happened again. So now I have two out of five that are completely dead and I cannot use the rest to record on, which is what I wanted to do.
I thought for a moment that it was the recorder playing up. Looking at the other comments here I think I was a little too quick to blame it.
Funny that they put 'INVENTOR of CD and DVD technologies' on the packaging. Buying discs that have the Philips name on them, surely you'd expect that you could actually use the things?
Additional information:
Date purchased: December -0001 Burnt with Sanyo DVR-V100E at 4x Burning reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips DVD+RW 4.7GB 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is DVD Box. Number of discs 5. Authoring/Burning comments: PHILIPS DVD writer, Nero, IsoBuster Does not work on Sanyo DVR-V100E |
Comments posted by Martin from Poland, December 07, 2006:
Burns like shit on my NEC 3500AG. More than half of the discs don't check out during NERO after-burn verification.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Poland Date purchased: December -0001 Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is PHILIPS DVD+RW 4.7 GB 120 MIN 1-4X SPEED. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 20. |
Comments posted by Maurits Kuit from Netherlands, November 05, 2006:
DVD+RW media fails to play in Philips DVD-player DVD625 although it should do according to the specifications of the player.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Dixons - The Netherlands Date purchased: November 2006 Burnt with Samsung SE-S164L at 4x using firmware FW TS06. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. Media color is Gold. Media text is Philips DVD+RW 4.7GB 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is Jewel Case. Number of discs 5. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 710895772662. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Does not work on Philips DVD625 |
Comments posted by Tazio from Italy, July 21, 2006:
Not the best quality for Philips (Infodisc is a second class media manufacturer)...but it works fine with my DVD writers.
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2006 Burnt with Wiso WSDVD/R at 1x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips DVD+RW 4.7 gb 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 10. Media made in Taiwan. Works fine on Nortek NDVD RW-30x Works fine on Wiso WSDVD/R |
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Comments posted by Andrew Belashov from Russian Federation, March 22, 2006:
Additional information:
Price: $1.1 Date purchased: January 2006 Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-1673SX at 4x using firmware JS0C. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips DVD+RW 4.7GB 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 10. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: Burned with dvd+rw-tools-6.0 |
Comments posted by fred from United Kingdom, January 12, 2006:
Have been using these with cheap CyberHome 1600 DVD off-air recorder. Not impressed. Less than 40% success rates so far. Usually first half of disc records fine, then an increasing number of glitches towards the "edge".
Additional information:
Purchased from: computer show Date purchased: November 2005 Burnt with CyberHome CH-DVR 1600 at 1x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is PHILIPS DVD+RW 4.7GB 120MIN 1-4X SPEED. Media package type is Shrink Wrapped. Number of discs 25. |
Comments posted by HunterK from Poland, November 05, 2005:
After second recording, under 8x read speed on my Benq I get PIEav: 178, PIEmax: 870, PIFav: 8, PIFmax:161(!!!!). My second DVD-ROM LTC-48161H reed it, but it take long time.
Additional information:
Price: $1.9 Date purchased: November 2005 Burnt with BenQ DW1620 (Pro) at 4x using firmware B7W9. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips DVD+RW 4.7GB 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is Jewel Case. Number of discs 1. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 1305072405467445. Authoring/Burning comments: Burned with Nero Error check with Nero CD-DVD Speed 4.00 |
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Comments posted by orrelljet from United Kingdom, July 05, 2005:
Boguth for half price in Dixons (Bath) when purchasing the Sony RDR-GX300. Usual Philips quality but not actually a "Philips" disc. No problems at all recording on a home deck - PC burning not yet attempted (LG GSA-4160B).
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: Dixons (UK) Date purchased: June 2005 Burnt with Sony RDR-GX300 at 4x Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is DVD+RW 120 MIN VIDEO Extended Play 240 MIN Philips 1-4x. Media package type is DVD Box. Number of discs 10. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 1704112817410492. Works fine on Pioneer DV-370 |
Comments posted by Konstantin from Russian Federation, June 30, 2005:
Much less reliable then PHILIPS041 and other +RW media I use. After several rewritings several disks become unreadable. Others can be read but very very slowly.
Additional information:
Price: $8 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2005 Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-812S at 4x using firmware US0Q. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips, DVD+RW, 4.7 GB, 120 min, 1-4x speed.. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 10. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 8710895795609. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Works fine on BBK DVD-DV965 |
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Comments posted by holmerz from Denmark, May 15, 2005:
When I'm playing DVD-movies burned on these discs, my DVD-player (Philips DVP520), seems to take a awfull long time to load. Whether it's the discs, or the player, I can't tell. They work fine in my NEC 2500.
Additional information:
Price: $10 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2005 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 4x using firmware 1.0A. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips, DVD+RW, 4.7 GB, 120 min, 1-4x speed. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 10. Media UPC/EAN code is 1405011722853042. Authoring/Burning comments: Authored with cloneDVD, and burned with NERO EXPRESS Works fine on Philips DVP520 |
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Comments posted by Eto from Netherlands, May 13, 2005:
No comments
Additional information:
Purchased from: Netherlands, Media Markt Date purchased: May 2005 Burnt with NEC ND-3540A at 4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Philips DVD REwritable DVD+RW 4.7GB 120min 1-4x speed. Media package type is Jewel Case. Number of discs 5. Authoring/Burning comments: made VOB from DiVX-AVI with WinAvi, burned with NERO Works fine on Max Gear Progressive Scan |
Comments posted by dragi macak from Netherlands, March 24, 2005:
No comments
Additional information:
Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 4x using firmware 2.18. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. Media color is Green Blue. Media text is PHILIPS 1-4x, DVD+RW, 120 min video, extended play 240min, 4.7GB DATA , Single Sided. Media package type is Jewel Case. Number of discs 1. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 8710895772662. |
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12 user comments,
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