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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
Lite-On DVD+RW 4.7GB RICOHJPNW11 4x Plays on 9 DVD Players
Plays not on 3 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 6 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
08 02 00 00 92 0F 04 00 00 03 00 00 00 1F E6 6F ...............o
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 52 49 43 4F 48 4A 50 4E 57 .......RICOHJPNW
31 31 01 39 23 00 8A 86 68 02 26 00 8A 86 70 02 11.9#...h.&...p.
28 00 8A 86 6A 02 28 22 12 10 E0 00 F0 00 00 00 (...j.("........

Media color and text:
Silver none


6 user comments

Showing 1 to 6 comments
Comments posted by Tuffer from Belgium, January 31, 2006:
This DVD was included when buying a Liteon DVD Recorder LVW 5005.

Additional information:

Burnt with Lite-On LVW-5005 at 2.4x using firmware 205-010D.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Blank - free included DVD.
Media package type is Plastic Sleeve. Number of discs 1.
Media made in Belgium.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Used the DVD-VR Liteon LVW 5005, Daewoo DVD-VR DQR-1000D and the Liteon Pc DVD Burner 832S
Works fine on Daewoo DQR-1000D
Works fine on Lite-On LVW-5005

Comments posted by KTL from Other, January 01, 2004:
Backed up movies a few times, and so far so good. Too bad my old Sony couldn't recognize it, possible due to outdated firmware & software.

Additional information:

Purchased from: OEM bundled wtih drive
Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 4x using firmware FS0F.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is None.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD Shrink 3.0, Nero
Works fine on Denon DVD-900
Works fine on Toshiba SD3800
Does not work on Sony DVP-S7000

Comments posted by lqqker from Other, November 30, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Purchased from: Office Depot Date purchased: November 2003
Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 4x using firmware FS0F.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Blank.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on KLH HA-9000
Works fine on Toshiba SD4800

Comments posted by crazed burner from Other, October 16, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Purchased from: OEM
Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 4x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is none.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD Decrypter
Works fine on XMS 750
Works fine on XMS 950

Comments posted by Lobes from Other, October 13, 2003:
Came bundled with Liteon 411S

Additional information:

Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 4x using firmware FS02.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is None.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Does not work on Microsoft Xbox
Does not work on Philips DVD725

Comments posted by Klatten from Other, September 30, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Purchased from: came with LiteOn
Burnt with Lite-On LDW-401S at 4x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is none.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6
Works fine on JVC XV-S42

6 user comments, Showing 1 to 6 comments
1 media hits, Showing 1 to 1 media

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