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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
LG DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AE1 8x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 4 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 55 0d 0e .....@....R..U..
88 9a 80 00 03 43 4d 43 20 4d 41 00 04 47 2e 20 .....CMC MA..G.
41 45 31 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 02 00 06 09 0d 11 AE1.............

Media color and text:
Red LG 1-8x DVD-R 4.7GB/120min

No info

4 user comments

Showing 1 to 4 comments
Comments posted by Takuru from Chile, February 11, 2007:
Este disco solo debe utilizarse para DATOS, Al reproducirlo en un DVD produce errores graves al superar los 2GB y se recomienda para copiar y pegar archivos del DVD al PC.

This single disc must be used for DATA, When reproducing it in a DVD 2GB produces serious errors when surpassing and it is recommended to copy and to stick archives of the DVD to the PC.

Additional information:

Price: $5 Purchased from: Jumbo Supermarket Date purchased: February 2007
Burnt with LG GSA-4120B at 4x using firmware A117.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Red.
Media text is LG 4.7 GB DVD-R 8x.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 10.
Media made in Taiwan.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 7.5.5 and Alcohol 120
Works fine on LG DV160
Media image
Click to enlarge

Comments posted by Eli from Israel, August 23, 2006:
Finally a real x8 media, i bought this because i thougt it would be INFODISC-R20 because it has the same package, so i was a little disopointed when i unpacked these.. yet i burned a few and it seems to be fine.

I use them for pc, so the pc reliability is great.

Additional information:

Price: $20 Purchased from: Machsanei Hashmal Date purchased: August 2006
Burnt with NEC ND-3520A at 8x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
Media color is Red.
Media text is LG DVD-R 1-8x 4.7GB/120min.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Media made in Taiwan.
Media image
Click to enlarge

Comments posted by Brett Ward from Australia, June 23, 2006:
I bought these because I thought the would be LGE08 discs. The LGE08 discs are a pretty good disc so I was a little surprised to see the discs were CMC MAG's. However they have burnt well and seem to be holding up good.
Worth the try.

Additional information:

Price: $20 Purchased from: Today Tech Date purchased: June 2006
Burnt with LG GSA-4167B at 4x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media inkjet printable reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is LG DVD-R 8x.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Media made in Taiwan.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on NEC NDV-25
Works fine on Sony DVP-C650D

Comments posted by David M. from Mexico, June 22, 2005:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $0.5 Date purchased: June 2005
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-108 / DVR-A08 at 8x using firmware 1.14.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Red.
Media text is LG 1-8x DVD-R 4.7GB/120min.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Media made in Taiwan.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with SonyDVD Architect 2.0, burned with Nero
Media image
Click to enlarge

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