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CompUSA |
4.7GB |
2.4x |
Plays on 14 DVD Players
Plays not on 7 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 26 comments (165502 views)
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
08 02 00 00 A1 0F 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3F .............&.?
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4F 50 54 4F 44 49 53 43 4F .......OPTODISCO
50 31 01 38 23 54 37 09 02 64 6A 02 C8 63 18 18
0A 0A 0E 0E 01 1B 1D 0B 0B 11 13 01 00 00 00 00 ................
Media color and text:
Silver CompUSA UPC/EAN Code:
26 user comments
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Comments posted by James Jegers from United States, March 06, 2005:
This media _will_ work on the Toshiba SD2200 if burnt with bitsetting to DVD-ROM. If it is burnt as a DVD+R it will not work. My original post on 12/4/2004 was burnt with a DVD+R.
Additional information:
Burnt with Plextor PX-716A at 2.4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 10. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero with Bitset to DVD-ROM Works fine on Toshiba SD2200 |
Comments posted by James from United States, December 04, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-106 / DVR-A06 at 2.4x using firmware 1.07. Burning reliability is Good. Media color is Gray. Media text is CompUSA. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 10. Does not work on Toshiba SD2200 |
Comments posted by ryan from United States, October 20, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $6 Purchased from: COMP USA Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with LG GCA-4040N at 2x Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Gold. Media text is COMPUSA 4.7 GB DVD+R 2.4 X SPEED RECORDABLE. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 5. Works fine on Sony DVP-NC600 |
Comments posted by from United States, August 21, 2004:
I have tried over 100 of these compusa dvd+r 4x discs in my hp200i and plextor 708a. Not a single one ever burned right. The video would become blocky and play back would become choppy and freeze ups would occurr as you got further into the movies. Changed to memorex and verbatims and haven't had any problems
Additional information:
Price: $0.2 Purchased from: compusa retail store Date purchased: April 2004 Burnt with Plextor PX-708A at 4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is compusa 4.7gb 120min. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: dvdxcopy and dvd to dvd copy |
Comments posted by terry from United States, March 30, 2004:
I have burned a bundle of these and never encountered a problem. Great disks (Can't say the same for the compusa blank cds in the shrink wrap however, shy away from those)
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: compusa Date purchased: February 2004 Burnt with HP DVD200i at 2x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is compusa dvd+r. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25. Authoring/Burning comments: included tools, dvd x copy |
Comments posted by Steve from United States, March 14, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $1.5 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: March 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 2.4x using firmware 1.06. Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is White Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 2. Media made in Taiwan. Works fine on Pioneer DV-C505 Does not work on Apex AD-3201 |
Comments posted by angelo from United States, February 11, 2004:
Works great on my dvd player, ps2 and pc. They must have made an error at the cash register because the price was wrong. it was supposed to be 7.99 after instant rebate, but they rang up at 4.99. whoo hooo
Additional information:
Price: $5 Purchased from: compusa Date purchased: February 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-510A at 2.4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is silver. Authoring/Burning comments: recordnow and dvdxcopy gold |
Comments posted by assemblage from United States, February 10, 2004:
These are horrible disks. I will NEVER buy another Optodisc or a Compusa brand again. I'm luckly I only bought 20 of these. Almost all of these have failed.
Additional information:
Burnt with TDK 420N at 2.4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Console reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is Compusa DVD+R Recordable. |
Comments posted by Paul from United States, February 05, 2004:
Every movie appears to burn fine, but during disc verification, Nero almost always returns errors on one file. At the point of the error, on playback in DVD player, there are large blocks and chunks on the screen and sound is horrible. Minor skipping may occur. Junk. I've learned my lesson, you get what you pay for. I did the same burn with Memorex 4x +R and had no errors.
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: January 2004 Burnt with OptoRite DD0201/DD0203 at 2.4x using firmware 2.50. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero |
Comments posted by Marnie Parker from United States, February 04, 2004:
Updating my previous comments -- I changed my DVD writer from the HP 300i to the Pioneer DVR-A06U and now I can make copies of my Comp USA copies. I.E. copy movies I had already shrunk and copied to Comp USA discs back to the hard drive, then make new copies. This able to copy copies may seem unimportant, but it was important enough to me to switch DVD writers (and I had spent more on copying at this point than on the writer itself). After reading the information at this site I concluded the problem was the writer more than the media. That turned out to be the case and the problem is now solved. (Note I designated the wrong color for the media before).
Additional information:
Purchased from: Comp USA Burnt with Pioneer DVR-106 / DVR-A06 at 4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Comp USA DVD+R 2.4. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Shrink, CopytoDVD, etc. Works fine on Apex AD-1200 |
Comments posted by James from United States, January 26, 2004:
no problems with these discs - play fine on my (Australian) Sony DVD player and my modded x-box. have burnt 10 from a 25 spindle with no coasters so far.
Additional information:
Purchased from: CompUSA Burnt with NEC ND-1100A at 2x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is White. Authoring/Burning comments: CloneDVD used |
Comments posted by Marnie Parker from United States, January 24, 2004:
While I haven't had any coasters with the Comp USA +R discs, they burn fine with my HP 300i, and play back fine on my Apex AD-1200, it took me two months to figure out that I couldn't make copies of my copies. When I use Memorex discs, I can make copies of my copies.
Power DVD will not play the Comp USA discs, DVD Shrink will not read the copies I've already made and neither will DVD ToolBox or DVD Decrypter. They all quit with errors about 1/4 or 1/2 way through reading them.
I wish I had realized this before. While it may not seem an important point, sometimes one wants to make copies of copies. The price is right, but that is a major drawback. About 2/3rds of the copies I have already made I used these discs, now I will not be able to recopy them at some future date if I need to. I have about eight left, guess I will use them up, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM!!!
I am rather ticked off, actually.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Comp USA Burnt with HP DVD300i at 2.4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Blue. Media text is Comp USA 2.4 x DVD+R. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Shrink, CopyToDVD, DVD Decrypter, DVD ToolBox Works fine on Apex AD-1200 |
Comments posted by jeffd from Other, January 16, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: January 2004 Burnt with TDK 420N at 2.4x using firmware 1.39. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R Recordable. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero & DVDShrink Does not work on Panasonic DVD-S55 |
Comments posted by special F from Other, January 14, 2004:
I wasted 4 discs on this media!!! I bought the 10 pck. for $11.99 at compusa. No wonder they were on sale. So far I've burned one movie out of the 5 discs that was used.
Additional information:
Purchased from: compusa Date purchased: January 2004 Burnt with HP DVD300i at 2.4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Console reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is comp usa dvd+r recordable. |
Comments posted by Insanemime from Other, January 08, 2004:
Have a 25 pack and have tried to burn 11 and have gotton nothing but coasters with 3 diffrent burners. It seems that the burning that takes place toward the center of the disk is good but cannot burn all the way to the outside of the disk. Will only burn at less than 1.7x and will fail anywhere from 35% to 80 percent complete.
Additional information:
Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: December 2003 Burnt with Plextor PX-708A at 2.4x using firmware 1.04. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Gold. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R recordable. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero 6, Roxio CD Creator 6 |
Comments posted by Frugal Brutus from Other, January 05, 2004:
CRAP. Got them cheap, and they aren't worth it so far. Tried 3, they wouldn't even burn. My software (DVD-Lab) just sat there for over an hour and didn't budge. I removed the CrapUSA disc, put in a Fuji, burned fine. On the 2nd and 3rd try, I put in a Philips and it burned fine. So it is not the software or the drive, but the CRAPPY DISC! (that is probably why they were on sale!)
I have a Sony DRU510a with 1.0C in it. I may do the upgrade to 1.0d and try again. Or i may just return them.
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: January 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-510A at 1x using firmware 1.0c. Burning reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R Recordable 4.7GB 120min. Authoring/Burning comments: Captured with Studio 7, encoded with Canopus ProCoder, Authored and burned with DVD-Lab.
DVD-Lab does not tell me the burning speed, so I just guessed at 1x. I'm not sure what it tried to use.
(BTW, I recommend all of the above software packages!! Studio is buggy, but I primarily use it for capture and scene selection. Canopus ProCoder is FANTASTIC. DVD-Lab is very versatile.) |
Comments posted by stmdk from Other, November 28, 2003:
Good quality. Compatible with everything so far. Look out for bad discs in every package though. I open and check them at the register. The +RW are worse. Tape your receipt to the cakebox or your screwed if one is bad and you have no receipt.
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: CompUSA (Amherst NY) Date purchased: October 2003 Burnt with HP DVD200i at 2.4x using firmware 1.36g. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA 4.7GB DVD+R. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero 6, DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink of course!
Works fine on Apex AD-1200 Does not work on Panasonic DVD-RV31 |
Comments posted by Dees_Troy from Other, November 19, 2003:
Very poor media. It writes fine on my Lite-On drive, but I started playing it back on a Samsung DVD player, and the more I played, the worse things got. If I replayed a section of the movie, it would chop and have all kinds of blocks on the screen from decompression errors.
Additional information:
Price: $1.5 Purchased from: Store Date purchased: November 2003 Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 2.4x using firmware FS0F. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Works fine on JVC XV-D701 Works fine on Samsung DVD-HD931 |
Comments posted by Francisco Hilario Jr. from Other, November 08, 2003:
Burned on a NEC ND 1100 (2.4X) and burns and plays fine. Also plays flawlessly on a Mintek DVD-1600 and an X-Box. Will only play 1/2 to 1/3 of disc on LG DVD DRD 8160B DVD Rom and an Oritron DVD200
Additional information:
Price: $1.3 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2003 Burnt with NEC ND-1100A at 2.4x using firmware 1.0. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Purple Blue. Media text is Comp USA 4.7 GB. Authoring/Burning comments: Copy 2 DVD/DVD2One Works fine on NAD Auro 9006DD Does not work on Oritron DVD200 |
Comments posted by Alex from Other, October 02, 2003:
I will admit they are a little cheaper than other dvd's i have burn't but they are compatible with my samsung dvd player and burnt fine in my NEC 1100a(it comes in all new dells with dvd writers)
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: compusa got them on sale Burnt with NEC ND-1100A at 2.4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+RW. Authoring/Burning comments: I have burned with nero, easy cd creator, ulead(pictureshow and movie facotry) dvd xcopy dvd x copy xpress and tmpgenc dvd author with no problems. Works fine on Samsung DVD-V2000 |
Comments posted by Brad Winterburn from Other, October 01, 2003:
No comments
Additional information:
Burnt with Plextor PX-708A at 2.4x using firmware 1.01. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is None. Authoring/Burning comments: Roxio Easy CD Creator 6.1 |
Comments posted by Stinkfinger from Other, September 26, 2003:
Absolute junk. Bought a spindle of 50 thinking to save some money and they all are crap. They seem to burn fine but with playback on several outboards they fail and pause at the end of all the movies. RUN AWAY from these sub standards!
Additional information:
Price: $1.2 Purchased from: CompUSA Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 2.4x using firmware 2.0f. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R recordable. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero 6, DVD Decrypter and Record Max Does not work on Sony DVP-NC615 |
Comments posted by Thinking Hard from Other, September 19, 2003:
This is one of the few alternatives for DVD+R discs outside of Ritek (Ricoh) and CMC choices. Optodisc seemed to provide the Grade-B stuff for CompUSA, and the quality is OK at best, although CompUSA does provide a 90-day warranty in case something goes wrong. Personally I wouldn't pay more than $1 for this brand and only consider buying them when they are on sale.
Additional information:
Price: $1 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: July 2003 Burnt with OptoRite DD0201/DD0203 at 2.4x using firmware 2.09. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA 4.7GB DVD+R. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero and DVD Decrypter Works fine on Daewoo DVD-5700 Does not work on Panasonic DVD-A110 |
Comments posted by Mark from Other, September 17, 2003:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $1.4 Purchased from: Compusa Date purchased: August 2003 Burnt with NEC ND-1100A at 2.4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Compusa 2.4X. Works fine on JVC XV-S200BK |
Comments posted by Randall Rhea from Other, September 08, 2003:
My Sony 120 DVD burner does NOT recognize these discs.
Additional information:
Price: $1.5 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: September 2003 Burnt with Sony DRU-120A at 2.4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA DVD+R. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Works fine on Apex AD-1500 Works fine on Philips DVDR985 |
Comments posted by cocolau from Other, August 10, 2003:
Very cheap media only $3.00 for a 2-pack everyday. It works all right. The first time I tried to burn this it didn't work without upgrading my firmware so I may have damaged the DVD when I tried. I'm going to try burning another one.
Additional information:
Price: $1.5 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: July 2003 Burnt with Memorex DVD+RW/+R at 2.4x using firmware 1.51. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is CompUSA. Media UPC/EAN code is 04969610793. Authoring/Burning comments: TMPGEnc DVD Author, Nero Works fine on Norcent DP 300 Works fine on Philips DVD751 |
26 user comments,
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