CompUSA |
4.7GB |
4x |
Plays on 7 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 00 00 00 a1 0f 01 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3f .............&.?
00 00 00 00 00 00 03 49 4e 46 4f 4d 45 00 00 52 .......INFOME..R
32 30 00 38 23 54 37 15 02 52 6c 02 b4 63 15 15 20.8#T7..Rl..c..
0b 0a 08 08 01 19 1b 0c 0c 0c 0d 01 00 00 00 00 ................
Media color and text:
Silver DVD+R 4.7GB V1 2 R20 M04082001 F2M4S1 UPC/EAN Code:
No info
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Comments posted by GimpyEstrada from United States, July 31, 2005:
No comments
Additional information:
Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: July 2005 Burnt with Sony DW-U18A at 4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: Athor: DVDShrink
Burn: Nero 6 Works fine on Sony DVP-S530D |
Comments posted by feelgood from United States, June 09, 2005:
I bought the Plextor 716A & I had to return it, after the new one arrived I had some firmware problem but after rolling back and then updating it really is working well. I can change the book type on + to Rom and that helps playability even on old players. I bought 2 100shrink wrapped the first gave me poor burns errors in the 150 but below 250 no PO but I am not sure if it is the firmware update or the burner or this second 100 but the burns are very good average pie is like 0.41 Max 15 this is like verbatium but the cost is a fraction. Now will they stand the test of time? Oh yes they rate at 8X but I burn at 4X for these better results. The plextor drive controls its own speed anyway.
Additional information:
Price: $0.2 Purchased from: Comp USA 3 Hr Sale 14.95 Date purchased: April 2005 Burnt with Plextor PX-716A at 4x using firmware 1.07. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank Silver. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 316430. Authoring/Burning comments: Easy Media Creator Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by JoeBolden from Sweden, May 30, 2005:
I added this < burns to 8x > in the media name so you would see that this really is idenified as 8x media
Disc & Book Type : [DVD+R] - [DVD+R]
Manufacturer Name : [Infomedia Inc.]
Manufacturer ID : [INFOME]
Media Type ID : [R20]
Product Revision : [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,295,104 Sectors = 4,482.6MB = 4.38GB (4.70GB)]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x]
It was a 1 day sale today cost $.20 each $19.99 per 100. I noticed some of the COMPUSA were form other countries , China & Hong Kong so for this huge sale they had more than 1 manufacture. This was the one I got
silver on top with very very slight green tint and the bottom was darker silver with a blue & purple tint
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: COMPUSA Date purchased: May 2005 Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-1673S at 8x using firmware JS02. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is COMPUSA SKU 316430 4.7GB General Usa 120 minute video sppped up to 4x 100 Pack DVD+R. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 841808005749. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Decrypter used MAX speed setting the max speed reached was 8.2x Works fine on Sony DAV-C450 |
Comments posted by feelgood from United States, March 05, 2005:
Purchased at CompUSA 4 hour sale $19.99 $5.00 rebate. Came no name shrink wrapped 100 pack.At that price it was worth a try. Land and pits seemed good on innner outer and center some even very good. THAT IS WHEN I BURN AT 4X 8 gives only poor to bad results. The overall sums8 tests run errors low highs in the 40's I have had a couple that were poor. But that could ahve been a software setting. I ma using a Plextor 716A
Additional information:
Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: February 2005 Burnt with Plextor PX-716A at 4x using firmware V1.04. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank Silver. Media package type is Shrink Wrapped. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Ultra Latest Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by BD from Sweden, February 02, 2005:
Purchased from CompUSA in Raleigh,NC. Burned with Pioneer A08. Works on PC and Sylvania DVD. Doesn't work on APEX DVD.
Additional information:
Price: $30 Purchased from: CompUSA Burnt with Pioneer DVR-109 / DVR-A09 / DVR-509 at 4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is Silver. Media text is DVD+R 2 4.7GB V1.2 R20 M04092301. Media package type is Shrink Wrapped. Number of discs 100. Works fine on Sylvania DV3000 Does not work on Apex GT2015DV |
Comments posted by DRE from United States, December 13, 2004:
it say distributed by compusa dvd+r 4x,media codes says INFOME R20-this media burns a 8x on my BENQ800A BUT only burns at 2x on my NEC2500A and burns in great quality. this is the best 20.00 i ever spent on media
Additional information:
Price: $0.2 Purchased from: COMPUSA Date purchased: December 2004 Burnt with BenQ DW800A at 8x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is silver/blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 841808005749. Authoring/Burning comments: dvd shrink and nero Works fine on Apex AD-1100W Works fine on KLH KD-1220 |
Comments posted by Andrew from Sweden, December 12, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: CompUSA Date purchased: December 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 4x using firmware 2.1a. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is 841808005749. |
Media image
 Click to enlarge |
Comments posted by Tom Ford from United States, November 27, 2004:
So Far So Good I,ve Burned 10 Movies W/Decrypter/Shrink
No Problems Or Coasters/W Memorex DL 16x DLRWF1 F16 Burner With New W/BWSE Firmware.All Burned @ 8x Speed,I Bought It @ Compusa On The Black Friday Sale
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: Comp USA Date purchased: November 2004 Burnt with Memorex 16x DVD+/-DLRWL1 F16 Internal at 8x using firmware BWSE. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is DVD+R 24.7GB V1 2 R20 M04082001 F2M4S1. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media UPC/EAN code is ? DIDnt Save. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD DECRYPTER?DVD SHRINK ROXIO 6 Works fine on Panasonic PV-D4743 |
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