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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
Budget DVD-R 4.7GB VDSPMSAB 01. 4x Plays on 1 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 4 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 ea 0b 14 .....@....R.....
76 78 90 00 03 56 44 53 50 4d 53 00 04 41 42 20 vx....VDSPMS..AB
30 31 00 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 01 00 06 0b 10 11 01..............

Media color and text:
Yellow Budget 1-4X DVD-R 4.7GB DVD for data + video

No info

4 user comments

Showing 1 to 4 comments
Comments posted by skyline-pidgeon from United Kingdom, February 23, 2005:
Landfill media.
Burns flawlessly and works for a couple of months then read errors start finally resulting in media not recognised. Used over 100 of them in various burners with the same result.

Additional information:

Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 8x using firmware 2.18.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow.
Media text is Budget.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero DVD X Copy Intervideo

Comments posted by Bobbo7070 from United Kingdom, January 16, 2005:
No comments

Additional information:

Purchased from: dabs
Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 2x using firmware 2.18.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow.
Media text is budget.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Does not work on Pacific DVD-1002

Comments posted by Benny Vejlesjö from Sweden, November 19, 2004:
Burns in 12X without any problems.

Additional information:

Purchased from:
Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 12x using firmware rev2.18.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is BUDGET.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Media UPC/EAN code is N/A.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero and CloneDVD2
Buyed 200discs, the writing surface is purple and its marked: BUDGET 1-8X. I have a NEC 3500A and i have updated the firmware. I can burn those discs in 12x without any problem. A very good disc and I have nothing bad about this.
Works fine on DMTech DMP-310
Media image
Click to enlarge

Comments posted by nik cain from France, September 15, 2004:
would not burn at all. Freecom support says the disk in incompatible, but wouldn't say if a new firmware is likely to be released.

Additional information:

Purchased from:
Burnt with Freecom DVD+/-RW4J(1) Internal at 1x using firmware FSR1.
Burning reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow.
Media text is Budget 1-4X DVD-R 4.7GB DVD for data + video.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Authoring/Burning comments:
K3B on linux, Roxio Easy CD Creator on W2K
Would not burn at all. Freecom support says the disk in incompatible, but wouldn't say if a new firmware is likely to be released.

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