Apple |
4.7GB |
MXL RG01.... |
2x |
Plays on 24 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 50 00 02 58 0E 11 .B...@....P..X..
98 99 80 00 03 4D 58 4C 20 52 47 00 04 30 31 00 .....MXL RG..01.
00 00 00 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Media color and text:
11 user comments
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Comments posted by Mave Lee from Singapore, November 06, 2004:
I bought about 40 pcs of Apple DVD-R 2X about 1 year ago from apple online store. These media burnt and worked beautifully. However, 1 year later, almost all my Apple media become 'dead' and unreadable. There are forum been discussed on this topic related on Apple media problem and happened that I am one of the victim. Good news is I burnt on different brands like Verbatim which save my day or else I will jump down from my building as losing so much home video.
Good luck to those who are still holding these Apple media.
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x Burning reliability is Poor. Media color is White. Media text is Apple. Media package type is Slim Case. Number of discs 5. Media made in Japan. |
Comments posted by Nathan from United States, February 02, 2004:
Appears to be very good quality media, I like the top coating, which seems to be of very high quality. Solid white top similar to really old TDK cdr (if anyone remembers those). Bottom color is more blue than purple.
Bought 5 pack (with slim jewel case) at Apple Store for $7.99. ($1.60 per disc).
Additional information:
Price: $1.6 Purchased from: Apple Store Date purchased: January 2004 Burnt with Memorex Dual-X at 2x using firmware 1.07. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is (Apple Logo) DVD-R 4.7 GB 2x Speed. Authoring/Burning comments: Memorex Dual-X flashed to true Pioneer 106. Burnt data with Roxio 6 at 2x with no problems. Burnt several dvd-video with DVD Decrypter at 2x with no problems. Works fine on Sony Playstation 2 |
Comments posted by chris from Other, January 15, 2004:
1st one burned great, worked on my Panasonic A120 DVD player...other 4 don't work on hte same player. Burning with Roxio Classic Creator does work on my GO VIDEO DVD player. Don't know what happened...why the other 4 will not play on the Panasonic A120
Additional information:
Burnt with Memorex Dual-X at 1x Burning reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is white. Authoring/Burning comments: used Roxio Classic Creator 6 Works fine on GoVideo DV2130 |
Comments posted by dugpa from Other, August 28, 2003:
I've been using this media for well over a year and have yet to burn a coaster. Plays fine in every player I've tired it in, including some older ones.
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Comments posted by Jordan from Other, August 01, 2003:
I have burned 5 of these @ 2x so far. 4 of them burned flawlessly, however the one that turned into a coaster was my fault.
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.30. Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Purple. Media text is Apple DVD-R 2x. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Decrypter, IFO Edit 0.95, Instant Copy Works fine on Pioneer DV-503 Works fine on Pioneer DV-525 |
Comments posted by Drew Paz from Other, June 20, 2003:
Used it on two DVD tabletops and well as PC's. Worked very well with Sharp (brand new) and Zenith DVD (3 years old) players.
Additional information:
Price: $3 Purchased from: Fry's Electronics Date purchased: June 2003 Burnt with Pacific Digital DVD-R/DVDRAM at 1x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Apple 4.7GB DVD-R 2x. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDit! LE Works fine on Zenith DVC2250 |
Comments posted by Mave Lee from Other, May 29, 2003:
Excellent. Why ?? Because I tried Optodisc, TDK and Princo which all burned ok, but the last 40% of the video cannot play correctly (either freeze or jerky) on my Pioneer and Samsung DVD Player. Only this Apple DVD-R manage to play full 2hrs 15 mins without problem. Perfect. Good for those who burn more than 4GB of video into 1 media.
Cost SGD$28 for pack of 5 pcs in Singapore which ordered from the Apple Online website. Quick next day delivery.
Additional information:
Price: $1.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2003 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.30. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Apple Logo DVD-R 2X Speed. Authoring/Burning comments: RecordNow Max
Ulead MF2 Works fine on Pioneer DV-355 |
Comments posted by Joe McCormick from Other, March 13, 2003:
I have been using these for nearly a year now and have yet to make a coaster. Highly recommended, especially since Apple dropped their online price to $14.95 per 5-pack and FREE SHIPPING.
Additional information:
Price: $3 Purchased from: Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03 at 2x using firmware 1.90. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Apple branded. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Studio Pro and Roxio Toast Titanium Works fine on JVC XV-523GD Works fine on JVC XV-D421 Works fine on JVC XV-S30BK Works fine on JVC XV-S60BK |
Comments posted by BJ_M from Other, February 28, 2003:
This is also Apple media disks which are considered very very good .. tested in many many players ..
sold only in 5 packs with the apple logo
burned with both 104 and 105 burners
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Comments posted by pk from Other, February 28, 2003:
Apple branded. Needed some disks to test out my new burner. No problems with any of the 5 disks. Works fine in PS2. The cheap disks I got today (Sony) does not work in PS2.
Additional information:
Price: $3 Purchased from: Fry's Date purchased: February 2003 Burnt with Sony DRU-500AX using firmware 2.0c. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Works fine on Sony Playstation 2 |
Comments posted by Tom Ellard from Other, February 28, 2003:
A five pack of media badged with the Apple logo. Costs $30 Australian dollars for the 2x.
Additional information:
Price: $6 Purchased from: Apple Computer Aust. Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD videos written with Ulead DVD Workshop. Works fine on Pioneer DV-344 Works fine on Pioneer DV-545 |
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