Accu |
4.7GB |
4x |
Plays on 14 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0D 11 .l...@....R.....
66 78 80 00 03 4C 45 41 44 44 41 00 04 54 41 30 fx...LEADDA..TA0
31 00 00 00 05 A8 82 00 20 00 02 00 06 09 11 11 1....... .......
Media color and text:
Silver None UPC/EAN Code:
8 user comments
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Comments posted by Chip from Other, November 11, 2003:
Got 2 of these in a sampler pack from meritline. Both burned fine at 4x on my NEC 1300A and played fine on my Cyberhome and Pioneer decks. They were $1.19 each in quantities of 50 last I looked, which is pretty damn cheap for 4x.
Now the down side. It seems that you get what you pay for. Compared to Ritek or Beall discs, the Accus seemed more flimsy, like they are a bit thinner. If you look very closely at the edge of the disc, you can see the seam where the layers were joined together is sloppy compared to the other discs. Most worrying is the fact that the discs are nearly transparent when held up to a light. I know uncoated discs are supposed to be partially transparent, but the difference between the Accu and Beall (which are also uncoated)discs is literally night and day.
If all you care about is price, these discs are probably OK, but I wouldn't burn anything vital on them.
Additional information:
Price: $1.2 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2003 Burnt with NEC ND-1300A at 4x using firmware 1.08. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver Purple. Media text is none. Authoring/Burning comments: Transcoded with DVD Shrink 3.0b5, Burned with Nero 6.0 Works fine on Cyberhome CH-DVD 402 Works fine on Pioneer DV-525 |
Comments posted by Bobby from Other, July 31, 2003:
Burns fine at 4x
Additional information:
Purchased from: Burnt with Pioneer DVR-106 / DVR-A06 at 4x using firmware 1.06. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is None. Authoring/Burning comments: CloneDVD Works fine on Sony DVP-NS755V |
Comments posted by yodah03 from Other, July 24, 2003:
Media would not burn at 4x selected, it takes 30 minutes to burn whole dvd which is only 2x
Additional information:
Price: $1.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2003 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 4x using firmware 1.3. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is blank. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Works fine on Pioneer DV-414 |
Comments posted by eddieshere from Other, July 20, 2003:
back to buy another batch from meritline first batch no coasters
like you said mr someone looks like vincent below is an idiot.
this is a good product. stay the hell away from princo or prime another princo spinoff.nothing but coasters from princo average 2 out of 10
Additional information:
Price: $1.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2003 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 4x using firmware 1.40. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is none. Authoring/Burning comments: use dvd shrink,nero 5.9 or dvd decryptor Works fine on Mintek DVD-1600 Works fine on ProScan PS8680Z Works fine on RCA RC5240P |
Comments posted by someone from Other, July 16, 2003:
Looks like vincent is just a tard ball screwing up the stats. If you see below disturbed1 had no problem with the same drive and the same dvd player. I hate when idiots that can't do something right blame the media/burner/player
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 4x using firmware 1.33. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is blank. Authoring/Burning comments: nero Works fine on Apex AD-1500 |
Comments posted by Sriram Gopalan from Other, July 15, 2003:
Burns at 4x on my pioneer A05. No problems during playback on my PC but is stuttered when I play back on my Panasonic or Apex dvd players. The PS2 fails to even recognize the disc.
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 4x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Console reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is accu dvd -r 4x. |
Comments posted by vincent from Other, June 10, 2003:
It crashed my system. I tried three time, it crashed all three time with my pioneer 105 burner. I will never buy this brand again.
Additional information:
Price: $0.7 Date purchased: June 2003 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 using firmware gear. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Console reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is blank. Does not work on Apex AD-5131 |
Comments posted by disturbed1 from Other, June 02, 2003:
Does 4x on Pioneer A05. Only 1x on A03
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