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Yamada DVD-2600

6 user region code comments

March 31, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Veldhuis, December 04 2003:

My YAMADA DVD Player Slimtype 5520 shows the same. Also unable to change region. I require region free and macrovision hack....

PostRegion code hack posted by stoif, December 05 2003:

yep, found it now, you have to update the firmware, just mail yamada and ask them, they will send you new firmware and instructions on how to install it,

PostRegion code hack posted by fevarpe, December 23 2003:

To change the region code you may update the firmware first.
Go to "

There is the solution.

PostRegion code hack posted by Roy Marsh, January 15 2004:

15 January 2004, a Yamada DVD2600 arrived this morning, from QVC Shopping Channel in England, built October 2003, Version 3.0

This procedure sets the player to Region-Free (region 0), so you don't have to change the settings when swapping from, say, a Region 1 DVD to a DVD from another region.

I have also checked that this change to Region 0 remains, even after the player has been completely disconnected from the mains supply.

Except for step 6 below, you don't have to look at the screen, so just concentrate on getting the key-strokes right (don't be distracted by what's on the screen - OK?)

1 Power "ON"
2 Drawer "OPEN", by pressing EJECT button
3 Press SETUP button
5 Press 1 then 3 then 7 then 9
6 Press DOWN-POINTING ARROW KEY repeatedly until the number on the screen is 0 (that's a ZERO)
7 Press PLAY button (the central oval button)
8 Press SETUP

The player will now play ANY DVD from ANY Region.

Use the DVD Player and forget about the Disc's Region.

Roy Marsh

PostRegion code hack posted by Rod, March 13 2004:

Just bought The Yamada 2600 from QVC outlet shop. Tried the remote control hack from Roy Marsh and works no problem

PostRegion code hack posted by stefan, March 31 2004:

I got my player yesterday from - the Box indicated the player was build Feb. 2004 and the Versionsticker says 1.0.

I tried the 1379-Method but that didnt work for me.

So I mailed the Yamada-Support and got the answer, that newer players dont use the MT1379Chipset anymore, instead they use a Chipset from a company called Zoran.
If you got one of these newer players and your Setup-Menu is a blue OSD which looks quite "cheap" (no Pictures, just blue color) you propably got an Zoran chipset.

Anyways, you can still change the Region-Code with the following Procedure:

1. Press the OPEN/CLOSE Butten on the remote controll ONCE so that the tray opens.
2. Type in: 2812 - a menu showing your regioncode should come up
3. you can change the regioncode by pressing the play-button on the remote control - IMPORTANT: Region 9 means Codefree
4. when you're done, press the SETUP Button and the settings will be saved.

Worked for me without a glitch!!

Hope i did help, have fun with this player!

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