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United DVD 5057M

4 user region code comments

March 03, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Puddel, January 07 2004:

1.Open the CD-tray
2.Push SETUP-button
3.Push 3 times at RIGHT Arrow button to enter preference setup menu.
4.Enter 1,3,7,9 and then the code 0-6 as you wish.
5.Push SETUP or CLOSE to save the setting.

(as for 5059m)

PostRegion code hack posted by Playboy By Night, January 08 2004:

**** United DVD Player 5055M *****

* Power On The DVD Player
* Open DVD Tray
* Press 1369 and then 0 = regionfree 1 = region etc.

Verify the DVD players current region:

* Open DVD Tray
* Press Setup
* Press 1379
* You can now see current region, BIOS Version etc.

Testet and verified on United DVD 5055M

PostRegion code hack posted by Ziggy, February 20 2004:

United DVD 4057M

Open Tray
Press Setup to go to General Page
Press left arrow once to Preference Page
Press 1,3,7,9 and Current Region will be displayed
Use up and down arrow key on remote to selecte needed Region (0 - 6) 0 for Region free
Press Setup again to exit Setup.

PostRegion code hack posted by Carsten Clausen, March 03 2004:

United DVD 5054M

Connect to TV and turn power ON.

Open tray, push setup followed by 1369, then choose a region with the "up" or "down" buttons. 0 = Region Free.

Check Version bios etc. same procedure only type in 1379 instead.

Have fun. /CC

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