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TruTech TT320

13 user region code comments

June 13, 2008 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by walter, October 13 2005:

I found this hack on the internet but have not tried it.

Its similar to the CyberHome-320. I just got a trutech tonight at Target and set the region to 0 in the following manner:
1) With your TV on and using the Trutech remote control select POWER ON to turn on the Trutech DVD player.
2) Confirm that there is no CD in the tray and press OPEN/CLOSE to close the tray.
3) Press the Setup Button and choose 'load setup' to load factory setting.
4) Press Enter.
5) While the screen says “loading” press the MENU button.
6) On the TV a box appears displaying the current region number (ie: 1 for USA).
7) Press the DOWN arrow until the region number shows 0 (zero).
Press "ENTER" to accept.

I hope this helps. ... NewPosts=1

PostRegion code hack posted by pureimpure, October 18 2005:

Switch player on and make sure there is no disc in the tray.
CLose tray and press menu,1,9.

A menu should appear with the region option at about the third line from the bottom. use the arrow keys and select 0 when done hit OK .


PostRegion code hack posted by Chris, October 30 2005:

Confirmation of the Menu,1,9 hack (above). In short: with no disk in unit, close tray, press Menu,1,9, then change the region code by using up/down arrows. 0 = region free. Press Enter when done.
Like others I purchased the Trutech from Target for $34.99. Although the unit looks identical to the Cyberhome 320, the Cyberhome hack will NOT work on the Trutech. I tried both. For those tracking technical details: S/W Version = TT320-V05-AM5888-050722. Mfd: Sept 2005 BIOS: V05.
Tested with both region 1 and region 2 disks. Works great.

PostRegion code hack posted by Shelley, February 14 2006:

I bought a Trutech 320 at Target on Feb. 12th. This hack does not work on this player.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mea Culpa, February 20 2006:

Switch player on and make sure there is no disc in the tray.
Close tray and press menu,1,9.

A menu should appear (really just a grey box with a red number in it) use the arrow key (down) and set it to 0 when done hit Enter.

I bought my unit at Target for 34.99 this afternoon. The first time I went through the steps (menu, 1, 9) nothing happened. So I immediately did it again (menu, 1, 9) and the second time the grey box appeared with the region code in it. Success! Tested with regions 1, 2, and 3 DVDs.

PostRegion code hack posted by Shelley, March 06 2006:

Ok, my bad. This hack does work. Just thought I'd try it again, and shazam, it worked. Not sure why it didn't work before, but I thought I'd report back that it does work.

PostRegion code hack posted by JOE, April 01 2006:


PostRegion code hack posted by S, June 19 2006:

Got my TruTech 320 today at Target for $29.99. Used the remote and did the MENU, 1, 9 hack twice - it did nothing the first time and the second time the box appeared and I was able to change it to 0. Tested with Region 1, 2, dvd-r, Pal & NTSC dvds.

Only thing that didn't work was a copy-guarded dvd. My tv is old and doesn't have the s-video jack so I have to run the dvd player through a vcr. Anyone know how to disable the macrovision?

PostRegion code hack posted by Darksidious, July 04 2006:

The same procedure for Cyberhome DVD 300. 1)Turn on 2)Without a disc, MENU+19 3)Select 0 using arrow keys 4)Open tray 5) Enjoy.

This is a great option if Waltmarts doesnt sell the C.H. dvd player anymore (same price $40 aprox.)

PostRegion code hack posted by nozyczek, July 15 2006:

Hack works for Bios:V13
Manufactured: April 2006

PostRegion code hack posted by, July 31 2006:

I got my TT320 at Target 7/30/06. When I went to apply the hack I found that it
did not work the first tme, but did the second time. On my unit the order is
actually menu, 1, 9 . then it gives me the box with the region code.

PostRegion code hack posted by cono, April 19 2007:

this did not work for me. i bought mine about a month ago. i'd like to note though, that my S/W version is different than the one "Chris" mentioned (S/W Version = TT320-V05-AM5888-050722)

mine = S/W Version = TT320-V07-AM5888-050831

PostRegion code hack posted by wol940022, June 13 2008:

Does this work for the Trutech DVD and VCR combo Also purchasd at target

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