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TruTech TT1620

3 user region code comments

February 10, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Geospart, October 15 2005:

I tried some hacks with but posted for the Cyberhome 1600 most did not work, I think this has a different menu setup. I did find one that worked.
--below was posted in the 1600 side and works--
I verified it myself. I had some Danger Man disks from the UK a good friend gave me, they fail everytime with region error -- I applied the below fix and used region 0 -- result: as I type this I am wathing an episode.

Region code hack posted by DJ, July 12 2005:
Found this on a UK web site, Two completely different hacks, I haven't tested them but here they are for your information:

To change setting from region 2 to the region of your choice:
1. Power on the player
2. With the remote control press set up.
3. With the remote control press the following sequence of
numbers: 1, 6, 9, 5, 1, 8.
4. A hidden menu will appear.
5. Choose your required region from 0-9
6. Region 0 sets the player to multiregional.
7. Exit the menu and power off and then power on. The player
will now be set to the region of your choice.

PostRegion code hack posted by andrys, January 16 2006:

There's a step missing in the first post.

After pressing 'setup' button and getting the setup screen,
you need to press 'menu' button before punching in the
numbers. Then it works (for me).

I bought mine about a week ago.

PostRegion code hack posted by David, February 10 2007:

Above hack works for U.S. version, but when you out in the code, you must press the numbers fast, it took me a few tries but it finally worked.

Now region free.

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