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Trutech T600-D

10 user region code comments

January 26, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by sam, January 05 2007:

how make region free Trutech T600-d ?

PostRegion code hack posted by DS665544, February 11 2007:

1. Press SETUP
2. Press 8, 8, 8, 8
3. Press NEXT CHAPTER (4 times)
4. Current RC should be displayed , upper right
5. Select RC with LEFT/RIGHT (255= codefree)
6. Press SETUP
7. Turn the player off

PostRegion code hack posted by Top Gun, February 17 2007:

This hack above is working in my Trutech T600-D, bough in Target by U$29,90, but some DVD´s disc region 4 (my region) don´t running, others, I had to enter through menu disc because only allow the first charge. I believe it is a trouble of player.

O hack acima funcionou bem no meu Trutech T600-D, comprado no Target por U$29,90, mas alguns discos de DVD (4) não rodaram, outros tive que entrar através menu do disco porque só permitiam a primeira carga. Eu acredito que isto é um problema do aparelho.

Thank´s for hack, now I´m a happy man.

Obrigado pelo hack, agora sou um homem feliz.

PostRegion code hack posted by tobie5000, March 07 2007:

This hack, unfortunately, isn't working for the Trutech T600-D I bought in the US at Target. Specifically, after pressing setup, then 8, 8, 8, 8 and the chapter button four times, no region code page opens up.
What could be wrong here?
The chapter button is this one: >>] correct?

PostRegion code hack posted by Videorama, March 10 2007:

I purchased a TruTech T600-D from Target today and the hack posted by DS665544 worked just fine for me. In answer to the question posed by tobie5000, 'Next Chapter' is as you say, the >>| button. After hitting this 4 times, you should see a number 1 up in the upper right-hand corner of the display which indicates Region 1 as set at the factory for players sold in the USA. As per DS665544's hack sequence, you then hit the left or right navigation buttons as many times as it takes until you see the number 255 where you originally saw 1. 255 is the code-free (Region 0) setting number. Follow the rest of DS665544's hack and it should work just fine. When set to code-free status, this player will play back disks from any region provided they were recorded to either NTSC or PAL format.

PostRegion code hack posted by Top Gun, March 11 2007:

Yeah! The chapter botton is correct! In my case don´t had any change in display unless one small number upper right. Try again! Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by paul, May 05 2007:

1. Press SETUP
2. Press NEXT CHAPTER (5 times)
3. Current RC should be displayed , upper right (1)
4. Select RC with LEFT/RIGHT (255= codefree)
5. Press SETUP
6. Turn the player off

I hope this works for some other people.

PostRegion code hack posted by Tobie5000, August 16 2007:

Both hacks are, unfortunately, not working. I've varied the speed of pressing buttons, followed the directions to a T, and tried other variations. Nothing is working. Can anyone elaborate?

PostRegion code hack posted by wa2ise, October 29 2008:

I can confirm the above hacks (both the 8888 and 4 >>| (chapter), and the 5 >>| (chapter) (seems I needed only 4)) work on mine. My machine was made in January 2007, SN A07D09337

As an experiment, I set my machine to region 6 and tried a region 1 DVD, and it said "wrong region disc". Then I set it to "255" and the disc works. I don't have discs from other than region 1.

PostRegion code hack posted by sjpro, January 26 2009:

I could not get the setup 8,8,8,8 next chapter (4x) code to work with my T600-D. I went through a list of other trutech codes and found one that worked for me.


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