What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.
DVD Player | Hacks | Updated | Add |
Toshiba SD4900 | 30 user region code comments |
July 23, 2010 | Post region code/hack comment |
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I just purchased this DVD player at Best Buy yesterday (about $90 after an instant $10 rebate). I found the following hack on this site for the SD 3900 and it worked on a Miike Takashi film I got from Japan: ********************* Put in DVD. When you get region whine message press: [menu] [1] [play] Disc should play, but with region message still up. Press Marker then Clear. Message is now gone. You can go to the menu for setup, or keep watching the movie, the choice is yours. Does great anamorphic PAL conversion, too. | |||
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My friend have a LG DVD player and the setup menu of LG is the SAME of my Toshiba SD 4900, withou some features. After this, I'm looked for hacks of LG dvd player and aply in my Toshib DVD player. I found 2 hacks: 1)Region Free : download te file: http://iimhotepp.free.fr/FreeZoneLG6053.exe And create a CD, put in Toshiba DVD, end choice the Region what you desire, use 0 to make your Thosiba a Region Free DVD, and press PAUSE. 2)Play SVCD : player on with NO DISK message in drive, then press the following sequece on remote: PAUSE, 1, 4, 7, 2 Probaly your SD 4900 will be display: 55 53 00 67 14 55 64 FF press LEFT arrow x4 (the value at the top should now correspond with the 4th value from the left in the middle of the screen) press 6 and hold to change to F press RIGHT and press 5 and hold to change to E The screen will display: 55 53 00 67 14 55 FE FF now turn off the player | |||
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Help. I did try using http://iimhotepp.free.fr/FreeZoneLG6053.exe. After I unzipped it, it created two files:021022_0801.cue and 021022_0801.bin. I burned them to a 650 mb CDRW a nd close it. However, this DVD player could not read it and showed disc error or something like that. I also tried LG5000.zip and it did let me choose the region code 0. Again, when I tested it with several region 3 DVDs, it did not work. The only thing works is that:[menu] [1] [marker] [play] hack. I could use that watching region 3 DVDs perefectly although it is a real hassle. Does any body have hands-on experience with permanent code free hack for SD-4900? | |||
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I got it. The hack for LG6054 does work for SD-4900. The DVD player was purchased from Amazon.com. Check it out. http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdhacks.php?select=LG+6054 Now, it is region code 0. | |||
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i bought one of these sd-4900's at best buy (one of the xmas rush ones, probably) a couple of days ago. it's a region 1 player, obviously. i wanted to watch a region 2 (japan) disc so i first tried the remote hack (ie 1, menu, marker, clear) and it worked fine and played the dvd with no troubles. since that worked, I figured that the other hack would work as well -- so I got brave and applied the above hack that works for the LG6054 (ie burn the cd, load it into the player and change the region). it worked perfectly, and have no troubles playing foreign discs now. yep. this player is a little expensive (about $100), but worth it. pic quality is great, it works great, and trouble-free region hacks. | |||
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Go to LG 6054 ; follow exactly the instruction from Panthro August 03 2003 You don't need to use Nero software ; I used Adaptec and insert the CD into the dvd player ; the screnn came out with the region code settings and all I had to do was enter 0 and then PAUSE and turn off the player It works perfect with region 1 and 2 DVDs I don't have other regions to try Great Thanks | |||
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How to use the LG 6054 Hack on the Toshiba SD 4900 Go to LG 6054 - download the file RMTM0000.sit http://mypage.bluewin.ch/a-z/chaos-kitties/downloads/RMTM0000.sit Unpakit ( open it ) using Stuffit Standard edition Trial go to the Stuffit web site and download the free trial and put it in your computer and after restart it (http://www.aladdinsys.com/downloads/index.html) Trail version ( I suggest to save the RMTM0000.sit file in a new folder ) After you installed Stuffit , when you double click in the RMTM0000.sit file you'll be asked " view or expande"; you need to expande the file - what your gonna have is a new folder named only RMTM0000 At the point use your CD burning software to make a data cd readable in all the computers , drag the complete folder down ( in my software you can see the folder in the left and the file name in the right that says 'dvdfile') and burn it ; I used disc-at-once and it work perfectly insert in the dvd player and choose region 0 for all regions If any problem let me know Sergio | |||
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Yes , there is a PAL/NTSC converter inside so you can see european DVD's in a NTSC tv with a great image quality ; however I'm not sure if , while you're plaing region 2 PAL DVDs , all of the functions are the same ( pulldown and progressive scan ) | |||
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This hack works: Follow the links above... to the instructions posted by NEO... for the LG 6054 using the LG 6188 hack. 1. Downloaded the file from: http://mypage.bluewin.ch/a-z/chaos-kitties/downloads/RMTM0000.sit 2. unpacked the RMTM0000.sit file with "StuffIt Standard Edition 8.0" (http://www.aladdinsys.com/downloads/index.html) Trail version. 3. Burned the whole DIR (RMTM0000) to a CD using Nero Burning ROM (ISO Level 1, Mode 1, ISO 9660) 4. Inserted the burned CD into the dvd, wait for the menu on the LCD of the dvd. 5. Pressed "0" then "PAUSE", turned the dvd OFF 6. That's it !!!, REGION FREE. I ran this last night on my DVD player I got from Best Buy for xmas. It works. I watch SWAT (region 1) in its entirety last night and then one episode of Farscape (region 2). | |||
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I can try and help. Don't make a videocd with the file. Use the hack I listed. Burn the file on to a cd by making a dataCD. It worked on mine. I used Nero to make a data cd. I dropped the files as described in the program, burned it, inserted it in my DVD player and it followed the instructions. It was easy... | |||
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Hi, I did figure out where I was going wrong. All I had to was not put the disk inside to begin with. Everybody else who are trying the SVCD hack ensure that you dont put any disk inside before you try the hack given above in this section. | |||
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The above SVCD hack does work, make sure as the poster said, to put the code in while there is NO disc in the tray. Great player, very impressed! | |||
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I got it. The link http://mypage.bluewin.ch/a-z/chaos-kitties/downloads/RMTM0000.sit didn't work, so i tried with the way Soturno posted "Region code hack posted by Soturno, November 02 2003" or yuo can also read here : http://www.math.uga.edu/~djb/html/dvd.html I bunrt the image on the CD-R 700MB It works fine for both Region free and SVCD Thanks, Charlie Vu. | |||
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Tried the above hack using the burned cdr - pop it in and the secret region code menu does indeed come up!! Switch to 0 and then I tried some region 2 dvds - one from the UK and another from France - both PAL also. They work perfectly - picture is amazingly beautiful - pal converson perfect - all around much better quality than a friend's hacked Philips player. Will do a new post after I try some other region discs. - Robert | |||
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This hack really works! http://www.math.uga.edu/~djb/html/dvd.html I tried it earlier for my new Toshiba SD 4900, with the CD,it brought out the region code menu once the CD is loaded.All you have to do is using the remote and press 0 then I load in the Chinese DVD(Sent from China)Voila! I can watch it(I couldn't before the hack)Just make sure you burn the image disc (I'm using Nero) by using recorder> burn image> point to the cue file> next> burn then you're done! DO NOT USE DRAG & DROP OR DATA CD. Now my Toshiba is region free! Thanks all of you! | |||
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I bought SD4900 at BestBuy for $79.99 +tax in California(Feb10th). Before doing any CD firmware hack, I tried the hack mentioned first in the thread "When you get region whine message press: [menu] [1] [play] Disc should play, but with region message still up. Press Marker then Clear. Message is now gone. " This worked! (Thanks folks). Then I decided to do another hack following the way mentioned in http://www.math.uga.edu/ ~djb/html/dvd.html. Downloaded the RMTM0000.sit file from the link then used StuffitExpander to expand it on MacOSX. You should now get a folder named RMTM0000. Mac OSX user, insert blank disc into the computer and let the blank image mount on desktop. Then drag this RMTMOOOO folder(not the .sit one)onto the mounted blank disc and it should start copying to the disc. Once that's done, drag the CD to the trashcan and it will ask you whether you:ll like to burn the CD that'll work for both Mac and PC, so say yes and you'll get the CD. After you get the CD ready, insert it into SD-4900 and on the TV screen you should see that it's asking for input of the region code. Press 0 on remote then press Pause to exit the menu. You are done at this point so you can turn off the power of the player or do what you want to do. Again, this worked owing to you folks. I've also tried the SVCD hack and I was able to change it but haven't tested it yet since I don:t have a SVCD around. | |||
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I purchases the Toshiba SD-4900 prior to finding this website(2/18/04 to be exact). I was exicted to find the hack information that pertained to this player, so I went home, and had all of my info ready. I didn't even need the hack. The player was region free and converted pal/ntsc right out of the box. I couldn't beleive it since I had to hack my Sampo 612(n). This was purchased at Best Buy for $89.99 | |||
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I just tried a Pal Region 4 (Australia) on the toshiba SD4900(90 bucks from Best Buy three months ago) with remote in hand ready to enter the hack and it played right away no problem!!!! no hack nothing!!! region 4 PAL!!! this player rules!! | |||
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I bought the SD4900 from buy.com for $88 shipped. Here are the steps that I followed to render the player region free (first I confirmed that my SD4900 didn't automatically come out of the box an all-region player--as some of you have experienced--it wouldn't play my PAL Region-2 DVD, telling me to 'Check the region code' or something to that effect): 1) I downloaded the RMTM0000.sit file from the location mentioned in this thread. 2) Expanded the .sit file using Stuffit (trial version), which expanded a folder named RMTM0000 which should have in it another folder called 'Scarlet,' which contains 'kpjc19_1.dvd' file (RMTM0000 > Scarlet > kpjc19_1.dvd) 3) Insert a blank CD-R media into your CD burner, and then make a data CD (you can name the CD anything you want), copy the RMTM0000 directory onto the CD. Make sure you select the option to have the CD media be readable from any machine. Eject the disc. 4) Here was something that was a different for me from all of the other people who have written about the process above. When I powered on the SD4900 and the inserted the disc, it wouldn't read it, it only kept spinning. So with the disc still in the player I powered off the SD4900, then powered it back up again, then after a few seconds of assessing the disc it recognized it, and then the screen to change the region code came up on my TV. At which point I just pressed '0' on my remote, making it a region-free player. 5) Press 'Pause' to get out of the screen. 6) Take the hack disc out and power it down (that's what I did, not that it's required to do so). It all worked just like you all said it would. I tested it to see how it plays my PAL R2 French DVD (Nid de guepes--an awesome action movie). SD4900 played the disc beautifully, with no squishing of the image and no frame skips (when playing PAL DVDs, as in my Philips DVD727), and it also seemed to have no problems with DTS audio (also a problem on the 727 on some DTS DVDs). Thanks a lot to you guys! | |||
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Great Player! After having no luck with cheaper hackable players (poor picture quality, audio sync problems, etc.), I searched this sight for a better quality alternative. I found this player on sale at London Drugs in Vancouver, Canada. It wasn't region-free out of the box, but pressing the sequence of "Top Menu - 1 - Play" at the "Check Region Message" got my region 2 DVD playing after about a 10 second delay. Then I Downloaded the software hack mentioned above, and after burning a CD, my player is now region-free!! | |||
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I purchased this player from amazon on their friday sale (69 shipped, plus I had a $5 coupon code =$64 shipped). I played a PAL dvd that my other Toshiba(SD-K510) would not play. Worked right out of the box with no hacks. Awesome!! Now we just need a Macrovision hack. | |||
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I just ordered and received one of these Toshiba SD4900 players. It was not region free out of the box, but I can confirm that the hack using the remote which is described in one of the earlier messages works fine. I tried a number of european DVDs, even ones I copied (DVD-R) and they all work great after the hack. The PAL converter is doing a fine job too. | |||
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re svcd remote hack. i used it today and the player recognized my svcd (from singapore) it showed a picture of a scene from the video in a menu. When I tried ti hit enter or play, it wouldn't allow. Any ideas? | |||
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Regarding the SVCD hack . . . my 3900 (and I would think the same would hold true for the 4900) would only play SVCD that were not created as true 2.0 SVCD. It would only play SVCD created with the "header trick" (i.e. making a non-standard 1.1 VCD). This process is described in detail at http://www.vcdeasy.org/modules.php?name=_Guides&id=VcdTrick In the end, you still have SVCD quality and you should have a disc that will play in the 3900 (and presumably the 4900), but it will not be playable on machines that will play 2.0 SVCD. You may not even need the hack after all . . . | |||
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All, Craigconfire, January 02 2004, hack works on Toshiba SD-V596 - the DVD/VHS combo. Mine is now region free! Thanks to all. | |||
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The [Menu] [1] [Play] Hack does not work on my machine. I downloaded the RMTM0000.zip file, and burned it to a CD. Put it in the player, switched off and on. It worked perfectly. Region 0 no problems. Hong Kong and Euro ans US discs all play perfectly. The RTM0000.zip file seems to have disappeared from the net, but it unzips to one file in a directory named: D:\RMTM0000\Scarlet\kpjc19_1.dvd where D:\ is the root directory of your cdr(or dvdr) drive. The file contains 4 bytes: 17 17 8C 00 You could use WinHex, or some other Hex editor, to write these bytes to a file, and save it as kpjc19_1.dvd. You can get WinHex at http://www.winhex.com/winhex/index-m.html Alternatively use the RMTM000.zip file, if you can find it' Just extract the file and directory structure to your recordable drive and burn. Don't forget to "close" the burn session, or the SD4900 will not recognize the disc. | |||
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My hack post did not display correctly. The backslashes did not appear. The file and directory structure is in this order: D:\ RMTM0000\ Scarlet\ kpjc19_1.dvd (D:\ is the root directory of your cdr(or dvdr) drive.) If this does not make sense, then you probably shouldn't try it. | |||
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None of the above links seem to work--they are all outdated. Here is an updated link that I just used today to make my Toshiba SD4900 region free. Follow ronan's instructions above and it will work for you. Download this file: http://www.math.uga.edu/~djb/html/kpjc19_1.dvd | |||
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Hi. Since there's nothing about Toshiba sd 490 model anywhere yet, I'm glad to say that the hack below works with that model beautifully. ATTENTION! THE HACK IS FOR TOSHIBA SD490 MODEL, NOT SD4900. The only reason why I'm posting it here is that this link appeared in my Google searches several times while I was looking for Toshiba SD490 hack. OK, that's how it works: Codefree via remote control: - open the tray - type 2403960 - press 9 - close the tray - turn the player to standby - and back on again and job is done!! enjoy! | |||
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Used ronan, December 29 2005's instructions to create the binary file and burn to CD since it seems the files are gone from the web. Worked like a champ, thanks everyone! |
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