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Toshiba SD4000

5 user region code comments

December 28, 2011 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by ursa_major, December 18 2007:

Guys, I just tried on my newly acquired Toshiba SD4000 the hack posted for the SD3990. It works! And on top of that in the right upper corner of the screen, immediately after you push in the last digit you will get a visual confirmation.

PostRegion code hack posted by jSpazz, December 31 2007:

Hi, the region free hack for the Toshiba SD3990 did not work for this player in my case. However, a recent hack for the Toshiba SD3960 worked on it.

1. Power on the player.
2. Open the disk tray.
3. With the remote, enter the numbers 9 8 7 9 and
then press 0 (for region 0, or multiregion). A prompt
at the upper right hand corner of the start screen should tell you that the player has been set to region 0.
4. Close the disk tray.
5. Power off the player and then power it back on.

Hopefully this will work on all players of this model.

PostRegion code hack posted by ykkrox, January 04 2008:

Works great!

PostRegion code hack posted by milos_popovic, December 06 2008:


The region unlock code provided for the SD-4000 on this forum doesn't work
for my SD-4000KU unit (neither the 9879 one, nor the 2403... code). (My
guess is that SD-4000KU is the US version and SD-4000KC the canadian

If it helps to figure out a hack: I opened the box, and found it has a Zoran
Vaddis 966 chipset. Please add this to the known data about this model on
this forum. Also, this should mean that the 9879.. unlock code should work
(because it's used on other toshiba players with that chipset), but it doesn't
work. Anyone help?

The firmware version (obtained by opening the tray, then pressing Angle
button, then Display button on the remote) is given as: Tomei SD4000 MP
Version 1.04 R1.

The unit has manufacturing date: January 2007 CZ


PostRegion code hack posted by jlrm365, December 28 2011:

I have a Toshiba SD-4000KU. Scroll down a little bit, if you just want the code. First, I am going to explain what didn't work and then what I did to find what did / does work.


I'm not sure if country of purchase is important, but models might vary slightly (and so the codes / processes would also). It's possible that the SD-4000KC is the US equivalent.

The SD3990 code mentioned in this thread and detailed in another thread did not work for me. The SD3960 code detailed in this thread did not work for me either.

Having done many google searches and more or less all of the results (for various combinations of "hack" and "region" words) pointing back to this site, I decided to go basic.

I searched "Toshiba SD" and then moved through the list of Toshiba results, to the start of the SD section. One of them would have to work, right? One of them did.

The first result with a comment was for the Toshiba SD-XDE1. The comment was posted by forestomora on June 03, 2010. I was very surprised, but it worked.


So that you don't have to search for it, though you're welcome to (I will just copy and paste) what you do / I did was the following (typing is done via remote):

- open the tray
- type 2403960
- press 9
- close the tray
- turn the player off and back on again

Again, it was for a completely different player than the SD-4000KU, but it worked for me. I didn't type fast, but the number 9 showed in the top-right corner and I was immediately able to play my region 2 DVDs.


If you ever have to do this with other players and can't find the answer, just type the basic part of the model number ("Toshiba SD", in this case).

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