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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Toshiba SD3900

13 user region code comments

November 19, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by joe, May 04 2003:

OK now once the check region code thing violation thing pops up you need to press menu then pres 1 and play this will over-ride it but i cant get the little check regio code settings off but it does work i will add another post ounce i get it

PostOther hack posted by Joe, May 04 2003:

ok now i came up with how to get rid of the little blurg thats says check region code or whatever it says all you have to do is press clear or zoom in and then zom out till original place. then if that isn't the episode or part of the dvd you want all you have to do is press nenu and it will bring you to the dvd menu. Episodes i am refering to like if you were watching a collection a tv episodes of a show like Futurama that comes out in Brittian first but it will work for any menu like getting to the title menu i tried this with region 2 only but it may work for others

PostRegion code hack posted by Renaldo, May 13 2003:

The zoom/clear doesn't always work. Here's a simpler addition to the one above. In full:

Put in DVD.
When you get region whine message press: [menu] [1] [play]
Disc should play, but with region message still up.
Press Marker then Clear. Message is now gone.

You can go to the menu for setup, or keep watching the movie, the choice is yours. Does great anamorphic PAL conversion, too.

PostRegion code hack posted by Neal Kurz, May 20 2003:

Just to add to the above, sometimes all I had to do was hit "display", then select one of the titles and push play. When this worked I didn't even have to clear the region "whine". On some stubborn discs (a few Carlton label items from UK) I had to try both methods. Sometimes a power off and back on did the trick. Got it to work on every disc eventually. Maybe it seems a pain, but the video is better than the Cyberhome CH 500, so it's worth the bother. PAL conversion is smoother, and a few discs that were "pixellated" on the CH 500 were fine here. It's equal to Malata but cheaper! Only caveat is the zoom on this new model isn't as flexible as the SD 3800 generation (no zoom out to help on 16:9 monitors).

PostRegion code hack posted by Dandan, May 25 2003:

When the [Menu] [1] [Play] doesn't do it, push the [Top Menu] a number of times (number of times seems unpredictable from disc to disc) until you get the arrow to appear in the upper right corner. Once you get the arrob push [enter] and you will get to the DVD's menu, from there use the [clear] [marker] to get rid of the Chech Region alert.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rob S., September 04 2003:

Just wanted to let all know that I got my SD-3900 from Amazon for under $80 shipped. Got it today, hooked it up & popped in my Region 2 DVD.

Followed the [MENU][1] & the chapter menu came up. Chose the chapter, hit [DISPLAY] couple times & the warning popup went away. This is great!

The only thing, which probably is a feature , I can't display 4:3 material on my 16:9 with horizontal bars - I.E. seems to zoom/expand onto my whole 16:9 monitor.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rob Ket, October 06 2003:

Just got this player from, because Amazon was out of stock.

I tried a number of discs, one region 2 PAL, one region free PAL/SECAM, one region 3 NTSC, several region 2 NTSC.

I tried the [menu][1][play] on my region 2 PAL first. After repeating the procedure 3 times, it started up. I confirmed that it required 3 repetitions.

Next I moved on to a region 2 NTSC. At first I got no results. The repeated [top menu] hack didn't help. Finally I got the [display][right][enter] 'hack' to work. This ended up being the only way to get most of my discs to work. I have to say it isn't much of a hack! You're just hitting display and selecting a track! And it worked on all but one of my discs.

Note, that it requires a bit of patience. After selecting the track, wait 5-10 seconds for the display on the unit to show the track number. If it doesn't start playing after showing the track number, hit the [play] button. I had to do this a couple of times.

I recommend starting with the display/select trick. If that results in a big NO symbol, try the menu/1/play. If that doesn't work after repeating it a few times, try out the [top menu] repetition and see if that works for you. For me, even when I got the play icon to appear, hitting enter didn't do anything. When using menu/1/play, I recommend doing [display] twice beforehand to get rid of the warning. Otherwise you can't get rid of it until you start the movie, and the menu is tough to read.

Note that the region free just played automatically. PAL conversion on this and the region 2 disc just happened automatically.

I upgraded from a first generation Sampo (same bios as first generation Apex). My goodness, the video quality is improved! No more pixel remnants for me!

PostRegion code hack posted by Doktor B., January 13 2004:

Hi - I just tried the hack that was suggested for the Toshiba SD-4900 on my US-bought SD-3900 and IT WORKED PERFECTLY for regions 1 & 2 DVDs!! it's very easy to do (see instructions below): all you need is a CD-R and a CD-burner. I think it was originally designed for the LG 6054, but it works fine on the SD-3900.

(This info is actually taken from the LG 6054 thread elsewhere on this site):

Region code hack posted by Panthro, August 03 2003:

I've got the LG 6054 region free using the LG 6188 hack.

1. Downloaded the file from:
(the file's 4kb big/small)

2. unpacked the RMTM0000.sit file with "StuffIt Standard Edition 8.0" ( Trail version.

3. Burned the whole DIR (RMTM0000) to a CD using Nero Burning ROM (ISO Level 1, Mode 1, ISO 9660)

4. Inserted the burned CD into the dvd, wait for the menu on the LCD of the dvd.

5. Pressed "0" then "PAUSE", turned the dvd OFF

6. That's it !!!, REGION FREE.

PostRegion code hack posted by Ruud, January 21 2004:

Tried the [menu] 1 [play] with a region 4 PAL and it worked perfectly.

PostOther hack posted by Sean, January 24 2004:

Play SVCD on the Toshiba SD-3900.

player on with NO DISK message in drive, then press the following
sequence on remote:

PAUSE, 1, 4, 7, 2

The SD 3900 will display on the screen:

55 53 00 47 14 55 64 FF
(it's important that you write this number down and don't lose it!)

press LEFT arrow x4 (the value at the top should now correspond with
the 4th value from the left in the middle of the screen)

press 6 and hold to change to F

press RIGHT and press 4 and hold to change to D

The screen will display:

55 53 00 47 14 55 FD FF

Now turn off the player and turn it back on.

PostOther hack posted by DodgingCars, June 04 2004:

Continue playing a DVD from where you left off, after the machine has been turned off and turned back on again:

On the remote control press PAUSE 1 4 7 2. This will bring you to a blue menu screen where you can change EEPROM values, much like the one that allows you to play SVCDs.

If you have never changed anything, the HEX codes displayed should read:

55 53 00 67 14 55 64 FF

The hack is simple. Simply use the right arrow to move over to the "14" and change the "4" to a "6". The new value should be:

55 53 00 67 16 55 64 FF

Now just turn the player off and turn it back on. Now your player will play DVDs where you left off, if the machine had been turned off. For instance, if you were watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and stopped it at 55:12 and turned off the DVD player, when you turn the DVD player back on, it will automatically start at 55:12 again. The default setting on the player caused it reset and go back to the beginning of the disc.

NOTE: If you have already done the SVCD hack, you can still do this one. If you've done both your value should look like this:

55 53 00 47 16 55 FD FF

With this setting you can play SVCDs and have player play the DVD from where you left off.

Also. I've used the region hack where you burn the file to a CD. It works perfectly. I was able to play a Region 2 PAL (Fight Club) without any problems.

PostRegion code hack posted by metebelis_3, October 13 2005:

The standard [top menu] [1] [play] hack no longer works in 2005 with many of the newer Region 2 discs I own, so a firmware upgrade was my only choice.

I can verify that this firmware hack for the SD-3900 does work!!

Download this file:

You will need to create a folder named 'RMTM0000', then create a folder within it called 'Scarlet', and within that folder place the 'kpjc19_1.dvd' file.

Burn it to CD-ROM and place it in the DVD player. You will get a blue EEPROM error screen prompting a reset of Region Codes. Select 0 (for Region 0) and then Pause to exit the screen. Eject disc and turn OFF/ON. That's it!

Now you have a region-free 3900!

PostRegion code hack posted by colddude, November 19 2005:

I was about to buy a region-free player to play BBC's "Sahara" by Michael Palin. This disk is from Amazon UK ordered into US. I tried the [menu][1][play] hack on my old SD-3900 but no luck even repeating it several times like one poster said.

After finding the permanent hack posted Oct 05 (burn CD then select region 0, Pause) I tried it and it worked!

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