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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Toshiba SD3300

5 user region code comments

December 06, 2013 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by rennikz, June 28 2011:

it uses the same code as the toshiba SDK780 which is

(using remote control)
1. power on the player
2. open tray
3. press 9879 follow by 0 for all regions
4. close tray
5. turn off player

PostRegion code hack posted by mattieuk, November 23 2011:

I can confirm that this hack is operational. I picked up a SD3300 (more specifically the SD3300KC) today, first time, hack works, can watch all my English DVDs.

Thanks a million.

PostRegion code hack posted by maniac2, March 26 2013:

Just to update and confirm the above hack is still working as of March 2013.

Unit purchased at Canadian Tire $ 39.00

PostRegion code hack posted by TYL3, July 26 2013:

Just wanted to confirm this hack is still working as of July , 2013. Unit purchase
price was $35 at Best Buy (including HST & environment handling fee = $48ish).
Thank you!

PostRegion code hack posted by Happy88, December 06 2013:

Just want to update this dvd player has set system for 0 region, so can play
most DVD disk in this player, no need to hack at all.

Purchased from at 11-29-13.

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