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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Toshiba SD125E

5 user region code comments

February 23, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Billywhizz, July 20 2003:

I've used the same hack as for the SD220E and followed the instructions CAREFULLY and can now play region 1 DVDs on my region 2 player

PostRegion code hack posted by Faisal, August 14 2003:

Toshiba DVD Player SD125E Hack

I can confirm that the SD220E CD Hack also works for the Toshiba SD-125E.
After Spending many days reading/searching/deliberating on whether to go for it I read today at the following thread that the CD is a multi-region update disk not a firmware update disk.

The Update CD does not modify the firmware – it only updates some setting and that’s why this single CD will work with a number of different DVD models (Toshiba’s of course but nothing older than 120/220) irrespective of firmware version. So no chance of messing up the firmware! (that’s the theory anyway)

I checked my firmware before and after running the update CD. Nothing changed so obviously the firmware was not updated.

To Identify the firmwareRom Version
Zoom , 6 , 0 , 6 , Zoom

For my player, which I bought 1st week in Aug 2003.
Boot Room Version: v1.300
Main Room version: v1.700 - R2
OSD: Eng/Fre/Ger/Spa/Ita
Dimmer: Normal/Dimmed/Off

The update itself took exactly 9 secs.

The following link for an uncorrupted version of the Region-Free CD (the file on the original French site file is corrupted)

Or search via emule/edonkey.

You must Write the CD in DAO (Disk at once mode – not track at once) Use Nero or CDRWin etc.

Switch on DVD Player
Under the Picture option Change the Pal/Auto setting to Auto
Press SETUP again to return to main screen.
Insert the Update CD.
CD will spin Up.
The following images were displayed
’Nabe the Wiz’ (Could have been ‘Mabe the Wiz’ it came up only for a few seconds) and then ends with ‘FIN’
Remove CD.
Switch DVD Player On/Off to make sure it isn’t still trying to update.
And way you go… region free

PostRegion code hack posted by Jock, November 29 2003:

just responding to the above...

i've used the multi region cd in my toshiba sd125e, and it
works fine, though region 1 also plays in black and white. this
is to do with the tv though isn't it?

i've got a major problem though- since using it my player
won't load region 2!! (aaarrgh!!) when a regular disc is put in,
the player tries to load it but then the telly cuts to static + and
the player won't respond to the handset...

any ideas??
many thanks in advance

PostRegion code hack posted by wrist, July 23 2005:

The posted hack worked fine. Many thanks for that.

Displayed Firmware etc.

Boot Room Version: v1.300
Main Room version: v1.500 - R2
OSD: Eng/Fre/Ger/Spa/Ita
Dimmer: Normal/Dimmed/Off

PostRegion code hack posted by enigma, February 23 2006:

I've created and run the CD onto my SD-125E player. I saw the "Nabe the Wizard" text and "FIN."

I think it has worked buy should the bios be changed? It reads the same as before...

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