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Toshiba HD-E1

6 user region code comments

November 02, 2013 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Robert Goldie, July 03 2007:

This model is already multiregion, but not straight out the box, you need to use the units menu for this. This model is the HD-E1 in Europe, and is set to region 2 for standard DVD's when taken out the box. (but will play all HD-DVD's worldwide). However, you don't need to use a "Hack" to make it play other regions or NTSC DVD's. All you do is go to the settings area using your remote control. The default setting is PAL for this model in Europe, all you do is change this to "AUTO" and hey presto, you can play all regions no problem. it's that simple.

PostRegion code posted by Trond, July 04 2007:

This hack does not work for me. The only place to set pal/auto is under setup->language. It is set to auto, but reports "region error" when a region 1 dvd is inserted.

This is Toshiba HD-E1, Region 2 model.

PostRegion code hack posted by Don Mc Cormick, July 04 2007:

I too have tried this Pal/Auto setting with no joy !!
But then that setting merely reads the DVD content. It has no bearing on the Region Restriction.

What is needed is a Region Free Hack for the "old Style " DVDs of - which there are many !!

A higher scaling than the default 576p on component out for old DVDs would be nice also.
However what this machine can produce so far is exceptional.!!

PostRegion code hack posted by ljbanner, December 02 2007:

dont hold me to it but try
To change the region on the Toshiba HD-E1 DVD player
1. Press the Open button on your remote control to open the drive tray
2. Press the 2 button on your remote control
3. Press the 4 button on your remote control
4. Press the 0 button on your remote control
5. Press the 3 button on your remote control
6. Press the 9 button on your remote control
7. Press the 6 button on your remote control
8. Press the 0 button on your remote control
9. Press the Enter button on your remote control to change the region to 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 9 for multi-region playback
10. Press the Open button on your remote control to close the drive tray
11. Power off the DVD player
12. Power on the DVD player

PostRegion code hack posted by ljbanner, December 04 2007:

none upscaling over component cable maybe bypassed by plugging component cables in after about 8 seconds of dvd play maybe.i used to have problems with protected contents when copying my own video and dvd collections onto backupdisc with dvd recorder and found it could be bypassed with timing the component inputs(sometimes took a few atempts)one of these component switch over boxes with button may help(switch on off)if anyone finds this works please respond and tell.

PostRegion code hack posted by Fender56, December 16 2007:

Link to details.:

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