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Toshiba HD-A1

4 user region code comments

July 03, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code posted by Lorin Thwaits, April 29 2006:

The HD-DVD side of the player is already region free! What joy. But you clicked on the link wanting to see a hack. So here it goes.

Inside the unit the firmware is on a USB daughter card attached near the back of the unit. You can read it by plugging its standard 9-pin connector into a motherboard. When analyzing the contents, Red Hat Linux is found on the card. Here's more info:

PostRegion code hack posted by Shanghai2004, December 22 2006:

To change the region code of the DVD (standard definition) part of the player. HD-DVD is already region free.

Not really a 'region free' hack, but a hack to change the region code for those using this nice player outside the USA to play standard definition DVD's.

No special f/w or hardware is needed.

1) Open the player
2) Make a picture or note how everything was connected
3) Get the main board out
4) Remove the base plate of the mainboard
5) Remove the HD-DVD drive. It looks like a PC DVD-ROM drive
6) Remove the IDE converter
7) Place the HD-DVD drive in your PC (Use Windows XP or Vista), drive must be master.
8) Start your PC
9) Go to the device manager en then to the DVD drive properties
10) Go to the region tab
11) Change the region to the area you're in
12) Shutdown your PC
13) Remove the drive from the PC
14) Put your HD-DVD player back together
15) Test, everything should work -> finished

PostRegion code hack posted by daniel, January 18 2007:

the above hack you wrote does not work if you leave it in a computer the drive works , but when i put it back in the hdxa1 it come up saying cannot play pal 4 disc , then had to change it back to region 1

PostRegion code hack posted by Robert Goldie, July 03 2007:

Ignore all the nonsence about having to open this up to make it multiregion. This model is already multiregion, but you need to use the units menu for this. This model is the HD-E1 in Europe, and is set to region 2 for standard DVD's when taken out the box. (but will play all HD-DVD's worldwide). However, you don't need to use a "Hack" to make it play other regions or NTSC DVD's. All you do is go to the settings area using your remote control. The default setting is PAL for this model in Europe, all you do is change this to "AUTO" and hey presto, you can play all regions no problem. it's that simple.

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