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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Thomson DTH-311E

4 user region code comments

March 16, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Mr.Spock, December 23 2003:

- turn the player on without any disc inside
- enter the code 321 789 456 before the player menu appears
- select 'all' in the appearing list for regionfree
- turn the player off

PostRegion code hack posted by Paul Turner, January 23 2004:

Just to confirm that Mr Spock's hack above does work okay with this model.

PostRegion code hack posted by Debbie, March 31 2004:

Confirming this works with the DTH-311 (no -E) model as well.

Enter the code when it shows "insert disc" on the screen.
You need to press the numbers on the remote VERY slowly for this to work - pressing them quickly didn't seem to register.

We bought the DTH-311 in Europe for use there and even though it is a PAL format player, once we entered the code, we were able to view US (Region 1) NTSC format discs in it with absolutely NO problems on a PAL tv! It automatically did the conversion of NTSC to PAL output. :-)

PostRegion code hack posted by galtos, March 16 2005:

- turn the player on without any disc inside
- enter the code 16719 when the menu appears
- select 0 far all, 1 for zone 1... in the appearing list

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