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Sony RDR-HX725

8 user region code comments

October 27, 2011 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Stadsman, April 24 2006:

Same hack as listed under RDR-HX710 works for RDR-HX725!

PostRegion code hack posted by Kerkhoff, June 28 2006:

Ländercode hack

PostRegion code hack posted by mikty, November 19 2006:

I confirm that the hx 710 méthod works for my hx rdr 725.
with the "one for all" and the code "" but i had to enter twice this code before it works.
by ! and thanks for those who find this crack.


PostRegion code hack posted by vera, November 24 2006:

I used and it worked fine.
Just do not forget to change the Remote Control Command Mode do DVD1 because the recorder is comming with factory preset Command Mode DVD3. This is under Setup -> Others -> Command Mode -> DVD1. You also have to change the Command Mode on the remote control supplied with the recorder (check the recorder Users Manual).
After changing to Code Free you can return to Command Mode DVD3 or whatever you wish.

PostRegion code hack posted by hunt85, December 06 2006:

The HX710 hack to multiregion worked fine with the HX725, but needed two important steps.

1) I was using a One-for-all URC7740 and I needed to put "00" before the key numbers, e.g. 001891, 002552.

2) I needed to change the recorder to command mode DVD-1 before the One-for-all would work at all (it's in the setup options). Following the successful hack, I have returned the recorder to command mode DVD-3.

Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this solution.

PostRegion code hack posted by freaky-deek, March 27 2007:


First of all set the command mode of the recorder to "DVD1"
from the menu and from the remote.
After that

1. Press DVD on the remote control
2. Hold MAGIC button (or SET Button) until the led flashes twice.
3. Press 0, 5, 3 and 3 and the led flashes twice.
4. After that the URC can manage the recorder...check it
If not, then use the code search (have a look in the manual of the remote control).
When the rc works, then step over to


1. Hold MAGIC button until the LED blinks twice
2. Now type “994” (then LED blinks again)
3. Press the MAGIC button (shortly)
4. Now type 001891
5. LED blinks twice
6. Repeat steps 1-5 and enter instead of step 4 the codes 002552,000953,002214,000795
7. Put the player on standby (and be sure that there is no DVD inside)
8. Press 1,2,3,4,5 (pause briefly between each button and make sure LED of remote flashes) then the display shows “TIMER OK” and the DVD-Player goes on
9. Press 1,2,3,4,5 (pause briefly between each button and make sure LED of remote flashes) then the display shows “TIMER OK” and the DVD-Player goes off
10. Then it is done! Your DVD-Player/Recorder is Codefree!

I tested these two remote controls, they worked both. I am sure that there are lots of other remote controls which will work!

PostRegion code hack posted by Irate Consumer, July 07 2007:

I used the instructions on
and that worked fine.

A few things to note on the instructions:
- It is not necessary to make a bootable disk, it works fine to choose "start->Run->command.exe" from within Windows 98, instead of booting from a DOS disk, and then run the winamps.exe program.

- I couldn't find the Infrared COM port on my laptop, so I plugged in the Lego Mindstorms Infrared transmitter into COM1 on my computer.

PostRegion code hack posted by petwolf, October 27 2011:

Hi there,

If, like me, you forgot to set your remote control to Command Option 1, before doing the hack, you'll be left with a remote that won't operate the DVD player... My One-4-All wouldn't allow me back into the menus to change the Command Option back from 1 to 3, which allows the DVD player to 'see' the remote control again.

However setting the remote to Command Option 1 is easy - hold down the remote's 'Enter' and '1' buttons down together for at least 3 seconds, then release both togather. The remote should now be able to operate the DVD player again - so you can either leave both set to 1, or get back into the DVD player menu and set both back to the default Command Option of 3.


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