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Sony DVP-SR100

6 user region code comments

August 14, 2017 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by REJIE, December 30 2009:

Zone 2 only available

PostRegion code hack posted by Antonio Ness, February 15 2010:

my dvd player

PostRegion code hack posted by Gibraltar, May 17 2010:

Region 2 only! Not true. I enquired about buying one of these but for multi-region use. The shop owner took out a remote to make it multi-region, but the remote he was using was faulty and was asked to call again in a few days.

PostRegion code hack posted by Gibraltar, June 08 2010:

Just tried a similar hack in other postings.
The menus appear as below but the hack does not work using either 2812 or 12450.

Switch DVD to Stby
Press on R/C ‘TOP MENU’ – ‘CLEAR’ – ‘POWER’
A menu appears – ‘Remcon Diagnosis Menu’
Choose Option 2 and then Option 4
Enter with R/C ‘1 2 4 5 0’ and press Enter
0 0 0 0 0 appears press ‘Enter’ and switch to Stby

PostRegion code hack posted by Sasha_Z, June 15 2011:

You cannot do it with Sony's remote control.

I have Sony DVP-SR100 player purchased in Russia (it was playing zone 2 and zone 5). I've hacked it with One-for-All Remote model URC-7555 (ver.R00) and now I can watch american dvds (zone 1).

First, set up remote to control player:

1. Press DVD device button on remote
2. Press and hold Magic button and wait for double blink
3. Enter device code 0533

Now we need to program Macro Buttons <1>,<2>,<3>,<4> and <5> with the following codes (read below for instructions):

<1> - 00189
<2> - 00255
<3> - 00095
<4> - 00221
<5> - 00079

This is how you program those numbers into the Macro Buttons:

1. Press and hold Magic button until double blink.
2. Press 994.
3. Briefly press Magic button (don't hold).
4. Enter 5 digit code from list above.
5. Press appropriate Macro button (<1>,<2>,<3>,<4> or <5>) to store it.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 until all 5 Macro Buttons programmed.

Re-program the player:
1. Remove any disk in player, put player on standby (Sony display shows nothing).
2. Press Macro Buttons <1><2><3><4><5> in sequence - player starts up.
3. Press Macro Buttons <1><2><3><4><5> in sequence again - player shuts down.
Congratulations! You're done!

PostRegion code hack posted by Pete , August 14 2017:

Hack applied with One-For-All URC-6440

1 Hold SETUP until the light on TV flashes twice
2 Select DVD button on the top of the remote
3 Type 0533 - the light on TV flashes twice.

The remote then works to power the DVP on and off. Next:

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 Press SETUP
5 00189 1 (blink blink) - key "1" is programmed

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 Press SETUP
5 00255 2 (blink blink) - key "2" is programmed

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 Press SETUP
5 00095 3 (blink blink) - key "3" is programmed

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 Press SETUP
5 00221 4 (blink blink) - key "4" is programmed

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 Press SETUP
5 00079 5 (blink blink) - key "5" is programmed

Then from standby with no DVD loaded:
1 Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the DVP turns on
2 Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the DVP turns off.

Player is now region free.

To delete the programming of keys "1" to "5":

1 Hold SETUP (blink blink)
2 Press DVD (blink)
3 994 (blink blink)
4 press key "1" and again key "1"
5 Press SETUP

Repeat that for keys "2" to "5". Done.

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