What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.
DVD Player | Hacks | Updated | Add |
Sony DVP-PQ1 | 10 user region code comments |
September 27, 2005 | Post region code/hack comment |
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The Sony retailer (!) did the software hack in the back room in 2 mins for an extra charge of ca. 12 euros. Originally was R2, now supposed to be region free, but so far only tried R1, which plays perfectly. | |||
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Here's my thinking: Firstly, we find out if it IS possible to make it multi region via the menu I listed above by finding a way to enter the other submenus (since we only have buttons 0,1,2). I suggest we do this using this page http://www.anycities.com/rhm5757/ to determine the correct infra red codes. If we can't get that working, we make/buy the cheap serial port infra red sender/reciever (http://www.veg.nildram.co.uk/remote.htm) and use this program to record the code sent from the remote for 0,1,2 buttons we already found and see if it's a simple pattern or ties in anything with the first website so we can find the 3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Failing those, we all contribute £3 to someone who gets the £25 chipped remote and we record EVERYTHING it sends and analyse that, it's not rocket science, it just takes a bit of time and considering it's only sending a few codes, it shouldn't be hard to figure it out | |||
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ok using the same procedure as above power off top menu clear power on i was able to get all the menus. the i got hold of my programable remote (allforone 6 button programable) my code was 0533, this will probably be diffrent unless you also have a allforone remote. now i can use buttons 0-9 :) i have bios ver 1701 on dvd player and eventually found the display for region settings, (kind of hard to remember what options was selected to meny to remember) mine is set for region 2 and there didn't seem to be an option to change the region and it looks like the region options were 2-5 only. i will continue to have a look around the options see what i can get into, would be much easier with some kine of guide.lol | |||
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I have just made my Picot region free thanks to the procedure described at this site: http://www.selen.org/sonydvd.html Note that the player does not give any confirmation message after the procedure and "Test Mode Menu > Syscon Diagnosis > Version > Region" still shows "Region = 02" even though I have successfully played three region 1 discs. I used my computer with an Asus A7A266-E motherboard and a homebuilt IrDA device connected to the motherboard's IrDA port (I doubt a USB IrDA port will work so don't waste your money.) The player is a region 2 UK Model: DPX-1660CE1 Revision: 1.701 according to the Test Mode Menu. | |||
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http://www.selen.org/sonydvd.html i used this method to make my dvp-pq1 picot dvd multi regional with my laptops infared port. bios version is 1.610 (or something like that) and it still worked. | |||
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After talking to two of the only companies who have real insight into the picot pq1 I got this reply: "Hi,[playing region 2 pal dvds on the region 1 picot] Can't be done... the usa version of the pq1 will not play pal discs. It might be possible to add pal circuitry to the main mpeg pcb, but not sure. rgds" and when I enquired about a chip modification from another company "This kit was tested only in original region 1 players and do not play PAL discs, only region 2 Japan(NTSC)." So basically, it appears US dvp-pq1 can be hacked to play region 1 dvds but simply doesn't have the video decoder to support pal - why this is, who knows? since the region 2 picot seems to be easily hackable with the 12345 trick to play region 1 NTSC dvds. If anyone does hack the us region 1 dvp-pq1 and play a pal disk and prove me wrong let me know, otherwise you're just going to have to lump it....Anyone want to buy a region 1 picot??? | |||
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i used a dell insipiron 8100 using ir port on com2 i did it through dos, put the software from that link on a bootable floppy, then ran the program. the diaglog appears i then followed the instructions on the site, and my dvd player just turned on, there was no 'sucess' text. i turned the player off, turned it on again. an it worked with a region 1 dvd. thankfully region 2 dvds and vcds still work. | |||
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I've just found out that the remote-control for the sony PS2 works with the DVP-PQ1. All numbers can be pushed and the dvd will react. I don't know how to make it region-free jet. | |||
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> will a One For All 6-Way Remote work?, <\\> Yes, only the "magic" button is called "set" I did my Philips with it :) | |||
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Hi, I have just successfully made both my UK Region 2 DVP-PQ1 and a DVP-355 read Region 1 discs using exactly the same remote control, an AllforOne URC-7562 bought from Dixons in December 2004. N.B. Please understand that I am no expert, I cobbled this information together from other hack postings and, with my heart in my mouth, I tried it first on the 355 and then the PQ1. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS AFFECTS THE MACROVISION SETTINGS. I STILL GET COLOUR PICTURES ALTHOUGH ON THE PQ1 I AM NOT USING A SCART LEAD (this is a problem with other players, apparently). Please be sure to read this all the way through and familiarise yourself before starting. I have posted this for reference and do not accept any liability. There, now that's out of the way . . . 1, Get yourself a One For All Signature URC7562 Remote Control. 2, To set Up Device URC7562 Remote; 2.1, Select DVD device on Remote. 2.2, Hold Magic button until DVD button LED flashes twice. 2.3, Press 0533 3, Set Up Device DVD Player: 3.1, Put any disc in player and put player onto welcome screen. 4, Using the URC7562 Remote: 4.1, Hold magic button down until DVD button on remote flashes twice. 4.2, Press "994" 4.3, Press Magic button. 4.4, Press "001891" (after the last digit of each of these is pressed the OneforAll Remote DVD button LED light will flash twice briefly as a final signal confirmation) 4.5, Repeat steps 1 to 3, then press "002552" 4.6, Repeat steps 1 to 3, then press "000953" 4.7, Repeat steps 1 to 3, then press "002214" 4.8, repeat steps 1 to 3, then press "000795" 5, Remove disc from the player, then using the ORIGINAL SONY REMOTE put player on stand by. 6, USING THE URC-7562, press "12345" (nothing is displayed but the unit comes out of Standby). 7, USING THE URC-7562, press "12345" (the player will go into Standby and your player will now play Region 1 & 2 discs). If the Screen flashes or the picture displayed is suddenly in black & white it is NOT dependent on the country code of the Disc! Maybe you have to change Scart-Port at you TV (against flashing) or you have to switch from S-Video or Video to RGB in the Screen-->Line-menu. Good luck. |
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