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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Sony DVP-NS905

3 user region code comments

September 02, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by sniels, February 07 2003:

programm keys 1 to 5

key 1(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 127) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 2(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 101-Angle) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 3(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 85-Video Off) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 4(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 95-SACD/CD):

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 5 (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 21-Power

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

It seems, that this remote hack works on all Sony
DVP-NS Players!

The remote control hack here does work but you
have to press each buton TWICE. (eg
1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5). At least that is how I got it to
work on mine.

PostRegion code hack posted by niels, August 28 2003:

programm keys 1 to 5

key 1(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 127) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 2(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 101-Angle) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 3(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 85-Video Off) :

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 4(Device Code: 26.73 Function: 95-SACD/CD):

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

key 5 (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 21-Power

0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018
0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018
0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030
0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018

It seems, that this remote hack works on all Sony
DVP-NS Players!

The remote control hack here does work but you
have to press each buton TWICE. (eg
1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5). At least that is how I got it to
work on mine.

PostRegion code hack posted by Anthony Fievez, September 02 2005:

I just managed to hack my DVP-NS905V to multi region (although I've only tried region 2 and 4) with my laptop.

You need to have an IR port in your laptop and download the winsamp software and .txt file from:

I had to hold my laptop IR port within an inch or so of the display, but it was very easy and only took about 5 minutes including preparing the computer.

If you don't have a Palm, don't want to shell out for a programable remote or don't want to rent a special hacking one from the UK, this is a great option.

Good Luck.

PS Apparently this hack works for all Sony DVP-NS players.

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