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Sony DVP-NS575P

32 user region code comments

February 06, 2015 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Uccello, April 15 2005:

To get in to SERVICE MENU- top menu/clear/power, but you cant modify anything in there, you have to read this page, there you have your answer ;)


PostRegion code hack posted by Eduardo - Argentina, April 19 2005:

With a disc on it and standby, I tried the Top Menu/Clear/Power, Option 2, Option 4, Input Count: 12450, Current Count 00000, I saw the 0 (apparently is region free now but not sure) in the display but the tray started to open and close permanently, so I had to unplugged the device from AC. I didnt try if now it´s region free but ASAP I will, and post the results.

If anyone has a different way to make this DVD player read region 4 discs (I dont care about PAL-N system), please let me know. I already have selen method, and still trying.

Greetings from Argentina

PostRegion code hack posted by Eduardo - Argentina, April 26 2005:

Hola a todos! Debido a la gran cantidad de mails que recibi, les paso nuevamente y en castellano, los pasos para ver el service hidden menu de este reproductor. El mio es zona 1 y estoy tratando desde hace un tiempo de convertirlo en zona 1 y 4 o multizona. Una aclaracion, este DVD, sin importar la zona, lee solo discos NTSC por lo que si tienen una tele PAL solamente los van a ver en blanco y negro o con interferencias.

Para acceder al menu de servicio, el DVD tiene que estar enchufado pero apagado, solo en stand-by. Presionar en el control remoto, de a una tecla por vez:

Top Menu, luego
Clear y luego

al prenderse, esperar un segundo y muestra un menu de opciones. Algunos presionan Display, Top Menu, Clear, Power pero no lo probe.

Todavia no puedo confirmar que sea multizona, pero quiero seguir intentando el metodo de con una palm o una laptop con puerto IRDA infrarrojo.

Espero que investiguen y si alguien puede desbloquearlo por favor, hagalo saber porque hay mucha gente con el mismo problema....

Tambien tengo un DAV, BC-150 de Sony pero es mas complicado que este modelo y todavia, tambien, sigo tratando de desbloquearlo.



PostRegion code hack posted by Eduardo - Argentina, April 26 2005:

El metodo de selen es este:

Es un poco complicado y va en ingles porque no tuve tiempo de traducirlo:

The following guide describes how I managed to make my Sony DVP-NS705V DVD player multi-region.

There are no guarantees that you will be able to do the same. Be aware that you will probably void any warranty you have and possibly even break the player.

Put shortly, you proceed at your own risk.

First of all, the Sony DVP-NS705V can be made multi-region simply by applying appropriate service codes, you do not need to install a so called "mod chip".

This supposedly applies to the entire NS-series of Sony DVD players. There are some encouraging reports out there supporting this, but nothing has been verified by me. Again, if you choose to apply this guide to any DVD player, you do so at your own risk.

If you do find that this procedure works on another model, please drop me a line at and let me know. Include the exact model number and original region of your player.

Update: Some users have reported success on the following players:

DVP-F21 (special thanks to Garry Self for this one)
DVP-PQ1 (thanks go to Michael Joy for this one)
RDR-GX3 (thanks to Andreas Norman)
RDR-GX7 (thanks to Daniel Tapie)

Please note that not all players behave exactly like the NS705. For example, some players do not display "success" when hacked.

Thanks to all who have contributed.

The infrared service codes required to make the update are available on the Internet. Unfortunately, not many people have an appropriate device to enter the codes into. You basically need a programmable remote (Philips Pronto, One-For-All) or a PDA (Palm, iPAQ) with suitable software.

This guide shows you how to make the update with a regular PC equipped with an IRDA port.

The procedure

1. Download the winsamp -package from Blank Frank's site.

This innovative piece of software allows you to send standard home electronics IR signals using a PC IRDA port.

2. Extract the package onto a bootable DOS floppy disk.

3. Download this IR code

file and place it in the same directory as the package above.

This file holds the five necessary IR codes converted to the format used by Blank Frank's winsamp.exe. Please do not bother Frank with questions concerning this particular procedure.

4. Boot up your PC from the floppy disk and run winsamp.exe.

If your IRDA port doesn't appear as COM2 you may override this by using an appropriate command line switch. For example, use COM1 by running 'winsamp C1'.

5. Press the 'r' key to load up the codes into winsamp.

6. Make sure your DVD player is in standby mode and your IRDA port is within range.

7. Run the IR codes from 1 to 5 by pressing Enter on each corresponding button.

8. Your DVD player should start up and display the text "SUCCESS".

9. Repeat step 7. Your player should return to standby mode.

10.Your player is now multi-region.

Espero que alguien lo pruebe, tiene que ser con Windows 98 para bootear desde un floppy, pero yo tengo XP.



PostRegion code hack posted by Eduardo - Argentina, May 05 2005:


Stand by means that the DVD player is plugged into the AC outlet and can be activated with either the remote control or the panel control on/off button. When you turn it off from the remote, the device stays in stand-by mode. The selen instructions says that, at the end of the hack, it will turn off (return to stand by) and after that you can try a region 4 (for example) disc and it will work.

I hope this helps, I couldn't try it yet with mine.

Greetings from Argentina.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mike, May 13 2005:

The does work. I used my laptop. I have not seen the "success" and also there was not turn on or turn off. After I run the procedure I loaded my DVD with the Europen DVD(region 2) and it works. I had the DVD wit the region 1 only before that.

PostRegion code hack posted by danielgc, June 28 2005:

1- DVD enchufado pero apagado (stand-by) ----sin dvd adentro---
2- Control Remoto presionar
Top Menu
Power (Service Mode)
3- Elegir opción 2 y luego opción 4

4- Ahora tendrías que ver 2 campos : INPUT CODE - CURRENT CODE de 5 caracteres cada uno. Ahí tipear 12450,completar con todos ceros el primer campo y llenar con todos ceros el segundo. Presionar enter.

5- Ahora no te asustés si se te empieza a abrir y cerrar el dvd, luego para solo y aparece un cero en el display del aparato, eso quiere decir que lee todas las regiones.

Con respecto a los códigos 12450, esto se debe ingresar en el primer campo y luego completar el mismo con todos ceros, así logre pasar al segundo campo.
Después de esto se comienza a abrir y cerrar el dvd, lo que hice yo fue repetir todo el proceso nuevamente (después me aparecio un 0 en el display) y apagar el dvd. Cuando volví a encender el dvd coloqué un dvd zona 1 y lo leyó, cosa que antes no hacía (me aparecia un mensaje en pantalla) y tal es así que ya ví un montón de dvd´s de diferentes zonas.

(NO PROBADO, lo encontre en otro foro)

PostRegion code hack posted by Bueno, July 27 2005:

HI, anyone got success?!!

I've tried de 12450 but it seems that its only a counter, dunno the usage of that..

How about using a programmable remote One 4 All:


"I used oneforall kameleon remote to make my ns705 region free. just follow these steps:

1. select dvd device on remote
2. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
3. enter device code 0533

program buttons 1..5 with the following codes:
1 - 189
2 - 255
3 - 095
4 - 221
5 - 079

1. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
2. press 994
3. press magic
4. enter 3digit code from above
5. press button (1..5) where to program it
6. repeat steps 1 to 5 for all keys.

have it a go:
1. remove disk, put player on standby
2. press 1,2,3,4,5 - success is displayed and plyer starts up
3. press 1,2,3,4,5 - player shuts down and BINGO!

should work for most of the dvp-ns### players"

PostRegion code hack posted by DVD Lover, August 10 2005:

Dear Michael Rainey (^ and hello above posters^),

I bought this DVD player in the US, at the BestBuy store with the price $90. I only have Region(1) DVDs as of yet, so I didn't try other DVDs. I wouldn't know if "12450 method" worked or not.

I read the direction more carefully. To my information, end part of the direction says to:

1. enter 12450, fill bottom with zeros, and

2. let it open and close. As it opened and closed for the first time, 0 appeared on the DVD player. 0 indicates it is multiregion.

3. Before it opens and closes one more time, it says to quickly repeat the process. This time entering 0s instead of 12450, then press enter.

4. This stopped the DVD player from opening and closing. The DVD player is now multiregion.

I didn't buy DVDs with other region codes other than 1. I didn't want to take a risk and waste my money on DVDs that I might not be able to play.

I saw the link you gave me. "One For All URC-9964 8-Device Kameleon(tm) Screen Universal Learning Remote with RF Link". It costs $77! We can buy a region free DVD with this price range so let's stay away from buying "extra gadgets" that might not even work either.

Hey! Every DVP-NS575 owners, we are in this together right? We got a group of intelligent gurus here. Let's put our heads together and come up with the solution.

PS. Biased salesmen please don't post. I believe we can do this without buying expensive remotes, chips, kits, or some type of professional modification.

Let's make it happen! Google search "DVP-NS575 hack unlock region code" or whatever keywords. Our research will pay off!

PostRegion code hack posted by DVD Lover, August 11 2005:

1. Top Menu Clear Power

2. choose option 2, "Drive Manual Operation"

3. then choose option 4, "Tray Aging Mode"

fill in with 12450> Let the DVD player open and close once > repeat the steps 2,3 > fill in with 00000, this will stop DVD player from opening and closing

4. Exit out and try out various DVDs with different codes. If anyone of them worked, please post your results on this forum. You should get back to this forum and share your results, not just get hack and leave! Thanks.

I am trying to gather a data of which regiong code (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,or 8) can be played by DVP NS-575 doing this method. None of us should waste money and buy DVDs with various region codes just to find out that they don't work. That is waste of money!


We all are intelligent technical gurus! Together we can work this out. Just picture yourself watching and enjoying DVDs from all around the world.

I found some links below. If you found any URL links, tips, or success stories, you should post them too. We are in this together right?

PostRegion code hack posted by Eduardo, August 21 2005:

I bought this player in US and I used the One 4 All (URC6131) hack (listed above) and now I can play region 4 discs too. The display didn´t show "success", but it´s working just fine.

Comprei o player nos EUA, e usei o hack do controle remoto One 4 All (URC6131) e agora consigo assistir à dvd´s de região 4 também.


PostRegion code hack posted by AK, August 23 2005:

Well, I tried the Selen method yesterday and it failed to work. I was pretty disappointed. I used Nil's website to make my own IR ( which was simple enough.

The only thing the buttons got my DVD player to do was open and close, and really that was only the doing of the 5th button.

I've gone through tons of sites and have read tons of reports from people who have tried this method. It seems the people who have had success are those with the European models. Some have suggested that the buttons should be entered as 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5 (i.e. double). I've tried that and it hasn't worked.

For the people have had this work, it would be nice if you can post where you got your player and which region it is to start with.
Also, is there a trick in waiting times in between pressing the buttons? I tried pressing 1,2,3,4,5 really fast to normal. Someone said that you had to wait a few seconds between each button but no one else has said that.

PostRegion code hack posted by Bueno, August 24 2005:

HI guys, this is Bueno again..

well, I bought my sony ns575 in USA, so its originally region 1.

Here in BRASIL I took the player to a sony authorized maintance store with that msg and they with a RCA one4all remote unlocked my dvd player FOR FREE..

[]s thx.

by the way, Michael, did you get success?

PostRegion code hack posted by Fernando Pierobon, September 14 2005:

Hey, I have bought a Sony DVP-NS575P here in Brasil, so it was a Region 4 Player.

I have followed the 12450 code hack to unlock it, and it works. But it's a little bad-explained up there. Here are the things to do:

1 - Take any DVDs off from the player and turn it off.

2 - Press in the remote control the following buttons, one by one, in the following order: Display, Top Menu, Clear, Power. A strange menu should apear on screen.

3 - Slect option 2 (Drive Manual Operation), than option 4 (Tray Aging Mode). The screen will show two input lines, each with 5 digits (the first one is Input Count, and the secont is Current Count).

4 - Use the code 12450 in the first line, press enter, than use 00000 for the second line and press enter again.

5 - Here is where the Disc-Loader start to open and close. Let it happen at will.

6 - All you have to do here is to repeat steps 3 and 4 with the codes 00000 and 00000. Voalá! It's done, haked and free to use.

Any doubts you have you can add me on the msn
See you.

PostRegion code hack posted by Fernando Pierobon, September 16 2005:

Just adding another explanation about the post up there:

about step 6, if you are not able to enter 0 is because the 0 is returning to the menu (it's writen in the bottom of the screen, see?).
try entering another number first, then the five zeros. its just like 100000 or 200000 or 300000... doesnt matter witch number you enter before, cause the machine read just the last five digits. so the first number is just to let you enter the other 5.
i think it's all.

PostRegion code hack posted by Fernando Pierobon, September 18 2005:

well, adding the last notes about the 2 hacks up here ^^^^

1 - first thing, i haven't got any multi-region discs here, so I havn't tested the hack. I have maded it and re-explaned in a more comprehensive language. people posted before was with big doubts trying to make the procedures, so i just re-explaned it.

2 - Lot of people sent me e-mails to tell me that the hack is a fake, and it just serves to test the tray and make it open and close 12450 times, so I belive they are right.

For this cause i ask who read this post not to stop sending me e-mails telling that the hack doesn't work, cause i know, and i dont know anything to do anymore.

If I discover another thing i will post here.

PostRegion code hack posted by Celso Escobar, November 09 2005:

My NS575P DVD was bought in Brazil. It was only capable of playing Area 4 DVDs. I followed the advice from Fernando Pierobon to press (with the DVD turned off) DISPLAY, TOP MENU, CLEAR, POWER. The secret menu appeared, I selected option 2, then option 4 (tray aging). Then I thought that 12450 times opening the tray was too much so I specified only 00030 times, then pressed ENTER to get to the second line, typed 00000 and waited for the beginning of the operation. The tray began to open and close as expected. Then I repeated the operation filling both fields with zeros, pressed ENTER and turned the player off. When I turned it on again, it was able to read Area 1 discs. So, there is no magic numbers, only a bug in the SONY programming. Thanks to all who helped to unlock it and enjoy!

PostRegion code hack posted by Celso Escobar, December 19 2005:

I would like to inform that I just got a Finnish DVD - Area 3 from a friend and the hack which I used successfully for the Area 1 DVDs didn't work for Area 3.
I also tried the "magic number" 12450 and it didn't work also. Conclusion: if you have an Area 4 player, follow the instructions of the TRAY AGING method - it is not necessary to type 12450 since I used 00030 and it worked for the Area 1 discs.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mark, February 10 2006:

I had no success at all following this hack advice. All discussions with dealers and Sony customer service were also fruitless. They maintained this can't be done. I have DVDs purchased in Germany (code 2) and would love to modify current Sony system or buy region 2 system here.

PostRegion code hack posted by xiner, February 12 2006:

There is no hack for the 575. I got mine in the U.S. and I can't bring up any service menu. The instructions, if they work at all, do not apply here.

PostRegion code hack posted by srb, March 02 2006:

Canadian Purchased Sony DVP-NS575P
will not accept the following hacks: sonydvd hack
(used an old compaq lte5300 with irda)
omniremote hack using palm
(used Palm Vx with omni remote software/sonydvd hack)

I even tried the remote drawer thing out of pure frustration. I know I am connecting with the player as I can power up and power down the player using both the laptop and the palm. It just won't accept the coding.
It plays all dvd-r/+r but not other regions, specifically
region 2 (I am region 1). I want to play some BBC programs.
I can play them on a CH-300 from Walmart but wanted to play on Sony as well.

PostRegion code hack posted by Brian, March 19 2006:

I have a lot of copy DVDs I brought back from Vietnam. The secret menu hack unlocks some of them, so it definitely works for one (or more?) regions. I still have some DVDs that my Canadian player cannot read. Keep trying ...

PostRegion code hack posted by Big C, March 20 2006:

A little heads-up for those living in North America: I used to own a Sony DVP-NC875V/B. I tried a non-region encoded PAL DVD in it. It did not play before and after I applied every possible Sony remote hack on the internet. So I have come to the conclusion that North American Sonys refuse PAL material altogether. If you are looking for a good stand-alone DVD player that does not play DVD-AUDIO and/or SACD, yet can be easilly made multi-region, and can play both NTSC and PAL DVDs on corresponding as well as opposite TVs, look at the Yamaha DVD-S550. It plays DIVX. Last but not least, its MPEG decoder is one of the best for PAL-to-NTSC conversion, the Mediatek MT1389EE chipset. I hope this helps.

PostRegion code hack posted by chris, July 22 2006:

all hacks posted above do NOT work for Sony 575P in US (region 1)

PostRegion code posted by Aussie girl, August 02 2006:

I tried the hack from the above poster Fernando Pierobon on my Sony region 4 based dvd player and it worked perfectly. When the drawer started to open and close i took the power plug out at the wall and then plugged it back in,and now it plays region 1 dvds without a problem. I also have a burnt NTSC disc from the US that is slightly different and with both of these there was bad colouring before i did the hack but now it is perfect.
So thank you!

PostRegion code hack posted by S L, September 01 2006:


CANADA : I tried all the above for the DVP-NS575P which I bought in Canada with no luck so far. I want to play a PAL Region 2 disk.

I thought it might be useful for us in North America who have had no luck yet to list our model and version numbers: FIRM Main Ver 6.300 Firm Sub 00.BP RISC BP 0044 8032 : BP 500A MODEL DPX _1810_UC IF_CON Ver 1.001 (CF92) SYSCON VER 6.B00 , to see if they are the same.

PostRegion code hack posted by Big C, September 02 2006:

If you reside in North America, yet plan on viewing a lot of foreign material, don't get a Sony! If you already own a Sony, sell it on either Amazon or Ebay. Once you sell it, just pick yourself up a Philips DVP3040 or 5140 to replace it. They can be hacked via their supplied remote controls. Also, because of their MediaTek MPEG decoder, the conversions from PAL to NTSC and NTSC to PAL are absolutely flawless! I believe the main difference between the 3040 and the 5140 is that the former can play DIVX, while the latter can play DIVX and XVID. Either way, like this Sony, they both run under $100.00 and are the best deal for the video buff. I hope this helps.

PostRegion code hack posted by Kelly, January 16 2008:

I have tried this hack with the drawer aging method and now it will other regions but the colour is very poor but is still perfect on the original region 2 discs

PostRegion code hack posted by rennikz, August 26 2008:

ok with the us version dvd player you have to have the player on standby then press top menu, clear, power, after that press 2 then 4 then enter the digits 12450 but after that is where i run into problems i'm getting a customer's Sony DVP-NS575P tomorrow & another customer bringing in a Sony DVP-NS50P which seem to have the same code the following day i'll work with all the information provided and get back to you guys

PostRegion code hack posted by daverife, October 30 2011:

For the Sony DVP-NS57P:
With a disc in the tray and unit on standby:

Press these keys (on the remote) in order and one at a time:
display, top menu, clear, power.

You will get the service menu on-screen. Press '2', then press '4'. This will get you into the tray aging mode.

enter 12450 for the first counter, and press the 'enter' button twice.
(The second counter will read "00000", you can safely ignore that.)

Allow the tray to do its thing, and press '0' to get back to the main menu. Again press '2' then '4' to get back to the tray aging mode.

You cannot enter '0' for the counter to stop the tray from cycling. Entering '0' at this point will take you BACK to the main menu.

Instead, enter any number EXCEPT '0', and then five zeroes in a row. (example: 2, 00000)

Press 'enter' twice.

What will happen is that the register for the first counter will keep stacking numbers to the left, until all you have left is the five zeroes.

This stops the tray from cycling, and completes the hack.

Good Luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by cowboy711, February 29 2012:

how can I make Sony player accept all region formats?

PostRegion code hack posted by helobuff, February 06 2015:

It works for NS50P, NS575 and the most models of the families NS50 e

With the DVD player turned off(stand by), press:

Choose option 2 and after option 4. Type:
12450 [press enter]
00000 - Then press enter and power off.

DVD will now be region Free.

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