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Sony DVP-NS300

49 user region code comments

August 04, 2008 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Dave, January 03 2003:

I tried the below, the powering on and off went as described, but my DVD player is not able to play other regions. I used omni remote on a palm IIIxe. I have a region 1 DVP-NS300 and I'm trying to play a region 2 DVD.

Don't buy an NS300 thinking this hack will do the trick.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jana, January 10 2003:

I tried it. It's been pretty difficult to import the codes to Omniremote. Here are notes about the process I followed:
1) imported one button after one button, otherwise import was failing.
2) had to import into other buttons than 1 to 5 because I was not able to import into 1 to 5... I do not know why
3) the button code must repeat twice the code described in the hack otherwise it does not import
I did this because I found out that when my omniremote was learning codes, it was storing twice lines as described in the hack. I guess it just gives more chances to the player to receive the code right.
(so for example, button 1 became:
0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 01AE 0000 0068 0000 0015 0060 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 01AE
4) after each button is imported, export to check it was imported properly. Actually, import changes the code - it is different than what you imported (shorter, but still more than 4 blocks of numbers) - but it still works, even though I was not able to import the exported code (go figure)
5) note that the code described for the button matches the following functions:
button 1 = (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 127)
button 2 = (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 101-Angle)
button 3 = (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 85-Video Off)
button 4 = (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 95-SACD/CD)
button 5 = (Device Code: 26.73 Function: 21-Power Toggle)
So in other terms, if you imported the 5th button correctly, you can use it to turn the player on or off (it's just the power button...)
6) if import does not work anymore, revert to the previous imported data, create a new omniremote screen, and re-import

Good luck - it works!

PostOther hack posted by ScottO, January 15 2003:

You want device codes?

PostRegion code hack posted by Jimbo, February 27 2003:

Just applied this hack to a region 2 DVP-NS305, using
Palm VX with OmniWare emulation - and it appears to have worked a treat! Can now play region 1 DVDs quite happily.

PostRegion code hack posted by Benton, June 10 2003:

Yes it works, after lots of attempts I finally got my NS-300 to accept a region 1 disc. I followed Richard's instructions but doubled the button code as Jana said. Then i pressed the buttons int this order: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5 (turned green)
1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5 (turned red again)
and then it worked.

I pressed the numbers quickly and repeated them so that at least some signals would get through.

I experience the same problem as nick with the black&white view but that's because my old TV doesn't support NTSC (the techonolgy that most american dvd's use). Anyway I am going to buy a new TV soon so then that problem will be over with.

PostOther hack posted by Pete, July 01 2003:

If Dave who suggested the 3 1 4 1 9 code is around, can he tell us if it worked?

PostOther hack posted by Henk Hoendervanger, July 14 2003:

Some Sony-players (DAV-S300) don't accept CD-R's. But I play CD-RW in it. Maybe this suggestion is of any help.

PostRegion code hack posted by George, July 22 2003:

Hello Hackers,

I own a Sony DVP-NS300 region 1 player with ROM code version 1.335. here is what i tried:

1. i downloaded the Palm III Omniremote here:
2. i downloaded the crack here:
3. i put the dvd player into standby (red light on)
4. i pushed the 1 - 5 buttons on palm(green light on)
5. i pushed the 1 - 5 buttons again(redlight back on)
6. did not work.
7. tried again and again, pushing each button multiple times - no go.
8. put DVD player in "diagnstic mode" (from consumer remote: title, clear, power) and repeated above - no go.

I have run out of ideas. . . ?
I did find many companies offering to do hardware modifications to make it codefree. Why do they offer h/w mod when everyone is syaing the above remote control hacks work ?

PostRegion code hack posted by hamwanich, July 29 2003:

I have a DVP-NS300, region 2. (Model DPX 1401CE, Rev. 1.601)

I used the Palm III Omniremote and downloaded the crack from
That puts two remote controls on your palm. One is the DVD hack, the other a complete remote control for the DVD player.
The 1-2-3-4-5 thing didn't work on mine. So I tried the hack from Dave (23. April 2003) with the DVD remote control instead -> Bingo!
In the diagnostic menu it still shows region 02, but plays DVD with region 01.

PostRegion code hack posted by Federico, July 30 2003:

Mmmm.. I hope this would not be the only way :-(

PostRegion code hack posted by Duane, September 11 2003:


Have anyone hacked the DVP NS300 from the US to make all regions not just Region 1??

PostRegion code hack posted by Phil, October 15 2003:

1,2,3,4,5 Green
1,2,3,4,5, Red

just worked first time for me

sweet bliss

PostRegion code hack posted by Alex B., October 27 2003:

Hello guys, I tried the codes from the July 22, 29 hacks presented. Actually somebody who knew how to do these downloaded the palm pilot controls, and we used the 1-2-3-4-5 routine. Lights went green and red, but the first time it didnt work, tried once more and bingo. Now my region 2 dvd is all-region.
I have to say that I tried the same codes with a regular remote (from friends who own a similar model that has a remote with numbers that work on the NS300), but was not successful. It seems that the palm pilot is able to send the proper commands to the dvd.
Good luck !!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Fred, October 29 2003:

Hi, ALL.

DVD-player Sony DVP-NS300 r1/r3/r2-Japan don,t have solderless upgrade
(Example: PDA, DESKTOP, IRC, CD - R and etc....) in
variant MULTIREGION, and NTSC and PAL-enable, and Macrovision OFF.

The modification of this player is done only through special
Sony-Data-service-cable and special firm software through plugs
On main-board (plug CN-103) and on IR-board (plug CN-405).

P.S.: NOTE - Besides, on main-board of this player it is necessary to install additional
Components for Pal-enable.


PostRegion code hack posted by navioasis, October 30 2003:

no luck here, powering on and off happend but didn't play region 2 on my dvd region 1.. tried more than 10 times, use the exact codes described here and nothing.. DVP-NS300 without luck..

PostRegion code hack posted by Monkey Boy, November 01 2003:

I tried the Omni Remote hack below. It did power on from standby, and doing it again power it down, but I was not able to play other DVD regions.

I have a region 1 DVP-NS300 and was testing with a region 2 DVD.

PostRegion code hack posted by Greg, November 05 2003:

The hack must be for Region 2 players. My Region 1 300 will not take the hack, or the "Pause... " code. Still won't play non-Region DVD's. Luckily, I have a $40 knock off in the bedroom (that I chided the wife for buying from the local supermarket!) that plays anything! So, now I have a nice remote on my Palm ;)

PostRegion code hack posted by Ross, November 16 2003:

You might also like to try this method, which worked for my NS-300, if you have a One4all remote control. This is quoted from


I used oneforall kameleon remote to make my ns705 region free. just follow these steps:

1. select dvd device on remote
2. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
3. enter device code 0533

program buttons 1..5 with the following codes:
1 - 189
2 - 255
3 - 095
4 - 221
5 - 079

1. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
2. press 994
3. press magic
4. enter 3digit code from above
5. press button (1..5) where to program it
6. repeat steps 1 to 5 for all keys.

have it a go:
1. remove disk, put player on standby
2. press 1,2,3,4,5 - success is displayed and plyer starts up
3. press 1,2,3,4,5 - player shuts down and BINGO!

should work for most of the dvp-ns### players"


I used a different One4all and it worked fine on the first attempt. The LED flashes twice on other One4all remotes instead of the rabbt appearing. Hope this helps.


PostRegion code hack posted by ziggy, November 25 2003:

Just tried this on a new DVP-NS330 using a fairly old URC7541 one for all remote.
1. select vcr/dvd device on remote
2. hold magic button until vcr/dvd blinks twice
3. enter device code 0533, this remote now controls the DVD player

program buttons 1..5 with the following codes:
1 - 189
2 - 255
3 - 095
4 - 221
5 - 079

1. hold magic button until vcr/dvd button blinks twice
2. press 994
3. press magic
4. enter 3digit code from above
5. press button (1..5) to program it vcr/dvd button blinks twice
6. repeat steps 1 to 5 for all keys.

give it a go:
1. remove disk, put player on standby
2. press 1,2,3,4,5 - success is displayed and plyer starts up
3. press 1,2,3,4,5 - player shuts down and BINGO!

should work for most of the dvp-ns### players"

obviously most of the above is copied from the above response and all credits go to them.. I just re wrote it as I understood!

worked 2nd time on my machine.. if it fails first time try putting the machine on, waiting for no disk warning and pressing each numbered button in order.


PostRegion code hack posted by Brian, November 29 2003:


PostRegion code hack posted by leon mccormack, December 06 2003:

want to watch sex and the city i bought in the states

PostRegion code hack posted by Graham Smith, December 15 2003:

To make the UK version of the Sony DVP-NS300 DVD Player Multi Region, you need an enginners remote control handset, however you can use a cheap One4All Remote Control instead.

I can confirm that the procedure given previously works fine with a cheaper version of the One4All Remote Control Handset. The previous guide mentioned the Kameleon model of which there are 2 models, one for £50 and the other is £70.

It occurred to me that you could 'buy' one from Argos (in the UK)and once you have used it, take it back under the 16 day no haggle warranty! Actually my friend was impressed with the remote control he decided to keep it. The model he bought was currently on offer for £14.95!

Tried, tested and confirmed:

One For All Signature URC7030 Remote Control.
£19.75 Cat No. 535/1974
Direct link: ... oryId=8290

Instructions for use:

1. Select dvd device on remote.
2. Hold magic button.
3. Enter device code 0533
(This sets the Remote to Sony)

Program buttons 1..5 with the following codes:
1 - 189
2 - 255
3 - 095
4 - 221
5 - 079

1. Hold magic button.
2. Press 994
3. Press magic
4. Enter 3 digit code from above
5. Press button (1..5) where to program it
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for all keys so that each key on the remote (1-5) uses the code above.

Have it a go:
1. Remove any DVD in the DVD Player, put player on standby.
2. Press 1,2,3,4,5 - success is displayed and player comes out of standby mode.
3. press 1,2,3,4,5 - player shuts down back into stand by mode and your're done.

Now simply insert any Region DVD Disc, there are no menus the DVD will play fine.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mike, December 18 2003:

Got to hand it to you...
Just hacked into the Sony DVP-NS300.
I purchased a region 2 machine...and needed to hack into it to play region 1 dvd's...

I did the hack with my palm Vx..downnloaded the Omniremote and the dvdhack.
I had to press buttons 1-5 about 7/8 times before success....and Yes it appears that the number 5 button swithches on and off the player.
BTW - Instead of the screen going green and SUCCESS written as stated, on the display on the actual player itself it said 'SUCCESS'.
I switched the machine off and back on and then placed a region 1 dvd in the player.
Works like a dream.

Thanks very much

PostRegion code hack posted by Juantxon, December 27 2003:

I used the hack posted by Mr Nigel Shearman on December 22 2002 for the Sony DVP-NS405, using a Palm Vx and hacked a region 1 DVP-NS300; I can play a region 4 DVD with no problems.

Also, I suggest to follow the instructions posted by Mr Kirk on March 19 2003 (although I did it without read them first).

I will test the hack on a NS400D and will post the results in the proper page.

PostRegion code hack posted by eddie, January 01 2004:

copyied a dvd from dvdxcopy play exellent on my computer
but on my sony dvd player ns300 keeps on pausing every 3 seconds

PostRegion code hack posted by Andres Uribe, January 02 2004:

I have a region 1 DVP-NS300 and I'm trying to play a region 4 DVD.

I don`t know if is better the installing new software than the hardware modification, and what must I do to make that my dvd read region 4.

Thank you, I´ll waiting for your help.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jaz, January 04 2004:

Use your remote control and follow the instructions.

Notice: DVD player has to be in "Standy-By" mode.

1. Press the STOP button.
2. Press SURROUND for selecting region 1.
3. Press the ENTER or PROGRAM button to save the new
region code.
4. Turn the DVD player on.

The DVD player is now set to play region 1 DVD discs, and it will Stay like this until another code is selected.

Surround The DVD player is now playing Region 1
BNR The DVD player is now playing Region 2
Time/Text The DVD player is now playing Region 3
A-B The DVD player is now playing Region 4
Shuffle The DVD player is now playing Region 5
Repeat The DVD player is now playing Region 6
Clear The DVD player is now playing all regions

PostRegion code hack posted by Mike Strachan, January 05 2004:

Just tried the above hack listed at the beggining of 2004 and it doesn't work!!! Unless there is something missing from the hack!!

It is an NS 300 that i have.

let me know if there is.



PostRegion code hack posted by Mr Blobby, January 07 2004:

The hack at worked perfectly for my region 2 player

PostRegion code hack posted by Vitor Melo, January 09 2004:

Need a code to unlock region.

PostRegion code hack posted by Adam, January 13 2004:

Sorry click name above to mail me

PostRegion code hack posted by Joaquín Benítez, January 23 2004:


PostRegion code hack posted by FAKK, January 28 2004:

I used the One4All method described above on a Region 2 DVP-NS330 last night and it now plays every DVD I own. The remote I used was a ONE FOR ALL URC-4041 from 123AV.


PostRegion code hack posted by olli milde, March 03 2004:

sony dvp-ns300

PostRegion code hack posted by Northernbloke, March 12 2004:

Just to confirm I've just used the one4all universal remote control hack on a uk spec NS300 and it worked a treat, now watching my region 1 dvds.

i used the instructions posted by Robert Wiblin, on January 10 2004 (only cos he gave the instructions to program the 5 buttons and not just the codes)

Good Luck

PostRegion code hack posted by Silvia, April 13 2004:

I finally made it! :)
I owe a NS-300 originally r2 (bought in Italy) and had tried with IpaQ solution - no go.
Then I discovered this hack to be used with a laptop with IrDa. First I tried with a Toshiba Satellite 1410 with WinXP on board - no go, guess because I couldn't find a way to activate IrDa via bios :(
Then I tried again with the same program on an old Compaq Armada 1750, Win98 and everything went fine.
Only, I had to go through several attempts as most of the times after pressing button 5 the dvd powered on and immediately off and still did not play R1.
After a few attempts though, it finally powered ON and didn't switch off so I could repeat the whole 5-button series and only after that one the player powered off. And finally I could play a R1 dvd (b/w of course due to my old, old TV which does not support NTSC)

Hope this helps!

PostRegion code hack posted by hobbitfeet, June 08 2004:

OK, first of all thanks to everyone on this forum.

As this is the same hack as the Sony DVD players (region 2 at least) I thought I'd post it here too.

I've managed to reprogram my RDR-GX3 using Psiloc total IR remote on my Sony Ericsson P900 - Free trial download! This program is also available for Nokia Series 60 phones!

Total IR remote available here:

I then got a Philips Pronto setup file from ... er&fc=

Total IR recognises this file - beam it to the phone - open the file, then select to import the codes.

Now open Total IR and select any device (I used a Sony TV setting as it has numbers on it).

Assign the buttons thus:
Tap the menu button in the bottom left corner, then tap Select Command - dismiss the dialog then tap the 1 button on the remote. Press select on the next dialog...

Here I ran into a snag - but I worked it out from the fact that I learned here that button 5 should be the power button - but button 1 was power for me. So the codes were backwards!

Assign Unnamed 5 by tapping Done.
Repeat for buttons 2-5 by assigning 4, 3, 2, 1 respectively.

Who knows, maybe for you the codes import the right way around - so if this doesn't work, try assigning code 1 to button 1.

When the ir Remote is set up, just do like all the other sony DVD hacks say...

With the DVD recorder in standby, press buttons 1-5 in sequence... Recorder beeps and powers on - repeat sequence - recorder beeps and powers down - Ta-daaa... Multiregion enabled.

Final important comment: THIS ONLY WORKED WITH THE DVD PLAYER SET TO REMOTE SETTING 1 - if it's set to 2 or 3, change it in the Options menu first, then change it back if you need to.

PostRegion code hack posted by shayboy, July 16 2004:

let me get this straight:

i'm in america and have a region 1 dvp-ns300. can i hack this with
a remote or not? i know most of the success stories on this sight
say they were able to watch region 1 discs -- meaning they didn't
start out with a region 1 player.

what can i do to get my player to be region-free?


PostRegion code hack posted by Simone, March 03 2005:

I'm trying the hacks posted above qith my One4All URC-7740, but I can't program buttons!

1. hold magic button until vcr/dvd button blinks twice
2. press 994
3. press magic
4. enter 3digit code from above
5. press button (1..5) to program it vcr/dvd

Then it should blink twice again to confirm the program...
but my remote controll don't do that!

Where am I wrong?


PostRegion code hack posted by tyson, April 19 2005:

After that I put the hack, I Will write the result.

PostRegion code hack posted by Simon, April 24 2005:

PostRegion code hack posted by Mario, August 03 2005:

I found this but I don't know how to change the region yet, if any one knows, please tell me:

Put the dvd player into standby
press title
then press clear
then press power

a blue option menu appears, from that point, I don't know what to do.

PostRegion code hack posted by Spideray, August 09 2005:

DVP-NS300 region 2 player

Tried, tested and confirmed, all have a DVD device key as standard on the remotes

One For All 4 Signature URC7030 (£20)
One For All 4 Digital URC-7541 vB01 (£18) ( all with MAGIC flashing twice )
One For All 6 Standard URC-7560 (£29)

One For All 6 Kameleon URC-8204 ( most expensive remote £80 with a rabbit=magic flashing twice )

Set the remote for use with the SONY DVD player:
1. Select DVD device on remote.
2. Hold MAGIC button until it blinks twice
3. Enter device code 0533

Program the 5 number buttons with the following codes:

1 = 189 2 = 255 3 = 095 4 = 221 5 = 079

1. Hold MAGIC button until it blinks twice
2. Press 994 ( this is the KEYMAGIC function to set custom key codes)
3. Press MAGIC button once
4. Enter 3 digit code from above for the 1st number key, the key will blink twice
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the remaining four number keys 2 to 5

Make the DVD player region free:
1. Remove any DVD in the DVD Player, put player on standby.
2. Press the number keys 1,2,3,4,5 in segquence and player will come out of standby mode, display shows NO DISC
3. Then press the same sequence again 1,2,3,4,5 player shuts down back into standby mode.
4. Now simply insert any Region DVD Disc and turn the player on if this doesn't work then turn the DVD player out of standby then repeat only step 3.
5. The DVD will play without the error message protected by area region.


PostRegion code hack posted by cisco, December 20 2005:


PostRegion code hack posted by cu, December 21 2005:


PostRegion code hack posted by Madeline, March 28 2006:

Using a Palm and IR database

PostRegion code hack posted by ian, June 24 2006:

I've just used the hack posted by ziggy on Nov 25 2003 with a One4All 6, URC 7562, the only difference being the codes for buttons 1-5 have to be five digits long i.e.


PostRegion code hack posted by Nyke76, April 04 2007:

DVP-NS300, DVP-NS305, DVP-NS400D, DVP-NS700, DVP-S330, DVP-S335, DVP-S360, DVP-S336, DVP-S525D, DVP-S530D, DVP-S535D, DVP-S536D, DVP-S725D, DVP-S735D,
• Turn On the unit with the remote controller
• Wait until "no disc" appears in the unit's display
• Press Pause, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9
• The word "CODE" should appear in the display
• Within five seconds, press the key that corresponds to the zone you want i.e. 0 for region free, 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2 and so on
• Again, within 5 seconds, press Pause and Power

If the above fails to work then you may wish to try the following:

• Put the player into Standby mode
• Press 1 and Return on remote for region 1, 2 and Return for region 2, and so on. Use 0 and Return to return player to default region settings
• Press P-Mode and Return to play DVD's with the selected region, auto-switching is Off
• Press Audio and Return for auto-switching On
• Press Angle and Return for MacroVision On
• Press Subtitle and Return for MacroVision Off

PostRegion code hack posted by videoluvr, August 04 2008:

Today i was trying to find a hack for my buddys dvd player.After searching i found a site from the uk and they had the player listed.Here is what they said to do--put the player into standby then press the title button.Then press the clear button and then the power button.It should bring up a blue options menu.It says here you can change settings.My buddy didnt have his original remote but was abe to get into the blue menu.He said there was all kinds of settings but wasnt able to get far because he didnt have his remote.All i can say is he did access the blue menu and attempted to use the controls on the player itself but wasnt able to change anything.Im sure with the original remote you should be able to go further.Please let us know if it works.

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