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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Sony DVP-NC675P

1 user region code comments

January 11, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Slashman, January 11 2006:

I used oneforall kameleon URC8060 remote to make my ns-675p region free.

follow these steps:

1. select dvd device on remote
2. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
3. enter device code 0533


1. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
2. press 994
3. press magic
4. enter first code from below (rabbit disappears)
5. hold magic button until rabbit comes out
6. press 994
7. press magic
8. enter second code from below (rabbit disappears)

repeat steps for last 3 codes.

1891 (first code)
2552 (second code)
0953 (third code)
2214 (fourth code)
0795 (fifth code)

as soon as you enter the code, the remote will flash the signal sent lights twice to let you know it learnt that code.

1. remove any disks, put player into standby mode
2. press 1,2,3,4,5 - success is displayed and player starts up, it may continuously rotate looking for disks, in this case, unplug from the wall and plug in again. All ready.

I tested a r1, r2, r4, r0 and a vcd and they all worked fine.

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