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Sony DAV-C450

6 user region code comments

November 03, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by SonyFan, May 15 2003:

This to confirm that hack posted by AB (in C550 section) works.

I have a DAV 450 bought in Singapore and I followed the steps suggested on this forum and made it region free. I repeat most of the information below from other posts for sake of completeness. The only additional bit of information I have to add is in step 3.

1) Go into the services menu by
A) - Turn your C450 on with no disc inside.

B) - (ON THE EQUIPMENT NOT ON REMOTE) Press and hold both the Display and Stop keys while turning the volume control to the right. When your TV screen fickle, release the buttons. You should be seeing the Service Menu now.

This should be fairly easy. I got to this step without any troubles.

2) Instead of buying their remote control I used my PALM with OmniRemote ( and Sony_DVD_hack.pdb (

3) I send numbers 1 to 5 with the PALM as suggested and tried it a number of ways such as sending 1,1 2,2 3,3 etc.
I did NOT see any "data reset" or anything else displayed on the screen as reported in the forums elsewhere. That's why I kept on trying for about an hour with various codes and just as I was about to give up, lo and behold, I tried playing a region 1 DVD and it WORKED. The morale of the story is that keep a bunch of DVDs (with various codes) handy and try it out.

While pressing the buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 I did not notice anything unusual except button 2 would put the display into some kind of toggle mode but probably it is irrelevent and safe to ignore.


PostRegion code hack posted by hugh mackenzie, July 03 2003:

put to multi region player

PostRegion code hack posted by Zormac, September 21 2003:

I kept doing it over and over, just as said... didnt work at all...

Only thing I observed is that "Display toggle" when you press number 2 on the omniremote, it fades and reappears shortly after. But the hack itself didnīt work, nothing different happened, nothing appeared and the region 1 dvds didnīt play (mine is brazilian, region 4).
Any hints?

PostRegion code hack posted by CrypCrusher, October 15 2003:

I have a DAV-C450 bought in Canada and I followed the steps suggested on this forum.

I tried the following:

1) Go into the services menu:
A) - Turn your C450 on with no disc inside.

B) - (ON THE EQUIPMENT NOT ON REMOTE) Press and hold both the "Display" and "Stop" buttons while turning the volume control to the right. When your TV screen flickers, release the buttons. You should be seeing the Service Menu now. (Blue Screen, white text)

This should be easy. I got to this step without any troubles. (Many, many Times...)

2) I used my PALM V with OmniRemote and loaded the Sony DVD hack. Sony_DVD_hack.pdb

3) I tried to follow what different people have said. I tried at this point to press "0" on the remote to bring me to the next menu ( 5 on this menu is Region) I also tried without pressing "0"

3) I pressed numbers 1 to 5 with the PALM Crack as suggested and tried it a number of ways such as sending 1,1 2,2 3,3 etc. etc etc...
I did NOT see any "data reset" or anything else displayed on the screen as reported in the forums elsewhere.

While pressing the buttons, button 2 would turn the DVD player display off momentarily. The other buttons seemed to make the cursor on the screen ficker diapear, or reapear.

The Player will still play only Region 1 DVD's(It's easy enought to see that on the Service menu -I just press 5 and I can see the region is "1").

I have read somewhere that the Region 1 C450's can not be reprogrammed in this way. I will keep trying different scenerios, and post the results if I get better information.

PostRegion code hack posted by Fred, October 29 2003:

Hi, ALL.

DVD-player Sony DAV-NC450 r1/r3/r2-Japan don,t have solderless upgrade
(Example: PDA, DESKTOP, IRC, CD-R and etc....) in
variant MULTIREGION, and NTSC and PAL-enable, and Macrovision OFF.

The modification of this player is done only through special
Sony-Data-service-cable and special firm software through plugs
On main-board (plug CN-103) and on IR-board (plug CN-405).


PostRegion code hack posted by Theresa, November 03 2003:

SonyFan, (or anyone who can answer!) would this work using possibly a universal remote control rather than the Palm?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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