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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Sony BDP-S370

24 user region code comments

June 11, 2024 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Xinram, May 07 2010:

Same as for BDP-S350.
Test for German model.

PostRegion code hack posted by donchaos, May 26 2010:

Region free BDP-S370 (same as the BDP-S350 hack posted by mao141 - thanks) for DVD playback only, BD untested. Tested with a Code 1 DVD on a Swiss unit after being unlocked with the OneForAll URC-7950.

Full procedure for the OneForAll URC-7950 remote is as follows:

1. Press DVD
2. Hold the magic button until the Power key flashes twice.
3. Press 0533

4. Hold the magic button until the red led flashes twice.
5. Press 994
6. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
7. Press 00189
8. Press 1 ( this sets it to key 1 - it flashes twice, if not repeat steps 4 to 8 )

9. Hold the magic button until the red led flashes twice.
10. Press 994
11. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
12. Press 00255
13. Press 2 ( this sets it to key 2 - it flashes twice )

14. Hold the magic button until the red led flashes twice.
15. Press 994
16. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
17. Press 00095
18. Press 3 ( this sets it to key 3 - it flashes twice )

19. Hold the magic button until the red led flashes twice.
20. Press 994
21. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
22. Press 00221
23. Press 4 ( this sets it to key 4 - it flashes twice )

24. Hold the magic button until the red led flashes twice.
25. Press 994
26. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
27. Press 00079
28. Press 5 ( this sets it to key 5 - it flashes twice )

The remote is now programmed and ready to use, to make the BDP-S370 region free:

1. Use the remote that came with the player to bring the player out of standby, make sure there isn't a disc in it.
2. Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the OneForAll URC-7950 remote. The power light will start flashing. (blue middle light)
3. Put the player back into standby with the Sony remote.
4. Next time you turn on the player it will be region free for DVD playback.

Please use this guide at your own risk.

PostRegion code hack posted by argonaute, June 25 2010:

Tested on a swiss BDP-S370 with a different OneForALL model. Had to enter 20533 instead of 0533 (Sony code from the remote control documentation). Typo ?

PostRegion code hack posted by dave75238, August 24 2010:

Tried this with my new BDP-S570 (USA Region 1) using the DVD code 21516 (20553 didn't work) and the DVD turned off on its own after entering 12345. When powering it up with the Sony remote, I still have region 1 only. I'm trying to get it to play Russian DVDs. :-(

PostRegion code hack posted by willmans, October 16 2010:

Sorry but this doesn't work with a USA region 1 player

PostRegion code hack posted by laster, November 13 2010:

I just applied this on the Sony BDP-S370 using the OneForAll
URC-7950 (thanks for the tip donchaos!). Both were purchased

The hack worked beautifully. The only hitch was that I had to
figure out that to set the keys (steps 8, 13, 18, 23, 28)
requires holding down the final key (e.g. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5) to
make the remote flash twice. No biggie, only took a few
minutes of fiddling before stumbling across it.

Excellent Blu-Ray play, btw, I'm very satisfied.

PostRegion code posted by Wely, December 25 2010:

Hello All,

I live in Canada and just bought this machine, please if anyone find a way to make it region free for North America, please let us know.

50% of my dvd's are from Dubai (PAL region 2)

Thanks in advance.

PostRegion code posted by mr_sparkle, January 13 2011:

Please, region unlock for US model.

PostRegion code posted by Hyades-Mac, January 18 2011:

Method listed above worked like a dream. Many Thanks, tested on UK sold
model of BDPS370, worked first time, was already updated, so don't know if it
holds up after further updates. Used advised One4All remote BTW.

PostRegion code hack posted by RussHP, February 11 2011:

The hack above by donchaos only works if you have one Sony DVD device attached.

I had a Sony HXD-890 and a Sony BDP-S370 both attached via HDMI and the hack wasn't working on the BDP-S370.

Once I unplugged the HXD-890 at the wall the hack worked fine using a URC-7960. I then unplugged the BDP-S370 and the hack worked fine on the HXD-890 as well.

This is probably obvious to most people but I didn't see this mentioned anywhere else and thought I'd post it in the event I can save someone out there as non-technical as me the 90 mins I wasted figuring it out.

PostRegion code hack posted by caramba, March 04 2011:

Followed the instructions to the letter and worked perfectly, first time - UK Region 2 machine

PostRegion code hack posted by jgallant1990, March 12 2011:

Follow to the letter and this will work with UK Region 2 Sony BDP-S360.

Performed using above method and One for All URC-7960

Slight hitch was after the hack I had to re-use the simpleset to get all functions
working correctly, apart from the 'Ok' button which I had to learn manually.

Much appreciated for the hack.

PostRegion code hack posted by hughsa, March 23 2011:

The above instructions worked fine on my antique URC-7562 once I had the device code loaded and TRUNCATED the number codes in steps 47/12/17/22/27 to last 3 digits.


PostRegion code hack posted by jethroseaton, April 18 2011:

Hi just a quick line of help for hacking a UK version of the sony BDP-s370 with a one for all urc-7960 which is the newest remote control. All details exactly the same as in original guide but except for this.

1) the light flashes blue instead of red.
2) the code for the player is 1516 and not 0533. ( this was for the player which I purchased in uk at Jan 2011)

Hope this helps. As my wife can now watch her region 1 dvds!

PostRegion code hack posted by makk, May 26 2011:

Just a quick note on my experience of applying this with the urc-7960 on a new S370 (March 2011):

i) I had to use 0533 to carry out the hack
ii) After successfully hacking I had to use 1516 to actually control the player

Took a bit of headscratching for a while to realise this!

PostRegion code hack posted by amd444, June 02 2011:

Great thanks, this also works on the Sony BPS-S380 using a oneforall URC7140 remote

PostRegion code hack posted by Osacarandelmo, May 22 2013:

This hack also works with a Sony BDP-S1100

PostRegion code hack posted by Alanna, September 05 2013:

This worked perfectly on my BDP-S370 today with a OneForAll
URC7960, except the power button didn't flash after I typed in
12345 which worried me! I've tested it with a Region 1 DVD and
it works fine though.

Thank you for the clear, concise instructions.

PostRegion code hack posted by hazan, September 24 2015:

Here is Arduino code to generate unlock sequence without using remote control:
* Sony Blue-Ray S370 region unlock Arduino sketch
* An IR LED must be connected to Arduino PWM pin 3.
#include "IRremote.h"
IRsend irsend;
void setup()

void loop() {
if ( != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendSony(0xfeb92, 20); // URC code 189, Sony command 127
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendSony(0xa6b92, 20); // URC code 255, Sony command 101 - "Angle"
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendSony(0xaab92, 20); // URC code 95, Sony command 85
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendSony(0xfab92, 20); // URC code 221, Sony command 95
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendSony(0xa8b92, 20); // URC code 79, Sony command 21 - "Power"


PostRegion code hack posted by sungjyeol , September 03 2016:

I want to watch a dvd I bought from Seoul but it won't let me for whatever reason

PostRegion code posted by METATunneled, September 13 2016:

RECENT WEEK, Sony Remote taps feet appearing to be some sort of MEDICAL IN VITRO HACK (personall hospital images hacked in late
Sony BDP-S370 remote control is syncing in vitro medical devices / security IDs / non-consensual research
causing Denial of Access permanent pause on DVD stating PLAY function is not available.

PostRegion code hack posted by Chuckles, September 26 2016:

Tried this on US model BDP-BX370 but didn't work with Region-2 disk (neither with 0533 nor with 1516)

PostRegion code hack posted by rba, July 21 2018:

Just to confirm that hazan’s Arduino solution worked for me in a S370 bought in Brazil (originally region 4). Didn’t use the calls
to the serial port library though - they don’t seem necessary.
Thanks to the OP and to hazan!

PostRegion code hack posted by PCXT, June 11 2024:

Player: BDP-S370, Region 2, for Polish market.
Arduino Uno R3 with Atmega328P, clone. 5mm IR LED connected thru 120R resistor.

Currently (2024) the Arduino hack will compile, but may not work as the latest IRremote library is
heavily upgraded. I could not get any IR output with version 3.9, got it when pin 3 was stated in
Setup, but the player was not reading these codes (just blinked "WAIT").

To compile the code with older version of the library:
1. Get this:
(ZIP file with source) - this seems to be the last working version.
2. Extract to the directory with the .ino file, examples directory is not needed.
3. Compile and write the code, look in the compiler messages from where does it take the IRRemote.h
file, in my Arduino (v. 1.8.12, Linux) it took it from /tmp, in Windows - should take from temporary
directory, they are just copied from sketch directory.
If it still takes the new version of the library and You are using Linux, the problem is in library
files permissions (should be the same as .ino file).

Proceed as in the main topic, what's important:
- Wait a few seconds when "No Disc" is present, then start transmitting the IR,
- At the end, turn off by a green button on the remote, not the button in player's front/bottom
- Don't know is it important, but I disconnected HDMI before experiments (no TV was connected at

Result: After compiling the code with version 2.4.0 of the library, it unlocked successfully.
(well, the only difference in the code I made was replacing this "if (Serial..." with checking is a
button pressed)

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