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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Sanyo DC-TS750

11 user region code comments

March 19, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Rorschach, January 05 2003:

Download and burn the DVDSL20.SAN file to a CD-R/CD-RW. There is a readme file included. I looked long and hard for this one. It says to make sure you burn using MODE 2/XA. I did this using nero and worked fine. Fantastic stuff. Only bought the HT system the other day.

If this site is down i can email it to you.

PS: Don't worry that it says SL20 it works fine for the Sanyo DC-TS750. I don't know if this also disables macrovision.

Have fun.


PostRegion code hack posted by Rorschach, February 06 2003:

A note regarding this hack as some ppl have been emailing me.

This player does NOT support VCD/SVCD's there is no hack for this, it is a limitation of the player.

This is a multi-region hack only. Also i am not %100 sure but this does not include RCE DVD's. But i don't have one to test to know for sure.


PostRegion code hack posted by Nick Czuba, June 24 2003:

hey guys, i tried the region code hack and now my dvd player isnt playing video.. i tried lots to fix it.. any ideas?

PostRegion code hack posted by Rui Gonçalves, October 01 2003:

I had the hack running on my Sanyo DC-TS750 and it is working. I tested with region 1 (it was region 2) and it is ok and running good!

PostRegion code hack posted by Ronaldo, October 19 2003:


I brasilian,

Do you heve cod unlock for Sanyo DC-TS752 ???


PostRegion code hack posted by shinbone, November 19 2003:

Hi Downloaded from the link and player is now playing multi region

PostRegion code hack posted by RJN, December 01 2003:

I have a Sanyo DC-TS750 I am a bit thick here as I have tried to download the 'hack' and it keeps defaulting to WinZip, which is a real pain in the butt, as I just don’t understand WinZip at all!

Can it be possible to just give me the codes for the hand set to input directly into the HT DVD player to upgrade from Region 2 to all areas?

Help is very much appreciated

PostRegion code hack posted by david edwards, January 18 2004:

could you send remote hack for sanyo dc ts 750

PostRegion code hack posted by Rui Gonçalves, March 04 2004:

And it also disables macrovision.

PostRegion code hack posted by jacqui, May 02 2004:

we have a sanyo dvd player but cant watch dvds from the uk that we have sent to us

PostRegion code hack posted by jean noel, March 19 2005:

Iam looking for a crack
I have a SANYO DC TS-750 and I cannot read DVD zone 1
I cannot downloading your crack.
It doesn't work
If you have a new version
It will be nice if you coud seed me
think very much

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