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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Samsung HT-C5500

3 user region code comments

February 16, 2014 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by fp944s2, June 30 2010:

Hi - people searching for hack for HT-C5500 (a 'home theatre' system) may be interested in BD-C5500 which may well be the same player - anyway the hack worked for me going from R4 to R9.

PostRegion code hack posted by i8death, April 24 2011:

Has anyone gotten this hack to work for players bought in the US with region 1 installed?

PostRegion code hack posted by Ana Costa, June 27 2011:

I bought the Samsung HT-C5500 in Brazil last week.
Just applied the DVD hack for the Samsung BD-C5500 and it worked 100%!

In PORTUGUESE for Brazilians: Comprei o Samsung HT-C5500 semana assada. Acabeid e usar o hack para desbloquear os DVDs e funcionou 100%! Leia abaixo para seguir os passos.

Here how it goes:

With your REMOTE CONTROL turn the unit on. Move to VIDEO.
Press the REPEAT button and in sequence press 7 6 8 8 4
(Now you WILL see the number 4 on the upper left corner of your TV)
As soon as the 4 disappears PRESS 9 (TV will show 9 on TV).

Now turn your unit OFF. Turn it ON again and test with a different region DVD from the one you have in your country.

PORTUGUES: DESBLOQUEANDO DVDs para todas as regiões

Com o controle remoto, ligue o aparelho. Selecione VIDEO
Aperte a tecla REPEAT e em sequencia aperte 7 6 8 8 4 (Você VERÁ o número 4 no canto esquerdo superior de sua TV). Assim que o 4 sumir APERTE 9 (TV mostrará 9 na tela). Então APERTE novamente REPEAT.

Em seguida DESLIGUE o aparelho. LIGUE novamente e teste com DVDs de regiões que não sejam a região 4 do Brasil.

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