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Samsung HT-BD1255

5 user region code comments

January 31, 2014 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Tyra_Nid, July 28 2009:

DVD-Hack for the Samsung HT-BD2T also worked for this device, Region 4. Instructions found here:

Copy-Paste from HT-BD2T for ease of use :)

Region code hack posted by lukerdot, September 10 2008:
1. Open tray and remove any disks in tray.
2. Close tray.
3. Switch Off Player and Unplug from mains wait 30 seconds (this clears RAM)
4. Reconnect to mains
5. Turn on player with remote.
6. Press ENTER on remote.
5. Press 8, 4, 2, 6, 9.
7. Press ENTER on remote. (The tray will open)
8. Switch off power from remote, then switch back on.
9. Player is now Region Free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Sails1000, May 02 2010:

After many unsuccessful attempts using the method described
above, it finally worked! Judging by the number of posts on
various forums, there seems to be a large number of people
not succeeding - I almost gave up - so I thought I'd share a
few observations about exactly what I did!

Just FYI, my model was purchased in New Zealand (region 4),
has firmware 2.06, has a Samsung series 7 LED TV attached,
powered-up, connected via HDMI.

I gave up trying the mains-power-off-for-30-seconds step.
Instead, using the remote, i switched the power on, waited
for the unit to discover there was no disk in the drive and
display "no disc" on the front panel. At this point I went
off on a tangent and visited the system information menu to
see the current region setting. It was stubbornly displaying
B/4 (B being the BlueRay region code, 4 being the DVD

I exited the menus and returned to the blue samsung welcome
screen. Then, very rapidly, using the remote, I pressed
Enter-8-4-2-6-9-Enter. For the first time in many, many
attempts, something happened...

A box appeared in the top left corner of the screen
containing the number 4 - presumably the region code. (Note
that the disk tray did not open.)

Not sure of the significance of this, i powered off using
the remote, powered on again, and went straight to the
system information menu to see if the region code was
different. Frustratingly however it stayed B/4.

I was about to give up and walk away when i thought i'd try
one more time. so i returned to the welcome screen and
repeated the rapid keypresses. Again, a box appeared but
this time it said "DVD Region free". i went straight back to
the system information display which was still saying B/4.

But when i inserted a region 1 disk, it played immediately.

I think the missing ingredient that's causing people
problems is the speed with which you have to press the keys.
I used my left thumb on the enter key (I'm right handed) and
my right thumb to tap the digits. I took less than 1 to 2

Also, i notice that my tv interprets the absence of a signal
coming from the disc player as being the cue to display an
information box in the top left corner. It does this every
time the disc player discovers that there's no disc in the
tray. This may have obscured message boxes from the disc
player on my earlier attempts to apply the code.

This, coupled with the fact that the disc player continues
to display B/4 on the system information window, means that
i may have missed the fact that the hack had succeeded on an
earlier attempt.

Now my wife is very happy that she can watch her stack of
Japanese DVDs!

hope this helps...

PostRegion code hack posted by gforce01, August 18 2010:

1. Open tray and remove any disks in tray.
2. Close tray.
3. Switch Off Player and Unplug from mains wait 30 seconds (this clears RAM)
4. Reconnect to power
5. Turn on player with remote. (Don't forget the TV too).
6. Press ENTER on remote.
5. Press 8, 4, 2, 6, 9.
7. Press ENTER on remote.
8. This is the tricky part, you will need to do steps
Six to seven at least six times (as per other posts).
You will know when you have been successful when a
blue box appears in the top LH side of the Screen stating "DVD Region Free"

The above hack worked on a Region 4 Samsung Blue Ray Player.

PostRegion code hack posted by Michael_edn, January 24 2011:

Follow original hack instructions. Be patient it's all in the speed of number entry. Tray does not open, a message appears in top left corner saying 'Region Free'. I just successfully used after latest HT-BD1255 firmware upgrade.

PostRegion code hack posted by Macattack1, January 31 2014:

I have just followed the hacks posted and they worked a treat and 1st time.
You guys rock. My Chinese wife will be pleased.

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