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Samsung HT-BD1250

5 user region code comments

July 24, 2011 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by cikeda, December 22 2009:

I follow the instructions posted by fmcardoso and works for my HT-BD1250. Below are the instructions:

I found it`s possible to install a firmware from another country.
With this, it's possible to see DVDs ou BDs from another region, AND take advantges from other features published only on another country firmware, for example: in Brazil don't have Netflix and Pandora networks, so Samsung let them see AVI/DiVX files from USB or DVDs.
To install a firmware from another country:
- download/unzip the firmware
- using a Hex Editor edit the RUF file
- locate the 3 letters code that identify the country of this firmware, it's like XAA (for US)
- change to the your-model's country (see at BD-P1600 system information)
- Follow the rest of normal procedure

Good movies!!

PostRegion code hack posted by yawara, November 14 2010:

I used this hack for my Samsung HT-BD1250
(This hack is allso supposed to work with HT-BD1220,
HT-BD1250, HT-BD1252, HT-BD1255, HT-BD2ET, HT-BD2T,
HT-BD3252, HT-BD7200, HT-BD8200, HT-DB120, HT-DB1650, HT-DB300, HT-DB600, HT-BD650, HT-DB750M, HT-DB760, HT-DB770)

1. Open the disc tray and remove any discs
2. Close the disc tray
3. Switch Off Player and Unplug from mains wait minimum 30 seconds - this resets the memory, and RAM of the DVD/BlueRay
4. Make sure your TV is on as usual, and Reconnect to mains
5. Turn on your DVD/Blueray player with remote and wait for the "no disc" message to appear
6. PS! As quickly as possible, using your controller press - ENTER 8 4 2 6 9 ENTER
7. You have been successful when a blue box appears in the top left-hand side of the TV Screen, displaying the message "DVD Region Free"

I had to attempt the "ENTER 8 4 2 6 9 ENTER" sequence several times before i got the Region Free message - so keep trying, and Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by Dog1, December 05 2010:

I've got a couple of Region A blu's and found out this workaround.

Put the disc in the tray and close. As the play goes through its loading process, keep pressing the 'disc menu' button.

Eventually, it will load the disc menu, bypassing the region locking.

As I say, its worked for Office Space & Terminator 2 Skynet Edition, so I'm fairly confident that it will work with others

PostRegion code hack posted by the_breeze, March 14 2011:

It works for HT-BD7255R/EDC with Blu-ray discs, too.

PostRegion code hack posted by jorgerine, July 24 2011:

I found that after I had entered the sequence, I had to hit ENTER once more to
actually set the new region code. After entering the sequence, a 4 came up on
the screen, then the next ENTER displayed "DVD Region Free". Also, I was able to
have more than one attempt at trying without having to go right back to the

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