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Samsung DVD-S128

5 user region code comments

October 28, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by teeejay, February 24 2003:

Further to my previous post, it was of course the Macrovision copy protection that distorted my picture because I'd routed the signals through my VCR. The hack worked perfectly well.

So bottom line is; you can make your Samsung DVD-S128 region free with this simple procedure(!):

Use the remote if not stated otherwise.

1. Without any discs inserted, POWER ON the player. Press and hold at the same time PLAY and STOP buttons on the player. A language menu should appear after a few seconds.

2. Press 1 for English (or the number corresponding to your preferred choice of language). Apparently this resets your DVD player and is allegedly a good thing to do before applying hacks.

3. Press REPEAT on the remote. (NOT the "REPEAT A-B" button).

4. If your DVD player is:
Region 1 coded type: 2 9 3 3 4
Region 2 coded type: 3 8 7 6 7
Region 3 coded type: 5 6 7 3 2
Region 4 coded type: 7 6 8 8 4
Region 5 coded type: 5 3 8 1 4
Region 6 coded type: 2 4 4 6 2

(So if your dvd player only plays dvd's that are
region 1 coded you would type 2 9 3 3 4 )

(There exists an alternate number for Region 2 players that can be found somewhere in this forum (57538?). I guess it's used for different firmware versions)

5. After you enter the 5-digit number a number indicating your current region number will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, e.g. "02".

6. Quickly, before it disappears press 9 for all regions, or you can choose region 1-6 if you want.

7. Press OPEN/CLOSE. The tray will open. Wait for 15 seconds.

8. Press POWER OFF and wait for 15 seconds before turning back on. If you pressed 9 earlier you're now the proud owner of a region free Samsung DVD-S128 player!

If the power is unplugged for some hours you might have to reapply the hack. Some say that this hack can only be applied a maximum of 5, 15 or 25 times, but as a power surge seems to reset it, I doubt there's any such limitations.

PostRegion code posted by homa006, December 10 2003:


PostOther hack posted by Tremor38, December 11 2003:

I response to the fool who can't get Australian DVDs to play in his/her player, AUSTRAILIA IS PAL! It's not gonna work!

PostRegion code hack posted by Hydraman, December 21 2003:

I will herby response to the "fool" who write that it's not working because it's PAL not NTSC, that is not correct! I have a region 2 player (Norway) that I made to be a region free player with the above mention process.
(I had to use this code: 57538). Almost all DVD players are multi e.g PAL and NTSC, all you need to do is to make it region free, that has nothing to do with PAL and NTSC but is a area code!
Good luck!

PostRegion code posted by Sharief, October 28 2009:

Hi i have used the above hack it is fentastic and worked fine.


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