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Samsung DVD-HD960

10 user region code comments

May 02, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Hackeroonie, September 07 2006:

Press the Angle button on the Remote Control
2. Press the 4 Button on the Remote Control
3. Press the 3 Button on the Remote Control
4. Press the 2 Button on the Remote Control
5. Press the 7 Button on the Remote Control
6. The phrase HDCP Free should Appear on the On-Screen Display

If it works although it says HDCP Free it apparently Makes the Player Multi Region at the same time.

The HDCP Message is only visible if you are Viewing though Composite does not Appear if you are connected Through HDML.... Although the Hack still works.

PostRegion code hack posted by pho, September 09 2006:

The "angle" based hack didn't work for me.

this hack from here

worked for my hd960 region 1 bought sept 06 at brandsmart usa

You will need a remote control from an AIWA sound system with the keys Repeat, Program (PRGM) and Clock.
Turn on your DVD player;
Open the disc deck.


Using the AIWA remote control.
1) Press Repeat (DVD player's display will be totally light.)
2) Press Program.
3) Press Clock - and the display will show the word "ADJUST".

At this time using the DVD remote control press 9.

Then close the deck.

i was able to change the region several times including to 9 but it did not disable the hdcp

PostRegion code hack posted by speedylaci, September 21 2006:

Yes i did with a remote to!!!< but with a philips universal remote.
First press cod search, wery fast 786 and than ok.Then with the original remot with the tray open press info/select then 9 and you set!!>>. good to go !!!
Will not reset the region hack even after you watch different regions!!
I hope i was a little help!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by jonny m, October 06 2006:

Using a Philips 4 in 1 remote please follow these steps:
1. turn on dvd player
2. open disc tray
3. press code search button
4. when red light turns on press vcr button
5. then press 7,8,6
6. press info/select button
7. press 9
8. insert dvd and enjoy.

works on american imported player

PostRegion code hack posted by Dan_O, October 07 2006:

Thanks all,

I bought a Samsung DVD-HD960 in Oct 2006 (Region 1, USA). Tried to use the hacks using supplied Samsung remote but couldn't get anything to work.

So I bought a Philips universal remote (PM435S) for $10 at Best Buy and did the following:
- set Philips remote to 786,
- turn on DVD player and open disc tray,
- press "info/select" on the Philips remote and "servo adjustment complete" came up on the TV screen,
- press 9 on Philips remote (everthing on the DVD player LCD lights up),
- press 9 on Philips remote again,
- close and turn off player.

The DVD player is now region free and I have played region 1 and region 4 DVDs.

PostRegion code hack posted by Ricky, October 16 2006:

The Philips remote thing worked for me on a unit bought from Amazon, Oct 06. Something to keep in mind is that you have to select "VCR" button on the remote before typing the 786 sequence.

After you click on the "info/select" on the Universal remote, the message "Servo adjustment completed" showed on the screen which is connected tru the DVI connection.

The first time I did it, it did not work. The second time I did it, I did NOT turned off the unit. Instead I put a region 4 DVD and hit the close button. The unit played it with no problems. After that I turned it off and on inserting various region 1 and 4 discs. All of them played succesfully.

PostRegion code hack posted by Lestat, November 25 2006:

Just hacked my HD960 with the supplied remote control. Got it in Canada (FutureShop) on Nov 25th.
Here's how:

Note that as some messages say, you have to press 9 for a while until you see the number on screen.
Kudos to Silver Surfer.

PostRegion code hack posted by gordong11, December 03 2006:

Special Thanks To Silver Surfer.

Here's how to do it, no special remote control needed!!!!

1. Open Tray with remote
2. press and release info button once (version should appear upper left of screen)
3. press "9" on the remote control, repeatedly & swiftly until the number 9 replaces the "No" in "No Disk" message. It should read "9 Disk".

Thats all, that easy!! put in your whatever region disk and enjoy!!!

Hope this settles this once and for all. BTW this player is superb!

PostRegion code posted by Zentor, January 15 2007:

I followed this information and found out some new information using the AIWA remote codes.

Region Free Hack: Requires AIWA/Universal Remote or PDA

The following instructions are for a Pocket PC
1. Download and install TvRemote

2. Download AIWA Mini Audio CCF file

3. Copy the unzipped CCF file to your PPC
4. Run TvRemote on your PPC.
5. Switch to CCF mode on in TvRemote
6. Open the copied CCF file.
7. Now with the DVD tray open press "Clock"
8. You should see the "servo adjustment complete"
9. Now keep pressing 9 on the standard dvd remote until
you see a "9" in the upper left corner
10. Close tray and turn player off/on

This is not the most intresting thing I found. If you press the "sleep" button on the TvRemote the player goes to a cold restart screen where it will tell you what region it was set on and whether HDCP is ok or not. Note this does reset your player so if you did the hack above you will need to redo it. I also noticed if you press the "+10" channel button it gives a message about auto chip-set. If you press "Repeat" all the whole lcd screen lights up. Still can not find a combination for HDCP removal.

PostRegion code hack posted by ColtSeavers, May 02 2007:

I can confirm the "number 9" hack:

I received my refurbished HD960 yesterday and tried it immediately. Works now with Region 2 DVDs...

1. Open Tray with remote
2. press and release info button once (version should appear upper left of screen)
3. press "9" on the remote control, repeatedly & swiftly until the number 9 replaces appears in the left upper corner of the screen.
4. The 9 will disappear after a few secs and "no disk" will appear again.
5. Turn off and back on. Done!


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