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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Samsung DVD-HD941

6 user region code comments

October 02, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by eliashan, December 26 2004:

Here's the region hack:

1. Turn on player with no disc in the tray. "No disk" appears on screen.
2. Press the "Repeat" key on the remote.
3. Press "57538" on the remote. A number should appear on screen, indicating your player's current region (e.g. "2").
4. Press the number for your required region (e.g. "1") or "9" for region-free/all-regions. The number will appear on screen, replacing the previous number (from step 3).
5. Press "Open/Close Tray" and leave the tray open for a few seconds.
6. Press "Power On/Off". The tray closes automatically and the player turns off. Next time you turn it on, it is region free (or whatever Region you selected in step 4).

You can now fully enjoy your player :)

PostRegion code hack posted by Anderson, March 28 2005:

1)Turn on your DVD player;
2)Open the disc deck
You will need a remote control from an AIWA sound system with the keys Repeat, Program
3)Press Repeat
4)Press 29334 (for region 1 players)
Now using the DVD remote control
5)Press 9
6)Turn off the player.

PostRegion code hack posted by ((Cinemasound)), April 14 2005:

You will need a remote control from an AIWA sound system with the keys Repeat, Program (PRGM) and Clock.
Turn on your DVD player;
Open the disc deck.


Using the AIWA remote control.
1) Press Repeat (DVD player's display will be totally light.)
2) Press Program.
3) Press Clock - and the display will show the word "ADJUST".

At this time using the DVD remote control press 9.

DVD deck will close.

This hack works to me ! Is the same of Samsung M101

PostRegion code hack posted by dooma, September 16 2005:

Just some additional info on the HD941 hack.
I used the Aiwa remote RC-6AS14

On this particular remote, you must push the "Shift" key before each sequence.

So it is

Then the words ADJUST should appear on the LCD screen of the DVD player (Thanks to DKNY who provided this subtle tip)

PostRegion code hack posted by kdawg, September 23 2005:

I just did the hack that dooma list and it works. I used the same Aiwa remote RC-6AS14. The only difference was hold the shift button down while hitting repeat,prgm then clock. ADJUST appeared on the LCD screen of the DVD player then turned it off and turned it on popped in 24 season four dvd from region 2 and work great through the hdmi cable. thats dooma

PostRegion code hack posted by NowRegionFree, October 02 2005:

The Aiwa-remote method made my 941 region-free, also. I would love to know why an Aiwa remote is able to do this and how anyone could have stumbled upon this discovery!

Actually, I programmed my Harmony 676 remote to *emulate* the Aiwa remote and then used the Harmony to make my 941 region-free. Talk about multiple levels of indirection!

The Harmony requires the model number of a *device*, not a remote. Not knowing which Aiwa device(s) use the RC-6AS14 remote, I Google'd for "Aiwa RC-6AS14 remote control". One of the hits took me to not only provided a screen shot of the remote, but also listed the Aiwa devices that the remote actually controls!

I programmatically added the first Aiwa device (the CX-NA10--a "Mini System (DVD)") to my Harmony, and then I performed the following steps:

Note: Make sure the 941 is off. Make sure there is no DVD in the drive.

Using the 941 remote:
1. Turn the player on.
2. Press the OPEN/CLOSE button. The drive door will open.

Using the Harmony remote:
3. Press the DEVICE button.
4. Press the NEXT button until the "Mini System (DVD)" device appears next to one of the soft buttons.
5. Press the "Mini System (DVD)" soft button.
6. Press the NEXT button until "Repeat" appears next to one of the soft buttons. (I had to press the NEXT button seven times to cycle through the choices.)
7. Press the "Repeat" soft button.
8. Press the NEXT button until "Program" appears next to one of the soft buttons. (I had to press the NEXT button eight times to cycle through the choices.)
9. Press the "Program" soft button.
10. Press the NEXT button until "Clock" appears next to one of the soft buttons. (I had to press the NEXT button three times to cycle through the choices.)
11. Press the "Clock" soft button.

The player's LCD will display "ADJUST". There was also a brief mention of something about a 'servo adjustment complete' on the TV.

I used the 941's remote to press "9" (as others have instructed), but this didn't have a visible effect. The drive door did not close. Doesn't hurt to do it, I suppose.

12. Using the buttons on the player, close the drive door and power it down.

Upon powering up the 941, I could play other regions' DVDs. I also double-checked that my own region's DVDs still played ok.

I added the HD-941 to my Harmony remote and both it and the player itself have been working great!

Note: Since the Harmony emulated the *functions* of the Aiwa remote and not the actual *buttons*, I did not need to emulate or press a SHIFT key prior to pressing the Harmony's Repeat, Program, and Clock soft buttons.

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