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Samsung DVD-D530

33 user region code comments

December 27, 2017 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by morci, May 03 2011:

Samsung DVD-D530
Region: 4 player
Purchased: Harvey Norman store in Australia
Country: Australia

Major Steps:
1 get the system grid to change region.
2 change to region 2 first.
3 then change to all regions.

Part 1 -> Getting to the grid
make sure the disc tray is closed
press buttons below one after each other
1) Repeat button (not the A-B)
2) Rewind
3) Next Chapter
4) Fast Forward
5) Previous Chapter
6) Play
Take a note of the highlighted numbers (just in case!) in
case you need to do it all again.

Part 2 -> Change player to region 2.
Using the grid make your player into region 2 by
highlighting the numbers 2,8,19,21,22,24 then PLAY button to
save settings(this will turn your player off - you need to
turn it back on by pressing power button

Select the language again then proceed to part 3.

Part 3 -> Change player to region 0 (all regions)
Press the following buttons:

FF FR FF Up Down
(Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Fast Forward, Up, Down)

You should see a 0 on the top left corner!!!

Player is now REGION FREE.

Hope this on original Region 4 player.

Wendy & Javi (from Australia!!!!!)

PostRegion code hack posted by totallymad, June 11 2011:

Everything worked as is, but for step 3. First press the REPEAT key Before doing
the FF-FR-FF-Up-Down sequence. Then, 0 appears on the top left and the player
plays all region DVDs.

PostRegion code hack posted by sumostorm, June 29 2011:

FYI - The region code hack above does work to make the player
region free, however, after applying the hack I was no longer
able to view movies, mp3, etc via USB. I had to repeat step 1
& 2 of the hack and put my original selections back in to
restore functionality of watching movies via USB (the main
reason I bought this player in the first place.)

So, if region free is of primary importance and USB
functionality is not, then use the hack. If you want to
maintain USB functionality, then I would advise against the

Does someone know a better combination of the number selection
in Step 2 that retains functionality of the USB?

PostRegion code hack posted by gonzolla, July 05 2011:

thanks to previous posters, yes it works but to make it a
little more clear the button sequence is:

Fast Reverse (<<)
Next Ch (>>|)
Fast Fwd (>>)
Prev Ch (|<<)
Play (>)

follow onscreen prompts to highlight 2, 8, 19, 21, 22, 24


Play (>) which powers down the unit; when you power the unit
back on, the language selection options should be displayed,
choose your language

Fast Fwd
Fast Rev
Fast Fwd

and "0" should flash briefly on the top left corner of the
screen, indicating that the unit is now region free.

PostRegion code posted by morci, August 22 2011:

Does anyone have the ORIGINAL CODE before updating? I wrote
mine down but lost the paper and want to go back to be able to
play from USB

Many thanks guys

PostRegion code hack posted by mgharbawy, September 11 2011:

Dear friends.
I lost the original code, and need to know if some one have
the original code for the Samsung D530, because I also have
problem with the USB it doesn't want to play any Movie.
Can you please post to us the original code.
Many thanks

PostRegion code hack posted by morci, November 28 2011:

Hi all,

If anyone has lost their ORIGINAL REGION 4 Code, this is the
correct one:


I had to reverse to this code because i could not use the
USB hard disk to play my movies (avi, divx,mkv)

It works a treat now but still looking for a complete region
free with working USB connection.


PostRegion code hack posted by TreeHouse, December 04 2011:

Got a region 2 player DVD-D530 in the Netherlands, and tried the hack listed here. Got the "0" in the top left corner, but it refused to play any discs at all (no region 1 or 2, in any event).

I got frustrated, and tried to set it back to the original codes, and typed in 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 22.

Followed the rest of the programming, and still got a "0" in the top left corner...but this time, all of my DVDs play. I did not try with the USB yet.

So......if you lose all hope, and are about to put the player back in the box to bring it back to the shop, try this code.


PostRegion code hack posted by Astrobruce, January 28 2012:

I followed these steps and received the 0 in the corner, but the player then
refused to play any discs at all. I set it back to my original grid numbers
(1,8,9,10,19,21,22) and tried again. Again I got the 0 message, but it wouldn't
play any disc, and I reset back to my old grid numbers. No luck for me with this

PostRegion code hack posted by Dobbo DownUnder, April 20 2012:

1. Make sure there is no disc in the player.
2. Turn on the player
3. wait for no disc to appear on TV
4. Press the repeat button (plain not A-B)
5. Press the sequence corresponding to the original region code of your player, FF= fast forward, FR= fast rewind
Region 2 - FF, FR, FF, UP, DOWN
Region 3 - FF, PLAY, FR, UP, LEFT
Region 5 - FF, UP, DOWN, STOP, RIGHT
6. If you did it right a small white zero will appear on the screen
7. Turn the player off and on again.
8. Your player is now region free

PostRegion code hack posted by andyren, May 29 2012:

successfully used the hack described by Dobbo downunder - but had to reset back to original region 4 code first ( I had tried earlier hacks )

PostRegion code hack posted by alcaride, August 03 2012:

Dobbo downunder's hack works fine por region 2 player

PostRegion code hack posted by traceymcg, August 11 2012:

I followed the instructions given by gonzolla and now the DVD
player is stuck on "open" or "load" and there is a message on
the screen which says "Tray Error". Have searched for
solution. Tried unplugging it and various suggested key
combinations to reset the player but nothing works.

I can't be the only person this has ever happened to! What are
the chances that I get a hardware malfunction (it sounds like
the tray is trying to open or close) immediately after I try
to set my player to all regions?

PostRegion code posted by Selenium, August 13 2012:

Dobbo DownUnder's instructions worked first time for me. From
region 4 to region free in 60 seconds.

The screen flickers a lot on my TV, stuttering as it seems to
be deciding for awhile what res to use and such though. After
that, it works absolutely fine.

That may be a fault with the cheap HDMI cable that came with
it, might switch it.

In any case, this hack works. Nice and simple, thought I'd put
in my two cents so that people go straight for his hack.

PostRegion code hack posted by Artyparty, August 15 2012:

region code hack - currently 2 / need 1

PostRegion code hack posted by francehamish, August 30 2012:

Success at unlocking original region2 player! I bought this DVD player at Darty in
France and had tried every hack without success. At one point I got it to play
one Region 1 DVD, but it wouldn't recognize anything else. After other further
unlocking attempts it would spin the disc over and over, but never play. And
more often than not, it would tell me the disc wasn't valid or it was the wrong

Finally I tried changing it to region 4, resetting, and pushing the button sequence
to unlock the machine from a region 4 voilà! I can play all my
collection from the States and from France. The region two directions that
seemed to work for everyone else didn't work on my machine that was originally
region 2. Here are the steps I followed.

Get to the grid and enter 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 22. Push play to reset.

Chose your language

Unlock from Region 4 - REPEAT, FR, PLAY, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT

You will see a 0 in the top left corner. Reset and try DVDs. Bon courage!

PostRegion code posted by susanlu, January 22 2013:

I have tried all the options listed in the above statements, and region 1 dvds will
*play* in the machine, but they are in B&W and there is no sound.

I am in region 2, and my original code was from
all the other codes in this thread. Any suggestions? It would be much

PostRegion code hack posted by sky92880, February 21 2013:

Hallo everybody,
I have done the hack as discribed, but after part 1 i get the " tray error", - load - close error.
Getting into the grid is not possibel , i can only enter the menu to set the language wenn i force the tray error.
How can i go to the grid again?
I have done a reset by pressing the play button on the front en at the same time pressing the power off button on the remote. It does the reset as sofar that the language changed from duth to english.
Is there a other way to set back the firmware?
thanks, sky92880

PostRegion code hack posted by blueyes56, March 03 2013:

Am trying to change player to all regions or at least Region 1
Have followed instructions yet am unable to get any respnse.

Please help.

PostRegion code hack posted by medfair, September 01 2013:

Dobbo's method worked perfect the first time around, while the others did not (why?). Appreciation

PostRegion code hack posted by maurylan, May 10 2014:

I used Dobbo's hack succesfully on my region 2 player. done
in 30 seconds! Plays R1 and R2 DVDs. ( no opinion on USB

PostRegion code posted by Junkie10, June 30 2014:

Does anyone know the grid numbers for a region 3 Samsung DVD-
D530 player? Kinda lost mine when i tried to apply the hack.

PostRegion code posted by maosracing, October 26 2014:

Just bought a new Samsung DVD-D530 region 2.

Tried the following hack for region 2 with success:

After No Disc appears: Repeat (not Repeat A-B), FF, FR, FF, UP, DOWN

I checked my original grid numbers and they are:

2, 8, 9, 10, 17, 19, 21, 24

PostRegion code hack posted by Ownentry, November 23 2014:

Just tried the hack in first post. Works until I get to the
region 0 part. When DVD player resets... I get the open close
open problem. Can't do the last part of the hack. I used to
repair a equipment for 20 years and the only way to get this
DVD to revert back to original zone 4 was.... Remove lid..
Take out DVD laser assembly.. Use 9 volt battery on tray
motor and eject tray... Leave tray open.. Put back and plug
up.. Turn on DVD.. It will now show... No disc.. So you can try
hack again from start.. I did and still couldn't do step I
put old zone 4 codes back in and DVD functions as normal..
Problem might be cause of newer firmware from factory..
Doesn't like this hax.

PostRegion code hack posted by Ownentry, November 24 2014:

Just tried the hack in first post. Works until I get to the
region 0 part. When DVD player resets... I get the open close
open problem. Can't do the last part of the hack. I used to
repair a equipment for 20 years and the only way to get this
DVD to revert back to original zone 4 was.... Remove lid..
Take out DVD laser assembly.. Use 9 volt battery on tray
motor and eject tray... Leave tray open.. Put back and plug
up.. Turn on DVD.. It will now show... No disc.. So you can try
hack again from start.. I did and still couldn't do step I
put old zone 4 codes back in and DVD functions as normal..
Problem might be cause of newer firmware from factory..
Doesn't like this hax.

PostRegion code hack posted by dtbullock, April 03 2015:

I tried the first hack (using the 'grid'), and after many fat-fingered missteps on the remote
got the '0' to appear in step 3.

Unfortunately, although the '0' had flashed up, and I had rebooted, my Region 4 player was
still refusing to play a Region 1 disc. (Although the message did not complain about the
region this time - it gave a more general error message).

So I went back to the grid and replaced the original numbers (from the photograph I took on the
phone), restarted, chose my language.

Then I tried The 'Dobbo' method, supplying the incantation for 'Region 4'. This worked for me
- it both flashed up a '0' *and* played the disc. Indeed, it seems that steps 1 and 2 in the
first hack were not necessary for my situation.

ALSO, I found that pressing buttons on the remote control supplied with the DVD player was
unreliable. I used an IR-remote software on my phone for more reliable button-pressing after I
had used the supplied remote for the REPEAT button.

PostRegion code hack posted by gwen Crimp, October 09 2015:

Please help me! I live in region 4 and want to watch old movies from region 2. How do I change the
settings PLEASE?

PostRegion code posted by MulletBoy, November 20 2015:

Hey guys. I have a Samsung DVD-D350 and attempted doing the region free hack. I now have the infamous "tray error". Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve the issue? Or revert the dvd player to it's original settings?

PostRegion code posted by poc, January 15 2016:


<b>The hack</b>

I'll give you my experience. The most important to know is the hack works only with Dobbo DownUnder
description. My player is Region 2. It works with his instructions :

1. Make sure there is no disc in the player.
2. Turn on the player
3. wait for no disc to appear on TV
4. Press the repeat button (plain not A-B)
5. Press the sequence corresponding to the original region code of your player, FF= fast forward,
FR= fast rewind
Region 2 - FF, FR, FF, UP, DOWN
Region 3 - FF, PLAY, FR, UP, LEFT
Region 5 - FF, UP, DOWN, STOP, RIGHT
6. If you did it right a small white zero will appear on the screen
7. Turn the player off and on again.
8. Your player is now region free

<b>For people have tray error</b>

PostRegion code posted by poc, January 16 2016:

I meet this problem too. I resolve it thanks to Ownentry. But I didn't use a 9 volt battery.

Here is the solution :
- disconnect power
- remove the cover (2 screws on the back)
- take off the front panel, gently. Otherwise the plastic breaks (very difficult)
- unscrew the drive (3 screws)
- rotate the drive to view below, Do not disconnect the cables

Click to see the picture (

- Take something sharp to slide into the slot located at the bottom left of the red cable
- Rotate the plastic white piece from top to bottom which will gently pull the tray out
- Once the tray starts to come out, pull out completely with your fingers
- Leave tray open and put back the drive
- connect power and turn ON DVD. It will now show "No disc"

Follow the "Part 1 -> Getting to the grid" steps.
Use the grid to highlighting your initial numbers. (These numbers are wrong : 2,8,19,21,22,24)
Your player will works again without tray error.
Follow Dobbo DownUnder's instructions, the 0 will appear.

Screw it all up

Thanks to everyone

PostRegion code hack posted by Shery, August 05 2016:

I used the numbers written in the prev
posts to get region free dvd. But I got
tray error. I didn't write the original
grid numbers before changing them. It was
a terrible mistake. I bought it from
Egypt. So, it is region 2. I want to make
it function again and restore it to
region 2. Any one has the original grid
numbers for d530 bought in december 2015.
It is relatively new than the ones in the
prev posts. Thanks in Advance

PostRegion code hack posted by ripalist, October 26 2016:

Ozzies (Region 4) who have followed the Samsung D530 hack procedures and come up with "Tray Error". If you didn't note your original settings, you're pretty much screwed, as I was. I went in to the store and bought another unit just to get the original settings. So late 2016, in Australia, the original settings are 1, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, and 24.
Note that if you still have "Tray Error", you need to unscrew the drive, wind the tray out (so you don't get "Tray Error") so you can then access the grid.
Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by Mark, December 27 2017:

I used a combination as I didn't know what region my DVD player was from.

I'll give you my experience. The most important to know is the hack works only with Dobbo DownUnder
description. My player is Region 5. It works with These instructions :

1. Make sure there is no disc in the player.
2. Turn on the player
3. wait for no disc to appear on TV (Lower left) (this will disappear after pushing REPEAT but reappear if you push a button from the
wrong region)
4. Press the repeat button (plain not A-B)
5. Press the sequence corresponding to the original region code of your player, FF= fast forward,
FR= fast rewind
Region 2 - FF, FR, FF, UP, DOWN
Region 3 - FF, PLAY, FR, UP, LEFT
Region 5 - FF, UP, DOWN, STOP, RIGHT
6. If you did it right a small white zero will appear on the screen
7. Turn the player off and on again.
8. Your player is now region free

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